Preparation of Histological Specimens

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• Preparation of tissue for microscopic examination
• Series of processes
• Ultimate aim – to make tissue ‘visible’ as it is
• Pathology Vs Anatomy
• Steps vary
– types of tissue & microscopy
– structure to be seen
– stains to be used
– time duration etc.
 Tissue procurement and preparation
 Fixation
 Dehydration
 Clearing
 Impregnation
 Embedding
 Section cutting
 Staining and mounting in slide
Tissue Procurement
Source of tissues
 Post-mortem bodies
 Cadavers
 Tissue of patients from pathology lab
 Animal sacrifice
 Slaughter house
Tissue preparation &
 Start fixation a.s.a.p.
 Prevent osmotic damage
 do not dry
 wash with and immerse in NS
 No unnecessary handling
 Remove excess blood, mucosa etc.
 Cut with a sharp knife
 Marking of ‘cutting surface’
 Labeling and putting in specimen tube
 Instructions for mounting – wall, tube, stained surface
• The aim of fixation:
1- To prevent autolysis and bacterial attack.
2- To fix the tissues so they will not change their volume
and shape during processing.
3- To prepare tissue and leave it in a condition which
allow clear staining of sections.
4- To leave tissue as close as their living state as
possible, and no small molecules should be lost.
5- Render tissue unaffected to the harmful effects of
chemicals to be used in further processing.

• Fixation is coming by reaction between the fixative and

the molecules, so keeping every thing as their in vivo
relation to each other.
Types of fixative:
Acetic acid, Formaldehyde, Ethanol, Glutaraldehyde,
Methanol and Picric acid.

10% neutral buffered formalin, 4% paraformaldehyde

Formaldehyde/glutaraldehyde - directly proportional
cross-linking formation with amine groups
Factors affect fixation:

- PH.
- Temperature.
- Penetration of fixative.
- Time.

According to previous factors we can determine the

concentration of fixative and fixation time.
• Anoxia in tissue -> CO2 -> pH
• General purpose: optimal pH 6-8
• Buffers maintain desired pH

• 0-4 oC
• Low temperature –  rate of decomposition
Penetration of fixatives

• Rate of penetration varies with various factors.

– Glutaraldehyde > Formaldehyde

• Deeper tissue takes longer time, fixed tissue

acts as a barrier for diffusion of fixative

• Tissue slices should be thin 2 cm3

• Formaldehyde
– Too short – reversal of fixation
– Too long
• shrinkage of tissue
• Masks the antigen - Immunohistochemistry
• Depends upon
– Thickness of tissue
– Temperature
• Optimal 12 hours,
maximum 24 Hours
Fixation : Golden rules

1 • Size of tissue, 2 cm3

2 • Volume of fixative, 10X

• Time – 12-24 hrs

3 (formalin)
Choosing buffers
• Buffer should not react chemically with fixative
• Immunohistochemistry: buffer should not react
or inhibit incubation medium or enzymes
• As close to tissue pH as possible – esp for
Methods of fixation

• Immersion – commonly used

• Perfusion – ideal method e.g. embalming

• Heparin pretreatment
Always necessary?
Frozen sections


Cryoprotectant (OCT, sucrose solution)
Rapid low-temp freezing
Lipids and activity stains (enzymes)

the aim of tissue processing is to embed the tissue in a solid

medium firm enough to support the tissue and give it sufficient
rigidity to enable thin sections to be cut (3-10 µm).

Stages of processing:
1- Dehydration.
2- Clearing.
3- Embedding.
Types of dehydrating agents:
Ethanol, Methanol, Acetone.

Remove fixative and water from the tissue and replace

them with dehydrating fluid.
• To minimize tissue shrinking specimens are dehydrated
in a graded ethanol series from water through 70%-90%-
-95%-100% ethanol.
• two or three changes of absolute ethanol before
proceeding to the clearing stage.
• Duration of dehydration should be kept to the minimum
consistent with the tissues being processed. Tissue
blocks 1 mm thick should receive up to 30 minutes in
each alcohol, blocks 5 mm thick require up to 90 minutes
or longer in each change. Tissues may be held and
stored indefinitely in 70% ethanol without harm.
• replacing the dehydrating fluid with a fluid
that is totally miscible with both the
dehydrating fluid and the embedding
• Some clearing agents:
- Zylene.
- Toluene.
- Chloroform.
- Benzene.
- Petrol.

• During dehydration water in tissue has been

replaced by alcohol.

• The next step alcohol should be replaced by

paraffin wax.

• As paraffin wax is not alcohol soluble, we

replace alcohol with a substance in which wax is
soluble. This step is call clearing.
• is the process by which tissues are surrounded by a
medium such as agar, gelatin, or wax which when
solidified will provide sufficient external support during

• Paraffin wax
properties :
• Paraffin wax is a polycrystalline mixture of solid hydrocarbons
produced during the refining of coal and mineral oils. It is about two
thirds the density and slightly more elastic than dried protein.
Paraffin wax is traditionally marketed by its melting points which
range from 39°C to 68°C.
• The properties of paraffin wax are improved for histological
purposes by the inclusion of substances added alone or in
combination to the wax:
- improve ribboning.
- increase hardness.
- decrease melting point
- improve adhesion between specimen and wax
Impregnation with Wax
• This is allowed to occur at melting point
temperature of paraffin wax, which is 54-60oC.
Volume of wax should be about 25-30 times the
volume of tissues.

• The duration of impregnation depends on size

and types of tissues and the clearing agents

• Longer periods are required for larger pieces

and also for harder tissue like bones and skin as
compared to liver kidney, spleen,lung etc.
Tampone per

70° 90°

Da 20’ a 3h

Da 20’ a 1,30h

Stufa sottovuoto
Precaution while embedding in wax
• The wax is clear of clearing agent.
• No dust particles must be present.
• Immediately after tissue embedding, the wax must be rapidly cooled
to reduce the wax crystal size.
• There are two main mould systems and
associated embedding protocols
presently in use :
1- the Peel-a-way system using
disposable plastic moulds and
2- systems using embedding rings or
cassette-bases which become an
integral part of the block and serve as
the block holder in the microtome.
Processing methods and routine

• Machine processing

• manual processing

• using the microtome

• A microtome is a mechanical instrument
used to cut biological specimens into very
thin segments for microscopic
examination. Most microtomes use a steel
blade and are used to prepare sections of
animal or plant tissues for histology.
1- Traditional histological technique:
tissues are hardened by replacing water with paraffin. The tissue is
then cut in the microtome at thicknesses varying from 2 to 25
micrometers thick. From there the tissue can be mounted on a
microscope slide, stained and examined using a light microscope
• 2- Cryosection:
• water-rich tissues are hardened by freezing and cut frozen;
sections are stained and examined with a light microscope.
This technique is much faster than traditional histology and are
used in operations to achieve a quick diagnosis. Cryosections
can also be used in immunohistochemistry as freezing tissue
does not alter or mask its chemical composition as much as
preserving it with a fixative.
Microtome knives


• Staining is a process by which we give colour to

a section.
• There are hundreds of stains available.

• Classification of Stains:

• Acid stains (in an acid dye the basic component is colored,

stains cytoplasm)
• Basic stains (In a basic dye the acid component is colored,
stains nucleus)
Nuclei stained with
hematoxylin • Hematoxylin & eosin
(H&E) is the most
common dye
– Hematoxylin – basic-
like dye which stains
acid molecules (blue)
• i.e. Nucleic acids
– Eosin - acidic dye
which stains basic
molecules (pink)
• Cytoplasm (proteins)

Material stained with eosin

Any well fixed tissue.
Staining Procedure
1- Deparaffinize and hydrate to water
2- If sections are Zenker-fixed, remove the mercuric chloride crystals
with iodine and clear with sodium thiosulphate (hypo)
3- Mayer's hematoxylin for 15 minutes
4- Wash in running tap water for 20 minutes
5- Counterstain with eosin from 15 seconds to 2 minutes depending
on the age of the eosin, and the depth of the counterstain desired.
For even staining results dip slides several times before allowing
them to set in the eosin for the desired time
6- Dehydrate in 95% and absolute alcohols, two changes of 2
minutes each or until excess eosin is removed. Check under
7- Clear in xylene, two changes of 2 minutes each
8- Mount in Permount or Histoclad
Nuclei - blue
Cytoplasm - various shades of pink

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