Balance Forwarded: Interest Rate
Balance Forwarded: Interest Rate
Balance Forwarded: Interest Rate
04-Jan-15 5000 5000 Forwarded
18-Feb-15 45 5000 10000 616 11-Jul-16 193 30000
21-Mar-15 31 5000 15000 849 05-Nov-16 117 5000
08-Apr-15 18 5000 20000 740 31-Dec-16 56
15-May-15 37 5000 25000 2027
04-Jun-15 20 5000 30000 1370
10-Jul-15 36 5000 35000 2959
ADB 30987
Interest rate 5.33%
Dividend 1652
Deposits 60000
ROI 2.8%
End year
Balance ₱61,652.00
Balance ADB=sum[(Bal x Days)/365] Yr3 Date Days Deposit Balance
61652 Forwarded 102359
91652 32600
96652 29379 ADB
96652 14829 Interest rate
ADB 76808 Deposits
Interest rate 7.43% ROI
End year
Dividend 5707 Balance
Deposits 35000
ROI 16%
End year
Balance ₱102,359.00
ADB=sum[(Bal x Days)/365]
MonthlyPayment Monthly Months Yearly Contribution Capital + Dividend Dividend rate
Year 1 5000 12 60000 6%
2 5000 12 60000 123600 6%
3 5000 12 60000 191016.00 6%
4 5000 12 60000 262476.96 6%
5 5000 12 60000 338225.58 6%
Percentage difference
12% will yield 12% more! Note: Equivalent ADB returns for simpler comput
Conclusion: Lumpsum at 1st month of the year
Dividend Earnings Total Cash at the end of the year
3600 63600
7416 131016
11460.96 202476.96
15748.62 278225.58
20293.53 ₱358,519.11