Does Insect/Arthropod Biodiversity Extend Beyond Earth?: William Romoser

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Does Insect/Arthropod Biodiversity Extend Beyond Earth?

Poster · November 2019

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.12363.95520

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1 author:

William Romoser


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D3461 Does Insect/Arthropod Biodiversity Extend Beyond Earth? • DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.11836.39041

William S. Romoser, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus, Ohio University, Athens, Ohio

There is ample evidence to answer the question posed by the title in the affirmative. For several years, I have been engaged in
study of the NASA-JPL photographs transmitted to Earth from the surface vehicles sent to explore Mars, Curiosity Rover in
particular. These photos are available to the public via the internet.

In this poster, I present and discuss numerous examples of insect/arthropod-like forms (fossil & living) found in Mars rover
photos. Examples include insect-like forms displaying apparent diversity, clearly recognizable insect/arthropod anatomical
features, and flight. Evidence of a fossil reptile-like (serpentine) form as well as apparent living reptile-like forms preying on
insect-like forms is also presented. Each example is documented. These findings provide a compelling basis for further study
and raise many important questions. (DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.11836.39041) Compound Eyes Flight Direction Compound
Wing Base eye 1
Mesothorax Hindleg 1
eye 2

Hind Tarsus
Interest in the possibility of life on Mars (Dass, 2017), a desire to find useful resoures for technology, possible colonization Hindleg 2
(Levine & Schild, 2010), and a great sense of adventure has stimulated research and development in regard to reaching Mars.
Accordingly, earlier projects involved placing spacecraft in orbit around Mars to send back photos of the Martian surface. More D
Claw Midleg E Foreleg
recently, unmanned vehicles have been sent to land on the Martian surface to relay images of the surroundings back to Earth Plate 5. (A) Frontal view of a putative reptile-like fossil compared to a Terran snake. 1.Frontal view of putative fossil (circled) in a
and to collect information about the surface and from shallow drill holes. Onboard instrumentation has tested for evidence of debris field. 2. Enlarged frontal view of fossil. 3. Midline symmetry indicated. 4. Eyes and small oral opening circled. 5. Bilateral
past and present life via indicators of organic activity, namely “biosignatures” (Cady et al., 2004; Levin, 2019). punctate structures indicated. 6. large, full-gape, oral opening. 7. Eyes, lateral punctate structures, and large mouth capable of
gaping are indicated. 8. Frontal view of Eastern King Snake head (Original photo). 9. King snake with eyes and bilateral punctate
Another approach has been to seek out and analyze the structural, physiological, and biochemical adaptations of Terran structures circled. (B) Putative fossil insect on its dorsum with head to the top, and with selected structures labelled. (C & D)
organisms that are able to live under extreme environmental conditions, that is “extremophiles” (Merino et al. 2019, ). This Apparent predatory behavior showing reptile-like creature with insect-like creature in its mouth.
approach has been almost entirely focused on microbes, though metazoans, e.g. tardigrades, and some insects and reptiles
have been found in extreme habitats on Earth.

My intent in this poster is to present evidence of fossil and living insect- and reptile-like forms on Mars. A few of many findings are
included and additional results will be published soon. Repeatability and corroboration are among the hallmarks of the scientific
method and as it is likely that at least some NASA/JPL personnel are acquainted with Martian insect- and reptile-like creatures,
Evidence presented here supports the following:
the research reported here can reasonably be viewed as replicative and corroborative.

The arthropod body plan with repeating body segments, a typically tough, resilient exoskeleton, along with a high degree of There are fossilized insect- and reptile-like forms on Mars.
physiological and biochemical adaptability are among the characteristics that make members of this group prime candidates for
thriving under harsh environmental conditions. Likewise Terran reptiles are commonly found in extreme environments. There are extant insect- and reptile-like forms on Mars.

Based on preliminary examination of Mars rover photographs, I formulated the following broad, hypothesis as the basis for the Plate 2. Various anatomical structures seen in different photos. A - E and probably F are “beelike”, but There has been and still is life on Mars.
research reported here: There are fossilized and living forms on Mars, including insect/arthropod- and reptile-like forms. not necessarily the same type. (A & B) A specimen whose head appears to have turned in the direction
of the camera (based on the scale provided in the photo from which this was extracted, this individual is The presence of wing veins and spiracles are consistent with tracheal ventilation.
estimated to be approximately 20 inches long). (C) Abdomen of specimen from “a.” (D) Individual on
ground with head facing left with head & thorax visible. (E) Individual flying with legs evident and, There is apparent diversity among the Martian insect-like fauna which display many features similar to Terran
though in flight, somewhat comparable to the specimen in D; Compound eyes and hindlegs labeled in insects that are interpreted as advanced groups, for example the presence wings, wing flexion, agile gliding/flight,
two positions since in motion. Relative to D & E, the locations, shapes, sizes, and appearance of the and variously structured leg elements.
legs suggest that the forelgs, with putative distal chelate structures, are grasping; the midlegs, digging;
and the hindlegs, jumping & running. (F) Specimen on ground with wing(s) toward the right. Sheltering and nesting of the insect-like forms in caves and possibly burrows beneath the surface are consistent
MATERIALS & METHODS Longitudinal veins, cross veins, and wing cells evident. (G) Part of wing of specimen apparently caught with life in a harsh and variable environment.
on the rover; inset: enlarged portion of wing. Longitudinal veins, cross veins, and cells are evident.
Insect-like Martian forms appear to be preyed upon by reptile-like forms.
The NASA-JPL images relayed to Earth by land-based vehicles (“rovers”), sent to Mars via spacecraft are available to the public
on the internet. This database of photos, both raw images and compiled panoramic mosaics, that has been collected over many
years by several different missions has been used in this study, mostly from Curiosity rover (NASA/JPL). Individual images were
carefully studied while varying photographic parameters such as brightness, contrast, saturation, inversion, and so on. No
content was added, or removed. DISCUSSION
The following criteria were useful in identifying life forms: dramatic departure from the surroundings, clarity of form, body To my knowledge, aside from circumstantial evidence presented in the literature (Levin, 2019), the meaning of which
symmetry, segmentation of body parts, repeating form, skeletal remains, and observation of forms in close proximity to one is debated among astrobiologists, this is the first professional report of direct evidence of identifiable life forms beyond
another. Particular postures, evidence of motion, flight, apparent interaction as suggested by relative positions, and shiny eyes the confines of Earth. While any given image does not in itself prove anything, I believe the mosaic of what I have
were taken to be consistent with the presence of living forms. Once a clear image of a given form was identified and described, it described is compelling. And as stated above, I view the research reported here to be replicative and corroborative.
was useful in facilitating recognition of other less clear, but none-the-less valid, images of the same basic form. It is very clear that much more study of the photos is needed. The information presented here barely scratches the
The descriptions and interpretations of images are somewhat tentative, and may well change with more study and as knowledge
of Martian fauna increases. I encourage you to check my findings for yourself. The URLs of the photos used will be listed on my Given our current understanding of the fundamental ways living organisms function, and the putative patterns of the
website, and in formal publication of this material in the future. evolution of life on Earth, I would guess that most biologists have expected to find life on other planets, and would not
be particularly surprised to find carbon-based biological processes/mechanisms as well as similarities in patterns and
interactions at the various levels of organization. This is not to say there couldn’t be other-than-carbon systems
operating as well. I also think we can logically expect to find evidence of the operation of evolution and natural
selection. Discussions pertinent to these ideas include the following: Sephton & Carter, 2015; Cabrol & Grin, 2018.
RESULTS The presence of higher metazoan organisms on Mars implies the presence of nutrient/energy sources and processes,
food chains and webs, and water as elements functioning in a viable, if extreme, ecological setting sufficient to
It appears that the “Red Planet” enjoys a surprising abundance of higher life forms. sustain life. I have observed instances suggestive of standing water or small water courses with evident meander
and with the expected blurring of small submerged rocks, larger emergent rocks at the atmosphere/water interface, a
An exoskeleton and jointed appendages are sufficient to establish identification as an arthropod (Romoser & Stoffolano, 1995). moist bank area, and a drier area beyond the moist area. Water on Mars has been reported a number of times
Three body regions, a single pair of antennae, and six legs are traditionally sufficient to establish identification as “insect” on (Rothschild and Mancinelli, 2001), including surface water detected by instrumentation on Viking, Pathfinder, Phoenix
Earth. These characteristics should likewise be valid to identify an organism on Mars as insect-like. On these bases arthropodan and Curiosity (Levin, 2019).
insect-like, forms can be seen in the Mars rover photos.
The question that looms especially large at this point is consideration of how life forms reach a given planet (or any
Many insect-like creatures and putative diversity were observed (Plate 1). The most common insect-like forms are robust and cosmic body), that is the question of origin(s) of life. Stated in terms of this research, did life originate on Earth and
loosely resemble bumble bees or carpenter bees on Earth. For convenience, with no taxon necessarily implied, I’ll refer to these Mars independently; or did it originate on either Mars or Earth and find its way to the other; or finally did life find its
creatures as “bees” from this point on. The “bees” appear to vary in size and type. way to these planets from elsewhere in our solar system, galaxy, or beyond? Hopefully the findings reported here will
Plate 3. Insect-like forms in flight. (A) At least two apparent insect-like creatures flying close to enter into the exciting discussions of panspermia (Crick, 1981; Russell et al., 2011; Journal of, 2010;
Several characteristic insect/arthropod anatomical features were identifiable (Plate 2), not all on the same individual, but as a one another. (B) Putative insect-like forms in a darkening sky. (C & D) Extracts from “b” with Kaufman, 2017).
mosaic among individuals. evidence of wings beating (light spots encircling the dark bodies). (E) An insect-like specimen
(“bee”) that appears to have flown right to left from what could be a cave or an entrance to the The evidence of life on Mars presented here provides a strong basis for many addtional important biological as well
Distinct flight behavior was evident in many images, e.g. Plates 3 & 4. In one case observed, the flight manuever was impressive underground. (F) Two putative insect-like specimens in flight contrasted with the darkening sky; as social and political questions. It also represents a solid justification for further study. A recent book published by
with the individual “bee” plunging straight down the side of a cliff and leveling off just before hitting the ground (Plate 4). Insert: enlarged view. the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (2019) looks to the future of astrobiology and
recommends strategies for the further development of this field. Given evidence for the presence of insect/arthropod-
The insect-like fauna observed appeared to be sheltering/nesting in caves (Plate 3E), in burrows beneath the surface, and in and reptile-like organisms beyond the confines of Earth, perhaps “astroentomology” and “astroherpetology” will
specialized structures. emerge as important topics within the field of astrobiology.

Possible predation of the insect-like types by reptile-like creatures (Plate 5) and putative insect-like (“bee”) and reptile-like fossils
were seen (Plate 5).

The descriptions/interpretation of insect- and reptile-like creatures described here are tentative and may be changed in the future
as knowledge of putative Martian Fauna increases with further study.
Cabrol, N.A., E.A. Grin. 2018. From Habitability to Life on Mars. Elsevier, Inc.

Cady, S.L., J.D. Farmer, J.P. Grotzinger, J. W. Schopf, A. Steele, 2004. Search for Life on Mars. Astrobiology, 3(2).

Crick, F. 1981. Life Itself, It’s Origin and Nature. Simon and Schuster.

Dass, M., 2017. The High Probability of Life on Mars: A Brief Review of the Evidence. Cosmology, Vol. 27.

Journal of 2010. Panspermia: Transfer of Life Between Stars, Galaxies & Planets. Volume 7.
Kaufman, M. 2017. In Search of Panspermia (and Life on Icy Moons). Https://

Levine, J.S. and Schild, R., 2010. The Human Mission to Mars, Colonizing the Red Planet. J. of Cosmology, Vol. 12.

Levin, G.V. 2019. I’m Convinced We Found Evidence of Life on Mars in the 1970s. Scientific American, Oct. 10, 2019,

Merino, N., H.S. Aronson, D.P. Bojanova, J. Feyhl-Buska, M. L. Wong, S. Zhang, D. Giovannelli, 2019. Living at the Extremes: Extremophiles and the Limits of Life in a Planetary
Context. Frontiers in Microbiology, April 2019 | Volume 10 | Article 780


Plate 1. Insect-like forms, most of which display NASA/JPL, Curiosity data.

three body regions (head, thorax, & abdomen)

and wings that articulate with the thorax. The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine 2019. An Astrobiology Strategy for the Search for Life in the Universe. Washington, DC: The National Academies
fourth image from the top on the left side has
only a head and trunk and could be an immature Romoser, W.S. & J.G. Stoffalano, 1998. The Science of Entomology, 4th Edition.Boston, MA, WCB McGraw-Hill.

insect-like form or another kind of arthropod. Rothschild, L.J., R.L. Mancinelli. 2001. Life in extreme environments. Nature 409:1092-1101.

Russell, M., Lane, N. Trifonov, E.N., Freeland, S, Allen, J.F., Pratt, A.J., Volbeda, A., Schild, R, Gibson, C. (eds.) 2011. Origins of Life: How Life Began, Abiogenesis, Astrobiology.
Cosmology Science Publishers, 480 p.

Costal margin
of forewing Schulze-Makuch, D, A.G. Fairen, A.F. Davila, 2008. The case for life on Mars. Published online by Cambridge University Press. DOI:
Compound eyes
Sephton, M.A. and J.N. Carter, 2015. The chances of detecting life on Mars. Planetary and Space Science 112:15-22.

Plate 4. A dramatic acrobatic stunt with the individual gliding/flying from the top of the cliff (1) nearly to the
ESA program committee for allowing disclosure of evidence of metazoan life on Mars to occur in a professional scientific forum as it is a
ground (2) and then leveling out heading toward the camera (3 & 4). The multi-lined stripe is the blur potentially controversial topic.
associated with descent (5) with the blurred head of the individual periodically showing (6). A flurry of
“bees” can also be seen gliding/flying away from the cliff face. My family and friends who have steadfastly encouraged me in the pursuit of this project. My wife, Margaret, provided
expert editorial assistance.

NASA/JPL, Mars survey projects, for making photos available to the public and accomplishing great feats of space travel. And United
States public citizens who have paid for these “great feats of space travel”.

Mars rover photos courtesy of NASA/JPL.

URLs for photos used in this study will be available upon publication.

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