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1 What is a computer?
a computer is a technology device which gives us various ways to operate,
whether for information or leisure
2 What does a computer do?
a computer is capable of performing data processing at incredible speed without
human intervention in the process
3 What are the
components of a
1- CPU.
2- Motherboard
3- RAM
4- Monitor.
5- Keyboard.
6- Mouse.
7- Video card.
8- Storage

4 Have you got a computer

at home? What type is it?
if I have a computer at
home it is a laptop

What do you generally use your computer for

I generally use my computer for entertainment or homework

Component (acronym)
The word hardware refers to all the components you can physically see such as the CPU
(Central Processing Unit), the internal memory system, the mass storage system, the
peripherals (input and output devices) and the connecting system.

Software, instead, comprises all the computer programs and related data that provide the
instructions for a computer to work properly.

The CPU is the brains of your computer
(Arithmetic Logic Unit), which carries out the instructions of a program to perform
arithmetical and logical

(Control Unit), which controls the system and coordinates all the operations. In order to
memorise input and output data, there is an internal memory that can be distinguished into
volatile and non-volatile. Volatile memory is memory that loses its contents when the
computer or hardware device is off.

(Random Access Memory) is a good example of volatile memory. It is the main memory of
the computer where all data can be stored as long as the machine is on.

(Read Only Memory), for example, contains essential and permanent information and
software which allow the computer to work properly.
A USB flash drive is a flash memory data storage device integrated with a USB (Universal
Serial Bus) interface. USB flash drives are removable and rewritable, and they're small
enough to be carried in a (1) pocket. These portable drives are faster, have thousands of
times more capacity, and are more durable and reliable than CD-ROMs because of their
lack of (2) moving parts. Unlike most removable drives, a USB drive does not require
rebooting after it's attached, they are very robust and use very little power. They just need
to be (3) plugged into a USB port to work and they're compatible with any modern (4)
operating system, such as Linux, Mac OS X and Windows.
A flash drive consists of a small printed circuit (5) board carrying the circuit elements and a
USB connector, insulated electrically and protected inside a plastic (6) case The drive is
often used as a (7) backup medium to save data, because it is very user-friendly and it can
be carried (8) disadvantage for safety despite being large enough for several backups.
Moreover, flash drives are cheaper and less fragile than many other backup systems. Its
only (9) off-site is that it can be easily lost because of its size and it's easy for people
without a right to data to take illicit backups. Some specially manufactured flash drives are
provided with a metal or rubber case designed to be waterproof and almost unbreakable.
It's been tested that these flash drives can retain their memory even after being
submerged in (10) water put in a washing machine and run over with a car.

Find the synonyms for the following words in the text.
1 long-lasting: dragged on
2 sturdies: solid
3 inserted: introduce
4 easy to use: ergonomic
5 fabricated: produced
6 hold: request
Read the text again and decide if the following statements are true (T) or false (F), then
correct the false ones.
1 Flash drives are provided with a very limited storage capacity. (F)
2 They are lighter that other removable drives. (T)
3 They need an external power supply to work. (T)
4 USB flash drives are compatible with few operating systems. (F)
5 A plastic case prevents the printed circuit board from being damaged. (T)
6 USB drives are convenient for transferring data between computers or for personal
backups. T
7 They are more expensive than other backup systems. (F)
8 Some models continue to work even after being accidentally dropped into water. (T)

We call hardware the equipment involved in the functioning of a computer. It consists of
several components that can either send data to the computer (input devices) or convert
and transfer data out of the computer in the form of text, sound, image, or other media
(output devices). The main input and output devices are: (1): monitor this is the display,
which helps you control computer operations. It accepts video signals from a computer
and shows information on a screen. The first models used cathode ray tubes (CRTs),
which was the dominant technology until they were replaced by liquid crystal displays
(LCDs) in the 21 set Century. (2): keyboard this is like a typewriter with an arrangement of
keys corresponding to written symbols. It is generally used to type text and numbers in a
word processor. However, there are some special keys or combination of keys which,
pressed simultaneously, can produce actions or computer commands. (3): mouse this is a
dynamic pointing device used to move the cursor on the screen. It consists of a plastic
case, a little ball that sends impulses to the computer when rolled on a flat surface, one or
more buttons, and a cable that connects the device to the computer. Modern computers
are provided with built-in pointing devices that let you control the cursor by simply moving
your finger over a pad. (4): scanner this captures images from printed pages or photos and
converts them into digital data. They usually come with software that lets you resize or
modify a captured image. (5): printer this receives text and graphics from a computer and
transfers the information to paper. It may vary in size, speed, sophistication, and cost. In
general, more expensive models are used for higher-resolution color printing. (6):
speakers this converts electrical signals into sounds and allows you to listen to music,
multimedia web sites and conversations with other people. (7) modem this is a device or
program that enables a computer to transmit data over telephone lines, by converting
digital signals into analog waves. It can be either internal or external to your computer. (8)
disk drivers. these are devices that allow you to read and write data on disks. They can be
either mounted inside the computer and store the computer operating system and all the
documents and programs, or come in the form of removable devices.

7. Work in pairs. Look at the picture in exercise 6 and decide if the components are input
(I) or output (0) devices.
Mouse (I)
Speakers (O)
Modem (O)
Keyboard (I)
Printer (O)
Disk drivers (I)
Scanner (I)

Read the texts again and answer the questions.
1 What does a desktop computer consist of?
A desktop computer is designed to be located in a specific place where its components
can be changed to improve them
2 Are desktop computers designed to be carried around?
not since they are very robust and large to be carried everywhere
3 Who are laptops useful for?
When They are useful for people who do not have a stable workplace and need a good
homework computer that can be transported anywhere.
4 What is the difference between a netbook and a laptop?
the difference between a laptop and a notebook is that the notebook is a computer with
limited capabilities while the laptop is more like a desktop pc

5 How can you access or enter information on a palmtop?

information is entered through a touch screen or external devices
6 What are mainframes used for?
these are used as computer servers since they can perform large amounts of accurate

The Internet is a worldwide information system consisting of countless networks and
computers, which allow millions of people to share information and data. Thanks to the
Internet it is now possible for people all over the world to communicate with one another in
a fast and cheap way. The Internet was first invented in the 1960s in the USA by the
Department of Defense as an internal project to link computers. The Department wanted
an extremely safe way of sending messages in case of nuclear attack. It was a British
physicist, Sir Timothy Berners-Lee, ‘, who used it to make information available to '
everyone and created the most important media of the 21 six century. In 1980 while
working at CERN in Geneva - the largest particle physics laboratory in the world - he first
thought of using hypertext to share and update information among researchers. Then in
1989-90 he produced a plan to link hypertext to the Internet to create the World Wide Web.
He designed and built the first site browser and editor, as well as the first web server
called hatted (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Daemon). Hypertext are the words or chains of
words in a text we can click on to be linked to new sites whose content is related to the
words. But how does this global system work? It is a network of people and information
linked together by telephone lines which are connected to computers. The applications are
based on a client/server relationship, in which your computer is the client and a remote
computer is the server. All you need to join this system is a computer, a normal telephone
line, a modem and an account with an Internet Service Provider (ISP), a company that
provides access to the Internet. A user buys a subscription to a service provider, which
gives him/her an identifying username, a password and an email address. With a
computer and a modem, the user can connect to the service provider's computer which
gives access to many services, such as WWW (world wide web), emails and FTP (file
transfer protocol).

1 The Internet allows people to share information and data.

2 In the 1960s, the Internet was used the USA by the Department of Defense as an
internal project to link computers.
3 Thanks to Sir Timothy Berners-Lee who used it to make information available to '
everyone and created the most important media of the 21 six century.
4 He created the World Wide Web by linking He designed and built the first site browser
and editor, as well as the first web server called hatted (Hypertext Transfer Protocol
5 All you need to access the Internet is you need to join this system is a computer, a
normal telephone line, a modem and an account with an Internet Service Provider
6 The ISP is a company that provides access to the Internet
11. Write a summary of the text in exercise 10 following the flow chart.

the importance of internet in the modern world since it gives the possibility of connecting
with any person in the world, regardless of the language barrier, its geographical position,
it is also an important means of communication since it allows us to be informed of the
news that is happening in the world almost instantly

We have Internet origin with Arpanet (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network or
Network of the Agency for Advanced Research Projects of the United States). In the year
of his birth, 1969, when ARPANET was born, the first connection between Stanford and
UCLA computers appeared and two years after the first sending of an email was made

In the 1990s, a significant increase in the potential that was evidenced in internet
technology was evident since this decadence it was possible to standardize emails, mp3
and the first browsers with images emerged, giving rise to precarious purchases on the
Internet and at the end of the decade the browser and the most powerful company were
born google

when contracting the online service, the operator gives us an identification number for our
device with which we can navigate the network where our information is stored on servers
where, through protocols, they will give us access to the other servers

I currently use the Internet for communication, leisure and delivery of my jobs, since in our
country internet coverage is limited

dial-up It used to be the most common way to access the Internet. This type of connection
requires you to use a landline telephone connection and a modem connected to your
computer. In order to establish the connection, you must dial a telephone number provided
by the ISP. Nowadays it represents the cheapest but slowest way to connect to the
Internet. Another disadvantage of this type of connection is that you cannot make or
receive phone calls while connected to the Internet.
A digital subscriber line is another way to connect to the Internet through a telephone
connection, but the quality and speed of the connection is significantly greater than a dial-
up connection. Moreover, unlike a dialup connection, this connection is always on, which
means you can still make and receive telephone calls with your landline telephone.

3 cable in order to have this type of connection you must subscribe to an account with a
local cable television provider and connect a cable modem to your computer. This
connection is very fast and doesn't interfere with your telephone line.
4 wireless_ This is one of the newest Internet connection types. This connection does not
require your computer to be connected to telephone or cable wires, as it uses radio
frequency bands. You simply need a modem and an account with an Internet provider.
Nowadays, many coffee shops, restaurants, public libraries and schools offer this type of
connection for free. However, it is typically more expensive and mainly available in
metropolitan areas.
5 satellite This type of connection allows a user to access the Internet via a satellite that
orbits the earth. Because of the enormous distances signals must travel, this connection is
slightly slower than terrestrial connections through cables. It represents an excellent option
for people living in rural areas where other types of connections are not available.


backup / copier de seguridad

to process / en proceso
case / caja
rebooting close to hand / reinicio manual
to recharge / recargable
countless / incontables
reliability / fiabilidad
illicit / ilicito
removable / removible
to interfere / interfas
to retain / retener
key / llave o clave
sophistication / sofisticacion
keyboard / teclado
storage /almacenamiento
landline / telefono fijo
subscription / suscripcion
lap top /portatil
tower /torre
to link /enlazar
typewriter / maquina de escribir
mainframe / marco principal
user-friendly / facil de usar
palmtop / paltop
washing machine / lavadora
to perform /actuar
waterproof / impermeable

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