Preparation and Control of Welding

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Issue No. 01
Quality Procedure Date 01–01–2020

Procedure for preparation & control of welding

1.0 Scope
This procedure deals with the requirements for control of welding during the manufacturing
and assembly.

Welding of items shall comply with Welding Procedure Specification prepared and qualified
in accordance with EN ISO 15613/15614-X. All welding on items shall be performed by
qualified welders qualified in accordance with EN ISO 9606-X.
2.0 Procedure
2.1 Qualification of WPS
a. Deputy Welding Coordinator shall arrange for the qualification of WPS as per draft
WPS issued by Responsible Welding Coordinator. Responsible Welding
Coordinator shall witness the welding of the test coupon and record the variables
used for each qualification test in the Welding Witness Report which is backed up
for PQR/WPQ.
b. Preparation and testing of the test specimens are performed to meet the
requirements of the standard by a testing laboratory. The test shall be witnessed
and evaluated by Responsible Welding Coordinator.
c. The completed WPS shall describe all the essential and non-essential variables for
each welding process.
d. Changes may be made in the nonessential variables of a WPS to suit production
requirement without re-qualification, provided such changes are documented by
revision to the WPS.
e. Changes in the essential variables require re-qualification of the WPS (new PQRs
shall be made to support the change in essential variables).
f. Responsible Welding Coordinator shall approve WPS, certify PQR and WPQ. WPS
and PQRs are used for Production welding.
g. Welding Documents such as WPS, PQR and WPQ shall be maintained by Deputy
Welding Coordinator. WPS shall be available to the Welder on shop floor.
2.2 Qualification of Welders and Welding Operators
a. The Qualification of welders shall be the responsibility of Responsible Welding
Coordinator. Qualification of Qualified welders shall be ensured in accordance with
EN ISO 9606-X. A welder should have a unique identification no. assigned by
Deputy Welding Coordinator. This no. should not be reassigned to any other welder.
b. A welder qualified to weld in accordance with one qualified WPS is also qualified to
weld in accordance with other qualified WPSs, using the same welding process,
within the limits of the essential variables.
c. A Qualified Welders List (F/QCD/07) is prepared By Deputy Welding Coordinator,
and approved and maintained by Responsible Welding Coordinator. This Qualified
Welders List is distributed to QC Engineer and Fabrication Supervisor. From the
Qualified Welders List, appropriately qualified welders are selected by Fabrication
Supervisor for welding.

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No. QP/04
Issue No. 01
Quality Procedure Date 01–01–2020
d. In case a welder is added or deleted from the list or leaves Organization, the
Qualified Welders List shall be revised and re-distributed. The superseded copies
of Qualified Welders List shall be withdrawn and destroyed and the master copy
shall be retained by Deputy Welding Coordinator, duly identified as “OBSOLETE”.
3.0 Expiration of Qualification of Qualified welder
The performance qualification of a welder shall be affected when one of the following
conditions occurs
4.0 Initial qualification
The welder's qualification begins from the date of welding of the test piece(s), provided that
the required testing has been carried out and the test results obtained were acceptable.
The certificate needs to be confirmed every 6 months otherwise the certificate(s) become(s)
The validity of the certificate may be extended. The chosen method of the extension of
qualification shall be stated on the certificate at the time of issue.
5.0 Confirmation of the validity
The qualifications of a welder for a process shall be confirmed every 6 months by the
person responsible for welding activities or examiner/examining body. He confirms that the
welder has worked within the range of qualification and extends the validity of the
qualification for a further 6-month period.
This sub-clause is applicable to all options of revalidation.
6.0 Revalidation of welder qualification
Revalidation shall be carried out by an examiner/examining body.
The skill of the welder shall be periodically verified by one of the following methods.
A) The welder shall be retested every 3 years.
B) Every 2 years, two welds made during the last 6 months of the validity period shall
be tested by radiographic or ultrasonic testing or destructive testing and shall be
C) The weld tested shall reproduce the original test conditions except for
thickness and outside diameter. These tests revalidate the welder's
qualifications for an additional 2 years.
D) A welder's qualifications for any certificate shall be valid as long as it is
confirmed and provided that all the following conditions are fulfilled:
 The welder is working for the same manufacturer for whom he or she is qualified,
and who is responsible for the manufacture of the product;
 The manufacturer's quality program has been verified in accordance with ISO
3834-2 or ISO 3834-3;
 The manufacturer has documented that the welder has produced welds of
acceptable quality based on application standards; the welds examined shall
confirm the welding position(s), weld type (FW, BW).

7.0 Revocation of qualification

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No. QP/04
Issue No. 01
Quality Procedure Date 01–01–2020
When there is a specific reason to question a welder's ability to make welds that meet the
product standard quality requirements, the qualifications that support the welding he or she
is doing shall be revoked. All other qualifications not questioned remain valid.

8.0 Production Welding

a. Deputy Welding Coordinator shall prepare the Weld Map and Part History Card on the
basis of Client Drawing and shall include the welding processes proposed. When the
“Client” drawings are revised the Weld Plan shall be reviewed by Deputy Welding
Coordinator and if no change is required, it shall be documented on the cover sheet of
Weld Plan.
b. Welding on Items shall be according to approved WPS indicated in Weld Plan.
Fabrication Supervisor / QC Engineer shall be responsible for ensuring that only
qualified welders are assigned for welding using Qualified Welders List and welding is
carried out as per WPS given in Part History Card(F/PRD/02).
9.0 Welder Identification
a. Responsible Welding Coordinator shall issue a unique identification number to each
qualified welder. This number shall not be reassigned to any other welder.
b. Qualified Welder identification number shall be recorded on part History Card &
Welding Log by Fabrication Supervisor after completion of each welding joint.
c. Welder identification number shall not be stamped on item in case of small
component and thickness less then 6mm.
10.0 Tack Welds
a. Tack welds shall be made using approved WPS and shall be welded by qualified
welders only.
b. Tack welds which will be incorporated into the final weld shall be ground from both
ends for inclusion prior to root welding. Tack welds shall be inspected visually on
completion. Tack welds found to be defective shall be removed. If tacks are found to
be cracked, tacks with crack shall be completely removed and area shall be subjected
to visual inspection.
11.0 Equipment Maintenance
a. All welding leads, cutting torches and other apparatus shall be kept clean and free of
dirt, grease, moisture or any other foreign matter. Welding machines shall be blown
free of dust as required. This is ensured by Deputy Welding Coordinator.
b. Calibration of welding equipment shall be checked at least once in every year.
Calibration checks shall be organized by QC Engineer. Any equipment that is found to
be out of calibration /damaged / mishandled shall be put on “Under Maintenance” until
12.0 Weld Repair
When a defect in a weld is repaired prior to final acceptance, repair shall be considered part
of the welding process as long as the same WPS is used. No NCR shall be issued. (Weld
Repair Define In Visual Inspection Report.)

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