ART 12. Circumstances Which Exempt From Criminal Liability
ART 12. Circumstances Which Exempt From Criminal Liability
ART 12. Circumstances Which Exempt From Criminal Liability
When the imbecile or an insane person 2. That the offender is under 18 years of age
Has committed an act wc the law define as Or over 70 years.
felony, In case of the minor,
The court shall order his confinement He shall be proceeded against
In one of the hospitals or asylums In accordance w the provis of Article 80.
Established for persons thus afflicted,
Wc he shall not be permitted to leave 3. That the offender had no intention to commit
w/o first obtaining the permission of the same So grave a wrong as that committed.
4. That sufficient provocation or threat on the part
2. A person under 9 years of age. Of the offended party immediately preceded the
3. A person over 9 years of age, and under 15
Unless he has acted w discernment 5. That the act committed in the immediate
In wc case, such minor shall be proceeded vindication
against Of a grave offense to the one committing a
In accordance w the provis of Art 80 of this Code. felony,
His spouse, ascendants, descendants,
When such minor is adjudged to be crim’ly irres, Legitimate, natural, or adopted bros/sisses
The court, in conformity w the provisions of this Or relatives by affinity w/in the same degrees.
And the preceding paragraph,
Shall commit him to the care & custody of his 6. That of having acted upon an impulse so
family powerful
Who shall be charged w his surveillance and As naturally to have produced passion or
educ obfuscation.
Otherwise, he shall be committed
To the care of some institution or person 7. That the offender had voluntarily surrendered
Mentioned in said Art 80. himself
To a person in authority or his agents,
4. Any person who, Or that he had voluntarily confessed his guilt
While performing a lawful act w due care, before the court
Causes an injury by mere accident w/o fault Prior to the presentation of the evi for the
Intention of causing it. prosecution.
5. Any person who acts under the compulsion 8. That the offender is deaf and dumb, blind,
Of an irresistible force. or otherwise suffering some physical defect wc
thus restricts
6. Any person who acts under the impulse his means of action, defense, or communication
Of an uncontrollable fear with his fellow beings.
Of an equal or greater injury.
9. Such illness of the offender would diminish the
7. Any person who fails to perform exercise
An act required by law of the will-power of the offender without however
When prevented by some lawful depriving him of consciousness of his acts.
Or insuperable cause.
10. And, finally, any other circumstances of a similar
- A crime is committed, but no criminal liability And analogous to those above-mentioned.
arises due to the complete absence of any
conditions which constitute free will or ART 14. Aggravating circumstances.
voluntariness of the act. The following are aggravating circumstances:
- BURDEN OF PROOF: any of the circumstances
mentioned in Art 12 must be proved by the 1. That the advantage be taken
defendant. By the offender of his PUBLIC POSITION
6. That the crime be committed in the NIGHTTIME 18. That the crime be committed after un
Whenever such circumstances may facilitate
The commission of the offense. There is an unlawful entry when
An entrance is effected by a way NOT
Whenever more than 3 armed malefactors INTENDED FOR A PURPOSE
Shall have acted together in the commission of
an offense 19. That as a means to the commission of a crime
It shall be deemed to have been committed by a a WALL, ROOF, FLOOR, DOOR, OR WINDOW
BAND. be broken