Aiem V3 N1 63 721 PDF
Aiem V3 N1 63 721 PDF
Aiem V3 N1 63 721 PDF
1(2014) 63-72
Karapagam University, 2 JCT College of engineering and technology
Abstract: The Flexible Manufacturing Systems (FMS) belong to that class of productive
systems whose main characteristic is the simultaneous execution of several processes
and the sharing of a finite set of resources. Now days, FMS must attend to the demand
of the market for personalized products. Consequently, the life cycle of the product
tends to be shorter and a greater variety of products must be produced simultaneously.
FMS considered in this work has 32 CNC Machine tools for processing 40 varieties of
products. Since minimizing machine idle time and minimizing total penalty cost are
contradictory objectives the problem has a multi objective nature. In this work, we have
developed a multi-objective optimization procedure based on NSGA-II and software has
been developed using .net programming for setting the optimum product sequence. A
Global–optimal front was then obtained using the software after 3000 generations.
Keywords: Flexible manufacturing system, Multi–objective optimization, NSGA II,
Scheduling Optimization, genetic algorithms
ISSN: 2222-7059(print), ISSN: 2222-7067(online),
DOI: 10.7508/AIEM-V3-N1-63-72
Nidhish Mathew Nidhiry et al., Advances in Industrial Engineering and Management, Vol.3, No.1(2014) 63-72
relaxation, priority-rule-based heuristics, local search presented a new scheduling method for manufacturing
algorithms (ITS, threshold algorithm, Tabu search, system based on the timed Petri net model and a
SA), evolutionary algorithm (GA), etc. Of these reactive fast graph search algoritham.Lee and Lee [16]
techniques, few are specific to particular objectives, adopted heuristic search for scheduling flexible
and few are specific to particular problem instances manufacturing using lower bound reachability matrix
with respect to computational time needed. which is based on T-timed Petri net. Liu J et al [17]
proposed policies for deadlock prevention in FMS by
Z.X guo and W.K wong [13] presented a defining a subclass of Petri nets called
comprehensive review of genetic algorithm based resource-shared net with buffers (RSNB).
optimization model for scheduling flexible assembly
lines. In this paper a scheduling problem in the Shnits and Sinreich [8] present the development of a
flexible assembly line is investigated and a bi-level multi-criteria control methodology for FMSs. The
genetic algorithm is developed to solve the scheduling control methodology is based on a two-tier decision
problem. Tiwari and Vidyarthi [9] proposed a genetic making mechanism. The first tier is designed to select
algorithm based heuristic to solve the machine loading a dominant decision criterion and a relevant
problem of a random type FMS. The proposed GA scheduling rule set using a rule-based algorithm. In
based heuristic determines the part type sequence and the second tier, using a look-ahead multi-pass
the operation machine allocation that guarantee the simulation, a scheduling rule that best advances the
optimal solution to the problem. Another scheduling selected criterion is determined. Yu and Greene [12]
paper [1], consider only 6 machines and 6 jobs. R use a simulation study to examine the effects of
Kumar, M K Tiwari and R Shankar [7], considered machine selection rules and scheduling rules for a
Ant Colony Optimization approach in FMS flexible multi-stage pull system. J. Jerald , P. Asokan ,
scheduling. Rossi and Dini [18] proposed an ACO G. Prabaharan and R. Saravanan [5] proposed a
based software system for solving scheduling problem combined objective scheduling optimization solution
in FMS considering routing flexibility, for FMS. Saravanan M. and Noorul haq [13] modified
sequence-dependent set up, and transportation time. same problem in scatter-search approach of flexible
But ACO algorithm performs better in cases such as manufacturing systems, but this work is only for 43
traveling sales problem, the vehicle rooting problem parts and few generations. Shanhikant Burnwal and
etc. Dong-Sheng Xu et al.[19], proposed An Improved Sankha Deb [20] use a cuckoo search based approach
Ant Colony Optimization (IACO) algorithm to the for the same problem.
Flexible Job Shop Scheduling Problem (FJSSP).
IACO algorithm provides an effective integration Many authors have been trying to emphasize the
between Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) model and utility and advantages of genetic algorithm, simulated
knowledge model. In the IACO algorithm, the annealing and other heuristics. In this vein, it has been
knowledge model adopts some available knowledge proposed to use a new evolutionary computational
for the optimization of ACO, and then employs the approach called Non-dominated Sorting Genetic
existing knowledge to guide the current heuristic Algorithm-II (NSGA-II) for Multi-Objective
searching. Optimization NSGA-II of a specific manufacturing
environment limiting ourselves to only two
In the last few years most research concerning the objectives. The procedure is applied to relatively
AGV scheduling has been focused on developing large-size problems of up to 80 part varieties passing
scheduling algorithms for a single objective such as through 16 different CNC machine centers, and the
the minimizing of setup cost loading and unloading results are found to be closer to the global optimum
time. Toker A, Kondakci S and Erkip N [10] proposed sequence.
an approximation algorithm for the ‘n’ job ‘m’
machine resource constraint job shop problem. 1.2 Problem descriptions
Hoitomt et al. [4] explored the use of the Lagrangian The problem environment, assumption and aim of the
relaxation technique to schedule job shops present work are as follows:
characterised by multiple non-identical machine types,
generic procedure constraints and simple routing 1. The FMS considered in this work has a
considerations. W He and Kusiak [2] addressed three configuration as shown in Fig. 1. There are eight
different industrial scheduling problems, with flexible machining cells (FMCs), each with two to six
heuristic algorithms for each problem. computer numerical machines (CNCs), an
independent and a self-sufficient tool magazine, one
Lee and Dicesare [6] used Petri nets to model the automatic tool changer (ATC) and one automatic
scheduling problems in FMS. Similarly, Kim et al. [15] pallet changer (APC). Each cell is supported by one to
Nidhish Mathew Nidhiry et al., Advances in Industrial Engineering and Management, Vol.3, No.1(2014) 63-72
three dedicated robots for intra-cell movement of store the work in progress. The eight FMCs are
materials between operations. There is a loading connected by two identical automated guided vehicles
station from which parts are released in batches for (AGVs). These AGVs perform the inter cell
manufacturing in the FMS. There is an unloading movements between the FMCs, the movement of
station where the finished parts are collected and finished product from any of the FMCs to the
conveyed to the finished storage. There is one unloading station and the movement of semi-finished
automatic storage and retrieval system (AS/RS) to products between the AS/RS and the FMCs.
2. The assumptions made in this work are as follows: 2.1 NSGA II algorithm
There are 40 varieties of products for a The Methodology used to find the optimal solution to
particular combination of tools in the tool magazines this problem is NSGA. It is based on a ranking
using 32 Machines in 5 FMCs. procedure, consisting in extracting the
The type/variety has a particular processing non-dominated solutions for a population and giving
sequence batch size, deadline and penalty cost for not them a rank of 1.These solutions are removed from
meeting the deadline. this population; the next group of non-dominated
Each processing step has a processing time with solution has a rank of 2 and so on. The algorithm has
a specific machine. a current population that is used to create an auxiliary
There is no constraint on the availability of one (the offspring population); after that, both
pallets, fixtures, AGVs, robots, automated storage populations are combined to obtain the new current
and retrieval system, cutting tools, and part programs population. The procedure is as follows; the two
as and when they are needed at the required places. populations are sorted according to their rank, and the
A random product-mix generated as shown in best solutions are chosen to create the new population.
the Table 1 reflects the current market demand. In the cause of having to select some individuals with
same rank, a density estimation based on measuring
3. The objective of the schedule: - the crowding distance (see figure 2) to the
1. Minimizing the machine ideal time (TDi). surrounding individuals belonging to the same rank is
used to get the most promising solutions. Typically,
2. Minimizing the total penalty cost (TPi). both the current and auxiliary population has equal
Where size. The procedure of NSGA – II is shown in figure
TDi = Total Machine Idle Time. 3 and flow chart shown in figure 4. The basic steps
TDi = Σj MIj (j= machine number) involved in NSGA II algorithm are:
MIj = TI-Σi PTji (i= job number)
TI = Total elapsed time. 1) Generation t = 0;
PTji= Processing time of i th job on the j th machine. (2) Generate a uniformly distributed parent
TPi = Total penalty cost population of size P;
TPi= Σi PTi - DDi×Pi×BSi (3) Evaluate the individuals and sort the population
PTi =Processing time of i th job. based on the non-domination;
DDi= Due date for i th job. (4) Assign each solution a rank equal to its
non-domination level (minimization of fitness is
2PROPOSED METHODOLOGY (5) Use the usual Fino style tournament selection;
Nidhish Mathew Nidhiry et al., Advances in Industrial Engineering and Management, Vol.3, No.1(2014) 63-72
Figure 3. The procedure of NSGA – II
Optimization procedure
Nidhish Mathew Nidhiry et al., Advances in Industrial Engineering and Management, Vol.3, No.1(2014) 63-72
Nidhish Mathew Nidhiry et al., Advances in Industrial Engineering and Management, Vol.3, No.1(2014) 63-72
(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9) + (4 5 3 6 8 9 7 2 1) = (1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 7) (4 5 3 6 8 1 2 7 9)
Parent1 Parent2 Child1 Child2
Nidhish Mathew Nidhiry et al., Advances in Industrial Engineering and Management, Vol.3, No.1(2014) 63-72
probability is 0.01 (i.e.) 8 bits. First generate random generating two random numbers between the
number 0 to 1, with 0.01 accuracy. If random number numbers of jobs. For example, if the random numbers
is <= 0.01, perform mutation. The next step is to find generated are 3 and 6, then the corresponding job
a cross site at random, the two sites are selected by numbers in these positions are exchanged.
123456789 126453789
Parent Child
Nidhish Mathew Nidhiry et al., Advances in Industrial Engineering and Management, Vol.3, No.1(2014) 63-72
Nidhish Mathew Nidhiry et al., Advances in Industrial Engineering and Management, Vol.3, No.1(2014) 63-72
modified to any kind of FMS with a large number of the availability and handling time of load unloading
components and machines. Future work will include stations, robots and AGV’s.
Nidhish Mathew Nidhiry et al., Advances in Industrial Engineering and Management, Vol.3, No.1(2014) 63-72