Expansion: Contraction of Land: Chinese Studies Shang Dynasty
Expansion: Contraction of Land: Chinese Studies Shang Dynasty
Expansion: Contraction of Land: Chinese Studies Shang Dynasty
24, 2014 Shang Dynasty
- Specifically in this dynasty where there are
Expansion: Contraction of Land
archeological findings and documentary
- Contraction and expansion falls under whether evidences
a disperse of power of any dynastic
- Geography: Xia and Shang lived beside each
- Dynasties controlling ground other
- Northeast – common ground - Transportation of people and
resources through bridge thus there is a
- Chin Dynasty – constructed the Great Wall of correlation between dynasties in each people
China to keep away from monguls from different dynasty can move to the other
- Extended territory – Yuan Dynasty without the use of violence
- Large size –if it weren’t for the yuan dynasty in - Yellow river placed across the territory
capturing a huge part of the country they would War is happening
not have a bigger China as of the China today
- the use of bronze = Arsenals – spears, swords
The “bend” of the Yellow River
- military wealth
- existed the early capitals of China
- Shang urn
- Topographical make up
- Oracle Bone
- river curves across the boundaries of China
- Prophesy – they depended
their faith in this oracle bone
The 4 old-world River Valley Cultures - Divinity – supernatural beliefs
Egypt, Mesopotamia, India, Shang China - Early forms of writings
- Bronze Age Empires – one of SHANG DYNASTY
General Characteristics (Gernet, p. 28-29) Culture heroes
Early Establishments – Chinese community has Yao – charted the date through day and night
- The one made the first calendar
Chinese civilization – first and foremost a
technical – how china really progressed Shun – first one to build bridges in China,
mobilizing people to build dams, bridges, roads,
How dynasties how extracted resources to gain canals
money and power
Almost all of communist in China are engineers
- Complex form of political organization – improving the infrastructure of China
- first and foremost a technical civilization - Few of them are doctors, lawyers, economists
Dynasties Yi –
Xia/Hsia Dynasty Also contributed the Mandate of Heaven
Brutal dynasty – practice of human slavery December 4, 2014
- Increase of china territory Chou Dynasty
Excavating Fe Hai’s tomb - hundred schools of thought flourished
- they found headless bodies, arsenals such as Silk Production was said to have started
swords, spears, bows and arrows
Chin Dynasty
Chou / Zhou
- establishment of the Great Wall of China
- hundred schools of thought flourished
- Chin dynasty named after China due to its
- time of Confucianism and Taoism influence – building the Great Wall of China
Shang dynasty – Confucianism, Taoism -Chin Shih Huangti
Buddhism – han dynasty - he had very bad qualities
Chart of the characteristics of these dynasties - first emperor of China and he isknown
for his very strict law
Homework: Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism
- did not adopt the 100 school of
Cite sources, answer in complete sentences thought and he established another school of
1 whole page = 1IEP thought called LEGALISM
- harshest of time since the law is more
important than the benefit of the people
December 1, 2014
- 1st burning of books
- time of uniformity and everything was
Key Concepts standardized
- Social harmony - LARGEST TOMB IN THE WORLD – each and
- Good leadership every soldier has its own distinct look
Han Dynasty fell in 220AD - tired of his legalist ways, the people
overthrow the Sui emperor in 618AD
- civil war until 581AD
Instituted many reforms
- three kingdoms period o Agricultural
- six dynasties o Returned to Confucian
-sixteen kingdoms o Revived the silk road &
- active trading between the east and the west improved the economy
slowed down Industrial and technical
o There was a maritime trade
o Trade – paper money
o Commodities – porcelain,
o Military – gunpowder
o Industrial devt- iron & steel o Cosmopolitan – knowing the
Cotton – linen and silk different parts of the world
o Woodlock printing – paper Monetary system – heating and minting
of coin
First female who ruled as Emperor
Agricultural Developments o Noble birth
o Fast ripening rice from Vietnam o
o Heavy iron plows o EMPRESS WU
o Harnessed oxen and water o Began as the mistress of Emp.
buffaloes Tai Tsung
o Extensive irrigation systems o Murdered a lot of people to
Connecting to the river achieve the throne – including
to gain water her two sons
o Equitable field system (agrarian o Built shrines for the monks to
land reforms) help her achieve the throne
Imperial Bureaucratic System o DOWNFALL OF THE TANG
o Imrpoved the three DYNASTY
o Six ministries
Human resources December 11, 2014
Coverage – shang – ming and the philosopies
o Opened the Imperial University
o Imperial University
Predates the oldest Tang Dynasty – industrial revolution
existing University of - gun powder, bamboo – military arsenals
Karueein in Fez,
Morocco found in 859 DOWNFALL OF TANG DYNASTY – An Lu Shang
o Enhanced military technology Takeover
Catapults An Lu Shang – part of the tang
Whip arrows:
gunpowder in bamboos - took over Chang’an
Cloud ladders
o Territorial expansion
SINICIZED – BECOME One of the reasons of the downfall
o Arts and Crafts - Emperor Xianzong’s 819 anti-Buddhist decree
Mastery in porcelain & - destruction of Buddhist temples and killing of
ceramic ware monks
o Cultural – Buddhism and
Literature ERGO,
Tang Dynasty Capital: Chang’an current
name is Xian– most important place to
go North Sung – Kai-feng
o Center of all trade
o Remnant of a stone inscription
- less restriction in terms of who can use the However, only the resources of wealth were
paper money, taxes, trades told by him and not the main culture of China
per se.
In Tang – all trades take place in CHAN’AN –
PLAGUE – bubonic plague
As for SUNG – efflorescent
Mongols brought the plague to china for
- known for inspired paintings drawn on scrolls biological weaponry
Twice the trade and people Black plague – started in Europe and massacred
- a hundred fold of the population during this almost half the population of the earth since
dynasty cure was not available
City became more open to people unlike in - Yuan built one of the biggest Buddhist temples
chang’an – requirements are needed for - Mooncake was found
Ming Dynasty
Southern Sung Dynasty – Hangchou
- Emperor Hongwu
- military is vulnerable
Moved from north to the south
Transferred capital to Beijing
AGAINST THE MONGULS = pay moguls to refrain Emperor Chou Zu – believed to be muslim
them from attacking
- Trade was reestablished through him
- experienced a lot of population
Zheng He – Chinese the soul rulers of this land
Sung dynasty – practice of foot binding
- commissioned to build large ships
- relegated to women – done to them as early
- concentrated builing the forbidden city –
as 3 years old
symbolic landmark to legitimize their rule
Mongols and the establishment of Yuan
FORBIDDEN CITY – the only people allowed to
Dyansty –
stay there are the government and elites
- Mongols will adopt whatever is placed within
Matteo Ricci in China – first time that a lot of
the Chinese culture
Christian texts were written in Chinese and latin
Japanese was supposed to be invaded – Japan to europe
was saved because of the Kamikaze or the
TSUNAMI Interexchange of Religion through Ricci
Christianity would not be able to spread in
Theater was encouraged during this period
First westerner – Marco Polo – learned the
Chinese culture
- Marco Polo imprisoned because of
condemnation by telling venishans that
resources of wealth are located in China.
MING – maritime voyages that were purely
symbolic, reestablishment of the tributary
system, built the Forbidden City
Second period of disunity after the period of
SHANG – bronze was discovered and eventually Yuan
– advancements of military technology through CHIN AND SUI – FOLLOWED FORM OF
the use of bronze, allowed for more trade, ritual DISUNITY, PERIOD OF THE CONSOLIDATION
= culture heroes – contribution to allow making infrastructures like the great wall and the Grand
the people’s lives easy, Canal
CHOU – 100 schools of thought flourished, the He established the cultural revolution
need to have order in the society – the need to - propaganda had to be made for the
flourish the schools of though people
- silk production - people had to work hard to the state –
CHIN – legalism was established – a period of it will also go back to them
uniformity, standardization – system of It wasn’t successful economically and financially
standardized weights and measurements were because they were a closed country like North
implemented Korea
- construction of the Great Wall of China A PREAMBLE DISCUSSION
HAN – Buddhism was established, access to - contract of the people – a reward that the
China was made easy due to the opening of the people produce to be able to mark their
Silk Road, period of diversity in terms of trade legitimacy to rule over their country
and thought, coinage system was developed
more- - they had a practice
SUI – First period of disunity – Three kingdoms History of colonialism
- The grand Canal - Internally:
TANG – cosmopolitan, tributary systems, Internal colonization
private trade done in the capital – Chang’an started as early as the Yuan
repeated during the Manchu
SUNG - efflorescent
Preparation for Western imperialism
YUAN – Mongol invasion
- Externally: Imperialism
shorter compared to internal
greater impact
Quiz. 1. How was the country disrupted by
colonialism & imperialism?
Who rescued it and how was it done?
-Dr. Sun Yat Sen
January 22, 2015
- Sun Yat Sen
Pedalling prosperity (The Economist) – until
2. May it be a reference of a Marxist state page 4
3. How does the country consolidate and Add some follow up questions
develop a united front among its people and
Theme: You are interviewing a family
What assumptions in the beginning were
- Taiwan as sacred territory
affirmed? What surprised you? (Did they share
- Reunification that much? Why? Why not?)
- Multi-party cooperation vs. Han Chauvinism CHINA, PHIL, FAMILY, CHARACTERS
- Common Prosperity
January 26, 2015
Preamble (Pertinent points) China’s economic development
- Composition as a country and a nation China overtakes Japan as World’s second-
biggest economy
- History
- China surpassed Japan as the world’s second
- Communist party of China largest economy last quarter, capping the
- Then, now and future nation’s three decade rise from Communist
isolation to emerging superpower
Not only a binding statement to the country per
se but from country to all the countries around - attributing to political characteristics
the world - the highlights as being a communist
Existence of communism = CHINA - despite it’s being a communist country – it has
IF IT’S NOT COMMUNIST, IT’S NOT CHINA surpassed Japan’s economy
“Japan had a huge impact on the global
commodities market and foreign direct
January 12, 2015 investment flows in the 1980’s as China
Internal forces – perspectives of characters “The major difference is that china’s population
External forces – major events, char experience is 10-times bigger than Japan’s, its economy is
still growing at above 9 percent per year, and
that drives the entire story forward regardless
of the experience by just one or more character Chinese investors are just beginning to invest
abroad. You can imagine that China’s impact
will be so much bigger”
Pedalling prosperity: brief history o Very little consumers despite its large
population which is 1 billion
Answer to the exam: China’s economy will
o Not individual consumption that it’s
become stable as long as it keeps on moving.
driving the economy
- 1886: British adventurer, Thomas Stevens Investment?
o Large wheel
- Travelled 1,000 km from Guangzhou to Juijiang o Investments on plants, machineries,
- at the turn of the century (late 1800s to early infrastructure
1900s), “modernity of lifestyle.. And use of o 48% of GDP in 2011
modern foreign goods was not a purely private o Biggest source of growth and revenue
statement but an expression of alienation.”
Large wheel – investments
Small wheel - Household consumption: 1/3 of
ADVANCEMENT, PROTEST against the current
its GDP
statement of things
Economic and modern infrastructural reasons
rather than cultural preconditions can explain CRITICISMS:
china’s development into the bicycle nation of
the 20th century “While official Chinese data are certainly
flawed, it is also certain that Chinese growth
“ carries one billion people on two billion has outpaced American growth by a huge
wheels” margin over the past 30 years.”
21st century: cars have overtaken 1880s cartoon by Amir Moghaddass Esfehani
- A TEMPTING METAPHOR FOR ITS ECONOMY - Chinese man using the bicycle
- STABLE ONLY WHEN MOVING - China’s economy is bound to crash
“While the Chinese economy may be poised to
- Penny farthing theory surpass the U.S. on a purchasing power parity
basis in less than five years…”
larger wheel carried faster and farther
than previous models Testimony for The U.S. – China Economic and
the economy now has grown faster Security Review Commission by Derek Scissors
and longer than any times before May 9, 2013
EXPORTS AND LABOR These are multiple reasons for the partial or
complete transaction failures:
(at least since the beginning of the Qing
Dynasty) (1) the inexperience of many Chinese forms;
Large wheel: where its growth comes from (2) American barriers; and
(3) the role of the Chinese state
o We can’t really say if these products GDP per capita – China’s GDP per capita is the
can benefit the environment of China 91st lowest in the world, below Bosnia and
per se Herzegovina
Human rights issue – China executes three 3. Hoover Dam – US
times as many people as the rest of the world
COMBINED and uses mobile execution vans for Purpose: cooling concrete
efficiency. 4. Coulee dam – US
Purpose: prevent breakage
5. Krashoyask – Russia
Capital misallocation Purpose: shipment, dam technology by using
water pressure to facilitate transportation of
- henan’s capital: Zhengzhou, second largest
inland after Wuhan ship
6. Three Gorges Dam – Shanghai, China
- City of Ordos: mining town
- the world’s biggest mall is in China.. but it has Purpose: Electricity, prevention of flood,
been 99% empty since 2005 QUIZ: Circumstances that lead to the creation
Abandoned investments of dams – electricity – the need for electricity
ergo industrialization, the need to develop
- Decrepit: Four years after hosting the Beijing industries hence led to create electricity
Olympics, This is what china’s $40B investment
Looks like Winston Padojinog – management and
incoming president of ua&p
Jack San Diego - SLG
Florencio Gaa – IE
“China’s state will also need a new way to
protect its citizens from bumps in the road
February 5, 2015
February 2, 2015
Announcement: Important Lectures:
Quiz: The difference between the gorges dam 1. Monday Feb 9 10:30 – 12 – trahectories
and the Grand Canal was that the three gorges in Chinese studies
dam was invested internationally by foreign
countries than of the Grand Canal People in the phil were regarded as barbaric by
the Chinese = TRUE
2 major historical events happened
Due to constant trade through trade, Philippine
- Three Gorges Dam and the Grand Canal spirituality before the Spaniards arrival was not
Dams influenced by the Chinese = false because there
were evidences in which Chinese people existed
1. Debdon Dam – founded in England way before the Spaniards colonized Filipinos
Purpose: Electricity While the Chinese have been actively engaged
in trade, they have never been involved in the
2. Mareges Dam – France Philippine’s early movements = False since
Purpose: Electricity, Diversion of rivers some Chinese people were involved in
Propaganda movement against the Spaniards
Chinese cultural integration with the Philippine - trading lasted 4-5 days per area
way of life was made official through a Chinese
colonial policy = this is FALSE because there are Other influences
no official documents were testified that there - sari sari stoers
is indeed a Chinese colonial policy
- camisa de chino, long pants
Chinese artist, Ang Kuikok, is highly recognized
both in China and Philippines = TRUE - Recreation influences: cards, sungka, flying
- Gambling: Mah jong
- THERE INSTITUTIONS how the Chinese
embedded themselves - Fireworks
A lot of shipwrecks were as they export goods Philippine culture heavily influenced by the
Chinese before the arrival of the Spaniards
During the Tang (618 – 907 AD), Guangzhou
became the main gateway for maritime trade When the Spaniards arrived, they saw not just
with SEA. This became the peak of maritime the natives but Chinese people as well
trade in export of Chinese ceramics. Butuan was impossible to penetrate since
BUTUAN, AGUSAN DEL NORTE because Mindanao was an unconquered place.
- W.H Scott: 1st tribute mission to China from MANILA PROVED TO BE A CLOSER ROUTE TO
Butuan was March 17, 1001 (Song dynasty) CHINA
Butuan was a collector & distributor of: Additional socio-economic layers during the
colonial period
- pearls, tortoise shelss, tripang, mother of pearl
- were caused by the manner in which the
- Human cargo/slaves – they kidnap people Chinese had to deal with the Spanish colonial
from different regions and trade them as a government
Binondo was gound as a Chinatown in 1594*
- Manufacturer of metal tools for weaponry
(blades, knives, projectiles), musical -Manila (est.) 1570 by Miguel Lopez de Legazpi
instruments (bells, cymbals and gongs) and gold What did the Spaniards do when they find
jewelry Chinese people threatening?
JAR – gives a concept about a spiritual death CHINESE EXPULSIONS IN MANILA DURING THE
pre-colonial Spanish SPANISH COLONIZATION
Chinese place names SANGLEY (come frequently/frequent traveler)
-the total tax of 81 reales per non-christian - Rejecters of their Chinese heritage, they were
Chinese constituted one of the chief sources of not completely at home with their Indio
income for the colonial government heritage