Pavement Structures: 11.1 Seasonal Frost Areas

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A pavement structure is composed of one or more layers that 11.1 Seasonal Frost Areas
transfer and distribute loads applied by vehicles to the
underlying natural subgrade soils. Permanent-type pave- The pavement design method selected will normally be made
ments in seasonal and permafrost areas require that there in favor of the one with lowest cost. The mechanistic design
should be no interruption of traffic at any time due to differ- procedure, under development by the U.S. Army Cold Regions
ential heave, reduction in load-supporting capacity, or dete- Research and Engineering Laboratory (Bigl and Berg 1996), is
rioration of the pavement resulting from low temperature intended for use by the Federal Highway Administration. Cli-
cracking or weakening during critical thaw periods. Pave- matic variables of precipitation, temperature, and soil moisture
ment design involves determination of the required thickness content are integrated into the mechanistic model. The limited
for each layer and the combined thickness of all layers above subgrade frost penetration method (Departments of the Army
the subgrade so that the pavement structure will have ade-

and Air Force USA 1985) includes pavements in locations

quate resistance to distortion by frost heave and to cracking where subgrade soils are so variable (some glaciated areas) that
and distortion under traffic loads as affected by seasonal the required subgrade preparation would not be sufficient to
variation of supporting capacity. The design objective is to restrict differential frost heave. In other cases, special opera-
determine the lowest-cost pavement system for which the tional demands (restrictions on pavement roughness) may
rate of deterioration under traffic loads and environmental require that subgrade frost penetration be strictly limited or

conditions will be acceptably low. prevented. The reduced subgrade strength method (Depart-
The four pavement design methods described here ments of the Army and Air Force USA 1985) does not limit
include (1) the mechanistic model, (2) limited subgrade penetration of frost into the subgrade, but it determines a com-
frost penetration, (3) reduced subgrade strength, and (4) the bined thickness of pavement, base, and subbase that will ade-
AASHTO guidelines. The mechanistic analyses of stresses quately carry traffic loads over the design life. This approach

and strains yield a fundamental basis for the estimation of relies on uniform subgrade conditions, adequate subgrade
pavement deformation, roughness, and fatigue life. Infor- preparation, and transitions between different pavement sec-
mation on base course composition and subgrade prepara- tions to control pavement surface roughness resulting from dif-
tion for control of differential frost heaving is included. The ferential heave.

use of insulation materials in pavements to restrict or pre-

vent the advance of freezing temperatures into frost-suscep-
Mechanistic Model
tible subgrade soils and to provide thaw protection in per-
mafrost areas is described. Differential icing and the Pavement structure design based on the mechanistic model
problem of frost action below culverts are addressed. For involves (1) predicting stresses, strains, and deflections for a
low traffic volume roads with less stringent design stand- specified pavement geometry and magnitude of wheel loading;
ards, the use of load restrictions during spring thaw to and (2) adjusting the properties and thickness of pavement lay-
maintain pavement design life and serviceability is outlined. ers to ensure that these predicted stresses, strains, and deflec-
In addition, special problems discussed below include longi- tions are within allowable limits for the number of load appli-
tudinal and thermal cracking of pavements, the use of mem- cations that will occur over the service life of the pavement.
brane-encapsulated soil layers, and the presence of ice Critical locations in the pavement structure (Fig. 11-1) selected
wedges in permafrost. for calculation of strains include tensile strain (et) at the bot-


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using several available damage models. The behavior is nor-

mally modeled for a 1-year period, with output on a daily basis.
By assuming that results from a single year will be repeated
annually, the number of applications to failure is estimated.
Detailed results for the Mn/ROAD test facility based on the
mechanistic pavement design procedure are presented by Bigl
and Berg (1996).
When the accumulated damage reaches the limiting criteria,
the pavement is assumed to have failed by fatigue cracking
caused by tensile stresses at the bottom of the asphalt concrete
(AC) or by rutting caused by excessive deformation of the sub-

grade. For underdesign relative to the asphalt concrete, the cor-

rection may involve a thicker upper layer, a thicker or stiffer
base, or a more fatigue-resistant asphalt concrete mix. When
the problem is the subgrade, the pavement must be thickened,
stiffened, or the subgrade stabilized. Pavement capacity can
FIGURE 11-1 Critical strain locations in the mechanistic also be increased using a thicker asphalt concrete surface layer,

design method. cement-treated base, untreated base or subbase, subgrade stabi-
lization, or a combination. For overdesign, layer thickness or
treatments can be reduced and the pavement life reestimated.
tom of the surface layer and vertical compressive strain (ev) at
the top of the subgrade. Predicted strains must not exceed max-
imum allowable values for a specified number of load repeti- Limited Subgrade Frost Penetration Method
tions. These criteria relate to surface layer fatigue failure (alliga- The limited subgrade frost penetration design method recog-
tor cracking) and subgrade rutting failure (surface depression nizes that as the pavement structure is made thicker it is more
in the wheel rut). Several problems are not addressed by the able to resist frost heave without distress. A small depth of
mechanistic model: pavement distress and failure due to freezing into a frost-susceptible subgrade can be allowed with-
asphalt stripping (moisture susceptibility), low
temperature cracking, rutting from plastic
deformation in the asphalt concrete, and

reflection cracking through an overlay.

Stresses, strains, and deflections are pre-
dicted using resilient moduli of available mate-
rials and multilayer elastic theory. Resilient
modulus testing of materials and results from

the Minnesota Road Research project are

described by Berg et al. (1996). The CRREL
mechanistic pavement design procedure (Bigl
and Berg 1996) consists of four computer pro-

CUMDAM (Fig. 11-2). FROST predicts the

amount of frost heave and thaw settlement of
the pavement structure based on conditions
throughout the depth of the structure (tem-

perature, water content, pore water pressure,

ice content, and density) at a given increment.
TRANSFORM uses the output from FROST as
input and divides the pavement structure into
“layers” based on moisture or temperature
conditions. Each layer is assigned a resilient
modulus, Poisson’s ratio, and density value.
NELAPAV, a nonlinear layered elastic pro-
gram, calculates stresses, strains, and deflec-
tions at specified locations within a pavement
profile when a load is applied to the surface.
CUMDAM calculates the incremental and FIGURE 11-2 Flowchart for the CRREL mechanistic design procedure.
cumulative damage the pavement undergoes Source: Reproduced from Bigl and Berg 1996.

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out detriment to the pavement structure (Departments of the from the design freezing index before entering Fig. 11-4. Add the
Army and Air Force USA 1985). A design chart (Fig. 11-3) extra concrete pavement thickness to the frost penetration (a).
specifies that a portion of the total frost penetration requires Compute the base thickness (c) required for zero frost pene-
non-frost-susceptible materials. The remaining frost penetra- tration into the subgrade (Fig. 11-3) and the ratio (r) as follows:
tion is allowed to occur in reasonably uniform frost-susceptible c=a–p (11.1-1)
subgrade soils.
The procedure requires average water contents and dry unit r = ws /wb (11.1-2)
weights for the base and subgrade materials at the start of the where p is surface layer thickness, ws the subgrade water con-
freezing season. For a base course with successive layers—each tent, and wb the base water content. Enter Fig. 11-4 with c as the
with different fractions of fine material, moisture contents, and abscissa, then vertically to the r line, and read the base thickness
dry densities—layers should be weighted in proportion to layer (b) on the left scale, and the allowable subgrade frost penetra-

thickness. If layers of bound and granular base are used, the aver- tion (s) on the right scale. The value determined for b will result

age may be assumed equal to the moisture content and dry unit in sufficient thickness of material between the frost-susceptible
weight of the material in the granular unbound base. With this subgrade and surface layer so that a subgrade frost penetration
information, the frost penetration (a) is determined for the of s should not cause excessive differential heave for the design
design freezing index (Fig. 11-4) in a base material of unlimited freezing index. The water content ratio (r) of 3.0 is considered
depth beneath a 12-in.- (305-mm) thick rigid or bituminous to be the maximum and should be used even though the data

pavement kept free of snow or ice. For rigid pavements with may suggest a higher value. The maximum limit for the ratio r
thickness greater than 12 in. (305 mm), deduct 10 °F · days (5.6 recognizes that not all moisture in fine-grained soils will freeze
°C · days) for each inch of pavement exceeding 12 in. (305 mm) at temperatures that penetrate the subgrade soils. For critical

FIGURE 11-3 Design depth of non-frost-susceptible base for limited subgrade frost
Notes: a = combined thickness of pavement and non-frost-susceptible base for zero frost penetration into
subgrade; c = a – p; wb = water content of base; ws = water content of subgrade; and r = ws /wb , not to
exceed 2.0 for type A and B areas on airfields and 3.0 for the other pavements.
Source: Reproduced from Departments of the Army and Air Force USA 1985.

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b) c)

FIGURE 11-4 Frost penetration beneath pavements: (a) soil density, 135 pcf (21.2 kN/m3) and 150 pcf (23.6 kN/m3); (b) soil

density, 115 pcf (18.1 kN/m3); (c) soil density, 100 pcf (15.7 kN/m3).
Source: Reproduced from Departments of the Army and Air Force USA 1985.

areas, a more conservative value of 2.0 may be appropriate, and, in rigid- type pavements, limiting the maximum slab
thereby resulting in less frost heave when compared with other dimensions to 15 ft (4.6 m) without the use of reinforcement;
pavements. (3) or reducing the required combined structure thickness by
When the combined thickness of pavement and base exceeds use of a subbase of uniform fine sand, with high moisture when
60 in. (1.5 m), consideration should be given to the following drained, in lieu of a more free-draining material.
alternatives (Departments of the Army and Air Force USA The first two alternatives may result in a greater surface
1985): (1) limiting total combined thickness to 60 in. and, in roughness than obtained under the basic design method
rigid-type pavements, using steel reinforcement to prevent because of greater subgrade frost penetration. For alternative
large cracks; (2) limiting total combined thickness to 60 in. (3), normal base course drainage requirements must still be

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satisfied. On the basis of local experience, less total thickness of TABLE 11-1 Thawed Subgrade Soil Support Indices for
the surface layer and base than indicated by the basic design Flexible Pavement Design
method may be used. The combined thickness of the surface Soil frost groupa Soil support index
layer and base should not be less than would be required by the F1, S1 9.0
non-frost criteria. Base course composition requirements are
F2, S2 6.5
described in a later section.
F3, F4 3.5
■ EXAMPLE 11.1-1: Pavement construction is planned for a a
See Fig. 2-14 and Table 2-7.
site with a design air freezing index of 1,620 °F · days (900 °C · Source: After Departments of the Army and Air Force USA 1985.
days). The pavement structure will include 3.9 in. (100 mm) of
asphalt concrete over a gravel base compacted to a dry unit
weight of 135 pcf (21.2 kN/m3) at a water content of 7%. The seasonal frost effects. This section will describe how seasonal

uniform silty clay subgrade soil has a dry unit weight of 115.9 frost effects are included in the CBR design procedures used for
pcf (18.2 kN/m3) at a water content of 15%. Determine the nonfrost areas.
gravel base thickness required for the limited subgrade frost Three soil groups (Table 11-1), based on their frost suscepti-
penetration method. bility classification, are used for the CBR design procedure. Soil
Solution: The depth of frost penetration for the design freez- support index values are used as if they were CBR values that

ing index of 1,620 °F · days, base dry unit weight of 135.0 pcf, these soils would be expected to retain in service during the
and water content of 7% is close to 78.2 in. (1.99 m), as is spring thaw. They represent weighted average values for an
shown by Fig. 11-4a. Compute the base course thickness c = a – annual cycle and are approximately 10 to 15 percent of CBR
p = 78.2 – 3.9 = 74.3 in. Compute the water content ratio r = values for the no-freeze condition. When the reduced subgrade
ws /wb = 15/7= 2.1. Enter Fig. 11-3 with c = 74.3 in., then verti- strength method is used for F4 subgrade soils (Table 2-7), rig-
cally to the intersection with line r = 2.1, and then horizontally. orous control of subgrade preparation must be required so as
Read the design base thickness b = 42.1 in. (1.07 m). This base to minimize significant differential heaving and cracking of the
thickness will limit frost penetration into the subgrade (Fig. 11- surface layer.
3) to about s = 10.7 in. (272 mm). For rigid pavements and frost conditions, design procedures
of the Departments of the Army and Air Force allow use of
either the older modulus of reaction method (Departments of
Reduced Subgrade Strength Method
the Army and Air Force USA 1977) or the elastic layered

Freezing winter temperatures followed by a spring warm-up method (Departments of the Army and Air Force USA 1987).
period and thawing may create conditions responsible for a sig- As for flexible pavements, the elastic layered method has not
nificant loss of strength (stiffness) in base and subgrade layers. been approved for frost conditions. For rigid pavements and
During the critical thaw period, loads must be reduced from frost conditions, the design criteria use the modulus of reaction
those normally allowed, or the pavement structure must be (k) as a measure of the support provided by the subgrade.
designed so as to support these loads. The use of seasonal load Because the base thickness affects the subgrade modulus, this is

limits is not acceptable for some important roads or airfields. accounted for in Fig. 11-5 as an input variable. A minimum
The reduced subgrade strength method recognizes that for base thickness of 4 in. (100 mm) is specified to ensure adequate
broad classes of base and soil materials, there are minimum val- protection for marginal conditions and to provide needed
ues that can serve as a lower bound. For most of the year, the drainage. This base layer must meet the requirements for free-
soil will be much stronger. The method can be used for both draining materials as well as filter criteria.

flexible and rigid pavements wherever the subgrade is reason-

ably uniform or can be made reasonably uniform using appro-
AASHTO Guidelines
priate subgrade preparation. When a thickness determined by
the reduced subgrade strength method exceeds that determined Frost heave is treated in terms of the differential effects on the

for the limited subgrade frost penetration method, the smaller longitudinal profile of the road surface (AASHTO 1993a). If
design can be used, provided that it is at least equal to the thick- experience indicates that frost heave will occur (relatively) uni-
ness required for nonfrost conditions. This design procedure formly along the length of the roadway with little effect on road
usually requires less pavement thickness as compared with the roughness and loss of serviceability, this model should be
limited subgrade frost penetration method (Departments of applied. This design model should also be applied if it is antici-
the Army and Air Force USA 1985). pated that an improved drainage system and/or use of frost
For flexible pavement design and conditions that do not control procedures (e.g., placement of non-frost-susceptible
involve frost action, either the California Bearing Ratio (CBR) material) will eliminate the potential for frost heaving. For the
design procedure or the resilient modulus based elastic layer latter case, the frost heave rate must be low or approach zero.
method (Departments of the Army and Air Force USA 1987) AASHTO (1993a) allows considerable latitude for each design
are suitable. The elastic layer method, described under the agency to use local experience with soil types in their design for
mechanistic model, is still under development and includes frost heave prevention.

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TABLE 11-2 Drainage Quality Factors

Drainage quality Water removed within
Excellent 1/2 day
Good 1 day
Fair 1 week
Poor 1 month
Very poor (Never removed)
Source: AASHTO 1993a.

This curve is used as a component in the AASHTO (1993a)

design procedure for pavement structures.

Base Course Composition

A base course is the layer or material below the pavement wear-
ing surface, and the subbase is the layer of material between the
base and subgrade. Base courses are constructed of stone frag-
ments, slag, soil-aggregate mixtures, or granular materials and
may be treated with asphalt, Portland cement, lime, or lime-
cement-flyash (LCF) additives. For asphalt pavements, the base
course lies close to the surface; hence, it must posses high resis-
tance to deformation to withstand the high pressures imposed
on it. A subbase can be of lower quality. Base courses are used
FIGURE 11-5 Frost-area index of reaction for highway pave- under rigid pavements to (1) prevent pumping, (2) protect
ment design. against frost action, (3) provide drainage, (4) increase struc-
Source: Reproduced from Departments of the Army and Air Force USA 1985. tural capacity, and (5) expedite construction. Under asphalt
concrete pavements, base courses and subbases provide added

Frost heave rate defines the increase in frost heave roughness stiffness and resistance to fatigue, as well as relatively thick lay-
(mm per day), which depends on the type of roadbed material ers to distribute load through a finite thickness of materials.
and its content of fine-grained material. AASHTO (1993a) uses For both flexible and rigid pavement structures under which
the frost susceptibility chart (Fig. 2-14) to estimate the rate of subgrade freezing will occur, unbound base materials must be
heave. The maximum potential serviceability loss due to frost free draining. Base materials bound with some type of cement-

heave depends on the quality of drainage and the depth of frost ing material are a special topic and are not considered in this
penetration. The distinction between levels of drainage quality introduction. Gradations for free-draining, rapid-draining,
(Table 11-2) is left to the engineer to identify for each project. and open-graded base materials are given in Table 11-3. The
The maximum potential serviceability loss due to heave open-graded base is desirable when the pavement is permeable,
depends on the drainage quality and frost depth penetration or where large runoff quantities occur (a spring melt of snow

(Fig. 11-6). The relationships in Fig. 11-6 may also be used to banks along pavement sides). The bottom 4 in. (100 mm) of a
identify the quality of drainage (or thickness of non-frost-sus- granular base is designated as free draining and non-frost-sus-
ceptible material) needed to control the maximum serviceabil- ceptible. This granular material should be designed as a filter
ity loss. Note that the graph represents more of a qualitative between the subgrade soil and overlying base course material.

than quantitative relationship between the three factors. The intent is to prevent subgrade soil from working up into
Frost heave probability is based on the engineer’s estimate of coarse overlying material under the kneading action of traffic
the percentage of the project area that will experience frost during the frost melting period. Gravelly sand or sand (frost
heave. Past experience along with information on the frost sus- group S1 or S2, Table 2-7) processed to a proper gradation is
ceptibility of roadbed materials, drainage quality, number of most commonly used as filter material. The following criteria
freeze-thaw cycles during the year, and frost depth penetration (U.S. Army 1979) will provide the desired gradation:
should be considered. With the three frost factors (frost heave
rate, drainage, and frost depth) defined, the serviceability loss D15(filter)/D15 (subsoil) £ 5 (11.1-3)
can be obtained from Fig. 11-7. The time t used with Fig. 11-7 D15(filter)/D85 (subsoil) ≥ 5 (11.1-4)
should equal the analysis period. The frost heave serviceability
loss PSIPH should be combined with swelling serviceability loss The filter requirement can also be satisfied using a filter cloth
PSISW (if applicable) to give a curve for total cumulative envi- manufactured from nylon, polyester, or polypropylene, accord-
ronmental serviceability loss PSISW,PH versus time (Fig. 11-8). ing to specified characteristics.

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FIGURE 11-6 Graph for estimating maximum serviceability loss due to frost penetration

and drainage quality.

Source: Reproduced with permission from AASHTO 1993a. Copyright 1993 American Association of State Highway
and Transportation Officials.

Subgrade Preparation
TABLE 11-3 Gradations for Free-Draining, Rapid-Draining, and

To minimize differential frost heave, subgrades in which freez- Open-Graded Base Materials
ing will occur must be prepared so as to achieve a high degree Percentage passing U.S. Standard Sieve
of uniformity of soil conditions. In fill sections, the least frost-
Sieve size Free-draining Rapid-draining Open-graded
susceptible soils are to be placed in the upper portion of the
subgrade by temporarily stockpiling the better materials, cross (1) (2) (3) (4)

hauling, and selective grading. If the upper layers of fill contain 37.5 mm (1.5 in.) 70–100 100 100
frost-susceptible soils, the completed section must be subjected 25 mm (1 in.) 45–80 70–100 100
to the subgrade preparation procedures required for cut sec- 19 mm (3/4 in.) 55–100 90–100
tions. In cut sections, the subgrade must be scarified and exca- 13 mm (1/2 in.) 60 40–80 40–80

vated to a prescribed depth, then the excavated materials must

9.5 mm (3/8 in.) 30–65 30–50
be windrowed and bladed successively until thoroughly
blended, relaid, and compacted. Stones exposed during sub- 4.8 mm (No. 4) 20–50 10–50 0–5
grade preparation, larger than 6 in. (150 mm), should be 2.4 mm (No. 8) 0–25 0–2
removed to the full depth to which subgrade preparation is 2.0 mm (No. 10) 16–40
required. The depth of subgrade preparation (Departments of 1.2 mm (No. 16) 0–5
the Army and Air Force USA 1985), measured downward from 0.42 mm (No. 40) 5–25
the top of the subgrade, shall be the lesser of (1) 24 in. (60
0.15 mm (No. 100) 0–10
mm); (2) two-thirds of the frost penetration given by Fig. 11-4,
less the actual combined thickness of the surface layer, base, 0.075 mm (No. 200) 0–2
and subbase courses; or (3) 72 in. (1.8 m), less the actual com- Note: Empty cells mean not applicable.
bined thickness of the surface layer, base, and subbase. The pre- Sources: Allen 1991; U.S. Army 1989.
pared subgrade must meet applicable compaction require-

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FIGURE 11-7 Chart for estimating serviceability loss due to frost heave.
Notes: Nomograph solves: DPSIFM = 0.01 · PF · DPSIMAX[1 – e–(02 × f·t)]. Example: t = 15 years; f = 5 mm/day; P = 30%; and PSIMAX = 2.0.
Solution: DPSIFH = 0.47.
Source: Reproduced with permission from AASHTO 1993a. Copyright 1993 American Association of State Highway and Transportation


ments (Departments of the Army and Air Force USA 1978), frost-susceptible material. To prevent boulder heaves from
which can vary, depending on soil type and traffic types. damaging the pavement, all stones larger than 150 mm (6 in.)

Exceptions to the basic requirements for subgrade prepara- should be removed from the subgrade materials to the depth
tion (Departments of the Army and Air Force USA 1985) that may experience freezing. At transitions from cut to fill,
include subgrades (1) known to be non-frost-susceptible to the abrupt changes in soil conditions must not be permitted
depth prescribed for subgrade preparation and (2) known to (Departments of the Army and Air Force USA 1985). The sub-
contain no frost-susceptible layers or lenses. No preparation for grade in cut sections should be removed and backfilled with
control of frost heaving is needed for this case. Exception (2) material, as is shown in Fig. 11-9.
includes fine-grained subgrades containing moisture well in Drains, culverts, or utility ducts placed below the pavement
excess of the optimum for compaction, with no feasible means structure on frost-susceptible subgrades frequently experience
of drainage. When these fine-grained subgrades exist at the site, differental heaving. When possible, the placement of these
frost protection can be achieved with non-frost-susceptible fill facilities beneath pavements should be avoided. The practice of
material. The grade can be raised by an amount equal to the constructing the pavement structure followed by excavating
depth of subgrade preparation or by undercutting and replac- through the base and subbase to place drains, culverts, and the
ing the wet, fine-grained subgrade to the same depth with non- like creates a discontinuity. It is very difficult to compact mate-

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constructed over them with no break. This

procedure will give maximum uniformity
for structural support and will reduce the
potential for differential heave.
A poor experience record with combina-
tion drains intercepting both surface and
subsurface water (Departments of the Army
and Air Force USA 1985) indicates that filter
material should not be continuous to the
surface, as is shown in the “incorrect” col-
umn of Fig. 11-10. This detail allows winter
thaw water accumulating at the pavement

edge to drain into the base course. In addi-
tion, the filter is a poor surface layer and is
subject to clogging. More space between the
drain and the pavement allows for easier
repair. A geotextile filter between the adja-

cent soil and granular filter materials (Fig.
11-10) will prevent movement of fine mate-
rials into the filter.

11.2 Permafrost Areas

In permafrost areas, design considerations
for pavement structures include frost action
(heave and thaw weakening), permafrost
degradation (thaw settlement), drainage
(including icings), and thermal contraction
cracking (pavements and earth materials).

FIGURE 11-8 An example of cumulative serviceability loss due to frost heave and
swelling for a specific location. The latter two items are discussed in sections
Source: Reproduced with permission from AASHTO 1993a. Copyright 1993 American Association of 9.1 and 11.5, respectively. Two principal con-
State Highway and Transportation Officials. cepts important in the design and construc-
tion of pavement structures on permafrost
include (1) the “active” approach, where

preservation of permafrost is not possible or

practicable and the consequences are allowed
for in design; and (2) the “passive” approach,
where the roadbed is constructed with the
intent of preserving the permafrost. Both

approaches may be employed on any appre-

ciable length of highway crossing highly vari-
able terrain. The design must be based on the
optimum utilization of available materials,

FIGURE 11-9 Tapered transition used where embankment material differs from with consideration given to their construc-
natural subgrade soils in cut. tion quality and the cost of alternate sources.
Source: Reproduced from Departments of the Army and Air Force USA 1985. Most highways in Canadian permafrost areas
have a gravel surface (Argue et al. 1981). It is
usual practice to wait several years after con-
rials in a trench to the same degree as the adjacent materials. struction of the main gravel-surfaced embankment before plac-
Fine-grained soils incorporated into the materials during the ing a pavement, so that major changes in the ground thermal
process of excavation and backfilling during trench construc- regime, settlement, and heave have time to occur.
tion will worsen the frost heave. These problems can be avoided
or minimized using the “correct” method shown in Fig. 11-10
Thaw Protection
for drains. Details shown for culverts and ducts in Fig. 11-11
will help avoid differential heaving. All drains or similar fea- Construction of an unsurfaced road causes a radical change in
tures should be placed first and the base and subbase materials the heat exchange at the ground surface and consequently in

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FIGURE 11-10 Subdrain details for cold regions.

Source: Reproduced from Department of the Army and Air Force USA 1985.

FIGURE 11-11 Transitions for culverts beneath pavements.

Source: Reproduced from Departments of the Army and Air Force USA 1985.

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the previously existing ground thermal regime (Berg and materials of high albedo (high reflectivity to solar radiation),
Quinn 1977). In winter, the road embankment and ground the n-factor for asphalt concrete is reduced to about 1.5. With
below are generally cooler than the adjacent snow-covered this technique, the surface material (white paint) will wear off
natural ground, because the snow cover is usually removed or under heavy traffic and painted areas may have a lower coeffi-
compacted by traffic. Its insulating effect is therefore lost or cient of friction.
greatly reduced. The snow removed is usually deposited on the
side slopes to a greater depth than on nearby undisturbed ter- ■ EXAMPLE 11.2-1: Site conditions include an air-thaw index
rain. This snow provides greater insulation and may cause a of 555 °C · days and an average wind velocity of 2.4 + m/s.
somewhat warmer ground thermal regime under the side Determine the thaw depth below an asphalt concrete pavement
slopes as compared with the road and adjacent undisturbed placed on granular soils with a density of 2.16 Mg/m3 at a water
terrain. This leads to embankment instability and longitudinal content close to 7%.
cracking of the roadway surface as a result of thaw and consol-

Solution: Using Fig. 11-12, enter the chart with the air-thaw

idation at the toe of the slope (Fig. 9-25). Designs for uninsu- index of 555 °C · days. Move horizontally to the line (asphalt
lated and insulated highway embankments on permafrost are concrete) representing a wind velocity of 2.4+ m/s. Next drop
illustrated in Fig. 9-5. Information on insulation design vertically to the granular soil line corresponding to a density of
requirements and construction methods is presented in Sec- 2.16 Mg/m3 with a water content of 7%. Now move horizon-
tion 11.3. tally to the left and read a thaw depth close to 2.3 m.

In deep, ice-rich permafrost, the only satisfactory long-term Comment: The chart provides a quick estimate of thaw
solution is the “passive” approach. For the uninsulated case, depth. More accurate values can be computed using methods
this is done by placing a layer of non-frost-susceptible material described in Section 3.2.
over the permafrost to a depth sufficient to retain the active
zone within the overlay. In cold permafrost areas (mean ground
Reduced Subgrade Strength Method
temperature close to –11 °C), a non-frost-susceptible gravel or
sand layer thickness of about 1.5 m is usually adequate to pre- Over warm and discontinuous permafrost, it is appropriate to
vent thawing of the underlying permafrost (Berg and Quinn design pavement structures on the basis of reduced subgrade
1977). Computational methods for estimating the thaw depth strength in the active layer. The limited subgrade thaw penetra-
of frozen ground are described in Section 3.2, and frost pene- tion is not practical because it results in excessive thickness
tration depths in terms of the air freezing index for common requirements. Thickness of the pavement and non-frost-sus-
pavement structures are given in Fig. 11-4. Hennion and ceptible base are determined using thawed soil support index

Lobacz (1973) used the Berggren analysis method to develop values in the same manner as for seasonal frost (Section 11.1).
the graphical solutions for thaw depth in pavement structures Large differential surface movements are to be anticipated
presented in Fig. 11-12. The input includes pavement type, air- because the design thickness will not prevent seasonal frost
thawing index, soil data, and the average wind velocity. The heave or degradation. The amount, type, and distribution of ice
thawing index is modified by an n-factor to adjust for the in the thaw zone resulting from construction serves as an indi-
amount of solar energy absorbed by the surface material. The cator of problem areas. Possible solutions include excavation

n-factor is about 2.0 for asphalt concrete and about 1.5 for prior to construction and replacement with non-frost-suscepti-
Portland cement concrete. When the pavement is surfaced with ble materials. If ground ice is not abundant and the soil is rea-
sonably uniform, an acceptable solution may involve pavement
construction with a plan for resurfacing after pavement distor-
tions have stabilized. Placement of a pavement will change the

surface albedo and also the thermal regime. Experience (Argue

et al. 1981) has shown that renewed permafrost degradation
will then occur. Additional fill or insulation can be used to
ensure satisfactory performance of the pavement.

Unsurfaced Roads
Unsurfaced roads provide a more economical use of resources
for the low traffic frequency common to permafrost areas.
These roads are unsurfaced in that they do not have an upper
layer of asphalt or Portland cement concrete. The upper surface
material is typically an unbound gravel or crushed rock (Crory
1991). Roads on permafrost are constructed by advancing the
FIGURE 11-12 Relationship between air-thawing index and fill, by end dumping directly on the tundra (in tundra-covered
thaw depth in granular soil beneath pavements. areas), or by burying the organic mat that serves as an insulat-
Source: Reproduced with permission from Hennion and Lobacz 1973. Copy- ing layer (Crory 1991). Care is taken not to further disturb this
right 1973 National Academies Press. vegetative subgrade or the vegetation on the sides of the road.

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Cut sections or ditches are avoided whenever possible (see Sec- 11.3 Highway Insulation
tion 9.1). Roads may be constructed in the winter or summer;
however, all equipment is required to work from the new An insulated pavement system comprises conventional surface
embankment. Although oversized material and quarried mate- and base layers above an insulating material of suitable thickness
rial may be used in the base, the top course is usually select used to restrict or prevent the advance of freezing temperatures
material that can be readily graded and compacted. Most road- into a frost-susceptible subgrade. Depending on proximity to a
ways experience substantial settlements during construction borrow source, gravel availability, access, magnitude of the
and subsequent summers, requiring regrading and occasionally project, and other economic factors, the use of insulation pro-
additional gravel. vides an alternative to the use of thicker embankments. The
An unsurfaced road is designed to have a thickness of non- design of insulated pavements requires consideration of both
frost-susceptible materials (1 to 2 m) which will limit the depth thermal and structural factors. An additional layer of granular
material can be placed between the insulation and the subgrade

of thaw to acceptable levels and alleviate problems caused by

thawing of permafrost (Nixon 1979). The elevated road surface to contain a portion of the frost zone. Design involves determi-
will minimize snow accumulation and removal problems in the nation of the minimum thickness of pavement and base
winter. Fills are commonly used to build up low spots in order required above the relatively weak insulation for the distribution
to maintain a minimum thickness, without cuts on adjacent of surface traffic loads and the required insulation thickness.
higher ground. If thawing is permitted to the bottom of the Construction methods involving insulation utilize conventional

gravel fill, the design thickness should be based on the reduced road-building equipment and placement techniques. The differ-
subgrade strength. Aggregate surfaces may develop a “wash- ential icing phenomenon—which may occur over both conven-
board” or “corrugated” surface at locations where vehicles tional and insulated highways—is described in this section. A
must apply extra torque to climb a grade or to brake. If water is discussion of the use of insulation to minimize or alleviate dif-
allowed to stand on the surface, traffic will splash this water ferential heaving at a culvert or other drainage structures cross-
away, along with fines in the surface layer. Replacement of the ing the roadway pavement completes the section.
fines and grading are required to prevent formation of larger
potholes. In dry weather, dust raised by vehicles can be con-
Design Requirements
trolled by surface treatments. Guidance for the selection of
materials for the surface course is provided by the gradations Insulation materials used for roads and airfields should not
given in Table 11-4. absorb water in quantities that change its thermal and mechan-
Depending on subsoil and ground ice conditions, thawing ical properties significantly over the required service life. Labo-

will result in differential settlements. These differential settle- ratory and field tests (Departments of the Army and Air Force
ments tend to reduce with time as the depths of seasonal USA 1985) have shown that extruded polystyrene meets these
freezing and thawing stabilize after a number of years. Long- conditions. The thickness of pavement and base materials
term problems tend to persist due to frost action in the active above the insulation must be sufficient to reduce loads on the
layer and deepening of the active layer in the discontinuous insulation to not more than one-third the compressive strength
permafrost zone. These effects result in costly annual highway of the insulating material (Departments of the Army and Air

maintenance programs. Depending on the proximity to a bor- Force USA 1985). A stress analysis may be carried out once the
row source, gravel availability access, magnitude of the design wheel loading characteristics have been established.
project, and other economic factors, the use of insulation Nixon (1979) reported that it is usually sufficient to calculate
(Sections 9.1 and 11.3) provides an alternative to the use of the elastic stress distribution beneath the wheel load using the
thicker embankments. Boussinesq theory. The wheel loading is replaced by a circular

flexible loading and the stress distribution with depth calcu-

lated. On the basis of the theoretical vertical stress increment
TABLE 11-4 Recommended Gradation of Soil Aggregates for induced by a circular load intensity (p), the required thickness
Surface Courses of pavement and base (Z) to limit stress in the insulation to sa

(Nixon 1979) is
Percentage passing U.S. Standard Sieve
gradation 1
Ï ÊW ˆ ¸2
Sieve size C D E F Ô Ô
ÁË pp ˜¯
50 mm (1 in.) 100 100 100 100 Z = ÔÌ - 23
˝ (11.3-1)
25 mm (3/8 in.) 50–85 60–100 Ô È1 - Ê sa ˆ ˘ - 1 Ô
9.5 mm (No. 4) 35–65 50–85 55–100 70–100 Ô Í ÁË p ˜¯ ˙ Ô
ÓÎ ˚ ˛
2.00 mm (No. 10) 25–50 40–70 40–100 55–100
where p is tire inflation pressure, W is design wheel load, and sa
0.43 mm (No. 40) 15–30 25–45 20–50 30–70
is the allowable pressure for a specified insulation type and
0.075 mm (No. 200) 5–15 5–20 6–20 8–25
number of vehicle passes. An example of the required depth of
Note: Empty cells mean not applicable. cover as a function of wheel load and tire pressure, assuming
Source: AASHTO 1993b. that the allowable stress in the insulation is 200 or 120 kPa, is

Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons Retrieved from:


shown in Fig. 11-13. Insulation types with different compres-

sive strengths are listed in Table 3-9.
The design freezing index has been defined in Section 3.1.
For paved surfaces kept free from snow and ice, an n-factor of
0.75 is recommended (Departments of the Army and Air Force
USA 1985). The surface temperature amplitude As is obtained
from Fig. 11-14 using the freezing index and the mean annual
soil temperature. Compute vo = (mean annual soil tempera-
ture) – 32 °F. Using the ratio vo /As and the thickness of pave-
ment and base, obtain from Fig. 11-15 the thickness of
extruded polystyrene insulation needed to prevent subgrade

freezing. If the required thickness is less than about 2 to 3 in., it

usually will be economical to adopt for design the thickness
given by Fig. 11-15 and to place the insulation directly on the
subgrade. If more than 2 to 3 in. of insulation are required; it
usually will be economical to use a lesser thickness of insulation
underlain by subbase material (S1 or S2 soil, Table 2-7). Esch

(1996) noted that insulation should never be placed directly on
the permafrost surface. Alternative combinations of insulation
thickness and granular material (base and subbase) to com-
pletely contain the zone of freezing can be determined from
Fig. 11-16. The thickness of subbase needed to contain the zone
of freezing is the total depth of frost penetration less the total
thickness of pavement, base, and insulation.
FIGURE 11-13 Granular cover requirements for protection of
insulation under different wheel loads
Construction Method Source: Reproduced with permission from Nixon 1979. Copyright 1979 Cana-
dian Geotechnical Journal.
Insulated pavement construction can utilize conventional road-
building equipment and techniques. The subgrade should be

shaped and compacted in accordance with normal specifica-


FIGURE 11-14 Equivalent sinusoidal surface temperature amplitude A and initial temperature differ-
ence vo.
Source: Reproduced from Departments of the Army and Air Force USA 1985.

Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons Retrieved from:


a thickness of 150 to 200 mm. Coarse aggregates cause no

appreciable damage to the high-strength insulation surface.
When granular material is compacted to the required density,
subsequent lifts of granular materials and asphalt concrete can
be placed in the normal manner. Care should be taken to pre-
vent vehicles and heavy equipment from bearing directly on the
insulation because damage can result. For rigid pavement sec-
tions, concrete slabs can be poured directly on the insulation.
To reduce the probability of surface icing, a base course is often
placed on top of the insulation before the concrete slab is
poured. The phenomenon of surface icing is described in the
next section.

In some cases, old roads that have been seriously damaged
by frost action can be reconstructed, as is illustrated in Fig.
11-17. An insulated flexible or rigid overlay is more economi-
cal than an entirely new pavement. In some cases, the appro-
priate thickness of insulation can be placed directly onto the

FIGURE 11-15 Thickness of extruded polystyrene insulation to existing pavement and kept in place either by adhesive bond-
prevent freezing. ing to the pavement or placement of granular material on the
Notes: Design curves based on the following properties: pavement, same ther- insulation boards immediately after installation. Insulation
mal properties as upper base; base, gd = 135 pcf and w = 7%; extruded polysty- will limit the excavation depth and prevent future frost
rene insulation, gd = 2.0 pcf and k = 0.21 Btu in./ft2 · hr · °F. problems.
Source: Reproduced from Departments of the Army and Air Force USA 1985.
Differential Icing
tions prior to placement of insulation. On this subgrade sur- When fall air temperatures drop below freezing, heat move-
face, insulation boards with the desired thickness are placed in ment toward the surface over insulated pavement sections is
a staggered fashion, with the long axis parallel to the road cen- reduced as compared with adjacent uninsulated pavement sec-
terline. To keep fill below the insulation layer as dry as possible, tions. This reduction in air temperatures, in combination with
a slight crown is built in and the insulation is covered with an

high humidity and low wind velocities, can lead to ice forma-
impermeable membrane. Where needed (e.g., wind blow-off tion along with hoarfrost on the pavement surface. This phe-
problem) these boards are pinned to the underlying soil with nomenon is called differential icing and can present an
wooden skewers (150 mm long by 6 mm diameter). In cases extremely hazardous road condition. This icing condition will
where wooden skewers cannot penetrate to pin down the insu- also occur over conventional pavements with no insulation,
lation to an underlying frozen subbase, steel spikes of the same bridges, or overpasses for certain meteorological conditions

length can be used. The thermal short created by the spikes will and thermal properties of the highway section. No practical
cause no appreciable thawing in the subbase. Over an old pave- basis has been established by which quantitative frequency pre-
ment, the insulation boards can be stuck down with an asphalt dictions can be made.
emulsion tack coat. The first row of boards is aligned down the The difference in total time of below-freezing surface tem-
road centerline using a stringline. The placement of boards peratures between insulated and uninsulated pavements is

progresses from the center out and extends 1.2 m into the proportional to the depth and thickness of insulation. Placing
shoulder. It is important to obtain tight joints and to stagger all the insulation at a greater depth will allow for a thicker cover
transverse joints. to act as a heat sink above the insulation (Dow Chemial Com-
When going from an insulated to an uninsulated pavement pany, 2003). The Alaska Department of Transportation and

section, a transition zone is required to provide a gradual Public Facilities uses a minimum burial depth of 900 mm for
change in subgrade thermal properties. This zone consists of a roadways and avoids the use of insulation around sharp curves
step-down pattern of insulation thicknesses to allow subgrade or steep grades (Esch 1996). Placement of thinner insulation
heat loss at each end of the insulated section. The insulation layers will allow more heat movement through the insulation
thickness reduction in these zones should be 25 mm, and each during critical periods (Dow Chemical Company, 2003). Sev-
step-down is carried for about 5 m. For illustration, an insu- eral pavement structures in Fig. 11-18 illustrate their suscepti-
lated pavement employing a 75-mm-thick layer would have bility to the occurrence of icing. Other design considerations
two insulation step-downs in each of its transition zones. The should include continuing insulated pavement sections at rail-
insulation would be reduced to 50 mm over the first 5 m, and road crossings or at intersections and at the top of a hill. Tran-
then to 25 mm for the next 5 m. sitions in insulation thickness at starting and stopping points
For flexible pavement sections, the insulation is covered by may be required to avoid abrupt heaves in the uninsulated
end dumping, spreading, and compacting granular material to pavement.

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FIGURE 11-16 Effect of thickness of insulation and base on frost penetration: (a) 9-in. base course; (b) 21-in. base course;
(c) 33-in. base course; (d) 45-in. base course.
Notes: Pavement: 3 in. asphalt concrete.
Base course: gd = 135 pcf and w = 5%.
Insulation: Extruded polystyrene, gd = 2 pcf and k = 0.21 Btu in./ft2 · hr · °F (0.0303 W/m · K).
Underlying granular material: solid lines, gd = 115 pcf and w = 12%; dashed lines, gd = 135 pcf and w = 5%.
Surface transfer coefficient = 0.75.
Source: Reproduced from Departments of the Army and Air Force USA 1985.

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FIGURE 11-17 Steps 1 to 8 in pavement reconstruction process, in which insulation is used to prevent subgrade freezing.
Source: Reproduced with permission from Refsdal 1976. Copyright 1976 Norwegian Public Roads Administration/NTNF.

FIGURE 11-18 Ranking of several road pavements as to their susceptibility to icing conditions.
Source: Reproduced with permission from Refsdal 1976. Copyright 1976 Norwegian Public Roads Administration/NTNF.

Culverts placed under pavements on frost-susceptible sub-
grades frequently experience differential heaving (Fig. 11-19).

Cold air blowing through a culvert during the winter season

will freeze soil next to a culvert. Differential heave at the pave-
ment surface can occur in two ways. Water flow will introduce
heat, thereby preventing soil freezing below the culvert. This
will reduce the surface heave directly above the culvert, as is

shown in Fig. 11-20. A dry culvert will allow greater frost pene-
tration, resulting in a larger differential heave (bump) at the
pavement surface (Fig. 11-20). Differential heave at a culvert, or
any other drainage structure crossing the roadway, can be min-

imized or alleviated by use of non-frost-susceptible granular

materials, as is illustrated in Fig. 11-21. The thickness of the
granular frost protection layers (hf ) is defined in Table 11-5 in
FIGURE 11-19 Frost heave at a culvert.
terms of the culvert diameter (d) and the maximum frost depth
Source: Courtesy of E. J. Chamberlain, U.S. Army, Cold Regions Research and
(h10) every ten years. Engineering Laboratory.
Where insufficient cover is available to prevent the freezing
of frost-susceptible soils, insulation can be used to limit frost
penetration, as is shown in Fig. 11-21. Insulation board dimen- culvert and the heaving forces can vary depending on the
sions (b1 or b2) are defined on Fig. 11-21 in terms of the culvert geometry, soil types, hydraulic conditions, and the local micro-
diameter (d), granular frost protection layer (hf ), and the sand climatological conditions.
bedding thickness above (h1) and below (h2) the culvert. Board Differential frost heave may occur irrespective of whether
thickness must be sufficient to limit frost penetration for the the culverts are water bearing or dry during the winter. Tapered
local design freezing index. Frost penetration outward from a transition zones should be provided, as is specified in Fig.

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FIGURE 11-20 Differential frost heave caused by culverts: (a)
water bearing culvert in winter period; (b) Dry culvert in the
winter period.
Source: Reproduced with permission from Pedersen 1976. Copyright 1976 Nor-
wegian Public Roads Administration/NTNF.

TABLE 11-5 Required Frost Protection Layer for Culverts

Inner diameter or FIGURE 11-21 Frost protection of culvert inlets and outlets.
maximum height Thickness of granular Source: Reproduced from Road Construction 1980.
(width), m · hf frost protection layer Comments

d < 0.1 m hf = 0 11.4 Load Restrictions
0.5 £ d £ 1.0 hf = (0.3) d · h10 h10 = maximum frost
depth every 10 winters Pavement structures, subject to moderate or severe seasonal

1.0 < d hf = (0.3 + 0.1d)h10 freezing, can be susceptible to heaving during freezing and
Underpass weakening during the spring thaw. With limited drainage and
the presence of water in amounts greater than assumed for
d hf = (0.3 + 0.1d)h100
design, loss of strength (or stiffness) may occur in the base and

Source: Road Construction, 1980 Public Roads Administration, Oslo, Norway. subgrade layers, allowing damage unless vehicle loads are
reduced. Load restrictions during this critical period are used
to maintain the design life and general serviceability of the
pavement structure. Mahoney, Rutherford, and Hicks (1986)
11-22. Sand/gravel or insulation boards may be used to create reported that load restrictions are normally applied to asphalt
the transition zones. Insulation board thickness should be concrete and/or aggregate surfaced roads. Most Portland
reduced in steps down to 20 mm. Nordal and Refsdal (1989) cement concrete pavements reportedly have adequate structure
reported that a checkerboard pattern, leaving uncovered areas to withstand the critical thaw period. Four questions for the
in between the boards, has given unsatisfactory results. They engineer include: (1) Which pavements require load restric-
recommended a transition length of 10 to 20 m, depending on tions? (2) When should load restrictions be put in place? (3)
board thickness, on each side of the culvert. Sufficient pave- What magnitude of load reduction is needed? (4) How long
ment thickness should be provided to prevent possible differ- should load restrictions be in place? These questions are
ential icing above the insulation. addressed in the following pages.

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FIGURE 11-22 Precautions to reduce differential frost heave above culverts.
Notes: h10 = frost depth sand/gravel; T = back fill of original materials; hf , see table 11-5; and l =
10–20 m
Source: Reproduced with permission from Pedersen 1976. Copyright 1976 Norwegian Public Roads

FIGURE 11-23 Seasonal pavement surface deflections illustrating the large

decrease in strength (stiffness) during the spring thaw.

Source: Reproduced from Mahoney, Rutherford, and Hicks 1986.

Which Pavements whether frost action with thaw weakening will be a problem.
Water may infiltrate through a porous pavement or shoulder,

Site-specific conditions will determine whether load restric- causing a loss in strength of the various pavement layers. A
tions are needed. Pavement structures with non-frost-suscepti- pavement in a cold but dry location may not require load
ble base and subgrade materials will not be susceptible to heav- restrictions.
ing and thaw weakening. Methods defined in Section 2.4 can be Pavement surface deflections, which depend on the stiffness
used to determine the frost susceptibility. These criteria will of the base and subgrade materials, provide a measure of thaw
also apply if the local frost depth does not penetrate into frost- weakening. Mahoney, Rutherford, and Hicks (1986) reported
susceptible materials. Calculation of the frost depth based on that surface deflections 45 to 50% higher during the spring
local weather conditions and pavement materials can be made thaw as compared with summer values indicate a need for load
as described in Sections 3.1 and 3.2. An agency may use a pro- restrictions. Surface deflections can be measured with equip-
cedure to reduce frost heave such as replacement or placing ment such as the Benkelman beam, Dynaflect, or the Falling
frost-susceptible materials below the frost line. Site-specific Weight Deflectometer (Rwebangira et al. 1987). Figure 11-23
drainage, including the presence of a high water table and poor shows a rapid increase in surface deflections during the spring
drainage from side ditches, can be significant in assessing thaw followed by a return to summer values during the drain-

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age of excess water. The pavement surface deflection criterion is

not absolute because a relatively “thin” (or “weak”) pavement
structure may have high summer deflections. Thus, an increase
in deflections less than 45 to 50% of summer values may indi-
cate the need for load restrictions. Local experience relating to
observed moisture movement through surface cracks (or
pumping) would also indicate a need for load restrictions.

When to Apply
Several criteria have been used for deciding when load restric-

tions are needed. Load restrictions should be applied when

spring thaw surface deflections are greater than 45 to 50% of
summer deflections (Mahoney, Rutherford, and Hicks 1986).
This approach has the disadvantage that pavement deflection
readings must be taken on site for the roads in question. The
increase in pavement deflections should begin to occur when

the thaw depth enters frost-susceptible materials. Several meth-
ods are available to show when this occurs. Temperature mea-
surements (McBane and Hanek 1986; Barcomb 1989), using
either thermocouples or thermistors embedded in the pave-
ment structure, will give the location of the 0 °C isotherm.
FIGURE 11-24 Thaw depth versus air thaw index for a thin
Temperature sensors and measuring equipment are described
dM pavement structure on silty sand.
in Section 10.2. The frost tube (Rickard and Brown 1972; Notes: Asphalt concrete, w = 0%; rd = 2.2 Mg/m3; gravel, w = 4%; rd = 2.0 Mg/
Yesiller, Benson, and Bosscher 1996) provides an alternative to m3; and silty sand, w = 15%; rd = 1.75 Mg/m3.
temperature measurements for locating the frozen–unfrozen
interface. The Wisconsin frost tubes (Martinelli 1977) consisted
of a 38-mm-diameter outer tube permanently installed to act as TABLE 11-6 Material and Thermal Properties for Example
a sheath for an inner pipe. The clear 25-mm-diameter remov- 11.4-1

able inner pipe is the frost tube. The inner pipe, filled with a Property Asphalt Gravel Silty
mixture of coarse-grained material, water, and colored dye, concrete base sand
changes color on freezing and returns to its original color when Layer thickness, d (mm) 50 150
it thaws. Martinelli stated that color changes in the dye corre- Water content, w (%) 0 4 15
lated well with freezing of pore water in soils with no contami- 3
Dry density, rd (kg/m ) 2,200 2,000 1,750
nation adjacent to the frost tube. Again, on-site readings are

required to determine when thawing has reached a given depth. ku (W/m · °C) 2.1 2.2
A relatively inexpensive method uses the daily cumulative kf (W/m · °C) 1.9 3.05
air thawing index along with a plot of air thaw index versus Average thermal conductivity, kavg 1.4 2.0 2.6
thaw depth (Fig. 11-24). The thaw depth of 20 cm corresponds [(ku + kf )/2] (W/m · °C)
to an air thaw index of about 5 °C · days. Load restrictions cvu (MJ/m3 · °C) 1.76 2.34

would be needed at this point for the pavement structure cvf (MJ/m3 · °C) 1.59 1.80
shown in Fig. 11-24. This air thaw index versus depth curve has
Average volumetric heat capacity, cavg 1.87 1.67 2.07
been prepared for a specific pavement structure and location [(cvu + cvf )/2] (MJ/m3 · °C)
and is based on melting at 0 °C (32 °F). Methods described in
Volumetric latent heat, L (MJ/m3)

0 26.7 87.6
Section 3.2 are used to calculate the thaw depth in Example
11.4-1. Note: Empty cells mean not applicable.

■ EXAMPLE 11.4-1: Calculate values for the air thaw index

corresponding to thaw depths of 200, 400, 600, and 1,000 mm, metric heat capacity (cavg), average thermal conductivity (kavg),
for the thin pavement structure illustrated in Fig. 11-24. Mate- and volumetric latent heat (L) from Table 11-6 are listed in
rial properties and temperature information are given in Table rows 1 and 5–7 for each layer. The terms L and c– (rows 10 and
11-6. Mean annual air temperature, Tm = 8.6 °C; thaw index, Iat 13) represent average values for each depth (Sd) of thaw pene-
= 3,903 °C days with thaw period t = 258 days; and an average tration. The thermal ratio a = vo /vs = 0.28, where vo = 8.6 °C =
wind velocity during the summer of 12 km/h. Tm and vs = nt · Iat /t = 2(3,903 °C · days)/258 days = 30.2 °C. The
Solution: For computation, the pavement structure and sub- n-factor (nt = 2.0) is obtained from Figure 3-3. The fusion
grade soils are divided into five layers, as is shown in Table 11-7. parameter, m= c–/L, is calculated for each depth in Table 11-7,
Depths (Sd) are listed in row 4. Dry density (rd), average volu- row 14. The correction coefficient l (row 15) is obtained from

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TABLE 11-7 Calculations for Example 11.4-1 TABLE 11-8 Guidelines Showing When to Apply Load
Parameter 1 2 3 4 5 Pavement structure
(1) rd (Mg/m ) 3
2.20 2.0 1.75 1.75 1.75 Property Thin Thick
(2) w (%) 0 4 15 15 15 BST/asphalt concrete thickness 2 (50) More than
[inches (mm)] or less 2 (50)
(3) d (mm) 50 150 200 200 400
Base course thickness 6 (150) More than
(4) Sd (mm) 50 200 400 600 1,000
[inches (mm)] or less 6 (150)
(5) cavg (MJ/m3 · °C) 1.87 1.67 2.07 2.07 2.07
Thawing index [°F days (°C days)]
(6) kavg (W/m · °C) 1.40 2.0 2.60 2.60 2.60
Shoulda 10 (6) 25 (14)
(7) L (MJ/m3) 0 26.7 87.6 87.6 87.6

2 Mustb 40 (22) 50 (28)
(8) L · d (MJ/m ) 0 4.00 17.52 17.52 35.04

(9) SL · d (MJ/m2) 0 4.00 21.52 39.04 74.08 The “should” load restriction application corresponds with thaw to the bot-
3 tom of the base course.
(10) L (MJ/m ) 20.0 53.8 65.1 74.1 b
The “must” load restriction corresponds with thaw to approximately 4 inches
(11) c · d (MJ/m · °C) 0.0935 0.2505 0.4140 0.4140 0.8280 (100 mm) below the bottom of the base course.
Source: After Mahoney, Rutherford, and Hicks 1986.
(12) Sc · d (MJ/ m2 · °C) 0.0935 0.3440 0.7580 1.1720 2.0000

(13) c– (MJ/m2 · °C) 1.72 1.895 1.953 2.000
(14) m 2.60 1.07 0.91 0.82 Similar calculations by Mahoney et al. (1985) show the
(15) l 0.57 0.67 0.76 0.77 importance of using representative water contents and densities
(16) l2 0.33 0.45 0.58 0.59 in obtaining thermal properties for a given pavement structure.
2 Note that the calculation method used in Example 11.4-1 does
(17) Rn (m · °C/W)
0.0357 0.0750 0.0769 0.0769 0.1538
not account for thawing from below; hence, the computed
(18) SR (m2 · °C/W) 0 0.036 0.111 0.188 0.265
indices would not be representative for the lower portion of the
(19) SR + Rn /2 0.0179 0.0735 0.1495 0.2265 0.3419
frozen layer. General guidelines recommended by Mahoney,
(m2 · °C/W)
Rutherford, and Hicks (1986) as to when load restrictions
(20) nt · Iat (°C · days) 10.3 67.4 79.2 235.00 “should” (or “must”) be applied during the normal start of
(21) Snt · Iat (°C · days) 10.3 77.6 156.9 391.9 spring thawing (late February to April) for a –1.67 °C (29 °F)
(22) SIat (°C · days) melting point and given range of pavement thickness are listed

5.2 38.8 78.4 195.9

Note: a = vo /vs ; m = vs c–/L; Rn = dn /kn ; nt = 2.0. Empty cells mean not applicable.
in Table 11-8. Yesiller, Benson, and Bosscher (1996) have
reported that, in some cases, frost tubes showed the start of
thawing as much as 2 months before application of the “must”
load restriction in Table 11-8.
Figure 3-6 using a and m for each depth. To compute the thaw

index required to penetrate to a depth X = (d1 + d2 + … + dn),

Magnitude of Load Reduction
rewrite Eq. (3.2-4) so that the partial index required to pene-
trate the nth layer is In a survey of current practice in the United States and Canada,
Mahoney, Rutherford, and Hicks (1986) reported that the min-
Ln dn Ê Rn ˆ imum load reduction level should be 20% of the design load

ni Iat = Á SR + ˜¯ (11.4-1)
l2 Ë 2 capacity. Load reductions greater than 60% were not warranted
on the basis of potential pavement damage. They also stated
where Rn = dn /kn is the thermal resistance of layer n, SR = (R1 + that a load reduction of 40 to 50% accommodates a wide range
R2 + … + Rn–1) is the total thermal resistance above the nth of pavement conditions. Pavement cross-sections to which load

layer, and other terms are as previously defined. Using Eq. restrictions were applied generally included asphalt concrete
(11.4-1), the surface thaw index (nt Iat ) for layer 3 (200 to 400 surfaces of 40 to 125 mm with aggregate bases of 100 to 450
mm depth) is mm. Their study (Mahoney, Rutherford, and Hicks 1986)
showed an approximate increase in pavement life with greater
17.52 ¥ 106 (J/m2 ) È 0.1459(s ◊ m2 ◊∞C/J) ˘ load reduction, as is summarized in Table 11-9. Pavement
nt Iat = Í ˙
0.45 Î 24 (hr/day ) 3, 600 (s/hr) ˚ response criteria used in developing the percentage load reduc-
= 67.5 ∞C ◊ days tions for complete thaw in Table 11-9 included maximum pave-
ment surface deflection, tensile strain in the pavement surface
A summation to the 400-mm depth gives Snt Iat = 67.4 + 10.3 = layer, base vertical strain, and subgrade vertical strain (Rwe-
77.6 °C · days, which represents the surface thaw index. Convert bangira et al. 1987). Mahoney, Rutherford, and Hicks (1986)
this value to the air thaw index, SIat = Snt Iat /nt = 77.6/2 = 38.8 cautioned that higher levels of load reduction are needed for
°C · days. Air thaw indices for all depths are summarized in row thin or generally weak pavement structures during the spring
22 of Table 11-7. thaw period to prevent significant damage.

Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons Retrieved from:


TABLE 11-9 Load Reduction Correlation with Pavement Life tage that deflection measurements must be taken on site for the
Increase roads in question. Location of the thaw line, both top and bot-
Load reduction (%)a Pavement life increase (%) tom of the frozen soil, can be determined using a frost tube
20 b 62 (Rickard and Brown 1972; Yesiller, Benson, and Bosscher 1996)
for soils with a thawing temperature at or close to 0 ∞C. Consid-
30 78
eration must be given to lower thaw temperatures when the
40 88 base and subgrade materials are contaminated by deicing mate-
50 95 rials used on the pavement surface.
Thin or generally weak pavement structures may require higher levels of load
reduction to prevent significant damage during the spring thaw period.
Percentage reduction from design load capacity. 11.5 Special Problems
Source: After Mahoney, Rutherford, and Hicks 1986.

Longitudinal and thermal cracking of pavement structures, use
of membrane-encapsulated soil layers for minimizing frost
Duration of Load Restrictions action effects, and the presence of ice-rich permafrost under
highway or airport pavements require special design tech-
General practice by many highway agencies in the United States
niques. These topics are addressed in this section.

and Canada approximates the end of load restrictions with
complete thawing (Mahoney, Rutherford, and Hicks 1986).
With the arrival of warmer air temperatures, thawing will pro- Longitudinal Cracking
ceed from the top downward and from the bottom upward.
Longitudinal cracking of pavement structures over relatively
During a sudden spring thaw, warm pavement temperatures
warm permafrost occurs in embankment fill sections (Fig. 9-
will cause melting almost entirely from the surface downward.
25). These cracks extend for relatively long distances parallel to
Extremely poor drainage conditions are associated with the lat-
the traveled roadway centerline. They are indicative of progres-
ter case because frozen soil beneath the thawed layer will tem-
sive degradation of permafrost under the pavement shoulders
porarily trap water released by the melting ice. Only lateral and
(Esch 1988). Once begun, these cracks tend to widen, the slope
surface drainage paths are available. Greater pavement damage
settles, and ultimately the embankment and pavement struc-
can occur during this period if no load restrictions are in place.
ture become unserviceable. Disturbance of the natural ground
Thawing of ice will normally occur at 0 ∞C. If deicing materi-
cover and the changed albedo represented by the fill material
als (CaCl, etc.) on the pavement surface enter the base and sub-

result in higher average temperatures beneath the side slopes.

grade materials, the melting point of ice will be lowered (see Sec- For warm permafrost temperatures, the increase will be enough
tion 2.3). Ice lenses would tend to prevent movement of these to initiate thawing (Esch 1988). To compound the problem,
solutions into the subgrade soils. Mahoney, Rutherford, and snow removed from the roadway during the winter ends up on
Hicks (1986) assumed a melting temperature of –1.7 °C (29 °F) the sideslope, producing a thicker insulating layer over the side-
and used this temperature in calculating the thawing index. The slope and toe of the embankment. Cold winter air is prevented

larger thaw index would mean that complete thawing would from cooling and reinforcing the permafrost under this portion
occur sooner. With more water from melting ice lenses, some of the embankment.
dilution of the deicing materials would occur and the melting For ice-rich permafrost, the embankment sideslope gradu-
temperature would tend to return to 0 °C. The limiting condition ally settles into the thawed thermokarst forming at the toe of
would correspond to a melting temperature of 0 °C , and the use the slope. Standing water that may accumulate in the depres-

of this temperature would help ensure that load restrictions were sions caused by subsidence will increase the rate of permafrost
not removed too early. Mahoney, Ruthford, and Hicks (1986) degradation. Once longitudinal cracks have formed, the road-
estimated the thaw index (Iat) corresponding to complete thaw- way and pavement structure cannot be repaired unless the
ing in terms of the annual freezing index (Iaf ) as thawing can be prevented. Repair of the roadway with asphalt

Iat = 4.154 + 0.259 Iaf (11.4-2) paving material provides only a temporary solution. The prob-
lem is lessened by using flatter side slopes or by placing side
Yesiller, Benson, and Bosscher (1996) reported that the end of berms. A design using insulation combined with a side berm is
thaw shown by frost tubes was up to a month earlier when com- illustrated in Fig. 9-5b. Esch (1988) stated that the greatest
pared with the thawing index computed using Equation (11.4-2). reduction in thawing and movement was achieved using solar
Methods for calculation of complete thawing (Section 3.2 screens and snow sheds on the sideslopes.
and Example 11.4-1) do not apply because thawing from below In seasonal frost areas, longitudinal crack formation in
is not accounted for. Scrivner et al. (1969) have suggested that pavement structures results from differential frost heave
drainage conditions in the pavement structure and hydraulic between the center portion of the roadway and the shoulders
conductivity of the subgrade determine the end of the critical (Fig. 11-25). Cracking is severe only if the subgrade soils are
period. Surface deflection measurements will show when an susceptible to frost. Snow removal from the roadway with
acceptable strength (or stiffness) has returned to the pavement placement on the shoulders provides insulation, less freezing,
structure (Fig. 11-23). Again, this approach has the disadvan- and less heave. The cold, brittle asphalt pavement cracks when

Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons Retrieved from:


FIGURE 11-25 Longitudinal frost cracks due to thermal shielding of road edges by snow.

Source: Reproduced with permission from Nordal and Refsdal 1989. Copyright 1989 VTT.

it is unable to accommodate the distortion. In new construc-

tion, longitudinal cracking can be avoided by providing wide

shoulders, use of non-frost-susceptible materials, and the pave-
ment design methods described in this chapter. For existing
roads, differential heave can be reduced by keeping shoulder
areas as free of snow as possible. Cracks that do form should be
sealed in the spring.
Thermal Cracking of Asphalt Concrete Pavements
Thermal contraction during cooling creates tensile stresses in
cold, relatively brittle asphalt concrete pavements. The pave-
ment is partially restrained by friction along the interface with
the supporting layer. Cracking tends to occur across the pave-

ment when thermal stresses in the asphalt concrete exceed the

tensile strength of the pavement layer. In fairly new pavements,
cracks may occur at a 30+ m spacing (Janoo et al. 1993). As the
pavement ages or more extreme temperature drops occur, the
crack spacing has been observed at 3 to 6 m. In cold regions,
the cracks may penetrate through the pavement and down into

the underlying materials. The ingress of water through the

cracks may cause a loss of bond between the asphalt and aggre-
gate particles (stripping), resulting in raveling of the lip of the
crack. Deicing solutions can enter these cracks and cause local-
ized thawing of the base and/or subgrade materials. Loose sur-

face particles tend to fall into and collect in the cracks, prevent- FIGURE 11-26 Typical deformation in an asphalt concrete
ing expansion of the pavement on warming. With reduced specimen caused by a drop in temperature.
space for expansion, adjacent material is forced upward, form- Source: Reproduced with permission from Janoo et al. 1993. Copyright 1993
ing a bump next to each crack. South China Press.

The magnitude of thermal contraction caused by a drop in

asphalt concrete temperature is illustrated in Fig. 11-26. For a
cooling rate of 5 °C/h, the coefficient of thermal contraction for The temperature at which cracking occurs in asphalt con-
asphalt concrete varied from 18 × 10–6 to 29 × 10–6 per °C as crete pavements corresponds to the intersection of the tensile
the temperature decreased from +10 °C to –40 °C. Similar strength and thermal stress curves in Fig. 11-28. Thermal
results were observed for cooling rates of 10 and 20 °C/h. A typ- stresses can be estimated using the pseudo-elastic equation
ical stress-temperature curve for asphalt concrete cooling at a (Hills and Brien 1966):
rate of 5 °C/h is shown in Fig. 11-27. Some stress relaxation t
during loading will depend on the rate of cooling. The thermal sx (t ) = Ú a(T ) S(Dt ,T ) dT (t ) (11.5-1)
stress test (Janoo et al. 1993) simulates in situ conditions of
plane strain in the longitudinal direction of the asphalt con- where sx(t) = accumulated thermal stress, a(T ) = the coeffi-
crete layer (elong = 0). The stress increases up to the pavement’s cient of thermal contraction, S(Dt,T ) = asphalt mix stiffness,
tensile strength, at which fracture occurs. dT(t) = the temperature drop (cooling rate), T = temperature,

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and t = time. The data summarized in Fig. 11-26 suggest that

the coefficient of thermal contraction (a) will be relatively con-
stant during cooling. The stiffness (S) of the asphalt concrete
can be estimated from laboratory tests (Fig. 11-27). The tem-
perature drop (cooling rate) in the field will vary, depending on
the local climate.
Material properties that influence the initiation and fre-
quency of thermal cracking are asphalt grade, asphalt tempera-
ture susceptibility, aggregate type, pavement thickness, and
thermal cycling of the pavement structure due to daily high and
low temperatures (Janoo et al. 1993). To minimize low-temper-
ature contraction cracking, soft asphalts with a low tempera-

ture-susceptibility are specified (Departments of the Army and
Air Force USA 1985). A useful measure of temperature suscep-
tibility is the penetration-viscosity number (PVN), which can
be determined from the penetration at 25 °C (77 °F) and the
kinematic viscosity at 135 °C (275 °F), as is shown in Fig. 11-29.

FIGURE 11-27 Typical stress-temperature curve for an asphalt The PVN is an empirical number and is valid only for steam-
concrete specimen. and/or vacuum-reduced asphalts (Janoo 1990). Current Corps
Source: Reproduced with permission from Janoo et al. 1993. Copyright 1993 of Engineers specifications require that the PVN be not lower
South China Press. than –0.5 (Departments of the Army and Air Force USA 1985).
For very cold climates, special grades of asphalt cement with a
minimum PVN of –0.2 are to be used. The selection of asphalt
for pavements in cold regions is facilitated by the guide given in
Fig. 11-30. To minimize low-temperature cracking, a grade of
asphalt should be selected that lies to the right of the diagonal
line representing the lowest temperature expected during the
service life at 50 mm (2 in.) below the pavement surface.
Asphalt content should be set at a level above the optimum,

and the aggregate gradation may need a small adjustment to

accommodate the additional asphalt.

Membrane-Encapsulated Soil Layers (MESL)

Frost susceptible (fine-grained) soils exhibit high strength and

low deformability (high stiffness) when compacted at moisture

contents below optimum. If the moisture content should
increase after compaction, there is a significant loss of bearing
strength, especially if freezing and thawing occur. Membrane
encapsulation serves to retain the desirable strength properties

during freezing and thawing by preserving their moisture con-

tent at its initial low level. Soils must be placed and compacted
at several percentage points below the optimum moisture con-
tent (Departments of the Army and Air Force USA 1985).

Application of the MESL concept for construction purposes

requires that suitable soil (low moisture content) be available
within a reasonable haul distance or that the climate and rain-
fall be such that a reduction of soil moisture contents is eco-
nomically feasible.
The behavior of a silty clay based on compaction, California
Bearing Ratio (CBR), and freezing tests is illustrated in Figs.
FIGURE 11-28 Prediction of fracture temperature in an 11-31 and 11-32. N. Smith (1979) stated that this clay is highly
asphalt concrete pavement. frost susceptible and showed considerable heave for an open-
Source: Reproduced with permission from Janoo et al. 1993. Copyright 1993 system freezing test. Heave measurements made in a closed-sys-
South China Press. tem freezing test, Fig. 11-32b, showed negligible heave up to a
saturation level of about 85%. The effect of moisture intrusion
into an MESL system on the CBR value for this clay is illus-

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FIGURE 11-29 Chart for determining temperature susceptibility (penetration-viscosity number, PVN)
of asphalt cement.
Source: Reproduced from Janoo 1990.

FIGURE 11-30 Guide for selection of asphalt for pavements in cold regions.
Source: Reproduced from Janoo 1990.

trated in Fig. 11-31. The decrease in CBR is a result of moisture Any soil that is intended to be encapsulated should be thor-
redistribution during the freeze–thaw cycle, with lower oughly tested to determine classification index properties and
strengths (Fig. 11-32) at greater densities for the same water CBR–moisture–density relationships. Further testing should
content. More detailed relationships between compaction, den- include the effect of closed-system freezing on volume expan-
sity, CBR, and molding water contents for a lean clay are given sion, moisture migration, and reduction of CBR or other mea-
by Turnbull and Foster (1956). For the same moisture content, sures of supporting capacity. On the basis of these tests, place-
overcompaction would increase the saturation level and ment moisture contents would be selected so as to limit adverse
increase both heave and thaw weakening in an MESL system. frost effects.

Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons Retrieved from:


cushion layer of clean sand. N. Smith reported that a gravel sur-

face layer of 20 to 30 cm was placed on top of the sand cushion.

Ice-Rich Permafrost
Roads in permafrost areas frequently cross terrain containing
ice wedges or other ice masses of limited extent. Construction
causes a change in the heat exchange at the surface and a
change in the previously existing ground thermal regime.
Warmer ground temperatures lead to degradation of the per-
mafrost and gradual melting of ground ice beneath the road.

The resulting differential settlements cause sharp dips in the

road surface and progressively widening longitudinal and ther-
mal cracks, which are expensive to repair. In some cases, a
“sinkhole” may appear in paved surfaces where previously an
ice mass existed. In unpaved roads that are routinely graded,
these problems may not become apparent because the evidence

is periodically obliterated. Thawing and settlement may con-
tinue for years until the ice has melted, thawing has stopped, or
road fill bridges the resulting void.
Crory (1991) described two approaches for the design of
roads in permafrost areas: (1) provide full thermal protection
to maintain the permafrost condition, or (2) provide for lim-
ited thaw penetration into the underlying subgrade. The per-
mafrost condition is maintained by placing a sufficient thick-
ness of gravel (typically 6 ft) such that the in situ frozen ground
is insulated by the gravel. Methods for computation of the
gravel layer thickness are presented in Chapter 3. Roadways are
constructed as fill sections, with the vegetative mat on the

ground surface left in place to initially serve as an insulator. The

vegetative mat is compressed by the gravel fill and with time
will lose much of its insulating characteristics. Deep fills are
used to build up low areas so as to avoid cuts on adjacent higher
ground. Temporary roads (3 to 4 ft thick) are designed to per-
mit a limited amount of thawing into the subgrade. This thaw

depth should be no more than the active layer thickness prior

FIGURE 11-31 Soil compaction and CBR curves for Elmendorf
to construction. Over areas containing massive ground ice,
AFB silty clay. temporary roads should be thicker; over areas containing
Source: Reproduced with permission from Quinn, Carbee, and Johnson 1973.
gravel, thinner. Ditches along the sides of the road should be

Copyright 1973 Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.

Several different methods are reported by Esch (1996) for
preventing or minimizing problems related to ice rich perma-
N. Smith (1979) reported that polyethylene (6 mil thick- frost. Reflective surfaces (paint coatings), insulation, prethawing
ness) has been used almost exclusively as the moisture barrier before construction (Chapter 9), and embankment berms have

on pavement subgrade soils. The Departments of the Army and been described in earlier sections. To counteract the winter time
Air Force USA (1985) recommend that the membrane be field insulating effects of snow cover, cold winter air can be intro-
treated with a cationic emulsified asphalt (grade CRS-2). To duced into the embankment beneath the snow cover by install-
provide added protection against possible bottom puncture ing air duct systems buried in soil berms placed along the lower
during construction, the subgrade surface was sprayed with a slope areas. For design sections, inlet ends were open to the air
hot (60 °C) asphalt emulsion at an application rate of 1.36 at a height just above the expected snow surface, the mid (heat
liters/m2 (N. Smith). After placement and compaction of the exchange) sections were buried at a depth of about 400 mm, and
fill on the membrane, the upper soil surface was sprayed with 3-m chimney stacks were used to create an updraft or chimney
more asphalt emulsion at the same rate. The membrane was effect. The ducts functioned by natural convection in winter,
now folded over onto the fill, and the upper surface was refreezing the soils each year, thereby retarding progressive
sprayed with a hot asphalt emulsion to provide added water- thawing beneath the slopes. Esch (1996) reported that the ducts
tightness (N. Smith). Additional protection of this membrane functioned well the first few years and showed a clear benefit in
against puncture from paving materials was provided by a reducing thaw depths, particularly when used beneath a layer of

Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons Retrieved from:


dentally leaving the road. Innovative designs are

needed for different ways of shielding side slopes
from the warming effects of winter snow cover and
solar heating during the summer.
Preservation of permafrost using passive cooling
pipes (thermosiphons), utilizing the phase changes
of a single fluid or gas inside a pressurized tube,
have been shown to be effective on various projects
(Esch 1996). The favored thermosiphon designs for
cooling of embankment foundations involve pipes
buried in parallel trenches near the base of the
embankment. The pipes are inclined upward toward

the radiator section (Fig. 7-14). Experience with
thermosiphons installed along the Bethel Highway
(Esch 1996) demonstrated the merits of installing
factory assembled tested pipe units. High costs at
the Bethel site showed that this method of perma-

frost preservation is only suitable for severe problem
Geosynthetic reinforcement provides the poten-
tial for preventing longitudinal crack formation due
to permafrost thaw beneath embankment slopes
(Fig. 9-25). Experimental studies have suggested the
use of multiple-layer, geotextile-reinforced road
embankments constructed with soil and fabric layer
placement in the same wrap-up manner as fabric
reinforced retaining walls are constructed. Field
studies (Esch 1996) have shown only partial success
due to high fabric stretch and the typically loose and
wrinkled state of fabrics after placement, both con-

tributing to significant embankment movements

and adjustments from permafrost thawing over a
period of years. Esch reported that tensile reinforce-
ment of embankments to minimize crack formation
has not yet been implemented in practice.

FIGURE 11-32 Influence of molding water content and degree of satura-
tion on heave for Elmendorf AFB clay, with and without lime and closed 11.1 A flexible pavement design by the limited sub-
system freezing.

grade frost penetration method is required for a road

Source: Reproduced with permission from Quinn, Carbee, and Johnson 1973. Copyright 1973
with high traffic volumes. Based on expected traffic,
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.
a minimum pavement thickness of 2.5 in. with a 4-
in. base course is required. The design air freezing
index is 700 °F · days (389 °C · days). The subgrade material is a

polystyrene insulation. Due to underdesign and settlement, the

uniform sandy clay (soil group CL) with a medium to high
ducts eventually became plugged with water.
frost susceptibility (frost group F3). Other soil properties
Surface coverings (snow sheds) serve to prevent solar radia-
include: water content (average) w = 20%, after drainage w ª
tion from reaching the soil surface in summer and the snow
5%, and dry unit weight (average) = 135 lb/ft3 (21.2 kN/m3).
from accumulating in winter. Data from experimental slopes at
The base material is a crushed gravel (soil group GW) with 30%
the Bonanza Creek site (Esch 1996) showed dramatic results, passing a No. 10 sieve and 1% passing a No. 200 sieve. The aver-
with the slopes actively refreezing and new permafrost created age water content after drainage, w ª 5%. The highest ground-
at this warm permafrost site within two winters. Site tests dem- water is about 4 ft (1.22 m) below the surface of the subgrade.
onstrated that the mean slope surface temperatures were low- Local experience with existing pavements indicates that frost
ered by as much as 6 °C when properly designed slope cover- heave has been relatively uniform.
ings were used. The temporary structures built of wood trusses
and plywood for the Bonanza Creek site study were expensive, (a) Determine the combined thickness of pavement and base
lacked durability, and presented safety hazards for vehicles acci- material required to prevent freezing of the subgrade, and

Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons Retrieved from:


(b) determine the base thickness for the limited subgrade frost (a) Determine the minimum cover (pavement and base)
penetration method (after Departments of the Army and Air needed to limit vertical stresses to 1/3 of the insulation com-
Force USA 1985). pressive strength (40 lb/in.2).
11.2 For non-frost conditions, a flexible pavement consists of 2 (b) What insulation thickness is required to prevent frost pen-
in. asphalt concrete over a 15-in. base. This pavement must etration into the subgrade?
support single-axle trucks with loads of 12,000 lbs on dual tires
(c) Can less insulation be used if a layer of subbase material is
(100 psi tire pressure). The design air freezing index is 2,800 °F
placed below the insulation? If so, determine an alternate thick-
· days (1,556 °C · days) with a mean annual soil temperature
ness of insulation and subbase.
close to 46 °F (7.8 °C). Based on thermal properties of the base,
Fig. 11-4b gives a frost penetration of about 122 in. (3.1 m). 11.3 Explain how the phenomenon called differential icing can
The limited subgrade frost penetration method (Fig. 11-3) create extremely hazardous road conditions. To reduce or min-

would require a combined pavement and base thickness of 71 imize this problem for insulated pavement sections, what

in. (1.80 m) allowing subgrade freezing to a depth of about 17 design considerations must the engineer account for?
in. (43.2 cm) (Departments of the Army and Air Force USA
11.4 How does your local city or county engineer decide when
1985). This thicker pavement would be cost prohibitive. An
to apply load restrictions in the spring so as to maintain the
alternate design incorporating polystyrene insulation is
design life and general serviceability of pavement structures in

needed. Soil and material properties include the following:
your community? Arrange an interview with your local (or
— Subgrade: Silty clay (CL), F4, known locally as highly frost- hometown) engineer and prepare a 2-page report on the fol-
susceptible material subject to marked differential heave. lowing questions:
Water content = 29%, plasticity index = 10.
(a) Which roads require load restrictions?
— Base material: good quality base stabilized aggregate, 30%
passing No. 100 sieve, 1% passing No. 200 sieve, average (b) When should vehicle load restrictions be applied?
dry unit weight = 135 lb/ft3, average water content = 5%. (c) What magnitude of load reductions should be required?
— Subbase: Coarse to fine silty sand (SP–SM), 11% passing
No. 200 sieve, 6% finer than 0.02 mm, frost classification (d) How long should load restrictions be in place?
S2, meets filter criteria for material in contact with sub-
grade, average dry unit weight = 115 lb/ft3, average water
content = 12%.

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