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Microplastics in wild fish from North East Atlantic Ocean and its
potential for causing neurotoxic effects, lipid oxidative damage, and
human health risks associated with ingestion exposure
Luís Gabriel A. Barboza a,b,⇑, Clara Lopes c, Patrícia Oliveira a,b, Filipa Bessa d, Vanessa Otero e,
Bruno Henriques b,f, Joana Raimundo b,c, Miguel Caetano b,c, Carlos Vale b,f, Lúcia Guilhermino a,b
ICBAS-UP – Institute of Biomedical Sciences of Abel Salazar, University of Porto, Department of Populations Study, Laboratory of Ecotoxicology (ECOTOX), Rua de Jorge
Viterbo Ferreira, 228, Porto 4050-313, Portugal
CIIMAR – Interdisciplinary Centre of Marine and Environmental Research, University of Porto, Matosinhos 4450-208, Portugal
IPMA – Portuguese Institute of Sea and Atmosphere, Lisbon 1495-006, Portugal
MARE – Marine and Environmental Sciences Centre, Faculty of Sciences and Technology, University of Coimbra, Coimbra 3004-517, Portugal
Department of Conservation and Restoration and LAQV-REQUIMTE, Faculty of Sciences and Technology, NOVA University of Lisbon, Monte de Caparica 2829-516, Portugal
CESAM & Department of Chemistry, University of Aveiro, Aveiro 3810-193, Portugal

h i g h l i g h t s g r a p h i c a l a b s t r a c t

 More microplastics (MP) were found

in gastrointestinal tract than in gills.
 Thirty-two percent of sampled fish
had MP in dorsal muscle.
 Polyethylene and polyester are the
most common polymers detected.
 MP ingestion causes evidence of
neurotoxicity and oxidative damage
in wild fish.
 An estimated 842 MP items/year are
potentially intake by adults from fish

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Microplastics (MP) pollution has received increased attention over the last few years. However, while the
Received 13 July 2019 number of studies documentating the ingestion of microplastics by fish has increased, fewer studies have
Received in revised form 22 September addressed the toxicological effects derived from the ingestion of these small items in wild conditions.
Here, MP contamination and effect biomarkers were investigated in three commercially important fish
Accepted 22 September 2019
Available online xxxx
species from the North East Atlantic Ocean. From the 150 analysed fish (50 per species), 49 % had MP.
In fish from the 3 species, MP in the gastrointestinal tract, gills and dorsal muscle were found. Fish with
MP had significantly (p  0.05) higher lipid peroxidation levels in the brain, gills and dorsal muscle, and
increased brain acetylcholinesterase activity than fish where no MP were found. These results suggest
Marine fish health lipid oxidative damage in gills and muscle, and neurotoxicity through lipid oxidative damage and acetyl-
Neurotoxicity cholinesterase induction in relation to MP and/or MP-associated chemicals exposure. From the 150 fish
Human food safety and health analysed, 32 % had MP in dorsal muscle, with a total mean (± SD) of 0.054 ± 0.099 MP items/g. Based on

⇑ Corresponding author at: Institute of Biomedical Sciences of Abel Salazar, University of Porto, Department of Populations Study, Laboratory of Ecotoxicology (ECOTOX),
Rua de Jorge Viterbo Ferreira, 228, Porto 4050-313, Portugal.
E-mail address: (L.G.A. Barboza).
0048-9697/Ó 2019 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
Please cite this article as: L. G. A. Barboza, C. Lopes, P. Oliveira et al., Microplastics in wild fish from North East Atlantic Ocean and its potential for causing
neurotoxic effects, lipid oxidative damage, and human health risks associated with ingestion exposure, Science of the Total Environment,
2 L.G.A. Barboza et al. / Science of the Total Environment xxx (xxxx) xxx

WHO ‘One Health’ approach this mean and on EFSA recommendation for fish consumption by adults or the general population, human
consumers of Dicentrachus labrax, Trachurus trachurus, Scomber colias may intake 842 MP items/year from
fish consumption only. Based on the mean of MP in fish muscle and data (EUMOFA, NOAA) of fish con-
sumption per capita in selected European and American countries, the estimated intake of microplastics
through fish consumption ranged from 518 to 3078 MP items/year/capita. Considering that fish con-
sumption is only one of the routes of human exposure to microplastics, this study and others in the lit-
erature emphasize the need for more research, risk assessment and adoption of measures to minimize
human exposure to these particles. Thus, MP pollution and its effects should be further investigated
and addressed according to the WHO ‘One Health’ approach.
Ó 2019 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND
license (

1. Introduction antioxidant defense responses and consequently leading to lipid

peroxidation (LPO) of cellular membranes (Alomar et al., 2017;
The contamination of the marine environment by microplastics Barboza et al., 2018b). These findings raise concern because the
(particles < 5 mm) is currently recognized as a global threat of activity of the enzymes cholinesterase (ChE), some of which are
great concern and regulations to monitor and investigate the prob- essential to cholinergic neurotransmission in neuromuscular junc-
lem of these small plastic debris have been implemented (e.g. tions and cholinergic brain synapses (Massoulié et al., 1993), and
European Marine Strategy Framework Directive – MSFD, Directive lipid peroxidation (LPO), recognized as important molecular mech-
2008/56/EC). Such particles result either from their direct release anisms involved in the oxidative damage to cell structures and in
into the environment as micro- or nanosized plastics used for sev- the toxicity process that lead to cell death (Repetto et al., 2012),
eral purposes (e.g. pre-production pellets, personal care products, play a decisive role in functions determinant for the survival and
cosmetics and cleaning agents) (i.e. primary microplastics) or from performance of fish under pollution-induced stress (Vieira et al.,
gradual fragmentation or wear and tear of larger objects both dur- 2009). Furthermore, the presence of microplastics found in stom-
ing use and following loss to the environment (i.e. secondary achs of several commercially important fish species presents a
microplastics) (GESAMP, 2019). Their small size and relatively potential risk to human health, due to the potential effects of the
low density contribute to their long-range transport (Cózar et al., transfer of these small plastic items and/or associated contami-
2017; Barboza et al., 2019) and global distribution (Cózar et al., nants to edible fish tissues (Fossi et al., 2018).
2014; Suaria et al., 2016; Auta et al., 2017). For this reason, As microplastics and associated chemicals pose a potential treat
microplastics can remain for many years in the marine and other to animal, environmental and human health, the global pollution
environments (Strungaru et al. 2018; Barboza et al., 2019), at least by microplastics and its effects should be addressed according to
part of them being available to a wide range of organisms, includ- the World Health Organization (WHO) ‘One Health’ approach.
ing species widely used in the human diet (Gallo et al., 2018; Therefore, the goals of the present study were (i) to investigate
Barboza et al., 2018a). the microplastic contamination of commercially important fish
The potential impacts of ingested microplastics to aquatic species (Dicentrarchus labrax, Trachurus trachurus and Scomber col-
organisms are driven by their physical and chemical effects, the ias) from North East Atlantic Ocean (North West Portuguese coastal
latter being influenced by the presence of additives and adsorbed waters); (ii) to assess the potential neurotoxic effects and lipid
organic chemicals (Barboza et al., 2019). The negative effects oxidative damage in fish in relation to microplastics contamina-
caused by microplastics may be due to the particles themself, to tion; and (iii) based on the microplastics found in the main edible
additives incorporated during the manufacture of plastic products, tissue (dorsal muscle) of the three investigated species, to estimate
to chemicals incorporated during microplastic use (e.g. as abra- the human exposure to microplastics through the consumption of
sives), and/or to environmental contaminants absorbed to plastic fish as food, contributing to improve the basis for human health
debris during their permanence in the environment (Teuten risk assessment of microplastics exposure.
et al., 2009; Frias et al., 2010; Hahladakis et al., 2018; Vedolin
et al., 2018).
In the last years, the number of studies on microplastic toxicity 2. Material and methods
has rapidly increased (Jeong and Choi, 2019), although knowledge
on toxicological effects caused by direct consumption of 2.1. Sample collection and preparation
microplastics in wild animals is still limited (Alomar et al., 2017;
Jeong and Choi, 2019). Studies of the exposure to microplastics in The present sudy investigated a total of 150 specimens of the
several groups of test organisms such as crustaceans, mollusks European seabass (D. labrax), the Atlantic horse mackerel (T. tra-
and fish, suggest that these small particles may induce physical churus) and Atlantic chub mackerel (S. colias) fished with trawls
and chemical toxicity, including genotoxicity, oxidative stress, in Northwest (NW) Portuguese coastal waters (continental shelf),
changes in behavior, reproductive impairment, mortality, popula- North East (NE) Atlantic Ocean, in March and April 2018. Fifty
tion growth rate decrease, transgerational effects, among several specimens of each species were preserved in ice until landed in
others (Avio et al., 2015; Fonte et al., 2016; Gambardella et al., Matosinhos port and transported to the laboratory in cooler boxes
2017; Ribeiro et al., 2017; de Sá et al., 2018; Barboza et al., containing frozen ice packs within 30 min after landing to be anal-
2018d; Guilhermino et al., 2018; Yin et al., 2018; Qiao et al., ysed. These species were selected for the present study because
2019; Zhu et al., 2019). they are very much appreciated and consumed as food by humans
In fish, among other effects, the neurotoxic influence of in Europe (EUMOFA, 2018) and other regions. In the laboratory, the
microplastic exposure was confirmed under laboratory conditions total body length (cm) and weigth (g) of each specimen was deter-
by measuring acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity (Oliveira et al., mined. The mean ± standard deviation (SD) of fish total body
2013; Barboza et al., 2018c). In addition to their neurotoxicity, lenght and weight were, respectively: 31 ± 1 cm and 343 ± 23 g
microplastics can increase cellular oxidative stress, by affecting for D. labrax; 29 ± 2 cm and 228 ± 19 g for T. trachurus; and

Please cite this article as: L. G. A. Barboza, C. Lopes, P. Oliveira et al., Microplastics in wild fish from North East Atlantic Ocean and its potential for causing
neurotoxic effects, lipid oxidative damage, and human health risks associated with ingestion exposure, Science of the Total Environment,
L.G.A. Barboza et al. / Science of the Total Environment xxx (xxxx) xxx 3

37 ± 1 cm and 344 ± 8 g for S. colias. Subsequently, from each fish, ethanol 70% before use and in-between individual samples to pre-
the whole brain, one brachial arc and 5 g of dorsal muscle were iso- vent cross-contamination. The outer part of the fish was rinsed
lated on ice as indicated by Barboza et al. (2018c) for determina- twice with ultra-pure water and once with ethanol to eliminate
tion of biomarkers. Moreover, from each fish, the whole any potential particles attached to fish body surface as descibed
gastrointestinal tract, three brachial arcs (hereafter indicated as in Karami et al. (2017). In all procedures, three clean Petri dishes
gills) and 10 g of the dorsal muscle were isolated and used to assess were placed next to the work area and analysed as procedural
their contamination by microplastics. The liver and the rest of dor- blank controls. In addition, during digestion procedures, three pro-
sal muscle were collected for another study. All samples were cedural blanks (without tissues, containing ultra-pure water as
stored individually at 80 °C until further analyses. substitute for fish sample) were analysed in parallel with the
digested fish samples. Such blanks were included to assess any
2.2. Microplastics isolation, visual characterization and identification potential contamination from laboratory atmosphere during diges-
tion procedures that might have occurred despite all the care
To each sample, a volume of 10% KOH (potassium hidroxide) taken.
solution (prepared with ultra-pure water) corresponding to three
folds of its volume was added. Gastrointestinal tract and dorsal 2.4. Determination of biomarkers in fish
muscle samples were incubated at 60 °C for 24 h (Dehaut et al.,
2016), and gill samples were incubated at 40 °C for 72 h (Karami All individuals (50 specimens of each species) were used for
et al., 2017) to digest the organic material. The gills were incubated biomarker determinations. Based on fish length and weight, the
under other conditions of temperature and time interval because Fulton’s condition factor (Fulton’s K) was determined according
the first one was not fully efficient. Density separation was not per- to Lloret et al. (2002). The other biomarkers used were:
formed to preserve all types of microplastics (Abbasi et al., 2018). brain acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity as indicative of neuro-
After the incubation period, all the liquid was vacuum filtered function; muscle total cholinesterases (ChE) activity as indicative
through glass-microfiber filter membranes (pore size 1.2 lm, of neuromuscular function; brain, muscle and gills lipid peroxida-
Munktell & Filtrak GmbH, Germany). Filters were sealed in glass tion (LPO) levels as indicative of lipid peroxidation damage.
Petri dishes and oven-dried at 40 °C for 24 h (Drying oven EV50, The procedures for sample preparation and determination of
Raypa, Spain). Then, filter membranes were analysed and pho- the biomarkers used are described in detail in previous papers
tographed in a stereomicroscope with an integrated CMOS camera (e.g. Guilhermino et al., 1996; Vieira et al., 2009). 10% of the brain
(LEICA S9i, Leica Microsystems GmbH, Germany). All the plastic of fish of each individual were homogenized in cold phosphate-
items recovered from the samples were sorted and quantified by buffer (0.1 M, pH = 7.2, Ystral GmbH d-7801, Germany) in a ratio
colour (blue, black, whitish, yellow, red/pink), shape (fragments - 1 g wt tissue/10 ml buffer and centrifuged at 4 °C (3300 g for
irregular pieces; pellets - spherical and ovoid debris; fibers - thin 3 min, SIGMA 3 K 30 centrifuge, Germany) for AChE determina-
and elongated pieces) (Karami et al., 2017; Frias et al., 2018), and tions. To determine the ChE activity, a piece of dorsal muscle
size based on their largest cross section measured using the ImageJ (0.2 g) was homogenized and centrifuged in the same buffer and
software available in (<100 mm; 101– the same conditions used for AChE determinations. LPO levels were
150 mm; 151–500 mm; 501–1500 mm; 1501–3000 mm; 3001– determined in the remaing brain, another portion of dorsal muscle
5000 mm). (0.2 g) and gills. Tissues were homogenized separately in cold
Polymer identification was performed on a random subset of phosphate-buffer (0.1 M, pH 7.4) in a ratio 1 g wt tissue/10 ml buf-
microplastics extracted from the gastrointestinal tract, gills and fer and stored in an eppendorf with butylhydroxytoluene (0.2 Mm)
muscle of fish and also those that visually appeared to be of a dif- to prevent artifactual lipid oxidation. AChE and ChE activities were
ferent nature using a Fourier Transform Infrared spectrometer determined by the Elman’s technique (Ellman et al., 1961) adapted
(Perkin Elmer Spectrum BX spectrometer) coupled with a universal to microplate (Guilhermino et al., 1996), using acetylcholine as
attenuated total reflectance accessory (ATR-FTIR) equipped with a substrate and readings at 412 nm, and expressed in nanomoles
Deuterated triglycine sulfate detector, with Beer-Norton anodiza- of substrate hydrolysed per minute per mg of protein (nmol/min/
tion. Each spectrum was collected in 64 scans with a resolution mg protein). LPO levels were determined through the quantifica-
of 4 cm 1, in the wavenumber range 4000–400 cm 1. The spectra tion of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) at 535 nm
are shown as acquired, without corrections or any further manip- according to Ohkawa (1979) with punctual modifications (Torres
ulations, except for the occasional removal of the CO2 absorption et al., 2002), and expressed in nanomoles of TBARS per mg of pro-
at ca. 2300–2400 cm 1. Spectra were analysed using OMNIC Soft- tein (nmol TBARS/mg protein). The protein content of the samples
ware (Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.), compared with a database of was determined at 600 nm by the Bradford method (Bradford,
references and accepted with a match > 85%. At least a 10% propor- 1976) adapted to microplate (Frasco and Guilhermino, 2002), using
tion of fragments and fibers recorded, were analysed by ATR-FTIR bovine gama globulin as protein standard. All biomarker and pro-
as suggested by the guidelines produced by the MSFD technical tein determinations were carried out at 25 °C using a SpectramaxÒ
group on marine litter (Galgani et al., 2013). The number of spectrophotometer (Molecular Devices, USA).
microplastics in the gastrointestinal tract and in gills was
expressed as the number of microplastic items per individual 2.5. Estimated human exposure to microplastics through fish
(MP items/individual). The amount of microplastics in the dorsal consumption
muscle was expressed in microplastic items per g of tissue (MP
items/g). Two approaches to estimate the human exposure to microplas-
tics through fish consumption were used. The first one was based
2.3. Contamination control on the recomendations of the European Food Safety Authority
(EFSA) regarding fish consumption: 1 year old children – 40 g
Tissue samples were prepared and analysed in a laboratory with per week; 2–6 year old children – 50 g per week; >6 year old chil-
restricted access and previously cleaned to prevent contamination dren – 200 g per week; adults or the general population – 300 g per
by microplastics from other sources. Clean cotton laboratory coats week (EFSA, 2014). The second one was based on data from the
and nitrile gloves were worn during all the steps of the procedure. European Market Observatory for Fisheries and Aquaculture Prod-
All work surfaces and dissection materials were cleaned with ucts (EUMOFA) and National Marine Fisheries Service (NOAA)
Please cite this article as: L. G. A. Barboza, C. Lopes, P. Oliveira et al., Microplastics in wild fish from North East Atlantic Ocean and its potential for causing
neurotoxic effects, lipid oxidative damage, and human health risks associated with ingestion exposure, Science of the Total Environment,
4 L.G.A. Barboza et al. / Science of the Total Environment xxx (xxxx) xxx

regarding human consumption of fish per capita in Portugal

(57,000 g/year/capita) and in the main importer countries of fish
from Portugal, namely Spain (47,700 g/year/capita), Italy
(31,100 g/year/capita), USA (21,400 g/year/capita) and Brazil
(9600 g/year/capita) (EUMOFA, 2018; NOAA, 2018). The estimated
human intake of microplastics (indicated as MP in A, B, C and D
below) from fish was based on EFSA recomendations (A, B) or
EUMOFA and NOAA data (C, D) and on the total mean of the num-
ber of microplastics in dorsal muscle considering the three species
of fish and including fish where microplastics were not found (i.e.
total number of microploastics found in muscle tissue/150

a) Human MP intake per week (MP items/week): mean of MP

items in the muscle tissue (MP items/g)  recommended
Fig. 1. Percentage of Dicentrarchus labrax (N = 50), Trachurus trachurus (N = 50), and
fish food intake per week (g) Scomber colias (N = 50) having microplastics (MP) in the gastrointestinal tract (GT),
b) Human MP intake per year (MP items/year): mean of MP gills (GI), dorsal muscle (MU), or in any of these sites (TOTAL).
items in the muscle tissue (MP items/g)  recommended
fish food intake per week (g)  number weeks per year (52) in the gastrointestinal tract, 0.7 ± 1.0 MP items/individual in gills
c) Human MP intake per week per capita (MP items/week/cap- and 0.6 ± 0.8 MP items/g in the dorsal muscle of S. colias. Consider-
ita): mean of MP items in the muscle tissue (MP items/g)  ing the three species (N = 150), the total mean (± SD) of the number
consumption of fish per week per capita in the selected of microplastics in the gastrointestinal tract, gills and dorsal mus-
country(g) cle was 1.2 ± 2.0 items/individual, 0.7 ± 1.2 items/individual and 0.
d) Human MP intake per year per capita (MP items/year/cap- 054 ± 0.099 items/g of tissue, respectively.
ita): mean of MP items in the muscle tissue (MP items/g)  Considering the colour of the microplastics (Fig. 2), D. labrax
consumption of fish per year per capita in the selected specimens had microplastics of 5 colours: blue (67 %), whitish
county (g) (15 %), black (9 %), red/pink (6 %) and yellow (3 %). T. trachurus
specimens had blue (90 %) and whitish (10 %) microplastics. S. col-
2.6. Statistical analyses of data ias specimens had microplastics of 4 colours: blue (79 %), whitish
(11 %), black (5 %) and red/pink (5 %).
Statistical analyses were performed using the SPSS statistical The shape of the microplastics recovered from fish samples
analysis package (version 24.0) and the statistical significance level were fibers, fragments and pellets (Fig. 3 and 4). From the total
was 0.05. For each species and biomarker, the Student’s t-test was number (368) of microplastics recovered from fish, 199 items (54
used to compare fish found to have microplastics with fish where %) were fibers, 167 items (45 %) were fragments and 2 items (1
no microplastics were found. However, it should be mentioned %) were pellets. Fibers and fragments were found in all the species
that because not all the fish body was analysed regarding the pres- and types of samples, whereas the 2 pellets were only found in the
ence of microplastics, the contamination of fish where no gastrointestinal tract of T. trachurus and S. colias (Fig. 4). D. labrax
microplastics were found cannot be completely excluded. Neverth- specimens had more fibers ( 66 %) than fragments ( 10 %) in
less, if no microplastics where found in the gastrointestinal tract or the gastrointestinal tract, gills and muscle (Fig. 4). T. trachurus
in the analysed portion of gills and dorsal muscle, likely these fish and S. colias specimens had more fragments (76 %) than fibers
were considerably less contaminated by microplastics than those (22 %) and pellets (2 %) in the gastrointestinal tract, more fibers
found to have particles in the parts of the body analysed. For sim- than fragments in the gills and approximately the same percentage
plicity, the two groups of fish will be hereafter indicated as ‘‘fish of fibers and fragments in the muscle (Fig. 4).
with microplastics” and ‘‘fish without microplastics”. Based on microplastic size, all the species had more fibers in the
size range 501–1500 mm in the gastrointestinal tract ( 36 %) and
3. Results 151–500 mm in gills ( 50 %) than fibers of other size ranges. In the
dorsal muscle, D. labrax and S. colias had more fibers in the size
3.1. Microplastics in fish range 501–1500 mm ( 58 %) and T. trachurus in the size range
151–500 mm (39 %) than other size ranges (Fig. 5-a). In all the spe-
No microplastics were found in any of the blanks analysed.
Microplastics were found in 73 of the 150 examined fish (49 %):
52 fish (35 %) had microplastics in the gastrointestinal tract, 54 fish
(36 %) had microplastics in the gills and 48 fish (32 %) had
microplastics in the dorsal muscle. Microplastics were found in
all species: 42 % of the 50 D. labrax; 42 % of the 50 T. trachurus indi-
viduals; and 62 % of the 50 S. colias (Fig. 1).
A total of 368 microplastic items were recovered from the 150
specimens: 175 microplastics from the gastrointestinal tract (48
%), 112 items from the gills (30 %) and 81 from the muscle (22
%). Considering the 50 animals of each species analised, the mean
(± SD) of the number of microplastics was: 1.3 ± 2.5 MP items/indi-
vidual in the gastrointestinal tract, 0.8 ± 1.4 MP items/individual in
gills and 0.4 ± 0.7 MP items/g in the dorsal muscle of D. labrax;
1.0 ± 1.9 MP items/individual in the gastrointestinal tract,
0.7 ± 1.4 MP items/individual in gills and 0.7 ± 1.3 MP items/g in Fig. 2. Percentage of all microplastics (fragments + pellets + fibers) found in
the dorsal muscle of T. trachurus; 1.2 ± 1.6 MP items/individual Dicentrarchus labrax, Trachurus trachurus and Scomber colias categorized by colour.
Please cite this article as: L. G. A. Barboza, C. Lopes, P. Oliveira et al., Microplastics in wild fish from North East Atlantic Ocean and its potential for causing
neurotoxic effects, lipid oxidative damage, and human health risks associated with ingestion exposure, Science of the Total Environment,
L.G.A. Barboza et al. / Science of the Total Environment xxx (xxxx) xxx 5

Fig. 3. Examples of microplastics recovered from Dicentrarchus labrax, Trachurus trachurus and Scomber colias. (a – fiber; b and c – fragment; d – pellet).

Fig. 4. Percentage of microplastics found in Dicentrarchus labrax, Trachurus trachurus and Scomber colias gastrointestinal tract (GT), gills (GI) and dorsal muscle (MU)
categorized by shape.

cies, fragments lower than 100 mm were more abundante in dorsal Regarding brain AChE activity and LPO levels in brain, muscle
muscle ( 67 %) than other fragments, and fragments between 101 and gills significant differences between fish with and without
and 150 mm were more abundant in gills ( 45 %) than fragments microplastics were found in all the species (Table 1). Fish with
of other size ranges. In the gastrointestinal tract, the most part of microplastics had significantly higher brain AChE activity (2-fold)
fragments were in the size range 151–500 lm ( 32 %) in D. labrax and increased LPO levels (2-fold) in the brain, muscle (2-fold)
and T. trachurus, and in the size range 501–1500 lm (36 %) in S. col- and gills (1-fold) than fish without microplastics (Table 1). No sig-
ias (Fig. 5-b). Of the microplastics analysed with ATR-FTIR (25 % nificant diferences in muscle ChE activity between fish with and
total), the most common polymers were polyethylene (80 %), without microplastics were found in any of the species (Table 1).
polyester (19 %) and semisynthetic cellulose (rayon) (1 %) (Fig. 6).
3.3. Estimated intake of microplastics by humans consuming fish

3.2. Fish biomarkers Based on the total mean of microplastics found in fish muscle
(0.054 MP items/g tissue, N = 150) and on the the weekly intake
In all the species, no significant (p > 0.05) differences in lenght, of fish recommended for distinct human populational groups by
weight and Fulton’s K between fish with and without microplastics EFSA (2014), the estimated intake of microplastics by human
were found (Table 1). consumers per year ranged from 112 MP items/year (1 year old
Please cite this article as: L. G. A. Barboza, C. Lopes, P. Oliveira et al., Microplastics in wild fish from North East Atlantic Ocean and its potential for causing
neurotoxic effects, lipid oxidative damage, and human health risks associated with ingestion exposure, Science of the Total Environment,
6 L.G.A. Barboza et al. / Science of the Total Environment xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 5. Percentage of microplastics found in Dicentrarchus labrax, Trachurus trachurus and Scomber colias gastrointestinal tract (GT), gills (GI) and dorsal muscle (MU)
categorized by size classes (a – fibers; b – fragments).

children) to 842 MP items/year (adults or the general population) Hernández-González et al., 2018; Courtene-Jones et al., 2019), as
as shown in Table 2. Additionally, based on the total mean of well as zooplankton and sediment samples from the Portuguese
microplastics found in fish muscle and on the consumption of fish shelf (Frias et al., 2014, Antunes et al., 2018). Therefore, microplas-
per capita in each of the selected countries (EUMOFA, 2018; NOAA, tics may have been uptaken by fish directly from the seawater pas-
2018), the estimated human intake of microplastics through fish sively (e.g. gill water filtration) and actively (i.e. ingested by
consumption (Table 3) ranged from 518 MP items/year/capita confusion with prey), and through the ingestion of contaminated
(Brazil) to 3078 MP items/year/capita (Portugal). prey, as suggested in previous studies with fish (Lusher et al.,
2013; de Sá et al., 2015; Ory et al., 2018a,b). Moreover, fish may
4. Discussion have also uptake microplastics from the nets used for their capture,
as pointed out before (Lusher et al., 2013). S. colias had a higher
4.1. Microplastics in fish percentage of microplastic contamination (62 %) than the other
species (42 %). This difference may be due to some distinct ecolog-
In this study, microplastics were found in a considerable per- ical features (e.g. time spend in areas more close to the shore, fee-
centage of D. labrax (42 %), T. trachurus (42 %) and S. colias (62 %) dind ecology), physiological differences (e.g. water filtration rates,
specimens from Portuguese coastal waters (NE Atlantic Ocean). elimination processes), among others.
The NE Atlantic Ocean water is contaminated with microplastics As mentioned, the main types of polymers found in the sub-
(Lusher et al., 2014; Maes et al., 2017; Murphy et al., 2017; sample analysed specimens from Portuguese coastal waters were

Please cite this article as: L. G. A. Barboza, C. Lopes, P. Oliveira et al., Microplastics in wild fish from North East Atlantic Ocean and its potential for causing
neurotoxic effects, lipid oxidative damage, and human health risks associated with ingestion exposure, Science of the Total Environment,
L.G.A. Barboza et al. / Science of the Total Environment xxx (xxxx) xxx 7

Fig. 6. Representative infrared spectra of the microplastic polymers analysed (and their reference spectra on top) identified as: A) Polyethylene, B) Polyethylene plus CaCO3
(d), C) Polyester, D) Semisynthetic cellulose (Rayon) admixed with organic matter.

Table 1
Mean ± standard deviation (SD) of total body length, body weight, Fulton condition index (Fulton), brain acetylcholinesterase activity (AChE-B), muscle cholinesterase activity
(ChE-M), lipid peroxidation levels in brain (LPO-B), muscle (LPO-M) and gills (LPO-G) in Dicentrarchus labrax, Trachurus trachurus, and Scomber colias, in groups of fish with (MP)
and without (No) microplastics. N = number of individuals per group. Enzymatic activities are expressed in nmol/min/mg protein. LPO levels are expressed in nmol TBARS/mg
protein. * indicates statistical significant differences between groups of fish with and without microplastics (Student’s t test, p  0.05).

Dicentrarchus labrax Trachurus trachurus Scomber colias

Biomarker Level N Mean ± SD t test N Mean ± SD t test N Mean ± DP t test
Length (cm) No 29 32 ± 2 t(48) = 0.500 29 29 ± 2 t(48) = 1.768 19 37 ± 1 t(48) = 1.034
MP 21 31 ± 2 p = 0.619 21 30 ± 1 p = 0.083 31 36 ± 1 p = 0.306
Weight (g) No 29 342 ± 23 t(48) = 0.299 29 226 ± 19 t(48) = 1.129 19 347 ± 10 t(48) = 1.859
MP 21 344 ± 23 p = 0.766 21 232 ± 19 p = 0.264 31 343 ± 7 p = 0.069
Fulton No 29 1 ± 0.107 t(48) = 0.959 29 1 ± 0.076 T(48) = 1.287 19 1 ± 0.027 t(48) = 0.269
MP 21 1 ± 0.102 p = 0.343 21 1 ± 0.107 p = 0.204 31 1 ± 0.025 p = 0.789
AChE-B No 29 4.023 ± 1.766 t(22.084) = 3.587 29 3.790 ± 0.935 t(20.168) = 3.063 19 4.163 ± 0.787 t(30.942) = 4.371
MP 21 9.319 ± 6.651 p = 0.002* 21 12.011 ± 12.276 p = 0.006* 31 10.805 ± 8.224 p  0.001*
ChE-M No 29 1.753 ± 0.724 t(48) = 0.078 29 1.584 ± 0.630 T(48) = 0.137 19 1.388 ± 0.219 t(48) = 0.228
MP 21 1.792 ± 0.682 p = 0.938 21 1.608 ± 0.571 p = 0.892 31 1.412 ± 0.433 p = 0.352
LPO-B No 29 183.427 ± 57.926 t(21.146) = 3.061 29 152.393 ± 35.983 t(20.438) = 3.549 19 141.114 ± 32.824 t(36.398) = 5.005
MP 21 381.746 ± 292.762 p = 0.006* 21 380.494 ± 92.946 p = 0.002* 31 256.148 ± 122.759 p  0.001*
LPO-M No 29 5.991 ± 1.840 t(21.054) = 2.738 29 12.223 ± 2.011 t(20.025) = 2.457 19 3.629 ± 1.123 t(32.117) = 4.454
MP 21 12.293 ± 9.767 p = 0.012* 21 49.295 ± 69.116 p = 0.023* 31 10.094 ± 7.798 p  0.001*
LPO-G No 29 212.700 ± 13.747 t(28.594) = 2.955 29 187.900 ± 9.131 t(21.432) = 3.458 19 180.250 ± 7.232 t(41.626) = 2.826
MP 21 230.100 ± 25.729 p = 0.006* 21 220.710 ± 42.795 p = 0.002* 31 192.070 ± 19.813 p = 0.007*

polyethylene, polyester and semisynthetic cellulose (rayon). The marine environment worldwide, namely, polyethylene, polyester,
results compare to the polymer types previously found in fish from polypropylene, polyamide and acrylic (Browne et al., 2011). The
Portuguese coastal waters (Neves et al., 2015) and from the Mon- pollution of Portuguese coastal waters by microplastics may result
dego River estuary in Portugal (Bessa et al., 2018), and are in accor- from local inputs of plastic materials (e.g. lost nets and other fish-
dance with the most common types of microplastics found in the ery materials), mobilization of microplastics from sediments that
Please cite this article as: L. G. A. Barboza, C. Lopes, P. Oliveira et al., Microplastics in wild fish from North East Atlantic Ocean and its potential for causing
neurotoxic effects, lipid oxidative damage, and human health risks associated with ingestion exposure, Science of the Total Environment,
8 L.G.A. Barboza et al. / Science of the Total Environment xxx (xxxx) xxx

Table 2
Estimated human intake of microplastics from fish consumption based on the microplastics found in Dicentrarchus labrax, Trachurus trachurus and Scomber colias and on EFSA
recommendations for fish consumption per week by children of different age groups, and adults or the general population.

Children Adults or the general population

(18 y)
(1 y) (2–6 y) (>6 y)
g fish muscle/week 40 g 50 g 200 g 300 g
MP items/week 2 3 11 16
g fish muscle/year 2080 g 2600 g 10,400 g 15,600 g
MP items/year 112 140 562 842

Table 3
Estimated human intake of microplastics from fish consumption based on the microplastics found in Dicentrarchus labrax, Trachurus trachurus and Scomber colias and on per capita
consumption of fish in Portugal and in the largest importer countries of fish from Portugal.

Portugal Importer countries

Spain Italy United States Brazil
Per capita consumption(Kg/year/capita) 57.0 Kg 47.7 Kg 31.1 Kg 21.4 Kg 9.6 Kg
g fish muscle/week/capita 1096 g 917 g 598 g 412 g 185 g
MP items/week/capita 59 50 32 22 10
g fish muscle/year/capita 57000 g 47700 g 31100 g 21400 g 9600 g
MP items/year/capita 3078 2576 1679 1156 518

are known to contain microplastics (Frias et al., 2016), especially T. trachurus and S. colias may have also actively ingested mainly
during storms, from continental sources in the Portuguese coast, blue microplastics because this is the colour of their most impor-
including beaches and estuaries, where microplastics were docu- tant or preferential prey (e.g. Bessa et al., 2018; Ory et al., 2018a;
mented (Frias et al., 2010, Antunes et al., 2018; Bessa et al., Herrera et al. 2019). For example, Herrera et al. (2019) suggested
2018; Rodrigues et al., 2019), and from far way transported by that blue was the predominant colour of microplastics found in
ocean currents, organisms and other ways. S. colias from Canary Islands coasts, possibly because they feed
The presence of microplastics in the gastrointestinal tract, gills on local copepods, and some of them are blue. Moreover, in deep
and muscle of D. labrax, T. trachurus and S. colias from Portuguese waters, fish prey may look bluewish when seen against light com-
coastal waters is in agreement with the presence of microplastics ing from water surface, since on reaching a depth of 100 m or more,
in the gastrointestinal tract (Rochman et al., 2015; Jabeen et al., the light blue component becomes completely predominant in the
2017; Baalkhuyur et al., 2018; Ferreira et al., 2018; Pozo et al., ocean (Blaxter, 1980; Archer, 1995). The second most frequent col-
2019; Savoca et al., 2019), muscle (Abbasi et al., 2018; our of microplastics recovered from the analysed fish was whith-
Akhbarizadeh et al., 2018) and gills (Collard et al 2017b; Karami ish. Similarity to blue microplastics, this may be due to a higher
et al., 2017; Abbasi et al., 2018; Su et al., 2019) of fish from other abundance of whithish microplastics in NE Atlantic Ocean seawa-
regions. Moreover, the percentage of fish that had microplastics ter, higher contamination of prey by whitish microplastics, and
in the gastrointestinal tract (35% of 150 fish) is in the range of cor- active ingestion by fish due to confusion with whithish prey.
responding values reported in the literature, such as: 19.8 % of 263 All the microplastics recovered from T. trachurus were blue or
fish from Portuguese coastal waters (Neves et al., 2015), 38 % of whitish, whereas in the other species more colours were found,
120 fish from the Mondego River estuary in Portugal (Bessa although at very low percentages. Differences in feeding ecology
et al., 2018), 58 % of 1337 fish from the Mediterranean Sea and other ecological characteristics may have contributed to this
(Guven et al., 2017) and 65 % of 178 fish from the Red Sea finding (McNeish et al., 2018; Ferreira et al., 2019). For example,
(Baalkhuyur et al., 2018). Nevertheless, it should be mentioned species spending more time in areas closer to the shore probably
that the direct comparison among several of these studies is diffi- will be exposed to a higher diversity of microplastic colours (due
cult due to diferences in the methods used to isolate and quantify to recent inputs) than species preferentially staying far from the
microplastics, the amount of tissue investigated, among other coast likely being exposed mainly to aged microplastics that often
sources of variability. have lost their original colour during their permanence in seawa-
Blue was the predominant colour of the microplastics found in ter. All the species were captured in waters of the Portuguese con-
D. labrax, T. trachurus and S. colias, in good agreement with previ- tinental shelf. In the range of size of the fish analysed, T. trachurus
ous studies with fish (Neves et al., 2015) and mammals (- feeds mainly on zooplankton, especially on crustaceans (Nicthy-
Hernández-González et al., 2018) from the NE Atlantic Ocean. phanes couchii, Meganyctiphanes norvegica and Euthemisto bispi-
The predominance of blue over other colours found in the present nosa), but they also prey on fish, mainly on the blue whiting
study may have been due to a higher abundance of blue microplas- Micromesistus poutassou and on squid, Allotheuthis spp. (Murta
tics in seawater, a higher contamination of fish prey by blue et al., 1993; Olaso et al., 1999). T. trachurus generally stays in deep
microplastics, and/or to preferential active ingestion of blue waters far from the shore, and typical spends the day in bottom/
microplastics by fish because they mistake them more with food mid water moving to the surface at night to feed (Murta et al.,
than microplastics of other colours. Blue microplastics were the 1993). In the continental shelf of NE the Atlantic Ocean, D. labrax
most abundant ones in NE Atlantic seawater (Lusher et al., 2014) of size range comparable to analysed specimens are mainly pisciv-
and sediment samples (Woodall et al., 2014). Being more abun- orous and preferentially feed on smaller pelagic fish, mainly mack-
dant, blue microplastics have a higher probability of be uptaken erel (Scomber scombrus), sardine (Sardina pilchardus), anchovy
by fish and their prey than microplastics of other colours. All the (Engraulis encrasicolus) and scads (Trachurus spp.), but they also
investigated species are visual predators, colour is an important feed on cephalopods and crustaceans (Spitz et al., 2013). Often,
clue for prey perception by this type of predators, and microplas- D. labrax of size comparable to the investigated fish is found rela-
tics may be ingested by confusion with prey with colour likely tively close to the shore and in estuaries, except in the winter when
playing an important role (de Sá et al., 2015). Therefore, D. labrax, they generally migrate to deeper waters. Regarding S. colias of size
Please cite this article as: L. G. A. Barboza, C. Lopes, P. Oliveira et al., Microplastics in wild fish from North East Atlantic Ocean and its potential for causing
neurotoxic effects, lipid oxidative damage, and human health risks associated with ingestion exposure, Science of the Total Environment,
L.G.A. Barboza et al. / Science of the Total Environment xxx (xxxx) xxx 9

comparable to the analysed range, in Portuguese coastal waters it lower than 1230 mm in the gastrointestinal tract. Thus, it is possible
feeds mainly on zooplankton (mainly Calanus helgolandicus and that part of them were also ingested due to chemically-induced
Centropages chierchiae) but also ingests phytoplankton, fish eggs, feeding stimulation.
cephalopods, and small pelagic fish (Martins et al., 2013; Garrido After ingestion, some microplastics were likely internalized,
et al., 2015). Generally, S. colias is found more close to the shore others may have been retained in the gastrointestinal tract,
than T. trachurus adults. Therefore, ecological differences may whereas the remaining ones were likely eliminated (Fig. 7), as pre-
explain at least partially the distinct diversity of microplastic col- viously reported in recent studies (Dawson et al., 2018, Karakolis
ours between T. trachurus and the other species. et al., 2018; Sun et al., 2019). Microplastics retention in the gas-
From the total number of microplastics recovered (368 items), trointestinal tract can cause false food satiation leading to
only 2 pellets (1 %) were found, suggesting that pellets are consid- decreased food consumption, intestinal obstruction and physical
erably less abundant in NE Atlantic Ocean water than fibers or frag- injury ultimately resulting in death (Carpenter et al., 1972;
ments. These results are in good agreement with previous findings Derraik, 2002; Ryan et al., 2009; Duis and Coors, 2016; Jovanović,
in NE Atlantic Ocean water (Lusher et al., 2014). Fibers were more 2017). Moreover, in the gastrointestinal tract, release of chemicals
abundant in fish (54 %) than fragments, in agreement with other adsorbed to microplastics may occur leading to the entry of such
studies, such as: 66 % in fish from Portuguese coastal waters substances into the bloodstream. Also, in the digestive system of
(Neves et al., 2015), 97 % in fish from the Mondego River estuary, aquatic animals, microplastics can be fragmented into smaller par-
central coast of Portugal (Bessa et al., 2018), 68 % in fish from the ticles (Dawson et al., 2018) facilitating internalization. Elimination
English Channel (Lusher et al., 2013), 70 % in fish from the Mediter- of microplastics from the gastrointestinal tract along with faeces
ranean Sea (Guven et al., 2017) and 74 % in fish from Canary Islands occurs (Karakolis et al., 2018).
coast (Herrera et al., 2019). The microplastics found in gills resulted from their retention in
Fibers uptaken by the investigated fish may have come from this organ during water filtration. This process and the uptake of
ropes, nets and other materials associated to fishery diretly input microplastics through gills depend of microplastic size, and of
into marine waters, and also from continental sources (e.g. wash- the morphology and efficiency of the filtering apparatus (Collard
ing machines, textile industry, harbour industry, river/estuarine et al., 2017b). Data of Fig. 5 indicate retention of microplastics with
fishery). The predominance of fibers over fragments in gills of all size < 100 mm up to 3000 mm in gills of the studied species.
the species suggests that fibers are more abundant in seawater of Microplastics stuck in gills may decrease respiratory efficiency
fish habitat because microplastics present in gills were uptaken leading to hypoxia (Movahedinia et al., 2012). Moreover,
through passive water filtration. However, the relative percentage microplastics can cause physical damage in gills, such as breakage
of fibers and fragments in the gastrointestinal tract reveal differ- of filaments (Jabeen et al., 2018), facilitating the entry of
ences among species and suggests contribution of active and pref- microplastics and other particles, and increasing the probability
erential ingestion of microplastics with particular shape by fish. In of infections (Movahedinia et al., 2012; Jabeen et al., 2018). Gill
addition to colour, shape is also important to prey-perception by damage, hypoxia and infections may ultimately lead to death.
visual predator fish (Blaxter, 1980). Therefore, D. labrax may mis- The presence of microplastics in dorsal muscle of all the anal-
take fibers with food more than fragments because it feeds prefer- ysed species indicates internalization of the particles. Studies of
entially on smaller fish that have alongated shape, whereas the the mechanism of absorption and accumulation of microplastics
opposite happens with T. trachurus and S. colias because they feed on marine fish are extremely rare. It is known that for nanoparti-
mainly on zooplankton species and several of them have more cles, their size, distribution, aggregation, and sedimentation in
spherical shapes. In addition to shape, other processes may con- the cells are the most important parameters in determining their
tribute to differences in the predominant type of microplastics in absorption rates and may occur through several processes, such
fish gastrointestinal tract among species (e.g. differences in gras- as pinocytosis, phagocytosis or endocytosis, however the exact
trointestinal absorption and elimination rates of fibers and frag- mechanism of this passage is not clear (Vignardi et al., 2015;
ments; differences among species in such rates). Handy and Al-Bairuty, 2019). Vignardi et al. (2015) suggested that
As shown in Fig. 5, microplastics of different size ranges were cell uptake of nanoparticles in the kidney, liver and muscles in the
found in fish gastrointestinal tract. Microplastics present in the gas- marine fish Trachinotus carolinus may have been a result of the
trointestinal tract were uptaken through fish mouth and thus both direct uptake of these particles from the abdominal cavity. As
large and very small particles were able to enter. Also, as previously absorption of microplastics lower than 150 mm may occur (EFSA,
discussed, fish likely ingested some microplastics actively (confu- 2016), likely the most part of the microplastics in this size range
sion with prey), and fish prey may also contain microplastics. Size found in the muscle of D. labrax, T. trachurus and S. colias in our
contributes to prey perception by visual predators and microplastics study, may have resulted from the same mechanism.
with size comparable to prey are more prone to be actively ingested Fish may also uptake very small microplastics through the skin,
by fish (Galloway et al., 2017; Lehtiniemi et al., 2018). As all the spe- especially when they have skin alterations or lesions (Handy et al.,
cies analysed are visual predators, possibly they ingested relatively 2008; Abbasi et al., 2018). Thus, although skin alterations lesions
large microplastics with size comparable to some of their prey were not noticed during the physical visual observation of fish,
actively. Several studies (e.g. de Sá et al., 2015; Ory et al., 2018a,b) the possibility of uptake through skin cannot be excluded at least
also suggest that at least part of microplastics ingested by fish are for the smallest microplastics found in dorsal muscle. As shown
uptaken actively because they were taken as food. In addition to col- in Fig. 5, large fibers (up to 2363 mm) and large fragments (up to
our, shape and size, odour may also contribute to microplastic active 490 mm) were also found in the dorsal muscle of fish from the spe-
ingestion by fish (van der Lingen, 1994; Markic et al., 2018). Indead, cies analysed, indicating that somehow they entered into fish body
during their long permanence in the marine environment, and reached internal tissues. Some of the fibers were very thin and
microplastics may adquire odours similar to prey eliciting predatory thus their absorption could have occurred. Regarding other large
behaviour (Savoca et al., 2017; Procter et al., 2019). Laboratory stud- fibers and fragments, they could have entered through the skin if
ies suggest that particles with size < 1230 mm may elicit fish feeding it was damaged even if damage was not evident by naked eye
behaviour more by chemical stimulation than by visual stimulation observation. Another possibility is uptake through lesions in the
(van der Lingen, 1994). The analysed specimens had microplastic gastrointestinal tract or in gills that fish may had due to long-
fragments (96 % in D. labrax, 89 % in T. trachurus and 93 % in S. colias) term contact with microplastics (Jabeen et al. 2018) or other abi-
and fibers (59 % in D. labrax, 73 % in T. trachurus and 54 % in S. colias) otic or biotic stressors in their natural habitat. Moreover, fibers
Please cite this article as: L. G. A. Barboza, C. Lopes, P. Oliveira et al., Microplastics in wild fish from North East Atlantic Ocean and its potential for causing
neurotoxic effects, lipid oxidative damage, and human health risks associated with ingestion exposure, Science of the Total Environment,
10 L.G.A. Barboza et al. / Science of the Total Environment xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 7. Conceptual model illustrating capture, retention and internalization of microplastics by fish species.

uptake by fagocytosis may have occurred. The presence of large fish with and without microplastics were found, the two groups
microplastics (>1000 mm and >5000 mm in fish muscle was can be compared regarding the biomarkers investigated.
reported before (Abbasi et al., 2018; Akhbarizadeh et al., 2018) Increased LPO levels indicate lipid peroxidation damage. There-
but the mechanisms involved were not clearly demonstrated yet. fore, fish with microplastics had more lipid peroxidation in brain,
Indeed, this deserves further investigation as the presence of rela- gills and muscle than fish without microplastics. Lipid oxidative
tively large fibers in fish muscle raises additional concerns regard- damage can lead to a wide range of adverse effects. Gill lipid per-
ing the microplastic paradigm. oxidation damage may compromise respiration, biotransformation
Independently of the mechanisms involved in microplastic of xenobiotics in gills, among other crucial processes (Evans, 1987;
internalization, their presence in dorsal muscle also indicates that Pandey et al., 2008). Lipid peroxidation in muscle may disrupt
after entering into the blood circulation, they were distributed muscular (e.g. cellular energy production) and neuromuscular
through the body and stored in muscle tissue. Possibly, smaller functions resulting in deficit of energy, problems of movement
microplastics entered into muscle cells, whereas larger ones coordination, decrease of the swimming performance and several
remained in the intersticial tissue. During fish body distribution, other adverse effects (Vieira et al., 2009). Lipid peroxidation dam-
probably some microplastics reached other internal tissues and age in the brain may cause the disruption of membranes of pre-
organs too. The fate of microplastics inside the fish body is not synaptic vesicles containing neurotransmitters resulting in
yet clearly understood (Jovanović, 2017; Abbasi et al., 2018) but increased levels of neurotransmitters into synaptic clefs (Hilfiker
the size, chemical composition, charge and molecular weight, et al., 1999), among other types of neurotoxicity (Bradbury et al.,
among other properties of the particles, likely influence it 2008). Several laboratory studies documented lipid oxidative stress
(Collard et al., 2017a). Some microplastics can reach internal tis- and damage induced by microplastics in several fish species, such
sues and organs (e.g. liver), as evidencied in the present work as D. labrax (Barboza et al., 2018b,c), P. microps (Ferreira et al.,
and other studies (Collard et al., 2017a; Abbasi et al., 2018, 2016) and S. aequifasciatus (Wen et al., 2018), and other aquatic
Akhbarizadeh et al., 2018). Moreover, at least nanoplastics are able species (e.g. Ribeiro et al., 2017; Guilhermino et al., 2018;
to cross the blood–brain barrier and enter in the brain (Kashiwada, Oliveira et al., 2018; Yu et al., 2018). These findings support the
2006; Mattsson et al., 2017). These findings raise concern on the hypothesis of a relation between fish contamination by microplas-
potential long-term accumulation of microplastics in the body of tics and increased lipid oxidative damage suggested by the results
animals and humans, and more studies are needed. obtained in D. labrax, T. trachurus and S. colias.
In addition to brain lipid oxidative damage (~2-fold LPO
4.2. Fish biomarkers increase), fish with microplastics also had increased AChE activity
in the brain (~2-fold). Lipid oxidative damage may have caused
Since in all the investigated species no significant differences of rupture of membranes of vesicles containing acetylcholine in
body length, body weight and Fulton’s condition factor between pre-synaptic neurons resulting in increased release of the
Please cite this article as: L. G. A. Barboza, C. Lopes, P. Oliveira et al., Microplastics in wild fish from North East Atlantic Ocean and its potential for causing
neurotoxic effects, lipid oxidative damage, and human health risks associated with ingestion exposure, Science of the Total Environment,
L.G.A. Barboza et al. / Science of the Total Environment xxx (xxxx) xxx 11

neurotransmitter into cholinergic synaptic clefts and overstimula- Anyway, microplastics and/or associated chemicals caused
tion of post-synaptic receptors (Massoulié et al., 1993). To deal muscle and gill lipid peroxidation damage, and neurotoxicity
with the oxidative stress and damage caused by these microparti- through lipid oxidative damage and AChE activity induction,
cles and/or associated contaminants, AChE production may have decreasing fish individual fitness with potential negative effects
been induced, since inflamed cells and tissues have been related at population level. Moreover, fish with decreased fitness are more
to a greater amount of acetylcholine compared to healthy ones prone to be infected by pathogenic and non-pathogenic agents,
(de Oliveira et al., 2012; Gambardella et al., 2017). Moreover, if contributing to population fitness decrease. Furthermore, fish with
lipid peroxidation damage was of relatively low magnitude, as sug- decreased health status have poor nutritional quality for their
gested by the ~2-fold increase of LPO levels found, and long-term predators and human consumers, and their infection by pathogenic
exposure to low concentrations of LPO inducers continued as prob- agents is a treath to animal, environmental and public health. Thus,
ably occurred in NE Atlantic Ocean sewater, fish may have gradu- microplastic contamination of wild fish and other animals and its
ally increased their AChE activity basal levels to degradate relationship with biomarker alterations indicative of adverse bio-
increased concentrations of acetylcholine in synaptic clefts caused logical and ecological effects needs further and urgent research.
by lipid peroxidation. Increase of AChE activity under exposure to
low concentrations of AChE inhibitors in an attempt to cope with 4.3. Estimated intake of microplastics by humans consuming fish
the excess of acetylcholine in the synaptic cleft is known to occur
(Massoulié et al., 1993), including in fish (Jurkowski et al., 1979). Fish meal is an important component of a healthy human diet.
Therefore, it is likely that AChE induction may also occur under However, the consumption of fish containing microplastics may
long-term exposure to low concentration of environmental con- represent a risk to human health especially in areas where fish
taminants causing brain lipid oxidation damage and excess of consumption is high or in regions reported to be contaminated
acetylcholine in cholinergic synaptic clefts. Independently of the with large number of these small debris (Barboza et al., 2018a).
mechanisms involved, increased AChE activity in the brain indi- The estimates made in the present study based on EFSA
cates neurologic alterations, with potential negative effects on recommedations of fish consumption (EFSA, 2014; Table 2) indi-
individual fitness (e.g. increased energetic demands, discoordina- cate that adults or the general population eating 300 g of the anal-
tion, confusion, visual impairment). The laboratory studies pub- ysed species per week will intake a mean of 16 MP items/week or
lished so far showed that microplastics can cause AChE and ChE 842 MP items/year, corresponding to 0.054 MP items/g/week and
induction (e.g. Gambardella et al., 2017) or no significant effect 2.8 MP items/g/year. These values are comparable to those previ-
or inhibition (e.g. Oliveira et al., 2013; Avio et al. 2015; Luis ously estimated for humans consuming fish species from the Per-
et al., 2015; Ribeiro et al., 2017; Barboza et al. 2018c, Ding et al., sian Gulf, namely 17 MP items/week or 877 MP items/year,
2018; Oliveira et al., 2018; Yu et al., 2018), dependending of the corresponding to 0.056 MP items/g/week and 2.9 MP items/g/year
species, developmental stage, type of microplastics, other contam- (Akhbarizadeh et al., 2018).
inants simultaneous present, and environmental conditions tested. Based on fish consumption per capita (Table 3), our estimates
However, it should be mentioned that in these studies, animals suggest that the ingestion of microplastics by humans via con-
were exposed to microplastics for periods considerably shorter sumption of fish depends on a combination of factors such as geo-
than in real scenarios where animals are exposed to such pollu- graphic location, age and lifestyle options, and may have high
tants for generations. Also, the concentrations of microplastics levels in individuals of countries where fish consumption is high,
tested are higher than those expected to occur in the area of the as in several European countries, including Portugal, the country
NE Atlantic Ocean inhabitated by the fish investigated here. More- with the highest consumption of fishery and aquaculture products
over, several chemicals stimulate biological responses at low con- in Europe, and one the largest in the world (EUMOFA, 2018). In
centrations and inhibit them at high concentrations, including addition to fish, humans intake other food items known to be con-
some anticholinesterase agents. taminated with microplastics (e.g. shellfish, salt, sugar and honey)
Although the presence of microplastics in fish without particles (Liebezeit and Liebezeit, 2013; van Cauwenberghe and Janssen,
in the gastrointestinal tract, gills and dorsal muscle cannot be 2014; Rochman et al., 2015; Kim et al., 2018; Peixoto et al.,
excluded because not all the fish body was analised, such fish were 2019), and food contamination by microplastics during food prepa-
less contaminated by microplastics than fish with microplastics. ration and meal consumption likely is a common situation
All the fish from the same species were captured in the same area (Catarino, et al., 2018). Moreover, atmospheric fallout of microplas-
approximately at the same time, therefore their exposure to other tics may also result in deposition on the skin and inhalation, result-
contaminants, including lipid peroxidation and AChE activity ing in dermal exposure, airway and interstitial lung diseases,
inducers, was comparable, as well as capture-induced stress. After among other adverse effects with unknown consequences to
capture, fish maintenance and handling was the same. Thus, the human health (Wright and Kelly, 2017; Prata, 2018). Therefore,
results of biomarkers indicate neurological alterations and lipid the exposure to microplastics might occur by several routes (i.e.
oxidative damage in organs crucial to survival and performance ingestion, absorption by the skin or oral inhalation) and thus, the
of animals. They also suggest that microplastics may have con- human uptake of these small items likely is considerable higher
tributed to these effects, despite the potential contribution of other than the estimates based on fish consumption only (Cox et al.,
stressors cannot be excluded, including additives and/or several 2019).
chemicals known to sorb to microplastics. Despite these results, Recently, microplastics were found within human stools for the
in another study, no evidence of oxidative stress or cellular damage first time (Schwabl et al., 2019) indicating that humans indead
in liver of fish from western Mediterranean (Balearic Islands) ingest and eliminate these particles. Properties of microplastics
which have ingested microplastics in field conditions was found likely affecting retention and clearance rates in the human body
but an increase in glutathione-S-transferase (GST) activity was are the size, shape, polymer type, surface chemistry and charge,
detected in those fish suggesting an induction of the detoxification and other chemicals that the ingested microplastics may have
systems probably enough to cope with the oxidative stress induced (Smith et al., 2018). After ingestion, absorption of microplastics
by the low ingestion of microplastics (mean values of 0.42 ± 0.04 may occur. The cellular uptake of microplastics may be strongly
MP/individual) because no significant increase of Malondialdehyde influenced by their interactions with surrounding biological com-
(MDA) levels was observed (Alomar et al., 2017). ponents, such as proteins, phospholipids, or carbohydrates, as with

Please cite this article as: L. G. A. Barboza, C. Lopes, P. Oliveira et al., Microplastics in wild fish from North East Atlantic Ocean and its potential for causing
neurotoxic effects, lipid oxidative damage, and human health risks associated with ingestion exposure, Science of the Total Environment,
12 L.G.A. Barboza et al. / Science of the Total Environment xxx (xxxx) xxx

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neurotoxic effects, lipid oxidative damage, and human health risks associated with ingestion exposure, Science of the Total Environment,
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Please cite this article as: L. G. A. Barboza, C. Lopes, P. Oliveira et al., Microplastics in wild fish from North East Atlantic Ocean and its potential for causing
neurotoxic effects, lipid oxidative damage, and human health risks associated with ingestion exposure, Science of the Total Environment,

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