3.3 Settlement Analysis: 2B Influence of Plate 2B of Actual Footing Sand Soft Clay Illustration of Influence Zones
3.3 Settlement Analysis: 2B Influence of Plate 2B of Actual Footing Sand Soft Clay Illustration of Influence Zones
3.3 Settlement Analysis: 2B Influence of Plate 2B of Actual Footing Sand Soft Clay Illustration of Influence Zones
influence zone (Figure 3.10) of both the plate and when the footing is confined to the same
type of soil and the effects of the groundwater table would be similar in both cases.
3.2.8 Presumptive Load-Bearing Capacity
The building codes of some cities suggest bearing capacities for certain building sites
based on the classification of the predominant soil type at that site. Table 3.5–Table 3.7
present a comprehensive list of presumptive bearing capacities for various soil types.
However, it must be noted that these values do not reflect the foundation shape, depth,
load inclination, location of the water table, and the settlements that are associated with
the sites. Hence, the use of these bearing capacity factors are advocated primarily
in situations where a preliminary idea of the potential foundation size is needed for the
subsequent site investigation followed by detailed design.
3.3 Settlement Analysis
Methodologies used for computation of ground settlement under building foundations
have been discussed in detail in Section 1.5. Therefore, in this section, a number of
techniques that are commonly employed to evaluate the ground stress increase due to
footings will be reviewed. Then a number of examples will be provided to illustrate the
application of the above techniques.
3.3.1 Stress Distribution in Subsurface Soils due to Foundation Loading Analytical Methods
The vertical stress induced in the subsurface by a concentrated vertical load, such as the
load on a relatively small footing founded on an extensive soil mass, can be approximately
estimated by Boussinesq’s elastic theory as follows:
2B influence of plate
2B of actual footing
Soft clay
Illustration of influence zones.
102 The Foundation Engineering Handbook
Dsz ¼
(r2 þ z2)5=2 (3:26)
where r and z are indicated in Figure 3.11.
Equation (3.26) can be used to derive the magnitude of vertical stress imposed at any
depth z vertically below the center of a circular foundation (of radius R) carrying a
uniformly distributed load of q as (Figure 3.12)
Dsz ¼ q 1 _
½1 þ ðR=zÞ2_3=2
Stress increments in the horizontal (x and y) and vertical (z) directions due to other shapes
of uniformly loaded footings (e.g., rectangular, strip, etc.) can be estimated based on
analytical expressions presented in Harr (1966). Equation (3.26) can also be used to derive
the vertical stress imposed at any depth z vertically below the corner of a rectangular
foundation carrying a distributed load of q as (Figure 3.12b) expressed below:
Dsz ¼ qK(m, n) (3:27b)
where m ¼ length/width of the foundation and n ¼ z/foundation width. Values of
K(m, n) are tabulated in Table 3.8. Equation (3.27b) can also be applied to determine the
stress increase at any point under the loaded area using partitions of the loaded area in
which the corners coincide in plan with the point of interest. This technique is illustrated
in a settlement estimation problem in Example 4.3. Approximate Stress Distribution Method
At times it is more convenient to estimate the subsurface stress increments due to footings
using approximate distributions. A commonly used distribution is the 2:1 distribution
shown in Figure 3.13. Based on Figure 3.13, it can be seen that the stress increment caused
by a uniformly loaded rectangular footing (B _ L) at a depth of z is
Dsz ¼ q
ðB þ zÞðL þ zÞ
Example 3.3
Assume that it is necessary to compute the ultimate consolidation settlement and the 10-
year settlement of the 1.5m_ 1.5mfooting carrying a 200-kN load as shown in Figure 3.14.
Soil properties are provided in Table 3.8. Also assume the laboratory consolidation
characteristics of a representative sample (from the mid-plane area of the clay layer) are
represented by Figure 3.15 and the coefficient of consolidation (Cv) of the clay was
determined to be 1.0 _ 10_8m2/sec based on the methodology presented in Section 1.5.
From Figure 3.15, preconsolidation pressure ¼ pc ¼ 60 kPa
Contact pressure ¼ q ¼ 200/(1.5)2 ¼ 88.89 kPa
Overburden pressure at the footing depth ¼ 16.5 _ 1.0 ¼ 16.5 kPa
The average stress increase in the clay layer can be obtained using Newmark’s influence
chart (reproduced in Figure 3.16) by considering the mid-plane depth of clay. This can be
determined from Figure 3.16 by mapping the footing to the scale indicated at the bottom of
the figure, i.e., dc (the depth from the footing to the location where the stress increase is
needed) ¼ the distance indicated as OQ. In this example, one can see that dc ¼ 3.75 m.
Spread Footings: Analysis and Design 103
Factors of Safety on Ultimate Geotechnical Capacity of Spread Footings for
Bearing Capacity and Sliding Failure (AASHTO, 1996)
Failure Condition
Required Minimum
Factor of Safety (FS)
Bearing capacity of footing on soil or rock 3.0
Sliding resistance of footing on soil or rock 1.5
Source: From AASHTO, 1996, Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges, American
Association for State Highway and Transportation Officials, Washington, DC. With
Factors of Safety on Ultimate Bearing Capacity of Spread Footings on Soils
Basis for Soil Strength Estimate
Suggested Minimum
Factor of Safety (FS)
Standard penetration tests 3.0
Laboratory/field strength tests 2.5
Source: From Federal Highway Administration, 1998, Load and Resistance Factor Design
(LRFD) for Highway Bridge Superstructures, Washington, DC. With permission.
Variable Factors of Safety on Ultimate Bearing Capacity of Spread Footings
Required Minimum Factor of Safety (FS)
Permanent Structures Temporary Structures
A Railway bridges
Blast furnaces
Retaining walls
Maximum design
load likely to
occur often;
of failure
Maximum design
load may occur
of failure
3.0 4.0 2.3 3.0
B Light industrial
and public
2.5 3.5 2.0 2.6
C Apartment
and office
Maximum design
load unlikely
to occur
2.0 3.0 2.0 2.3
Source: From Federal Highway Administration, 1998, Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) for Highway Bridge
Superstructures, Washington, DC. With permission.
104 The Foundation Engineering Handbook
The stress increase at a depth dc can be found using Equation (1.19):
Dp ¼ NqI (1:19)
where N and I are the number of elements of Newmark’s chart covered by the
scaled footing and the influence factor of the diagram respectively. For the chart shown
in Figure 3.16, I ¼ 0.001. If the footing were to behave as a flexible footing, the center
settlement would be the maximum while the corner settlement would be the minimum
within the footing. Thus,
Dpcenter ¼ (4 _ 19) _ 88:89 _ 0:001 ¼ 6:75 kPa
Dpcorner ¼ (58) _ 88:89 _ 0:001 ¼ 5:2 kPa
On the other hand, if the footing were to behave as a rigid footing, then the average stress
increase at the mid-plane level of the clay layer within the footing can be determined by
using appropriate stress attenuation (Figure 3.13). Using the commonplace 2:1 stress
attenuation (Equation (3.28)), one can estimate the stress increase as
Dp ¼ q
(B þ zc)(L þ zc)
where B and L are footing dimensions.
Thus, Dpaverage ¼ 88:89[1:5=(1:5 þ 3:75)]2 ¼ 7:256 kPa
Presumptive Bearing Capacities from Indicated Building Codes, kPa
Soil Description Chicago, 1995
Natl. Board of Fire
Underwriters, 1976
Uniform Building
Code, 1991b
Clay, very soft 25
Clay, soft 75 100 100 100
Clay, ordinary 125
Clay, medium stiff 175 100 100
Clay, stiff 210 140
Clay, hard 300
Sand, compact and clean 240 — 140 200
Sand, compact and silty 100 }
Inorganic silt, compact 125 }
Sand, loose and fine } 140 210
Sand, loose and coarse, or
sand–gravel mixture, or
compact and fine
140–400 240 300
Gravel, loose and compact
coarse sand
300 } 240 300
Sand–gravel, compact — 240 300
Hardpan, cemented sand,
cemented gravel
600 950 340
Soft rock
Sedimentary layered rock
(hard shale, sandstone,
6000 1400
Bedrock 9600 9600 6000 9600
Note: Values converted from pounds per square foot to kilopascals and rounded. Soil descriptions vary widely
between codes. The following represents author’s interpretations.
aBuilding Officials and Code Administrators International, Inc.
bBowles (1995) interpretation.
Source: From Bowles, J.E., 2002, Foundation Analysis and Design, McGraw-Hill, New York. With permission.
Spread Footings: Analysis and Design 105
It must be noted that if one were to have averaged the above stress estimates for the
center and corner of the footing, one would have obtained
Dpaverage ¼ ð1=2Þ(6:75 þ 5:2) ¼ 5:975 kPa
Since the estimates are significantly different, the author suggests using the averages of
the estimates from Figure 3.15 as opposed to the approximate estimate obtained from
Figure 3.13. The average effective overburden pressure at the mid-plane of the clay layer
is found from Equation (1.4b) as
v0 ¼ 16:5(2) þ 17:5(1:5) þ 18:0(1:25) _ 9:8(2:75) ¼ 54:8 kPa
Since s0
v0 < pc, one can assume that the overall clay layer is in an over-consolidated state.
Presumptive Bearing Capacities for Foundations in Granular Soils Based on SPT Data
(at a Minimum Depth of 0.75m Below Ground Level)
Presumed Bearing Value (kN/m2) for
Foundation of Width
Description of Soil N-Value in SPT 1m 2m 4m
Very dense sands and gravels >50 800 600 500
Dense sands and gravels 30–50 500–800 400–600 300–500
Medium-dense sands and gravels 10–30 150–500 100–400 100–300
Loose sands and gravels 5–10 50–150 50–100 30–100
Note: The water table is assumed not to be above the base of foundation. Presumed bearing values for pad
foundations up to 3 m wide are approximately twice the above values.
Source: From Tomlinson, M.J. and Boorman, R., 1995, Foundation Design and Construction, Longman Scientific and
Technical, Brunthill, Harlow, England. With permission.
Presumptive Bearing Capacities for Foundations in Clayey Soils Based on Undrained Shear
Strength (at a Minimum Depth of 1 m Below Ground Level)
Undrained Shear
Strength (kN/m2)
Presumed Bearing Value (kN/m2)
for Foundation of Width
1m 2m 4m
Hard boulder clays, hard-fissured
clays (e.g., deeper London and Gault Clays)
>300 800 600 400
Very stiff boulder clay, very stiff
‘‘blue’’ London Clay
150–300 400–800 300–500 150–250
Stiff-fissured clays (e.g., stiff ‘‘blue’’
and brown London Clay), stiff
weathered boulder clay
75–150 200–400 150–250 75–125
Firm normally consolidated clays
(at depth), fluvio-glacial and lake
clays, upper weathered ‘‘brown’’
London Clay
40–75 100–200 75–100 50–75
Soft normally consolidated alluvial clays
(e.g., marine, river and
estuarine clays)
20–40 50–100 25–50 Negligible
Source: From Tomlinson, M.J. and Boorman, R., 1995, Foundation Design and Construction, Longman Scientific and
Technical, Brunthill, Harlow, England. With permission.
106 The Foundation Engineering Handbook
Presumptive Bearing Capacities for Foundations on Rock Surface (Settlement Not Exceeding 50mm)
Rock Group
Spacing (mm)
Allowable Bearing
Value (kN/m2)
Pure limestones and dolomites,
carbonate sandstones of low porosity
Strong 60 to >1,000 >12,500a
Moderately strong >600 >10,000b
200–600 7,500–10,000
60–200 3,000–7,500
Moderately weak 600 to >1,000 >5,000a
200–600 3,000–5,000
60–200 1,000–3,000
Weak >600 >1,000a
200–600 750–1,000
60–200 250–750
Very weak See noteb
Igneous, oolitic, and marly limestones; Strong 200 to >1,000 10,000 to >12,500a
well-cemented sandstones; indurated 60–200 5,000–10,000
carbonate mudstones; metamorphic rocks Moderately strong 600 to >1,000 8,000 to >100,000a
(including slates and schists with flat 200–600 4,000–8,000
cleavage/foliation) 60–200 1,500–4,000
Moderately weak 600 to >1,000 3,000 to >5,000a
200–600 1,500–3,000
60–200 500–1,500
Weak 600 to >1,000 750 to >1,000a
>200 See noteb
Very weak All See noteb
Very marly limestones: poorly cemented Strong 600 to >1,000 10,000 to >12,500b
sandstones; cemented mudstones and 200–600 5,000–10,000
shales; slates and schists with steep 60–200 2,500–5,000
cleavage/foliation Moderately strong 600 to >1,000 4,000 to >6,000b
200–600 2,000 to >4,000
60–200 750–2,000
Moderately weak 600 to >1,000 2,000 to >3,000b
200–600 750–2,000
60–200 250–750
Weak 600 to >1,000 500–750
200–600 250–500
<200 See noteb
Very weak All See noteb
Uncemented mudstones and shales Strong 200–600 250–5,000
60–200 1,250–2,500
Moderately strong 200–600 1,000–2,000
60–200 1,300–1,000
Moderately weak 200–600 400–1,000
60–200 125–400
Weak 200–600 150–250
60–200 See noteb
Very weak All See noteb
Notes: Presumed bearing values for square foundations up to 3 m wide are approximately twice the above
values, or equal to the above values if settlements are to be limited to 25mm.
aBearing pressures must not exceed the unconfined compression strength of the rock if the joints are tight. Where
the joints open the bearing pressure must not exceed half the unconfined compression strength of the rock.
bBearing pressures for these weak or closely jointed rocks should be assessed after visual inspection,
supplemented as necessary by field or laboratory tests to determine their strength and compressibility.
Source: From Tomlinson, M.J. and Boorman, R., 1995, Foundation Design and Construction, Longman Scientific and
Technical, Brunthill, Harlow, England. With permission.