Power Train Oil Cooling System: Operación de Sistemas

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MODEL PA140VS WINCH /FOR D8T & D9T TRACTO/ J8B00001... https://sis.cat.com/sisweb/sisweb/techdoc/techdoc_print_page.jsp?retur...

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Configuración: MODEL PA140VS WINCH /FOR D8T & D9T

Operación de Sistemas
D8T Track-Type Tractor Cooling Systems
Número de medio -RENR8197-00 Fecha de publicación -01/11/2005 Fecha de actualización -21/11/2005


Power Train Oil Cooling System

SMCS - 1375


Illustration 1 g01112730

(1) Power Train Oil Cooler

(2) Outlet

(3) Inlet

Power train oil cooler (1) is located on the right side of the engine. Hot power train oil flows through the oil cooler from the torque converter to inlet (3) as engine
coolant is pumped through the oil cooler. Outlet (2) is connected to the lubrication distribution manifold. From the lubrication distribution manifold, the oil lubricates
the power train.

Oil Flow

1 de 3 13/09/2010 01:37 p.m.

MODEL PA140VS WINCH /FOR D8T & D9T TRACTO/ J8B00001... https://sis.cat.com/sisweb/sisweb/techdoc/techdoc_print_page.jsp?retur...

Illustration 2 g01111829


(1) Power Train Oil Cooler

(2) Outlet

(3) Inlet

(4) Torque Converter Outlet Relief Valve

(5) Lubrication Distribution Manifold

(FF) Activated Components

(GG) Tank Oil

(HH) Lubricating Oil

(JJ) High Pressure

(KK) First Pressure Reduction

(PP) Torque Converter Pressure

(QQ) First Reduction of Torque Converter Pressure

Hot oil from the torque converter outlet relief valve (4) flows through inlet (3) of the power train oil cooler (1). Oil exits power train oil cooler (1) through outlet (2).
Outlet (2) is connected to lubrication distribution manifold (5). The cool oil is then used to lubricate the transmission and the brakes.

Coolant Flow

2 de 3 13/09/2010 01:37 p.m.

MODEL PA140VS WINCH /FOR D8T & D9T TRACTO/ J8B00001... https://sis.cat.com/sisweb/sisweb/techdoc/techdoc_print_page.jsp?retur...

Illustration 3 g01111827

(1) Power Train Oil Cooler

(2) Outlet

(3) Inlet

(6) Water Pump

(7) Engine Oil Cooler

(8) Water Temperature Regulator

(9) Temperature Regulator Housing

(10) Hydraulic Demand Fan

(AA) Line

(AB) Line

(AC) Line

(AD) Line

Illustration 3 is a schematic of the engine cooling system for the D8T Track-Type Tractor with the C15 engine.

ReferenceSee Systems Operation, "Cooling System" in this module for information about engine coolant flow.

Engine coolant is pumped by water pump (6) through engine oil cooler (7). Engine coolant then flows to power train oil cooler (1) from engine oil cooler (7). The
engine coolant flows out of the power train oil cooler into the engine block.

As a result, the power train oil that is flowing through the power train oil cooler (1) is cooled.

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3 de 3 13/09/2010 01:37 p.m.

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