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June 7, 2020
Christ Presbyterian Church
Virtual Worship Service
Facebook Live: @christpc
Audio Live Stream: www.largocpc.org
Call and Listen: 351-888-7756
Cell Phone Text: CALL ME
Welcome to Sunday Worship
Trinity Sunday, June 7, 2020 10:00 am
Welcome and Announcements
Opening Prayer
Merciful and Just God, we gather here this morning, each of us with
many concerns on our hearts. Our hearts are concerned with systems
of injustice which strip people of their dignity and their very lives. Help
us to be those who would seek peace with justice, who would fight for
those who are oppressed, offer voices for the voiceless and dignity for
all humankind. Be with us this day and guide our steps toward a more
just world in your name. AMEN.

Call to Worship
One: Welcome this day to a celebration of God’s magnificent
All: Thanks be to God the Creator who has loaned to us
such a beautiful planet.
One: Welcome this day to a recognition of God’s redeeming love!
All: Thanks to God the Redeemer who has given us God’s
only Son as our Example and Teacher, Our Savior and
One: Welcome this day to the joy of God’s Holy Spirit of truth and
All: Thanks to God the Sustainer who walks with us every
day, guiding and guarding our steps. AMEN.

Come, Thou Almighty King!
Come, thou almighty King, help us thy name to sing; help us
to praise: Father, all glorious, o’er all victorious,
come, and reign over us, Ancient of Days.
Come, thou incarnate Word, merciful, mighty Lord, our prayer
attend. Come, and thy people bless, and give thy
word success; Spirit of holiness, on us descend.
Come, holy Comforter, thy sacred witness bear in this glad
hour. Thou who almighty art, now rule in every heart,
and ne’er from us depart, Spirit of power.
To thee, great One in Three, eternal praises be, hence
evermore! Thy sovereign majesty may we in glory
see, and to eternity love and adore.
Prayer of Confession unison
We confess this day, O merciful God, that we have not always
acted in just ways nor sought justice for our friends and
neighbors. We have found it easy to turn our backs on problems
rather than seeking to be a solution to them. We have heard of
the many ways in which you have demonstrated peace with
justice through the ministries of your Son, yet we have given only
sporadic attention to them. Forgive us, Lord. Heal our selfishness
and brokenness. Cause us to be witnesses to your great love as
shown to us in Jesus Christ. AMEN.
Silent Confession
Assurance of Pardon
One: This is the good news: Christ died for us that we might have
life. We are called to give our lives to ministries of justice.
God is with us in this and all righteous endeavors as we are
led by the Spirit.
All: Thanks be to God in three persons, blessed Trinity!
Prayer of Illumination
Reading from the New Testament
2 Corinthians 13:11-13
Finally, brothers and sisters, farewell. Put things in order, listen to my
appeal, agree with one another, live in peace; and the God of love and
peace will be with you. Greet one another with a holy kiss. All the saints
greet you. The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the
communion of the Holy Spirit be with all of you.
The Holy Bible: New Revised Standard Version. (1989). (2 Cor 13:11-13). Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers.

One: This is the Word of the Lord.

All: Thanks be to God!
Special Music Craig Courtney
Thee, Will I Love
Solo - Susan Taylor
Reading from the Gospel
Mathew 28:16-20
16 Now the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain to which
Jesus had directed them. 17 When they saw him, they worshiped him;
but some doubted. 18 And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority
in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Go therefore and
make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father
and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey
everything that I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you
always, to the end of the age.”
The Holy Bible: New Revised Standard Version. (1989). (Mt 28:16-20). Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers.
One: This is the Word of the Lord.
All: Thanks be to God!
Sermon Rev. John Scott
Sermon Outline:
1. Co-Mission Framework
a. Began with the eleven as they gathered at the
Jesus called them: Some worshipped. Some
b. Jesus Arrives
i. “All authority in heaven and on earth has
been given to me.”
ii. Sending – Trinitarian formula
c. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
baptizing them:
i. in the name of the Father
ii. and of the Son
iii. and of the Holy Spirit
d. Teaching them to obey everything I have
commanded you
e. Remember: I am with you always, until the end of
the age.
f. Q & A and Sending Forth
i. What exactly is the process to do this?
ii. Obey Everything?? What if….??
iii. Remember some worshiped, some doubted.
iv. What did you command again? Can I get a
refresher since you may be gone for awhile?
v. What if I get it all wrong, say or do the wrong
2. Paul’s Farewell
a. Brother’s and Sister’s
b. Put things in order – right living
c. Listen to my appeal – live by it
d. Agree with one another – unity
e. Live in peace – not adversarial
f. God’s love and peace will be with you
g. Greet one another with a Holy kiss
h. All the saints greet you
3. Holy Blessing – Trinitarian formula
a. Grace of the Lord Jesus Christ
b. Love of God
c. Communion of the Holy Spirit
d. Be with you all
4. Trinity as we understand the relationship (bulletin cover
a. The Father is not The Son
b. The Son is not The Spirit
c. The Sprit is not The Father
d. The Father is God
e. The Son is God
f. The Spirit is God
g. God in three Persons
5. Co-Mission Equals Co-Workers
a. Paul gave us reminders - Put things in God’s order
b. Agree with one another, Live in peace, be at
6. Christ’s Commissioning
a. First the eleven then all the believers
b. Not a passive exercise
c. Active call – Active response
d. Expectation is that the message does not fall on
deaf ears
e. Grace of Christ, Love of God, Communion of Spirit
f. Always with us even to the end of the age


Affirmation of Faith 1 Peter 4:12-14
Beloved in Christ, do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal that is
taking place among us to test you, as though something strange
were happening to you. We will rejoice insofar as we are sharing
in Christ’s sufferings, so that we may also be glad and shout for
joy when his glory is revealed. If we are reviled for the name of
Christ, we are blessed, because the spirit of glory, which is the
Spirit of God, is resting on us. Amen.
Prayers of the People
The Lord’s Prayer
Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty!
Holy, holy, holy! Lord God Almighty!
Early in the morning our song shall rise to thee.
Holy, holy, holy! Merciful and mighty!
God in three persons, blessed Trinity!
Holy, holy, holy! All the saints adore thee,
casting down their golden crowns around the glassy sea;
cherubim and seraphim falling down before thee,
who wert, and art, and evermore shalt be.

Holy, holy, holy! Though the darkness hide thee,

though the eye of sinfulness thy glory may not see,
only thou art holy; there is none beside thee,
perfect in power, in love and purity.
Holy, holy, holy! Lord God Almighty!
All thy works shall praise thy name, in earth and sky and sea.
Holy, holy, holy! Merciful and mighty!
God in three persons, blessed Trinity!
2020 Harry W. and Isabel F. Webber Endowment Scholarship
Scholarship guidelines and application is still available for members of
Christ Presbyterian Church. You can find it on the church website at:
Completed applications must be returned to the church office at Webber
Memorial Scholarship Committee, Christ Presbyterian Church, 3115 Dryer
Ave., Largo, FL 33770 by the extended deadline June 28, 2020.
CPC Outreach to Neighborhood
We have begun an Outreach Program to address hunger issues
existing in our community by making and distributing Brown Bag
meals. These meals include a sandwich, chips, fruit and a drink. We
are distributing them on a first come, first served basis outside near
the church street sign on Tuesdays from 5pm to 6pm. Volunteers
gather at 3pm in Don Airey Hall following Covid-19 precautions to
prepare the meals.
If you are willing to help volunteer or make a donation to help, it would
greatly be appreciated. For more information please contact Carol
Morrison at 727-599-1764. Thank you.
Cloth Face Masks
Volunteers have been busy making non-medical grade cloth type face
coverings at church. To request a face covering please contact the
church office at 727-584-8695 and leave us a message.
Stewardship Update
Your CPC leadership thanks you for your continued support
through your financial gifts for the ministries of the church.
Currently we are collecting gifts at about 80% of what we need
to continue to meet our financial obligations. If you have been
making gifts in support the ministries here at Christ
Presbyterian Church, we thank you for your generous heart. If
you have not given recently, we encourage you to consider
doing so. Three ways to give from home:
1. Online at www.largocpc.org
2. Through GIVEplus App on Apple or Android devices
3. Mail a gift directly to the church
Each of these options allows us to continue to meet the needs
of the ministries that Christ has called us to do as His church
in this community and in the world.
Wednesday Boxed Dinners - Continue Through Summer
We have extended providing boxed dinners for pick-up or by delivery
for those who could benefit from a free hot meal every Wednesday
evening through the summer. If you are interested in receiving a meal,
please contact Chef June Sanchez at 727-409-4199. We have
volunteers available to deliver so you do not need to leave your home.
Delivery area is limited.
Prayer Requests and Weekly Prayer Conference Call
Prayer requests can be made through your deacon, left on the
church line at 727-584-4685, or emailed to directly to Pastor
John at sr-pastor@tampabay.rr.com.
We have an open prayer Conference each Wednesday at
12 pm. Pastor John will host the call. To participate in the
conference please call our dedicated line at 351-888-7756.
This call is considered a toll call.
Pastor’s Weekly Bible Study
The Pastor is hosting a weekly Bible study every Wednesday
at 4PM. You can connect through Facebook Live @christpc


Phone: 727-584-8695 • Fax: 727-585-1079 • 3115 Dryer Ave, Largo FL 33770
www.LargoCPC.org • email: CPCOffice@tampabay.rr.com
Office Hours: Due to Covid-19 restrictions office is currently only open by appointment.

Pastor & Teaching Elder Rev. John A. Scott, Jr. email: Sr-Pastor@tampabay.rr.com
Director of Music Steven Radeck email: StevenRadeck@gmail.com
Custodian June Sanchez email: JuBug616@aol.com
Youth Coordinator Sean Myers email: Seanmyers24@gmail.com
All songs used by permission CCLI #863215 and streaming CPSL 139714, Expiration date 7/31/2020


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