Moment Connections in Timber

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Bulletin No.


First Release: February 2016 Revised:

Prepared by: David Moses, PhD, Peng; Mack Magee, MS; Jim DeStefano, P.E., AIA, F.SEI
Title: Moment Connections in Timber

Structural connections are categorized as either pinned connections, moment connections or
semi-rigid connections. Pinned connections, also referred to as simple connections, are free to
rotate under load and are assumed to resist no moment, only shear forces. Moment connections,
also referred to as fixed or rigid connections, are restrained against rotation and are capable of
resisting both shear forces and moments. Semi-rigid connection lie somewhere in between and
are capable of resisting some modest moment.
Common timber joinery connections are almost universally simple pinned connections. Some
common scarf joints such as undersquinted stop-splayed scarfs or bladed half-lap scarfs can be
considered semi-rigid.
While the technology for developing rigid moment connections in structural steel construction or
reinforced concrete construction is well established, the same cannot be said for timber frame
construction. Certain characteristics of timber frame construction such as volume change
movements of timber, low tensile strength perpendicular to the grain, and low fastener stiffness
can make the design of a timber frame moment connection challenging. Failure to give due
considerations to these issues can have dire consequences.

Structural Form
The vast majority of timber frame structures built are joined entirely with pinned connections.
Lateral loads are commonly resisted by shearwalls or knee braces and the structure is stable with
pinned joints.
On rare occasions, situations arise where a timber moment connection cannot be avoided. In
other cases, an architect or designer may be unwilling to consider a more efficient structural form
using simple pined joinery. Every effort should be made to utilize structural forms for timber
frame structures that function with simple joinery. Timber moment connections should be
considered a solution of last resort.

TFEC 1 Tech Bulletin No. 2016-06

Some examples of structural forms where timber moment connections cannot be avoided

• Long-span structures or arches where the timber elements cannot be shipped without
splicing smaller pieces together. This situation is usually limited to glulam timber
• Curved timber structures that are cut from
straight timbers that are joined together. It
is advisable to position splices at points of
minimum moment so that semi-rigid
connections are suitable. Figure 1
illustrates a cruck frame with a scarfed
splice that must resist moment for stability
of the frame.
• Gable roof structures with no tie beams. If
the principal rafters are joined at the ridge
with a moment connection, the structure
can be engineered to be stable without a
tension tie element. This type of moment
connection is particularly problematic
since the joint is positioned at the point of
maximum moment. To avoid needing a
moment connection, an alternative solution
Figure 1 Scarfed cruck splice
would be to have a ridge beam, or a pair of
principal purlins, support the rafters.

When all else fails and timber moment connections are deemed unavoidable, the engineer should
proceed with extreme caution.

Volume Change Restraint

Moment connections that utilize steel side plates or kerf plates are problematic. The steel plates
tend to restrain volume change movements of the timbers due to changes in moisture content.
This is especially troublesome if green timbers are used. This restraint is likely to induce a
tension split perpendicular to the grain in the timber.

TFEC 2 Tech Bulletin No. 2016-06

Figure 2 depicts a moment connection detail that looks good on paper but is not likely to perform

Figure 2 Don't try this!

Moment connection details that have performed well with glulam structures fabricated from kiln
dried lumber may not have the same success when used with green timbers. Whenever practical
consider using fully seasoned or radio frequency kiln dried timbers.

Tension Perpendicular to the Grain

The tension strength of timber
perpendicular to the grain is extremely
low in timber. Very small tension stresses
across the grain are sufficient to split a
timber. The National Design
Specification (NDS) does not even bother
to publish design values for tension
perpendicular to the grain.
Splitting caused by restraint of volume
change movements has been discussed
but splitting can also be caused by a
Figure 3 Failed scarf joint

TFEC 3 Tech Bulletin No. 2016-06

connection that introduces prying forces across the grain.
Figure 3 shows a bladed half-lap scarf that has failed due to tension perpendicular to the grain
caused by prying. The scarf was not intended to be a moment connection but attracted moment to
itself unintentionally.

Fastener Stiffness
The stiffness of a moment connection is influenced by the fasteners used to transfer forces. A
very small amount of fastener deformation can translate into a significant angular rotation of the
joint. If a moment connection is intended to perform as a rigid connection rather than semi-rigid
then very little fastener deformation can be tolerated.
Bolts holes in timbers and steel gusset plates are typically 1/16” to 1/8” larger than the bolt
diameter to allow for ordinary construction tolerances. When a bolt is loaded, it must traverse the
slop in the bolt hole before it even engages in bearing. That movement alone can cause a rigid
connection to perform as semi-rigid.
Tight-fitting connectors such as self-tapping screws, timber rivets, or shear plates should be
considered when rotational stiffness of the joint is important. Figure 4 shows a moment
connection detail using shear plate connectors which minimize fastener slip. The detail also does
not restrain volume change movements or introduce prying forces into the timbers.

Figure 4 moment connection detail

TFEC 4 Tech Bulletin No. 2016-06

Moment connections in solid sawn timber present the engineer with challenging issues and
demanding constraints. There is little guidance in codes, minimal research literature on the
subject, and no generally accepted standardized prescriptive details.
There are recent developments in European products that are promising, but the products have
been developed for dry engineered wood applications, are typically expensive, not readily
available in North America, and do not have Building Code approval.
Failure to anticipate all potential failure modes of a proposed timber moment connection can
result in disappointing performance. Caution is advised!

David Moses, PhD, Peng is the Principal of Moses Structural Engineers located in Toronto,
Mack Magee, MS is a Principal at Fire Tower Engineering located in Providence, RI
Jim DeStefano, P.E., AIA, F.SEI is President of DeStefano & Chamberlain located in Fairfield,

TFEC 5 Tech Bulletin No. 2016-06

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