CSE341 Capstone Paper - Final
CSE341 Capstone Paper - Final
CSE341 Capstone Paper - Final
Abstract. This paper talks about the concept of automated street lights
controlling according to vehicle movement, weather conditions, day and night
shifting, light intensity. It will save energy by at least 5% which can be huge in
total considering the global context. And this can be implemented globally. We
will capture the vehicle movement using Passive InfraRed, Ultrasonic Sound
and IR. We will capture weather conditions, day and night shifting, light
intensity using Rain Sensor, Photoresistor accordingly and implement it for the
cause. In addition to that, we will be able to measure the speed of the vehicle
for further statistics that will help to determine whether there might be an
accident or not, act upon it and also get prediction for congestion possibilities
for traffic solution.
1 Introduction
2 Literature Review
As per requirement, it was researched several sensors and smart systems to reach a
highly accurate and automated switching system to turn the street lights’ state.
According to a paper [4], PIR (Passive Infrared) sensors can detect heat signatures
that can be used to detect movement. The author of the paper proposed a system
where he wanted to give a solution for power saving using PIR to detect human
presence for switching lights and other office accessories that consume power
according to demand. In this paper, this characteristic of the aforementioned sensor is
used to detect vehicle movement to register data of the presence of transportation on
the street.
Ultrasonic sonar sensors can detect any movement and measure distance as any
radar that uses millimeter-wave, says M. HIKITA in his paper [5]. In his paper, he
proposed a noble ultrasonic measurement method that will provide information about
any locomotion of objects if it is installed in a sensor network. in this paper, this
technique is used to measure the distance of the vehicles and the behavior for
processing a signal to switch the street lamps as essentiality.
Another paper is/was reviewed regarding street light automation [6]. Where the
author mentioned inefficiency of sodium lights, ineffectiveness of manual switching
of lights and misinformation about light failures. However, the author proposed
solutions to all these problems accordingly using LED Lights for efficient luminance,
LDR to check environmental lighting and sunlight situation to switch when it is dusk
and GSM (Global Positioning System) to send the data if there is any system failure.
In this paper, LDR will be used to detect environmental luminance to provide
information about the current lighting situation of the street.
2 Paper Preparation
To design the proposed system, we made block diagrams and circuit simulations so
that we can be certain of the expected outcome of our experimental implementation or
prototyping. In this paper, circuit schematic, block diagram of the system is discussed.
2.1 Block Diagram of the Proposed Model
Every sensor such as Ultrasonic Transducer, PIR, LDR, Rain Sensor are connected to
the microcontroller to provide it the data form the analog world and the
microcontroller processes the data and give a switching signal to the power unit to
switch the street lamp on or off. In Fig. 1, complete block diagram of the system is
Fig.1. Proposed Model of the system where relation between microcontroller and sensors
alongside power supply and output.
The sonar sensor has Vcc and GND for power and signal pin to give the output and it
is connected to a digital pin of Arduino nano labeled as D10. Other sensors also have
GND and Vcc individually and signal pins. PIR ,Rain sensor and LDR are connected
3 4 5
to the Arduino accordingly D9, D8 and A1, A0. Furthermore, Arduino is connected to
a power source and for output an additional LED is used. Circuit is shown in Fig. 2.
PIR, Sonar, LDR, Rain Sensor are the sensors and Arduino Nano is the
microcontroller. All these components are listed and shown visually in fig.3.
The algorithm and pseudocode is developed to run and manage the whole system.
boolean motion = read(PIR);
float distance = read(Sonar);
boolean raining = read(RainSensor);
float light = read(LDR);
While(raining || !light){
if(motion && distance != null){
(a) (b) (c)
Fig. 3. (a) PIR Sensor, (b) Ultrasonic Transducer, (c) LDR, (d) Rain Sensor, (e) Arduino nano.
5 Conclusion
An Automatic Energy Saver Street Lamps Switching System is designed in this paper
which eases the maintenance and importantly energy-saving and efficient utility of
power. The system is highly efficient in terms of installation and extension. The final
outcome of our system is adequate. It is not complicated yet coherent also guarantees
energy, cost, and manpower saving. This system also proves to be very much useful
for the city infrastructure in order to reduce the utilization of conventional power. IT
sectors has caused a significant amount of energy consumption; thus, energy saving
must be done by using IT facilities. A cost-effective power-saving system like this
one will work as a great amplification of technology usage in our modern world.
Optimistically, the implementation and further additions such as datamining on
vehicular movement, congestion predictability, immediate response to any vehicular
accident to this idea will enhance the productivity of our automated street lighting
technology. However, as always, there are more scope regarding scalability and
upgradation with newer technologies.
FUTURE SCOPE: The proposed system deals with the detection of the accidents.
But this can be extended by providing medication to the victims at the accident spot.
By increasing the technology we can also avoid accidents by providing alerts systems
that can stop the vehicle to overcome the accidents.