Consultation: Worksafe Victoria / A Guide To Safety in The Metal Fabrication Industry
Consultation: Worksafe Victoria / A Guide To Safety in The Metal Fabrication Industry
Consultation: Worksafe Victoria / A Guide To Safety in The Metal Fabrication Industry
All employers are required to consult their employees, so far as reasonably
practicable, on matters that may directly affect their health, safety or welfare.
This includes consultation with an independent contractor and any employees of
the independent contractor. Where there are elected HSRs, the employer must
have a list of HSRs and any Deputy HSRs for each Designated Work Group
(DWG) at the workplace that is displayed or otherwise be readily accessible to
all employees.
Employers must consult HSRs on hazard identification, risk assessment, and risk
control as well as any proposed changes in the workplace, plant, substances or
work processes that could impact on the health, safety or welfare of workers.
This duty to consult recognises that employee input and participation improves
decision-making on health and safety. Consultation between employers and
employees is an essential part of effectively managing health and safety at work
and is also a legal requirement and a valuable means of improving health and
safety outcomes.
Through consultation, employers become more aware of hazards and OHS issues
experienced by employees who in turn can also provide suggestions about how
to solve OHS problems. Ongoing participation allows employees to contribute to
determining how work can be done safely.
For more information on the duty to consult, please refer to the following
WorkSafe publications:
• Talking Safety Together and Consultation – A User’s Guide
• Information for Employees on Health and Safety
• Employee Representation Guide, and
• Information for Health and Safety Representatives