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The Management of Hazardous Solid Waste in India:
An Overview
Leelavathy Karthikeyan 1 , Venkatesan Madha Suresh 1, *, Vignesh Krishnan 1 , Terry Tudor 2
and Vedha Varshini 3
1 Centre for Natural Hazards and Disaster Studies, University of Madras, Chennai 600005, India;
kvleelavathy@gmail.com (L.K.); ksvigneshhse@gmail.com (V.K.)
2 Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Northampton, Northampton NN1 5PH, UK;
3 Department of Civil Engineering, Rajalakshmi Engineering College, Chennai 602105, India;
* Correspondence: cnhdms@gmail.com; Tel.: +91-944-420-5566

Received: 29 June 2018; Accepted: 2 September 2018; Published: 7 September 2018 

Abstract: Due largely to economic development, industrialization, and changing lifestyles, quantity
of hazardous waste in India is rising significantly. This is particularly true in mega cities,
where populations are large and growing. Due to a range of factors including limitations in
governance systems, inadequate treatment facilities, limitations in compliance and regulation,
and limited trained and skilled stakeholders, the management of hazardous solid waste in the
country is largely ineffective. One exception to this is the State of Gujarat, which has sought to
implement a number of strategies to better manage the rising quantities of hazardous solid waste
being produced. This article highlights the management of solid waste in the country for an effective
mitigation of various hazards. Further, this article focused on adaptive technologies for the hazardous
waste management all over the country more specifically in the state of Gujarat.

Keywords: hazardous waste; treatment: management hazards; compliance; regulations; India

1. Introduction
Ineffective solid waste management is a significant problem in India, especially in urban
centres [1,2]. As urbanization increases, the problems of solid waste management in the mega cities
are also rising [3]. The population was 1252 million in 2013, compared with 1028 million in 2001 [4].
About a third of the population lives in urban areas. By 2050, it is expected that about 50% of India’s
population will be living in urban areas, and waste generation will grow by 5% per year [5]. It is
anticipated that by 2021, 2031, and 2050, waste arising will be around 101 million metric tons (MMT),
164 MMT, and 436 MMT per year, respectively. The rise in the generation of solid waste is mainly due
to population growth, economic development, and changing lifestyles. Municipal solid wastes which
are hazardous are often simply collected, transported, and dumped without treatment or processing.
Thus a substantial amount of waste remains unattended at collection centers, roadsides, and riverbanks,
with many small scale and large scale industrial units disposing of their waste mainly in open spaces
and adjacent to water sources, resulting in environmental pollution and risks to public health [2].
Thus despite significant socio-economic development, solid hazardous waste management systems in
India have remained relatively unchanged and are inefficient. The 3Rs (reduce, reuse, and recycle)
are seldom used, despite being part of the country’s policy framework. Various pieces of legislation
have been introduced by the Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF & CC) to address some of
these issues.

Environments 2018, 5, 103; doi:10.3390/environments5090103 www.mdpi.com/journal/environments

Environments 2018, 5, 103 2 of 10

However, compliance is variable and limited. Options for effectively managing the hazardous
waste are therefore urgently required. However, treatment and disposal facilities are not adequate
to meet the huge volume of such toxic waste [6]. The demand for storage, transport, treatment,
and disposal of ascending waste generation has created an urgent need for environmental regulations
and standards to ensure public safety. The present regulations and standards are insufficient to regulate
and manage hazardous wastes (HW), thus imparting critical environmental problems. However,
the problems and challenges of HW management in India can be overcome with an integrated and
coordinated effort by the government, the private sector in general, and the community in particular.
In this article, the existing HW management system has been discussed in detail, emphasizing the
policy issues, problems and challenges, and future strategies for improvement in HWM system.
The country also announced to develop an environmental infrastructure with which more resource
conscious management practice can be demonstrated with an introduction of advanced technologies.

2. Methods
For classification of any waste as hazardous, it is usually evaluated based on its attributes
such as nature, composition, and inherent characteristics. After identifying the HW-generating
sources, the inventory of the data pertaining to HW generation was developed by conducting
academic surveys and followed by field visits for data verification. The desk study was undertaken,
during April–May 2018. It is essential that the data that are obtained from the preceding options be
verified from secondary data (either published data or available for another industry producing similar
products). HW generation rates estimated from plant capacity in Indian industries are available and
will help in identifying any misappropriate data and corrections in the database [7]. The following
were the main search engines used: Sciencedirect, PubMed, and ResearchGate, as these are the key
sources of academic information on waste management, and environmental and public health risks.
In addition, the website of the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEF), which is
the main government agency with responsibility for environmental management in India, was also
searched. The websites of key newspapers (e.g., the Hindu), and industry sources (e.g., the Indian
Waste Management Association), were also searched. The key words used were ‘India’, ‘hazardous
waste management’, and ‘risk’. Over 10,000 articles were initially found. Publications that were more
than five years old were excluded from the search, to ensure that the material was as current as possible.
Only credible and verifiable sources were focused upon (e.g., Government sources). Gujarat was
already known to the authors as a best practice case study. As the aim was to use this State as a best
practice case study, ‘Gujarat’ was used as a secondary term to narrow the initial search. The initial list
was then reduced to 45 articles. However, some of these contained duplicated information. Finally,
a total of 28 articles were used.

3. Hazardous Waste Management in India

Hazardous waste is a waste with properties that make it dangerous or potentially harmful to
human health or the environment. Hazardous waste in India is defined as “any substance, excluding
domestic and radioactive wastes, which because of its quantity and/or corrosive, reactive, ignitable,
toxic and infectious characteristics causes significant hazards to human health or environment when
improperly treated, stored, transported and disposed” [8].
The absence of adequate infrastructure, as well as limitations in enforcement for managing
hazardous waste has resulted in ineffective management of the waste in India [2]. Burning in landfills
is still one of the most common methods of disposal, resulting in harm to human health and the
environment. Waste contractors collecting hazardous waste are mostly ill-equipped, untrained,
and poorly paid, and the high temperature treatment infrastructure in India is inadequate [1,9].
Hazardous waste is being produced due to the rapid industrial development in the country.
Indeed, industrialized states such as Gujarat, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, and Andhra Pradesh face
problems relating to rising quantities of hazardous waste [5,10,11]. For example, Gujarat is one of the
Environments 2018, 5, 103 3 of 10

fastest-growing states for industrial development in India, with an increasing number of chemical,
petrochemical, medicines and pharmaceuticals, textiles, pesticides, paper, and fertilizer industries.
As a result, it is one of the highest producers of hazardous waste in the country. Untreated waste from
these factories is the main cause of pollution in the state.
Up to date and accurate figures are difficult to obtain, however, India produces approximately
51.1 MMT of waste annually, with around 7.46 MMT of hazardous waste generated from
43,936 industries [10]. Approximately 3.41 MMT (46%) is landfilled, 0.69 MMT (9%) is incinerated,
and 3.35 MMT (45%) is recycled. Gujarat is the highest producer with some 7751 hazardous waste
generating facilities contributing to 28.76% of waste generation in the country. Around 10–15% of industrial
waste is hazardous. Quantities of solid hazardous waste are rising at around 2–5% annually [10]. Coal ash
from thermal power stations accounts for more than 70% of all industrial hazardous waste.
The management of HW is complicated by the fact that HW is still not a well-defined
term [12]. The term HW is applied to any waste that exhibits, or is contaminated with, hazardous
material, including explosive substances, flammable substances, oxidizing agents and peroxides,
toxic substances, substances causing disease, radioactive substances, mutation-causing substances,
and other substances, chemicals or otherwise, that might cause injury to persons, animals, plants,
properties, or environments [12].

3.1. Policies and Regulations

The Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF & CC) and the pollution control boards:
Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) and State Pollution Control Boards (SPCBs) together form the
regulatory and administrative core of the waste management sector in India [13] (Table 1). At the state
level, the management of solid waste is the responsibility of Urban Local bodies. Industries generating
hazardous wastes must seek permission from the respective SPCB. A key issue is that municipal
authorities do not possess the budgets to adequately cover the costs associated with developing
effective waste management systems. The lack of strategic plans, as well as systems for governance
(particularly waste collection/segregation), and regulation are major barriers to achieving effective
Solid Waste Management (SWM) in India [1].

Table 1. The responsibilities of agencies for the Hazardous Waste Rules in India.

Survey and inventorisation of hazardous waste generators and processors x
Grant authorisation for handling hazardous waste to sites and operators x
Inspect facilities/infrastructure/technical capabilities in hazardous waste units x
Suspend/refuse/can authorisation for handling hazardous waste x
Identify and notify sites for hazardous waste treatment/disposal facilities x x
Facilitate environmental impact assessment studies before identifying sites x x
Collect, collate and publish list of abandoned hazardous waste dump sites x
Establish a system for filing annual returns and reporting accidents by
hazardous waste facilities and operators
Process and grant permits for the import of hazardous waste to sites in India x
Examine and permit/refuse exporters’ requests for the importation of hazardous
waste into India
Issue instructions to hazardous waste importers x
Inform port authorities to take appropriate steps for the safe handling of
x x
hazardous waste at ports
Inspect records of imports x x x
Process appeals x
Source: CPCB (Central Pollution Control Board); MoEF & CC (Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate
Change); SG (State Government); and SPCB (State Pollution Control Board). Adapted from [14].
Environments 2018, 5, 103 4 of 10

Various pieces of legislation covering the management of hazardous waste exist.

The fourty-second amendment to the Indian Constitution that was adopted in 1976, and came into
effect on 3 January 1977, dictated the state to protect and improve the environment to safeguard
public health, forests, and wildlife. The Directive Principles of State Policy (Article 47) in the
Constitution require not only that the state protects the environment, but also that it improves polluted
environments. Until 2016, hazardous waste was imported from countries such as Saudi Arabia and
Malaysia. Environments
However, this
2018, practice
5, x FOR was discontinued with the enactment of the Hazardous
PEER REVIEW 4 of 10and Other

Wastes (Management and Trans-boundary Movement) Rules 2016 that banned the import of solid
forests, and wildlife. The Directive Principles of State Policy (Article 47) in the Constitution require
plastic waste, edible
not only thatfats, animal
the state oils,the
protects and household
environment, butwaste. The
also that rules also
it improves require
polluted State governments
to allocate Until
for recycling
hazardous waste was imported from countries such as Saudi Arabia and skill
sheds for hazardous waste, ensure proper registration, development,
However, this practice was discontinued with the enactment of the Hazardous
equipment supply, and payment for workers engaged in the collection of hazardous waste, and the and Other Wastes
(Management and Trans-boundary Movement) Rules 2016 that banned the import of solid plastic
establishment of monitoring agencies to check the production and recycling of hazardous waste from
waste, edible fats, animal oils, and household waste. The rules also require State governments to
each state.allocate
Another landskey piece of
for recycling legislation
sheds is the
for hazardous Environment
waste, (Protection)
ensure proper registration, skillAct in 1986, which is
umbrella legislation to protect
equipment supply, and improve
and payment the
for workers environment
engaged and to
in the collection regulate the
of hazardous management
waste, and the and
handling of establishment
monitoring agencies to check theThere
and chemicals. production and various
are also recycling of hazardous
rules underwaste
this from
Act including:
each state. Another key piece of legislation is the Environment (Protection) Act in 1986, which is
umbrella legislation to protect and improve the environment and to regulate the management and
• the Hazardous Waste (Management and Handling) Rules, 2008 (these are the primary regulations
handling of hazardous substances and chemicals. There are also various rules under this Act
governing the
including: management of hazardous waste in India)
• the Biomedical Waste (Management and Handling) Rules 1998
• the Hazardous Waste (Management and Handling) Rules, 2008 (these are the primary
• Manufacture, Storage
regulations and Import
governing of Hazardous
the management Chemical
of hazardous waste inRules
India) 2001
• • (Management
E-Waste the Biomedical Waste
and(Management and Handling)
Handling) Rules 2010 Rules 1998
• Manufacture, Storage and Import of Hazardous Chemical Rules 2001
• E-Waste (Management and Handling) Rules 2010
Figure 1 illustrates the responsibilities of the producers of the hazardous waste to ensure that
damage to theFigure 1 illustrates and
environment the responsibilities
to public healthof the is
producers of the hazardous
minimized. waste to ensure
These measures that adequate
damage to the environment and to public health is minimized. These measures include adequate
labeling, containment, transport of the waste, and the provision of an audit trail to follow the waste
labeling, containment, transport of the waste, and the provision of an audit trail to follow the waste
from generation to treatment.
from generation to treatment.

The responsibilities
Figure 1. Figure of the
1. The responsibilities generator
of the generator of thehazardous
of the hazardous waste
waste Source:
Source: ELI
ELI (2014) [1].(2014) [1].
Environments 2018, 5, 103 5 of 10

However, despite the existence of these legislation and guidelines, limitation in their enforcement
is a major challenge [13]. Other key challenges include lack of financial resources, a shortage of
staff, a lack of standardized protocols, and a lack of authority [1]. The Hazardous and Other Wastes
(Management and Trans-boundary Movement) Rules 2016 state that owners of hazardous waste
disposal facilities are liable to pay financial penalties if the rules of transportation, storage, and recycling
of such waste are not complied with, and may even be imprisoned due to negligence. The rules also
specifically direct the state governments to identify locations for the construction of hazardous waste
treatment facilities. However, no new sites have been built since the new rules came into effect.
Many states like Karnataka, Kerala, Punjab, and Orissa do not have hazardous waste treatment
facilities [10].

3.2. Treatment Technologies

There is significant shortage in treatment capacity across the country, particularly in Class II cities
(Table 2).

Table 2. Hazardous Waste treatment capacity in India [15].

Class I (0.1–1 Million Class II (50,000–99,999

People) People)
Waste water generated
35,558 2697 38,255
Waste treatment capacity
11,554 234 11,788
Required capacity (mld) 24,004 2463 26,467
Untreated waste (%) 68 92 70

Around 88 hazardous waste incinerators, as well as 220 recycling facilities exist in the country,
along with two engineered landfills (both in the State of Gujarat) [14]. However, Table 3 illustrates that
there is a significant shortage of high temperature treatment technologies.

Table 3. Hazardous waste treatment facilities in India, by state [2].

State Biomethanisation Pelletisation Waste to Energy

Andaman and Nicobar
Andhra Pradesh 11 2
Chandigarh 1
Delhi 3
Gujarat 6
Himachal Pradesh
Jammu and Kashmir
Kerala 10 1 1
Madhya Pradesh 2
Maharashtra 5 5 2
Tamil Nadu 3
West Bengal
TOTAL 15 29 8
Environments 2018, 5, 103 6 of 10

The above Table 3 clearly posturizes the least count on high temperature treatment facilities available
in the country, which is to be developed in more efficient way for an effective hazardous waste management.
Most of the treatment facilities that do exist have not worked effectively due to various operational and
design problems [2]. For example, the first large scale MSW incinerator built at Timarpur, New Delhi in
1987 failed because of poor waste segregation, seasonal variations in waste composition and properties,
inappropriate technology selection, and operational and maintenance issues [9].

4. Best Practice Examples of Managing Hazardous Waste from Gujarat

Gujarat was the first state to address hazardous waste issue and brought about a novel concept
of common treatment stabilization and disposal facility (TSDF) for clusters of industries. It has eight
of the 27 TSDF sites in India [11]. It utilizes online live tracking of the transport and disposal of
hazardous waste is undertaken through the extended Green Node (XGN) List of Registered industries
and daily quantity (MT) by all TSDFs, with more than 18,000 facilities including treatment plants and
recyclers), and handlers and registered recyclers included in XGN. In the State, there has been a focus
on use of waste as a resource, including for energy generation through co-processing, in line with the
Hazardous Waste (Movement, Handling & Trans boundary Movement) Rules, 2008. Co-processing is
the use of waste as raw material, as a source of energy, or both to replace natural mineral resources
and fossil fuels such as coal, petroleum and gas (energy recovery) in industrial processes, mainly
in energy intensive industries such as cement, lime, steel, glass, and power generation. In Gujarat,
the utilization of hazardous waste as alternative fuel and input material in cement kilns increased by
35 times between 2009/2010, from 15,693 tons per annum, to 543,569 TPA in 2013/2014. In 2013/2014,
the quantity of waste utilized by cement plants rose by 185% from 190,707 TPA in 2012/2013.

5. Treatment, Processing, and Disposal Facilities in Gujarat

Although there are large numbers of industries generating HW, housed in a number of industrial
estates located in many states of India, few industrial and HW treatment facilities have been established.
The issue of waste treatment is complex and needs comprehensive study. The selection of treatment
technologies requires a great deal of waste characterization, and depends on affordability and the
need for environmentally sound technology [16]. Though there is established separation, storage,
collection, and transportation guidelines for HWs generated from industrial or nonindustrial sectors,
these wastes still find their way to public landfills, nearby dump sites, or waterways, raising serious
environmental concerns. In addition, there are insufficient HW collection, treatment, and disposal
services for small-scale waste producers who do not have their own treatment facilities. HWs from
these sources are collected and disposed of with municipal wastes. Following the regulations to
contain HW in secure sites, large stocks of hazardous or partially treated HW are stockpiled in the
vicinity of industrial sites. These wastes must be disposed of appropriately. Failing to manage such
wastes leads to groundwater pollution, resulting in a health hazard to members of the public, who use
groundwater as the source of their domestic water supply and for irrigation.

6. Role of Gujarat Government in Hazardous Waste Management

Gujarat Pollution Control Board plays a highly efficient role in the management of hazardous
waste in Gujarat.

1. Gujarat was the first state to address hazardous waste issue and brought about a novel concept
of common treatment stabilization and disposal facility (TSDF) for the cluster of Industries.
Gujarat is leading the country in development of TSDF sites. Among 27 TSDF sites in country
Gujarat has eight TSDF sites.
2. Common Hazardous Wastes Incineration Facility (CHWIF): Certain non-biodegradable waste
water and liquid hazardous waste (toxic) are advisable to dispose-off in environmentally
sound manner. Process of detoxification for the treatment of non-biodegradable waste water
Environments 2018, 5, 103 7 of 10

is economically not viable. In late 1990, the concepts of individual common incinerators for
safe disposal of toxic hazardous waste were adopted. As of now, State is having five common
hazardous incineration facilities and 83 individual incineration facilities.
3. Realizing the importance of waste management: Gujarat pollution control board with an Indian
industry jointly with “Klynveld Peat Marwick Goerdeler” (KPMG) organized a 2-day summit
and expo for 4R principle of hazardous waste management in vibrant Gujarat event.
4. Xtended Green Node (XGN): Online live tracking of transportation and disposal of hazardous
waste has been made by the extended Green Node (XGN) List of Registered industries & daily
quantity (MT) by all TSDFs (being generated through XGN). More than 18,000 Industries,
Common Effluent Treatment Plants, TSDFs-Hazardous Waste Handlers and Registered Re-cyclers
are covered under XGN. Unloading of trucks only after respective industry (for large & medium
scale) generates Manifest from XGN. While in the case of small scale units, manifest entry on
behalf of the industry being done by TSDF. Manifest register and party wise summary from XGN
is verified by concerned TSDF and submitted to Regional Office.
5. Waste Minimization through Co-Processing: The concept on “Utilization of Hazardous Waste” as
a supplementary resources or for energy recovery, or processing in line with Hazardous Waste
(Movement, Handling & Trans-boundary Movement) Rules, 2008. Central Pollution Control
Board (CPCB) has been empowered to accord approval for utilization of different categories and
type of Hazardous Waste Co-processing recovers energy, recycles and conserves materials and
contributes to reduced environmental footprint. It represents a sustainable solution for many
waste streams which can’t be recycled and shouldn’t be land filled. It offers significant potential
for reducing pollution and landfill space caused by the waste disposal. Co-processing is thus
a preferred solution in the waste management hierarchy.
6. Clean up of Old Waste Dump Sites in Gujarat: Gujarat Pollution Control Board had taken on
hand the problem of old dump sites and its impact on environment Board had carried out
Inventory of illegal dumpsite and undertook Clean up activity of such Sites in the year 2004.
Subsequently 34,395.40 MT of Hazardous waste was lifted and shifted to landfill site (TSDF).
The Board continues cleanup of illegal dump sites across the State; shifting about 9172 MT of
illegally dump waste.
7. Public private partnership Common TSDFs have come up: The common sites in Gujarat are
remarkable examples of public private partnership. Common TSDFs have come up with capital
investment subsidy provided by the State Government and in some cases with assistance from
the Government of India. Land at concessional rates allotted by State Industrial Development
Corporation and financial participation by industrial units and institutional financial support
helped this development.
8. Alang Ship Breaking Yards: Environmentally Sound Management Facilities the ship breaking
industry performs two major roles. It adjusts ship tonnage for the shipping industry by way
of disposal of old ships and it also supplies substantial quantities of re-rollable and scrap steel.
It also increases the availability of some finished material which otherwise would have to be
produced by the iron and steel industry using the natural ore. Thus, the ship breaking industry
helps in conservation of natural resources. Also it reduces the environment pollution compared
to the steel industry, which can be concluded from following data. Alang Sosiya Ship Recycling
Yard developed by Gujarat Maritime Board in 1982 is amongst the largest ship recycling yards
across the globe. 169 plots are spread over a 10 km stretch along the coast of Alang aligned from
NE to SW direction. The beaching method is employed to dismantle about 400 ships per year.
This generates about 3.5 million tons of steel that can be re-rolled per annum. Before January-2006,
ship recyclers were sending their wastes to TSDF operated by Naroda Enviro Protection Ltd.,
Ahmedabad—Hazardous waste quantity handled about 3873.049 MT.
9. Common effluent treatment plants (CETP): In Gujarat CETP treatment is divided into two stages
first initial in which raw effluents of the waste from small and medium industries is treated.
Environments 2018, 5, 103 8 of 10

Then that waste is treated in final effluent treatment plant. There are total 34 CETPs in Gujarat in
which 28 are in operational and six are proposed. Of these CETPs, 15 are in Gujarat Industrial
Development Corporation (GIDC) estates and 19 are outside the GIDC estates.
10. Green industries formation in Gujarat: A list of 100 small and cottage Industries having no
pollution potential was published under the circular of the Gujarat Pollution Control Board.
These industries are exempted from obtaining NOC (No Objection Certificate) from the Board for
establishing such industries and for conversion of land to ‘non-agricultural’ use.

7. Discussion
The rise in economic development in India within recent decades has resulted in a significant
increase in the generation of hazardous waste [5,10]. These wastes are posing a significant and growing
risk to the environment and public health in the country to the ineffective management of the waste [2].
While there are various pieces of legislation in place in the country that dictate the need for effective
governance structures and treatment facilities (e.g., Article 47 of the Constitution, the Hazardous and
Other Wastes (Management and Transboundary Movement) Rules 2016, there are also a number of
other factors that are limiting the effective management of hazardous waste in India. These factors
include limitations in adequate treatment facilities, governance systems, compliance, and adequate
training and skills [1,2,5].
As noted in [15], limitation in implementation of plans is a key issue that is restricting the effective
management of hazardous waste in India. More effective hazardous waste regulations could drive
innovation not only within the sector, but also within the economy as a whole through the recovery
of value from the waste and the reduction in pollution. Indeed, the State of Gujarat has sought to
implement a number of strategies to manage its hazardous waste including the use of co-processing,
TSDFs, and online tracking [11]. This approach has served to recover energy, conserve resources,
and reduce the impacts on the environment. The use of an online, real time tracking system has helped
to reduce illegal dumping and facilitate increased compliance. A more wide spread use of a GPS-based
tracking system for the collection and transport of all types waste, potentially linked to the use of smart
phones as for example, is done for municipal waste in Chennai, would serve to improve practice.
These approaches should be adopted more widely across the country, particularly in the mega
cities where industrialization is rapidly developing, but the waste treatment infrastructure is limited or
in most cases, does not exist. Often the state agencies do not possess the budget to cover the services [1].
It is vital that there is investment in infrastructure to meet the growing population and waste being
generated. This will be important to ensure that the waste is effectively managed and that some value
can be recovered. This would lead not only to reduced impacts on public health and the environment,
but would also deliver economy value, create skills development, and create jobs.
Funding for adequate infrastructure might be raised from waste producers through a waste tax,
with the most polluting entities paying more. The central and state governments could also look at
the use of fiscal incentives to develop the sector (e.g., exemption/reduction in excise duty and from
taxes, and customs duty concessions on the import of components and equipment). There should
also be penalties (e.g., fines) placed on facilities that do not comply with the necessary legislation and
regulations. The use of public and private sector partnerships to collect and sustainably manage the
waste might also be considered.
There is an urgent need to develop the knowledge, skills and competencies of key stakeholders in
the sector (e.g., within the CPCBs and SPCBs), to enable them to undertake their roles more effectively.
Finally, there is a need for more up to date and efficient systems for the collection and analysis
of data. This would enable the development and effective implementation of policies and systems to
more effectively manage the waste. In many cases, the available data are unreliable and not up to date.
This therefore makes informed decision-making difficult.
Environments 2018, 5, 103 9 of 10

8. Conclusions
In summary, it can be said that in the developing countries, the thrust on economic development is
often given priority to production costs than the best available technology and this result in more waste
generation. It is difficult to develop alternative technology for total elimination of hazardous waste
generation, yet we can take measures for using alternative resource as solar energy, wind energy in the
production process instead of using the electricity for the production, as that can cause less emission of
hazardous waste there by moving towards green—non pollution. With that we can formulate policies
and strategies towards prioritizing waste reduction and minimization rather than mere disposal.
Remediation strategy needs to focus on the ‘polluter pays principle’ with the polluter being asked
to pay penalty as well as costs of cleaning up the pollution. Industries causing pollution repeatedly
should be blacklisted. Where polluters are not traceable, a dedicated fund needs to be created by State
Pollution Control Board/Pollution Control Committee (SPCB/PCC) for remediation. With that Waste
Exchange Banks/Collection Centres should be developed to provide information on wastes as on the
types of waste and the methods to manage waste, to provide information on wastes, and promote
reuse, recovery, and recycling technologies which upscale the quality of resource recovery.
India’s growing economic development and industrialization poses significant risks to the
environment and to public health, due to the resulting generation of hazardous waste, and its ineffective
management. However, as has been demonstrated by the State of Gujarat, effective management can
lead not only to improvement in the environment and public health, but also to resource security.
If effective strategies are not put in place, urgently, the anticipated rise in industrialization and
hazardous waste will lead to major problems in India.

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, V.M.S.; Resources, L.K. and V.V.; Writing—Original draft,
V.K.; Writing—Review & editing, T.T.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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