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This switchboard integrates the possibility of starting the engine in a manual or automatic way (by free voltage

contact), and protecting it from possible breakdowns during operation. Management is effected in the interior,
through an electronic circuit controlled by microprocessor.

Samples of signals that order the close of contact for free voltage could be: gauges, programmes, buoys, switches,

Stop cycle


Engine on

LT closed


E00: Correct operation E05: Start failure E10: Subvoltage E15: High baterry voltage
E01: High water temperature E06: Engine failure E11: Asymmetry between phases E16: Low baterry voltage
E02: Low oil pressure E07: Low fuel level E12: Overcurrent E17: Emergency stop
E03: Auxiliary input failure E08: Fuel reserve E13: Overfrequency
E04: Battery charge alternator failure E09: Overvoltage E14: Subfrequency Alarms

Alarms programmed through code for:

High water temperature Emergency stop

Low oil pressure Asymmetry between phases
Auxiliary input failure Subvoltage
Battery charge alternator failure Overcurrent
Start failure Overfrequecy
Engine failure Subfrequency
Low fuel level High battery voltage
Fuel reserve Low battery voltage

The Energy
Main advantages

• HIGH PROTECTION, not only for the Generating Set but also for the • SIMPLICITY, the fuel tank can be automatically filled up with a
instruments and switchboards fed by the generating set. Protection simple programming of the switchboard. External elements are not
in case of: over-voltage, sub-voltage, asymmetry, over-current, over- needed.
frequency (over-speed), sub-frequency (speed loss), etc.
• EASY PROGRAMMING, this switchboard offers the possibility of
• LARGE MEASURING RANGE, a whole set of measuring has been personal selection of functions to particular applications. Besides
incorporated. External monitoring elements or gauges are not needed. programming alarm parameters, you can program the switchboard
Besides protection, it continuously offers the working parameters of for stopping the genset (with or without cooling down) or for activating
the generating set and digital readings of: Voltage, Intensity, Fuel the acoustic alarm.
level, Pressure, Temperature, Battery voltage, Hour meter, Tachometer
• MULTIPLE STARTING MODES, manual start or automatic free contact
(speed indicator), Frequency.
voltage start.
• HIGH VERSATILITY, you can use the same panel model for different
• SENSOR, three-phase sensor for generating set voltage.
voltages. Supply voltage 12/24V.

2 3 4 5 1

display 1 display 2
This switchboard is presented in a box isolated from
L1-L2 I L1
electromagnetic radiation and incorporates 4 displays, with 7 L2-L3 I L2
L3-L1 I L3
red light segments, clearly showing electric parameters CMD2.0
and visual indicators from any angle.
6 display 3 display 4
r.p.m 9
Central panel components: (%) D3 (ºC) D4

1. Switch-on button. 10
2. Display 1, phase voltage visual display, indicates which led is
lighted on the left-hand side of the display.
3. Push-button V, to select voltage between phases to be 14
4. Display 2. Intensity visual display, we can read the led intensity
on the left hand side of display.
5. Push-button A. Phase intensity selector.
6. Display 3. Visual display for, frequency, battery level, fuel level CMD2.0 13 12 11
or alarm code.
7. Push-button D3. With this push-button is possible to select 10.5 Loading. This indicator lights on when closing Generating Set
the frequency, the battery level, fuel level or alarm code. change over, indicating that is working with load. The stabilising and
8. Display 4. Visual display for working hours, speed meter, water heating time of Generating Set before activating the loading is defined
level temperature or oil level pressure. The last 2 measures by P11 parameter.
mentioned can only work when their sensors are connected. 11. Push-button working mode START/MAN. This push button starts
9. Push-button D4. With this push-button is possible to select the engine and selects the manual working
the hour meter, the speed indicator, the water level temperature, 12. Push-button working mode STOP/RESET. It allows selecting the
the oil level pressure. This button is able to silence the acoustic stop working type. The switchboard will reset by keeping the button pushed
alarm. down for 5 seconds.
10.1 Stopping cycle. This led will turn on as soon as the 13. Push-button working mode START/MAN. It allows selecting the
switchboard orders a stopping cycle and will not stop until the automatic working type.
cycle is finished. The cycle period is determined by P12 and 14. Alarm codes: these codes will be at display 3
P13 parameters.
10.2 Preheating. This led lights on when switchboard order
the preheating. An acoustic alarm advice during the preheating
of the imminent starting of the Generating set. Code Description Code Description
10.3 Engine on, It indicates that engine is starting to work. This E00 Correct operation E09 Overvoltage
condition is carried out if voltage in any of the phases is higher
E01 High water temperature E10 Subvoltage
than the established threshold P14 parameter, or there is a
signal in the alternator voltage input of battery charger higher E02 Low oil pressure E11 Asymmetry between phases
than the indicated value in P15 parameter, or if the frequency E03 Auxiliary input failure E12 Overcurrent
of engine Pick-up is higher than frequency indicated in P16
parameter. E04 Battery charge alternator failure E13 Overfrequency
10.4 LT Closed. This signal is activated when the free contact E05 Start failure E14 Subfrequency
voltage is closing and it switches off when it is open. Automatically
E06 Engine failure E15 High battery voltage
the switchboard will start the starting cycle when closing the
LT. When stop mode, there will not be any change on the E07 Low fuel level E16 Low battery voltage
E08 Fuel reserve E17 Emergency stop

Ctra. Murcia-San Javier, km.23,6 - 30730 SAN JAVIER (Murcia) Spain

Tel. +34 968 19 11 28 - Fax +34 968 19 12 17 - Export Fax +34 968 19 04 20 - -

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