Social Media Advertisements: Its Effect On The Preferences Among The College Students of University of Batangas
Social Media Advertisements: Its Effect On The Preferences Among The College Students of University of Batangas
Social Media Advertisements: Its Effect On The Preferences Among The College Students of University of Batangas
May 2019
In today’s business world, social media is being discussed on a daily
basis. This phenomenon has taken over the marketing and advertising industries
and has changed the way they handle their efforts to attract
customers. Advertising, as a form of communication, is intended to influence an
audience to buy or take some action upon products and services of various
brands and providers.
Social media today is simply online media that facilitates social interaction.
There are numerous websites, channels and resources that allow advertisements
to be distributed reaching millions of people worldwide, these are sites such as
‘Facebook’, ‘Twitter’, and ‘YouTube’. The rise of these online communities has
given companies the opportunity to engage in conversations with their customers.
Through these advertising tools, a company can generate high awareness among
a larger audience as well as an increased market share in short run. It is proven
by Toyota’s sudden increase in sales after the enthusiastic integration of social
networking efforts.
At large, the general weighted mean of the indicators is 3.118 and falls
under the verbal interpretation of Agree. The table presented above shows a
direct correlation between social media advertisements and the preference of the
college students of University of Batangas.
Bullas, J., Wilson, G., Gorbatch, A., Chauhan, R., Bullas, J., Meghani, R., & Bullas, J. (2017, April 24).
How Toyota Reached 105 Million Readers With Its Social Media Marketing Campaign. Retrieved