Research Evidence On The Use of Learning Analytics: Implications For Education Policy
Research Evidence On The Use of Learning Analytics: Implications For Education Policy
Research Evidence On The Use of Learning Analytics: Implications For Education Policy
EUR 28294 EN
This publication is a Science for Policy report by the Joint Research Centre (JRC), the European Commission’s
science and knowledge service. It aims to provide evidence-based scientific support to the European policy-
making process. The scientific output expressed does not imply a policy position of the European Commission.
The inclusion of commercial products in the report is not an endorsement of these products in any
way. Neither the European Commission nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission is responsible for the
use which might be made of this publication.
Contact information
Name: Yves Punie
Address: Edificio Expo, Calle Inca Garcilaso 3, E-41092 Seville, Spain
Tel.: +34 9544-88229
EUR 28294 EN
How to cite: Ferguson, R., Brasher, A., Clow, D., Cooper, A., Hillaire, G., Mittelmeier, J., Rienties, B., Ullmann, T.,
Vuorikari, R. (2016). Research Evidence on the Use of Learning Analytics - Implications for Education Policy. R.
Vuorikari, J. Castaño Muñoz (Eds.). Joint Research Centre Science for Policy Report; EUR 28294 EN;
Research Evidence on the Use of Learning Analytics and Their Implications for Education Policy – Case
Studies, inventory and Literature Review report
Learning analytics is an emergent field of research that is growing fast. It takes advantage of the last decade of
e-learning implementations n education and training as well as of research and development work in areas such
as educational data mining, web analytics and statistics. In recent years, increasing numbers of digital tools for
the education and training sectors have included learning analytics to some extent, and these tools are now in
the early stages of adoption. This report reviews early uptake in the field, presenting five case studies and an
inventory of tools, policies and practices. It also provides an Action List for policymakers, practitioners,
researchers and industry members to guide work in Europe.
JRC research on Learning and Skills for the Digital Era started in 2005 with the aim to
provide evidence-based policy support to the European Commission on harnessing the
potential of digital technologies to innovate education and training practices; improve
access to lifelong learning; and to deal with the rise of new (digital) skills and
competences needed for employment, personal development and social inclusion. More
than 20 major studies have been undertaken on these issues with more than 100
different publications.
Recent work on capacity building for the digital transformation of education and learning,
and for changing requirements on skills and competences has focussed on the
development of digital competence frameworks for citizens (DigComp), educators
(DigCompEdu), educational organisations (DigCompOrg) and consumers
(DigCompConsumers). A framework for opening-up Higher Education Institutions
(OpenEdu) was also published in 2016, as well as a competence framework for
entrepreneurship (EntreComp). Some of these frameworks are accompanied by (self-)
assessment instruments. Additional research has been undertaken on computational
thinking (CompuThink), Learning Analytics and MOOCs (MOOCKnowledge,
This report aims to understand the state of the art in the implementation of learning
analytics for education and training in both formal and informal settings. It also aims
to understand the potential for European policy to be used to guide and support the
take-up and adaptation of learning analytics to enhance education in Europe. This study,
called the Implications and Opportunities of Learning Analytics for European Educational
Policy (henceforward the Study), therefore has an international scope, although the
policy perspectives are discussed from the point of view of the EU. The research was
conducted between September 2015 and June 2016. The key findings seek to inform,
guide and inspire practitioners, researchers and policy makers at all levels (institutional,
local, regional, national, international) in implementing learning analytics in European
education and training.
More information from all our studies can be found on the JRC Science hub:
Yves Punie
Project Leader
DG JRC Unit Human Capital and Employment
European Commission
The study described in this report was designed by the JRC (Unit B.4) to help European
policymakers set out an agenda for stimulating high-quality, innovative ways of learning
and teaching through the use of learning analytics. The study was carried out between
September 2015 and June 2016 by The Open University (OU), based in the UK, and
forms part of the University’s on-going commitment to the field of learning analytics.
As a distance-learning institution, the OU has been carrying out work on learning
analytics since its first students enrolled in the 1970s. It has taken an active lead in
many areas of this field, including the development of its ethics, and the linking of
learning design with learning analytics (Ferguson, 2012). The university is currently
engaged in a far-reaching strategic investment project in learning analytics, led by
senior management.
The editors would like to thank not only those who carried out the study, but also those
who participated in the expert workshops held in Amsterdam in March 2016, in which
the preliminary results of the study were presented and further developments were
discussed. A list of all participants can be found in Annex 5.
The inclusion of commercial products and project names in this report is not an
endorsement of these products or projects in any way.
Table of contents
Foreword.............................................................................................................. 1
Acknowledgements ................................................................................................ 2
Executive Summary ............................................................................................ 8
1 Introduction to the Report ............................................................................ 8
2 The State of the Art in the Implementation of Learning Analytics for
Education and Training ............................................................................... 14
What do we know about the current implementation of learning analytics? .............. 14
What types of learning analytics tools are available and for whom? ........................ 14
What kinds of institutional and policy practices exist in Europe and elsewhere? ........ 17
Formal education in Europe .......................................................................... 18
Formal education in the USA ........................................................................ 19
Formal education in Australia ....................................................................... 20
What are the insights from the Case Studies? ...................................................... 22
Insights from Expert Workshop .......................................................................... 23
3 Summary of the Results and Further Steps ................................................. 25
4 The Action List for Learning Analytics ......................................................... 28
Introduction ..................................................................................................... 28
Policy Leadership and Governance Practices ......................................................... 28
i. Develop common visions of learning analytics that address strategic
objectives and priorities ...................................................................... 28
ii. Develop a roadmap for learning analytics within Europe .......................... 29
iii. Align learning analytics work with different sectors of education ............... 30
iv. Develop frameworks that enable development of learning analytics .......... 30
v. Assign responsibility for development of learning analytics within Europe .. 31
vi. Continuously work on reaching common understanding and developing new
priorities ............................................................................................ 32
Institutional Leadership and Governance Practices ................................................ 33
vii. Create organisational structures to support use of learning analytics and help
educational leaders to implement these changes .................................... 33
viii. Develop practices that are appropriate to different contexts ..................... 34
ix. Develop and employ ethical standards, including data protection .............. 35
Collaboration and Networking ............................................................................ 36
x. Identify and build on work in related areas and other countries ................ 36
xi. Engage stakeholders throughout the process to create learning analytics that
have useful features ........................................................................... 37
xii. Support collaboration with commercial organisations .............................. 38
Teaching and Learning Practices ......................................................................... 38
xiii. Develop learning analytics that makes good use of pedagogy ................... 38
xiv. Align analytics with assessment practices .............................................. 39
Quality assessment and assurance practices ........................................................ 39
xv. Develop a robust quality assurance process for the validity and reliability of
tools ................................................................................................. 39
xvi. Develop evaluation checklists for learning analytics tools ......................... 40
Capacity building .............................................................................................. 40
xvii. Identify the skills required in different areas .......................................... 40
xviii. Train and support researchers and developers to work in this field............ 41
xix. Train and support educators to use analytics to support achievement ....... 41
Infrastructure .................................................................................................. 42
xx. Develop technologies that enable development of analytics ..................... 42
xxi. Adapt and employ interoperability standards .......................................... 43
5 Concluding remarks .................................................................................... 45
23. WATCHME Project ............................................................................... 70
Tools: all levels, non-and informal learning, other ................................................ 71
24. Claned .............................................................................................. 71
25. Khan Academy analytics ...................................................................... 72
26. Digital Assess – adaptive comparative judgement ................................... 73
27. Learning Analytics Processor ................................................................ 74
28. Realising an Applied Gaming Eco-system (RAGE) .................................... 75
Practices: institutional pilots .............................................................................. 76
29. Arizona State University ...................................................................... 76
30. Progress and Course Engagement (RioPACE) – Rio Salado College ............ 77
31. PredictED – Dublin City University ........................................................ 78
32. Dunchurch Infant School ..................................................................... 79
Practices: institutional at scale ........................................................................... 80
33. Course Signals – Purdue University ....................................................... 80
34. E2Coach ............................................................................................ 81
35. Georgia State University ...................................................................... 82
36. Nottingham Trent University Student Dashboard .................................... 83
Practices: national level..................................................................................... 84
37. Ceibal ............................................................................................... 84
38. Student retention and learning analytics: A snapshot of Australian practices
and a framework for advancement ........................................................ 85
39. Denmark: User Portal Initiative ............................................................ 86
40. Norway: various initiatives at the national level ...................................... 87
41. Effective learning analytics pilots – JISC ................................................ 89
42. Code of practice for learning analytics – Jisc .......................................... 90
43. PAR Framework .................................................................................. 91
Practices and policies on the ethical use of LA ...................................................... 92
44. Ethical use of student data policy – The Open University ......................... 92
45. Learning analytics: a guide for students’ unions – NUS ............................ 93
46. Evaluation of policy frameworks for addressing ethical considerations in
learning analytics ............................................................................... 94
Practices: interest groups and networks .............................................................. 95
47. Further education learning technology action group: FELTAG ................... 95
48. Learning Analytics Community Exchange (LACE) .................................... 96
49. Society for Learning Analytics Research (SoLAR) .................................... 97
50. Spanish Network of Learning Analytics (SNOLA) ..................................... 98
Evidence-base.................................................................................................. 99
51. LACE Evidence Hub on Learning Analytics .............................................. 99
Policy documents............................................................................................ 100
52. Analytical review – UK Department for Education ................................. 100
53. Capacity enablers and barriers for learning analytics – Alliance for Excellent
Education ........................................................................................ 101
54. Education governance: the role of data – Organisation for Economic Co-
operation and Development ............................................................... 102
55. Enhancing teaching and learning through learning analytics and educational
data mining – US Department of Education .......................................... 103
56. Improving the quality and productivity of the higher education sector –
Australian Government Office for Learning and Teaching ....................... 104
57. Learning analytics at the workplace manifesto – LACE ........................... 105
58. Opening up education: innovative teaching and learning for all through new
technologies and open educational resources – European Union ............. 106
59. Policy brief on learning analytics – UNESCO ......................................... 107
60. What matters most for education management information systems
framework paper – EMIS ................................................................... 108
61. Understanding and managing the risks of analytics in higher education: a
guide – Educause ............................................................................. 109
Annex 2: Case Studies of implementation of learning analytics ..................... 110
Kennisnet ...................................................................................................... 111
Kennisnet: Introduction ................................................................................ 111
Kennisnet: Context ...................................................................................... 111
Kennisnet: Design and implementation process ............................................... 112
Kennisnet: Experience .................................................................................. 114
Kennisnet: Policies ....................................................................................... 115
The Open University, UK ................................................................................. 117
OU: Introduction ......................................................................................... 117
OU: Context ................................................................................................ 117
OU: Design and implementation process......................................................... 118
OU: Experience ........................................................................................... 119
OU: Policies ................................................................................................ 120
University of Technology, Sydney ..................................................................... 121
UTS: Introduction ........................................................................................ 121
UTS: Context .............................................................................................. 121
UTS: Design and implementation process ....................................................... 122
UTS: Experience .......................................................................................... 123
UTS: Policies ............................................................................................... 124
The Apereo Foundation Learning Analytics Initiative............................................ 125
Apereo: Introduction .................................................................................... 125
Apereo: Context .......................................................................................... 125
Apereo: Design and implementation process ................................................... 127
Apereo: Experience ...................................................................................... 127
Apereo: Policies ........................................................................................... 128
Blue Canary ................................................................................................... 130
Blue Canary: Introduction ............................................................................. 130
Blue Canary: Context ................................................................................... 130
Blue Canary: Design and implementation process ............................................ 130
Blue Canary: Experience............................................................................... 132
Blue Canary: Policies.................................................................................... 132
Annex 3: Background to Learning Analytics ................................................... 134
Research topics that have contributed to current thinking on learning analytics ...... 134
Educational data mining (EDM) ...................................................................... 134
Adaptive and ‘intelligent’ systems .................................................................. 134
Personal learning and self-regulation.............................................................. 135
Insight into student performance and progress ................................................ 135
Assessment and feedback ............................................................................. 135
Insight into engagement and social learning ................................................... 136
Resource recommendation systems ............................................................... 136
Game-based learning and serious games ........................................................ 136
Insight into effective curriculum design and pedagogic strategies ...................... 136
Distance & online education, and MOOCs ........................................................ 137
Refinement and validation of educational theories............................................ 137
Annex 4: Glossary .......................................................................................... 138
Terms commonly used in relation to learning analytics ........................................ 138
Technical terms relating to learning analytics ..................................................... 141
Academic terms relating to learning analytics..................................................... 143
Annex 5: Experts ............................................................................................ 144
Executive summary
Policy context
The Europe 2020 Strategy acknowledges that Education and Training (E&T) have a
strategic role to play in helping Europe to remain competitive, overcome the current
economic crisis and grasp new opportunities. Digital transformation of E&T systems is
included in several Europe 2020 flagship initiatives and boosting digital skills and digital
learning is among President Juncker’s priorities.
From 2013, the European Commission’s action plan Opening up Education has focused
on challenges in the field of education, particularly on those that have been brought
about by digitalisation of every aspects of our lives - including education and training.
“Technology makes it possible to develop new solutions for better personalised
learning, by allowing teachers to have a more accurate and up-to-date follow up
of each learner. Through learning analytics, new and more learner-centred
teaching methods can emerge since the evolution of learners who use ICT
regularly can be closely monitored.” (p.5)
One of the key transformative actions in this area has been to promote research and
innovation on adaptive learning technologies, learning analytics and digital games for
learning (European Commission, 2013).
The study described in this report aimed to find and document evidence on the
implementation of learning analytics for education and training in order to better
understand their implications and opportunities for European educational policy. A key
outcome of the study is the Action List for Learning Analytics which offers educators,
researchers, developers and policymakers a step-by-step list of actions to ensure that
learning analytics will fully embrace open and innovative education and training.
Main findings
Learning analytics is a field of research that has developed over the last decade and
continues to grow quickly. Though practical applications are beginning to emerge, the
technology is still not widely used in educational settings. Learning analytics involve
the measurement, collection, analysis and reporting of data about learners and
their contexts, for purposes of understanding and optimizing learning and the
environments in which it occurs1.
Learning analytics has its roots in many fields of educational and technical research,
including assessment, personal learning and social learning, and also in business
intelligence and data mining. It draws on theory and methodologies from disciplines such
as statistics, artificial intelligence and computer science (Dawson et al., 2014).
What do we know about implementing Learning Analytics in Europe?
Between September 2015 and June 2016, the JRC-led study on “The Implications and
Opportunities of Learning Analytics for European Educational Policy” gathered evidence
of implementation of learning analytics in educational contexts. The focus was on the
use and the processes of implementing learning analytics in any tier of education.
The study gathered evidence from two sources:
An inventory of examples of tools, practices and policies from all tiers of the
educational system, including informal and non-formal learning;
Five case studies that provide insights into current and recent practices in the
implementation of learning analytics focusing on understanding the enablers and
obstacles for implementation.
Although the Inventory is not exhaustive, it illustrates the work currently being done and
the kind of practical applications of learning analytics that are already possible today.
Together, the examples of tools, practices and case studies show that work across
Europe in the area of learning analytics is promising, but currently fragmented.
Regarding available tools and their usage to improve - and innovate - education, there is
a wide gap between the potential roles for learning analytics that have been identified in
research literature as a whole and the dominant themes in learning analytics as put into
practice by ICT/learning technology vendors, developers and researchers. Firstly, much
of the current work on learning analytics concentrates on the supply side – the
development of tools, data, models and prototypes. There is considerably less work on
the demand side – i.e. on how analytics connect with education and the changes that
school administrators, teachers and students want these tools to make in order to
support their everyday learning, teaching and assessment work. More attention needs to
be paid to the demand side - like, for example, the work carried out by Kennisnet in the
Netherlands. This sought to help schools articulate what they want from ICT vendors,
mediating requirements and exploring possible solutions, thus ensuring that learning
analytics products have useful features for their end users.
Secondly, tools seem to be focusing currently on visualising engagement and activity
developing systems that provide early alerts and eventually target interventions. What
can be seen, though, is that these data visualisations are not necessarily ‘actionable’ in
the way that learning analytics should be. In other words, they do not reveal what
actions should be taken to improve learning and teaching. Also, efforts focus mainly on
identifying students who may drop out and less on innovative pedagogical processes and
practices, or on helping educational organisations to fully embrace the digital era.
Another issue with current tools is finding evidence for their formal validation (e.g.
whether the tools fulfil their intended purpose, such as having a positive impact on
learning; encouraging more efficient learning; or more effective learning). The issue is
partly related to the timeframe; very little hard evidence is currently available that is
based on anything other than short-term studies. Some positive work is cited in the
LACE Evidence Hub but, at this stage, there is no overwhelming evidence that learning
analytics have fostered more effective and efficient learning processes and
organisations. However, there is convincing evidence in the Inventory and case studies
that companies and organisations believe they can do this in the future, and are
prepared to invest time and resources in order to achieve this.
Some European countries, notably Denmark, the Netherlands and Norway, are beginning
to develop national approaches and are creating infrastructure to support and enable
endeavours in learning analytics. A few European universities, such as Nottingham Trent,
Dublin City and The Open University, have developed implementations, some large-
scale, others smaller-scale. We also find that organisations such as Kennisnet (NL), Jisc
(UK), Apereo (international) and the LACE project (a European research network that
reached the end of its project funding in June 2016) are helping many educational
institutions and also companies in Europe to develop their capabilities in learning
However, these implementations do not seem to be widely known, and there seem to be
only limited opportunities to share experience and good practice in the area of use and
implementation of learning analytics in an educational context. In order for other
educational institutions to follow the lead of these early adopters, and to encourage
them to build on what they have already achieved, more work is needed on areas
related to adoption and implementation.
From this study, we also learn that most policies that have an influence on learning
analytics were developed in other contexts of educational technologies. Even though
policies related to technical standards for interoperability already exist, many need to be
amended or even replaced to take learning analytics into account. As regards data
protection and privacy, Europe’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) entered into
force in May 2016 and it can be foreseen that it will affect learning analytics in many
ways. As Europe has taken the position that individual privacy is important, some
changes to current practices in general analytics are evident. Institutions will need to
understand their responsibilities and obligations with regard to data privacy and data
protection and will have to put procedures in place to ensure that they are compliant
with the legislation. There will also be an increased need to help parents and students
understand how data are used. This study has identified some pioneering work in this
Much of the work that is underway in Europe seems to address some of the strategic
objectives or priorities at an institutional or regional level. However, at a higher level,
there is a little coherence and convergence towards common topics and goals: for
example, those of the new priorities for European cooperation in education and training
(European Union, 2015). As a result, companies and researchers focus heavily on only
some areas, e.g. reduction of drop-out rates and identification of at-risk students, while
others, for example new and more learner-centred teaching methods, remain relatively
untouched. In order to reap the potential benefits from modernising education systems
and improving learning outcomes, work is needed to make links between learning
analytics, European priority areas for education and training, and the beliefs and values
that underpin these areas.
Key conclusions
The evidence shows that the use of learning analytics to improve and to innovate
learning and teaching in Europe is still in its infancy. The high expectations, for example
those outlined in the policy context above (‘through learning analytics, new and more
learner-centred teaching methods can emerge’), have not yet been realised. Though
early adopters are already taking a lead in research and development, the evidence on
practice and successful implementation is still scarce. Furthermore, though the
work across Europe on learning analytics is promising, it is currently fragmented.
This underlines the need for a careful build-up of research and experimentation, with
both practice and policies that have a unified European vision. Therefore, the study
suggests that work is needed to make links between learning analytics, the beliefs and
values that underpin this field, and European priority areas for education and training
2020 (European Union, 2015). As a way of guiding the discussion about further
development in this area, the Action List for Learning Analytics is proposed.
The Action List for Learning Analytics focuses on seven areas of activity. It outlines a set
of actions for educators, researchers, developers and policymakers in which learning
analytics are used to drive work in Europe’s priority areas for education and training.
Strategic work should take place to ensure that each area is covered, that there is no
duplication of effort, that teams are working on all actions and that their work proceeds
in parallel.
Policy leadership and governance practices
Develop common visions of learning analytics that address strategic objectives
and priorities
Develop a roadmap for learning analytics within Europe
Align learning analytics work with different sectors of education
Develop frameworks that enable the development of analytics
Assign responsibility for the development of learning analytics within Europe
Continuously work on reaching common understanding and developing new
Capacity building
Identify the skills required in different areas
Train and support researchers and developers to work in this field
Train and support educators to use analytics to support achievement
Develop technologies that enable development of analytics
Adapt and employ interoperability standards
1 Introduction to the Report
Learning analytics is an emergent research field that is growing quickly. It involves:
the measurement, collection, analysis and reporting of data about learners and
their contexts, for purposes of understanding and optimizing learning and the
environments in which it occurs2.
In other words, the field takes the data that are generated as people engage in learning,
and uses these data to help improve learning and teaching.
The definition draws on the field of web analytics, in which user data are collected ‘for
the purposes of understanding and optimizing web usage’ (Web Analytics Association,
2008). Just as its definition is drawn from another field of study, learning analytics is
also rooted in many fields of educational and technical research dating back some 30
years into topics such as personal and social learning, and assessment, and in disciplines
such as business intelligence and data mining. It also draws on theories and
methodologies from statistics, artificial intelligence and computer science (Dawson et al.,
The emergence of learning analytics as a field has been attributed to three principal
drivers (Ferguson, 2012):
Big data: the introduction of institutional databases and virtual learning
environments (also known as learning management systems) means that educational
institutions deal with increasingly large amounts of data, and are looking for ways of
using these to improve learning and teaching.
Online learning: The rise of Big Data in education is accompanied by an increase in
take-up of online and blended teaching and learning, and by growth in the number of
learners worldwide learning informally using open educational resources (OERs) and
massive open online courses (MOOCs). There is therefore a worldwide interest in
ways of optimising learning in these settings.
National concerns: Countries and international groupings are increasingly
interested in measuring, demonstrating and improving performance in education and
are looking for ways to optimise learning and educational results in order to benefit
society and the individuals within it.
The research community that has formed around learning analytics was stimulated by
the first international conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge in 2011 (LAK11).
Following the publication of the LAK11 call for papers, the term ‘learning analytics’
(Figure 1, see blue upward curve) became increasingly more popular than in the initially
more used term ‘educational data mining’ (Figure 1, see red line).
Figure 1: 2010-2016 Google trend analysis for ‘educational data mining’ (red) and
‘Learning Analytics’ (blue) shows interest in Learning Analytics increasing from 2011
A clear understanding of the global uptake of learning analytics is needed for the
development of policies that can foster their potential to support more effective and
efficient learning processes and organisations within the EU. The study ‘Implications and
Opportunities of Learning Analytics for European Educational Policy’ (henceforward
simply ‘the study’), therefore has an international scope, although the policy
perspectives are discussed from the point of view of the EU. The research was conducted
between September 2015 and June 2016.
The study addressed three research questions:
RQ1: What is the current international state of the art in the implementation of
learning analytics for education and training in both formal and informal
settings? (Answered in Section 2)
RQ2: What are the prospects for the implementation of learning analytics for
education and training over the next 10–15 years? (Answered in Section 4)
RQ3: What is the potential for European policy to be used to guide and support the
take-up and adaptation of learning analytics to enhance education in Europe?
(Answered in Section 4)
The results of the study are documented in this report. Evidence was gathered for this
study from two sources:
An evidence-based inventory of the implementation of learning analytics in all
tiers of the educational system, including informal and non-formal learning
(Annex 1), and
Five illustrative case studies that provide insights into current and recent
practices in the implementation of learning analytics (Annex 2).
The study also included a review of literature related to the issue of implementation of
learning analytics (not part of this report) and a brief overview of the issues that
prompted the emergence of learning analytics from existing research in fields such as
data mining, personal learning, assessment and social learning (Annex 3).
The vocabulary used in this emerging field is explained in the Glossary (Annex 4). It is
split into sections and includes terms in general use, terms used by developers, and
terms used by researchers.
2 The State of the Art in the Implementation of Learning
Analytics for Education and Training
Evidence on the implementation of learning analytics in education and training, capturing
the state of the art in this area, was gathered for this study. The scope is international
and across educational sectors. In this section, the main results from the two sources of
evidence, namely the Inventory and the case studies, are summarised. An expert
workshop was organised to validate the research results.
To illustrate the variety of tools, we take a look at the following three examples:
Conexus Vokal: an overall learning environment tool with an extra module that
makes learning analytics available to support evaluation and improvement of
pedagogical practices. It provides analysis and reporting at individual and
group level on the basis of data it gathers from different sources. The provider
of this tool works with several school book publishers, whose content it can
use to generate data for analytics, and it also gathers data from student
surveys and national statistical data sources, e.g. national tests. See the
Inventory No: 7.
Most of the tools (13) in the Inventory were developed for use with students in
secondary or post-compulsory education, and a further 8 were used in Higher Education.
Six of the tools were designed for use in a wide range of settings and some of these can
also be used in informal learning settings in which learners select their own goals and
means of achieving them. Notably, none of the tools in the Inventory was designed
specifically for informal learning.
Some current tools take advantage of novel, innovative pedagogy and theoretical
approaches to teaching and learning. Some examples are listed below, particularly in the
areas that have been highlighted as priorities for Europe (as in ‘New priorities for
European cooperation in education and training’ by European Union, 2015)
Focus on innovative education and training:
Improving students’ learning habits: CLARA (see the case study of University of
Technology, Sydney 123). This tool aims to make students aware of their learning
dispositions (the habits of minds they bring to their learning). The survey tool
platform generates a ‘learning power’ profile visualisation for each student, and also
interventions based on these learning profiles. In addition, students receive coaching
and mentoring from trained peers and staff
Helping students to reflect: Open Essayist (see the Inventory no: 17). This tool
provides automated feedback to learners on draft essays in order to support learner
reflection and development. It presents a computer-based analysis of the most
important sections and key words in a draft so that learners can compare those to
what they intended to convey, and adjust their writing in the light of that
procedural knowledge. The platform provides a dashboard for learners that shows
progress against skills and activity patterns over time, and against different skills.
This is an example of the use of analytics to support informal learning.
Supporting collaborative or group learning: SNAPP (see the Inventory no: 12)
The Social Networks Adapting Pedagogical Practice (SNAPP) tool performs real-time
social network analysis and data visualisation of forum discussion activity on
commercial and open source learning management systems. The tool can be used to
identify isolated students, facilitator-centric network patterns, group malfunction and
users who bridge smaller networks.
Analytics for 21st-century skills: Connected Intelligence Centre (see the case
study of University of Technology, Sydney). This Australian centre is developing learning
analytics associated with the 21st-century qualities that are important for all
university staff and students.
Supporting skills development: Skillaware (see the Inventory no: 22). This
learning environment software is designed to support skills development in the
context of workplace learning and training. The programme is used together with
existing company software or procedures to determine worker effectiveness and to
identify areas where training may be useful.
Since 2011, when learning analytics emerged as a distinct field, validation of the tools
used has been an issue. The Inventory provides evidence of the maturity and utility of
each tool. Some tools are validated “by use” – i.e. their success is indicated by the
number of organisations and users who continue to engage with them. For example,
Schoolzilla (see the Inventory no: 11) is used by 58 schools across the USA and Bingel
(see the Inventory no: 3) claims to be used by a large percentage of Dutch-speaking
schools in Belgium. Some learning management systems and digital technologies can
visualise data in a way that may be labelled ‘learning analytics’, and wide-scale use of
these has been reported. For example, Conexus Vokal (see the Inventory no: 7) is used
in 75% of Norwegian primary schools (however, not necessarily the analytics model),
and the itslearning platform (see the Inventory no: 9) claims to have over 7 million
active users internationally. This issue of data visualisation, however, can be used to
highlight the difference between learning analytics research and the level of current
implementation and deployment. These data visualisations are not necessarily
‘actionable’ in the way that learning analytics should be – in other words, they do not
reveal what actions should be taken in order to improve learning or teaching.
As regards formal validation of tools (e.g. whether the tools fulfils its intended
purpose such as impact on learning; more efficient learning; more effective learning),
there is little to report. One reason might be that not enough time has passed. Following
the emergence of learning analytics in 2011, important first steps involved overcoming
bureaucratic and technical constraints in order to bring data together and present them
in usable form. By 2013, relatively few early adopters were in a position to start
developing algorithms and then test them using real student data. Those who went on to
do this using the data they gathered from their next two student cohorts were ready to
trial their algorithms on students at the start of the 2015 academic year and to begin
reporting their initial findings in 2016. This might be one reason why validation is so
There are also several tools, particularly those that were developed before the
emergence of learning analytics as a field, which have undergone more robust study.
Statistics from 2005 – 2011 show that students using the Student Success Plan were
five times more likely to graduate than others (see the Inventory no: 19). Studies at
Tennessee schools have shown that at-risk students who used the Degree Compass tool
(see the Inventory no: 14) earned higher grades than others. The CourseSmart
Engagement Index (see the Inventory no: 13) has been shown to be a significant
predictor of course grades across disciplines and educators. Some tools reported in the
Inventory are still under development, and some developers have not openly shared
evidence about success rates.
In general, one could conclude from the broad but shallow list of examples in the
Inventory that currently tools seem to focus mainly on success in school and university
courses. They offer a new type of “digital era” support for teachers, school leaders and
other educational staff based on data.
Formal education in Europe
Practice examples in Europe include the following illustrative examples:
An example of a practice on an institutional scale in England is the student dashboard
deployed by Nottingham Trent, which uses engagement data (e.g. library use,
attendance, use of the online learning platform) of all undergraduate students (see
the Inventory no: 36).
An institutional pilot is being run in Dunchurch Infant School which is trialling the
use of learning analytics to support teachers in recording the activity of very young
learners. Teachers can use data visualisations to see reports on their pupils’
strengths and weaknesses (see the Inventory no: 32). Another pilot is being run by
Dublin City University, which supports students on some Moodle courses by
providing targeted predictions and resources (see the Inventory no: 31). The Open
University deploys software that predicts which students are at risk and has
conducted several scientific pilots (see the Inventory no: 18).
From the tools’ Inventory, we have reports on the use of learning analytics services
which use national statistics, e.g. in the Netherlands (Cito LUVS, see the Inventory
no: 4), in the UK (FFT Aspire, see the Inventory no: 8) and in Norway (Vokal, see
the Inventory no: 7).
Additionally, according to the descriptions of tools, various types of software are
being used in primary and secondary schools around Europe that deploy features of
learning analytics, e.g. Bingel (the Inventory no: 3); Conexus (the Inventory no: 7);
itslearning (see the Inventory no: 9).
Some European countries are developing national approaches and are beginning to
create the infrastructure to support learning analytics, e.g.:
In Norway, several developments are on-going (see the Inventory no: 40):
o Actions related to technical infrastructure and interoperability are being
carried out. UNINETT, which develops and operates the Norwegian national
research and education network, is rolling out a service platform, Dataporten
(Norwegian for "data gate") 3 , that connects data sources and end-user
applications. This will eventually allow better sharing of data in general and
also for the purposes of learning analytics.
o In Standards Norway, the national standards body of Norway, discussions
have centred around three projects: Data sharing, vocabularies for activity
descriptions, and Privacy and best practice guidelines. All three have the
potential to enable applications such as learning analytics.
o The research centre ‘SLATE’, which is partly funded by the Ministry of
Education, is set to conduct a National Overview study to better understand
‘Possibilities and Challenges for Learning Analytics in Norway’ (this will include
a Norwegian inventory of tools, ethics and privacy and some guidelines).
In Denmark, the Ministry of Education is adopting technology infrastructure that can
support the large-scale adoption of learning analytics across the country (User Portal
Initiative, see the Inventory no: 39).
A great deal of work on ethics and privacy when implementing learning analytics has
taken place in Europe. An institution-specific example is the Ethical use of student data
policy that has been put into practice at The Open University in the UK (see more details
in the case study on The Open University, UK). A more general set of guidelines has
been developed by the UK organisation ‘Jisc’, with the intention that these should form
the basis for discussion and policy development in different contexts. The Jisc code of
practice for learning analytics focuses on issues of responsibility, transparency and
consent, privacy, validity, access, enabling positive interventions, minimising adverse
impacts, and data stewardship (see the Inventory no: 42).
More generally, the Analytical Review produced by the British government’s Department
for Education (DfE) focused in 2013 on the roles of research, analysis, and the use of
data within the department and its schools and children’s services. The report suggested
that the government should lead culture change by setting the expectation that evidence
is an integral part of education policy and delivery and that research skills are the key to
professional improvement and freedom. The government should also make the sharing
of real-time data easier, more efficient and more attractive. Finally, it should encourage
a flourishing secondary market to improve data access and analysis by parents, schools
and other interested parties (see the Inventory no: 52).
privacy, policy and legal issues when storing and analysing personally-identifiable
In 2012, Educause, an American educational organisation that has been active in the
promotion of learning analytics, produced a report on Understanding and managing the
risks of analytics in higher education (see the Inventory no: 61). This focuses on the
challenges associated with learning analytics and deals with areas of concern around
data governance, including legal data protection requirements, data collection and
storage methods, and access to student data. The report also considers data quality and
the issues associated with missing, incorrect or misleading data with legal and
institutional compliance, the use of third-party systems and issues around ethics and
In 2014, the Alliance for Excellent Education published Capacity enablers and barriers for
learning analytics (see the Inventory no: 53), which considers the implications of these
subjects for policy and practice. The Alliance is an advocacy organisation dedicated to
ensuring that all students, particularly those traditionally under-served, graduate from
high school ready for success in college, work and citizenship. Moreover, the report of
the Alliance makes a series of recommendations that will support the take-up of learning
analytics. According to the report, it is important to develop a clear understanding of the
potential and rationale for learning analytics. It is necessary to build capacity for the
implementation of learning analytics, including development of a culture of informed
decision-making, infrastructure and human capital. To make this possible, funding
models must be explored and developed. To support these processes, research on
adoption and emergence of effective practice is needed. Alongside this work, policies
must be identified and developed to support and enable learning analytics, including
aspects of technology procurement, teacher development and privacy.
adopting successful learning analytics practices. It stresses that learning analytics is a
complex system, which requires the development of six key areas: academic content,
conceptualisation of the purpose for learning analytics, leadership, university strategy,
stakeholder feedback, technology and an understanding of the specific university
context. The report identifies areas that will need further consideration and support if
learning analytics are to provide meaningful impact.
The report notes that people form a critical ingredient in the early stages of learning
analytics implementations, and it calls for broader stakeholder involvement and
discussion at all levels about learning analytics and their potential. These discussions
need to include national conversations that identify ethical issues in this area and ways
of dealing with these.
Capacity building is also an issue and it is discussed here partly in terms of skills that
require programmes of professional development, academic courses and secondment
opportunities. Capacity building is also discussed in terms of educational leadership. The
study found that implementations of learning analytics in Australian higher education fell
into two broad groups. The first of these treated analytics as a way to enhance existing
practices, and therefore focused on performance measurement and retention
interventions. The second group looked more deeply into learning as a pursuit of
understanding and viewed retention as an important proxy for student engagement.
Focus on work
The Inventory identified only two tools that were designed for use in vocational or
training settings (see the Inventory ‘Tools: workplace learning’), though this might be in
part because workplace training is business specific and sometimes business sensitive,
so these tools may not be shared externally. However, there is a positive side which
shows that some tools are already being aligned with the need to focus on learning
outcomes for employability and innovation, although there is obvious potential for this
work to be developed further (see also EU projects such as Edu-works5 which focuses on
labour market matching processes).
The Learning analytics at the workplace manifesto (see the Inventory no: 57) makes a
start in the area of workplace training by providing advice for industry leaders,
employers, workers, universities, teachers, social partners, teacher unions and trade
unions. It calls for the EU to bring together relevant stakeholders with a view to
identifying 21st-century skills that are needed and then improving the training of
Europe’s workforce in order to meet the needs of industry and society.
Organisations and networks
The Practice part of the Inventory also includes organisations that are concerned with
the development of the field. In the Netherlands and the UK, practitioners aiming to
implement learning analytics can call upon support organisations such as Kennisnet (see
more at Case Study of Kennisnet) and Jisc (the Inventory no: 41) to develop their
learning analytics capability through advice and guidance, the establishment of a
technical platform with free and charged services, and integration with institutional
systems, and the support of a series of pilots using the platform. The more
internationally-available initiative is Apereo (see The Apereo Foundation Learning
Analytics Initiative case study). More research and academically-oriented networks
include the international Society for Learning Analytics Research (SoLAR) - see the
Inventory no: 49), Europe’s Learning Analytics Community Exchange (LACE) (see the
Inventory no: 48), and the Spanish Network for Learning Analytics Research (SNOLA)
(see the Inventory no: 50).
To conclude the results of the Inventory of learning analytics implementations, we can
say that in general, examples from Australia, Europe and North America show that there
are growing opportunities to share lessons learned and examples of good practice, even
though learning analytics are only being used at scale in a small number of institutions.
Regarding the issues that emerge from the current review of policies and practices, we
see that most policies that are related to education, data protection, privacy and
technical standards all influence learning analytics, but were not originally designed with
learning analytics in mind. However, there is growing awareness of the need for policy in
this area, and the Inventory contains examples of policies and policy briefings (see
individual reports in the Inventory under ‘Policy documents’). Some of these briefings
include recommendations that can be implemented at national or international level and
should therefore be taken into account when developing learning analytics policy at
European level.
Each case study provides an example of an organisation building its experience on
learning analytics over time. Each of them has not only high hopes for learning analytics,
but also the conviction that they will be successful. Their extensive knowledge of the
field means that these hopes are grounded in an understanding of what is possible now,
and what could be possible in the future. Each is aware that learning analytics require a
robust infrastructure, and system of quality assurance and validation that gives
confidence to all stakeholders.
Crowd-sourced funding support
A system to crowd-source funding for tools teachers need could be developed, with
European top-up funding available for successful candidates.
Open access standards
Standards for European analytics should be established and an open access forum
should be set up to enable the creation of standards from practice.
Data privacy
A clear statement is needed from privacy commissioners about controls to protect
learners, teachers and society.
Decide which problems we want to solve
A series of collective discussions should be set up to identify priorities for learning
analytics in the future.
Facilitate data amalgamation
Work on ways of combining data sources should be supported to provide multi-
faceted insights into the problems we seek to solve.
The inputs from the expert workshop, together with the results of the study, were used
to create the Action List for Learning Analytics which is included in Section 4 of this
3 Summary of the Results and Further Steps
Since 2011, when an international conference raised awareness of learning analytics
research, the use of data to understand and optimise learning and the contexts in which
it occurs has offered a popular vision worldwide – particularly in Europe, Australia and
North America.
Our first research question was: what is the state of the art internationally in the
implementation of learning analytics for education and training in both formal
and informal settings? The short answer is that early adopters are already taking the
lead in research and development. However, the evidence on practice and
successful implementation to improve - and innovate - learning and teaching is
still scarce, as we have seen in the previous section.
Together, the examples of tools, practices and case studies show that work across
Europe in learning analytics is potentially promising. Currently, however, it is
fragmented. Some European countries, notably Denmark, the Netherlands and Norway,
are developing national approaches and are beginning to create the infrastructure to
support and enable endeavours in learning analytics. A few European universities, such
as Nottingham Trent, Dublin City and the Open University, have developed
implementations, some large-scale, others smaller-scale, which focus on some of the
key areas of implementation such as tools or privacy. Most policies that influence
learning analytics seem to have been developed in other contexts of educational
technologies. From this study, we also learn that policies related to data protection,
education, privacy and technical standards already exist, but many may need to be
replaced or amended to take learning analytics into account.
Regarding available tools and their usage to improve - and innovate - education, there is
a wide gap between the potential roles for learning analytics that have been identified by
the research literature as a whole, and the dominant themes in learning analytics as
they are put into practice at scale. The emphasis currently seems to be on visualising
engagement and activity, making use of intelligent tutoring systems and adaptive
content platforms, and developing systems that provide early alerts and target
interventions. Most effort is focused on identifying students who may drop out; but less
effort is made as regards innovative pedagogical processes, practices and developing
educational organisations that fully embrace the digital era.
Another issue with current tools is finding evidence relating to formal validation of
tools (e.g. whether the tools fulfil their intended purpose such as having an impact on
learning; or making learning more efficient or more effective). Indeed, there is little to
report (in the Inventory template as ‘Maturity and Evidence of Utility’). The issue is
partly related to the timeframe; the topic of learning analytics first emerged in 2011 and
at that point early adopters focused on how to bring the data together. A few years later
a very few educational institutions were in a position to start validating tools and their
impact. This means that very little hard evidence based on anything other than short-
term studies is currently available. Some positive work is cited in the LACE Evidence Hub
but, at this stage, there is no overwhelming evidence that learning analytics have
fostered more effective and efficient learning processes and organisations.
However, there is convincing evidence in the Inventory and Case Studies that companies
and organisations believe learning analytics will do this in the future, and are prepared
to invest time and resources in order in them.
Much of the work that is underway in Europe seems to address some of the strategic
objectives or priorities at an institutional or regional level. However, at a higher level,
there is a little coherence and convergence towards common topics and goals, for
example those of the new priorities for European cooperation in education and training
(European Union, 2015). As a result, companies and researchers are heavily focused on
only some areas, e.g. reduction of drop-out rates and identification of at-risk students,
while other areas, for example new and more learner-centred teaching methods, remain
relatively untouched. Moreover, it appears that many people who implement learning
analytics are likely to consider philosophy and pedagogy to be abstruse, academic or
difficult. Additionally, few technology-enhanced learning implementation projects or
policy documents from government level downwards are likely to deal with culture or
values in their documentation. This, arguably, represents a risk. In particular, work is
needed to link learning analytics with European priority areas for education and training,
and the beliefs and values that underpin those areas.
Organisations such as Kennisnet in the Netherlands (see the Kennisnet case study),
Apereo Foundation (see the The Apereo Foundation Learning Analytics Initiative case
study) and Jisc in the UK (see the Inventory no: 41) are providing support to multiple
educational institutions and also to companies within Europe to develop their learning
analytics capability. Nevertheless, the results of this research do not seem to be widely
known, and there seem to be only limited opportunities to share experience and good
practice, especially in the area of use and implementation of learning analytics in an
educational context. At a European level, the EU-funded project Learning Analytics
Community Exchange (LACE) has integrated communities working on learning analytics
so that they can share effective solutions to real problems. Since this project ended in
summer 2016, no single network/organisation is bringing together people and evidence
across Europe. On an international level, the Society for Learning Analytics Research
(SoLAR) coordinates efforts on research initiatives related to conferences, summer
schools, a journal and training initiatives. In order for others to follow the lead of these
early adopters, and to encourage them to build on what they have already achieved,
more work is needed on areas related to adoption and implementation.
The study “The Implications and Opportunities of Learning Analytics for European
Educational Policy” conducted between September 2015 and June 2016, leads us to
conclude that work across Europe in the area of learning analytics
implementation in an educational context can be seen as promising. However,
it is currently unevenly distributed and fragmented. In particular, the evidence
that implementation of learning analytics can improve - and innovate - learning
and teaching is still scarce, and high expectations have not yet been realised.
This underlines the need for a careful build-up of research and experimentation with
both practice and policies.
Further steps
In order to answer the two remaining research question set for this study, namely ‘What
are the prospects for the implementation of learning analytics for education and training
in the next 10–15 years?’ and ‘What is the potential for European policy to be used to
guide and support the take-up and adaptation of learning analytics to enhance education
in Europe?’, we take a closer look at the new European Union’s priority areas for
education and training (European Union, 2015). One of them is open and innovative
education and training, which fully embraces the digital era. Help achieving this goal
could involve the use of learning analytics, which could help to improve learning
and teaching by making use of the data generated as people engage in
learning. This will require, however, a focus on another priority area, the provision of
strong support for teachers, trainers, school leaders and other educational staff.
Matching the vision outlined above with reality is a process that will require time and
experience, as the case studies make clear. A unified European approach could fill these
gaps and could also build on previous learning analytics work that has taken place
around the world. It could ensure that learning analytics are used effectively in all areas
of education and training across the continent. In addition, a unified European approach
could move this work forward by taking a strong lead in this area.
Much of the work by early adopters has been focused on the use of predictive analytics
to identify students who are likely to drop out or to fail, so that they can be targeted for
support. This is a worthwhile goal, aligned with one of Europe’s 2020 strategy targets for
education (‘reducing school drop-out rates to less than 10 %), but it is also a limited
one. Learning analytics could play a larger role in ‘improving the quality and efficiency of
education and training’ and in the provision of ‘open and innovative education and
training’. In future, they could also be used to support other important European priority
areas such as employability, innovation, active citizenship and wellbeing. Future work
could align learning analytics much more closely with these priority areas for education
and training in order to find common goals and convergence towards a shared vision so
that there is no duplication of effort and that work proceeds in parallel.
The Action List for Learning Analytics is proposed as a way of guiding the
discussion of further development in this area. It sets out a set of actions that will
align the activities of educators, researchers, developers and policymakers to ensure
that learning analytics are used to better drive work in Europe. These groups can use the
Action List to ensure that open and innovative education and training, which fully
embraces the digital era, becomes a reality in Europe, as it proposed in ‘the New
priorities for European cooperation in education and training’.
The Action List for Learning Analytics focuses on seven areas of activity and identifies
actions that need to be taken in each of these areas. It is important that initial strategic
work takes place to ensure that each area is covered, that there is no duplication of
effort, that teams are working on all actions and that work proceeds in parallel. The
Action List for Learning Analytics is presented in the following section of this report.
4 The Action List for Learning Analytics
Based on the examples of learning analytics and their implementations presented in this
Study, practitioners, researchers and companies seem to be heavily focusing on areas
such as identifying students at risk of drop-out and predicting students’ success. Results
of current implementation and practices, however, do not seem to be widely known, and
especially for policymakers at local, national and European levels, there are only limited
opportunities to share experience and good practice.
The Action List for Learning Analytics offers the potential to resolve this problem by
aligning work across Europe so that there is no duplication of effort and that work
proceeds in parallel. The Action List for Learning Analytics is proposed to guide the
discussion of the further development so that it could be more strongly aligned with the
European Union’s new priority areas for education and training, namely, to ensure that
open and innovative education and training, which fully embraces the digital era,
becomes a reality (European Union, 2015).
Policymakers can use the Action List for Learning Analytics as a strategic planning tool
in order to develop comprehensive policies for the effective uptake of learning analytics
at local, national and European levels. Researchers and developers, including
commercial companies, can use it to guide their work. Educational institutions
(including primary and secondary schools, suppliers of vocational education and training,
and higher education institutions) can use it to identify the resources and training that
they require.
The Action List for Learning Analytics is comprised of 21 items. They are divided into 7
areas which are the following; Policy Leadership and Governance practices; Institutional
Leadership and Governance practices; Collaboration and Networking; Teaching and
Learning practices; Quality assessment and assurance practices; Capacity building; and
These 7 areas are similar to those of the European Framework for Digitally-Competent
Educational Organisations which aims to help educational organisations to fully integrate
digital-age learning (Kampylis et al., 2015).
want to encourage teachers and learners to make use of analytics, then those
analytics should provide delight.
It is also important that learning analytics do not become stuck in a rut, aligned only
on performance metrics, for example. The possibilities for learning analytics keep
developing as new pedagogies and technologies are introduced. Already, data from
learning management systems can be supplemented with data from sensors
embedded in the physical environment or from personal tracking data relating to
movement or to vital signs.
At the same time, Europe is facing new learning challenges. For example, highly
talented people from across the world are coming to Europe. Learning analytics could
be used to shorten the time to recognising their competences and existing
qualifications by putting individuals into realistic scenarios, and comparing their data
with European benchmarks. This work could be linked to existing vocational training
quality frameworks.
Planning for the development of analytics that address strategic objectives and
priorities is therefore not a one-time activity. As Europe changes, and new
possibilities emerge, plans for analytics will need to be developed alongside strategic
objectives and priorities.
Action point: Develop a common vision in Europe by working with a multi-
stakeholder group to consider priority areas for education and training and identify
what learning analytics should do, how they should look and which beliefs and values
should underpin them.
iii. Align learning analytics work with different sectors of education
European priorities cover all areas of education and training, with a focus on making
lifelong learning and mobility a reality and increasing opportunities for open
education and training. However, as the LACE Evidence Hub (see the Inventory no:
51) indicates, much of the work in this area takes place within formal education,
usually in the context of learning at secondary level and above.
Learning analytics should be tailored for different settings, including different levels
of schooling, education, informal learning such as MOOCs, and workplace training.
They should be responsive to individual needs, but should also support social
In the case of businesses that use learning analytics to support training, their
analytics processes and results are likely to be commercially sensitive, so there are
few opportunities to share experience. The Learning analytics at the workplace (LAW)
manifesto (see the Inventory no: 57) is one of the few documents to place learning
analytics in the context of development in manufacturing such as 3D printing, the
Internet of Things, digital disruptions and Industry 4.0.
In the case of informal learning providers such as MOOC platforms, their business
models may not include resources to develop and deploy learning analytics.
Europe must therefore act to ensure that learning analytics can be adopted in all
areas of education. This will involve extending to different sectors of education –
including informal education and MOOCs – the work currently being carried out in the
higher education sector to identify the different elements that need to be taken into
account when deploying learning analytics. It will also require qualitative studies to
understand how learning analytics can be aligned with the perceived purpose of
education in different contexts, and which aspects of different educational contexts
will support or constrain the use of learning analytics.
Action point: At European and national levels, explore the possibility of funding and
supporting learning analytics work that extends into the workplace, work that focuses
on implementation in informal learning settings, and qualitative work that considers
the factors influencing success or failure when learning analytics are applied in
different contexts.
As these frameworks are developed at a European level, and widely disseminated,
they form a unified basis for future work so that alignment between analytics
projects in these areas will be possible.
Action point: At European level, fund work on the development and deployment of
frameworks that support learning analytics work related to skills and competencies.
Projects that incorporate learning analytics, but do not have them as a main
BEACONING (Breaking educational barriers with contextualised
pervasive and gameful learning) 15 BEACONING is a new Horizon 2020
project, which makes use of games and gamification in different domains and
RAGE (Realising an applied gaming ecosystem) 16 RAGE is a Horizon 2020-
funded project with a focus on serious games. It is building a full infrastructure
that will streamline the process of applying learning analytics to games.
WATCHME (Workplace-based e-assessment technology for competency-
based higher multi-professional education) 17 An FP7-funded project on
workplace-based learning that uses an e-portfolio system to collect information
about activities and the learning context.
The challenge for projects from various funding schemes is to contact and learn from
the experience of others, or for consortium members to gain an overall sense of a
European analytics strategy and where responsibility for this lies. The LACE project
has been working to link the different projects within a European research network,
but when it reached the end of its project funding in June 2016, individual projects
are likely to find themselves isolated from each other.
Action point: At European level, identify some responsible entity for leading and
coordinating work on learning analytics and implementing the learning analytics
roadmap in order to facilitate peer learning and not to duplicate work. Network also
organisations and individuals who will be key national contacts in different European
In 2025, individuals control their own data,
In 2025, open systems for learning analytics are widely adopted,
In 2025, learning analytics systems are essential tools of educational
In 2025, most teaching is delegated to computers,
In 2025, analytics support self-directed autonomous learning.
Study participants considered these visions in workshop sessions or via an online
survey and considered whether they were feasible or desirable, and what actions
would be required in order for them to become a reality. The report on this work 19
highlighted some of the reasons that stakeholders should be involved throughout the
learning analytics process. For instance, it revealed disagreements between
educational sectors and showed that practitioners do not necessarily welcome the
systems and methods produced by developers
Action point: At European and national levels, organise regular events involving a
range of stakeholders in order to discuss future directions, priorities but also possible
dangers, in the field of learning analytics.
Sydney Case Study (see the University of Technology, Sydney case study) shows
how learning analytics can be aligned with strategic objectives and priorities.
The European SHEILA project 20 offers a seven-step approach to the institutional
implementation of learning analytics: define a clear set of overarching policy
objectives; map the context; identify the key stakeholders; identify learning analytics
purposes; develop a strategy; analyse capacity and develop human resources; and
develop a monitoring and learning system (evaluation). This is an iterative process,
and these steps can be repeated many times.
In order to implement analytics effectively, leaders are likely to require skills in
change management. The European SHEILA project is currently identifying the
different elements that need to be taken into account when deploying learning
analytics, with a view to helping higher education carry out this process.
Action point: At European level, identify ways in which the funding system can be
explored and adapted to support learning analytics implementation that works
Action point: At European level, fund projects that extend the work in this area in
order to support the deployment of learning analytics in the schools and workplace
sectors as well as within informal learning provision.
Action point: At local level, make use of the existing tools, for example the
DigCompOrg Framework, to support progress towards effective deployment of
learning analytics.
Cormack (2016) has proposed a Data protection framework for learning analytics
that reduces the significance of the boundary between protected personal data and
unprotected, non-personal data ensuring that all processing includes appropriate
safeguards. The proposed framework appears in a special issue of the Journal of
Learning Analytics that deals with issues of ethics, privacy and data protection
(Ferguson, 2016).
Action point: At national level, develop and share model policies on data privacy
and data protection, and support institutions to understand their responsibilities and
obligations in these areas and to put procedures in place to ensure that they are
compliant with the legislation.
Action point: At local level, adopt data privacy and data protection policies, and
work with staff and students to ensure they are aware of their rights and
In order to avoid duplication of work, Europe should keep itself up to date with
significant developments and policy reports in this area from around the world, but
also invest in bringing together a range of different types of stakeholder to build on
work in related areas and other countries.
Action point: at national level, support and develop active national networks of
learning analytics stakeholders.
Action point: At European level, commission reports from countries that are active
in the field of learning analytics and update these on a regular basis.
Action point: At European level, support the development of an accessible
repository for learning analytics evidence, building on the model of the LACE
Evidence Hub.
xii. Support collaboration with commercial organisations
Across the world, companies are developing and marketing learning analytics tools, a
sample of which is presented more fully in the Inventory. I can give an idea of the
range of work that is being carried out within Europe and beyond.
At present, there is a distinction between the research and development work that is
carried out in the commercial sector and the work that is carried out in the academic
sector. This gap needs to be narrowed.
Some initiatives are already in place. More work needs to be done to bring the two
groups together because, as the Case Study on Blue Canary (see the Blue Canary
case study) notes, collaboration between educational institutions and companies is
critical to moving the field forward. Equally, the work carried out by Kennisnet in the
Netherlands is important in order to ensure that learning analytics products have
useful features for their end users, e.g. school administrators, teachers and students.
Action point: At European, national and local levels, promote work on learning
analytics that brings together academic and commercial partners together with end
xiv. Align analytics with assessment practices
As assessment drives the behaviour of both teachers and students, old assessment
strategies can limit the potential for learning analytics and, more broadly, for
learning technologies. Learning analytics could potentially help to shift education to
more authentic types of learning that equip students with and assess them on the
21st-century competencies that will be crucial in their future lives. If national
assessment policies remain focused on the high-stakes end of the year exams, then
analytics will be tied to these areas.
A shift towards student reflection, formative assessment, and the development of
skills and competencies will move analytics away from a focus on current measurable
outcomes and towards support for the holistic process of learning. This will need to
be done in the context of both formal and informal learning.
Action point: At national level, fund studies to make recommendations about
changes to assessment processes at all levels of education.
Action point: At local level, trial new methods of assessment, particularly in areas
such as non-formal learning (e.g. MOOCs) where the assessment regimes are still
under development.
xvi. Develop evaluation checklists for learning analytics tools
There are many learning analytics tools available, so it is very difficult for teachers to
choose between them and to select the ones that will provide solutions to their
problems. A simple list of tools is both uninformative and uninspiring. There should
be more resources that help schools and teachers to decide which practices will work
for them in a realistic real-world setting. Most teachers currently do not have the
knowledge, nor time, to separate one system from another. Europe needs effective
evaluation checklists or frameworks that can help them to make these decisions.
These frameworks would help teachers to ask the right questions in order to identify
a tool that is evidence based, that has been shown to support learning, that is
appropriate for their context, covered by their budget and is likely to help them to
achieve their educational goals. The checklist would take into account both open and
commercial learning analytics tools.
The checklist could also be associated with an evidence base in the form of
testimonials and user stories. These would help to bring these tools to life and would
provide information about practices that work and tools that help to improve
teaching. It would be important that this evidence was quality assured. One way of
doing that would be through a European learning analytics network with members
sharing experiences, offering alternatives, building knowledge together, and
providing feedback on frameworks and the evidence.
In many cases, decisions about learning analytics are made at institutional level,
rather than by teachers. An evaluation checklist should prompt decision makers to
consult with teachers and agree a solution rather than imposing it.
Action point: At national level, develop evaluation checklists for learning analytics,
making use of the models provided by the Framework of characteristics for analytics
(Cooper, 2012) and Quality indicators for learning analytics (Scheffel, 2014).
Capacity building
xvii. Identify the skills required in different areas
Research in Australia has found that systemic capacity for using learning analytics is
hampered by lack of access to skilled professionals and researchers (Siemens et al.,
For adoption of learning analytics it is important that both the developers but also
the users of the analytics have the right set of skills. Currently, we don’t know
exactly which skills are needed, and how many people already possess them.
For example for those implementing or procuring learning analytics systems, it is
important that they are sufficiently knowledgeable to critically evaluate the system
qualities that influence validity and appropriate use.
An obvious example of skills under consideration is those which a ‘data scientist’ or
‘data wrangler’ might possess. For example, quality of data is important when
developing analytics. Datasets may be incomplete for a variety of reasons. They may
also be out of date. Teachers and students may be able to see obvious errors, but
not have permission levels that allow these to be corrected. Data may be entered
wrongly, or people may supply inaccurate data (for example, many social media
users supply fictitious details about their age, birthdate and employment). Analytics
based on low quality data will be flawed and misleading, so institutions need policies
in place to ensure that data collection is carried out consistently and that the process
is quality checked.
Additionally, regarding the outputs of learning analytics, it is important that those
who make decisions on the basis of visualisations, statistics and predictions really
understand what they all really mean.
Action point: At European and national level, the higher education sector should
partner with learning analytics experts and researchers to research data literacies in
this area and to develop an open and shared learning analytics curriculum, for
example to support the role of teaching support staff as analytics interpreters, and to
develop more intuitive and easily interpretable analytics outputs.
xviii. Train and support researchers and developers to work in this field
Some of the data literacies and competencies required for learning analytics are
more generic, and will be increasingly required in a Europe where big data and
analytics are commonly deployed in many areas of life.
A further set of competencies that may be important in implementing learning
analytics, reflecting the fact that teaching and learning is a complex space, are those
required for evaluation and research. The implementation of learning analytics
requires a reflexive process, so there is not only a need for evaluation and research
skills to be available but also for learning analytics to be implemented in an
exploratory fashion.
There is also a need for researchers and developers to be skilled in both technical
and pedagogical areas. Early work in learning analytics often claimed that the tools
that had been developed would be suitable for any pedagogical approach. This was
sometimes the case, but such claims often disguised a lack of awareness of different
approaches and assumed that teaching and learning would always take the form of
direct instruction. Equally, some pedagogically strong work had the side effect of
bringing the learning management system in which it was implemented to a
standstill, because the processing power required for implementation had not been
taken into account.
Researchers and developers also need to take into account that end-users are
unlikely to share their knowledge of data processing and interpretation. Skills related
to visualisation methods and to effective ways of presenting information to users are
important if analytics are to be effective.
Action point: At national and local level, training for researchers in the field of
learning analytics should include both technical and pedagogic elements.
Action point: At local level, researchers should provide guidelines on how to
interpret learning analytics indicators, and should clearly state the limitations of
indicators in order to prevent misinterpretation.
benefit their students, and prepare them to use the solutions that are currently under
Action point: At national level, incorporate digital competence and learning analytics
knowledge within teacher and lecturer training, as well as within provision for
continuing professional development.
xx. Develop technologies that enable development of analytics
Work in Australia suggests a need to develop national data inventories, identifying
gaps in data collection that need to be addressed through additional data collection
activity and instruments. It also suggests the development of centralised databases
that are accessible to educational institutions, decision makers and researchers (See
‘Formal education in Australia’, p. 14).
Learning analytics require rich data, but learning management systems simply
provide activity data, such as how many times people have clicked on a web page,
and when they have done that. Relying on one set of data can be dangerous. For
example, high-achieving students may not participate in an activity because they
have already developed that knowledge, whereas low-achieving students might not
participate because it is too difficult. Activity data imply that these different sets of
students form one group. The limitations of different datasets should therefore be
identified, and this information should be shared with end users.
Data from other sources are needed to complement this activity data. These could
include data from formative assessment (assessment for learning, rather than of
learning) and data about student dispositions. Pilot studies that are being carried out
in the Netherlands, coordinated by SURFnet24, provide a model for this work. These
make use of very rich datasets, including survey data, formative assessment, activity
data and data about learning dispositions. More work is needed on ways of combining
different datasets to increase the value of learning analytics for learners and
There is a need for systems that facilitate the collection and amalgamation of these
different datasets at national or international scale. This is already being done in
some countries, for example the Conexus Vokal tool draws on a range of anonymised
data from Statistics Norway (see the Inventory no: 7). These systems should also be
easy to interrogate, so more work is needed on ways in which these data can be
presented and visualised in ways that are comprehensible to end users.
Lastly, higher education institutions that are pursuing learning analytics adoption
often view data warehouses as a key enabling technology. These systems provide a
way of integrating, organizing, and summarizing large datasets. Again, work in this
area is fragmented, and there are not yet any studies of how different data
warehouses work in practice, their advantages and their limitations. Denmark is
taking a lead here at the national level. The country is developing a data warehouse
to strengthen evaluation and follow-up initiatives across its entire education sector.
The aim is to facilitate access to a range of performance data for schools and
At both institutional and national levels, there is a need to explore whether the most
appropriate infrastructure for learning analytics matches existing systems. In many
cases, a substantially different approach to the management and storage of data will
be required if analytics are to be implemented effectively.
Action point: At European and national levels, fund work that studies how different
data warehouses work in practice, their advantages and their limitations.
Action point: At national level, develop model policies that can be used to ensure
that data collection is carried out consistently and that the process is quality
Action point: At local level, adapt model policies to local needs and apply them.
Action point: At European and national levels, compile data inventories in order to
identify and address gaps in data collection.
Action point: At national level, where appropriate, develop centralised databases to
facilitate the collection and amalgamation of datasets that can be used to support
learning analytics work, that are accessible to stakeholders, and that are acceptable
to the learners and teachers whose data they store.
models based on ownership, transfer and analysis of data may not be compatible
with European approaches to data protection.
In general, any individual organisation can make a coherent decision to stick to a
closed model, but European agencies have reasons to promote plurality, choice and
European Committee for Standardisation (CEN) instruments for consensus in this
area are currently inactive, and there is currently no pan-European instrument for
the harmonisation of learning analytics. National and European beneficiaries of
learning analytics therefore need to provide support and leadership in the
development of interoperability standards. This can be done in collaboration with
stakeholder groups such as the Apereo Foundation or SoLAR (see the Inventory).
At an institutional level, the increasing diversity of software and physical devices
used to access that software represents a growing challenge for those who would like
to integrate data for learning analytics. Significant problems are that most
institutional data systems are not interoperable and are controlled by different
sections of an institution, so aggregating administrative data, library data,
assessment data, classroom data and online data is likely to pose challenges.
The issue of interoperability is not purely concerned with data access. Analysis and
interpretation require that the meaning of the data, including differences between
contexts, needs to be taken into account. For example, the term ‘learner’ may be
used by the student records system to refer to everyone who has registered, in the
classroom to refer to everyone who has registered and has gone on to take part in
classes, and in the exams office to refer to everyone who has taken an exam. As a
result of this lack of standardisation, different parts of the institution will produce
different learner counts, preventing meaningful integration of the data. At a wider
level, ‘learner’ may refer to a young child in one context and to a postgraduate
student in another. If these data are stripped of their context, this may lead to
mistaken attempts to amalgamate findings about sets of learners.
Action point: At European and national levels, work with stakeholder groups such as
the Apereo Foundation and SoLAR to provide support and leadership in the
development of interoperability standards.
Action point: At national level, work to share interoperability standards widely and
to adapt them to local language and context, where appropriate.
5 Concluding remarks
Learning analytics offer the opportunity to take data that are generated as
people engage in learning, and use these data to help improve learning and
teaching. This is a vision that has proved popular around the world and, as a result,
learning analytics has become a fast-developing field. Many of the early adopters are
based in Europe, and countries such as the Netherlands, Norway and Denmark are
already taking a lead in this area.
While learning analytics have developed very quickly in the past five years, educational
policy in Europe has developed at a slower pace. Most policy that influences learning
analytics was developed in other contexts. As a result, current policy may need to be
reassessed in order for it to work as an enabler for implementation of learning
analytics, for example, in areas such as data protection. In addition, policy is not yet
supporting strategic development within this field.
Today, many learning management systems and digital technologies can produce
visualisations of data in a way that may be labelled ‘learning analytics’. These data
visualisations are not necessarily ‘actionable’ in the way that learning analytics should be
– they do not reveal what actions need to be taken in order to improve learning or
teaching. In many cases, there is little or no research evidence to show that these tools
genuinely improve learning and teaching.
Much of the current work on learning analytics is concerned with predicting which
students are likely to drop out, with a view to providing those students with additional
support. This is a worthwhile aim, but learning analytics offer many other possibilities.
Learning analytics could be used to tackle big problems and European priority areas for
education and training such as open and innovative education and training; learning
outcomes that focus on employability, innovation, active citizenship and well-being; and
recognition of skills and qualifications to facilitate learning and labour mobility.
The Action List for Learning Analytics set out in this report offers a way of
resolving these problems by aligning work across Europe. The Action List focuses
on seven areas of activity. It proposes a set of actions that will align the work of
educators, researchers, developers and policymakers so that learning analytics are used
to drive work in Europe’s priority areas for education and training. These groups can use
the Action List to ensure that open and innovative education and training, which fully
embraces the digital era, becomes a reality.
The Action List’s points set out a programme of work at European, national and local
levels. This work should begin with strategic actions at European level by creating a
common European vision outlining strategic objectives. This should be followed
by the development of a roadmap for learning analytics within Europe,
according to which responsibilities would be aligned for development of
learning analytics within Europe. The Action List for Analytics points set out how this
work should begin.
2. Develop a common vision in Europe: Work in a multi-stakeholder group to
consider priority areas for education and training and identify what learning analytics
should do and how they should look within that area.
3. Develop a roadmap: Work with learning analytics experts, educators, vendors and
policymakers to develop a roadmap for learning analytics within Europe that is
aligned with Europe’s priority areas, fills gaps in the European toolkit and supports
the development of sustainable tools and practices.
4. Assign responsibility: Identify responsible organisations and people for leading
and coordinating work on learning analytics and implementing the learning analytics
roadmap, as well as the individuals and organisations who will be key national
contacts in different European countries.
These three actions will provide a firm basis for further action to develop and implement
learning analytics within Europe.
Annex 1: Inventory of Tools, Practices and Policies
This section provides a three-part Inventory that brings together evidence of practical
implementations of learning analytics and documents the state of the art. It covers:
Policy documents
The Inventory was developed using existing academic literature, policy documents,
practitioner-generated reports (grey literature) and contributions from the learning
analytics community. It provides a ‘broad-but-shallow’ collection of reference points.
The Inventory is also openly available online on the Cloudworks site at, where it can be extended or amended
by researchers, practitioners and anyone with a knowledge of the field.
Each entry begins with a brief synopsis of the tool, practice or policy. Entries end with
details of the items maturity and any evidence that it has proved useful in practice, as
well as links to key resources and references that can be used to access more detailed
All entries include
Inventory type – what the item is used or intended for
Keywords – specialist terms are explained in the Glossary below
Entries relating to tools include
Role of analytics – the different uses of analytics
Data sources – where the data originate
Learning – educational sector in which the tool is used
Supply model – how the tool is accessed
Origin – where the tool originated
Ethics and privacy – details of these where available
Language – the language used by the tool
Entries relating to policies include
Document source – where the policy originated
Geographical – region where the policy applies
Relationships – areas covered by the policy
Entries related to practices include:
Learning – educational sector to which the practice applies
Geographical – where the practice is applied
Pedagogic – theory of teaching and learning that underpins the practice
Tools used – any relevant tools
Design and implementation – how the practice developed and is applied
Tools: school level
1. ASSISTments
ASSISTments is an intelligent tutoring system developed by Neal Heffernan and colleagues that is researched at
Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) in collaboration with a variety of universities and organisations in the
United States. The core system was designed to give progressive hints to students who answer a question
incorrectly, in order to simulate the type of instantaneous directed feedback a tutor would provide. From this
platform there have been a variety of studies of the system focusing on how to use the student log data
generated from the system effectively. For example, studies have been carried out to see how these data can
influence parent engagement or predict performance on high stakes tests.
Tool in Context
Languages: English
ASSISTments has been used as a research platform from WPI in association with a variety of universities. It has
been expanding in terms of adoption. Two hundred and sixteen counties in the United States used the system
between 28 February and 28 April 2012.
Further Information
2. Bettermarks
The Bettermarks program supports mathematics teaching through the use of adapted content, connected with
over 100 textbooks. Teachers can either assign online lessons to students or let the system assign them
based on students’ skill levels. As students complete lessons, Bettermarks analyses their performance and
behaviours to detect gaps in knowledge, suggest lessons for improvement or provide additional challenges.
The program also incorporates a teacher centre, where student performance data can be accessed. Teachers
can access ‘at-a-glance’ reports on completion and pass rates across the module. Additionally, they may look
at individual student results and progression.
This system uses any web browser and does not require downloaded software.
Tool in Context
Learning: school
Ethics and privacy: Little information is available about the company’s ethics and privacy policies. On their
website, they state that ‘login data and exercise data’ are saved. They further explain that
students’ email addresses or real names are not required, and that no data are shared
with third parties. However, no information is available about data storage methods.
Currently no information is available about examples of the program’s use or effectiveness. Preliminary
studies have suggested that students who use the system receive better marks than those who do not.
However, this information was internally sourced (see link below) and has not been peer reviewed.
Further Information
Example of use:
● ‘Success Stories’ brochure:
3. Bingel
Bingel is a Belgian-based online exercise platform for primary education. It is currently used by more than 70% of
Dutch-speaking students, and has recently been introduced in Finland and Sweden. The platform includes over
3,500 course-related exercises in eight subjects, and is available for grade levels 1-6.
Bingel is an adaptive platform that incorporates online exercises, and provides automatic corrections and real-
time feedback to students. Teachers can use the platform in the classroom or assign students tasks to carry out
at home, and the system can be used on PCs or tablets. Individual and personalised tasks can be assigned to
each student, and the tool itself can generate personalised learning paths through the materials. The tasks adopt
a gamified approach to learning.
Role of modeling
Tool in Context
Learning: school
Ethics and Bingel has a privacy policy that explicitly outlines the use of student data. Data are stored on the
privacy: platform only for the current school year and can be accessed by teachers. During the summer
holidays, student data are permanently deleted.
Bingel has been offered to schools for over five years, and is now used by a large percentage of Dutch-speaking
schools in Belgium. However, there is no information available on its website in regards to evidence of learning
gains. Thus, research-backed findings are needed to further demonstrate maturity and evidence of utility.
Further Information
4. Cito LUVS
LUVS is a tool for planning and tracking school-aged students’ online educational activities. It is produced by
Cito, a Dutch company which produces testing and examination services for primary and secondary education
and is commissioned by the Dutch government. Examinations are available for all mandatory school subjects.
The LUVS tool connects with currently existing school administration systems to aggregate student assessment
results across subjects and grade levels. Within the LUVS dashboard, teachers and administrators can view and
analyse test results on the individual student, classroom, school or district level.
The tool is an additional add-on for schools already incorporating Cito testing services.
Keywords: assessment
academic performance
Tool in Context
Learning: school
Ethics and privacy: No information about ethics or privacy is available at this time
Languages: Dutch
No information is currently available on the Cito website in regards to evidence-based results of using their
product. However, the product’s main function is description and consolidation of data for teachers and
administrators. In this context, the product is well used and appears stable.
Further Information
5. Civitas Learning
Civitas Learning is a US-based company that works directly with higher education institutions to build bespoke
data science and learning analytics tools that make use of currently available student data. Stated potential
data sources include virtual learning environments, social media, card swipes, libraries and housing.
Civitas Learning’s Student Insights Platform aggregates student data and uses a variety of tools for analysis
and visualisation. The Illume tool demonstrates historic and predictive student data for institutional leaders and
student service providers. The Inspire for Faculty tool provides real-time analysis of student engagement and
behaviours in specific modules, as well as data visualisation tools and predictive modelling. Similarly, the
Inspire for Advisor tool visualises student performance and success across modules and predicts programme
completion. Degree Map helps students and advisors make individual degree plans. Additionally, the
tool helps teachers build module-specific Facebook Q&A sections. Finally, Civitas Learning provides a course-
scheduling platform for module enrolment.
Each of this wide variety of tools is individually developed with partnering institutions to fit their analytics
needs, so platform uses and data sources vary widely. Civitas currently work with over 70 partnering
institutions in the USA.
Data sources: sources data from other systems: management information systems, virtual learning
environment, social media, card swipe (varies by institution)
Learning: post-compulsory
Ethics and privacy: Civitas Learning builds platforms in partnership with subscribing universities. No specific
ethics and privacy statement is listed on the Civitas Learning website, and policies may
vary by institution.
Languages: English
Maturity and Evidence of Utility
Despite its wide use, relatively little empirical research has been conducted to test the effectiveness of Civitas
platforms at partnering institutions. The research that does exist shows limited results. For instance, in a
randomised control trial at University of Maryland University College, users of Civitas’ Illume application
outperformed non-users by just 3%. Thus, more rigorous, empirical evidence of the platform’s maturity is
suggested for the future.
Further Information
Example(s) of use:
● Case study at University of Maryland University College:
● Case study in three contexts:
6. Cognitive Tutor software
Cognitive Tutor is an intelligent tutoring software provided by the US company Carnegie Learning. This web-
based software is mainly used to teach mathematics to 9-12 grade students. The software provides
personalised learning activities and customised feedback for several prepared mathematics courses based on
a domain, tutoring, and student skill models.
Two learning analytics relevant components of this software are the 'Skillometer' and the teacher reports. The
'Skillometer' is a visual indicator of students' progress in mastering skills. It gives the student an indicator of
skill mastery for each achievable skill of a learning unit. The level of mastery shown by the tool expresses a
prediction about the ability to demonstrate this skill in future again. The data for this visualisation stem from the
tracking of the interaction of the student with the software.
Teachers are supported with several reports that are generated by the software. The class progress report
shows the amount of active students on each unit. The class skill alert report shows for each skill the skill
mastery level for each student. The student detailed report shows for each student the amount of mastered
skills, time spent, amount of completed units, sections, and problems. The detail by section report shows
information for each student on a unit-by-unit level. Another report shows aggregated data for each unit. The
student skill alert report shows units of underperformance. The class assessment reports allow comparison of
pre-test with post-test results by topic, or by problem on class level. The student assessment reports show
pre-test and post-tests results by topic, or by problem on student level. These reports are intended to support
teachers with their instructional decision-making.
Tool in Context
Learning: school
Languages: English
Research on Cognitive Tutor dates back to the 1980s. The software was extensively trialled, for example, the
Cognitive Tutor algebra 1 course was used by 2000 US schools in 2004. Furthermore, several scientific
reviews have been published.
Further Information
7. Conexus – Vokal
Conexus is a Norwegian company with a number of products and services focused on the use of data for
school-level education, professional development and management.
The product known as Vokal compiles background, activity and assessment data from various sources. It
provides analysis and reporting at individual and group level, as well as tools to support the evaluation and
improvement of pedagogic practice. Data are gathered from a range of external sources – Conexus has
worked with several publishers – and is combined with anonymised data from Statistics Norway, the student
survey and national tests.
Vokal also includes support for adaptivity; Knewton is used for progression analysis in individual subjects.
Conexus emphasises, however, that its tools are intended to support pedagogic practice, and that Vokal is not
an automated teaching system.
Data sources: uses data from statistical services, sources data from other system(s): management
information systems, virtual learning environment, publisher online content, assessment
Tool in Context
Learning: school
Further Information
8. FFT Aspire
FFT, the Fischer Family Trust, is a UK non-profit organisation that provides services for UK-based education,
such as the National Pupil Database for the Department for Education, and school analyses.
The software FFT Aspire is a data analysis and reporting tool for schools. It provides several dashboards
showing facets of school performance, such as past attainment, progression, attendance and future
performance estimates. It targets several users groups, such as teachers, subject leaders, department heads,
senior school leaders, advisors, local authorities and governors.
The range of dashboards includes an overall school dashboard, a subject dashboard for department heads,
subject leaders, and teachers, a governor dashboard (helping schools to share information with their
governing bodies), a student explorer dashboard, a collaboration dashboard (to compare school performance
with other schools), and a target-setting dashboard (school performance targets). Furthermore, the tool
supports the creation of custom analyses and dashboards such as a three-year dashboard, a dashboard
relating to children with special educational needs, and a dashboard of high attainers.
Data sources: uses data from statistical services, sources data from other system(s): management
information systems
Tool in Context
Learning: school/
Languages: English
FFT Education Ltd was established in 2001. FFT Aspire is the successor of FFT Live. Virtually all local
authorities in England and Wales have a FFT Live subscription. Similar coverage is assumed for FFT Aspire.
Example of use in England:
Further Information
9. itslearning
Developed for K-12 classrooms, itslearning is a learning management system with functionality for course
management and delivery, curriculum management, reporting and analytics. The reporting and analytics
features incorporate functionality for standards mastery reporting (enabling teachers to see the percentage of
students who have mastered each course standard), and a content recommendation engine that ‘provides
remediation and enrichment activities based on student performance against learning objectives’. This
enables the identification of students who are struggling to meet learning objectives and assigns them
activities for reinforcement. The itslearning recommendation engine can automate ‘most’ of the process of
‘identification of students who are struggling to meet learning objectives and assign them activities for
The reporting features enable students, teachers, administrators, mentors and parents to view student
aspects of students’ progress via their personalised dashboard. Teachers and administrators can filter views
of how classes have performed with respect to specific learning objectives by date, or by status (for example,
to show only the students who have exceeded a particular learning objective). A parent dashboard enables
parents to see their child’s progress on tasks, grades and towards learning objectives, as well as their
individual learning plans, behaviour and attendance.
Data sources: uses own data, uses data from statistical services, sources data from other system(s):
management information systems, virtual learning environment, audio/video playback,
assessment system, forums
Tool in Context
Ethics and privacy: Privacy matters have been considered in the software design and service provision: there
is a privacy section in which administrators can edit settings.
The itslearning platform was established in 1999, developing from a computer-engineering project at Bergen
University College. It now has over 7 million active users.
Tolgfors, B., & Öhman, M. (2015). The implications of assessment for learning in physical education and
health. European Physical Education Review. doi: 10.1177/1356336x15595006‘
Further Information
10. Metacog
Metacog uses a content pool of interactive ‘learning objects’ to personalise content and pace for individual
learners. Students are asked to complete a real-world task using the platform, and data are collected that relate
to their usage behaviours, including click data, time stamps and correct/incorrect responses. The platform’s API
analyses student interactions in order to assess their understanding of the content. It is possible to use Metacog
in collaboration with pre-existing resources.
Students using Metacog have access to information about whether they have performed a task correctly. A
leader board is also created so that students can compare their performance with peers. For teachers, the
platform colour-codes performance as green, yellow or red to indicate understanding of the material on individual
tasks or over time. The platform also helps teachers to group students based on their current understanding, in
order to provide individualised assignments or additional resources. Teachers can additionally review which part
of a task is proving to be a stumbling block for individual students or for the class as a whole. On an
administrative or publisher level, the platform can be used on a macro scale to help determine where to invest
additional resources by highlighting gaps in understanding across classrooms.
Data sources: uses own data: student behaviours within the platform
Tool in Context
Learning: school
Ethics and privacy: The platform only collects data that is specified by the organisation
using it. Individual organisations may choose to exclude information
such as student identification. The company has a Student Privacy
Pledge, which highlights that student data will be kept private and
secure, and will not be shared with third parties.
Languages: English
Metacog’s website does not currently share examples of the platform’s use and no empirical studies of its utility
have been found. Examples of practice and results are necessary to assess its maturity and evidence of utility.
Further Information
11. Schoolzilla
Schoolzilla provides a data warehouse and associated data dashboard targeted at the K-12 US market. It
provides ‘connectors’ that allow data to be integrated into the system through nightly updates from multiple
sources such as assessment, behaviour, enrolment, grade, observation, and student information databases.
Schoolzilla provides multiple views of these integrated data through a dashboard library. Representations for
teachers, school leaders, school district leaders and system administrators are provided in the library, and
system administrators may customise these using Tableau’s data visualisation products.
Teachers can use dashboards such as the ‘Early warning signs’ report to identify at-risk students. For
example, this dashboard brings together data on attendance, behaviour and grades, and allows users to view
data for schools as a whole, to compare schools (for district leaders) and to drill down to view data about
individuals. System administrators can monitor the quality of the data within the system using dashboards that
present the results of data audits including automatic checks for missing or malformed data.
Data sources: sources data from other system(s): management information systems, virtual learning
environment, assessment system
Tool in Context
Ethics and privacy: The Schoolzilla terms of service include paragraphs about intellectual property rights,
confidentiality and privacy. These terms of service include a ‘plain English’ version of
each section.
Languages: English
The basis of Schoolzilla was developed by staff at Aspire Public Schools, and used within the Aspire Schools
group for three years before being spun off as a separate entity in 2013. As of January 2016, it was in use by
580 schools across the US:
Further Information
The Social Networks Adapting Pedagogical Practice (SNAPP) tool performs real-time social network analysis
and data visualisation of forum discussion activity on commercial and open source learning management
systems. Reasons for using such a tool include the identification of isolated students, facilitator-centric network
patterns, group malfunction, and users who bridge smaller networks.
Some basic descriptive data are available about the users, including total number of posts, number of posts per
user, post and reply frequencies by user, and who is interacting with whom.
Research conducted with the tool includes: monitoring student networks, participant interaction over time, and
assessing broad-based admissions.
Tool in Context
Languages: English
The project includes both national and international partners. There have been many research studies conducted
with the tool.
Further Information
13. VitalSource CourseSmart
CourseSmart Analytics are available to teachers whose institutions participate in an integration between the
institution's LMS and CourseSmart's eTextbook. The integration is effected using IMS Global’s Learning Tools
Interoperability standard (LTI). CourseSmart’s analytics dashboard presents a measurement of students’
engagement with digital course materials. A centrepiece of this dashboard is the CourseSmart Engagement
Index Technology™, a proprietary algorithm that evaluates standard usage data – such as number of pages
read, number of times a student opened/interacted with the digital textbook, number of days the student used
the textbook, time spent reading, number of highlights, number of bookmarks, and number of notes – and
assimilates these data to provide an overall assessment of students' engagement with the material.
The analytics are intended to give teachers insights into their students’ engagement with and patterns of
usage of e-books, with a view to enabling teachers make interventions based on this data.
VitalSource acquired CourseSmart in early 2014, and press releases issued in October 2015 announced ‘the
upcoming re-launch of our analytics product’. However, there have been no further announcements.
Data sources: uses own data, sources data from other system(s): virtual learning environment,
Keywords: e-book
Tool in Context
Languages: English
CourseSmart was founded in 2007 by a conglomeration of publishers. Beta testing of CourseSmart Analytics
started in late 2012, and the first version was released in summer 2013.
Junco & Clem (2015) carried out a study of 236 students using CourseSmart in the Spring 2013 semester.
They found that CourseSmart Engagement Index ‘was a significant predictor of course grades across
disciplines, instructors, and course sections’. However, ‘the number of days students spent reading was a
more powerful predictor of course outcomes. This suggests that the calculated Engagement Index does not
yet capture the important factors related to engagement with the textbook’. Juno & Clem conclude that the
‘CourseSmart Engagement Index needs to be refined’ and this may be happening.
Further Information
Junco, R., & Clem, C. (2015). Predicting course outcomes with digital textbook usage data. The Internet and
Higher Education, 27, 54-63. doi: 10.1016/j.iheduc.2015.06.001
Tools: Higher Education
14. Degree Compass (Desire2Learn)
Course selection can prove challenging for students. Desire2Learn cites research by Complete College America,
which found that students take 20% (on average) more classes than are needed to graduate. Providing help with
course selection can therefore cut tuition costs. At-risk students who are not as likely to make it to graduation are
potentially the population that is in the most need of support in decision making, in order to help increase
retention and graduation rates at college.
Using information about other students’ enrolments, this system provides recommendations as to which courses
the students should take in order to complete their degree as well as which courses they are most likely to
The Degree Compass application aims to increase student success by:
Providing students with academic advice from the time they start school;
Monitoring progress and offering on-going personalised course and degree path recommendations;
Reducing time-to-degree with better course selection.
Tool in Context
Languages: English
Studies at Tennessee schools have shown that at-risk students who use this tool have earned higher grades.
More than 90% of students who took a 4-star course as recommended by this system earned an A or B in the
Further Information
15. Knewton
Knewton is an adaptive learning software company that provides platforms for personalised education. The
company was founded in 2008 and formed a partnership with Pearson Education in 2011. Over ten million
students have used their adaptive learning platforms at the primary, secondary and university levels. Many
programs are available at different educational levels, and Knewton often works with schools or universities to
create custom platforms that fit institutional needs. From a student perspective, the program uses algorithms
based on student performance and behaviours to suggest lessons via differentiated instruction, as well as to
provide students with information about their progress. It incorporates immediate feedback, community
collaborative forums and gamification to encourage participation. From an educator perspective, the program
supports data summarisation and visualisation at the classroom or individual student level. Using a ‘stop light’
system, students are categorised for interventions as ‘ahead of track,’ ‘on track,’ ‘off track’ or ‘very behind.’
Tool in Context
Ethics and privacy: Little information is available about privacy and ethics. This is likely to vary by
Languages: English
Knewton is perhaps the most established adaptive learning software, and partners with big names in the
education world, such as Pearson Education and Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, and in the tech world, such as HP
and Microsoft. Considering the vast number of students using their platforms, only a limited amount of evidence
is promoted on the Knewton website at both the school and university level. For example, it is argued that an
increase in retention was seen at Arizona University from 64% to 75%, however the student cohorts examined
were of varying size and cohorts studied the courses in different academic years.
Further Information
16. Loop
Loop is an open source analytics tool funded by the Australian Office for Learning and Teaching. The tool can be
connected with Moodle or Blackboard to provide a tool for teachers to visualise student behaviours in their
learning management system. The dashboard component displays student log data through the learning
management site, such as class materials accessed, discussion forum activity, and assessment performance.
These data can be viewed at the classroom or individual student level. At the same time, the tool incorporates
information about the course structure and schedule within its visualisations. In this sense, the project aims to
incorporate a ‘pedagogical helper tool’ to aid teachers in data interpretation that make sense in their specific
context. In 2015, the tool was piloted with four courses run by three Australian universities, with hopes of a wide-
scale release following soon.
Keywords: visualisation
learning management system
Tool in Context
Learning: post-compulsory
Ethics and privacy: No information about ethics or privacy is available at this time
Languages: English
The Australian government funds this project, which is the product of collaboration between three universities
and nine leading researchers. However, Loop is currently in an initial pilot stage, with four courses across three
universities adopting the tool for one academic year in 2015. At the end of the year, a qualitative study with
course instructors is planned, but no findings have yet been released. A full analysis of this initial pilot will be
necessarily to confirm the tool’s maturity and evidence of utility.
Further Information
17. Open Essayist
Open Essayist, developed by The Open University, UK, is designed to provide automated reflective feedback to
learners on draft essays. The underlying idea is to present a computer-based analysis of the most important
parts and key words in the writing, so that learners can compare those to what they intended to convey, and
adjust their writing in the light of that comparison.
Learners upload their draft essay, and the system then generates a series of different views based on analysis of
the text, including: the most prominent words and a graphical view of their distribution through the text; the key
sentences in the text, with hints to aid reflection; and a graphical view of the structure of the essay.
The tool is intended as a formative, developmental tool rather than for summative assessment.
Tool in Context
Ethics and privacy: Feedback is given direct to the individual learner, not shared or distributed to others.
Languages: English
The tool has been trialled successfully with Masters-level students, and the project team is currently looking for
wider take-up.
Further Information
18. OU Analyse
The Knowledge Media Institute (KMi) of The Open University, UK developed OU Analyse – software that
predicts students at risk. OU Analyse builds upon two previous projects (Retain and the OU-Microsoft
Research Cambridge project). OU Analyse uses machine-learning techniques to develop predictive models
based on demographics and VLE usage data.
The software provides a dashboard reporting the aggregated prediction value of several models for all
students of a module. Furthermore, the tool discloses the reasoning that underlies its prediction. Currently, the
institute is developing a tool that can recommend activities to students to improve their performance. Module
chairs, module teams, and student support teams use the predictions of OU Analyse to contact and support
Inventory type: learner support tool
analytics for assessment
Role of analytics: alerting
summary and description
Data sources: sources data from other system(s): management information systems, virtual learning
environment, assessment system
Keywords: prediction
Tool in Context
Learning: higher education
Supply model: privately hosted software
Origin: collaborative or institutional project, OU, United Kingdom
Ethics and privacy: The Open University has set out ethical guidelines on the use of data for learning
Languages: English
Maturity and Evidence of Utility
OU Analyse's development was accompanied by several scientific pilot studies. The software is used across
the university and received substantial coverage in the press.
Further Information
Tool provider’s website:
Example(s) of use:
Rienties, Bart; Cross, Simon and Zdrahal, Zdenek (2016). Implementing a learning analytics intervention and
evaluation framework: what works? In: Kei Daniel, Ben and Butson, Russell eds. Big Data and Learning
Analytics in Higher Education: Current Theory and Practice. Heidelberg: Springer.
Kuzilek, Jakub; Hlosta, Martin; Herrmannova, Drahomira; Zdrahal, Zdenek and Wolff, Annika (2015). OU
Analyse: analysing at-risk students at The Open University. Learning Analytics Review, LAK15, pp. 1–16.
19. Student Success Plan
Student Success Plan (SSP) is software to support case management of student support: counselling,
coaching and pastoral care. It has lightweight data analytics, principally focused on the management and
enhancement of student support services. It is being adopted to support action in relation to predictive
SSP is designed to improve retention, academic performance, persistence, graduation rates and time to
completion. Through counselling, web-based support systems and proactive intervention techniques, students
are identified, supported and monitored. The software provides case management tools for handling staff,
student, and student-services communications, action planning, planning academic choices, alerting, student
self-assessment and progress monitoring.
SSP is not a single ‘out of the box’ solution, but a set of configurable components adopting an open
architecture so that they can be integrated into a variety of system landscapes. An Open Source Software
edition is available, overseen by the Apereo Foundation.
Data sources: uses own data, sources data from other system(s): management information systems
Learning: post-compulsory
Ethics and privacy: Ethics and privacy matters were considered from an early stage; the software was
developed in an educational setting around existing norms of professional practice in
student support.
Languages: English
Maturity and Evidence of Utility
Student Success Plan was developed by Sinclair Community College (SCC), supported by grant funding, and
has been in use for ten years. It has received 11 awards in the USA and is now adopted by Unicon, an Open
Source Software development, hosting, and support services provider.
According to Sinclair statistics from 2005 – 2011, students using SSP were five times more likely to graduate.
For quarter-to-quarter retention rates (Fall ’10 to Winter ’11), transitioned SSP students (students who had
completed the SSP process) had a 37% higher rate of retention than students who qualified for the
programme but did not participate and a 26% higher rate of retention than students not designated ‘at risk’
[figures from Unicon web site].
Further Information
20. Tribal’s Student Insights
Tribal, based in the UK, is a global provider of software solutions and specialises in products supporting the
management of education.
Tribal's Student Insights is a piece of software that is currently being developed to predict student performance
and 'at-risk' students from data available in student information systems, including academic performance at
entrance, demographics, and assessment results, as well as activity data, such as student interaction, VLE
usage, and library usage.
The software generates predictive models about a student's likelihood of passing a module. The software
provides dashboards that present this information at student and module level. University educators and
managers can use this information, for example, to provide individual student support, or to monitor modules
with regard to their predicted performance.
Inventory type: learner support tool
analytics for assessment
Role of analytics: alerting
summary and description
Data sources: management information systems, virtual learning environment, assessment system,
Keywords: prediction
Tool in Context
Learning: higher education
Supply model: shared service model
Origin: Tribal, United Kingdom
Ethics and privacy:
Languages: English
The software is under development. Tribal is working in collaboration with the University of Wolverhampton.
Further Information
Example(s) of use:
21. X-Ray Analytics
X-Ray Analytics is a predictive modeling tool, linked with Moodle and Moodlerooms, which was acquired by
Blackboard in 2015. The dashboard provides teachers with visualisations of past behaviours in their learning
management system at multiple levels: course, multiple course and intuitional. Its algorithms then make
predictions about future performance and behaviours in order to identify ‘at-risk’ students who may be in need of
an intervention. The tool also considers student engagement by analysing contributions to online collaborative
tools, such as discussion forums, using social network analysis. Students can be identified as at risk depending
on the time they have spent in the course, their grades and their discussion forum engagements. X-Ray Analytics
uses a cloud-based model and analyses pre-existing data in the learning management system. The tool is
expected to be available for all Blackboard courses in the near future.
Data sources: sources data from other system(s): virtual learning environment
Keywords: prediction
predictive modeling
social network analysis
Tool in Context
Learning: post-compulsory
Ethics and privacy: Data are stored via a cloud-based model. At present, no information is available that
specifically addresses ethics or privacy.
Languages: English
X-Ray Analytics has been acquired by Blackboard, with plans to make the tool available to all users in the near
future. There is little information available related to evidence of utility or results of use.
Further Information
Tools: workplace learning
22. Skillaware
Skillaware is a company based in Italy that designs learning environment software for workplace learning and
training. The program is used with pre-existing company software or procedures to determine worker
effectiveness and areas where training may be useful. Using a variety of tools, Skillaware captures user
activities and behaviours within existing software.
The SkillEditor function captures user behaviours and automatically suggests trainings to make workers’ use
of various forms of software more productive. The SkillAgent function provides suggestions for next steps in a
task when a user appears to need assistance.
In addition, the SkillAnalyzer tool allows company analysts to watch real-time user activity and provide data
visualisation for management staff.
Data sources: uses own data, sources data from other systems (varies by user)
Tool in Context
Learning: workplace
Ethics and privacy: No explicit ethics or privacy policies can be found. However, the company works to
provide programs for individual use within existing company practices, and ethics
practices may vary between customers.
Preliminary analysis in the form of a conference paper supports the software’s validity. However, there are
relatively few case studies or examples of use of the software. More empirical evidence will be needed in the
future to validate the tool's maturity and evidence of utility.
Further Information
23. WATCHME Project
WATCHME is a European-funded project that uses learning analytics to improve workplace-based feedback and
professional development. The acronym stands for Workplace-based e-Assessment Technology for
Competency-based Higher Multi-professional Education. The project has built an electronic portfolio system,
which can be used to provide trainees with visualisations and feedback on their development. Their dashboard
incorporates data from multiple sources, including self-reporting, online activity data, and qualitative narratives.
A particular type of data model is used to aggregate data and provide ‘Just-in-Time’ feedback to support
continued learning. Members of the team of researchers on this project come from multi-disciplinary
backgrounds, including areas such as human medicine, veterinary medicine, teacher training and information
technology. A prototype of the tool has been developed and the project is currently testing usability.
Data sources: uses own data, sources data from other system(s): workplace training environments
Tool in Context
Learning: workplace
Ethics and privacy: No information about ethics and privacy is included on the project’s website
Languages: English
The project is still in its testing phase and relatively little empirical evidence has been released on its usability and
impact on workplace learning. The project is a large-scale collaboration with leading researchers in multiple
disciplines, which gives weight to its academic rigour.
Analysis of its use can be expected before the project ends in 2017.
Further Information
Tools: all levels, non-and informal learning, other
24. Claned
Claned provides a learning environment that can be used for e-learning in subjects as diverse as medical
education and dance education. Claned aims to provide tools that make the learning process visible for both
students and teachers, thus implementing components of learning analytics. In the Claned environment, one
can embed e-learning materials or upload videos, documents, and slideshows. The system provides automatic
keywords and topics, and tracks everything that a learner does. It also provides analytics on the interactions
between different learners, focused on collaboration. Claned provides data to teachers by looking for groups
of students who act in similar ways, or have similar motivational patterns. The aim is to make the learning
process visible to the teacher, so it is clear where supporting materials might be useful, or more support is
needed on topics experienced as challenging. Claned also gives the data back to the learner, using a learning
tracker tool. The next phase will be to use the data to provide suggestions for individualised learning paths,
tailored to help individuals achieve their learning goals.
Keywords: Personalisation,
Tool in Context
Ethics and privacy: The website says “We respect individuals and the privacy of their information. We do not
gather data on individuals nor is our technology designed to gather any.”
Further Information
25. Khan Academy analytics
Khan Academy is a set of freely accessible online video-centric learning resources, principally focusing on
declarative and procedural knowledge, covering a wide range of subjects at levels suitable for school-aged and
adult learners. Learning analytics figure in three ways: as the engine for services offered by the Khan Academy
through the web pages; as access to data for analytics processes undertaken by third parties; and as a means of
continuous design enhancement.
Khan Academy provides information to teachers/coaches on individual and class-level performance. This
provides summary estimates of effort, engagement, and difficulty with the material. The learning materials are
mapped to a set of skills, with various mastery levels for each; the teacher/coach can drill down to this level and
use the information on progress or difficulty to recommend materials for follow-on or under-pinning skills, or to
instigate an alternative learning activity (perhaps outside Khan Academy).
Khan Academy provides a dashboard for learners and this shows progress against skills (as for the
teacher/coach) and activity pattern in time and against different skills.
Data access by third parties is via a web-standards-based API and gives differentiated access according to the
data type. Video, playlist, topic/skill maps, and exercise data are open access. User-level activity and progress
logs are secured, requiring login and authorisation.
Inventory general analytics tool (access to the API), learner support tool, smart system
Tool in Context
Ethics and Khan Academy is a Student Privacy Pledge signatory and has a public statement of privacy
privacy: principles, including how data are collected, how it is used, retention, sharing, and user control.
They make explicit reference to child users.
Languages: There are separate versions of the Khan Academy site in English, French, Norwegian,
Portuguese, Spanish and Turkish. Content is available in over 30 languages
The data-centred services offered by Khan Academy have continued to evolve with analytics on service usage
being a significant source of evidence in the development. There are numerous examples of use worldwide.
Further Information
26. Digital Assess – adaptive comparative judgement
Digital Assess provides support for workflow around assessment of coursework or other evidence-based
assessment scenarios. The system can be used for conventional assessor marking or for peer assessment.
Learning analytics are used to drive a process known as adaptive comparative judgement, which increases
the reliability of the assessment.
Adaptive comparative judgement is a development of the assessment approach in which pairs of work by
students are compared, using some defined dimensions of quality. Learning analytics drives the adaptive
element by automatically determining which pairs to present to which individuals undertaking the assessment,
in order to maximise the increase in the reliability of the grading in each round of comparison. Over several
rounds of comparative judgement, reliability statistics are computed, as well as statistics that identifies student
work that is problematic. The process can also support year-on-year standardisation. The method is
particularly applicable to cases where a detailed marking scheme is ill-suited to the object of assessment – for
example for creative subjects or ‘soft skills’ – or would be excessively time-consuming, or where peer
assessment has a pedagogic role.
Research undertaken by academics and high-stakes awarding bodies has demonstrated that adaptive
comparative judgement is a reliable method, exceeding the inter-rater reliability typical of conventional essay
Ethics and privacy: The Digital Assess system is designed to support secure high-stakes assessment. Peer
assessment is undertaken anonymously, but any free-form assessment has some risk of
Languages: English
Maturity and Evidence of Utility
The tool has been rigorously evaluated by an awarding body (responsible for high-stakes public assessment),
and has been piloted at scale at the University of Edinburgh. In 2015, Digital Assess reported raising $3million
in new investment.
Further Information
27. Learning Analytics Processor
The Learning Analytics Processor (LAP) is software to manage a learning analytics workflow. Typically, this
type of workflow is referred to as a pipeline and consists of three distinct phases: input, model execution, and
output. The pipeline is built using an open architecture that exposes output from the pipeline via a collection of
web service APIs. The LAP is a general-purpose tool designed to meet the need for scaling up learning
analytics from manually driven processes to automation of routine technical tasks. The essential purpose of
the LAP is to streamline data pre-processing, predictive model use, and results post-processing to make this a
more efficient and reliable process. It is configurable, not tied to particular data sources, and agnostic as to the
way in which the results of the predictive model are used.
Currently, LAP supports the Marist College Open Academic Analytics Initiative Early Alert and Risk
Assessment model but development of additional models as well as feature and scalability enhancements are
Supply model: desktop tool, self-hosted server software, privately-hosted software, shared service model
Ethics and privacy: The original OAAI project was undertaken with ethical research oversight. Since the LAP
is a system to automate an analytics pipeline, rather than being a user-facing application,
the main concern is system security.
The LAP arose out of the Open Academic Analytics Initiative (OAAI), led by Marist College (USA), and was
developed to automate the processing pipeline that OAAI demonstrated.
It is currently work in progress, being one of the Apereo Foundation’s incubation projects, and is under
development by Unicon and Marist, having been selected in a competitive tendering process as a component
for the Jisc Effective Learning Analytics pilots.
Further Information
Jayaprakash, S. M., Moody, E. W., Lauria, E. J. M., Regan, J. R., & Baron, J. D. (2014). Early alert of
academically at-risk students: an open source analytics initiative. Journal of Learning Analytics, 1(1), 6–47.
[describes the Open Academic Analytics Initiative project]
28. Realising an Applied Gaming Eco-system (RAGE)
RAGE is a European-funded project coordinated by the Open University Netherlands, in collaboration with
gaming industry professionals and universities in ten European countries. The project focuses on supporting
development of ‘applied’ or ‘serious’ games through the use of pilot testing and analytics in real-world educational
scenarios. The overall aim is to develop serious games more easily, more quickly and more cost-efficiently.
Partnering members belong to an ‘Ecosystem,’ which is a designated social space for collaboration between
partners at all levels: commercial, educational, policy, research, and others. The project provides centralised
access to software, resources and data, as well as training for developers and educators. Unique to the project is
its pilot testing phase, during which developed games can be used in real-world educational scenarios, then
analysed for effectiveness using learning analytics and trace data.
Data sources: Uses data from other systems: various developed games
Keywords: games
games-based learning
Tool in Context
Ethics and privacy: No information about ethics or privacy is available at this time
Languages: Multiple
RAGE is currently running pilot studies on 11 different games in various European countries. As the project is on-
going, little evidence has yet been released on project outcomes. However, the large number of collaborations
with researchers and industry professionals lends to the project’s maturity and potential for success. The project
has also established a business plan for continued work after the European funding has ended.
Further Information
Practices: institutional pilots
29. Arizona State University
Arizona State University (ASU) partnered with private company Knewton Enterprises in 2011 to make use of
the Knewton Math Readiness program for its online and blended mathematics modules. The program created
personalised learning paths for over 5,000 students registered on remedial mathematics modules.
Knewton’s website highlights that the system, ‘continually assesses their mathematical proficiency and adapts
accordingly.’ After adopting the system, Knewton states that ASU retention in the remedial mathematics
programme increased from 64% to 75%.
In 2015, ASU announced a partnership with Cengage Learning and Knewton Enterprises to create ‘Active
Adaptive’ modules. These modules will use analytics similar to the Knewton Math Readiness programme,
which adapts students’ learning paths through the module according to their demonstrated proficiency. In
combination, Cengage Learning will provide study tools to enhance resources such as note taking and
collaboration with classmates.
Keywords: adaptive
Context of Practice
Learning: post-compulsory
Pedagogic: This institutional practice relies on adaptive content in remedial and entry-level modules,
based on students’ demonstrated proficiency.
Practical Matters
Design and Relatively little information about the programme is provided on the Arizona State
implementation: University website. However, informal press accounts highlight that the system was put
into place in 2011 for remedial mathematics courses. Further partnerships with Knewton
and Cengage Learning were announced in 2015 to develop more adaptive modules
university wide. Informal accounts highlight some push back by university staff, due to the
lack of pilot testing or consultation with staff prior to partnerships.
Knewton-powered classrooms were rolled out to students without pilot testing. The Knewton website claims an
increase in retention from 64% to 75%, however the student cohorts examined were of varying size – 2,419
students without Knewton program and 1,565 with the program – and cohorts were studied at ASU at different
time points. Thus, a more robust randomised control trial would be useful to clarify results. An informal account
on Inside Higher Ed highlights wide variation in retention rates between individual module sections. Thus,
more quantitative and qualitative research are suggested.
Further Information
30. Progress and Course Engagement (RioPACE) – Rio Salado College
Rio Salado College is a community college located in Arizona in the USA, which has an online enrolment of
over 40,000 students. The college introduced its Progress and Course Engagement (RioPACE) system across
the university in 2010. The system uses data modelling and predictive analytics to target interventions
aimed at low-performing students.
The system analyses virtual learning environment (VLE) behaviours and compares students to previously
successful students. Weekly warning labels are provided individually on a colour-coded traffic light system
similar to that employed by Purdue’s Course Signals. Teachers receive weekly reports on student progress
and predicted completion, enabling them to target students for interventions if necessary.
Students can also view their warning labels by accessing the RioPACE system within the VLE. Students with
a yellow or red indicator are prompted to contact their module teacher for help getting back on track.
Context of Practice
Learning: post-compulsory
Pedagogic: Rio Salado College is not explicit in its support of one pedagogic framework over another.
This institutional practice emphasises the importance of teacher interventions.
Practical Matters
Tools used: RioPACE is a custom-built system that functions within the institution’s VLE, RioLearn
Design and RioPACE has been implemented institution-wide across all modules. The system was
implementation: created by Rio Salado College. However, the college did collaborate with Purdue
University and modelled its system on Purdue’s Course Signals. The college also
participates in the Gates-funded WCET project as part of the Predictive Analytics
Reporting (PAR) Framework.
Preliminary research appears to support the accuracy and validity of RioPACE’s predictive modelling.
However, little empirical research has been published or shared with regard to increases in retention as a
result of the programme’s adoption.
Further Information
31. PredictED – Dublin City University
Dublin City University (DCU) initiated a new learning analytics programme called PredictED in 2014 for ten
PredictED analyses student behaviours in the Moodle virtual learning environment (VLE), and compares
them with previously successful students on the same module.
Once a week, participating students receive an email with an updated prediction of whether they are likely to
pass or fail the module. Those who appear to be struggling receive study suggestions and resources to
support their study. The emails also contain information about how their VLE activity compared with that of
their classmates during the previous week.
Context of Practice
Learning: post-compulsory
Pedagogic: The approach taken by PredictED has not been explicit in respect of pedagogy. The
system focuses on student support through the use of predictive analytics. Use of the
system is by students for self-regulation.
Practical Matters
Tools used: PredictED was developed by DCU’s Insight Centre for Data Analytics. It functions within
the university’s VLE system, Moodle.
Design and The programme is currently only available for a small number of modules. Students must
implementation: opt in to participate. The system is designed for first-year students in their first term at the
university. During the initial trial, around 75% of eligible students opted to participate.
Informal accounts highlight that students who opted to participate in the PredictED trial had 3% higher scores
than those who did not participate. However, this perceived improvement does not take into account self-
selection bias or consider demographics of those who opted in versus those who did not. Thus, more rigorous
testing of the system is needed to further determine the system’s maturity and evidence of utility.
Further Information
Academic poster on use of data to predict which students are at risk:
Informal accounts:,
32. Dunchurch Infant School
Dunchurch Infant School is an Early Years institution in the UK that teaches children from pre-school age
through their first year of primary school. At the school, observations of students’ play and interactions
within the classroom are made and recorded, using the Development Matters system.
Development Matters is non-statutory guidance, produced with support from the Department for Education, to
support those working in early childhood education settings to implement the requirements of the Statutory
Framework for the Early Foundation Stage. It includes guidelines for seven aspects of learning, which are
further divided into seventeen subsections.
Nearly 8,700 observations are recorded in the school in a given year, which has prompted the school to use
learning analytics to help manage and interpret the large volumes of data on individual pupils.
The school has a dedicated data analyst who collects observations and creates data visualisation charts for
classroom teachers. Teachers can then use these reports as a snapshot of their pupils’ strengths and
The school claims that the percentage of students reaching ‘a good level of development’ has risen from 55%
to 77% since adopting analytics.
Context of Practice
Learning: school
Geographical: national: UK
Pedagogic: Dunchurch Infant School uses the Development Matters framework, produced by The
British Association for Early Childhood Education.
Practical Matters
Tools used: The school previously used 2 Build a Profile, an app designed for recording observations.
However, a dedicated staff member now develops visualisations in house.
Design and This data visualisation and analytics system has been introduced school-wide in all
implementation: classrooms. Over 75 pre-school children and nearly 60 first-year pupils are involved. The
school has a dedicated staff member who collects data and creates visualisations for
classroom teachers.
The school claims that the percentage of students reaching ‘a good level of development’ has risen from 55%
to 77% since adopting analytics. Their school ratings have also improved since the adoption. No empirical
evidence is currently available, although a detailed evaluation is planned.
Further Information
Practices: institutional at scale
33. Course Signals – Purdue University
Course Signals is a predictive learning analytics system originally produced at Purdue University in the USA.
The system uses student data to predict those who are at risk of not successfully completing a course. By
using predictive modelling of student data and activity in the learning management system (LMS),
each student is assigned to a ‘risk group,’ the colours of which are those of a traffic signal – red, yellow, or
To use the system, a lecturer or tutor must manually run the model to receive students’ ‘signals’, which they
can then use to provide targeted feedback or additional resources to those at risk of low performance. Course
Signals incorporates the use of intervention emails, which can be written by the teacher and sent to those in
each risk group. Notifications can also be given in a student’s LMS course page.
Course Signals enables educators to give real-time feedback as early as the second week of class, and it can
be used at multiple points during the term. In research published at LAK12, it was suggested that there was a
21% retention rate improvement at Purdue between students who took at least one course that used Course
Signals, compared with those who did not. However, this has since been disputed.
Learning: post-compulsory
Pedagogic: Purdue Course Signals is not explicitly aligned with a pedagogic framework.
Practical Matters
Tools used: Data used by Course Signals include student grades, demographic information,
academic history, and use of the learning management system.
Design and This system was produced at Purdue University in the USA. It uses student data from
implementation: Blackboard, although no explicit connection between developers of Course Signals and
Blackboard is described.
As of 2012, over 2,300 students in more than 100 courses had used the system. At that
time, it was suggested a further 20,000 students would gain access within the next 18
months. However, more current data has not been made available.
At present, courses at Purdue are not required to use Course Signals, thus it has not
been mobilised yet on an institution-wide scale. Lecturers may choose to adopt Course
Signals within their own courses, but the project website suggests it is most effective for
classes with over 50 students.
Course Signal’s effectiveness was highlighted in a paper presented at LAK12, claiming a 21% improvement in
the retention rate of students who took at least one course that used the programme. However, criticisms have
been made about the methods underlying these claims. As no follow-up studies have yet been published, it
will be necessary to address these issues to demonstrate maturity and utility of the system.
Further Information
34. E2Coach
High enrolment introductory courses in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) at the
University of Michigan (UoM) applied learning analytics to provide personalised messages to
students. In predicting student performance they found grade point average (GPA) in other courses to be the
strongest predictor of success in a course. The university also asked students about their goals for the course
and reason for taking the course as additional information to help tailor communications.
In order to generate content, the project team interviewed faculty members about the advice they would give
to students who had a variety of backgrounds, goals and circumstances. The team also surveyed students
who had completed the course in order to gather information about a spectrum of learners and advice they
had received about the courses. They interviewed students who performed better than expected and worse
than expected in order to create student testimonials related to the courses. Using all of this information from
students and faculty, they created a content bank designed to provide personalised advice for students with a
variety of backgrounds, goals and circumstances.
Users of E Coach out-performed non-users. Occasional users outperformed non-users by 0.15 letter grades,
while frequent users out-performed non-users by 0.32 letter grades.
At UoM the Third Century Initiative is investing 1.4 million US dollars to expand programmes including
E Coach at the university.
Keywords: adaptive
Context of Practice
Learning: post-compulsory
Pedagogic: personalisation
Practical Matters
Design and A coaching team and a student information system feed information to the MTS in order
implementation: to provide personalised and tailored advice to students on introductory STEM courses.
The coaching team includes previous students, behaviour change experts and
Further Information
Educause report on E Coach:
Details of project grant from Next Generation Learning Challenges:
Campus Technology blog post on topic:
University of Michigan Third Century Initiative:
Michigan Tailoring System:
35. Georgia State University
At Georgia State University (GSU), predictive analytics have been used to tackle the achievement gap for
low income and first-generation students. The university found that students were dropped from courses
due to non-payment even when they had high grade point averages (GPAs) and were close to graduation.
GSU graduation rate went from 32% in 2003 to 54% in 2014. In the process, the university claimed it removed
the achievement gap between students from minority backgrounds or lower socioeconomic status, and their
peers who had higher graduation rates. GSU states that it achieved these results by systematically
accumulating smaller victories. The university took a series of measures to assist students with costs that
were preventing them from staying enrolled in the university. The university used as tutors existing students
who were obliged to work for the university as part of their financial aid package. The university also helped
students select courses based on predictions of likelihood that they would pass the course.
Context of Practice
Learning: post-compulsory
Pedagogic: This institutional practice relies on information about course grades from historic students,
students who are on work studies, and information about course fee payments.
Practical Matters
Tools used: GSU’s Office of Institutional Research compiled data from multiple systems and created a
comprehensive data warehouse.
Design and By creating Panther Retention Grants, 200 students were given hundreds of dollars to
implementation: remain enrolled in courses. When students were dropped from a course due to failure to
pay course fees, the university examined their GPA and proximity to graduation, and
funded those who were most likely to graduate. These grants resulted in many of the
recipients going on to graduation.
The university also tackled gate-keeper courses, introductory courses that were good
indicators of success for a given major. If a student was performing poorly in a gate-
keeper course in their major, the university would hire a student who had a work study
agreement, and who had previously taken the course, to tutor the struggling student.
The university also created an advice system using a database of 2.5 million grades from
the past 10 years to advise current students about the courses they were likely to
succeed in based on their current grades. The same system advises students on what
their major could be and saw first-year undeclared majors drop by 40% over two years.
The implementation has prompted congressional testimony in the USA. Gate-keeper courses have been
researched at a variety of grade levels across primary, secondary, and post-compulsory education.
Further Information
36. Nottingham Trent University Student Dashboard
Nottingham Trent University (NTU) in the UK has developed, trialled and deployed a Student Dashboard for
all undergraduate students.
The system draws engagement data from a range of sources: library use, attendance, use of the online learning
environment, ID card swipes in to university buildings, and academic grades. It uses these to generate a
composite engagement score and displays this graphically, together with the average for everyone on the
course, and gives a rating of high, good, average or low. Automatic alerts are sent to a student’s tutor for triggers
such as ‘no engagement for a fortnight’ or ‘academic failure’.
The primary users of a student’s score are the student themselves and their tutors; the scores are also available
to other tutors on the course, course administrators, and student support staff, but not to other students.
Context of Practice
Pedagogic: The student dashboard does not explicitly embed a particular pedagogical approach, but
implicitly relies on measures of engagement being useful indicators of learning.
Practical Matters
Tools used: The system was developed with DTP SolutionPath’s Predictive Analytics service.
Design and A Student Engagement Manager led the dashboard development, drawing on input from
implementation: other stakeholders, with an initial trial with a smaller group of students before being
rolled out more widely.
After pilot work in 2013/14 with 400 students, the system was made available to all students in September 2014,
and enhanced further in 2015. The system won the Times Higher Education award in 2014 for Outstanding
Support for Students.
Further Information
Practices: national level
37. Ceibal
Uruguay has adopted a 1:1 approach to its education system. After delivering laptops (or tablets) to its
students and providing software such as an adaptive mathematics tutor, the country examined the impact that
upgrading the internet connection had on completion rates of learning activities using the software.
During the five-year project, the country delivered 450,000 XO laptops to students. As well as putting devices
into the hands of students and teachers the project implemented an intelligent tutor. The goal was to
remove the digital gap between students who had access to technology and those who did not.
Some critics raised the point that this was a large investment to access technology and questioned whether
more emphasis should have been placed on the pedagogy of effective use of technology. However, the project
did take a systematic approach to deployment, taking into account distribution, Internet access, training, repair
and disposal. Access to the Internet is considered to be a human right.
Estimated cost of the project was put at £159 per student with an estimated on-going annual maintenance cost
of £13 per student. During the five-year project the cost was under 5% of the national budget for education.
Keywords: adaptive
Context of Practice
Learning: compulsory
Practical Matters
Tools used: Plan Ceibal Information System, LMS Crea, PAM (adaptive math tutor), ZABBIX
(infrastructure monitor), Data warehouse
Design and A study was conducted to examine the impact of upgrading the internet connection on
implementation: completion rates of learning activities on the software. The analysis used a random and
stratified sample across two populations: Interior Urban (IU) and Montevideo Metropolitan
Area (MMV). Upgrading the Internet connection for schools was associated with an order
of magnitude of improvement in the use of the math tutor software in IU schools. The
report described the IU as having an initial condition of a less favourable learning
The technology-based project has been running across the country for more than a decade and Ceibal is now
making moves to integrate learning analytics within the system and to take a lead on the introduction of
learning analytics across South America.
Further Information
38. Student retention and learning analytics: A snapshot of Australian
practices and a framework for advancement
The Australian government commissioned this in-depth look at the state of learning analytics practices
in the country in 2015. Study 1 identified two categories of implementation:
1.) Universities focused on performance measurement and retention interventions
2.) Universities focused more deeply on learning as a pursuit of understanding, who viewed retention as
an important proxy for student engagement
This highlighted opposing views about the purpose of using learning analytics to support retention: as a tool
for supporting university needs or as a tool for supporting the student academic and social experience. In this
study, more universities belonged to Cluster 1 than Cluster 2. The report highlights that institutional learning
analytics policies require more than technical readiness, as universities’ views on the benefits of learning
analytics are also important drivers.
Study 2 highlighted important factors for success.
The report concludes that most Australian universities are in the early stages of adopting successful learning
analytics practices. It stresses that learning analytics form a complex system, which requires the development
of six key areas: academic content, conceptualisation of the purpose for learning analytics, leadership,
university strategy, stakeholder feedback, technology and an understanding of the specific university context.
Inventory type: candidate for mainstreaming
Keywords: implementation, performance measurement, retention
Context of Practice
Learning: post-compulsory
Geographical: national: Australia
Pedagogic: Some universities considered student retention by analysing student data to determine
interventions that support success in retention. In these cases, retention was viewed as a
final goal and a marker of success. Other universities viewed retention as one factor that
influences success. In these cases, retention was important as a support to the final goal
of student learning. The report highlighted that university leaders’ conceptualisations of
learning and the role of learning analytics helped shape the use of analytics.
Practical Matters
Tools used: This report did not examine specific tools used by universities and instead focused on the
ways in which tools are adopted.
Design and The report gives the following suggestions and considerations for designing and
implementation: implementing meaningful learning analytics programmes:
1.) Senior institutional leaders’ commitment and strategic plan
2.) Compatibility with existing university systems
3.) A platform that can easily and ethically share data
4.) Transparency of learning analytics operations and data
5.) User-friendly tools to provide feedback
6.) Coordination with educators to design appropriate learning analytics tools
7.) Empowerment of students to develop agency in their learning
Maturity and Evidence of Utility
This report uses robust mixed methods to consider the state of the art of learning analytics in Australia. It also
incorporates viewpoints of international experts. The report includes an in-depth description and full
explanation of its methods. Although the report focuses on the Australian context, it is of interest to an
international audience. This report looks more broadly at trends in the adoption of learning analytics across
universities, which provides useful insights and tips for moving the field forward. However, a more in-depth
analysis of specific institutional practices will be useful in the future.
Further Information
Student retention and learning analytics report:
39. Denmark: User Portal Initiative
The Danish Ministry of Education has recently released a national User Portal Initiative, which aims to develop a
common learning management system and standardisation framework for exchanging data for all school-aged
students in the country. The initiative aims to go live during the 2016-2017 academic year. These initiatives are in
collaboration with several technology-enhanced learning vendors, with the common goal of allowing an
integration of data nationwide that can be used to develop and inform local or district-wide initiatives.
By 2016, it is expected that all schools in Denmark will adopt technology infrastructure to begin the large-
scale adoption of learning analytics. The Ministry is involved in developing and supporting a wide range of
resources and programs for schools. Several of these online portals consolidate and summarise resources and
evidence of their utility, including EMU, SkoDa, and Materialeplatformen. The creation of common educational
objectives, well-being objectives and national testing by the Ministry is also associated with a broader adoption of
learning analytics tools and data sharing. Enrolment in secondary education takes place through a digital process
called Accession, allowing for easy collection of student demographic data. Finally, a data warehouse that allows
for comparisons of student data between institutions, districts or regions is available to the public.
Context of Practice
Learning: school
Pedagogic: The Ministry of Education will require in 2016 that all schools incorporate IT infrastructure to
support these initiatives. Little information has been released about how this may change or
disrupt current teaching practices.
Practical Matters
Tools used: The Ministry plans to collect data from local IT infrastructures at individual schools. National
online testing will form a common practice across all schools.
Design and The Ministry of Education in Denmark has initiated these practices, in collaboration with local
implementation: schools through a pilot study conducted by Ramboll Management Consulting. A current
challenge is the need to encourage institutions to adopt a ‘data culture’ and to prepare
teachers and administrators through the development of digital competencies.
As the project is in its initial pilot phases, it is too early to draw conclusions about maturity or evidence of use.
However, in its development phase in 2014, an assessment of the potential of learning analytics use in schools
was conducted by Ramboll Management Consulting and incorporated into the practice design.
Further Information
40. Norway: various initiatives at the national level
In Norway, a number of software tools deploying features of learning analytics are available through the
commercial sector. For instance, Conexus (see description in 7), a Norwegian educational software company
that was set up in 2000, provides learning analytics tools for data aggregation and visualisation. Conexus
software also provides tools for assessment, adaptive learning and targeting interventions. Another example
is itslearning (see description in 9), a learning platform with analytics features, which was originally
developed at Bergen University College in 1998. In early 2014, Norwegian largest textbook company
Gyldendal announced a partnership with the adaptive learning software company Knewton to design an
adaptive learning textbook program for primary schools, called Multi Smart Øving , which also incorporates
learning analytics tools. An important driver for such vendor and tool development is organised by IKT-
Norge , an interest group for the Norwegian ICT industry.
In order to support and guide the up-take with the issues around learning analytics, the Centre for ICT in
Education (Senter for IKT i utdanningen), with a mandate to promote ICT in Norwegian schools, has
organised workshops and drafted policy-oriented advice for schools. The Centre’s report on learning
analytics (Laeringsanalyse) by Morten Dahl provides an introduction to the subject, written in Norwegian.
This gives examples of use within Norway and in a global context. The report identifies potential problems
with learning analytics. These include lack of teacher training in the skills necessary to use analytics
effectively; threats to privacy and information security; the complex learning analytics market in which there
are currently no guidelines, national framework or infrastructure, and a lack of understanding of which data
are relevant for promoting quality in learning. The report also deals with the privacy challenges associated
with learning analytics and asks how far schools can proceed with recording, compiling and analysing data
about students without coming into conflict with their right to privacy. In Norway, schools may only make use
of personal data for learning analytics if they can identify a legally valid reason for that use. If personal data
are used, schools will be responsible for assuring the quality of those data, for ensuring that they are used to
support learning, and for ensuring that students, teachers and parents or guardians are able to access,
correct and delete their data on demand.
In 2015, the Ministry of Education and Research committed 25 million Norwegian kroner (approximately 2.7
million euros) to the establishment of a research centre on learning analytics. To determine the location of this
new centre, the Ministry invited bid submissions. After a review process, the University of Bergen was
selected as the host institution, and the centre was named the Centre for The Science of Learning and
Technology (SLATE). The Ministry will contribute five million Norwegian Kroner (approximately 540,000 Euro)
per year to the centre, and the University of Bergen will contribute additional research funding. Although the
current contract for the centre is for five years, there is a possibility that it will be extended for an additional
five. SLATE will have a broad scope, encompassing life-long learning and applying a multitude of research
viewpoints and approaches. Learning Analytics are one element in SLATE´s activities.
In 2016, several developments are on-going, especially focusing on enabling the underlying infrastructure:
Actions related to technical infrastructure and interoperability are being carried out in Norway. UNINETT,
who develops and operates the Norwegian national research and education network, is rolling out a
service platform, Dataporten (Norwegian for "data gate") , that connects data sources and end-user
applications. This will eventually allow for better sharing of data also for the purpose of learning analytics.
Within Standards Norway , the national standards body of Norway, discussions have cantered around
three projects: Datasharing, vocabularies for activity descriptions, and Privacy and best practice
guidelines, all potential underlying enablers for applications such as learning analytics.
27 (in Norwegian)
28 (in Norwegian)
Policy Context
Further Information
41. Effective learning analytics pilots – JISC
Jisc, a UK not-for-profit organisation with a mission to develop the exploitation of digital technologies for
education and research in universities and colleges, is in the early stages of a national initiative to
accelerate those institutions towards effective use of learning analytics through: the development of
advice and guidance, the establishment of a technical platform with free and charged services and integration
with institutional systems, and the support of a series of pilots using the platform.
Envisaged use includes:
● access by students to measures of their own levels of participation and indicators of disengagement
or falling-behind, as an aid to self-regulation
● use by staff to trigger interventions as part of a student support process.
The first set of pilots entered their Discovery Phase in autumn 2015. During this phase, institutions assess
their readiness as a baseline for implementation planning.
Learning: post-compulsory
Geographical: national: UK
Pedagogic: The emphasis of the technical system and tools is on student support rather than on
teaching and learning. In this respect, the implicit approach is mainstream in that the
emphasis is on monitoring engagement and performance and using predictive analytics
to prompt appropriate staff to the possible need for an intervention. Use by students for
self-regulation is in scope but is of secondary importance.
Practical Matters
Tools used: Tribal Student Insight – learning analytics processor and staff dashboard
Unicon Learning Analytics processor and open dashboard
Learning Locker (HT2) – storage of activity records using xAPI
Student Success Plan – for managing alerts and interventions
A bespoke student app and a student consent service are also being developed.
Design and A workshop in September 2014 formed part of the co-design process. This workshop
implementation: identified and prioritised three actions: the development of a solution with a particular
funding model, a code of practice covering ethical, privacy, and legal matters; and
support for a peer network.
During a two-year pilot phase, Jisc anticipates that between 20 and 40 institutions will
complete the Discovery Phase.
Maturity and Evidence of Utility
Findings from the first tranche of pilots are not yet available. The overall approach taken by Jisc is illustrative
of a co-design approach involving stakeholders from across UK universities and colleges. This employs
technical architecture which offers choice to institutions, and a multi-stranded approach to accelerating
institutions towards adoption of learning analytics
Further Information
42. Code of practice for learning analytics – Jisc
This code of practice was developed to help universities and colleges to develop effective approaches to a
variety of issues relating to the practice of learning analytics. It is a concise document that would be suitable
for development of local strategies and policies. Rather than providing a prescriptive code of practice, the
approach taken is to clarify a set of principles that can be operationalised according to the policies and
practices already in place in universities and colleges.
The topics covered are, as described by the authors:
1. Responsibility – allocating responsibility for the data and processes of learning analytics within an
2. Transparency and Consent – being open about all aspects of the use of learning analytics, and
ensuring students provide meaningful consent
3. Privacy – ensuring individual rights are protected and compliance with data protection legislation
4. Validity – making sure that algorithms, metrics and processes are valid
5. Access – giving students access to their data and analytics
6. Enabling positive interventions – handling interventions based on analytics appropriately
7. Minimising adverse impacts – avoiding the various pitfalls that can arise
8. Stewardship of data – handling data appropriately
The Code was developed for use in the United Kingdom, and refers to some national law, but most aspects
are generally applicable, drawing particularly on thinking from North America, Europe, and Australia. It is
published under a Creative Commons Licence.
Learning: post-compulsory
Geographical: national: UK
Relationships: The Code of Practice is not formally linked to other policy initiatives but forms part of a
systematic programme of initiatives being undertaken by Jisc to assist universities and
colleges in the UK in the implementation of learning analytics.
The Code relates to existing policies on privacy and recent work by The Open University
to develop its policy on the Ethical use of Student Data for Learning Analytics.
Representatives, with diverse roles, from the UK higher and further education sectors were consulted, and
they identified the need for a code of practice as a prerequisite for effective implementations of learning
Following a series of open publications and expert workshops, including a literature review of recent work on
ethics and legal matters and a workshop meeting, a draft code of practice was developed and made openly
available for comment. A steering group with members drawn from the National Union of Students and UK
universities and colleges had oversight of the development process.
Further Information
43. PAR Framework
Context of Practice
Learning: post-compulsory
Pedagogic: The PAR Framework is not explicit in supporting any pedagogic practice.
Practical Matters
Tools used: Exchange of data and results between the member institutions and PAR uses files
produced according to a set of Common Data Definitions, which are published under a
Creative Commons licence.
Design and PAR is a membership organisation in which each member institution contributes its data
implementation: to a central database and receives the results of student-level analysis on its own data.
PAR maintains a team including data scientists and researchers. Benchmark data are
available to all member institutions. Governance is member-led.
Each member institution is required to follow its normal institutional approval process for
human subject research (ethics committee or institutional review board) and the PAR
team all have certification in human subject research.
PAR is essentially already mainstream in that numerous higher education institutions in the United States are
member institutions, but it is classified here as a candidate for mainstreaming as the model has yet to be
replicated in other geographical regions.
PAR is now an independent non-profit organisation but it has evolved over a number of years, having been a
service managed by the WICHE Cooperative for Educational Technologies (WCET) non‐profit organisation
until late 2014, with funding from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, at which point 16 institutions were
part of the collaborative venture. Previously, PAR had been a smaller-scale pilot project. By autumn 2015, 33
campuses were participating in the collaboration.
A 2012 academic paper deals with the PAR Framework proof of concept study and its initial findings.
Further Information
Practices and policies on the ethical use of LA
44. Ethical use of student data policy – The Open University
The Open University (UK) policy documents relating to the ethical use of student data include both a formal
policy and guidance documents. The aim of the policy documents is to set out how the University intends that
student data should be used to inform the delivery of student support in ways which conform to the University’s
charter principle to ‘treat each other with dignity and respect’.
The policy, which covers use of data for both student-level interventions and institutional-level strategies and
processes, but not use for academic research, is based on eight principles, which are:
1. Learning analytics is an ethical practice that should align with core organisational principles, such as
open entry to undergraduate level study.
2. The OU has a responsibility to all stakeholders to use and extract meaning from student data for the
benefit of students where feasible.
3. Students should not be wholly defined by their visible data or our interpretation of that data.
4. The purpose and the boundaries regarding the use of learning analytics should be well defined and
5. The University is transparent regarding data collection, and will provide students with the opportunity to
update their own data and consent agreements at regular intervals.
6. Students should be engaged as active agents in the implementation of learning analytics (e.g. informed
consent, personalised learning paths, interventions).
7. Modelling and interventions based on analysis of data should be sound and free from bias.
8. Adoption of learning analytics within the OU requires broad acceptance of the values and benefits
(organisational culture) and the development of appropriate skills across the organisation.
Guidance documents expand upon the policy, to summarise the principles for staff, and to provide answers to the
‘frequently asked questions’ of students about how data about them is used in practice.
Policy Context
Learning: post-compulsory
Geographical: national: UK
Relationships: The policy is explicitly linked to The Open University Student Charter and to policy and
legal requirements for data protection.
The policy is a relatively new creation, having been adopted in September 2014. It is, however, underpinned by:
a series of peer-reviewed scholarly works combining original formulations of the problem space and review of
existing related practice in higher education; and consultation with key institutional stakeholders. It is not yet fully
integrated into daily practice such as registration.
Further Information
Location of policy document: (comprises the formal policy and informative guidance)
Slade, Sharon and Prinsloo, Paul (2014). Student perspectives on the use of their data: between intrusion,
surveillance and care. In: Challenges for Research into Open & Distance Learning: Doing Things Better – Doing
Better Things, pp. 291–300
45. Learning analytics: a guide for students’ unions – NUS
The UK’s National Union of Students (NUS) has compiled a brief good practice guide for student unions
within the UK. The start of the guide defines learning analytics as ‘using the increasing potential of data insight to
improve students’ learning.’
The guide goes on to highlight the types of data that universities may use, such as virtual learning environment
behaviours, use of books or assessment marks. Next, potential benefits of adopting learning analytics are
discussed, such as avoiding drop-outs and reducing demotivation.
The remainder of the document focuses on risks associated with learning analytics, and considerations for
student unions in schools that use student data. The risks highlighted include: privacy, data sharing with third
parties, consent, and formative versus summative data.
The document also links to JISC’s Code of Practice and contact information for help from NUS.
Keywords: ethics
student unions
Policy Context
Learning: post-compulsory
Geographical: National: UK
Relationships: This document was created by the NUS specifically to inform student unions of their rights and
areas of concern. It also explicitly links with JISC’s Code of Practice, which was created in
consultation with NUS.
This good practice document is relatively short, but is an excellent summary for those new to learning analytics. It
is also one of the few policy documents available that are explicitly written from a student perspective and
address students as agents in the process of adopting learning analytics. Its connection with the more formal
JISC Code of Practice document also lends to its maturity and evidence of utility.
Further Information
46. Evaluation of policy frameworks for addressing ethical
considerations in learning analytics
This LAK13 conference paper analyses policy frameworks from two large distance education
universities, The Open University in the UK and the University of South Africa.
The paper reports that although a great deal of data was collected from and about students by the
institutions, learning analytics were not explicitly addressed within the policies of either institution at the time
of writing. Both institutions’ policy frameworks were focused on national and international legislative issues
around intellectual property, data privacy and data protection.
The review highlights the irregularity of learning analytics where the institution is the only stakeholder with
decision-making power, determining the scope, definition and use of educational data without the input of
other stakeholders – specifically students.
It is clear from the existing policy frameworks of both institutions that the definition and scope, harvesting and
analysis of data are imbalanced and non-transparent affairs.
This research indicates that some higher education institutions’ policy frameworks may no longer be sufficient
to address the ethical issues in realising the potential of learning analytics.
Document source: LAK13 Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Learning Analytics and
Knowledge, educational establishment
Policy Context
Learning: post-compulsory
Relationships: This analysis relates to policy documents of The Open University in the UK and the
University of South Africa, dated in or before 2013.
The analysis discusses issues that are pertinent for any university that is using or wishes to use learning
analytics, but that has not considered the potential policy implications.
It considers issues arising from two different educational contexts so findings should be applicable to
institutions operating in either of the contexts and potentially beyond these.
Further Information
Slade, Sharon and Prinsloo, Paul (2013). Learning analytics: ethical issues and dilemmas. American
Behavioral Scientist, 57(10) pp. 1509–1528
Practices: interest groups and networks
47. Further education learning technology action group: FELTAG
FELTAG, the Further Education Learning Technology Action Group, includes members from across the further
education system, including learning providers, accreditation and funding bodies, and industry. The group has
as its goal ‘Create the conditions for the agile evolution of the FE system, support employers and drive
economic growth’ and believes that ‘Government cannot and should not provide all the answers. Ownership
by the FE sector’. The group emphasises putting people ahead of the technology and investing in teachers
and administrators. One suggestion offered by the group is to build an innovation network to enable staff
to drive digital innovations.
Context of Practice
Learning: post-compulsory
Geographical: national: UK
Practical Matters
This work involved a variety of key stakeholders and examined the challenge from a comprehensive
perspective illustrating the roles of different types of organisations in producing improved learning.
Further Information
48. Learning Analytics Community Exchange (LACE)
The Learning Analytics Community Exchange is a European-funded project in the 7th Framework Programme,
which involves nine partners from across Europe. LACE partners are passionate about the opportunities
afforded by current and future views of learning analytics (LA) and educational data mining (EDM) but are also
concerned about missed opportunities and failing to realise value. The 30-month project aims to integrate
communities working on LA and EDM from schools, workplace and universities by sharing effective solutions
to real problems.
The LACE project brings together existing key European players in the field of learning analytics and
EDM who are committed to building communities of practice and sharing emerging best practice in order to
make progress towards four objectives.
Objective 1 – Promote knowledge creation and exchange
Objective 2 – Increase the evidence base
Objective 3 – Contribute to the definition of future directions
Objective 4 – Build consensus on interoperability and data sharing
Context of Practice
Geographical: international
Pedagogic: The focus of LACE is on analytics to deal with questions of interest to an educator, trainer
or reflective learner. These include questions directed towards improving effectiveness or
efficiency with regard to teaching and learning, developing assessment with greater
relevance and other forms of pedagogically driven decision making.
Practical Matters
Tools used: The LACE project has developed tools for use by the learning analytics community,
including a framework of quality indicators for learning analytics, the DELICATE checklist
for a trusted implementation of learning analytics, and the LACE Evidence Hub, which
provides access to research evidence.
Design and LACE has engaged with learners, educators, organisations and policymakers across
implementation: Europe. It has organised many events, including a successful series of workshops on
ethics and privacy in learning analytics (EP4LA)
LACE was a 30-month project, which ran from January 2014 until June 2016. Its tools and resources remain
available online.
Further Information
49. Society for Learning Analytics Research (SoLAR)
The Society for Learning Analytics Research (SoLAR) is an inter-disciplinary network of leading
international researchers who are exploring the role and impact of analytics on teaching, learning, training
and development. SoLAR has been active in organising the International Conference on Learning Analytics &
Knowledge (LAK) and the Learning Analytics Summer Institute (LASI), launching multiple initiatives to support
collaborative and open research around learning analytics, promoting the publication and dissemination of
learning analytics research, and advising and consulting with state, provincial and national governments.
SoLAR priorities to advance the field of learning analytics globally are:
• Foster the highest standards of academic research into learning analytics
• Promote the development of open educational resources in learning analytics
• Raise awareness of learning analytics amongst policy and decision-makers in educational institutions and
• Create opportunities for the diverse stakeholders in learning analytics to communicate, collaborate and
debate. These stakeholders include academic researchers, product developers, educators, students,
institutional administrators and government policy analysts.
Context of Practice
Geographical: international
Pedagogic: various
Practical Matters
Tools used: SoLAR makes use of a range of technologies to support international communication.
These include Google Groups, the use of EasyChair to manage conference submissions,
and Zoom for executive meetings.
Design and The Info Hub on the SoLAR website brings together learning analytics resources and
implementation: reports from the field. SoLAR also provides a dataset of research literature, which can be
used to test computational methods of analysis
SoLAR was founded in 2011. In 2016, its annual conference attracted 460 participants.
Further Information
50. Spanish Network of Learning Analytics (SNOLA)
SNOLA (Spanish Network of Learning Analytics) is a collaborative community that is building practice for
learning analytics researchers in Spain. The primary aim of SNOLA is to share resources and findings among
members through online depositories, webinars and events. The project also encourages collaboration between
members on learning-analytics-related projects. One prominent example is ATHENA-I (translation from Spanish:
Application of analysis techniques and adaptation of the educational process in the Cloud for the provision of
Interoperable Learning Spaces), which analyses the effects of new technologies, such as learning management
systems and MOOCs, within schools. Other collaborations include a learning analytics extension for Khan
Academy and edX, and MakeWorld, a digital program for science, technology, engineering and mathematics.
SNOLA currently has around 75 members based in a variety of universities and businesses across Spain.
Context of Practice
Pedagogic: SNOLA members come from a wide variety of research backgrounds, so it is not possible to
highlight one specific pedagogic framework that applies to the entire network
Practical Matters
Design and The Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) called for ‘networks of
implementation: excellence’ of scientific research and SNOLA was formed in response to this call. In 2015,
SNOLA was designated as an accepted ‘network of excellence’ by the government. At
present, any Spanish researcher can join SNOLA by completing an online form.
Although a relatively new collaborative research group, SNOLA has already provided an important boost to
learning analytics research in Spain. In 2015, a Learning Analytics Summer Institute (LASI) was hosted in at the
University of Deusto, in collaboration with SNOLA members, and another LASI is planned for 2016. In 2016, a
well-received webinar was held by SNOLA members, entitled ‘Applying Quantitative Techniques for Analysis of
Educational Data.’ Several collaborative projects between partners are already underway.
Further Information
51. LACE Evidence Hub on Learning Analytics
The LACE Evidence Hub is designed as a tool to help people to make evidence–based decisions about
learning analytics, whether they are teachers, managers, researchers or policymakers.
The Evidence Hub gathers research evidence from around the world on learning analytics. The results are is
organised around four key propositions.
• Learning analytics improve learning outcomes: including cognitive gains, improved assessment marks,
better scores on tests and attainment results. In June 2016, there were 28 pieces of research evidence out
of which 26 support the positive/neutral proposition.
• Learning analytics improve learning support and teaching, including retention, completion and
progression, but are not direct learning gains by the learner. In June 2016, there were 15 pieces of research
evidence out of which 12 support the positive/neutral proposition.
• Learning analytics are taken up and used widely, including deployment at scale. In June 2016, there
were 16 pieces of research evidence out of which 14 support the positive/neutral proposition
• Learning analytics are used in an ethical way. There are 7 pieces of research evidence out of which 4
support the negative proposition
The Hub provides summaries of, and links to, the research evidence related to learning analytics. This
evidence can be searched and interrogated in various ways, including by country and by sector (schools,
higher education, workplace and informal learning)
Tool in Context
Ethics and privacy: One of the Evidence Hub propositions relates to the ethical use of learning analytics
Languages: English
The Evidence Hub has been developed since 2014 and is now integrated with the submission and
acceptance system for the Learning Analytics and Knowledge conferences (LAK).
Further Information
Policy documents
52. Analytical review – UK Department for Education
The Analytical Review, which was published in April 2013, was concerned with the role of research, analysis,
and the use of data within the UK Government Department for Education (DfE) and its schools and children’s
services (in the UK, education and social services for children are related through legislation). The review has
two parts: ‘Building Evidence into Education’ by Ben Goldacre and ‘Data Systems’ by Roger Plant.
In addition to covering matters of education research and the potential for more evidence-based policy and
practice, and modernisation of the statistical work undertaken in the DfE, the report considered matters that
relate more directly to the conduct of teaching and learning. It can therefore be considered as dealing with
learning analytics, although neither of the two parts of the review explored classroom practice. A key
conclusion which over-arches much of the report on data and analysis is that the system should move away
from periodic centralised data collection, which is often seen as being a burden at school level and provides
low reward at that level, to more real-time data exchanges with greater utility at school level.
The report asserts that more fluid and timely data exchanges would: ‘Support teaching and learning directly.
The system will be able to cater for broadening data demands particularly in relation to performance and
pedagogical data held in systems such as learning platforms.’
The report recommended that the DfE should, among other things:
● Lead culture change: setting an expectation that evidence is an integral part of education policy and
delivery and that research skills are the key to professional improvement and freedom.
● Make sharing real-time data easier, more efficient and more attractive.
● Encourage a flourishing secondary market to improve data access and analysis by parents, schools
and others.
It also identified the importance of interoperable IT systems in delivering real-time data exchanges.
Policy Context
Learning: school
Geographical: national: UK
Relationships: The Analytical Review was primarily concerned not with learning analytics but with
performance management of education and evidence-based policy and practice. As such
the Review envisions a future state in which more ambitious learning analytics would
become feasible.
This is a major external policy review that stimulated a large capital project, the School Performance Data
Programme, although this was subsequently cancelled due to delivery problems, and replaced with some
small-scale pilots.
Further Information
53. Capacity enablers and barriers for learning analytics – Alliance for
Excellent Education
This report, subtitled ‘Implications for Policy and Practice’, was published in 2014 by the Alliance for Excellent
Education, a US-based policy and advocacy organisation dedicated to ensuring that all students, particularly
those traditionally under-served, graduate from high school ready for success in college, work and citizenship.
It explores trends and policy enablers and barriers to adoption of effective learning analytics at Federal,
State, and School District level. It goes on to describe opportunities and make recommendations aimed at
policy-makers and education leaders. These recommendations are, in outline:
● Develop a clear understanding of the potential and rationale for learning analytics.
● Build capacity for the implementation of learning analytics, including development of a culture of
informed decision-making, infrastructure, and human capital.
● Identify and develop policies to support and enable learning analytics, including aspects of privacy,
technology procurement and teacher development.
● Develop funding models to support learning analytics.
● Conduct research to support the capacity building and policies critical for learning analytics, to study
adoption and emergence of effective practice.
Document source: Alliance for Excellent Education: non-governmental policy and advocacy organisation
supported by several philanthropic foundations
Policy Context
Learning: school
Relationships: The Alliance for Excellent Education is concerned with a broad range of policy issues that
it believes underpin the achievement of its mission.
The report is explicit in identifying existing policies at Federal and State level that are
relevant to adoption of learning analytics and calls for these to be reviewed and
implemented in ways that enable rather than inhibit the adoption of effective learning
The report is a credible assessment of the US school policy space, having been produced by a combination of
Alliance senior staff and associated consultants, with a track record in education and educational policy
innovation and reform, who drew evidence from 13 interviews of public policy experts and school district
senior staff.
Further Information
54. Education governance: the role of data –Organisation for
Economic Co-operation and Development
This document is a summary of a conference hosted by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and
Development (OECD) in Tallinn, Estonia from 12-13 February 2015. The conference theme was ‘Education
Governance: The Role of Data’ .The document outlines conference themes and provides a summary of
keynote speakers, workshops and panels.
The conference included three keynote speakers. The first, Marc Tucker from the National Centre on
Education and the Economy in the USA, discussed factors necessary for good education governance.
The second keynote, by Kim Schildkamp from University of Twente in the Netherlands, highlighted the kinds
of data that exist in education, challenges of using such data and potential solutions.
The final keynote, by Birgit Lao-Peetersoo (Foundation Innove) and Aune Valk (Estonian Ministry of Education
and Research), looked at data in education in an Estonian context.
A panel is also described, which discussed the tension between data that are available versus data that
should ultimately be used in education. Additionally, four workshops are described, which covered developing
data systems, data and trust, learning analytics, and the Estonian data system.
The learning analytics workshop highlighted scepticism on behalf of workshop participants that learning
analytics would be able to deliver measurable changes in education. Also described was a general fear
of exploitation of student data.
Document source: International Conference for the OECD/CERI Governing Complex Education Systems
project (GCES)
Keywords: governance
Policy Context
Geographical: international
Relationships: This paper is a conference summary and is not formally linked to explicit policies. The
conference was part of a larger OECD project, Governing Complex Education Systems
This document describes the keynote talks and workshop events during an OECD conference. Although it
provides an interesting insight into speaker and participant views of learning analytics and the use of student
data, the piece does not offer much empirical evidence or concrete advice for developing or implementing
learning analytics systems. However, the video recordings of conference talks may be of use. These are
available in full on YouTube.
Further Information
55. Enhancing teaching and learning through learning analytics and
educational data mining – US Department of Education
This policy brief, written by Marie Bienkowski, Mingyu Feng, and Barbara Means, was published in an issue
brief by the US Department of Education. The goal of this brief is to educate both policymakers and
administrators about how analytics and data mining have been applied as well as how they could be
applied for educational improvement.
The report defines both learning analytics and educational data mining. There is a diagram of the components
of an adaptive learning system. Adaptive learning is described from the student perspective (using Khan
Academy) and the teacher perspective (using ASSISTments).
Adoption and Implementation advice
1. Advice for educators and administrators
a. be intelligent consumers of data
b. generate demand for products that have useful features.
2. Institutional guidance
a. the cost to adopt analytics initiatives can exceed the technical capacity of the institution.
Policy-related advice
1. Advice for educators and administrators
a. Align technical requirements of local government policies with online learning.
b. Consider privacy, policy, and legal issues when storing and analysing personally identifiable
information from students.
Policy Context
Relationships: The policy brief is linked to privacy, ethics and institutional capacity.
This is a document about learning analytics written in 2012 by a well-respected research organisation, SRI
international. It provides a good starting point for concepts such as adaptive systems as well as some advice
about how a variety of stakeholders can influence the development of the field.
Further Information
56. Improving the quality and productivity of the higher education
sector – Australian Government Office for Learning and Teaching
The Australian Government Office for Learning and Teaching (OLT) commissioned this report, subtitled ‘Policy
and Strategy for Systems-Level Deployment of Learning Analytics’. It was produced in late 2013 by three
leading figures in the Society for Learning Analytics Research (SoLAR).
It considered ten case studies from universities in Australia, the USA, and the UK and explored the strategic
issues pertinent to effective use of learning analytics. The work was also informed by webinar
contributions from several individuals offering their experiences and analysis of the problem space of systemic
adoption of learning analytics.
The aim of the report was principally to guide the Australian Government in the ways in which it should
intervene to enable its higher education establishments to exploit learning analytics to achieve increased
levels of educational success, and to build a competitive advantage for Australia.
The key enabling factors identified in the report for a national agenda are:
1. Australian higher education leaders coordinate a high-level learning analytics task force.
2. Leverage existing national data and analytics strategies and frameworks.
3. Establish guidelines for privacy and ethics.
4. Promote a coordinated leadership program to build institutional leadership capacity.
5. Develop an open and shared analytics curriculum.
The report is published under a Creative Commons licence.
Keywords: SoLAR
Policy Context
Learning: post-compulsory
Relationships: The report refers to national regulatory and statistical data collection and to a perception
that school-level data collection, analysis and sharing had progressed beyond that in
Australian higher education.
The authors of the report have considerable collective experience of learning analytics research and emerging
practice, on the basis of case studies and expert contribution from practitioners.
The enabling factors identified in the report do not appear to have been met by specific initiatives but
subsequent projects funded by OLT are working on several of the implied tasks, for example the development
of a roadmap, maturity model, or similar to guide the uptake of learning analytics tools and practices.
Further Information
57. Learning analytics at the workplace manifesto – LACE
The Learning Analytics at the Workplace (LAW) manifesto is a document created for the Learning Analytics
Community Exchange (LACE). Its creation followed a 2015 ‘workplace learning’ session that formed part of a
learning analytics workshop in Brussels, supported by the European Parliament.
The manifesto first highlights the current state of the art of European manufacturing, as well as potential industry
changes in the future. In particular, 3D printing, Internet of Things, digital disruptions and Industry 4.0 are
discussed. Next, the document highlights the 21 -century skills needed to address and embrace these changes,
and proposes adoption of learning analytics to support increased workplace learning of these skills.
The stakeholders for adopting learning analytics for workplace learning are described in detail in three primary
areas: industry, education and society. Suggestions are offered at multiple levels, including advice for industry
leaders, employers, workers, universities, teachers, social partners, teacher unions and trade unions. Finally, the
future of learning analytics for workplace learning is addressed.
Policy Context
Learning: VET
Relationships: This manifesto is not explicitly linked to any formal policies, but rather gives policy
suggestions for those wishing to adopt learning analytics measures in the
workplace. Members of the LAW work group include representatives from
SkillAware and the EU-funded WatchMe project.
Experts from across Europe with diverse roles within both the higher education and industry sectors compiled
this policy document. The sources the document draws upon are also diverse and include empirical studies.
However, other than the LAW working group, there are no stated collaborations with either practitioners or
researchers, which may be a consideration for future policy statements. This document is also written from a
European perspective, although those from other countries may find it useful.
Further Information
58. Opening up education: innovative teaching and learning for all
through new technologies and open educational resources –
European Union
This Communication from the European Union set out a European agenda for stimulating high-quality, innovative
ways of learning and teaching through new technologies and digital content. ‘Opening up education' proposes
actions towards more open learning environments to deliver education of higher quality and efficacy, thus
contributing to the Europe 2020 goals of boosting EU competitiveness and growth through better skilled
workforce and more employment.
The Communication specifically mentioned learning analytics, noting that: ‘Technology makes it possible to
develop new solutions for better personalised learning, by allowing teachers to have a more accurate and up-to-
date follow up of each learner. Through learning analytics, new and more learner-centred teaching methods can
emerge since the evolution of learners who use ICT regularly can be closely monitored: teachers may know the
exact learning outcomes of each individual and identify needs for additional support.’ The communication also
noted that, through Erasmus+ and Horizon2020, the commission would promote research and innovation on
learning analytics.
Document source: Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social
Committee and the Committee of the Regions
Keywords: innovation, new technology, digital literacy, open university, teaching quality, digital
technology, teacher, education, vocational training, youth
Policy Context
Geographical: International
Relationships: This document was explicitly linked to Europe’s 2020 goals. Related documents are linked
to at
This document is dated 25 September 2013. Many of the Erasmus+ and H2020-funded learning analytics
projects that have been launched since that date owe their existence, at least in part, to this communication.
Further Information
59. Policy brief on learning analytics – UNESCO
This policy brief, written by Simon Buckingham Shum, was published in 2012 by the UNESCO Institute for
Information Technologies in Education.
The aim of the report is to describe and define learning analytics and to provide real-world examples of
their use. In doing so, it divides learning analytics into three levels – micro (individual student), meso
(institution), and macro (region/state/national/international) – and highlights potential benefits of learning
analytics for each. Examples of learning analytics forms are also given, including LMS/VLE dashboards,
predictive analytics, adaptive learning analytics, social network analytics and discourse analytics.
The report also highlights debates in the learning analytics field. Topics include the perceived ‘neutrality’
of data, conceptualising the definition of student ‘success’, and various ethical implications of using and
sharing student data.
Finally, the policy brief provides recommendations for higher education institutions in the light of the state of
the art at the time of publication:
1.) Using analytics as a tool to debate visions of teaching and education in the 21st century
2.) Training staff and researchers to use and develop analytics tools
3.) Developing an analytics infrastructure for research at an institutional level
4.) Collaborating with other institutions to develop trusted partnerships and robust learning analytics
methods (for example, through an open analytics platform)
This policy is published under a Creative Commons licence.
Document source: UNESCO Institute for Information Technologies in Education: non-governmental (195
member countries, 10 associate member territories)
Policy Context
Learning: post-compulsory
Relationships: The policy brief is not formally linked to other policy initiatives or policies. Rather, it is a
general document aimed at describing and defining the state of learning analytics at the
time of publication.
The report is a credible assessment of learning analytics, written by a leading researcher in the field and with
an extensive list of source materials. However, no information is available about the editing or peer review
Further Information
60. What matters most for education management information
systems framework paper – EMIS
The World Bank Education Management Information Systems (EMIS) ‘What Matters Most for Education
Management Information Systems Framework Paper’ was published in 2014 as part of its Systems Approach
for Better Education Results (SABER) working paper series. SABER is an initiative to produce comparative
data and knowledge on education policies and institutions, with the aim of helping countries systematically
strengthen their education systems.
The working paper focuses on data and their analysis as a tool for management, school-system
oversight, and policy. The term ‘learning analytics’ is never used. Nevertheless, the vision described in the
paper includes feedback of student learning and other outcomes back to school level for action by teachers,
students, so enablement of learning analytics practices is implicit.
The paper states that ‘an effective EMIS is one that has a fully functioning information cycle. This cycle
demonstrates that an EMIS is more than a simple annual school census, that the coverage of statistics goes
beyond administrative census data. An EMIS is a dynamic system that has a defined architecture, the capacity
to perform analytics, and the ability to serve its users. The functioning of this cyclical process results in more
effective data sharing and coordination.’
The paper notes that the complexity of education data means that an institutionalised system is needed that
can look at an entire education system in a comprehensive, structured and systematic matter. It asserts that ‘a
system to collect, maintain, and disseminate timely and relevant information about the education system is
The paper concludes with a rubric for assessing progress toward the key policy goals identified, which gives
indicative statements against four levels of maturity in relation to a large number of indicators organised under
policy headings including: legal framework, human resources, infrastructural capacity, data-driven culture,
methodological soundness, openness, timeliness and data coverage.
Policy Context
Learning: school
Relationships: The framework paper is rooted in the World Bank’s mission to work for a world free of
poverty and its aim to improve learning as a vehicle to this end, by helping countries
improve data collection, data and system management, and data use in decision making.
The report was written with the benefit of a review of global evidence, with input from multiple sources, and
peer-reviewed by World Bank staff.
Further Information
61. Understanding and managing the risks of
analytics in higher education: a guide – Educause
This document, written in 2012 by Randy Stiles for Educause, provides practical information about the risks
associated with adopting (or not adopting) learning analytics in higher education institutions. In its
introduction, the document states that it ‘provides frameworks, suggestions, and resources that may prove
helpful in considering risk and performing analytics at both ends of a possible spectrum – not doing enough or
doing too much, too soon’.
The document highlights the risks for institutional leaders that are associated with adoption of analytics,
including their premature or inappropriate use and imposing an inappropriate data-oriented culture on the
institution. On the other side of the argument, the risks of ignoring analytics altogether are explored.
Data governance is considered next. The document highlights several areas of concern, including legal data
protection requirements, data collection and storage methods, and access to student data.
The section that follows looks at data quality, and issues of missing, incorrect or misleading data.
Finally, smaller sections consider issues of legal or institutional compliance (from a primarily American
perspective), ethics and privacy, and using third party systems.
Policy Context
Learning: post-compulsory
Relationships: The policy brief is not formally linked to other policy initiatives or policies. Rather, it is a
general document aimed at describing and defining the risks associated with adopting (or
not adopting) learning analytics at higher education institutions.
This policy document’s author has considerable practical experience in higher education, which is apparent
throughout. However, no stated collaborations, either with other practitioners or with researchers, contributed
to the writing of this document, which diminishes its maturity and utility.
The sources that this document draws upon are primarily other policy documents, think pieces, or opinion
pieces, with relatively little empirical evidence examined.
This document is written from a US perspective, although readers from other countries may still find it useful.
The document provides good, general suggestions for implementing sound analytics policies (which are often
taken from other sources), but readers should look elsewhere for more specific advice on implementation.
Further Information
Annex 2: Case Studies of Implementation of Learning
The Case Studies that are presented in this section will contribute to the understanding
of existing practices in the use and implementation of learning analytics for educational
purposes. These Case Studies were selected from the wider Inventory of tools, policies
and practices by using the selection criteria described below. Each of these Case Studies
focuses on the role and impact of learning analytics in relation to the development of
more effective learning processes and organisations.
The approach taken to positioning the Case Studies was to start with an important
aspect of learning analytics adoption and to use an example of this in practice to explore
the area, rather than starting with an example and focusing on its associated issues.
Therefore, although a particular case could potentially be used to explore a wide variety
of associated issues, each Case Study focuses particularly on one of these so that,
overall, the studies provide detailed coverage of areas of interest.
These Case Studies support critical reflection on the impact, potential and limits of
learning analytics. They also provide indicators of emerging issues related to
implementation of learning analytics that could help to shape future policy, and identify
obstacles and enablers that can guide and support the take-up, adaptation and further
development of this technology to enhance education in Europe. This reflection, in turn,
will provide input for work to support the take-up and adaptation of learning analytics at
a European level.
This structure of the Case Studies is presented below, including the leading questions for
each of the sub-sections:
Could you describe the subject of this Case Study in a few sentences?
Context of the case studied
What motivated the activity considered in this Case Study? Were there any
explicit strategic drivers?; Could you describe for me the educational and
organisational setting? How does this relate to practice in the sector as a whole?
How does it relate to practice at a local, national or international level?; Who are
the key stakeholders, and have they changed over time?
Design and implementation process
How did your aims translate to particular objectives?; How was the
implementation conceived, which stakeholders were involved, and how did they
contribute?; What needed to change? (Cover IT, resources, processes and
practices, organisation and policy.); How was change managed? What were the
steps taken to move from ideas to reality?; How did you plan for sustainability?
What steps have you taken to monitor, evaluate or reflect?; What changed and
how was this evidenced? Did you identify impact and benefits?; What issues,
limitations and obstacles did you encounter?; What will be your next steps and
In what was, if any, has educational policy supported or limited your work?;
Based on your experience of learning analytics, how would you like to see
educational policy change in the future?
Developing school sector awareness,
knowledge and skills around learning
analytics in the Netherlands
Kennisnet: Introduction
Kennisnet32 is a public organisation in the Netherlands that is fully funded by the Dutch
government. Kennisnet started as a network infrastructure project in the 1990s,
providing Internet access and national ICT infrastructure for schools, notably fast
Internet access. As that project matured, Kennisnet’s role transitioned to that of an
expertise organisation, although it still maintains some infrastructure. Its aim is to share
and develop knowledge, expertise and best practices around the use of ICT in education.
It also advises sector councils in the areas of primary, secondary and vocational
education. Kennisnet’s annual ‘Education Days’ (Dé Onderwijsdagen) 33 , organised in
partnership with SURF 34 (public collaborative organisation for ICT in higher education
and research in the Netherlands), are a key annual event for the Dutch ICT-in-education
Kennisnet has built up its activity in the area of learning analytics after identifying it as
an area through horizon scanning in 2011. In 2014 the organisation set up a project to
overcome the obstacles Dutch schools face in ICT in education. Learning analytics were
identified as an issue for a small number of pioneering schools, and as a likely issue for
the sector as a whole in the future.
Kennisnet also commissions research and provides information and articles about
learning analytics, dashboards and personal learning. Additionally, it is playing a key role
in developing standards in this area for The Netherlands, through EduStandaard,35 the
Dutch educational standards body. This has included a recent standard on exchange of
assessment data.36
Kennisnet: Context
In the Netherlands, the government sets goals for schools and provides direct funding,
but schools are free to decide for themselves how to achieve these goals, choosing their
own principles of teaching and organising their teaching themselves. In the Netherlands,
this freedom is seen as a key feature of the educational system. 37 Some schools operate
entirely individually, and some work together as groups. Thus, Dutch schools have a
degree of autonomy and low-level budget holding that is unusual in Europe, although it
is similar to that of Academy schools in the English system. As a result, most schools
rely on ICT vendors to support their curriculum and technology choices, and make heavy
use of materials from educational publishers. There has been a big focus on personalised
The impetus for activities around learning analytics came from several sources.
Originally, in 2011, Kennisnet’s innovation department explored the potential for
learning analytics as part of its horizon-scanning activity. Some time later, around 2014,
the topic emerged as an issue for schools with which Kennisnet works. The main impetus
came from Kennisnet’s Doorbraakproject 38 or ‘Breakthrough’ project, which was set up in
2014 to overcome obstacles Dutch schools have with the use of ICT. In the initial phase
33 (in Dutch)
35 (in Dutch)
36 (in Dutch)
38 (in Dutch)
of this work, Kennisnet approached schools to ask them what issues they had in using
ICT. Issues around learning analytics made up one of the themes that emerged, as a
consequence of which Kennisnet started to scale up its work in this area.
Through the ‘Breakthrough’ project, Kennisnet identified ‘forerunner’ schools that were
ahead of others in their use of information and communication technology (ICT). Some
of these schools encountered difficulties in using learning analytics technologies. The
most common motivation for schools was to have a dashboard, a visual display of
progress information that could give insight into each student’s activity with regard to
different skills and subjects.
This is not simple to achieve, particularly if a school wants to use multiple vendors. If a
school is using a single vendor’s products, and the vendor provides a dashboard, there is
usually no technical problem in making this work. However, if a school uses products
from multiple sources, there is a significant problem with a lack of interoperability:
different systems do not work together easily. Standardisation, so that these products
will work together, would help greatly.
At the moment, the work of Kennisnet is mainly focused on the forerunner schools that
are working in this area, but the aim is for the work to develop in order to benefit the
sector as a whole. The stakeholders in this work include Government, Kennisnet,
schools, vendors, educational publishers and standards bodies.
39 (in Dutch)
40 (in Dutch)
41 (in Dutch)
The main change sought is to improve the technical solutions available from vendors.
However, it is not just vendors who need to change. Schools need to understand and
articulate their needs better, and to ground this work in educational considerations. They
also need to develop teachers’ skills so they are willing and able to work with the new
technology. There is also a role for expectation management in the case of enthusiastic
schools that want new solutions immediately.
Kennisnet also showcases good practice around the use of ICT in education using a
variety of methods, this work includes presentations, workshops, responding to one-to-
one queries, as well as ongoing research and standardisation efforts. Face-to-face events
include the annual ‘Education Days’ event for schools 42 , a research conference and
regional meetings. The organisation also provides a wide range of publications, including
horizon-scanning reports, magazines and brochures.43
Where appropriate, Kennisnet also commissions research that involves formal evaluation
of ICT use in education. It recently commissioned the University of Twente and Radboud
University to carry out two studies of Snappet44, an adaptive educational platform with
some learning analytics’ features used by many primary schools. These studies explored
whether children learned better, how teachers used the platform, and whether they were
able to implement interventions based on the
data effectively. 45 A preliminary paper has been
published recently on its effect on students' Kennisnet has sought to help
arithmetic skills 46
. The results indicate that schools articulate what they
students in the Snappet condition make want from ICT vendors,
significantly more progress on arithmetic skills in mediating requirements and
grade 4. However, much of the work in this
exploring possible solutions.
project is still at least a year away from being in
a state where final evaluation would be
In the longer term, the project on learning analytics will end, although it is likely to
continue for several years. Kennisnet expects that its learning analytics work will end up
in the areas of technology infrastructure or standardisation, which will need to be
evaluated thoroughly and then developed further. In the case of standardisation,
Kennisnet works together with SURF to staff EduStandaard,47 which is responsible for the
management and implementation support of standards and reference architectures for
education and research in the Netherlands. This work is progressed through workshops
and a formal Standardisation Council and Architecture Council.
SURF has also been interested in learning analytics since they rose to prominence in
2011, and has run a series of projects in the area.48 The main distinction between the
two organisations is that Kennisnet covers schools, while SURF covers higher education.
SURF is running an Innovation Programme from 2015 to 2018, working with Dutch
higher education institutions to get them working with learning analytics. It is currently
working on learning analytics readiness – developing instruments and infrastructure, and
holding workshops that involve information technology and education departments and
that, at national level, bring different sectors together to solve problems. A report on
pedagogical models is currently being developed, as well as a report on privacy. In
42 (in Dutch)
43 (in Dutch)
45 (in Dutch)
47 (in Dutch)
spring 2016, SURF published a whitepaper on How data can improve the quality of
higher education49.
Kennisnet has worked closely with
European projects in the area of learning Work with European projects has
analytics. In particular, the standards enabled Kennisnet to contribute to
work done in the LACE project 50 , funded
wider discussions about what is
by the European Commission through the
Seventh Framework Programme, has happening in education in other
been particularly useful for Kennisnet’s countries, and to understand a
work with schools. Work with European wider range of approaches.
projects has enabled Kennisnet to
contribute to wider discussions about
what is happening in education in other countries, and to understand a wider range of
Kennisnet: Experience
In order to ensure that Kennisnet provides what the schools want, on-going work is
carried out in close collaboration with schools, involving detailed dialogue with them.
This is on the agenda for every school: almost all include personalised learning in their
vision statement. Wietse van Bruggen, a project manager at Kennisnet with a
longstanding interest in learning analytics, sees that vendors are delivering more
products that are more useful in realising this vision. However, he believes profound
educational change – using analytics on a deep level, not simply enhancing current
practice – has not yet taken place. He does see a positive change in vendors’
involvement. Initially, they were apprehensive. However, now the issues are clearer,
they can see more easily where they might fit into the picture, and are exploring their
position in this new world of digital education.
Standardisation and interoperability are seen as key issues by vendors, schools and
Kennisnet, particularly when it comes to exchanging information between systems that
involve more than simple test results. Kennisnet has worked through EduStandaard to
develop Uitwisseling Leerlinggegevens en Resultaten (UWLR), or Student Data and
Results Exchange, a Dutch standard for exchanging test information. 51 van Bruggen
comments that it proved very hard to reach agreement on these data, and that the work
ahead, to extend this to formative assessment and other data, will be tough.
Some of this work can draw on existing international standards, such as Experience
API52, which specifies how data about learning experiences can be exchanged between
learning management systems, learning record stores, and IMS Caliper 53 , which IMS
claims is ‘the world’s first interoperability standard for educational click stream data’.54
However, van Bruggen firmly believes that whatever standard is used, there needs to be
a conversation between the stakeholders about how to interpret it. He sees a role for
Kennisnet in the facilitation of these discussions, through EduStandaard and its direct
work with schools.
A question that remains to be answered in this area concerns the potential challenge to
vendors’ business models that is implied by the need to ensure sufficient diversity in the
market. It is most straightforward for a school to deploy a single integrated system from
one vendor. This means there is a risk that in future there will be a very small number of
51 (in Dutch)
suppliers with a very high market share. van Bruggen suggests that one way to create
diversity would be to separate the learning record store and visualisation packages, with
them working together in an interoperable way. However, he can see that this approach
would present issues for vendors’ business models.
The next step for Kennisnet will be to make sure that standards work around the
exchange of test information is implemented effectively, by running evaluations and
trials and by continuing engagement with schools. After that, the organisation will move
on to a roadmap for standardisation that will enable the exchange of more and broader
learning information, working first with forerunner schools to get a clearer picture of
what kinds of information they want to exchange, and how that can be standardised so it
can be transferred between systems. van Bruggen believes that experimentation with
schools will help to clarify what is needed, and will help Kennisnet and the vendors
develop what schools want.
Kennisnet: Policies
Educational policy requires Dutch schools to provide every child with a certain number of
hours of education in the classroom each year. To a certain extent, this limits the
possibilities for fundamental changes to how schools work, in particular in relation to
approaches that could achieve learning outcomes faster (each child must receive the set
number of hours of education) or by different means (each child must spend those hours
in the classroom, not elsewhere).
All schools in the Netherlands are evaluated
Sometimes schools are on their performance by the Inspectie van het
Onderwijs, 55 which is a government-funded
hesitant to change, to
organisation. van Bruggen argues that there
introduce innovations, because may be a barrier associated with perceptions
they are concerned that this of educational policy in general. Sometimes
may lead to negative schools are hesitant to change, to introduce
evaluations. innovations, because they are concerned that
this may lead to negative evaluations. But in
reality, van Brugge explains, the evaluation organisation is very open to schools that
want to try different things, and is keen to make sure that its performance and
evaluation framework can work with the school rather than against them.
There is extensive discussion in the Netherlands at the moment about what should be in
the curriculum, and what should be changed, with a vision up to 2032. 56 However, this is
mainly concerned with what children should be taught, not how they should be taught.
Personalised learning is up to individual schools to take up as they see fit rather than
being something required by the government. In such cases, there is no requirement to
move away from traditional teaching approaches; with the freedom in the Dutch system,
the incentives have to come from the schools themselves.
van Bruggen does not see a significant need for policy change in the Netherlands. The
current system provides a lot of freedom for schools to innovate and do new things. In
his experience, he sees some schools are unhappy with the pace of vendors
implementing new solutions and therefore suggest that the Government should step in
to enable implementation to take place more quickly. However, he believes it is currently
unrealistic for this to happen, because it is not yet clear what should be done, so
developing legislation and policy is not yet possible. The current structure sets out the
goals clearly, and leaves it up to the schools to decide how to achieve them in a very
flexible way. This independence is part of the Dutch education system.
56 (in Dutch)
Goals for schools are very broadly defined, so van Bruggen is concerned that schools can
be overly reliant on publishers to supply a structure for what they have to teach. He
worries that, instead of working towards their own educational goals in line with the
Dutch freedom of schools, they rely on what is in existing textbooks. Some forerunner
schools do set their own goals and timelines for what children should learn and by when,
but most do not.
The Open University, UK
The process of developing an institutional ethics policy
OU: Introduction
This Case Study focuses on the process of developing an
institutional policy for ethical use of student data. The Open
University (OU) in the UK has collected and analysed
student data for many years, and has used these data in a
variety of ways, including as a way of targeting efforts
towards student support and retention. As learning
analytics emerged as a field, the university began to take a
strategic interest in it. The need for a policy for ethical use
of student data grew out of a growing awareness within the university of the range and
volume of data collected, and how these data could be used to provide effective and
timely guidance to students. The policy57 was made available in July 2014.
OU: Context
In early 2013, the OU set up a strategic project to explore learning analytics. This
project included a number of practical and technical sub-projects that focused on the
development of learning analytics solutions for the benefit of OU staff and students.
These included progress reporting and data visualisation. The development of an
institutional policy for ethical use of student data was the focus of a specific sub-project
that ran alongside the other learning analytics sub-projects. There were no external
drivers such as national legislation that prompted the development of the policy.
The initial team was a group of five people chaired by an academic from the university’s
business school who had a developing interest in ethical issues related to learning
analytics. The team included an expert in data protection issues, the head of the OU’s
Information Office, an academic expert on ethics and research from the University’s
Institute of Educational Technology (IET), and a project manager from its Learning and
Teaching Centre.
When the ethical policy sub-project started, the team began by examining what was
going on outside the OU. They found that, at the time, no other universities had policies
that dealt with the ethics of learning analytics. Many had data protection policies, but
none was exploring issues relevant to analytics, such as issues around classification and
ownership of data, and consent issues.
The development of the policy was felt to be particularly important in the OU for two
reasons. First, the university operates an open entry policy, so the backgrounds and
experiences of students vary greatly. Second, it is a distance teaching university, so
face-to-face meetings between staff and students occur infrequently in comparison with
conventional universities, if at all. These two factors mean that the OU has to rely on
information that can be gathered to make decisions for the benefit of students. In some
cases, the information gathered through analytics is the main or only source of
knowledge about aspects of student study.
When work on the policy started, the sub-project team members were aware of no other
institutions working on similar ethical policy issues. A published review of institutional
policies within the UK and South Africa, co-authored by a team member, had found no
reference to the ethics of learning analytics58.
OU students were and are the main stakeholders with respect to the policy and its
development. Stakeholders from within the university’s structure included faculty staff,
student-facing support staff, the university’s IT unit, the university’s academic policy and
governance unit, and the university’s Pro-Vice Chancellors. The other stakeholders were
the project team, which expanded when a senior academic joined following his
appointment to the OU in 2014.
OU: Design and implementation process
The objective of the team was to produce a policy, however the university identified no
precise requirements. The team determined that the policy should be transparent – it
should be clear about what the university does with student data, without causing
distress or creating misunderstanding amongst students.
The process of generating the policy began with a review of related policies and drew on
existing research carried out by the team’s chair. This led to the development of a set of
general principles. These were tested, reviewed and refined over time through a series
of consultations with stakeholder groups59, leading to the final versions of the principles
presented in section 4 of the ‘OU ethical use of student data for learning analytics policy’
document :
Principle 1: Learning analytics is an ethical practice that should align with core organisational
principles, such as open entry to undergraduate level study.
Principle 2: The OU has a responsibility to all stakeholders to use and extract meaning from
student data for the benefit of students where feasible.
Principle 3: Students should not be wholly defined by their visible data or our interpretation
of that data.
Principle 4: The purpose and the boundaries regarding the use of learning analytics should
be well defined and visible.
Principle 5: The University is transparent regarding data collection, and will provide students
with the opportunity to update their own data and consent agreements at regular intervals.
Principle 6: Students should be engaged as active agents in the implementation of learning
analytics (e.g. informed consent, personalised learning paths, interventions).
Principle 7: Modelling and interventions based on analysis of data should be sound and free
from bias.
Principle 8: Adoption of learning analytics within the OU requires broad acceptance of the
values and benefits (organisational culture) and the development of appropriate skills across
the organisation.
From the student side, the main contributions
to the review and refinement of the policy were General principles that would
from two dedicated online student consultation
forums. These forums involved an established
underpin the ethics policy
group of volunteer students that is were tested, reviewed and
representative of OU students as a whole. This refined over time through a
group of around 90 students had been recruited series of consultations with
to participate in consultations with the stakeholder groups.
University on a range of issues.
The first forum discussed the initial draft of the principles that form part of the policy.
These principles were posted to the forum, along with a number of questions intended to
explore participants’ understanding of the principles. Issues that were discussed
contributed to the drafting of initial versions of the policy.
Once an initial version of the policy had been drafted, two representatives of the Open
University Students Association (OUSA) participated in discussions with the project team
to refine the policy further. These discussions focused on the issue of consent,
considering if or when students would be asked to consent to their data being used for
learning analytics. OUSA’s aim was to ensure that the student voice was heard, and that
the university recognised any concerns that students have in relation to data collection
and analytics.
The team carried out many other consultations with various university committees, and
had to seek and gain approval from these committees. As the work on the policy
progressed, the team become aware of stakeholders who might have conflicting views,
such as the unit responsible for registering students with the university.
One of the team’s recommendations was to pursue informed consent, so every student
would have to give consent before their data could be used for learning analytics
purposes. However, this was flagged as a potential barrier to registration as it had the
potential to deter some students
from registering. A compromise
resulted, in that the profile of the The team worked to create versions of
policy was raised and the policy that are meaningful and
communicated to students in a understandable to students. They also
variety of ways.
liaised with staff members who work on
Team members realised early on student-facing websites in order to
that simply creating a policy highlight the policy and to engage more
changes very little. The team
worked to create versions of the
proactively with students, encouraging
policy that are meaningful and them to update their own data.
understandable to students. They
also liaised with staff members who work on student-facing websites in order to highlight
the policy and to engage more proactively with students, encouraging them to update
their own data. This relates to one of the policy’s principles, which is concerned with the
mutual responsibility of students and University to enable students to make sure that the
information stored about them is up to date. Case studies and practical guidance have
been developed for student-facing staff to see what the policy means in practice.
The creation of the policy for ethical use of student data required some small changes to
other institutional policies. For example, wording had to be changed or added within the
OU’s data protection policy, and its terms and conditions of student registration, in order
to promote and link to the ethical policy.
For the policy team, the remit was to develop the policy, which went live in 2014. This
policy did not include a position on consent, and discussion with stakeholders about this
issue continued into 2016. There were two main stakeholder groups with different views
on the consent issue: students and university staff. There was no common ground, so
the team aligned with the staff perspective, recommending a position of informed
consent. This was given formal approval by the University’s Student Experience
Committee in February 2016.
Once it had been finalised and approved, the policy was handed to the academic policy
and governance unit for maintenance and development (if required). This unit is
responsible for providing the University with services for academic and student policy,
standards and processes, and for institutional governance and regulatory compliance.
One of the project team is from this unit, which has eased the transition of ownership
from the team to the unit.
OU: Experience
Members of the team have written papers about the development of the policy, and have
engaged in related work outside the OU. For example, the team’s chair consulted on the
Jisc project that led to the publication of the Jisc Code of Practice for Learning Analytics61
in June 2015. Involvement in the development of this code of practice prompted
reflection on the stance that the OU’s policy had taken on student consent to use of their
data for academic purposes. The Jisc code of practice recommends that students should
give consent to use of their data for the purpose of learning analytics. The difference
between the two positions may be due to the fact that the OU has to deal with the
practicalities of implementing its own policy, whereas the responsibility for implementing
the code of practice lies with institutions and not with Jisc.
The strategic project to explore
learning analytics is scheduled to finish It is possible that educational
in June 2016 and the ethical policy
institutions will not have the
sub-project will finish at this time.
resources necessary to provide
There remain ethically interesting and proactive support for all the students
controversial aspects to be
investigated. For example, it is identified as in need of extra support
possible that educational institutions through the use of analytics.
will not have the resources necessary Decisions will need to be taken about
to provide proactive support for all the how to target available resources
students identified as in need of extra
support through the use of analytics.
Decisions will need to be taken about how to target available resources. At the moment
there are no principles or guidance to inform this kind of decision.
OU: Policies
Overall, the work of the ethical policy sub-project team was neither supported, nor
limited by existing policies, although it took into account legislation such as that relating
to data protection regulations about use of sensitive data. The OU had existing policies
that made reference to the ways in which it should use student data and about the ways
that it should support students, and one of the things the team had to do was to add
detail to these.
It would be valuable to see other higher education institutions develop policies on ethical
use of student data based on this experience. Overall, there is a need to realise that
students are the key stakeholders, but that other issues such as retention and
completion rates are likely to affect the nature and implementation of policies in this
University of Technology, Sydney
Learning analytics in the context of a data-intensive strategy
UTS: Introduction
In 2011, the Australian University of Technology Sydney (UTS)
committed itself to a vision of becoming a data-intensive
university. This strategy, led by Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-
President Professor Shirley Alexander, now makes use of
university data62 to support the decision-making process of all university stakeholders63.
As part of this strategy, a dedicated institute, the Connected Intelligence Centre (CIC)64,
was formed in August 2014. The CIC was created as a response to the growing
importance of data in UTS learning and research. It is spearheading the UTS learning
analytics initiative and is key to the learning.futures programme 65 that is currently
shaping the future of UTS student learning.
UTS: Context
UTS is an Australian university that was founded in 1988 and by 2015 had 40,636
students enrolled 66 . Since 2008, the University has invested AU$1 billion (about 675
million euros) in campus redesign. Alongside the renewal of its campus learning spaces,
UTS has also renewed its learning practices, guided by its learning.futures strategy and
by that strategy’s predecessor, Learning201467.
The initiator of the programme to become a data-intensive university was Deputy Vice-
Chancellor and Vice-President (Teaching and Learning) Shirley Alexander 68. The aim was
to create a university where staff and students understand data and, regardless of the
volume and diversity of these data, can use and reuse them, store and curate them,
apply and develop the analytical tools to interpret them. The programme reflected a
recognition that there has been an explosion of data in society, and that this trend has
implications for the whole University, how it works as an organisation, what and how it
teaches to prepare its students for the future, as well as how researchers will operate in
the future.
The project began in 2010-13 with a series of internally funded projects in which
computer science researchers tested the potential of data-mining techniques in relation
to issues of student retention. In 2011, learning analytics emerged as a human-centred
field seeking to integrate data science with education. Within UTS, the growing
importance of data as a university business, learning and research priority became
increasingly clear.
These factors led to the data-intensive university (DIU) strategy and in 2014 the opening
of Connected Intelligence Centre (CIC) with the mandate to advance learning analytics
within UTS. The institute’s name reflects a UTS staff decision to describe this as a
connected intelligence project rather than a data-intensive university project. They made
this decision partly on the grounds that the phrase ‘data-intensive university’ might
alienate some. At the same time, ‘connected intelligence’ better reflects the strategic
aim of the project, which is to understand the consequences of the data revolution on
education. CIC defines its purpose broadly69:
The CIC operates outside University faculties as a hybrid research lab conducting applied
research as well as offering selected courses. Its primary audience consists of UTS
students and staff. The centre sits directly within the portfolio of the Deputy Vice-
Chancellor (Education and Students). Besides connecting with the faculties, CIC
collaborates with the Advanced Analytics Institute 70 and the business unit, as well as
with the business intelligence unit that manages the UTS data warehouse. The CIC also
collaborates with other universities, for example on the projects that surveyed the state
of the art of learning analytics in Australia71 , which were funded by the Australian Office
for Learning and Teaching.
Outside the academic sphere, the CIC has strong
relations with industry and government. These Connected Intelligence Centre
relations are not only visible in its research
is developing learning
collaborations with corporate partners, but also in
the interest of corporate partners in the Master of analytics associated with
Data Science and Innovation programme , which graduate attributes, the
is filling a skill gap that is currently opening up 21st-century qualities that
around data scientists. External partners – are important for all students
including big consulting companies, governmental
departments, start-ups and non-governmental
organisations (NGOs) – contribute to teaching as well as enrolling their staff on the
UTS: Design and implementation process
CIC currently focuses on research into next-generation learning analytics tools as well as
the provision of courses preparing students for a data-intensive world.
Early learning analytics work at UTS focused on student attrition, the so-called ‘killer
subjects’ that deterred students, student study and engagement patterns. Today, CIC is
working on social media learning analytics and collaborative teamwork. Currently, its
learning analytics focus is on UTS graduate attributes 73 74,, the 21st-century qualities
that are important for all staff and students. This aim is directly derived from UTS
learning.futures, an innovation strategy that is transforming learning spaces and
learning practices at the University in order to have a positive impact on student
satisfaction and engagement75.
One of the key areas for development is the design of analytics that deliver
learning.futures experiences to students. For example, academic writings analytics are
developed to support students’ analytical and reflective writing skills. Growth of
students’ agency and resilience is fostered with learner profile analytics. In this area, CIC
is employing participatory design methods in order to involve all stakeholders in the
analytics design.
One major CIC research project focuses on the potential of automated analysis of
writing, using various technologies, to give formative feedback to students about their
writing drafts76. These may be drafts of traditional academic scholarly writing, but could
also be drafts of more personal reflective writing, which has great importance for
reflective practitioners as well as for how students think about how they are developing
as learners.
The CIC involved several stakeholders in the development of this innovation. The
development process involved pedagogical experts who specialise in reflective writing
and provided the underlying instructional design for teaching reflective writing. The
process also involved academics from different faculties, who provided subject-specific
expertise. The academic writing tool uses a language platform that is provided with the
support of a corporate research lab, with additional language technologies now being
added. The challenge here was to align the generic language technology, parts of which
are based on an externally hosted corporate partner language platform, with the
requirements of the academics. CIC chose a co-design process for the product, which
involved the corporate partner and UTS academics as well as students.
Another major CIC project uses the self-assessment survey tool CLARA77, a tool which
was developed to make students aware of their learning dispositions (the habits of minds
they bring to their learning). The survey tool platform generates ‘learning power’ profile
visualisations for each student, as well as suggesting interventions that are based on the
learning profiles.
This learning power self-assessment tool is
A key development was the based on educational research and has been
implementation of a scalable in development for 15 years. From a technical
process that provides point of view it is a simple survey platform.
mentoring and coaching to the A key development was the implementation of
hundreds of students who use a scalable process that provides mentoring
and coaching to the hundreds of students who
the tool. use the tool. This was a challenge because
mentoring is inherently difficult to scale up.
For example, 900 Science first-year students carried out self-analysis using the survey
tool. It was not possible to provide 900 undergraduates with a 1:1 coaching
conversation. CIC therefore involved the Science Faculty in the design of a coaching
programme. This programme trained third- and fourth-year students in the methodology
associated with the tool and introduced them to fictional students with fictional learning
power profiles, in order to provoke reflection. Those personas were based on
descriptions by academics of the types of student who study their courses.
The innovation process as a whole involved a wide range of stakeholders. Academics
were involved in defining student personas. Senior students were trained in coaching.
The UTS Peer Mentoring programme manages the entire peer-training programme.
On the teaching side, CIC currently offers the Master of Data Science and Innovation 78, a
doctoral programme79, and the elective course Argument, Evidence and Intuition80. This
course forms part of the learning.futures strategy that is raising the level of data literacy
within the University. It teaches staff and students basic concepts of statistics and
improves their data literacy and ability to argue about and criticise the kinds of data
prevalent in everyday life.
UTS: Experience
Although CIC has only existed since August 2014, some observations can be drawn from
its collaborative work within the University.
CIC engages UTS staff in discussions, both to receive feedback and to inform staff about
the relatively new concept of learning analytics and what they can mean for learning and
teaching. Many educators are very excited about the CIC’s work on learning analytics.
For example, they see great potential in the CIC’s academic writing analytics tool 81, as it
provides rapid feedback at any time of the day or night to students on drafts (not
something academics can deliver). Feedback from students is also broadly positive.
Some educators were initially concerned about data and data analytics, which they
sometimes associated with reductionist forms of education. When they engaged with CIC
staff, they were reassured to find that they care deeply about education. This dispersed
concerns that analytics implied a certain type of learning and led to a change in
perceptions of learning analytics.
General challenges have arisen during the transition from the old system of learning and
teaching to the new system, but these challenges are not specific to learning analytics.
Learning and teaching are embedded within organisational processes and information
systems that were established and created for one type of pedagogy. The
learning.futures strategy leads the transition to new pedagogies through corresponding
change in organisational processes and information systems.
UTS: Policies
The current policies of the University are seen
as great enablers for learning analytics and Although senior executives
the work of the CIC. The UTS initiated the programme, it is
learning.future policy views learning not a top-down strategy but
analytics as essential. It states the need for
instead introduces innovation
fast formative feedback, for more authentic
assessment, for more data and data bottom-up by working with
analytics, in order to facilitate the learning of academics and early adopters
qualities such as the higher order graduate to show the University what
attributes that will prepare students for our successful learning analytics
data-saturated society.
look like.
Although senior executives initiated the
programme, it is not a top-down strategy but instead introduces innovation bottom-up
by working with academics and early adopters to show the University what successful
learning analytics look like83. Such success stories help the buy-in of more and more
people at the University to learning analytics.
Beyond UTS, at a national level, policy change will be necessary to shift current views of
assessment. As assessment drives teachers’ and students’ behaviour, old assessment
strategies can limit the potential for learning analytics and more broadly for learning
technologies. Learning analytics can help to shift education to more authentic types of
learning that equip students with and assess them on the 21 st-century competencies 84
that will be crucial in their future lives.
The Apereo Foundation Learning Analytics Initiative
Open-source software and architecture as an option
Apereo: Introduction
In 2014, Learning Analytics Initiative (LAI) 85,
which is designed to accelerate the development of learning analytics software, support
pilot studies at member organisations and avoid duplication of software and institutional
developments, was announced by Apereo. Apereo Foundation 86 is an umbrella
organisation to foster the development and maintenance of open-source software ‘for
the academic enterprise’ and the communities that surround it.
LAI’s formation stemmed from discussion within the international Society of Learning
Analytics Research (SoLAR) community about an open learning analytics framework.
One problem seen in the field by members at the time was that using fragmented
systems for learning analytics was not a viable long-term solution. An integrated
platform was needed to aggregate all data in one place with tools for data mining.
Another key driver was the foundation’s collaborative culture, as Marist College (USA),
the University of Amsterdam (NL), the University of Hull (UK) and Unicon (USA) felt their
individual work in the field could be combined to build a cohesive platform to support
learning analytics activities.
The Learning Analytics Initiative began by identifying five major components of a
successful learning analytics platform which are Collection; Storage; Analysis;
Communication, and Action.
The narrative for such platform is the following. First, the data must be collected and
aggregated from different learning systems into a centralised storage component. Next,
an analysis component is needed to make meaning from the data. Results of that
analysis should then be pushed to a dashboard component for communication to
educators, administrators or students. Finally, components are needed to initiate
actions, such as advice and interventions. Under the Apereo umbrella, projects are
currently underway to address each of these five areas.
Apereo: Context
The Apereo Foundation exists as an umbrella organisation to foster the development and
maintenance of open-source software ‘for the academic enterprise’ and the communities
that surround it. It also incorporates an incubation process during which emerging open-
source software can be supported in its transition to a sustainable product. The Learning
Analytics Initiative, which forms just one part of Apereo’s initiatives, has promoted two
relevant products: the Student Success Plan (see the Inventory no: 19) for student
support case management; and the Learning Analytics Processor (see the Inventory no:
27), which controls an analytics workflow and focuses on predictive modelling of student
Discussions that led to the formation of the Apereo Foundation began in 2010. The initial
motivation was a merger between Sakai (an open-source learning management system)
and Jasig (a non-profit organisation in the US). The two organisations had worked
closely together since 2006 on the development of open source educational solutions.
The official formation and naming of Apereo followed in 2012. Today, Apereo functions
as an umbrella organisation for a global network of over 180 partnering institutions on
six continents87, with each contributing to a wide range of education-related projects and
communities. There is currently strong representation in the organisation from the
United States and Europe. In addition, Apereo projects have connections with more than
ten commercial affiliates.
The underlying purpose of Apereo is to foster
collaboration between these stakeholders in an Learning Analytics Initiative
open-source manner. This means that development is designed to accelerate the
of open-source software (with open licences and
development of learning
open coding source) and community building are
both essential elements. Within the foundation, analytics software, support
learning analytics make up just one aspect or pilot studies and avoid
community among Apereo’s wider initiatives in the duplication of developments
education field.
Although the majority of those working on Apereo projects are employed through
member institutions or commercial affiliates, the foundation has some paid members of
staff, including an executive director and a community coordinator. The foundation also
has a 15-member board of directors, made up of volunteers from partnering entities.
Beyond this, the foundation is made up of a series of overlapping and interlocking
software, regional and thematic communities: ‘Software Communities’ (stakeholders in
the development of particular software programs) and ‘Communities of Interest’ (those
formed around common interest areas). The Apereo Foundation, at its core, is a bottom-
up initiative, with member institutions setting the standards for the foundation’s visions,
rather than being managed top down by its directorial body.
In terms of funding structures, resources often come from the individual projects.
However, projects are typically collaborative in nature, with individual institutions
contributing and developing elements of a program or platform. Funding also
occasionally comes from grants or contracts from outside entities, such as the European
Union and Jisc (UK not-for-profit organisation), and Apereo members frequently
collaborate to submit funding bids. Additionally, the foundation relies on volunteers and
the sharing of skills between community members to contribute to one another’s work.
Perhaps the largest learning analytics projects developed by Apereo are Student Success
Plan (SSP) and Learning Analytics Progress (LAP). These programs are two independent
projects underneath the Apereo and LAI umbrella, but can also be integrated with each
other. Using this model, institutions have the freedom to adopt the full Apereo software
stack or to integrate one or the other with existing programs. In keeping with the Apereo
mission, both programs are open source and are configurable to the specific needs of
individual institutions.
SSP is an endorsed project that has already been adopted in approximately 50
institutions, mostly in the United States. The program is case-management software that
includes a suite of tools aimed at promoting student success. These tools support areas
such as academic advising, student resources, coaching or counselling, disability
accommodations, and data aggregation. Thus, SSP operates in the collection and
aggregation domains of the LAI framework, as well as providing tools for action, such
enrolling students in coursework.
On the other hand, Learning Analytics Progress focuses on predictive modelling of
student performance and completion, and fits within the analysis and communication
components of the framework. The program is designed to help consolidate big data at
educational institutions for early alerts and data visualisation, with the final aim of
providing resources for determining interventions. Learning Analytics Progress is
currently in Apereo’s incubation process (see below), and has been piloted at a handful
of universities.
Apereo: Design and implementation process
Projects developed within the Apereo community undergo an incubation process 88. To
progress to this stage, the program must be largely developed and a potential candidate
for large-scale adoption (e.g. The Learning Analytics Processor, see the Inventory no:
27). To graduate from incubation, the project must meet an established list of exit
criteria 89 , upon which it will receive an Apereo endorsement. This endorsement is an
indicator of the program’s maturity and sustainability. The incubation process also leads
to a common infrastructure around testing and development of programs created under
the Apereo umbrella, as well as providing a robust method for global collaboration.
Several other components play a role in Apereo’s
operations. First is the use of standards and Using Apereo’s open-
community building that allows universities to share
source software is more
work and collaborate. Second is the transferability
between universities of their predictive models for economical than building
student success. For example, an empirical study at a new dashboard
Marist College in the USA analysed how well Apereo from scratch.
models perform when developed at one institution
and then deployed in a different institutional setting 90 . Initial findings were positive.
Finally, the Apereo framework makes it possible to build many types of dashboards to fit
individual organisational needs. This means that using Apereo’s open-source software is
more economical than building a new dashboard from scratch, although resources on
site (such as a software engineer) may still be needed.
Much of Apereo’s current work on learning analytics is concerned with scaling up existing
programs and preparing for massive implementation. For instance, the foundation has
worked closely with Jisc in the UK to develop a national initiative91 for learning analytics
using Apereo software. In the near future, every university in the UK will have access to
programs such as Learning Analytics Progress, potentially providing support for millions
of students. The UK is the first national initiative for Apereo, but other countries are
already considering following suit. Apereo is therefore working to scale systems up to a
cloud-based service in anticipation of wide-scale use. In the UK, an early-release pilot
version of Learning Analytics Progress is expected during the summer 2016, with a
large-scale release planned for some time in the following academic year.
In addition to software development, the foundation has also taken steps to develop and
build its learning analytics community. As the community is global, one important aspect
is its online presence. To encourage online collaboration, the foundation uses a wide
variety of tools, including email lists, wikis, GitHub repositories and messaging on
platforms such as Slack.
Additional steps are taken to translate this online community to face-to-face contexts.
Apereo hosts an annual international conference, as well as several regional and
community-specific conferences. To facilitate discussion and collaboration, these often
include networking and icebreaker activities. The foundation also hosts webinars (online
seminars), hackathons (collaborative computer coding events), workshops, seminars and
showcases on a regular basis, and individual communities maintain contact with each
other. The incubation process also helps to bring people together through collaborative
work on projects both face-to-face and online.
Apereo: Experience
The impact of Apereo’s learning analytics activities has been strong, especially
considering that it is a relatively young foundation. In terms of software, Student
Success Plan is a fully functioning baseline system that is highly modifiable to meet the
needs and cultures of individual institutions. This has led to its adoption by around 50
institutions, mainly in the USA, and the foundation hopes an additional 350 institutions
will adopt it in the future.
The foundation’s work on projects such as Learning Analytics Progress has also led to a
national initiative in the UK. Another significant impact has been the increased
collaboration between institutions and stakeholders, as Apereo is currently the only
open-source global learning analytics initiative. Foundation members frequently co-
create, co-author and peer review in ways not possible before Apereo’s creation and that
would be unlikely to take place in a commercial setting.
The Apereo model provides evidence that a foundation that is a global community-based
initiative built by volunteers92 (working as employees of other institutions) has several
strengths. For example, the foundation argues that the people involved in the foundation
demonstrate a deeper passion for their work and are motivated in a way that might not
be possible in a for-profit industry. Additionally, Apereo members feel that the amount of
innovation in the foundation can be credited to its strong community and flat (non-
hierarchical) organisation. However, there has been little empirical exploration of this
notion beyond these personal reflections.
This structure also poses several challenges.
Apereo hopes to become the For example, disagreements between
baseline framework for open community members sometimes occur. Other
issues include the formation of cliques and
learning analytics initiatives, changing or rotating membership. The focus
delivering an infrastructure for on volunteer efforts means that there are no
longitudinal data throughout dedicated staff members in areas such as
the lifecycle of the learner. marketing and web presence. The
international nature of collaborations means
national interests and initiatives sometimes
distract or hinder progress. Despite these issues, Apereo members feel strongly that to
control the foundation’s organisation system and community efforts would decrease its
potential for innovation.
In the near future, the foundation’s learning analytics efforts will be focused on the UK
national initiative, and on preparing programs such as Learning Analytics Progress for
wide-scale adoption. Increasing awareness of the foundation’s work and diversifying
those who use its programs are also priorities. Looking ahead to the next 10-15 years,
Apereo hopes to become the baseline framework for open learning analytics initiatives,
delivering an infrastructure for longitudinal data throughout the lifecycle of the learner.
Apereo: Policies
Several policy-driven initiatives are viewed as important to the future success of
Apereo’s work in the learning analytics field. One key issue is national policies related to
data aggregation and data privacy. In many countries, there is little or no access to real-
time education statistics. In the UK, for example, higher education statistics are reported
to the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA), but there is a significant lag in their
publication and the 2013 university enrolment statistics were not available until 2016.
In other contexts, policies and laws are out-dated and may pre-date the Internet. In the
USA, for example, privacy requirements for student records are mandated by the Family
Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), which was developed in 1974 and last
amended in 2001. This means that many schools have difficulties when it comes to
accessing student data for learning analytics. National and international policies on
student data collection and access need to be revisited in order for learning analytic
programs, such as those developed by Apereo, to reach their full potential.
To achieve their goals, Apereo foundation
One current policy roadblock is members recognise that a common data
the lack of European-wide data dictionary and data sharing policies will be
necessary for predictive models to be run
aggregation and an associated on an international scale. In a European
inability to share data between context, for example, one current policy
institutions. A more integrated roadblock is the lack of European-wide
and international policy would data aggregation and an associated
allow each university in Europe to inability to share data between
institutions. A more integrated and
have a baseline set of analytics. international policy would allow each
university in Europe to have a baseline set
of analytics. One step towards achieving this goal would be a large-scale project with an
international scope, such as a European-wide project focusing on the use of the Apereo
software stack for learning analytics.
In addition to international and national policies, individual institutional policies are
important to the success of Apereo’s work. Many universities currently do not have an
established information strategy. This results in a lack of control of their data and little
understanding of how to aggregate and analyse them. Institutional ethics policies related
to data sharing, such as Jisc’s recently published Code of Practice (see the Inventory no:
42), will be necessary for learning analytics. Top-down institutional strategies are
therefore key drivers in the successful adoption of programmes like Apereo. For Apereo
to integrate with the university structure, a university culture that recognises and
prioritises the fact that information has value is vital.
Blue Canary
Commercial providers of learning analytics can move the whole field forward
worked with a partner that focused on markets such as health care (through a company
called Clairvoyant), and together they produced customised predictive analytics solutions
for their clients.
Blue Canary worked on the basis that
there are two parts to the student There are two parts to the student
retention problem. The first problem is to
retention problem. The first
identify students at risk and the second
problem is to develop intervention problem is to identify students at
strategies that retain those students. risk and the second problem is to
The company focused on solving the first
develop intervention strategies
of these problems for institutions. that retain those students.
Therefore, the business model was based
on collaboration between Blue Canary and its customer institutions. The company
predicted which students were at risk each week, and it was then up to each client
university to take action on those predictions and to make interventions that would
retain those students.
Each week it provided customers with a list of students who predictive analytics had
identified as likely to drop out in the coming week. It was estimated that a small,
targeted list (including around 12 at-risk students) was more helpful to his customers
than a list of 300 students at various degrees of risk.
The aim was not to replace humans with analytics but rather to augment human
decision-making with data based on predictive models. In doing this, the company
worked to ensure the data used in its predictions were as transparent as possible. This
transparency of the predictive model provided critical information that could be used by
institutions to make decisions about intervention. As the solution was customized to
institutions on a case-by-case basis there was no generic model developed in which
the same variables were always considered critical.
By 2014, Blue Canary had started to gain momentum and the key challenges to growth
were getting brand recognition and using a salesforce to penetrate the market. Part of
the sales strategy was to identify an ideal customer. In the case of Blue Canary, the
team determined that an ideal customer would have five attributes. These were not
focused on learning and teaching but on institutional strategy and leadership.
1. An institutional goal of improving student retention
2. Key influencers aware of the power of analytics
3. Existing data footprint
4. Stakeholder commitment to action and intervention
5. Defined purchase decision process.
Given that Blue Canary saw itself as only half of the solution (predicting which students
were at risk), these criteria helped to ensure that staff spent their time working
with customers who would capable of providing the other half of the solution.
The company looked for customers who would successfully purchase their product,
provide the necessary data for the product to work, would be interested in and capable
of taking action on the predictions that Blue Canary could provide, and would understand
the value that predictive analytics could provide. The vendor alone could not solve the
problem of student retention; it was only by working in partnership with an institution
that the predictive analytics could be used to support students.
Some customers ‘got it’ and brought on board not only people who could collaborate on
the technical work with Blue Canary but also people who could take action based on the
information provided by Blue Canary. However, at other institutions, it was not clear who
was held accountable for student retention and this lack of accountability made it more
difficult for Blue Canary to provide an effective service. While the company could provide
predictions, institutions needed to have infrastructure and staff in place to focus on
solving the problem of student retention. The institution required not only data but
also strategic leadership in order to work with a learning analytics provider.
The Learning Analytics and Knowledge
While the company could provide (LAK14) conference in 2014, like those
predictions, institutions needed to have in previous and subsequent years,
included an annual data challenge that
infrastructure and staff in place to
made a data set public so that members
focus on solving the problem of
of the learning analytics community
student retention. could tackle a specific challenge using
the same data set. That year Blue
Canary won the data challenge, helping this relatively new company to establish
international brand recognition96. The LAK Data Challenge provides an example of how
opportunities can be created to showcase the work of those who are fully engaged in
practice to a research community. The challenge also provides an opportunity for
practitioners to inform researchers about technical possibilities.
Awards can play an important part in establishing the brand of a start-up. In 2015, Blue
Canary’s partner company Clairvoyant won the Governor’s Celebration of Innovation
(GCOI) Award in the Start-Up of the Year category recognising the innovative analytics
work done by Blue Canary. The award is also an example of how regional support, in this
case provided by the Arizona Commerce Authority97, can help a new learning analytics
company to establish itself.
Blue Canary: Experience
At the end of 2015 Blackboard acquired Blue
Canary where Sharkey is now Vice President of Collaboration between
Analytics, in charge of a suite of products including researchers and
Blue Canary. He believes that this gives him the practitioners and between
opportunity to work on products that not only have
the education sector and the
brand recognition but also have a sufficient sales
force to support a broader impact. for-profit sector is critical to
moving the field forward.
In 2016, Sharkey was one of the Chairs of the
Practitioner Track at the annual Learning Analytics
and Knowledge conference, LAK16. He considers that his role from the early years of the
conference has been to represent the practitioner, and he has been happy to help to
cultivate a role for the practitioner at the conference and to develop the role of the
practitioner in moving the field forward. He sees that collaboration between researchers
and practitioners, and between the education sector and the for-profit sector, is critical
to moving the field forward. He has seen at first hand the value of working with data
across institutions and also the implications for ethics, data protection and privacy. Blue
Canary explicitly avoided analysis of data across clients. The company carefully kept
client data separate, and this was an important element of its data privacy agreement
with its customers.
Blue Canary: Policies
Data privacy offers both challenges and opportunities for potential collaboration between
for-profit companies and universities. Blue Canary found that data privacy policies not
only restricted opportunities for analysis but also prevented clients from developing
insights across institutions. Such policies may limit opportunities for vendors to improve
products for their clients and ultimately reduce their benefits for students.
Blue Canary has worked to reduce the division between researchers and practitioners,
and the division between educational institutions and vendors. While for-profit
organizations do not function in the same way as educational institutions, there needs to
be a viable way for those organisations to collaborate. It is important that data privacy
policies take into account how collaboration between universities and for-profits can be
supported, rather than prevented.
Annex 3: Background to Learning Analytics
modelling and charts the changing emphasis on performance v behaviour modelling
between 2010 and 2013 (Peña-Ayala, 2014).
Personal learning and self-regulation
Some practitioners and scholars and innovators envisioned the relationship of individual
learners with their studies and technology as one of self-organisation served by a
personal learning environment. They and reacted against the automated view of
personalisation embodied by intelligent tutoring systems and other adaptive systems.
Many of the same technical approaches to learner modelling apply, but the emphasis is
on using analytics methods to support learner agency. It is worth noting, however, that
research on intelligent tutoring systems has tended to focus on school-age learners while
interest in personal learning environments developed primarily in higher education and
reflects differing assumptions about which aspects of learning learners should control.
Although personalised learning has been seen as a desirable aim of learning analytics, it
was not reflected in learning analytics research published before 2012 (Chatti, 2012),
and remained as an opportunity for learning analytics research in a literature survey of
2014 (Papamitsiou, 2014).
Insight into student performance and progress
The limitations of the traditional teacher-learner relationship, in terms of what is
practical for teachers and other actors in the learning process to monitor unaided, is a
clear theme in the literature. One of the lines of thought which coalesced with others as
learning analytics emerged was ‘academic analytics’. These analytics emphasise the
business-oriented concerns of higher education administrators and managers. Academic
analytics have a history that stretches back into the late 1990s, with the detection of at-
risk students becoming a common theme by the end of the century (Chatti, 2012).
Earlier work tended to rely on conventional educational data such as attendance records,
assessment data, course, and curriculum goals. Activity records from learning
management systems were noted as a potential source but were not systematically
exploited (Romero & Ventura, 2007). Later work began to include more activity data
from learning management systems. The Signals tool/process developed at Purdue
University that made use of this type of data was, in many ways, a flagship for interest
in learning analytics which straddled both research and business interests in higher
education (Ferguson, 2012). Signals is also an interesting case from the perspective of a
discussion of learning analytics adoption because, in addition to the method and the
claims for efficacy, the people involved at Purdue had taken care to address some of the
cultural aspects necessary for adoption, although this aspect of the work is not well
captured in the academic literature.
Recent research activity has incorporated more detailed treatment of signs of
engagement and mood and matched them to task-level performance (Papamitsiou &
Economides, 2014). Overall, predicting performance is an area that has seen sustained
activity (Sin, 2015).
Assessment and feedback
The role of analytics in assessment and feedback is here separated from the use of
assessment data for analytics. Earlier work tended to focus on the latter and, although
an early review (Chatti, 2012) notes that 13% of the papers surveyed had related to
assessment and feedback, the assessment and feedback process aspect formed only
part of a broader picture.
A substantial part of the work on assessment has been on the inferences that can be
drawn from learner responses to objective questions (Peña-Ayala, 2014). This work
includes activity aimed at inferring what learners know, as well as research on the test
Work is continuing on the less objectively definable aspects of providing feedback that is
more compelling and actionable from a learner point of view. Another focus is on
assessment in more authentic settings than formal testing, including assessment of
process rather than product (Steiner et al., 2014; Papamitsiou & Economides, 2014b).
This aspect of assessment and feedback appears to be attracting increasing attention,
while research activity on the more objective aspects of assessment appears to be
declining (Peña-Ayala, 2014).
Insight into engagement and social learning
Use of activity data from general-purpose educational software applications initially
tended to focus on monitoring and non-predictive analysis. These were frequent topics in
the literature available in 2011, particularly in papers from the first international
conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge, alongside research on intelligent
tutoring systems and adaptive systems, which flourished at International Educational
Data Mining conferences (Chatti, 2012).
A particular topic of interest, driven by widespread engagement with the social-
constructivist learning paradigm in the European and North American technology-
enhanced learning community is social network analysis. This was an existing field of
research in the social sciences that aims to understand how actors (such as learners and
teachers) relate through their actions or opinions (Ferguson, 2012b). These social
networks are presented graphically as networks in which individual actors appear as
points and their interactions are represented as lines (edges) that connect those points.
The application of social network analysis provides an early example of learning analytics
research being explicit about its underpinning pedagogic theory. This was in contrast to
previous work in learning analytics that had not dealt with theories of how learning and
teaching take place, and also contrasted with visualisations of learner and teacher
activity that were supposedly pedagogically neutral (Vuorikari & Scimeca, 2013).
Resource recommendation systems
The use of clustering and association rule algorithms to recommend educational content
was an important field of activity when educational data mining emerged at the
beginning of the century, according to citation figures (Baker, 2009). Similarly, both
content-based recommendations and collaborative filtering (which use the textual
content and data about user preferences, respectively) figured significantly in
technology-enhanced learning research in the late 2000s (Chatti, 2012; Manouselis et
al., 2011). However, little new activity on this topic was evident by 2014 (Papamitsiou &
Economides, 2014).
Game-based learning and serious games
Game-based learning has an established history and this area saw a flourishing of
research interest at roughly the same time as learning analytics. However, research
activity initially failed to focus on the insights that learning analytics methods could bring
to a game-based learning scenario (Papamitsiou & Economides, 2014). There is now
evidence that the conjunction of learning analytics and serious games is exciting
attention and it is clear that earlier work can be re-conceptualised in a game-based
learning setting (Steiner et al., 2014). Game-based learning was identified as one of the
top three topics at the 2014 International Conference on Educational Data Mining (Sin,
Insight into effective curriculum design and pedagogic strategies
Curriculum design, learning design and the selection of pedagogic strategies form a set
of related topics which are present in the learning analytics literature but never really
prominent. Early work on educational data mining included research on ‘relating a
student’s later success to the amount of each type of pedagogical support the student
received up to that point’ (Baker, 2009). More recent studies note research work on a
variety of factors, from the way teachers use online tools to the estimation of
prerequisite structures in subject material (Peña-Ayala, 2014). This research appears to
be somewhat fragmented and lacking a unifying idea.
One issue that has been touched on in many strands of learning analytics research is the
modelling and discovery of behavioural patterns. This is an aspect of the student models
created for intelligent tutoring systems, as well of research into MOOC data (Papamitsiou
& Economides, 2014).
Distance & online education, and MOOCs
Early educational data mining literature tended to contrast distance and online education
with a traditional education setting. On one hand, the issues caused by reduced levels of
personal contact in distance education could partially be overcome by extracting more
from the data. On the other hand, online education generated activity data that was
potentially useful in many ways (Romero & Ventura, 2007).
The sheer volume of data produced by massive open online courses (MOOCs), in a
relatively consistent and therefore more easily analysed form, was a gift to learning
analytics, particularly to those using data mining methods. Researchers were quick to
explore this data in relation to many existing research topics, including behaviour
discovery/modelling, promoting engagement, and the identification of early signals of
drop out (Papamitsiou & Economides, 2014)..
Refinement and validation of educational theories
There has been relatively little emphasis on the refinement and validation of educational
theories, which we take to include informal conventional wisdom such as the relationship
between self-discipline and likely learning gains. This is surprising, as this work was
identified as a key area of application in the inaugural edition of the Journal of
Educational Data Mining (Baker, 2009). Low levels of reference to specific educational
theoretical frameworks in learning analytics literature remains a shortcoming in the
research (Nistor, 2015).
Annex 4: Glossary
The Glossary contains key terms in the field and is intended for use when reading the
wider learning analytics literature. Not all terms within it are used in this report.
The Glossary is divided into three sections, each of which is arranged alphabetically:
Terms commonly used in relation to learning analytics
Technical terms relating to learning analytics
Academic terms relating to learning analytics
Term Definition
at-risk students Predictive analytics are used to identify students who are at
risk of dropping out or failing a course
big data A loose term for situations where the amount of data to be
processed is so large that traditional approaches do not
work, or for using data processing approaches that were
originally developed to deal with very large datasets.
dashboard A dashboard is a visualisation that presents a set of data in
a single display. In educational settings a dashboard may
include summary information about learners’ attendance and
attainment. It may also show an aggregated summary of
information about a group of learners such as a class and
provide a facility for its user to explore the individual scores
that make up this aggregated summary.
data protection Laws and rules concerning the processing of personal data,
and the associated processes and procedures for ensuring
that processing complies with these. Within the EU, there is
clear and relatively strict legislation aimed at ensuring
privacy and fairness in the processing of personal data.
Similar legislation exists in other OECD countries, with the
exception of the USA, where the law is substantially more
permissive, except for personal data about children.
intelligent tutor & Software that gives immediate, adaptive and individual
intelligent tutoring responses to learners, such as instruction and feedback,
system generally without requiring input from a human tutor.
massive open online An online course open for anyone to study without pre-
course or MOOC requisites or charge, intended for a larger number of
learners than a traditional course.
open-source software The source code for open-source software is made available
so that it can be studied, changed and distributed to anyone
and for any purpose. Open-source software is often
developed collaboratively and in public. For example, the
Moodle virtual learning environment is provided freely as
open-source software that can be adapted, extended or
modified by anyone.
social learning analytics Analytics that focus on how learners build knowledge
together in their cultural and social settings.
Technical terms relating to learning analytics
affective computing Computing that takes into account the emotional state or
mood of the user.
knowledge tracing Algorithms and techniques for inferring the cognitive model
of the learner, typically used in cognitive tutors.
log files Computer files that contain lists of past events. For instance,
in a learning environment, a log file might contain an entry
for each time the learner clicked on an item, showing which
item was clicked and when. Analysis of log files can be
useful for tracking learner behaviour and for improving
learning environments.
matrix decomposition Algorithms that take a matrix and determine two factors
matrix factorisation (i.e. two new matrices) that, when multiplied together, give
the original matrix. Often used to develop systems that can
recommend particular resources to a learner based on other
learners’ behaviours or outcomes.
predictive modelling Finding patterns in data and using those patterns to make
predictions about other data, such as whether a student will
pass or fail a course.
process mining Looking for data patterns that relate to learning processes,
and using the models developed for purposes such as
uncovering those learning processes.
sequence mining Looking for patterns where items happen in sequence (one
after another), as distinct from patterns where they co-occur
(are associated, as in association rules).
social network analysis Algorithms and techniques for analysing the relationships
between individuals (social relationships) based on network
and graph theory. The underlying model is one of ‘nodes’
(individuals or things) and ‘edges’ (relationships or
interactions between them).
text mining Algorithms and techniques for finding useful patterns in text,
often using natural language processing.
Academic terms relating to learning analytics
design research Research into the processes of design or, more recently,
research that forms part of a process of design.
digital literacy The skills needed to find, evaluate, make use of, share and
create content using digital technologies.
game-based learning A type of game play that is associated with working towards
the achievement of defined learning outcomes.
item response theory The study of how learners’ responses to individual questions
(items) in tests relate to their underlying abilities, typically
using probabilistic approaches.
learning curves Graph showing amount of learning over time (often using
test scores) or repeated attempts at a task.
peer assessment Students mark the work of their fellow learners, based upon
benchmarks provided by an educator.
Annex 5: Experts
The Expert Workshop held in Amsterdam in March 2016 as part of this study included
attendees from 13 countries and ten European projects.
Invited experts
1 Adam Cooper UK Tribal Group
2 Alan Berg The Netherlands Apereo Foundation
3 Alex Rayón Jerez Spain Universidad de Duesto
4 Andrew Cormack UK Jisc
5 Anne Boyer France Université de Lorraine
6 Barbara Wasson Norway University of Bergen
7 Charlotta Grönqvist Norway Sanoma
8 Daniel Spikol Sweden Malmö University
9 Dirk Tempelaar The Netherlands Maastricht University
10 Ed Foster UK Nottingham Trent Uni
12 Ian Dewes UK Dunchurch Infant School
13 Jocelyn Manderveld The Netherlands SURFNet
14 Kristel Rillo Estonia MoE
15 Kristian Ørnsholt Denmark Ministeriet for BOL
María Jésus García San
16 Spain Ministry of Education
17 Mark Brown Ireland Dublin City University
18 Susan Flocken Belgium ETUCE
19 Tim Vogelsang Germany iversity
20 Topi Litmanen Finland Claned Group
European project representatives and associated individuals
21 Anouschka van Leeuwen The Netherlands
33 Michael Kickmeier-Rust Austria LEA’s Box
34 Noelia Cantero Brussels SHEILA
35 Stefan Mol The Netherlands
36 Tom Broos Belgium STELA
37 Wietse van Bruggen The Netherlands LACE
Organising team and European Commission representatives
37 Geir Ottestad Belgium European Commission
38 Konstantin Scheller Belgium European Commission
39 Jonatan Castaño Muñoz Spain Joint Research Centre
40 Riina Vuorikari Spain Joint Research Centre
41 Yves Punie Spain Joint Research Centre
42 Doug Clow UK LACE
43 Hendrik Drachsler The Netherlands LACE
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