Topical Application of Fluoride and Its Anti-Cariogenic Effect
Topical Application of Fluoride and Its Anti-Cariogenic Effect
Topical Application of Fluoride and Its Anti-Cariogenic Effect
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Omar T Mazyad1, Ahmed M El-marakby2,3 , Yasser Refay Sorour4,5, Moath D Abo-ghannam1, Marwan M
Salem1, Mohamed A Salamah1, Abdulkarim M Hawrani1 and Ashwag A Showail11.
1. Dental intern at Alfarabi colleges for Dentistry & Nursing, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
2. Assistant Professor at Restorative Dental Science, Al-Farabi Colleges for Dentistry & Nursing, Riyadh, Saudi
3. Lecturer of Operative Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry, Al-Azhar University, Assiut Branch, Egypt.
4. Lecturer of pediatric dentistry and dental public heath, Faculty of Dental Medicin, Al-Azhar University Assuiut
branch. Egypt.
5. Assistant professor of pediatric dentistry, Head of Basic and Preventive sciences Department, Batterjee Medical
College for Sciences and Technology, Faculty of Dentistry, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
Manuscript Info Abstract
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Manuscript History Most persons in industrial countries in addition to persons in some
developing countries are suffering from dental caries (tooth decay)
Received: 20 October 2017 which is an infectious, multifactorial disease. Management of dental
Final Accepted: 22 November 2017 caries was shifted from “drill and fill” to “prevent and immune” after
Published: December 2017
development of idea about the caries process. Many procedures and
Keywords:- materials have been used for the preventive phase of dental caries. One
Fluoride compounds, Anti-cariogenic of these materials was using the properties of fluoride with its anti-
effect, Demineralization, Fluoride cariogenic properties. The incidence of dental caries (tooth decay) is
varnish. reduced by using fluoride which slows, delays or arrests the
progression of existingdental caries .This review article focused on
different mechanism of action, types of topical applications and side
effect of overdose use of fluoride compounds.
Regarding fluoride concentrations of community water supplies, In the 1940s and 1950s, The U.S. Public Health
Service (PHS) developed recommendations. These recommendations assumed that the main source of fluoride is
drinking water for most residents of the United States. As a result of the use of water fluoride in the prevention and
control of tooth decay, various industrial fluoride products are developed, including toothpaste, rinsing mouth,
dietary supplements, gels, foam or professionally applied or prescribed varnish. Furthermore, manufactured
beverages, which constitute an expansion in the range of diets of many US residents, can contain a low
concentration of fluoride, especially on the off chance that they are manufactured with fluorescent water. As such,
US residents have more sources of fluoride now accessible than 50 years back. [9, 10]
We used scientific sites such as PubMed, Google Scholar and the Research Gate to get related articles about this
subject. The research included specific keywords "topical application of fluoride, antimicrobial effect of fluoride,
and fluoride as an antimicrobial agent" to find more articles related to the subject. We were more concerned about
articles published in English only published from 1995 to 2017.
ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 5(12), 1483-1488
1. The formation of fluor-apatite in the tooth enamel required the replacement of fluoride ions (F–) by hydroxyl
ions (OH–) in hydroxyapatite
2. The replacement of hydroxide for fluoride in apatite crystal lattice [14].
Fluoride found in a pattern of solution can also affect the dissolution rate without changing the solubility of tooth
minerals. In acidic medium, the dissolution rate of apatite decreased when the concentration of fluoride is less than
0.5 mg/L [15]. Absorption and/or ion conversation at the crystal surface is additionally included in this mechanism.
In this way, the surface may act more like fluoro-hydroxy-apatite than hydroxy-apatite and have an alternate
dissolution rate. At the point when the enamel dissolves, it may also contribute fluoride to the solution. The very low
fluoride concentrations have been appeared to fundamentally decrease the dissolution rate of apatite [16]. Hence,
presence of both types of fluorides either topically at the crystal surfaces or fluoride in the liquid phase
concentrations during a cariogenic challenge are very important [17].
This is a process in which partially dissolved enamel crystals act as a substrate for mineral deposition from the
solution phase that enables partial repair of the damaged crystals. Therefore, remineralization will face a bit of the
demineralization, and an equilibrium will grow between the two processes. The carious lesion is the outcome of
demineralization outweighing remineralization. One of the benefits of the demineralization / remineralization
interplay is the creation of less soluble mineral in enamel [18]. This happens by dissolution of the more soluble
calcium deficient magnesium containing carbonated apatite which marks up enamel when first formed. [19]. Too
high of a supersaturation will effect the fast creation of calcium phosphate and block the surface pores of enamel.
This precipitation reduces the diffusion of calcium, phosphate, and fluoride into the interior of the lesion, which can
result in lesion arrestment rather than lesion repair [20]. The interior of the lesion is partially saturated concerning
HAP and can become supersaturated concerning FAP, even if minimal levels of fluoride are present or diffuse into
the lesion. The use of low concentration fluoride products, such as dentifrices on a daily basis, will help maintain
this favorable saturation. Thus, remineralization of the lesion may result in the repair of the existing lesion with less
soluble mineral and render this portion of the tooth less susceptible to future episodes of demineralization (Figure
2). This is probably one of the most important modes of action of fluoride. At relatively low concentration, Fluoride
may also interact with the oral bacteria to limit plaque acid production. Several mechanisms have been anticipated to
account for this result. One is the well-known interaction of fluoride with the enzyme enolase which could reduce
acid production directly. There is also an indirect effect on the phosphotransferase system (PTS) pathway that
decreases the amount of sugar entering the cell by limiting phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP).
In the plaque biofilm, the bacteria converted the carbohydrates into acids. In an acidic medium (pH less than 5.5),
the biofilm fluid becomes under-saturated with phosphate ion and enamel dissolves to restore balance. When
fluoride ions are present, fluor-apatite is incorporated into demineralized enamel and leading to demineralization
inhibition [21].
ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 5(12), 1483-1488
Professionally Applied:-
Fluoride Mouth rinse, Gels, or Foams:-
Professionally applied fluorides are as a gel, froth or wash, and are applied by a dental expert during dental visits
[22]. Professionally applied fluorides are more concentrated than the self-applied ones (e.g., 1.23% fluoride particle
[12,300 ppm]), and like this is not required frequently. An early study of Dean et al., revealed that fluoride take-up
by dental enamel increased in an acidic medium, fluoride gel is frequently figured to be highly acidic (pH about
3.0) [7]. Products accessible in the U.S. incorporate gels of acidulated phosphate fluoride (1.23% [12,300 ppm]
fluoride), as 2% % neutral sodium fluoride compounds (containing 9,000 ppm fluoride), and as gels or foams of
sodium fluoride (0.9% [9,040 ppm] fluoride). In a dental office, fluoride gel is applied for 1 to 4 minutes [22, 23,
24]. Since these applications are moderate infrequent, generally at three months to 1-year interims, fluoride gel
postures little hazard for dental fluorosis, even among patients less than six years of age. Routine utilization of
professionally applied fluoride gel or foam likely gives advantage just to people at high risk for caries, particularly
the individuals who do not consume fluoridated water and brush every day with fluoride toothpaste [22, 23].
Fluoride Varnish:-
Varnishes are found as sodium fluoride (2.26% [22,600 ppm] fluoride) or difluorsilane (0.1% [1,000 ppm] fluoride)
preparations. An ordinary application requires 0.2 to 0.5 mL, leading to a total fluoride particle utilization of around
5 to 11 mg. Highly concentrated fluoride varnish is painted by dental or other medical professionals especially when
applied onto the teeth and sets when it comes into contact with saliva [22, 24, 25]. Fluoride varnish is not is not
intended to adhere forever; this strategy holds a high concentration of fluoride in a small amount of material in close
contact with the teeth for a few hours. Varnishes must be reapplied at regular intervals with no less than two
applications for each year required for the sustained benefit. Although it is not right now cleared for advertising by
the FDA as an anti-caries agent, fluoride varnish has been utilized for this reason in Canada and Europe since the
1970s [22, 23].
ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 5(12), 1483-1488
Fluorine is ordinarily found in nature and reaches water sources by draining from soil and rocks into groundwater.
Fluorine is the most electronegative element in the periodic table, and consequently, it is the most reactive one.
Fluoride is used to reduce dental caries by affecting the subsurface demineralization and re-mineralization. Self and
professional topical application of fluoride have anticariogenic effect.
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