Música + Pronome Interrogativo

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Olá, alunos!

Como vocês estão?

Nesta aula, continuaremos com alguns exercícios sobre os Pronomes interrogativos. Anote as
respostas dos exercícios, tire uma foto e encaminhe para mim. Bons estudos!

Grammar Wh-questions word

1.Complete as frases com a question word correspondente. E relacione cada frase a

tradução adequada.

(a). What is your name.

(b).Who are you?
(c).Where are they keys?
(d).What do you want?
(e).What is your favorite color?
(f).When will you do that?

( )O que você quer?

( ) Qual é a sua cor favorita?
( )Onde estão as chaves?
( ) Quando você vai fazer isso?
( )Quem é você?
( )Qual é o seu nome?

2.Complete as frases com a question word correta:

a.______ is your address? (what –when)

b. _____ are you from? (what –where)
c. _____ are you and your parents planning to go on your next vacation? (what –
d. _____ are you studying English at this school? (what –why)
e. _____ is your birthday? (why –when)
f. _____ are you going to come back? (when –where)
g. _____ are you driving so fast? (why –when)
i. _____ books and notebooks are these? (whose –when)
j. _____ are you studying now? (where –when)

3.Ouça as músicas a seguir e complete as lacunas com question word.

I. She Wolf (Falling To Pieces) (feat. David Guetta)Sia

A shot in the dark

A past lost in space
_____ do I start?
The past and the chase?
You hunted me down
Like a wolf, a predator
I felt like a deer in love lights

You loved me and I froze in time

Hungry for that flesh of mine

But I can't compete with a she wolf, _____ has brought me to my knees
_____ do you see in those yellow eyes
Cause I'm falling to pieces

Falling to pieces(...)

II. _____Have You Been

I've been everywhere, man

Looking for someone
Someone _____ can please me
Love me all night long
I've been everywhere, man
Looking for you, baby
Looking for you, baby
Searching for you, baby

_____ have you been?

'Cause I never see you out
Are you hiding from me, yeah?
Somewhere in the crowd, ooohhhhhhhhh
(Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah)

_____ have you been?

All my life, all my li-i-i-i-ife
_____ have you been, all my li-i-i-ife?
_____ have you been, all my li-i-i-ife?
_____ have you been, all my li-i-i-ife?
_____ have you been, all my li-i-i-ife?(…)

4.Traduza os seguintes versos da música I:

a.”… Where do I start?…”
b.”… _______ do you see in those yellow eyes…”

5.Faça a tradução dos versos a seguir.

a. “…________Have You Been…”

b.”… Someone _______ can please me…”

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