Hall-Effect Sensor: 1,2,3 Are The Leg Numbers We See Protruding Out of The Sensor

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Hall-effect Sensor

Hall-effect sensors are transducers, the device varies output voltage
in response to a magnetic field. They are widely used as non-physical
on-off switches. When a magnetic field is present near a hall effect
sensor, the output voltage tends to zero. They see application as
proximity switching, positioning, speed detection, and current
sensing applications.
How it works?
In a Hall-effect sensor, a thin strip of metal has a current applied to
it. In the presence of a magnetic field, the electrons in the metal strip
are deflected toward one edge, this increases the resistance and thus
leads to an output voltage drop.
(for scientifically accurate explanation)

Inside look at the structure

1,2,3 are the leg numbers we see protruding out of the sensor…
int hallSensorPin = 2;
int state = 0;

void setup() {
pinMode(hallSensorPin, INPUT);

void loop() {
state = digitalRead(hallSensorPin);
if (state == LOW)


We will get a ‘LOW’ on input pin when magnetic field is present,

Otherwise, the pin will read high.

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