Cases Relating To Harassment

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Case Name Court, date of Summary Citation

judgement and Coram

Apparel Export Promotion Council SC- 20/01/1999 Special leave petition against acquittal ny HC on
vs A.K. Chopra ,2 sexual harassment of employee by superior AIR 1999 SC 625
officer. Repeated sexual advances made in spite
of objections.

D.S. Grewal vs Vimi Joshi & Ors SC-17 December, 2008, Writ petition filed by a women employee for
2 termination by superior staff for denial of
sexual advances and for harassment done
towards her. Action taken on the bodyfor lack if (2009) 2 SCC 210
compliance with existing laws in matter of
sexual harassment in workplace.

NISHA PRIYA BHATIA V. SC-24-04-2020, 2 RAW agents filed a case of secual harassment Crl.A. No.-000413-
UNION OF INDIA & ANR against superiors. Clam found to be invalid. 000413 / 2020
Petitioner dismissed under rule 135 of RAW for 2020 SCC OnLine SC 394
breaching constitutionality.

Dr. Vijayakumaran C.P.V V. SC-28-01-2020, 3 Professor placed under probation for harassment
Central University of Kerala & of a female student. Later fired by university.
Ors. Appeal to SC. Decided that the professor be 2020(1) SCT 773 SC
reinstated but others decided it at the discretion
of the university.

Ruchika Singh Chhabra V. M/s. HC of Delhi-30-05- Female employees harassed by superior and
Air France India & Another 2018, 2 later forced to resign by other members. Case
filed challenging findings of the iCC and against 2018 DHC 578
the offenders. Held the iCC to be faulty and
parties punished
Dr. Punita K. Sodhi vs Union Of HC of tripure-9 Junior female doctor under harassment by senior
India & Ors. September, 2010, 1 doctor to intentionally damage her personal life.
Proof insufficient. Appeal to constitute a new (2010) 172 DLT 409
investigation committee as findings of the older
were not valid. Permission granted on basis of
findings of court

Additional District and Sessions SC-8 December, 2014, Petition filed by former women Asst.Session
Judge ‘X’ v Registrar General 2 sjudge for sexual harassment against a Judge of
the HC of MP. Sexual remarks and comments (2015) 4 SCC 91
were made by the defendant. IN-House
procedure and further investigation assigned
under the supervision of the CJ.

Srinivas Rajan V. The Director of HC of madras-20-02- Case filed against the administration and staff
Matriculation Schools Office of 2012, 1 member of school for:
the Directorate of Matriculation 1. Sexual harassment of female co-workers
2. Harassment of students LQ 2012 HC 13502
schools & Others Court order fresh investigation in the matter

Tarun Jit Tejpal v. State of Goa SC - 19 August, 2019, Appeal against quashing of charges made by
3 the prosecutrix, an employee of the appellant, on
the appellant for sexual misconduct. The appeal 2019 SCC OnLine SC 1053
was quashed because the assault was severe in

M Kavya v The Chairman, HC of MAdras-4-12- Petition filed challenging suspension of the LQ 2014 HC 14894,
University Grants Commission 2014 students against administration. Later students
, 1 were harassed in connection with the matter.
Students awarded compensations and policy of
college revision. Fresh investigation inmatter of
sexual harassment ordered.

I. Linga Bhaskar & Others V. The The Madurai Bench Of Case filed by employee against superior officers 2018 (3)MLJ(Crl)173
State through the Inspector of Madras High Court- 05- for reaction to a whatsapp video the petitioner
Police, Thoothukudi South Police 06-2018, 1 found offensive. The FIR was quashed for the
same. Caase filed for discrimination based on
Station & Another caste and sex and 67 if IT Act. Case dismissed
due to lack of admissible grounds by the HIgh
court and the respondents have the right to

Sunil Menon & Others V. Ramesh High Court Of Case filed against the petitioner by 3 female 2017 KAR HC 162
Chelliah & Another Karnataka 15-03-2017, employees for sexual harassment. Petitioner
1 filed a complaint against the female employees
for dicriminatin and harassment based on caste.
Decided that the petitioner had ulterior motives
and the petition does not fall under harassment
based on caste.

PIYUSH R. PARIKH V. UDGAM High Court Of Gujarat Petition by employee for intervention of HRC to 2017 (4) GLR 3429
SCHOOL OF CHILDREN 29-07-2016, 1 issue of dicrmination faced at work. Petitioner
allegedly discriminated and harassed by school
management and was made to quit though the
official record state otherwise, decided that the
case is outside the scope of the commission and
fresh civil appeal warranted.

MUTHULAKSHMI V. THE HIGH COURT OF Petition has been filed to direct the 1st LQ2016 HC 3248
COMMISSIONER OF POLICE, MADRAS, respondent to forward the petitioner complaint
MADURAI AND ANOTHER 09-03-2016,1 to the 2nd respondent to register a case for the
alleged offences punishable under Sections
498(A), 294(b) and 506(ii) IPC and Section of 3
& 4 of Dowry Prohibition Act and Section 4 of
Prevention of Women Harassment Act.This
Criminal Original Petition is closed with liberty
to the petitioner to work out her remedy before
the appropriate forum in the manner known to

KADAR V. MUTHUKOYA HIGH COURT OF Writ petition was filed and the question which Air 1962 KER 138,
THANGAL KERALA, arises for decision was whether the decree 1961 KLJ 1176
17-07-1961,1 granted by the two subordinate authorities
declaring the right of the plaintiff-respondent to
enforce his rights to obtain personal services
from the petitioner-defendant is opposed to the
provisions of clause (J) of Art.23 of the

GAMETI MAMAD HASAN V. High Court of Gujarat, The petitioner through this writ petition under 1999 (2) GLH 1005
DISTRICT MAGISTRATE 10-03-1999,1 Article 226 of the Constitution of India has
prayed for quashing the detention order with 2000 (4) GLR 765
further prayer that he be released from illegal
detention forthwith.the activities of the
petitioner were certainly prejudicial for
maintenance of public order as defined in
explanation to sub-section (4) of section 3 of
PASA. The impugned order of detention is
therefore legal and valid. The writ petition has
therefore no merit and is bound to fail. The writ
petition is accordingly dismissed.

MAJEESH K MATHEW V. High Court Of Kerala, The victim was subject to gender based ILR 2018 3 KER 583
STATE OF KERALA 20-06-2018,1 bullying.Complainant filed an application to (2018) 3 RCR
intervene in the matter and to oppose the prayer (CRIMINAL) 596
for pre-arrest bail. The learned counsel submits
that the victim was the subject of gender based

SANJAY CHOURE V. THE High Court of Patna, A The conviction of the appellant under section (2017) 2 ECrC 321
STATE OF BIHAR 16-02-2017,2 450 IPC has also been challenged.

DR. SUBHASH KASHINATH Supreme Court Of India Case filed by government employee against (2018) 6 SCC 454
MAHAJAN V. THE STATE OF 20-03-2018, 2 superior on caste based harassment. Question if
MAHARASHTRA officials should be suspended for allegations.
Held that action can only be taken after primary
investigation and prior permission.

Gurdev Singh and Ors. etc V. High Court Of Case filed by prisoners against forced labour AIR 1992 HP 76
State of Himachal Pradesh and Ors Himachal Pradesh 14- and miserable pay.also subject to harassment by
03-1991, 2 the jail staff. Held that even prisoners have basic
rights and must be provided with reasonable pay
and working conditions.

Tamil Nadu Markergal Sangam V. High Court Of Writ petition filed by employees of the LQ 1991 HC 3799
The Government of Tamil Nadu Judicature At Madras organisation for violation under art 23 and very
and others 11-06-1991, 1 poor working conditions. Held that work
standards and pay must be lifted and no person
shall be forced to work.

T. Chakkalackal V. State of Bihar SC 24-09-1998, 1 Writ petition filed against bonded labour on JT 1992 (1) SC 106
caste and miserably working hours. Held that
Bonded Labour System (Abolition) Act, 1976
must be followed and conditions must be made

State of Gujarat & Another V. Supreme Court Of India Petition filed by state governments seeking AIR 1998 SC 3164
Hon'ble High Court of Gujarat 24-09-1998, 3 legality of compulsory labour for prisoners and
the obligation to pay wages for such work. Held
that compulsory work can be legal for prisoners
under rigorous imprisonment however
reasonable wages must be paid

Alpha Jose V. State of Kerala HC of kerala 14-07- Case filed by first year nursing students against (2006) 3 KLT 886
2006, 01 seniors for ragging and sexual harassment.
Students suspended from college based merely
on criminal complaints. Court held that 6
months suspensions will suffice and ordered the
college to end suspension owing to the
irreversible damage caused to the future of the

Vishwa Jagriti Mission through SC 03-08-2001, 3 PIL to curb ragging filed. Held that compulsory AIR 2001 SC 2814
President V. Central Government compliance to the anti-ragging laws and UGC
through Cabinet Secretary guidelines for the same.

The University of Kerala V. The SC 11-02-2009, 2 Petition filed to curb ragging at educational AIR 2009 SC 2223
Council of Principals of College in institutions. Held that compulsory compliance to
Kerala & Others the anti-ragging laws and UGC guidelines for
the same. Guidelines laid down. Police
complaint made compulsory in case of incident

L. Nagaraju V. Syndicate Bank, High Court Of Andhra Petitioner was under humiliation, harassment 2014 (CLXXXVIII)ALT
rep. by the General Manager, Pradesh 18-12-2013, 2 and insult by the branch manager and senior 378
Syndicate Bank Zonal Office, manager of his branch. It severely affected his
Pioneer House, Somajiguda, personal and professional life severely. He was
Hyderabad & Others subject to constant bullying and mental
harassment by the superiors. Held him unfit for
the claims in the particular case but laid down
criteria for bullying and harassment in the

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