A Supplication For Recitation On Commencing A Reading of The Qur'¡n

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A Supplication for Recitation on

Commencing a Reading of the Qur’¡n

O Allah! Our Lord!

To You belongs all praise.
You alone possess all power
and the firmest authority,
and to You belongs all praise.
You are exalted in Your might and supremacy
and over and above the heavens and the Great Throne.

Our Lord, to You belongs all praise!

You are self-sufficient in Your knowledge,
and every possessor of knowledge stands in need of You.
Our Lord, to You belongs all praise,
O sender of the signs and the Great Reminder!
Our Lord, to You belongs all praise
for what You have taught us of wisdom
and the great manifest Qur’¡n.

O Allah!
You taught it to us
before we could be eager to learn it,
and singled us out for it
before we could desire its benefit.

O Allah!
As such has been Your favour toward us,
A Supplication for Recitation on Commencing a Reading of the Qur’¡n

and Your grace, generosity, and kindness to us

and Your mercy and favour toward us
—not because of any power that we possessed,
nor because of any devising on our part,
nor because of any strength that we had—
O Allah,
grant us the passion
for the charm of its recitation,
and memorization of its verses,
faith in its metaphorical parts,
pursuance of its univocal parts,
the means to interpreting it,
guidance in contemplating it,
and inner vision through its light.

O Allah,
even as You have sent it down
as healing for Your friends,
wretchedness for Your enemies,
blindness for the disobedient,
and a light for the obedient,
so also, O Allah, make it for us
a shield against Your punishment,
a bulwark against Your wrath,
a safeguard against Your disobedience,
a protection from Your displeasure,
a guide to Your obedience,
and, on the day we shall encounter You, a light
whereby we may walk amid Your creatures,
cross safely Your bridge [over hell],
A Supplication for Recitation on Commencing a Reading of the Qur’¡n

to be led by it into Your paradise.

O Allah!
We seek Your protection
from wretchedness in bearing it,
from blindness in practising it,
from deviating from its precepts,
from swerving from its middle path
and disregarding its right.

O Allah!
Lighten for us its burden,
appoint for us its reward,
inspire us to give thanks for it,
and enable us to observe it and secure it.

O Allah!
Enable us to pursue what it declares as lawful,
to avoid what it asserts to be unlawful,
to observe its bounds,
and to fulfill its obligations.

O Allah!
Grant us sweetness of its recitation,
animation in its performance,
awe in its recitals,
and strength in putting it into practice
in the watches of the night and at the ends of the day.

A Supplication for Recitation on Commencing a Reading of the Qur’¡n

O Allah!
Refresh us with a little amount of sleep
and awaken us in the hour of the night
from the sleep of the slumberers,
and arouse us, at the moments
wherein supplications are granted,
from the drowsiness of the drowsy.

O Allah!
Make our hearts
perceptive of its wonders,
which are never exhausted,
relish murmuring it in soft tones,
take lesson from it when consulting it,
and benefit manifestly
when seeking an answer from it to our queries.

O Allah!
We seek Your protection
from letting it languish in our hearts,
from our turning it into a soporific,
and from casting it behind our backs.
We seek Your protection
from hardening of our hearts
to what You have advised us.

O Allah!
Give us the benefit
of the signs You have variegated in it,
admonish us by the parables You have drawn in it,
A Supplication for Recitation on Commencing a Reading of the Qur’¡n

remedy our ills through its interpretation,

double through it our reward of good deeds,
elevate us in rank through it as a reward,
and give us good news through it after death!

O Allah!
Make it for us
a provision with which You may fortify us
in the halt before You,
a clear path by which we may travel towards You,
a beneficial knowledge
by which we may thank You for Your blessings,
a true veneration
with which we may glorify Your Names,
for You have made it an argument against us
whereby You have cut off our excuses,
and granted thereby a blessing
for which we can never thank You enough!

O Allah! Make it for us

a guardian that saves us from stumbles,
a guide that directs us to righteous conduct,
a guiding helper that saves us from deviation,
a helper that gives us vigour in weariness,
thus enabling us to realize our best aspirations.

O Allah! Make it for us

an intercessor on the day of encounter,
a conveyance for the day of soaring,
a pleader on the day of judgement,
A Supplication for Recitation on Commencing a Reading of the Qur’¡n

a light on the day of darkness

—a day when there will be neither earth nor heaven,
a day when every worker will be rewarded
for his endeavour.

O Allah! Make it for us

a means of slaking our thirst on the day of thirst,
a means of deliverance on the day of retribution
from the scorching Fire
unsparing to anyone who enters it
and is inflamed by its heat.

O Allah! Make it for us

an evidence before the assembly of the Elite,
on the day wherein are gathered
the inhabitants of the earth and the heaven.

O Allah! Grant us
the stations of the martyrs,
the life of the felicitous
and the company of the prophets.
Indeed You hear all supplications!1

Al-Kulayn¢, U¥£l al-K¡f¢, (Beirut: D¡r al-A¤w¡’ lil-±ab¡‘ah wal-Nashr wal-
Tawz¢‘, 1413/1992) Kit¡b al-Du‘¡’, b¡b al-du‘¡’ ‘inda qir¡’at al-Qur’¡n, vol. 2,
pp. 550-552, narrated from al-Im¡m al-¯¡diq (‘a).

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