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D R. K. MALIK Ss JEE (MAIN & ADV.), MEDICAL + BOARD, NDA, IX & X Enjoys unparalleled reputation for best results NEWTON CLASSES in terms of percentage selection STRAIGHT LINES |JEE ADVANCED PREVIOUS YEAR SOLVED PAPER] JEE ADVANCED . isosceles b. equilterat Single Correct Answers Type Saino] pei 1. The straight lines x-+y=0, 3x-+y—4=0, andx-+3y—4 (IT-JEE 1983) 0 form a triangle which is PERS [LAST 37 YEARS] GOOD MORNING QUOTES Belief in oneself is incredibly infectious. It generates momentum, the collective force of which far outweighs any kernel of self-doubt that may creep in. NEWTONCLASSES.NET Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0661-2662623, 3836600812, 0507613968 NEWTONCLASSES.NETR. K. MALIK’S NEWTON CLASSES . IEP = (1,0).0 2 1,0), and R points, then the locus ofthe point Sst SQ + SR = 25P*is a. a straight line parallel tothe x-axis ‘i. a circle passing through the origin ©. acirele with center atthe origin 4. straight line parallel to the y-axis (IIT-JEE 1988) Line has intercepts and bon the coordinate axes. When the axes are rotated through a given angle, Keeping the origin fired, the same line has intereepisp and g. Then, ace bape be Vat Ub = Up t ig? ete gd. Ma + Lip = Ute 1g CIEJEE 1990) Ifthe sum of the distances of a point from two perpen- dicular lines ina plan is 1, then its locus is a. square b. circle straight Fine a. two intersecting lines (TSE 1992) 2,0) are three given ying the relation 5. The equations to a pair of opposite sides of a paallelo- gram are x? Sx++6= Oand y"~ 6)+5~0. The equations toits diagonals are a. xt dys 13,y=4x—7 be drt y=134y=x-7 e 4r+y=13,y=4x—7 a. y-dr~ IB, y tae (ITIEE 1994) 5. The orthocenter of the triangle formed by the lines ay=Oandx+y= lis (12,12) © 0,0) b. (13,13) a. (14, 1/4) (ITIEE 1995) 1. Let POR be a right-angled isosceles triangle, right angled at PQ, 1). Ifthe equation of the line QR is 2x-+ y= 3, then the equation representing the pir of ines PO and PRis a. 3 = 3924 Bey + 201+ 10y +2 b. 3x —3)4 + 8p 20r— 10y+ 25, e303) + 8iy + HOr+ 15y+20=0 4. 32-3) 15y-20=0(UITSEE 1999) . Let PS be the median of the triangle with vertices PQ, 2), (6, -1), and R(?, 3). The equation of the line passing through (1,—1) and parallel to PS is a.2x-9y-7=0 e.2e+9y- 1120 b. 2x9 1= 4. 2c +9y+7=0 (UT-JEE 2000) ). The number of integral values of m, for which the x-coordinate of the point of intersection of the lines 3x+4y=9 and y= m1 is also an integer, is a2 0 ed dl (UTE 2001) ‘The area of the parallelogram formed by the lines y= mx, yom 1,y= me, and y= m+ 1 equals a. m+ nm —n) fe. Mlm +n) b. Dim 4. Vim—n), (ITSEE 2001) 11, Let P=(1,0,0= (0,0),and R=(3, 398) be three points Then the equation athe bisector of ZPOR is, a (Gnety=0 0 bx tvSy © Virey=0 a x4 (Si2y=0 (VIE 2002) A straight ine through the origin O meets the para Tel lines 4x + 2y = 9 and 2r + + 6= 0 a points P and ©, respectively. Then the pont O divides the segment ‘PQ in the ratio al:2 bai © 2:1 44:3 (ITIEE 2002) Arca ofthe triangle formed bythe fine x-+ y= 3 and the ample biscetors ofthe pais of straight Hines ~ y +2y alis a 259, mits © 639. units b. 4 sq, units 4. 8.59, units (IF-IEE 2004) ‘The locus ofthe orthocenter of the triangle formed by the lines (1 + p)e~py'+ pC +p)=0, (1 + ahx—ay + q(l +4) =O and y=0, where p #4, is a hyperbola i. a parabola © anellipse a straight line (HT-JEE 2009) . A straight line L through the point (3, ~2) is inclined at an angle 60° to the line 3x + y= 1. If L also intersects the x-axis, then the equation of Lis yt Vix +2-3V3 = b. y— Vix +2433 =0 Vy x43 4+2N3 a. Vy +4-3+2V3 -0 (HTSEE 2011) . Fora> b> c> 0, the distanee between (I, 1)and the point of intersection of the lines ax-+ by +¢= Oand be + ay + €=0 is less than 2 V2. Then a atb-c>0 b. a-b+e<0 e a-bte>0 a atb-c<0 (IEE Advanced 2013) Multiple Correct Answers Type 1. Thee lines px + gy +r= 0,98 +1) p=0, and e+ py + q~= Oare concutent if a piqtr=0 cpg? = Sper b pitgtP=pr+ mpg 4. none ofthese (UTE 1985) 2. All points lying inside the triangle formed by the points (1,3), (6, 0), and 1, 2) satisfy 3e +2920 b. 2x+y-1320 & 2r-3ys 12 @. 2r+y20 (UT-JEE 1986) 3. The diagonals of parallelogram PORS are along the lines xt 3y=4 and 6x — 2) 7, Then PORS must be a a. rectangle b. square . cyclic quadrilateral d. rhombus (IT-SEE 1998) ‘606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2562623, 9836608812, 8607613968 NEWTONCLAS SES.NET PERS [LAST 37 YEARS] D PREVIOUS YEAR CHAPTERWISTRAIGHT LINES [JEE ADVANCED PREVIOUS YEAR SOLVED PAPER] Matching Column Type 1. Consider the lines given by Lyxt3y-S=0 Lye ky- 1-0 Ly $e+29- 1 Column I ‘Column It (p)k=-9 (ins (2) Ly, Lay Ly are concurrent if (B) One of LL, Ly parallel wo at least ine ofthe othe two if | (© Ly Loy, forma tiangle if Wk 5% (@) Lyla, do not form atrangleit _[()k (IT-JEE 2008) Assertion-Reasoning Type 1. Lines Ly, Lygiven byy—x=Oand 2x-+y line L, given by » + 2=0 at P and Q, respectively. The bisector of the acute angle between Z, and L; intersects Lar, Statement 1: The ratio PR: RQ equals 2V2: VS. ‘Statement 2: In any triangle, the bisector of an angle divides the triangle into to similar triangles. ‘a. Both the statements are true and statement 2 correct explanation of statement | Both the statements are true but st the correct explanation of statement | ‘e. Statement I is true and statement 2s false, 4. Statement | is false and statement 2 is true. (UTE 2007) the b, lement 2 isnot in the Blanks Type |. The area enclosed within the curve |x| + |p| (UT IEE 1981) The set of ines ar By += 0, white 3a+ 2b + de = 0, is concurrent atthe point (UT-JEE 1982) If a, b, and_c are in AP, then the straight tine ‘ax + by + ¢= 0 will always pass through a fired point ‘whose coordinates are _. (ITE 1984) 1. The orthocenter of the triangle formed by the tines xty= 1 2e+3ye6,and dx=y-+4 =O lies in quadrant number (UT-SEE 1985) Let the algebraic sum ofthe perpendicular distance from. the paint’ (2, 0), (0,2), and (1, 1) to a variable straight line be zero. Then the line passes through a fixed point whose coordinates are (IT-JEE 1991) ‘The vertices of a triangle are A(-1, ~7), B(S, 1), and CU, 4). The equation of the bisector of Z4BC is (IT-JEE 1993) True/False Type 1. The straight line 5x + 4y = 0 passes through the point of intersection of the straight lines x + 2y ~ 10 = 0 and 2e+y+S=0. (IT-JEE 1983) 2 The lines 2x + 3y + 19 = 0 and 9x + 6y~17 =O cut the coordinate aes at coneyclic points. (IT-JEE 1988) Subjective Type 1, One side ofa rectangle lies along the line 4x +7p +5 = 0. ‘Two ofits vertices are (-3, 1) and (I, 1), Find the equations of the other three sides. (UT-JEE 1978) FFind the equation of the line which bisects the obtuse angle between the lines x ~2y+4=0 and 4x~-3y+2=0, (IIT-JEE 1979) straight line L is perpendicular tothe line Sx—y= 1. The area of the triangle formed by line L and the coordinate ares is 5. Find the equation of line L. 5 (UT-IEE 1980) % 4. The points (1,3) and (S, 1) are two opposite vertices of a J rectangle, The other two vertices lie on the line y = 2x-+ Find c and the remaining vertices. (UT-JEE 1981) The ends 4, 8 ofa straight line segment of constant length ‘slide upon the fixed rectangular axes OX, OY, respec- tively. Ifthe rectangle O4PB is completed, then show that 5 the locus of the foot of the perpendicular drawn from P to ABisx + y= C", (IT-SEE 1983) 3. Two equal sides of an isosceles triangle are given by the equations 7x—y+3=0andx-+y-3=Oand its third side passes through the point (1,10). Determine the equation of the third side, (IIT-JEE 1984) One of the diameters of the circle circumscribing the $ rectangle ABCD is 4y = x +7. If 4 and B are the points (3,4) and (5, 4), respectively, then find the area of the rectangle, 1. Two sides of a thombus ABCD are parallel to the lines y=x+2and y= 7x +3. Ifthe diagonals of the rhom- bbus intersect at the point (1, 2) and the vertex d is on the y-avis, then find the possible coordinates of (UT-IEE 1985) © ‘The equations of the perpendicular bisectors of the sides AB and AC of triangle ABC are x ~y + 5= 0 and x+2y=0, respectively. Ifthe point 4 is (1, the equation of the line BC. (IIT-SEE 1986) Lines Ly= ax + by +.¢ ‘other. Find the equation of line different ftom L, which passes through P and makes the same angle 0 with L, (IT-JEE 1988) Let ABC be a triangle with AB = AC. If D is the ‘midpoint of BC, Eis the foot ofthe perpendicular drawn from D to AC, and F is the midpoint of DE, then prove that AF is perpendicular to BE. (UT-SEE 1989) NEWTONCLAS Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph. 0861-2662623, 9636608612, 8507613968, RS ORRNT ONY CUTIE 1985) 2R. K. MALIK'S NEWTON CLASSES 12, Straight lines 3x + 4y°= 5 and 4x ~ 3y°= 15 intersect at the point 4. Points B and C are chosen on these two lines such that 4B = AC. Determine the possible equations of the line BC passing through the point (1,2). (IT-IEE 1999) Find the equation ofthe line passing through the point (2, 3) and making an intereeptof length 2 »nits between the lines y-+2e= 3 and y +2s= 5, (UT-JEE 1991) 1. Show that all chords ofthe curve 3x°—y*-2x + 4y = 0, ‘which subtend aright angle atthe origin, pass through « fixed point. Find the coordinates ofthe point (UTIEE 1991) Determine all the values of efor which the point (4, 2) lis inside the triangle formed by the Fines 2e+3y-1=0 x+2y-3=0 Sx-Gy-1=0 (IEIEE 1992) - A line through A(-S, 4) meets the lines x + 3y + 2 0, 2e+y+4=0, and x—y~5=Oat the points B, C, and D, respectively. f(1S/ABY + (1O/AC} = (Q/ADY ind the equation ofthe line (UTIEE 1993) A rectangle PORS has its side PQ parallel to the line y=mx and veces P, 0, and S onthe ines» =a, 8= by and x= ~b, respectively. Find the lous of the vertex . (ITIEE 1996) A straight line through the origin meets the lines x+y = Vand.s+y=3 at Pand O, respectively. Through Pand 0, two straight lines and L, are drawn, parallel 10 Be—y=S and 3x + y~ 5, respectively. Lines £, and 1s imerseot at R Show tha the locus of R, a varies, is a straight ie. (UTE 2002) straight line L wit negative slope pases through the point (8, 2) and euts the positive coordinate axes at points P and Q. Find the absolute minimum value of OP + 09 asc varies, where Qis the origin. (IIT-JEE 2002) |. The area of the triangle formed by the intersection of a line parallel tothe x-axis and passing through Ps, with the lines y=: and x+y 2 is 4. Find the lous ofthe point P. (UTE 2008) Answer Key JEE Advanced Single Correct Answer Type 1 2d 3b, Be 2b Bd uM. nb Bea 16. Multiple Correct Answers Type 3 4. adie 2 aye. Matching Column Type 1. (@)-(9}5 (04). (@) (€-10: (4-(P) (@). (8) Assertion-Reasoning Type he. Fill in the Blanks Type 1. 259. units 3. (1-2) 5.0 ‘TruelFalse Type 1. True 2. G4, 12) 4. first quadrant 6. x=Ty +20 2. True Subjective Type 1. 4x-#Jy~ 11 =0, 7e—4y—3=0, 7x—4y +25 2. 4-V5 e+ 2N5 - 3)y — AVS - 2) =0 3. x+5y—5V2 =0 orn Sy+5V2 4 c=—4,(4,4).(2,0) 6 x-3y- 31-034 +70 7, 32sq. units 9. 14x+23)=40=0 10. 2(al+ bax ~ by +) (a+ B')(be+my-+n)=0 12, x= 7y+13=Oor?x+y=9=0 13. Br +4y—18=0,x=2 IS re (32,-1) U2, 1) 16. 2+ 3y+220 17. (n= Ley + Bh #1) + am 19. 20. & (0,0) 0r(0, 52) NEWTONCLAS Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi, Ph.; 0861-2662628, 9696608612, 8607619968, RS ORRNT ONY RS [LAST 37 YEARS]STRAIGHT LINES |JEE ADVANCED PREVIOUS YEAR SOLVED PAPER] Hints and Solutions "WHOSE DREAM IS THIS ?" "MINE" sO WHO 1S GOING TO WORK LN ara ory a JEE Advanced Single Correct Answer Type 1 a. Solving the given equations of lines pairwise, we get the vertices of triangle as A(-2, 2), B(2,-2), Cl, 1). Then, a2 9 = 10 AFT 0 Hence, the rangle is isosceles 4. We have P= (1,0), 0=(-1, 0), R=(2,0) Let Now, given that "+ SR = 25P Hence, Gee DP Pt G2 49? = 2I0— 1 +97] Or2e + 2y~ Dee $= 20 +27 —4e+2 ore +3! a2! oreo} ‘which is a straight ine paral! to the y-axis 3b, @ Let the x-axis and the sais be rotated through an angle 8 in the anticlockwise direction. I the new system, the intercepts step and g (OP =p,0Q=4). Therefore, the equation ofL wat. neve coordinate system becomes ) ‘ste orga ie edn tation the ance fine fom he erga in both res il bese, Hees we St Nee Nea) jelocdackath ee Pe la. Let the two perpendicular lines be the coordinate axes. Let (x9) be the point, sum of whose distances from two axes i 1. ‘Then we must have i" [ei+lyt=1 co tt i ‘The four lines are xeys anys l-aty=hornyel ‘Any two adjacent sides are perpendicular to each other. Also, cach line is equidistant from the origin. Therefore, the figure formed isa square. The sides of parallelogram are x = yes. Vertces of paallelograms are as shown inthe figure ‘The equation of diagonal ACs ae or ynae-7 and the equation of diagonal BD is x 5 4a Hs.1) 3271s or deeya id «The lines by which rangle is formed are x= 0, y= 0, and x +y= 1, Clearly, itis 9 right wiangle, We know that in right-angled triangle, the orthocenter coincides withthe vertex at which right angle is formed. Therefore, the orthocenter is @.0) 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.; 0861-2562623, 9836608812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES.NET SOLVED PAPERS [LAST 37 RW! AR CHAPTE YER. K. MALIK'S NEWTON CLASSES 34m 1 orm=— ot ig) 3e4n=-torm== (ee) 344n=Sorm=3 acta iepe) 3tdme-Sorm=-2 (oe) Hane, hr are tw ing ves x ae lines through (0,0), y~ mr 1 and rac re ines parallel 0.9 y= id y = me respectively intercept | a The vertices are O(0, 0), QD AQUon ~ n), mim). The fea of parallelogram is given Let mbe the slope of FO. Then, Se seeeeheae ao 2» A(SO4B) ence, eguton ois Jo-a RS [LAST 37 YEARS] or rt3y-S=0 and the equation of PRs : sore a 5 tne (313-013 -0)= 93 or Beny- ie, 8- 6" Hence, the combined equation of PQ and PRis leary, 2P0R G#3y-)Ge-y-5)n0 OR Op eo mate 2994 Bay Mp 425% isccioe ofthe ange or 3 3)74 Rey 2Ox~ 10)+28=0 ae is oa 4. Sisthe midpoint of @ and R. Therefore, 1 the pastive (75.351=(8,1) direction ofthe x-axis. (*r (5 ‘Therefor, the equation of the bisector of ZPOR is 70,2) tan 120° ory =x, te, Sx+ .B.Let any line trough the origin meets the given lines at P and (as shown in figure se oy Paseo), D PREVIOUS YEAR CHAPTERWISE SOLY 12 Nom te sop of Pam 52s = Then the equation of the line pasing through (1, ~1) and parallel to PSs ytta=2e-1) or 2+ 9y47=0 9. a. Solving given lines forthe s-coordinate of the point of Bet 4om+1)=9 bean integer, 3 +m should bea divisor ofS, =1,5,0r-5. Hence, Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi, Ph.; 0861-2662628, 9696608612, 8607619968, NEWTONCLASSES.NETSTRAIGHT LINES [JEE ADVANCED PREVIOUS YEAR SOLVED PAPER] 1B, a. P=y°42y=Lorx= 40-1) yaar wep “The bisector of he above lines ae So, the are between x= 0, y= 1, and x +y™3 is the shaded region shown inthe figure The area is piven by (1/2) » 2» 2 =2 sq units 4. The intersection point of y ~ 0 with the fist line is BC. 0, ‘The imersction point of y = O with the second tine is Aa. 0) ‘Te imersection point ofthe two lines is O09, + 14+ 1) ‘The altiude from Co AB is x= pg ‘The aliude from 2 1 ACs yep Solving hte wo, we There te oes ofthe onbocen +) = 0 yp sna = — 15. b. Let the slope ofthe roquited line be m. Then mi =n ‘Therefore, the equation is +2 = V3 (x~3) (ma 0.8 given that ine cus the s-0x8) or V3r-y-Q+3N3)= a. Solving given line for their point of intersection, we gt the point of intersection a (-(a +), oa * B). Its distance from (1,1) Kes5) ou G) ee (iver) or (@tb+e)'
5>e>0,(c-a-8)<0ora+b-c>0, Multiple Correct Answers Type 1. a,b e: For the concueny of tre lines px + gy + r= 0, wth pa ano pal Soar pga 0 + 9+n+@+?—pe-pr—m)=0 tating the coordinates of ie pins 3) (5,0, and Cis 2yin de +29, we obanthe values 9,15, and i, respectively hich ae all postive: Therefore ll the points yng inside the tranle formed by he given points 3c +2) > 0. Sbsiatng the coorintes of the given poins in 2r-+3y~ 19, we had the vas -2, 3, ad 9, respectively, ‘hich areal gate So, i not comet Again substituting the given points 2r— 3) 12, we get—19, re =20, respectively, which aa negative. It llows that All pois ing inside the wang formed by the given point satisfy 2e—3)~ 120, So, (isthe comet awe. Finally, substi the cooripats ofthe given poat in 2x +, we get 1, -T0, and 4, respestively, whieh are no all ose. So, isnot otek. The slope of x + 3y = 4 is 19 andthe slope of x 2y =7 is 3. Therefore, hese two ines are perpencaa, which shows tht both agonal are perpendicular. Hence, PORS must be a tombs. Matching Column Type 1. (0H); )-@),; (49; 46) Given fines are Ly:x+3)-5=0 Lke-by-1-0 L5r4 29-1220 and Ly intersect at 2,1) Leyte concurrent if 6 k-1=00rk= For, 1,40 e paale! Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph. 0861-2662623, 9636608612, 8507613968, NEWTONCLASSES.NETR. K. MALIK'S NEWTON CLASSES For La tobe parallel par Tins are concurrent nd for 5 two lines are parallel So, fr these values off lines will not form triangle. Obviously, fork #5, 6 tines form wiangle : r Assertion-Reasoning Type «Tho point ofimtersection of Ly and Z is (0,0). 2,-2), 0 (1,-2) ay Since ARs the bisector of ZPAO,R divides PQ inthe same ratios AP : AQ. Thus PR: RO= AP: AQ 22:13, Hence, statement 1s tue. Statement is clsry false. Fill in the Blanks Type lzl+yi=1 The curve represents four lines: x + y= 1, x yel =Ls ‘These lines enclose a square of side equal 10 the distance between oppositesidesx+)= I and x +1, which is given by (1+ DNT +1 = x2. Therefore, the requited area is 29 . Given that 3a +28 + 4e= 0, Barlpren Hence 3+ 4b+e=0 Hence, the set of lines ax + by + ©= 0 passthrough the point (G14, 12) Therefore, the given lines are concuten atthe point G14, 12), 3. Ifa, b,c ae in AP, then ate=2 ora~2b Hence, ar + by += 0 pases through (1,2). ‘The equations of sides of triangle ABC ae as follows: ABix+y BC 2+ 3y Ch:de-y=—4 Solving these puirwise, we got the vertices ofthe triangle as ACAIS, 815), B(-3, 4), 317,167. $ < Now, AD is perpendicular to BC and passes through A. Any line perpcndialar to BCis 3x29 +0. As it pases hough (35,85), weave =9. 16 3-5 tap Hence, the equation of aitude AD is, Bx-2p> o ‘Any line perpendicular to side ACis x + 4x += 0.A8 lt passes through point -3, 4), we have 3416+ "=0 or yo-13 ‘Therefore, the equation of lite BE is xtar- 13-0 w Now, the orthocenter is the intersection point of (i) and (i) 9 (aD and 86), Solving () and (i), we get x = 3/7, y = 22/7, Hence, the onlbocener isin the fist quadrant Let the variable line be act byte 0 ‘Then the perpendicular distance ofthe line from (2, 0) is ‘The perpendicular distance ofthe line from (1, 1) is deibic Veer ‘According to question, PtP p=0 ket Bresarbre rd ya or 3a+3+30=0 or atbe @ rom (i) and (i), we can say tat variable line (passes through the fixed point (1,1. NEWTONCLAS Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi, Ph.; 0861-2662628, 9696608612, 8607619968, RS ORRNT ONY RS [LAST 37 YEARS] D PREVIOUS YEAR CHAPTERWISE SOLYSTRAIGHT LINES [JEE ADVANCED PREVIOUS YEAR SOLVED PAPER] 6, LeLBD be the bisccir of LABC Then aca = Ah 1) Ot sg 2 pe llaheete prorat eg mig Nevins {are sotamaarisan CD bene allt 49 on poy ap CTs onameane yota$en) AGT DON, in ppninbe AP ma ang ig AD: DC’ ‘Therefore, the equation of BC is Tec by seis age. elle = ‘equation of BD is 7 ioge B sisa Shy AD a rend 48d psn sgh Att Toa igeiaetbon oe y-ted +3) RS [LAST 37 YEARS] ‘The given ins are r-3+4=0 True/False Type and 4x ~3y-+ «i, 1, Forthe given lines, we have ‘Both the lines have constant tems of same sign. Therefore, the sutton of sectors ofthe anges between the given ines are 9 Ae 3y02 5 10*10)-4(3 +20)= 100-1000 Yi6+9 Here, aa, ~ bh > 0. Therefore, taking positive sign on the HS, we gti obtuse ange bisector as enc, the statement i toe, G8 + 5 —3y-5-2)=0 i) 2 ape oe cone ni ah ATT, BOE 3. The given line is $x — y= 1. Therefore, the equation of tne L_ = which is perpendicular the given tine ix + Sy= 2 This ine ees the coordinate axes at A (20) and B (0, 4/5). B25) The given lines cu the y-axis at (0,176) an (0, 1919 Now, A and D ae concyelie i 40 * OC - BO» OD, on wich hols Hence, te given Sates ae _ Subjective Type Hees, the equation of ine Lis 1. Let the side AB of rectangle ABCD ties along 4x + Ty + Sy-SNZ =O ore + Sy + SVT=0 #50. As(-3 1) lis on tsi, let ibe venta. Now, Let ABCD be a rectangle and he coordinates fit oppose. (a, Disehervenex Cord. vere and Cb (1,3) and (51) epectvely. Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph. 0861-2662623, 9636608612, 8507613968, NEWTONCLASSES.NETR. K. MALIK'S NEWTON CLASSES Boe Given that other two vertices B and D leon y=2x-+c, Hence, ‘the equation of diagonal BD is 2e~ y-+e= 0. Now, we know that the diagonals ofa rectangle bisect each, ‘other. Therefore, the midpoint of AC willie on BD, which is sven by we 35-00 [AS (3,2) lies on 2x—y +e 0, we have 2x3-246 or cn ence, the equation of BD is 2x =~ 40. Now, the slope of ‘BD is m= 2 ortan @= 2. Therefor, ‘Therefore, the equation of BD in symmetric form is = o Now; the length of diagonal 4C is G+ 2" = VID = 25. As the diagonals of rectangle are ual in length, BD = 2N5 Also, Ais the midpoint of BD. Therefore, BM = MD =NS. In ‘order to find 2, we use the symmetrical form of line BD with = 98, Therefore, x23) 1S” 25 ~ 1+3,y=242 as) Similarly, for point D (being in opposite direction of BD we use r= 5), we get Fee Ace 0) “The equation of PN perpendicular to 48 and through 7) is yesin @= ent (ee 608 or eos a~ysin a= (core sin’) w ‘inthe intersection point of (i) and Solving () and (i), we wt sreeotay=esin' a cos a=(2)", sin a= (2) Therefore, the oes of 9) 8 (@P+GP=t oe Pyne ‘The given equations of equal ses are Teayt3-0 Oo wty-3-0 “ Let m be the slope of line which passes though the point (10) ‘has, the equation of ne wil be y+ 10 m= 1) «i Now, the given lines make same ange wih the Hie in (i Therefor, maT) _|me T+ Im|~ Tm ine=aah Hens, the eat From the diagram, BC 1 AB The slope of 480. Then, From &C, h—5=0 o Also the midpoint of AC lieson the given diameter. Therefore, o(t4) -2 z From @) an (i, he Sandk=0 Hence, Cis($, 0) Therefore, C= ond AB ~8 Therefore th ares of ectangl is AB » BC= 32.9 units. A being onthe y-axis ay be chosen 40.2) 4 (0,4) The diagonal interact at Pa?) ‘Again, we know tat the diagonals wil be parle tothe bisectos of the two given lines y= +2 and Tete, Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranch NEWTONCLAS A, Ph.; 0661-2562628, 9896608612, 8607619968, RS [LAST 37 YEARS]STRAIGHT LINES [JEE ADVANCED PREVIOUS YEAR SOLVED PAPER] or Sx—Sy+10=4(0e—y +3) and 12-67 + 13=0 «Slope of diagonals are m, = 1/2 and m, = 2. Let diagonal 4), be parallel to 2x 4y~7'~ 0 and diagonal, be paalel 1 Tar ~ 6) + 13 = 0. The vertex 4 could be on any’of the rwo diagonals. Hence, the slope of AP iseither-1/2.0r2. Therefor 2a yg t =072 0-3 of Desay 1 5 ie, a=0or$ Henee, is (0,0) 0F(0, 512) Since the given lines are perpendicular bisectos ofthe sides us shown in the figure, points B-and Care the images ofthe point A inthese lines. Therefore, 15, 2/5) and Cs, Hence, the line passing through the poinss and C is Mrs 23y—40 1, bg \ rose Temyenso ‘Clearly, AP isthe biseetor of ZCPB. Hence, the image of sty point Q online Ain ine PA must ie ‘on ine PB, Therefore, =h Wh aah berg ee aah bhe) e+e 2Hah e+ 6) MeHg Now, R(x) lies on the ine B+ m+ andy, Therefore, t]+n=0 [22st t9. of 2aaeste a8 ete Hence, the locus of Q is a+ mbNar bye) (a+ Bm + my +7) - Let BC be ten a8 the sais with the origin at D. Let A be tuken on y-axis, Let BC = 2a. Now dB = AC, then the ‘coordinates of 8 and Care (-a, 0) und (a, 0), respectively. Let A= h, Then the coordinates ofA are (0, Hence, the equation of Cis and the equation of DE perpendieular to AC and passing through the origin by a ) Kao Solving () and Gi), we et the coordinates of Fas follows: Since F is the midpoint of DE, its coordinates are och) 20a + AY 2a +) The slope of 4Fis 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2662623, 9836608812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLAS RS ORRNT ONY RS [LAST 37 YEARS]R. K. MALIK'S NEWTON CLASSES Let y = mex + ¢ be the chord of curve (i) which subtends an segco90" atthe gin Tenth conned equines jonny he pene of tection efcrve () ad chord mt a epee as tft erg can be Sed by making the equation of Sey sacs nie Tan wn gopmiece Wl oe carve homage with lof eqn of cor as (ovo ~Dy andere st A Now, B ad Cre the points ep) 0 thes ls cht 4B AC and BC pss though (2 rom the figure itis lear that 28= ZC = 45* or Bert? =2ey + 2m + 4y*—4mcy = 0 oe bette 21 mare oP=O cep seo Ath lines reseed by hs pare perpen cach other ve mst te Coctiien of? # Coticient f= 0 Mente Se 2ws4—e=0 aaa Compal eat wih y= ac +c, we can se tat ms pass tough (12) 7 Given ines are 243-1 0 id y:5x-6)- Lette lope of AC be Then 3 i? ‘Ths ins canbe rs on cortnt aes 8 show coy ot Amit 2(4~ 3m) isdn RS [LAST 37 YEARS] icsm=4orm Hence, the equation of BC is dea tyory-2= 1-1)
0 and 2e+9 = Given AB=2 y = (Oandsnepoint(a,cF} mustlictothesamesidew 1.42) Z40,0):-3<0 3 Lae):a+2@-3<0 = Gar3Ka-1)<0 = 32
0 Ga-1y2a-1)>0 <1 ora> 1/2 ) rom (O, i) and (i) common values of a are (-3/2,-1) a2, 0. > 1-2m=2m44or2m—1=2me4 3 m=-Mborm=o ‘Therefore equation of lines ean be x-2 =O or (3) =314) «2 or 3re4y-18=0 14, The given cures Bray =2e dy Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi, Ph.; 0861-2662628, 9696608612, 8607619968, NEWTONCLASSES.NETSTRAIGHT LINES [JEE ADVANCED PREVIOUS YEAR SOLVED PAPER] se5_ yea Tere gion ft eis SES 2 Any oi o hs ine stan from pon A sreaty (Sercos eis rein MAB=r,AC= rand AD = hen Br, co8 05.7 sin 8-8) e001 8-575 8-4) Deco 8-5, 7 sn 8-4) But ison 3y-+2=0 Therefore yeas 0-5 sind 122 15 eos 8+ 3ain 8 1S ase 9 $5 cos 03 sind As Clies on 2x +y+4=0, we have 2(r,008 8-5) + (sin 8-8) +4=0 prac Teas arain Jo 1-2 cos 6 sin 6 Similarly, D ies on x—y~ $= 0. Therefore, 73¢08 8=S=r,sind+ 4-50 6 es 0=sin 84? 6 or Sn cos0-sino Now, ven that isp (oy psy (aa) +e) ~(a) (cos + 3 sind)’ + (2 cos @+ sin 6)? = (cos @~ sin @? [Using (, Gi), and GD) 4.c0s'8+9 sin'@+ 12 sin Be0s = 0 20s 043 sin =P an @=-2 Hence, the equation ofthe required line is ek ge: yran Bees) or 3y+12=-2r-10 or 2et3y4+22=0 Let the coordinate of © be (b,c) and that of S be (-b,f). Let PR and SQ imersect eachother at ~ Tis the mid point of SQ Since diagonals ofa rectangle biset each other, co-ordinates ofPis-h ‘As Plies on ya therefore coordinates of Pate (ha). Given that PQis parallel 10 y~ mx and slope of PQ = m. eh = a=atmb+h Also, ROL PQ = slope of RO. kea_-1 fab mE From (I) and 2), we get amb Wmk> Ath—b) amt m (648) = bm (hb) = (= 1h—mk +H + 1) eam=0 ‘Therefore locus of (8) is (oe Ve my+ ne +1) +am=0 ‘The line y~ mx meots the given fines at . Ms Aner wet) Aner Hens the equation ©, i er) "2( ast i 3 (-i)-3 aaa) 6 met From (and, liming m, we gt or ythe-3= or xn3y45~0 hich is a straight line 2. Let the equation ofthe line be + O=B= may wheem<0 Pa($—f.0)and 0 (0,2-4m Now, oP + 09|8-3 +12 2 = 1042, 210+2 (Ex came is (sng AM2 GM) Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph. 0861-2662623, 9636608612, 8507613968, NEWTONCLAS RS ORRNT ONY RS [LAST 37 YEARS] D PREVIOUS YEAR CHAPTERWISE SOLYR. K. MALIK'S NEWTON CLASSES 20. Aline passing trough P(A, k) and parallel othe axis is Then, = 8), B= (I, Dyand C= 2~A, 8). Therefore, yok a The other tw lines given are Areaofadsc=4, 11 1) =a¥ 28 ands +y= Gai) Let ABC be the triangle formed bythe points of intersection of on lines (), (i), and (i, as shown inthe igure aL nae Operating C,-> C, —C, we get, | pny, Lie-2ae-1 Fate k=1=2hork-1=-2h ke2h+ Lork=-2he1 Hence, the locus of (4) is yet Lory=-2e+ | LAST 37 YEARS] 2 2 2 Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi, Ph.; 0861-2662628, 9696608612, 8607619968, NEWTONCLASSES.NET
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