Reducing The Defects Rate by The Implementation of Six Sigma Technique at Led-Bulbs Manufacturing Company
Reducing The Defects Rate by The Implementation of Six Sigma Technique at Led-Bulbs Manufacturing Company
Reducing The Defects Rate by The Implementation of Six Sigma Technique at Led-Bulbs Manufacturing Company
Abstract: - In the present world, everything is having Management techniques and, particularly, through Six
at least a minute defect which causes a problem. And Sigma. Six Sigma is an organized and systematic
we are facing many problems and defects, which methodology used to improve processes or products’
affect the quality and production rate in the performance with impact on customers, and is based
manufacturing companies. This project work on scientific and statistical methods. This
presents a quality improvement study applied at methodology is applied to repetitive, systematic and
LED-BULBS manufacturing company based on six well known processes. The use of methodologies for
sigma methodologies and techniques. quality improvement fits in the competitive
One of the Six Sigma techniques, DMAIC (Define, environment where companies operate. The selected
Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control) & various company for the case study is a multinational from the
tools are utilized to streamline processes & improve automotive sector that uses six sigma projects to
the productivity of the company. improve quality. This project is not a typical Six
Sigma project, since the customer complaints handling
Defects rate of the LED-BULB in the manufacturing process is not a core production process highly stable
process is so important in industry point of view. It and repetitive. Six Sigma seeks to improve the quality
plays a very important role for the improvement of of the output of a process by identifying and removing
yield & financial conditions of any company. By the causes of defects and minimizing variability
inspecting & checking of defects of the products at in manufacturing and business processes. It uses a set
different sections in production process with the help of quality management methods,
of this DMAIC methodology we can find where more mainly empirical, statistical methods, and creates a
defects are likely to occur. That's why it is decided to special infrastructure of people within the
do work & implement DMAIC methodology in the organization, who are experts in these methods. Each
total making process of LED-BULBS. Six Sigma project carried out within an organization
Key words: Lean six sigma, DMAIC principle, follows a defined sequence of steps and has specific
Fishbone diagram, LED-Bulb manufacturing value targets, for example: reduce process cycle time,
process. reduce pollution, reduce costs, increase customer
satisfaction, and increase profits.
The term Six Sigma originated from terminology
associated with statistical modeling of
Over recent decades, the quality of services has manufacturing processes. The maturity of a
become an area that is relevant to managers and manufacturing process can be described by
researchers due to its strong impact on customer a sigma rating indicating its yield or the percentage of
satisfaction and loyalty and company performance and defect-free products it creates. A six sigma process is
profits. The quality of service can be defined as the one in which 99.99966% of all opportunities to
result of the comparison between the customers’ produce some feature of a part are statistically
expectations and his perception of the manner in expected to be free of defects (3.4 defective features
which service was provided. The competitive per million opportunities). Motorola set a goal of "six
advantages and improvements of services can be sigma" for all of its manufacturing operations, and this
obtained through the application of Quality
Define design goals that are consistent with state that although Six Sigma is normally used in
customer demands and the enterprise defects reduction (industrial applications), it can also
strategy. be applied in business processes and to develop new
business models.
Measure and identify CTQs (characteristics
that are Critical To Quality), measure product Banuelas et al. [10] claim that other benefits such as
capabilities, production process capability, (1) an increase in process knowledge, (2) participation
and measure risks. of employees in Six Sigma projects and (3) problem
solving by using the concept of statistical thinking can
Analyze to develop and design alternatives.
also be gained from the application of Six Sigma. To
Design an improved alternative, best suited illustrate this point, during the utilisation of Six Sigma
per analysis in the previous step. in this research project, several tools and techniques
were employed. Therefore, skills in the use of these
Verify the design, set up pilot runs, tools were built up within the staff of the Thai
implement the production process and hand it organisation studied. As a consequence, people
over to the process owner(s). involved in the project enhanced their knowledge and
III. LITERATURE REVIEW: skills. As a reason, not only does an organisation itself
gain benefits from implementing Six Sigma in terms
Six Sigma was proposed by Motorola, in the mid-
of cost savings, productivity enhancement and process
1980s, as an approach to improve production,
improvement, but individuals involved also increase
productivity and quality, as well as reducing
their statistical knowledge and problem-solving skills
operational costs [1]. The Sigma’s name originates
by conducting a Six Sigma project.
from the Greek alphabet and in quality control terms,
Sigma (σ) has been traditionally used to measure the One of the Six Sigma’s distinctive approaches to
variation in a process or its output [2]. In the Six process and quality improvement is DMAIC [11]. The
Sigma’s terminology, the “Sigma level” is denoted as DMAIC model refers to five interconnected stages
a company’s performance [3]. Particularly, a Six (i.e. define, measure, analyse, improve and control)
Sigma level refers to 3.4 defects per million that systematically help organisations to solve
opportunities (DPMO) [4], or in other words, to have problems and improve their processes. Dale et al. [6]
a process which only produces 3.4 defects per every briefly defines the DMAIC phases as follows:
one million products produced. •Define – this stage within the DMAIC process
Besides being a measure of variability and involves defining the team’s role; project scope and
organisation’s quality performance, Brue and Howes boundary; customer requirements and expectations
[5] mention that Six Sigma is also a management and the goals of selected projects [12].
philosophy and strategy as well as a problem-solving • Measure – this stage includes selecting the
and improvement methodology that can be applied to measurement factors to be improved [2] and providing
every type of process to eliminate the root cause of a structure to evaluate current performance as well as
defects. assessing, comparing and monitoring subsequent
In particular, some authors argue that the main benefits improvements and their capability [4].
that an organisation can gain from applying Six Sigma • Analyse – this stage centres in determining the root
are: cost reduction, cycle time improvements, defects cause of problems (defects) [2], understanding why
elimination, an increase in customer satisfaction and a defects have taken place as well as comparing and
significant raise in profits [3, 4, 6, 7]. Markarian [8] prioritising opportunities for advance betterment [13].
suggests that not only can the process improvement
generated by Six Sigma be used in manufacturing • Improve – this step focuses on the use of
operations, as it is the case for the project presented in experimentation and statistical techniques to generate
this paper, but it can also be expanded to improve possible improvements to reduce the amount of quality
business sectors such as logistics, purchasing, legal problems and/or defects [2].
and human resources. In addition, Kumar et al. [9]
In the next step inward quality control test 2) Lead components placed,
will be conducted by two processes: 3) Soldering,
a) Physical inspection and 4) Lead cutting,
b) Functional inspection. 5) Physical verification,
Descriptio 6) Functional test,
n of the
S.N Part Accepte Rejecte 7) Assembly,
o No d d
t 8) Cleaning and spraying.
1. Ultra fast Step 1: PCB fill with components:
ESI-I OK - In this step the PCBs are taken from the stores of
required number. After that the first person will fill the
2. Electrolyt PCBs with the various components and soldered
ic temporarily.
OK -
PCB (Printed Circuit Board) without components
Step 4: Lead cutting:
The fourth person will cut down all the lead
components which are no more required and which are
excess. This helps for the better placement of the
remaining components without any difficulty.
Functional Verification
Step 7: Assembly:
After the functional verification of the PCBs it will be
assembled with lamp body, pc cover, base holder etc, Flow Chart of Work Operation Process
The DMAIC steps are the true backbone of
any process improvement initiative. The steps make
sense, they are easy to understand and they are logical
in their sequence. The steps allow a team to adequately
scope the problem, measure the current performance,
analyze the root causes of problems and inefficiency,
Assembling Parts test and verify improvement recommendations and
then implement changes for sustainability over the
long haul.
1. Define
The first stage of the Six Sigma and DMAIC’s
methodology is “define”. This stage aims at defining
the project’s scope and boundary, identifying the voice
of the customer (i.e. customer requirements) and goals
Assembled Bulb of the project. However, before defining these
Step 8: Cleaning and Spraying: elements within the project, the Six Sigma team has to
be set up. In the case of this improvement project, the
A regular incandescent bulb lasts between 1,000 and
team was comprised of three people, which included a
3,000 hours. That’s plenty of time to collect a thin
production manager, an experienced operator from the
layer of dust. And with the long life spans of LED light
shop-floor and the improvement project leader.
bulbs (6,000 – 8,000 hours and 20,000 – 50,000 hours
respectively) they are bound to get even dirtier. But Indicating the project’s scope was the next step within
regardless of technology, they clean the light bulbs by the “define” stage of DMAIC. The voice of the
simply wiping them off with a soft, dry cloth. They customer (VOC) concept, which means identifying
don’t use a damp cloth because the water might enter what the customers want and serving priorities to their
crevices in the bulb that can damage the electronics, needs, was used in this project to define, based on
and they don’t use cleaning solutions on the bulbs to customer requirements, the selected project’s
avoid damaging the glass. As fluorescent tubes are objective. From this point, VOC also ensured that the
typically made of more durable materials than other project problem, which was defects reduction, became
bulbs, it’s usually fine to use a damp cloth on them. the first priority for the improvement team and
After cleaning they will be sprayed with a liquid which organisation.
doesn’t effect the glass of the bulb and they are In order to ensure that the research is in-control and
packed. focuses on the project problem explicitly, the
boundary of the project had to also be defined and
2. easure Phase
The “measure” phase of the DMAIC problem solving
methodology consists of establishing reliable metrics
to help monitoring progress towards the goal(s), which Pareto Chart of type of Defect
in this research consisted of reducing the number of
quality defects in the LED-BULBS manufacturing
process. Particularly, in this project the “measure”
phase meant the definition and selection of effective
metrics in order to clarify the major defects which
needed to be reduced. Also, a collection plan was
adopted for the data to be gathered efficiently. One of
the metrics defined was simply number of defects per
type. In addition, two other metrics were used to
LED-BULBs manufacturing process – current and
compare the “before and after” states of the LED-
expected states
BULBS manufacturing process when conducting the
Six Sigma’s project. These factors were quality level, 3. Analysis phase:
which was measured through DPMO, and the Sigma
This phase in the DMAIC improvement
level of the process. After defining the total number of
defects, the DPMO and Sigma level of the gloves methodology involves the analysis of the system, in
manufacturing process were calculated. According to this case the manufacturing process that produces the
the company’s records, there were two major types of LED-BULBS, in order to identify ways to reduce the
defects which had contributed to the LED-BULBS to gap between the current performance and the desired
be rejected by the customers. These two major defects goal(s). To do this, an analysis of the data is performed
were blinking and excess soldering. In addition, other in this phase, followed by an investigation to
less frequent defects were grouped and categorized as determine and understand the root cause of the
“miscellaneous. Finally, the miscellaneous category problem (defects). In order to gain an enhanced
consisted of other types of defects such as misshaped, comprehension and understanding of the LED-BULBs
heating problem etc. The defects data was collected for production process, which according to Aguilar-Saven
one month. The results are summarized in the is a main requirement for improvement, the analysis
following table phase of this project started from illustrating the
manufacturing process using a flow chart, see
and S chart
4. Improve phase:
To identify the source of variation defect arising factor
After the root cause(s) has/have been determined, the
we are using control charts. In this type of control chart
DMAIC’s “improve” phase aims at identifying
, the and s chart is used to monitor variables
solutions to reduce and tackle them. Stamatis suggests
data when samples are collected at regular intervals
the use of design of experiments (DOE), which is
from the manufacturing process in the industry.
defined as a statistical technique to investigate effects
For a sample size of 25 bulbs within 5 lots the of multiple factors, in the “improve” phase. According
and s chart is represented as follows: to Montgomery, benefits of DOE can be seen as
enhancing process yields, decreasing variability and
lowering the overall expenses. In particular, an
experiment was designed to investigate whether the
parameters improper training and soldering had a
negative effect on the process, causing blinking bulbs.
To do this and in order to analyze the experiment’s
The effective cost component of a product or a service Total Cost of Quality: Rs 500/-
that is a attributable to the quality aspects can be called
as a “Cost of Quality”.
Note: The above result is only considering for one of
The costs of quality are:
the type of LED Bulbs (6Watts).
Failure costs.
Hidden costs. KAIZEN Principle:
Appraisal costs and KAIZEN is a commonsense approach to low
Prevention costs. cost management. It is a Japanese term meaning
“change for the better”. Applied to business
organizations, it implies small, continual improvement
Exercise: involving everyone and without spending much
Cost of Quality for a LED-BULB Manufacturer-
(100 Nos. per day) Kaizen can also be defined as
judging whether things already done are good or bad, and S chart after controlling
right or wrong.
In this control phase we also controlled the stores
Kaizen typically starts with studying the way workers problem by using the two methodologies A-B-C
perform their jobs. The aim of this analysis is to analysis and V-E-D analysis:
develop plant people to recognize and make
ABC Analysis:
incremental improvements that could be made on a
daily basis by those involved with the production In materials management, the ABC
process. analysis (or Selective Inventory Control) is
an inventory categorization technique. ABC analysis
Kaizen in elimination of waste:
divides an inventory into three categories- "A items"
If we consider the value added activities as those with very tight control and accurate records, "B items"
activities that directly change materials and/or with less tightly controlled and good records, and "C
information into a product or service for which a items" with the simplest controls possible and minimal
customer is willing to pay, then: records.
Examples of value adding operations would The ABC analysis provides a mechanism for
be fabrication, machining, polishing, identifying items that will have a significant impact on
assembly and processing. overall inventory cost,] while also providing a
mechanism for identifying different categories of
Examples of non value adding operations
stock that will require different management and
would include unnecessary transportation,
over-inspection, scrap, over-production,
waiting and excessive inventory. The ABC analysis suggests that inventories of an
organization are not of equal value. Thus, the
Steps for waste elimination would include:
inventory is grouped into three categories (A, B, and
Go to where the work is being performed, C) in order of their estimated importance.
Observe what is going on, 'A' items are very important for an organization.
Because of the high value of these 'A' items, frequent
Recognize the waste, value analysis is required. In addition to that, an
Take steps to eliminate it. organization needs to choose an appropriate order
pattern (e.g. ‘Just- in- time’) to avoid excess capacity.
'B' items are important, but of course less important
Control Phase: than 'A' items and more important than 'C' items.
Therefore 'B' items are intergroup items. 'C' items are
The aim of the “control” phase is to sustain the gains
marginally important.
from processes which have been improved by
institutionalizing process or product improvements ABC analysis categories:
and controlling ongoing operations.
There are no fixed thresholds for each class, different
After reducing the defect rate the production rate proportion can be applied based on objective and
increased as number of defective bulbs are decreased. criteria. ABC Analysis is similar to the Pareto
This is shown in the control charts as follows: principle in that the 'A' items will typically account for
a large proportion of the overall value but a small
percentage of number of items.
Example of ABC class are:
‘A’ items – 20% of the items accounts for 70% of the
annual consumption value of the items.
‘B’ items - 30% of the items accounts for 25% of the
annual consumption value of the items.
‘C’ items - 50% of the items accounts for 5% of the Thus we need to manage the materials in stock
annual consumption value of the items. accordingly.
Another recommended breakdown of ABC classes: Vital goods must always be available, while
preventing they are overloaded as their cost
"A" approximately 10% of items or 66.6% of value
is high.
"B" approximately 20% of items or 23.3% of value
Essential goods with high inventory stock,
"C" approximately 70% of items or 10.1% of value as they may hamper production and they are
Advantages: cheap and require not a lot of space. So they
can be ordered in bulk.
Facilities selective control.
Desirable goods may or may not be in stock
Saves valuable time. or as per the requirement.
Eliminates unnecessary works.
Results better efficiency. Three categories based on the critically of inventory
Economic control of items in inventory. (bulbs) items. VED analysis aims at ascertaining the
importance of the bulb and its impact on
Control over the usage of store materials. manufacturing and other activities.
Reduce the investment in inventories. Application of VED on Spare parts:
V-E-D Analysis: Spare parts which are vital manufacturing
It is always necessary to understand what is lying in and other activities are grouped into “V”
our inventory. Hence we need to classify all items and category.
then proceed to the control process. This classifying Spare parts which are essential for
can be done with the help of VED analysis, where: manufacturing and other operational are
V = VITAL. These are the most important materials grouped into “E” category.
in the production of a product. They are usually a hard Spare parts which are only terrible but not
core requirement of the product. They are usually essential for performing manufacturing
costly and need to be maintained efficiently. Example: operations and other operations are grouped
in manufacturing of automobiles, tyre assembly is a as “D” category.
vital item.
E = ESSENTIAL. These are additions to the vital
items. They are usually sub assemblies and need to Characteristics of Spare parts:
always be in stock. They are cheap as compared to the
vital items, but can bring the whole production to a halt The statistics of failure plays a key role in
if they're not available on time. For example if we have the spare parts management.
the tire assembly, but we don't have washers on time, Spare parts are considered as special
the whole production has to be halted, as it would be independent demand bulbs which obtain
impossible to assemble as per safety norms. their demand from the failure component
D = DESIRABLE. These are not that important with characteristics and also with a unique supply
respect to production, and the process can be situation.
postponed. The production won't be hampered in any The problems of inventory management
way. For example, the music system in the car could have been observed in the spare parts
be a desirable item. If they're missing, the cars can still management.
be assembled and kept aside. As soon as they become
available they can be fitted. The purpose of this step is to sustain the gains. Monitor
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