Object Recognition Using Hough-Transform Clustering of SURF Features
Object Recognition Using Hough-Transform Clustering of SURF Features
Object Recognition Using Hough-Transform Clustering of SURF Features
Abstract—This paper proposes an object recognition approach important algorithm parameters. Finally, we provide an open
intended for extracting, analyzing and clustering of features from source implementation of our approach as a Robot Operating
RGB image views from given objects. Extracted features are System (ROS) package that can be used with any robot capable
matched with features in learned object models and clustered in of interfacing ROS. The software is available at [3].
Hough-space to find a consistent object pose. Hypotheses for valid
poses are verified by computing a homography from detected In Sec. II related approaches are briefly presented. These
features. Using that homography features are back projected approaches either use similar techniques or are used by other
onto the input image and the resulting area is checked for teams competing in the RoboCup@Home league. Hereafter,
possible presence of other objects. This approach is applied by Sec. III presents our approach in great detail, an evaluation
our team homer[at]UniKoblenz in the RoboCup[at]Home league. follows in Sec. IV. Finally, Sec. V concludes this paper.
Besides the proposed framework, this work offers the computer
vision community with online programs available as open source
software. II. R ELATED W ORK
Similar to our approach, Leibe and Schiele [4] use the
I. I NTRODUCTION Hough-space for creating hypotheses for the object pose.
Later, this concept was extended to the Implicit Shape Model
The ability to memorize and redetect object instances is formulation in Leibe et al. [5]. Leibe et al. use the Harris corner
a key feature in modern computer vision applications and detector [6] for key point extraction and image patches of
robotics. Such systems need to cope with many difficulties 25×25 pixels as local descriptors. In contrast to SURF descrip-
in practical scenarios like a home environment. Typically, tors, image patches used in the Implicit Shape Model are very
objects appear in different poses and in cluttered environments. high dimensional. Thus, Leibe et al. use a special descriptor
Further, occlusion makes it difficult to determine exact borders clustering technique to reduce the number of key points into
between objects and highly heterogeneous backgrounds are so-called codewords. Together with relative vectors pointing
easily mistaken for object parts. Finally, different illuminations to the object’s center these codewords form the data basis for
challenge the feature extraction process and add an additional object recognition. During recognition, matching codewords
uncertainty to the object recognition process. cast their votes for the object center into a continuous Hough-
In our proposed approach we use Speeded Up Robust space. Maxima in Hough-space are considered true object
Features (SURF) [1] to cope with these challenges. SURF is positions. While this approach provides good results in general,
a point feature detector which also provides a descriptor for it is not invariant to object rotation. This restriction impedes
matching. Its main advantage is the fast computation while its usage in the RoboCup@Home for service robots.
the features are distinctive enough to enable robust object Team Golem [7] and their object recognition approach
recognition even under difficult circumstances such as partial placed second in the RoboCup Technical Challenge of 2012.
occlusion and cluttered background. Golem uses the Multiple Object Pose Estimation and Detection
The descriptors from the extracted interest points are (MOPED) framework proposed by Collet et al. [8] for object
matched with objects from a database of features using nearest- recognition. Similar to our approach, several images of each
neighbor matching. The identification of clusters for a certain object are acquired during training. Scale Invariant Features
object was accomplished using Hough-transform clustering Transform (SIFT) [9] features are extracted from each image
to obtain valid object pose hypotheses. In the final step a and a 3D model of each object is reconstructed using structure
homography is built using the clustered features to verify from motion. In the recognition phase hypotheses for the object
consistent pose parameters and select the most probable object pose are obtained with SIFT features extracted from the scene
pose for each recognized object. and the previously created 3D model. In principle, a 3D object
model provides advantages over a method solely working
While [2] already presented our approach briefly, it focused with 2D images, especially if object manipulation is desired.
on a comparison with a dense-statistical approach without However, 3D model creation in the MOPED framework makes
detailed algorithm description. Therefore, the contributions of the training phase error-prone and time consuming. The cam-
this paper are as follows. We describe our object recognition era has to be moved carefully around the object, while the
approach in detail with a thorough explanation of each step. background has to contain sufficient matching features in
We then evaluate our algorithm with respect to changes in subsequent images. In contrast, our approach does not rely on
Input Preprocessing Feature extraction Output
homography calculation
background information for training and an object is usually Subsequently, an image of the object is acquired. From this two
trained in less than a minute. images a difference image is computed to separate the desired
object from the background. Depending on the light conditions,
The object recognition approach by team NimbRo@Home
the object might cast a shadow on its surroundings. Naturally,
consist of a combined descriptor of SURF features and a
this shadow would appear in the difference image and thus be
color histogram [10]. As usual, descriptors are obtained from
considered as part of the object. Therefore, the borders of the
several object views in the training phase. During recognition,
extracted object are adjusted to reduce the area contributed to
the extracted descriptors are compared to the database of
the object and thus remove shadows from the foreground. From
learned object descriptors. If matching descriptors are found,
the acquired object image SURF features are extracted and
object hypotheses are tracked with a multi-hypothesis tracker.
stored in an object database. Further, images with a different
hypotheses confirmed over several frames are considered valid.
object view are acquired and added to the object model in the
database. In their original publication, Bay et al. recommend
III. H OUGH -T RANSFORM C LUSTERING OF SURF 30◦ as an optimal rotation between subsequently acquired
F EATURES images of an object for SURF computation [1]. However, it is
Our object recognition approach is based on 2D camera not necessary to acquire different rotations of the same object
images. In the training phase, SURF features are extracted view, since SURF features and the presented algorithm are
and saved in a database. The recognition phase calculates rotation invariant.
SURF features on an input image and matches features with
the database using nearest-neighbor matching. Wrong corre- B. Recognition
spondences are removed and object pose transformations are
clustered in a multi dimensional Hough-space accumulator. The image processing pipeline for the recognition phase
Finally, the matched features are verified by calculating a is shown in Fig. 2. During object recognition no information
homography. about the background is available. Thus, SURF features are
computed on the whole input image. The obtained features are
From each image we extract a number of SURF features then matched against the features stored in the object database
f . A feature is a tuple f = (x, y, σ, θ, δ) containing the position using nearest neighbor matching.
(x, y), scale σ and orientation θ of the feature in the image, as
well as a descriptor δ. Thus, the features are invariant towards 1) Nearest-Neighbor Matching: For each feature in the
scaling, position in the image and in-plane rotations. They are input image the best feature in the database is obtained by
also robust towards changes in illumination and lesser off- calculating a distance measure based on the euclidean distance
plane rotations. of the feature descriptors. Since simple distance thresholds do
not perform well in high dimensional space, Lowe introduced
the distance ratio [9], which is used here. The distance ratio
A. Training
is the ratio of the euclidean distance to the best fitting and the
The image processing pipeline for the training phase is second best fitting descriptor. If this quotient is low enough,
shown in Fig. 1. In order to train the object recognition the best fit is considered a matching feature. If the quotient
classifier an image of the background has to be captured. is higher than a given threshold, the best and the second
y y
(a) (b) (c) (d)
Fig. 3: The four dimensional accumulator is depicted as a red grid in (b) and (d), where the cell position along the two axes
indicates the relative feature position. Inside each cell the horizontal and vertical translation encode the scale and rotation,
respectively. Objects are recognized and hypotheses about the object pose are clustered in Hough-space using the accumulator.
With correct objects, the feature position, rotation and scale match (a). Thus, the same accumulator bins in Hough-space are
incremented for each feature, leading to a maximum, shown white (b). On the other hand, if wrong features are matched, their
relative positions, as well as scale and rotation differ (c). Thus, their votes in the accumulator are scattered (gray) (d). These
votes are considered as outliers.
best descriptor fit almost equally well. This leads to the partially occluded objects in the scene.
assumption that they are very likely the best matches only
We chose 10 bins for each dimension in the Hough-
by chance and not because one of them actually matches the
space, resulting in 104 bins describing different possible object
query descriptor. The distance ratio also sorts out ambiguous
positions in the image. Each feature correspondence votes
matches, which may result from repeated textures on objects.
into 16 bins (the one it falls into and the closest ones of
For the fast nearest-neighbor and distance computation in the
each dimension to avoid discretization errors). More bins per
high dimensional descriptor space we use an approximate
dimension would allow for a finer quantization of feature
nearest neighbor approach [11].
poses. However, this would also lead to potential maxima being
Since SURF features are calculated on the whole input scattered among neighboring bins. Objects with sufficient fea-
image, including a potentially different background than in the ture correspondences would be recognized with less confidence
training phase, not all features are matched in this step. The or would not be recognized at all. Choosing less bins on the
result of feature matching is a set of matches between features other hand would lead to feature correspondences voting for
extracted from training images and the scene image. This set wrong object poses or even wrong objects.
may still contain outliers, i. e. matches between features which To calculate the bin for the object position the centroid of
do not correspond to the same object point. These erroneous the object in the scene cs has to be estimated. In the following,
correspondences are discarded in the next step. values with index o describe properties of an object acquired
2) Hough-transform Clustering: Each feature match gives during the training phase, whereas values with index s refer to
a hint of the object’s pose in the scene image. To cluster this in- key points found in a test scene during the recognition phase.
formation from all feature matches, a four dimensional Hough- The translation vector v′ from the centroid of the learned object
space over possible object positions (x, y, σ, θ) is created. co to the position of the feature key point po on the object,
Here, (x, y) is the position of the object’s centroid in the image, normalized with the scale ratio of the scene key point σs and
σ it’s scale, and θ it’s rotation. The goal is to find a consistent the object key point σo is calculated according to Eq. 1.
object pose in order to eliminate false feature correspondences
from the previous step. This four dimensional accumulator is σs
v′ = (co − po ) (1)
visualized in Fig. 3 (b, d). The red grid represents translation in σo
x- and y-directions. Inside each grid cell, the x-axis represents
scale and the y-axis represents rotation. Thus, each pixel inside The resulting vector v′ has to be rotated to account for
a grid cell corresponds to a bin. possible object rotation in the scene. This is done by applying
Eq. 2
Each feature correspondence is a hypothesis for an object
pose and is added to the corresponding bin in the accumulator.
cos α − sin α
As suggested in [9] and [12], to reduce discretization errors, v= v′ (2)
sin α cos α
each hypothesis is added to the two closest bins in each
dimension, thus resulting in 16 accumulator entries per fea-
where α = |θo − θs | is the minimal rotation angle between
ture correspondence. Clusters of maxima in the Hough-space
the feature rotation θo of the object and the feature rotation
correspond to most probable object poses, whereas bins with
θs in the scene. Finally, the estimated centroid of the object
erroneous object poses get only little votes (Fig. 3 (b,d)). Thus,
in the scene cs is obtained by adding the feature’s position in
outliers are removed and correct object poses are obtained. For
the scene ps to the calculated translation vector v (Eq. 3).
the next steps only bins with at least five entries are considered,
since we want to find a consistent pose applying homography
calculation. This low threshold helps finding small as well as cs = (cxs , cys )T = v + ps (3)
The bins for the x- and y-location in the accumulator, ix all other features without taking into account the geometry
and iy , are calculated as shown in Eq. 4 and Eq. 5, of the whole object. With the resulting possible object poses
from the Hough-transform clustering, the goal in the next step
jc k is to find the best geometric match with all features in one
ix = bx (4) accumulator bin.
jc k 3) Homography Calculation: In this step, bins representing
iy =
by (5) maxima in Hough-space are inspected in order to find the bin
h that matches best the object pose. All bins containing five key
point correspondences or more are considered as maxima. A
where w and h refer to the image width and height, and perspective transformation is calculated between the features
bx and by is the number of bins in the x- and y-dimension of a bin and the corresponding points in the database under
of the Hough-accumulator, respectively. Apart from ix and iy the assumption that all features lie on a 2D plane. As most
also the corresponding bins with position indices ix + 1 and outliers were removed by discarding minima in Hough-space,
iy + 1 are incremented to reduce discretization errors. a consistent transformation is obtained here. Random Sample
The index for the rotation bin is calculated using the Consensus (RANSAC) is used to identify the best homography
difference between the angles of the key point correspondences for the set of correspondences. The homography with most
α and the total number of bins reserved for the rotation in point correspondences is considered to be the correct object
the accumulator br . Originally, α is in [−π, π], thus Eq. 6 pose. Using the obtained homography the recognized object
normalizes the angle to be in [0, 2π]. can be projected into the scene (Fig. 8). Since homography
calculation is computationally expensive the runtime of the
object recognition algorithm would increase considerably if
(α + π)br a homography was calculated for each bin. To speed up the
i′r = (6)
2π algorithm all bins are sorted in descending order considering
their number of features. A homography is calculated starting
To allow for the rotations by −π and π to be close together with the bin containing the highest number of features. The
in the accumulator the final index for the rotation bin is calculation terminates if the next bin contains less features than
calculated according to Eq. 7. the number of found point correspondences in the calculation
of the best homography so far. The result is a homography
ir = ⌊i′r ⌋modbr (7) describing the relative position, orientation and scale of the
best fitting training image for a test image, as well as the
Again, a second bin is used to reduce discretization errors. number of features supporting this hypothesis.
It’s index is calculated according to Eq. 8: 4) Verification of Results: The last step of our object
recognition pipeline verifies the results. Using a threshold of a
ir = ⌊i′r + 1⌋modbr . (8) minimal matched feature number to verify the presence of an
object in the scene is futile since large and heterogeneously
structured objects contain more features than small and ho-
The fourth dimension in the accumulator encodes the mogeneously structured objects. Instead, an object presence
scale the point of interest was found at. To determine the probability p is calculated as
accumulator bin for scale, first the ratio q between the scales
of the key point in the scene σs and in the learned object σo
is needed (Eq. 9): fm
p= (11)
q= . (9) where fm is the number of matched features of that object
and ft is the total number of features that are present in the
Further, the index is determined by the total number of bins area of the object. The number of features in the object area
used to represent scale bs and the number of octaves n used is calculated by projecting the object into the scene using the
for SURF extraction and is calculated according to Eq. 10: homography and then counting all features in the bounding
box of the projected object.
log2 (q)
bs = + 0.5 bs . (10) IV. E VALUATION
2(n − 1)
This Section describes the different experiments performed
As before, discretization errors are reduced by using a to evaluate the presented object recognition approach. Experi-
second bin with the index bs + 1. All scales that go beyond ments were performed to test the influence of the accumulator
the range represented by the last bin are subsumed in the bin size, variable background and light conditions, as well as
for the biggest scale of the accumulator. partial occlusion on the performance of the classification.
As a result of the Hough-transform clustering all features For the verification step we used a threshold of p = 15 %
with consistent poses are sorted into bins, while most outliers (Eq. 11) and a minimum of 5 matched features per object.
are removed because they do not form maxima in Hough-space These two values have the most influence on the number of
(Fig. 3). So far, all features were processed independently of false positive recognitions. If they are not chosen restrictively
(a) (b) (c)
Fig. 4: Object view used for time measurement, green arrows indicate key points (a). Key point correspondences after nearest
neighbor matching: some key points of the learned object view are matched to the background (b). Recognition result after
eliminating erroneous correspondences (c).
Number of features
TABLE I: Calculation time for each algorithm step, measured
with the object from Fig. 4. 80
NN-Matching 139 61 60
Hough-clustering 102 13
Homography 98 12
enough, the number of false positive recognitions increases. On
the other hand, if they are chosen too restrictively, no objects 30
would be recognized or a higher number of training views
per object would be required to provide enough features for 20
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
matching. Object rotation (degrees)
When not stated otherwise the accumulator size is 10 bins
Fig. 5: Number of matched features of an object view depend-
in each dimension. For the evaluation objects from the database ing on the object’s rotation. The object view was acquired at
presented in [13] were used. All images in this database have a rotation of 180◦ .
a resolution of 640×480 pixels.
A. Performance
TABLE II: Object recognition results on images with different
The evaluation was performed on an off-the-shelf notebook backgrounds. The numbers in brackets indicate the number of
with an Intel Core 2 processor with 2 GHz and 2048 MB false positive recognitions.
RAM. We measured the processing time of the algorithm for
one object view and a scene image with weak heterogeneous Object hom. back. weak het. back. strong het. back.
background and the learned object in the same pose. The object bscup 100 % 90 % (1) 100 %
view used in this test is depicted in Fig. 4. The processing nizoral 100 % 100 % (2) 90 %
perrier 100 % 100 % (1) 100 % (2)
time needed for each step of our object recognition algorithm ricola 100 % 100 % (1) 100 %
is presented in Tab. I. truck 100 % 90 % 70 % (1)
Fig. 9: The input image for object recognition as acquired by our robot during the Technical Challenge of the RoboCup (a) and
the output image depicting the recognition results (b). During training and recognition an image resolution of 8 MP was used.