Let'S Get You Chartered: Guide To Assessments
Let'S Get You Chartered: Guide To Assessments
Let'S Get You Chartered: Guide To Assessments
November 2019
If you want to become a Chartered Member of Engineering New Zealand, we’ll assess your engineering
knowledge against internationally-benchmarked educational, competence and ethical standards. If you
meet the standard, you’ll join a select group of engineering professionals.
You also have the option to join the Chartered Professional Engineer (CPEng) national register.
Once you’re a Chartered Professional Engineer and/or a Chartered Member, you can apply for equivalent
international Registers – International Registered Professional Engineer (IntPE(NZ)) and International
Engineering Technologist (IntET(NZ)) – which are assessed against the same standards. And, if you’re
a Chartered Professional Engineer, you also have the option to apply to become a Design Verifier (for
pressure equipment, cranes and passenger ropeways).
The assessment process is the same for first-time competence-based membership and CPEng
You’ll need to demonstrate your competence for independent practice against the appropriate standard.
If you don’t have a relevant accredited qualification, you’ll take a Knowledge Assessment first.
To keep your CPEng registration, you’ll be reassessed at least once every six years. Reassessment is your
opportunity to provide evidence of your continued competence and to demonstrate New Zealand-specific
good practice.
We know it can be a daunting process on top of an already-busy professional life, but the benefits
are worth it.
• Use your title and post nominal – CPEng, CMEngNZ – to establish your professional credibility.
• Give your peers and the public confidence through official recognition of your technical competence
and professional skills.
• Show you’re committed to continuous improvement and excellence in your industry.
• Speed up your career advancement and increase your earning potential.
• Improve your marketability and job prospects in New Zealand and overseas.
• CPEng registration opens doors to work restricted by regulation.
You’ll need to show you can deal with complex engineering problems and carry out complex engineering
You’ll need to show you can deal with broadly-defined engineering problems and carry out broadly-defined
engineering activities.
You’ll need to show you can deal with well-defined engineering problems and carry out well-defined
engineering activities.
You’ll need to show you can deal with complex engineering geological problems and activities requiring
specialist and in-depth geological engineering knowledge.
Once you become a Chartered Member or a Chartered Professional Engineer, you’ll be included in our
searchable public lists on our website.
If you already have overseas registration and/or memberships with one of our recognised international
partners, your overseas recognition may be taken into account as part of the Engineering New Zealand
assessment process.
Knowledge Assessment
You can become registered even if you don’t hold a recognised qualification by completing a Knowledge
You’ll need to show you have a level of technical knowledge and understanding gained through your work
and learning that is equivalent to an Accord-accredited engineering qualification.
Go to My Membership on the Engineering New Zealand website to document your work and learning
experiences and prepare your assessment application. Make sure you provide evidence that demonstrates
you have the minimum standard of competence in your Practice Area.
When your application is ready, submit it for validation. We’ll allocate you a Competence Assessment
Advisor who’ll look after your application from start to finish.
Your advisor will check the information you’ve provided and will aim to give you feedback within 10
working days. They’ll let you know if you need to make any changes before submitting your application.
If you do need to make changes, try to get them done as soon as possible and then resubmit for validation.
Your advisor will organise your assessment panel, which will usually include a Lead Assessor and a Practice
Area Assessor.
Your Lead Assessor will be your main point of contact. They’re responsible for scheduling an interactive
assessment. For first time assessments, your interactive assessment will be held face-to-face. Think of it
as a professional conversation. If you’re being reassessed, you’ll normally have your interactive assessment
via video chat or over the phone.
Your Practice Area Assessor will be the technical expert on your panel. They’ll have knowledge in an area
of engineering relevant to your practice area.
The panel will use the evidence you submit and the information from your interactive assessment to
evaluate your submission. They might set a written assignment or ask you for additional information.
Once they’ve got all the information they need, the panel will make a recommendation to the Competency
Assessment Board (CAB) about whether to approve your application. Your Lead Assessor will let you know
their recommendation.
The CAB will consider the panel’s recommendation and make a decision on your application at their
monthly meeting. Occasionally the CAB asks for additional information. Your advisor will let you know
if that happens.
Your advisor will let you know the outcome of your application. If successful, your name will appear on
the online register or membership search.
If your application is unsuccessful or the CAB made an alternative decision, you can respond. Your advisor
will talk you through your options.
If you’re an Engineering New Zealand member, you already have access. If you’re not a member, you can
ask for temporary access for six months. Or why not join us as a member?
There are two sections you’ll need to use in My Membership. My Experience is where you record your
qualifications, build a record of your work history (Work Records) and keep track of your learning activities
(Learning Records). Assessments is where you create and submit your application for Chartered
Membership and/or CPEng Registration.
Add your qualification details into the My Experience section before starting your application for
assessment. If your qualification isn’t recognised under the relevant international Accord, provide copies
of your academic transcript with information on each qualification at a course level. Make sure you have
copies of your verified qualifications validated by the membership team before you submit your
Once your qualifications have been validated, the Membership team will set your Accord status. If it’s not
recognised, get in touch with the Competence Assessment team, who’ll confirm if you need to take a
Knowledge Assessment before starting an assessment.
Use your Work Records to capture information about your engineering work. We use these records as
evidence of your practical application of engineering knowledge and skills for your First-time Assessment or
your reassessment. You can’t complete your assessment without these records, as they’ll be your evidence
to show you meet a particular competency.
Include details about specific projects or activities you’ve worked on, including your personal role
or responsibilities. Attach a couple of files as sample evidence to support your Work Record.
Set aside some time on a regular basis to create and update your Work and Learning Records
Your up-to-date Learning Records will show your commitment to professional development. Create
Learning Records that outline the new knowledge and skills you developed and the learning outcomes
you gained. Aim for a range of learning activities that show the breadth and depth of your professional
You’ll need to provide evidence specific to your structural engineering activities for the four competence
groupings in your First-time Assessment application.
Show you understand and apply accepted principles underpinning widely-applied good practice for
complex engineering.
Attach two Work Records and link two or three relevant evidence sample files to these records, such as
free body diagrams, engineering sketches (with appropriate annotation) and design features reports.
Make sure your evidence shows you can apply fundamental structural engineering principles and include
clear, logical, handwritten calculations another engineer can easily follow. If you’re supplying solutions
produced using software such as MathCAD, make sure they’re supported by evidence of your
understanding and application of the structural engineering models underpinning the software used.
In the Sample Evidence box, summarise how these Work Records show you can:
• assess structural actions in typical beam and column structures, bridge structures, wall structures or in
slabs, and when these are subjected to gravity and lateral loads, with and without using a computer.
This is an essential skill for structural checking and analytical modelling
• assess the structural strengths and deflections of members quickly without using a computer
• define load paths (both vertical and lateral) through the overall structure and through structural details
(such as in sample calculations)
• demonstrate knowledge of the properties of common structural materials
• define ductility levels and the basic failure hierarchy of a structure
• demonstrate understanding of relative stiffness and displacement compatibility.
In the Statement box, explain how you take account of New Zealand’s seismicity and associated
geotechnical considerations.
Attach two Work Records and link two or three relevant sample evidence files to these records that show:
In the Statement box, summarise how you investigate and assess options, and define and analyse complex
structural problems with only limited assistance from more senior engineers.
Attach two supporting samples from your Work Records and link two or three relevant sample files that
show how you:
• define constraints for the designer to work within, such as building architecture, available materials,
site constraints, operational requirements and budget
• identify missing or required information, for example
o site related problems, such as ground conditions – is the structure likely to be affected by
o wind analysis – are wind tunnel tests required?
• develop briefs for external consultants to gather missing information
• define loads
• define acceptance criteria for key parameters
• research material properties, eg reinforced concrete – shrinkage, early age strength, etc.
• How the structural form evolved to meet the constraints, eg constructability considerations, resources,
• How load paths (vertical and lateral) are identified for gravity, seismic and wind loadings.
• How the materials used were suitable for the solution.
• How the subsystems were designed and how standardisation opportunities were considered.
• How size of members, reinforcing bars, length of welds, etc have been designed.
• How constructability has been considered.
• How an appropriate observation/monitoring schedule for critical parts of the construction process was
• Recognition of the need for expert assistance and a proactive approach to peer review.
In the Sample Evidence box, summarise why the Work Records are relevant and how the files prove you
analyse, define, investigate, design or develop solutions to complex engineering problems.
You’ll need to demonstrate your competence at managing complex engineering geological problems
and activities that require in-depth engineering geological knowledge.
To become a Chartered Member (Engineering Geologist), you need to meet four assessment criteria
within an engineering geology context:
• a general description of the engineering geology knowledge demands in your practice area
• an understanding of the knowledge demands that support good practice in the jurisdiction in which
you practice, eg principles, practices, standards, codes and regulations.
• take responsibility for making decisions on one or more complex engineering geology activities
• manage one or more complex engineering geology activities in line with good engineering management
• make sound professional engineering judgements
• identify, assess and manage uncertainty and geotechnical risk
• consider safety, sustainability and quality when managing engineering geology work.
In your statement describe your engineering management and decision making responsibilities.
Tell us about the complex engineering geology activities you come across and how you make sound
engineering judgements in these situations. How do you manage engineering risk? Focus on your approach
to safety, sustainability and quality management.
Professional acumen
Professionalism builds trust and instils confidence in the people you meet and work with during your
engineering activities. Within your practice area, demonstrate how you:
• carry out your professional engineering geology activities to an ethical standard, at least equivalent to
the Engineering New Zealand Code of Ethical Conduct
• recognise the likely social, cultural and environmental effects of professional engineering geology and
engineering activities
• communicate effectively with engineers and others.
In your statement, describe how your understanding of your ethical obligations influences how you carry
out your engineering geology activities.
Make sure you show you have a clear understanding of the limits of your competence and you practise
within these.
Summarise your understanding of the potential social, cultural and environmental impacts of your work.
Explain how your work improves the communities in which you work.
Explain how you make sure the outcome is safe, sustainable and of the highest quality.
Developing a technical solution, product or outcome isn’t restricted to one task or activity. Engineering
geologists take part in tasks which include, but aren’t confined to, researching, planning, investigating and
supervising. The competence standard and assessment process are inclusive of all engineering geologists
working in all sorts of roles.
As with first time assessment, you need to demonstrate your current competence to perform engineering
work at a complex level in your application for reassessment.
We need to see two annotated Work Records that show your continued competence as a practicing
In your statement:
Problem Activity
1The wording of these definitions has been slightly simplified from the original Definitions for purpose of minimum standard f or registration in the
Chartered Professional Engineers of New Zealand Rules (No 2) 2002. Read them in their original form
2These definitions are a simplified version of those found in Schedule 1 of the Regulations for Election or Transfer to Engine ering New Zealand
Membership Classes. Read them in their original form
• Aren’t covered by guidelines, standards and • New techniques or processes, or the innovative
codes of practice for professional engineering use of existing techniques or processes
First time assessment: a competence-based evaluation process for engineers applying for a national
or international Register or for Chartered Membership for the first time.
Reassessment: a competence-based evaluation process for engineers who wish to maintain registration
on a national or international Register.
Assessment panel: usually made up of a Lead Assessor and a Practice Area Assessor, the panel evaluates
your submission by reviewing your assessment application and the information you give during your
interactive assessment, before providing recommendations to the Competency Assessment Board.
Chartered Membership: the Engineering New Zealand class of membership for engineering professionals
who have demonstrated their engineering competence to an internationally-recognised benchmark.
Chartered Member CMEngNZ: solves complex engineering problems and activities by applying specialist
engineering knowledge and first principles to their work.
Chartered Member CMEngNZ (PEngGeol): solves complex engineering geological problems and activities
by applying in-depth engineering geology knowledge.
Chartered Professional Engineer CPEng: solves complex engineering problems and activities, which
requires applying specialist engineering knowledge and first principles to their work.
Competence Assessment Advisor: a member of the Engineering New Zealand Professional Standards
team assigned to your application and your main point of contact once you submit your application
for validation.
Competence Assessment team: members of the Engineering New Zealand Professional Standards team
responsible for the assessment process. The team is made up of advisers and assessors.
Competency Assessment Board: the group of senior engineers that accepts or rejects recommendations
made by the assessment panel.
Complexity: one of the key ways we differentiate between the competence registers. Learn more about
how we define complexity
Dublin Accord: the agreement for the international recognition of Engineering Technician qualifications.
Educational accord: an agreement that benchmarks educational standards. If you hold an Accord-
accredited qualification, you’ll benefit from mutual recognition of your qualification between
signatory countries.
Engineering Professional: deals with complex engineering problems and activities requiring the application
of specialist engineering knowledge and work from first principles.
Engineering Technologist: deals with broadly-defined engineering problems and activities that require
knowledge and use of principles and applied procedures.
Engineering Technician: deals with well-defined engineering problems and activities requiring knowledge
and use of established analytical techniques and procedures.
Interactive Assessment: professional conversations held face-to-face for first time assessments, and
by video chat or over the phone for reassessment.
Knowledge Assessment: evaluates if you have gained an appropriate level of technical knowledge
and understanding through your work or study to practice at the level of a professional engineer.
Lead Assessor: Chartered Professional Engineer in charge of managing the assessment process.
Learning Record: details of the continuing professional development activities you’ve completed to provide
evidence of your commitment to professional development.
My Membership: a secure area of the Engineering New Zealand website where you create Work
and Learning Records and build your application for assessment.
Practice Area: a combination of the area in which you hold specialised engineering knowledge and
the nature of the activities you perform. These may change over the course of your career but your
competence will be assessed for your current area of engineering practice.
Practice Area Assessor: the technical expert on your assessment panel who has knowledge in an area
of engineering relevant to your own practice area/field.
Recognised external authorities: overseas engineering registration authorities that are signatories
of International Engineering Agreements.
Sydney Accord: the agreement for the international recognition of Engineering Technologist qualifications.
Washington Accord: the agreement for the international recognition of engineering qualifications.
Sample evidence: documents you include in your Work Record to provide evidence of your personal
involvement in a project or activity.
Work Record: information about the projects and/or activities you’ve carried out in your engineering work,
used in competence assessments to demonstrate the practical application of your engineering knowledge
and skills.
Online access: an option for non-members to gain access to the My Membership online area for six months
to complete an application for assessment.