Partial Fractions: Like Our Page For More Entry Test Materials & Admission Updates
Partial Fractions: Like Our Page For More Entry Test Materials & Admission Updates
Partial Fractions: Like Our Page For More Entry Test Materials & Admission Updates
Partial Fractions
Difference between a Conditional Equation and an Identity Equation.
Conditional is true for some specific values while Identity is a universal
In a universal Equation the sign of Equality used is " ≡ ".
Difference between a Proper and Improper Rational Function.
Theorem of Equality of Polynomials.(Page:180).
Now to solve MCQ’s of Partial Fractions Quickly, you have two options.
Rational Fraction.
-Improper Rational Fraction:
Let P(x)/Q(x) be a rational fraction then P(x)≥ Q(x) is an improper
Rational Fraction.
Note: For making improper Rational Fraction, a proper Fraction,
we divide it.
For Example, please see Textbook page# 179.(Def. of Improper
Case#1: Resolution of P(x)/Q(x) into partial Fractions
when Q(x) has only non-repeated factor:
The Polynomial Q(x) may be written as:
Q(x)=(x-a1)(x-a2)……(x- an) whereas a1≠ a2≠…..≠ an
Then P(x)/Q(x)= + + ⋯+
For this case, there is a shortcut (Cover Up Method) to find the
Partial Fraction.