2020 - By: Group 1: Human Resource Development

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2020 | By: Group 1

Trainer Name Registration

1 Amna Afzal 70077892
2 Syed Hasnain Ali Rizvi 70078900
3 Bushra Talat 70078243
4 Amama Tariq 70078169

[Final project]


Report on Conflict Management Training

HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT......................................................................................................1
Conflict Management....................................................................................................................3
Description of conflict management:................................................................................................3
Objectives of conflict management:..................................................................................................3
The method of training is as follows:.................................................................................................3
Lesson Plan:.......................................................................................................................................4
Three main components used in training..............................................................................................4
The 5 Conflict Management Styles................................................................................................6
How do you deal with internal conflicts in the workplace?...........................................................8
Training Objectives............................................................................................................................9
10-Steps to Resolving Conflict.........................................................................................................10

Conflict Management.
Description of conflict management:
Conflicts are unavoidable when individuals with various characters and objectives are
assembled to work in a similar environment. Frequently, the conflict that outcomes lead to
extraordinary anger and ill will, and this can have an exceptionally troublesome impact on
the whole group. As a pioneer, you are frequently called upon to defuse the circumstance
and resolve contrasts in a community-oriented way before the circumstance spirals wild.
Workshop in Conflict Management and Communication Skills gives you compelling
apparatuses to oversee upsetting circumstances in the work environment and become an
exceptionally fruitful individual and pioneer. Figure out how to fabricate compromise
methods that function and oversee complex group elements with affectability and solidness.
Working environment Conflicts happen all over the place and disregarding them can be
exorbitant. Each unaddressed clash burns through around eight hours of organization time
in tattle and other inefficient exercises.

Objectives of conflict management:

 Characterize the mostly used five styles resolution and when to practice them.
 Across efficient face-to-face communication skill understand how to convey positive
 Identify the common types and sources of conflict in your workplace.
 Appreciate your own and other’s personality profiles and preferred conflict approaches
 To improve productivity and performance expand your aptitude to manage conflicts.

The method of training is as follows:

a) The training is to be:

 Delivered in an enthusiastic and interesting way that will involve all the delegates.
 Whilst being consistent with the plan, the training must be flexible and responsive to
the needs of the individual delegate group.
 Highly practical, structured, and organized.

b) The training method follows this general pattern:

1. The trainer gives a clear explanation of the point in question with specific examples.
2. Then, the delegates practice by doing an exercise with each other.
3. The delegates practice by doing exercises with the trainer. (Discussion)
4. All points are supported with full written notes to take away.

Lesson Plan:

Training plan for Conflict management

The purpose of this training plan is to document the overall Training
Strategy of the Conflict Management. Our goal is to deliver valuable
and resourceful training to our Audience to ensure their satisfaction.

Three main components used in training

Conflict management
Ppt slides Personal examples

Dated 02-06-2020

Programm Interactive Conclusions &
Picture Activity Self Collect Data Analyze Data
Introduction Discussion give

Tentative lesson plan

Comple Syed Hasnain Ali, Amama Tariq, Bushra Talat & Amna Afzal
te by
Program Introduction:
Introduce the agenda and team members.
Speaker: Amna Afzal
Activity No: 1
Show a picture to trainees to check at what level a conflict can arise and assess the
difference in thinking pattern.
Method used: Illusion face activity
Trainer: Bushra Talat
Brief overview and Purpose of Training:
What is conflict? Its causes, symptoms, Views on conflict and its positive and
negative aspects.
Speaker: Amna Afzal
Method: Lecture and interactive with personal examples.
How to deal conflict?
Explain Importance of Conflict management and discuss techniques that could be
used in detail.
Speaker: Hasnain Ali
Method: Lecture Using personal examples and interacting with trainees as well.
Activity-2: Ask the trainees to take a selfie and send it in WhatsApp group. A
7:35pm- questionnaire to be sent to trainees to check what is their most dominating style of
7:45pm conflict management.
Activty-3 Questionnaire https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f3NmLUINP80
Trainer: Bushra Talat

A funny video clip on “conflict management” to be shown.
7:45pm- Wrap up:
8:00pm By Explaining and involve the trainees in brainstorming for appropriate situation
related to conflict management style the training session will be concluded.
Speaker: Amama Tariq

An evaluation form to be sent to trainees to check their posy training evaluation

and whether the training was useful for them or not.
Post training
Evaluation form:

The 5 Conflict Management Styles
a) Accommodating

An accommodating style forsakes your own needs or desires in exchange for those of
others. You would be putting the concerns of others before your own. This style usually
takes place when you either simply give in or are persuaded to give in. This style could be
appropriate to use when you care less about the issue than the others, want to keep the
peace, feel as though you are in the wrong, or feel like you have no choice but to agree to
the other point-of-view.

B) Avoiding

An avoiding style completely evades the conflict. You would neither pursue your beliefs nor
those of the others involved. Simply, you would continuously postpone or completely dodge
the conflict whenever it comes up. This style could be appropriate to use when the conflict
seems trivial, you don't have the time or need more time to think, you feel as though you
have no chance of winning, or you're afraid of being met with resentment.

C) Compromising

A compromising style attempts to find a solution that will at least partially please all parties.
You would work to find a middle ground between all the needs, which would typically leave
people unsatisfied or satisfied to a certain extent. This style could be appropriate to use
when it's more important to reach a solution than for the solution to be great, a deadline is
rapidly approaching, you're at an impasse, or you need a temporary solution for the

D) Collaborating

A collaborating style attempts to find a solution that will meet the needs of all parties.
Rather than trying to find a middle ground solution, you would aim for a solution that
satisfies everyone and ends up being a win-win situation. This style could be appropriate
when multiple perspectives need to be addressed, there is an important relationship
present between the parties, the final solution is too important for anyone to be displeased,
or the beliefs of multiple stakeholders must be represented.

E) Competing

A contending style takes a firm position and will not see the points of view of different
gatherings. You would continue pushing your perspective at others or continue dismissing
their thoughts until you get your direction. This style could be fitting when you need to
defend your privileges or ethics, need to settle on a fast choice and power others to jump
aboard, need to end a drawn-out clash, or need to forestall a horrendous, restricting choice
from being made. Since you know about the various approaches to move toward struggle,
we should perceive how these styles can be utilized in everyday clashes.

The importance and purpose of conflict management:

A) Communication in conflict management:

From clashes forestalling, abstaining from, overseeing, or comprehending point of view,

relational Communication is significant; for explaining clashes correspondence utilizes three
capacities. The first is alluding to the understanding and knowing about ourselves and of the
others we communicate with, so we can realize what's in store from them and how we can
impact them and, then again, to make our own position known so they can respond to it.
The second capacity of correspondence is tied in with building up a reliable connection with
the others, so we could offer importance to our world – the individual mingling capacity.
The third capacity alludes to the component of correspondence impact and influence,
growing further the possibility of basic exertion and joint effort. Correspondence and
struggle are in an associated relationship; correspondence can cause clashes, can raise
clashes and it likewise can forestall clashes, help in peace making and goals exercises.

B) Listening skills and techniques:

The reason for undivided attention in compromise is to pick up and exhibit comprehension
of the other, which will fill in as a reason for arriving at joint choices and at last settling a
contention. To prevail in this, undivided attention needs to address regular issues in oral
relational correspondence.

Unmistakably, listening is an aptitude that we would all be able to profit by improving. By
improving as an audience, you will improve your profitability, just as your capacity to
impact, convince and arrange. Additionally, you will keep away from struggle and mistaken
assumptions. The FGA ace mentors in initial step clarified the hypothetical and functional
points of view of the listening abilities followed by a pretending by the coaches and
members that how much sort of listening we have in our everyday business. There were
three kinds of listening aptitudes disclosed to the members which are following.

1. Careless/No interest listening

2. Taking some interest in listening
3. Listening with heart/much more interest to listen from the teller.

How do you deal with internal conflicts in the workplace?

Refereeing aptitudes can help in tending to clash inside to an association, either between
people or offices. Great peace-making preparing empowers staff individuals to emphatically
connect either with associates or gatherings, to deal with questionable discussions, to
convey troublesome news, to communicate valuable analysis and to answer negative
remarks. Refereeing preparing can likewise be extremely useful in overseeing more
extensive hierarchical changes, for example, a corporate rebuilding or the presentation of
new operational methodology. The capacity to successfully manage clashes emerging from
such changes will decide the achievement or disappointment of the activity. For instance,
corporate history is covered with instances of huge organizations that have blended and
afterward been not able to determine clashes emerging from two distinctive corporate
societies. From a partner commitment point of view, peace promotion preparing improves
the association's capacity and viability to manage potential outside weights. Having the
option to bargain smoothly and all in all with a customer or provider and deflecting a
potential clash is not just useful for existing business yet in addition for the notoriety of the

Training Objectives
 Differentiate between assertive, passive, and aggressive behaviours
 Deal with difficult people and situations using a large range of powerful techniques
 Designed for appropriate intervention strategies to create efficient techniques.
 When dispensing with circumstances of conflict, Erect staff trust and morale.
 Understand the predictable emotional triggers and responses to conflict.
6.1 How to deal with conflict?

10-Steps to Resolving Conflict
 Schedule a meeting to address the problem, preferably at a neutral place.
 Set ground rules. Ask all parties to treat each other with respect and to try to listen and
understand others’ views.
 Ask each participant to describe the conflict, including desired changes.
 Direct participants to use “I” statements, not ““your” statements. They should focus on
specific behaviours and problems rather than people.
 Ask participants to restate what others have said.
 Summarize the conflict based on what you have heard and obtain agreement from
 Brainstorm solutions. Discuss all the options in a positive manner.
 Rule out any options that participants agree are unworkable.
 Summarize all possible options for a solution.
 Assign further analysis of each option to individual participants.
 Make sure all parties agree on the next steps.
 Close the meeting by asking participants to shake hands, apologize and thank each
other for working to resolve the conflict.

Training Evaluation Feedback


Above is our questionnaire which we sent our trainee’s through WhatsApp as it is a digital
training. This is an integral part of any training to evaluate it. Basically, evaluation helps the
trainers to evaluate the trainees after getting done with training, is there any gaps and
opportunities between trainees. If the gap exists then it is very helpful to fill that gap and
provide them the best possible opportunities to handle the situations.

Our training program addressed the trainees’ learning need. This training on Conflict
Management help the trainee how to overcome conflict in any situation whether it is
personal or in working environments.

 Completion of Action Plan
 Assessment of terminal knowledge, skills, etc.
 Completion of end-of-program conservatives
 Completion of end-of-program Learning Questionnaire

The training evaluation process is essential to assess training effectiveness, help improve
overall work quality, and boost trainee's morale and motivation level by engaging them in
the development of training programs. It should be remembered that extreme scores are
not necessarily bad, since the participant’s situation may require high or low use of a given
conflict-handling mode. No one approach correctly, one must tailor their response to the
situation. The essential element to realize is that conflict should be understood and
managed and not feared.

The responses received after training are notable, most of the participants understand the
training objectives and are very much excited to use the knowledge they learn through our
training in their practical life. Their response towards appropriate situations are very good
most of them responded that they must use their appropriate dominant style in appropriate

In the last our training is providing basic tool to manage conflict to increase productivity,
reduce turnover, less absenteeism and other factor which are cause to low productivity. So
above are few basic situations are given according to the conflict management style, keep
above situations in your mind according to you style use this basic data and enjoy in
managing conflict

The basic role as a trainer is to offer and diliver efficient and effective training, programmed
aimed at enabling the participants to learn the knowledge, skills and attitudes required of


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