Homework #1: Ittools
Homework #1: Ittools
Homework #1: Ittools
Data Definition Language Data Manipulation Language
A type of SQL command that helps to A type of SQL command that helps to
define database schemas or structure. It retrieve and manage data in relational
basically deals with how the data gets databases i.e. retrieve, update and delete
stored in the database. the data in the database.
It basically defines the column It adds or update the row of the table.
(Attributes) of the table. These rows are called as tuple.
Basic command present in DDL are BASIC command present in DML are
Commands affect the entire database or Commands affect one or more records in
table. a table.
SQL statements cannot be rolled back. SQL statements can be rolled back.
It is further classified into Procedural and
It doesn’t have any further classification.
Non-Procedural DML.
SQL provides the flexibility of defining the schema and then modifying it
according to the requirement in a database by using the Data Definition Language and
Data Manipulation Language. With the usage of simple DDL statements, it becomes
easier for the developer to define the database schema, table structure for large amounts
of data. Also, with usage of the DML statements, we can manipulate the data i.e.
retrieve the data, modify the existing data, etc. whenever the need arises. There are
certain important points to keep in view while working with the various DDL and DML
commands. The software developer or designer needs to get a thorough understanding
of the working of various DDL and DML operations as they play a vital role in building
an efficient database as required by the business.
What is SQL?
Queries are performed using the ubiquitous yet familiar SELECT statement,
which is further divided into clauses, including SELECT, FROM, WHERE and
Data Manipulation Language (DML) is used to add, update or delete data and is
actually a SELECT statement subset and is comprised of the INSERT, DELETE
and UPDATE statements, as well as control statements, e.g., BEGIN
Data Definition Language (DDL) is used for managing tables and index
structures. Examples of DDL statements include CREATE, ALTER, TRUNCATE
and DROP.
Data Control Language (DCL) is used to assign and revoke database rights and
permissions. Its main statements are GRANT and REVOKE.
The uses of SQL include modifying database table and index structures; adding,
updating and deleting rows of data; and retrieving subsets of information from within a
database for transaction processing and analytics applications. Queries and other SQL
operations take the form of commands written as statements -- commonly used SQL
statements include select, add, insert, update, delete, create, alter and truncate.
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What is a Database Model. (n.d.). Retrieved from
What is a Relational Model? - Definition from Techopedia. (n.d.). Retrieved from
What is Semi-structured data? (2019, April 15). Retrieved from