Evidence A World of Images
Evidence A World of Images
Evidence A World of Images
Idiom: Examples:
if you want to achieve 1. Charlee the squeaky wheel gets the grease.
something you have to pretend
2. In this office the squeaky wheel gets the grease.
Can't judge a book by its cover 1. Manuel isn´t a guilty, because he has a hand in his
pocket, neither is robert.
2. This girl is smart because she use glasses, sofia is
• You cannot know what too.
something or someone is
like by looking only at that
person or thing's In Colombian spanish:
No hay que guiarse por las apariencias
Idiom: Examples:
I must take risks to achieve my goals. 1. Don’t be afraid the fortune favors the bold
If you put all your eggs in one 1. Maria and peter lost all their money on DMG, my
basket you risk losing them all. sister does too.
Definitions: 2. Peter puts all his money on bit coins, marco does too.
Es pan comido