Facts at Your Fingertips-200612-Flowmeter Selection
Facts at Your Fingertips-200612-Flowmeter Selection
Facts at Your Fingertips-200612-Flowmeter Selection
General selection criteria Accuracy and turndown Turndown ratio is an easy, but
often erroneous or incomplete, way
There are well over 20 different types Accuracy can be a very nebulous term. to express the rangeability of a flow-
of flowmeters, even if we lump the Take for instance a typical accuracy meter. Turndown ratio is simply the
various positive-displacement flowmeters statement of “±0.5%”. The manufacturer high end of the measurement range
together as one type. Unless the process certainly means to indicate that the flow- compared to the low end of the mea-
engineer knows the pros and cons of meter is ±99.5% accurate; not merely surement range.
each type, it can be a daunting task to 0.5% accurate. Thus, the specification For example, a flow range of 1–33
properly select one. Here are just some should really read ±0.5% “uncertainty”. ft/s equals a 33:1 turndown ratio. A flow
of the factors to consider before select- In addition, with such a designation, range of 0.01 to 33 ft/s equals a 3,300:1
ing a flowmeter: there is no mention of what the ±0.5% turndown ratio.
• Its size and measuring range of the refers to (i.e., percentage of “rate” or What isn’t shown in either example
flowmeter of “full scale.” ) This often disregarded is the accuracy or uncertainty over the
term should be a major consideration range. While it is possibly true that the
• Chemical compatibility
in flowmeter selection (or that of any second flowmeter is capable of 3,300:1
• Process accuracy requirements other measuring device, for that matter). turndown-ratio measurement, the uncer-
• Pressure requirements Consider, for instance, that a flowmeter tainty of the device may be as high as
• Acceptable pressure drop based on “full scale” has a very large 37.5%. In addition to the turndown ratio
error as the flowrate is reduced. By con- specification, look for the uncertainty
• Cleaning requirements (i.e., do you
trast, a flowmeter based on “rate” has the specification.
need, and does the unit offer, clean-in-
same accuracy all the way down to the
place capabilities?)
low flow specification. References
• Desired measurement units (such as When evaluating flowmeters, one 1. F CI Guide to Better Gas Flow Measurement,
volume, velocity or mass) should also be mindful of claims of exag- Fluid Components International, LLC., 2003.
• Uni-directional or bi-directional mea- gerated turndown ratios. Some flowme- 2. Kohlmann, Michael, Selecting the Right Flow-
meter for the Job, Chem. Eng., pp. 60–64, Sep-
surement ters will provide the stated accuracy tember 2004.
• Fluid viscosity limitations over a very limited range, while others 3. Swearingen, Corte, Choosing the Right Flow-
will do so over a very wide range. meter for the Job, Chem. Eng., July 1999.
• Necessary approvals for use in haz-
ardous areas, sanitary applications
Gas flowmeter selection chart [1]
and so on (examples include Factory
Mutual, Canadian Standards Assn., 3- Clean Dry, Wet, Low Wide High Low Instal- Mainte- Mass Volu-
gas dirty dirty flow turn- temp pressure lation nance flow metric
A Standards and Accepted Practices, gas gas down loss cost flow
and Underwriters’ Laboratory approv-
Thermal dispersion 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 •
Vortex shedding 1 2 4 3 2 1 1 2 2 • •
• Custody-transfer approvals
Positive displacement 1 4 4 2 2 1 3 2 3 •
• Data-output requirements (i.e., 4–20
Target 1 2 3 4 3 1 2 1 2 •
mA, relay, digital or simple display)
Ultrasonic (transit time) 1 4 4 2 2 4 1 3 2 •
• Calibration and re-calibration require-
ments Orifice (DP) 1 3 3 3 3 1 3 2 2 •
Attribute Variable-area Coriolis Gas mass-flow Differential- Turbine Oval-gear
pressure (DP)
Clean gases yes yes yes yes yes —
Clean liquids yes yes — yes yes yes
Viscous liquids yes yes — no yes yes, >10
(special calibration) (special calibration) centistokes (cSt)
Corrosive liquids yes yes — no yes yes
Accuracy, ± 2–4% fullscale 0.05–0.15 of reading 1.5% fullscale 2–3% fullscale 0.25–1% of reading 0.1–0.5% of reading
Repeatability, ± 0.25% of fullscale 0.05–0.10 of reading 0.5% of fullscale 1% of fullscale 0.1% of reading 0.1% of reading
Max pressure, psi 200 and up 900 and up 500 and up 100 5,000 and up 4,000 and up
Max temp., °F 250 and up 250 and up 150 and up 122 300 and up 175 and up
Pressure drop medium low low medium medium medium
Turndown ratio 10:1 100:1 50:1 20:1 10:1 25:1
Typical cost* low end high end moderate moderate moderate moderate
*Costs vary depending on process temperature and pressure, accuracy required and approvals needed.