Metanalisis El Tratamiento de Artritis Psoriatica 2020
Metanalisis El Tratamiento de Artritis Psoriatica 2020
Metanalisis El Tratamiento de Artritis Psoriatica 2020
A. Ruyssen-Witrand1, A. Constantin1
Department of Rheumatology, Purpan Hospital, Toulouse III University, Toulouse, France;
Department of Rheumatology, FHU ACRONIM, Pellegrin Hospital, Bordeaux University,
Bordeaux, France.
There is no hierarchy in the use of biotherapies (bDMARDs) in psoriatic arthritis (PsA) and no published head-to-head
All bDMARDs showed higher ACR20 response rates and better HAQ-DI mean reduction compared to placebo.
Fig. 1. Flow chart. Data extraction
RCT: randomised controlled The following data were extracted
trial, PsA: psoriatic arthritis.
ence and year of the trial, duration of
study, primary endpoints, secondary
endpoints, intervention design, num-
ber of patients enrolled, inclusion cri-
teria, prior bDMARD use and baseline
characteristics of the study population
(age, sex ratio, length of time since dis-
ease onset, number of swollen joints,
number of tender joints, disease activ-
ity VAS as stated by the patient, CRP
levels, presence of enthesitis or dacty-
litis). For the meta-analysis, the follow-
ing criteria were recorded: number of
involvement and quality of life. We fo- meta-analysis shows that all avail- secukinumab (50) over ustekinumab.
cused this analysis on bDMARDs and able bDMARDs have a strong relative Concerning functional outcomes, all
did not include tsDMARDS such as RCTs analysed showed a statistically
apremilast or Jak inhibitors. RCTs that criteria compared to placebo. Only
did not use the marketed treatment po- abatacept fails to display superiority versus placebo. The data provided for
sology (40-42) were excluded in order over placebo regarding the ACR50 and ustekinumab could not be analysed as
ACR70 response criteria, for which it was a median reduction. Only one
to their use in clinical practice. the authors involved the lower propor- previous meta-analysis assessed HAQ
The selected RCT publication date cov- tion of bDMARD-naive patients (40%) improvement for PsARC responders
ers 2000 to 2017, and therefore displays (39). Those results are consistent with
disparities, such as the duration of the previously published analyses (11, 14– statistical evidence to demonstrate dif-
disease at inclusion, ranging from 3.5 18). The ACR20 evaluation criteria is ferences in effectiveness between anti-
years to 11.4 years, the severity of the TNF agents (51).
disease or the duration of the double-
blind period which spans 12 to 24 the form of a DAPSA evaluation of dis-
weeks. One limitation arises from the ease activity (39). bDMARDs in PsA in 2018 on both ar-
Concerning dactylitis outcomes, our ticular, enthesitis, dactylitis, skin, and
on bDMARD-naive populations with meta-analysis shows a statistical dif- functional outcomes. On the one hand,
better treatment response rates than ference compared to placebo for anti- all bDMARDs showed higher ACR20
previously exposed populations (4). In TNF and anti-IL17 agents, but not for response rates and a better HAQ-DI
the RCTs evaluating TNF inhibitors, anti-IL12/23 agents. We encountered mean reduction compared to placebo.
only the RAPID-PsA trial allowed 20% methodological issues on incorporating On the other hand, this meta-analysis
of its population to have prior exposure enthesitis and dactylitis outcomes in the highlights the variability in terms of
to anti-TNF agents. In those evaluating present meta-analysis. Firstly, no data -
anti-IL17 agents, anti IL12/23 agents were reported on enthesitis and dactyli- thesitis-free or dactylitis-free response
and abatacept, four out of seven al- tis outcomes in three studies evaluating rates and PASI75/90. The results of on-
lowed some of the randomised patients anti-TNF agents (24, 25, 28). Secondly, going head-to-head studies are needed
(28% to 60%) to have had prior expo- three other studies reported those out-
sure to bDMARDs (Table I). comes solely as composite index re- -
Concerning articular outcomes, our duction and could not be analysed (29, tween bDMARDs in PsA.