Tips For A Newscast

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THE PROJECT: Students will be assigned to teams of 4 – 5 students.

Each team is expected to write, rehearse,

and perform an approximately 5 – 10 minute newscast. Each team will be given a different Egyptian social level to
address in their newscast (Government Officials, Priests, Scribes, Artisans, or Peasants) that will focus on Daily
Life in Ancient Egypt. The Newscast will have a total of six segments:

1. Introduction to news broadcast

2. Breaking News / Lead Story
3. On-scene interview ** The on-scene interview can be part of the Lead Story or Second Story.
4. Second Story
5. Additional Segment: Commercial / Fashion addition / Real Estate Advertisement
6. Wrap-up – closing of newscast

STAGE ONE: Previewing

As a practice assignment, students are asked to view sample TV newscasts. As you are watching the news, pay
attention to:
- the order of events (e.g., national news, international news, sports, entertainment, weather, human
interest or feature stories, commercial interruptions, etc.)
- the approximate amount of time spent on each.
- the point of view that is emphasized during the reporting of news events.
- What is the tone/style of reporting?
- How do the reporters engage the viewing audience? The anchors?

STAGE TWO: Investigating

Research your area / social level using Sloppy Notes / Reading Notes and Additional research

STAGE THREE: Prewriting

Decide on the two main stories that your newscast will present. Focus on the 5 W’s.
· What Happened? · When did it happen? · Who was involved?
· Where did it happen? · Why or how did it happen (if that’s known)?

Remember to include detailed content within your story. Discuss order of stories, transitions to and from stories,
tone of stories, etc.

STAGE FOUR: Writing the script

After having selected the stories they will report, the corporations write scripts for newscasts. The teams need to
summarize the information they have gathered into succinct news reports. The class and/or teams may work
together to edit the scripts but students (anchor, co-anchor, on-scene reporter) write their stories individually.

STAGE FIVE: Rehearsing

Students should rehearse their newscasts. They should focus on providing smooth, fluent presentations with few
hesitations. They should also focus on pronunciation, fluency, and good eye contact. The rubric that will be used to
assess the newscasts was distributed to students so that they understand the expectations.

STAGE SIX: Performing

The groups videotape their rehearsed newscasts. They should cover the key questions about the content of their
newscast. These questions will be distributed to the “audiences” who will view their newscast. The audience will
look for these questions to be answered throughout the newscast.

** News Director: Like the Project Manager. Makes sure all aspects of the newscast are completed on time.
Solicits ideas from all team members for all parts of the newscast. This person will also take one of the roles

Anchor: An Anchor is a broadcaster who introduces reports by other broadcasters and usually reads the news.
This person helps the News Director decide which stories to include in newscast. Leads the group in creating the
lead story. Writes the lines for their scene. Reports on the lead story during the newscast. (transitions to on-scene
reporter for further details on lead story). Engages in social chit-chat with Co-Anchor at the end of the newscast.

Co-Anchor: Helps News Director decide which stories to include in newscast. Leads the team in creating the
secondary story. Writes the lines for their scene. Reports on the secondary story during the newscast. (transitions
to on-scene reporter for further details on second story). Engages in social chit-chat with Anchor at the end of the

On-Scene Reporter: Helps News Director decide which stories to include in newscast. Leads the team in
creating questions for the interview during the lead or secondary story. Writes the lines for their scene. Rehearses
the interview with Interviewee before the newscast. Reports on the lead and/or secondary story and conducts the
interview during the newscast.

Interviewee: Helps News Director decide which stories to include in the newscast. Helps on-scene reporter
write answers to questions for the interview scene. Writes the lines for their scene. Rehearses the interview with
on-scene reporter before the newscast. Acts as the subject of the lead or secondary story.

IF FIVE ON YOUR TEAM: 2nd Interviewee

Helps News Director decide which stories to include in the newscast. Helps on-scene reporter write answers to
questions for the interview scene. Writes the lines for their scene. Rehearses the interview with on-scene reporter
before the newscast. Acts as the subject of the lead or secondary story.

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