Hospital Performance BI KPI
Hospital Performance BI KPI
Hospital Performance BI KPI
The disparate and disjointed data silos across various hospital departments
constitute the biggest decision-making bottleneck. They impede the gathering
of real-time, actionable information about the hospital’s performance with
regard to clinical, operational and financial key performance indicators
(KPIs). Most hospitals have business intelligence (BI) systems which provide
post facto analysis and miss out on the real-time aspect. In such situations, the
hospital’s executives depends on more than one system to get any actionable
data and is thus stymied in taking effective, problem-solving steps.
Dashboards generated by the BI systems and used by hospital administrators
need to gather data on KPIs from varied sources in the facility and present
a holistic view. With such data aggregation, a COO can obtain a real-time,
360-degree snapshot of the hospital’s performance and take proactive decisions.
At the same time, a dashboard must drill down into each of the KPI details
to identify and eliminate the root causes for poor performance. In this paper
we present our point of view on crucial hospital KPIs, how a dashboard can
accelerate the speed and quality of decision-making and how it must present
Type Key KPIs Drill down KPIs How does it help a COO
CLINICAL Hospital No. of patients acquiring A COO gets a quick snapshot on how the hospital
incidents infections, Transfusion is performing with regard to the quality of care. The
These have a
reactions, Bed sores, drill down information provides insights on factors
high impact on
Postoperative respiratory that need immediate corrective action.
the outcome
failure, Postoperative
E.g.: If transfusion reactions are high, a COO may
pulmonary embolism or
want to look at the revising the blood transfusion
deep vein thrombosis,
policy by adding checklists or improving compliance
Postoperative sepsis,
to standard operating procedures (SOPs).
Postoperative hip fracture,
Postoperative hemorrhage or
Death rate Postoperative death rate, Nation- and state-wide mortality rates are published
Post-procedural death rate by government bodies. A COO can benchmark
the performance of the hospital and see how it has
performed against national and state averages and
also against its competition.
Patient Courtesy score for staff, Patient satisfaction data provides valuable insights
satisfaction Quality of meals, Quality of into making adjustments in areas such as efficiency
physician care, Quality of of the admissions process and managing admission of
nursing care, Housekeeping patients to a clinical unit. It is
4. All KPIs must have clear ownership and owner contact details. The drill down reports/charts should be easy to e-mail
and print.
5. Customized dashboard for quick access to information relevant to the specific user role.
6. Capability to access data feeds from other medical systems.
7. The tool needs to allow interoperability to enable corrective action by logging into the source system of KPI data.
8. Anytime anywhere access by allowing users to access screens over mobile.
9. Rule engine to configure alerts, escalations and decision support.
Today, visually intuitive and rich graphical dashboards such as the one shown in Figures below can dramatically accelerate
the speed and quality of the decision-making cycle. This is not just about making dashboards more pleasing to the eye, but
about users spending less time reviewing content and more time taking action. A dashboard should be information rich and
not data rich.