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The Unusual Billionaires Saurabh Mukherjea: March 2018

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The Unusual Billionaires Saurabh Mukherjea

Article · March 2018

DOI: 10.21095/ajmr/2018/v11/i1/139604


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1 author:

Vincent Raj Kumar

Adarsh Group of Institutions


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Book Reviewed by : *Dr. Vincent Raj Kumar

The Book by Saurabh Mukherjea is about describes the way they were built by focusing
seven companies which have been performing on small opportunities or ventures which were
very well in India for the last 25 years; the ignored by other companies. This was the
companies are Asian Paints, Berger Paints, reason for the difference among these
Marico, Page Industries, Axis Bank, HDFC and extraordinary companies who later became
Astral Poly. billionaires and others who could not move
ahead as these seven companies did among
This Book reflects how these companies
competition from great companies such as
are thriving in the last 25 years which are
Infosys, the Tata’s and Reliance. These seven
predominantly ruled by Information
companies built their empire relying on their
Technology. Mukherjea evaluates the
competitive advantage. The author feels that
performance of these companies by using
these strategies made these companies achieve
certain qualitative and quantitative parameters
better than their competitors.
and the outcome of these evaluations is backed
by the share value of these companies. The author talks about prominence and
goes on to articulate that greatness is not
He mentions that enormity of these
everyone’s cup of coffee. The common thread
companies is not temporary, and they appear
which is responsible for the success of these
successful because of their strategies in various
companies is the location of their business and
sectors. The author gives us the details about
the promoters who did not centralize the power
the company’s founder, products, strategies and
and wealth of the companies to their kith and
brand recall. Another reason for the success of
these companies is their disciplined approach
used for investments, which offers them The three themes which are highlighted are:-
maximum returns. The author further illustrates
Theme A: Focus on long term rather than short
about the stocks that these companies have
term results.
purchased which brought a lot of prosperity.
Theme B: Using Technology to improve
The book begins with an introduction story
internal efficiencies
about these companies which began small and
grew exponentially with time and then Theme C: Sensible Capital Allocation

*Dr. Vincent Raj Kumar

Associate Professor
Adarsh Institute of Management and
Information Technology

Adarsh Journal of Management Research (ISSN 0974‐7028) ‐ Vol. : 11 Issue : 1 March 2018 43
Theme A: Focus on long term rather than short a. Industry attractiveness: The relative
term results. attractiveness which an industry has, can
impact the company’s fortune.
These companies focus was on long term
result rather than short term which are The questions which can be asked to check
generally not the case with other companies. industry attractiveness are
Other companies get attracted by short term
i. Is the company’s business heavily
results and get deviated from their actual vision
dependent on government regulation?
which would be to establish competitive
position and sustain them as much as possible. ii. How many competitors are present in the
Short term results are something which excites industry and how strong is the competitive
every company but these companies ignored intensity?
that and focused on the firms priorities.
iii. What is the overall size of the industry and
Theme B: Using Technology to improve its growth potential?
internal efficiencies
iv. What is the capital intensity and capital
These companies are obsessed in using efficiency of the industry?
technology and cost reduction which helped v. Is the industry’s business dependent on
them to be better than others. As they used India’s overall economic cycle?
technology in their operations they were able to
improve efficiency internally which in return vi. Does the business generate excess returns
led to reduction in costs. When companies for shareholders?
don’t use technology it can lead to a lot of
b. M a n a g e m e n t Q u a l i t y : T h e o t h e r
consequences such as fall in market share
important factor which evaluates the business
which can eventually lead to further loss. These
apart from industry attractiveness is its quality
companies learnt from their mistakes and
of management. It is this management which
established their internal environment which
will help the industry to overcome various
nurtured technology advancement with cost
challenges and also transform the business into
control. Such attitude sustains their competitive
an attractive sector.
The questions which can be asked to check
Theme C: Sensible Capital Allocation Management Quality are:-
These companies were sensible about i. Does the management have a track record
capital allocation i.e. they had refrained from of good governance and clean accounting?
outside core franchise and used to return excess
cash to shareholders if they were unable to use ii. Do the owners of the company have
\the excess funds effectively. They ensured connections to political parties?
they prove before investing their capital. iii. Does the company have a strong track
The author concludes with a checklist for record of efficient capital allocation?
long term Investors which includes Industry iv. Do the promoters have a track record of
Attractiveness, Management Quality and remaining focused on their core
Competitive Advantage:- operations?

Adarsh Journal of Management Research (ISSN 0974‐7028) ‐ Vol. : 11 Issue : 1 March 2018 44
c. Competitive Advantage: It is competitive long book and it will suit only those who are
advantage which allows a company to do better into investment and finance not lay persons.
than the rivals, further when this competitive
advantage is sustained this will allow them to The style of writing is narrative. The
continue their extra value addition for longer author is imparting information by constructing
period. and communicating the stories of seven
companies with characters.
The questions which can be asked to check
Competitive Advantage are:- This is a book worth reading, not as a
result of the theoretical emphasis on business
i. What is the company’s track record on and corporate success, however as a result of it
innovation constructs which is an inexpensive framework
ii. What is the company’s investment in for assessing it. It also provides a wealth of
brands and reputation? knowledge and facts on the Indian Companies
who have overcome tough times and became
iii. How strong is the company’s architecture? successful.
iv. Does the company own any strategic
To make the book attention-grabbing and
legible, the author has provided several
The book is an illustration of unusual snapshots of the key individuals concerned
people becoming billionaires and the reasons with in the entire heroic tale. Clearly, this has
for that were their determination and unique concerned a good quantity of legwork and
strategies, something not found very often. The interviews, additionally to the gathering of
seven company’s history teaches us valuable secondary information.
lessons in personal and professional life which
will enrich our lives in many facets. This The author shows promise, and one hopes
doesn’t mean that all who read this book will to learn a lot from him for the future. Maybe a
become billionaires; however there is lot of perceptive assessment of the theoretical
something to learn and grow. frameworks used by the author shall ensure big
companies success.
The book isn’t an easy read; it won’t make
for a pleasant afternoon delight. This is a very

Adarsh Journal of Management Research (ISSN 0974‐7028) ‐ Vol. : 11 Issue : 1 March 2018 45

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