Nonadiabatic Berry Phase in Nanocrystalline Magnets: Articles You May Be Interested in

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Nonadiabatic Berry phase in nanocrystalline magnets

R. Skomski, and D. J. Sellmyer

Citation: AIP Advances 7, 055802 (2017); doi: 10.1063/1.4972804

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Nonadiabatic Berry phase in nanocrystalline magnets

R. Skomski and D. J. Sellmyer
Department of Physics and Astronomy and Nebraska Center for Materials and Nanoscience,
University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska 68588, USA
(Presented 4 November 2016; received 23 September 2016; accepted 6 October 2016;
published online 20 December 2016)

It is investigated how a Berry phase is created in polycrystalline nanomagnets and how

the phase translates into an emergent magnetic field and into a topological Hall-effect
contribution. The analysis starts directly from the spin of the conduction electrons
and does not involve any adiabatic Hamiltonian. Completely random spin alignment
in the nanocrystallites does not lead to a nonzero emergent field, but a modulation
of the local magnetization does. As an explicit example, we consider a wire with
a modulated cone angle. © 2016 Author(s). All article content, except where oth-
erwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license
( []

The Berry phase, |ψi → exp(iγ) |ψi, which is unrelated to the dynamical phase exp(-iHt/~), has
revolutionized quantum mechanics and permeated many areas of physics.1 In particular, it is important
for the understanding of many magnetic phenomena, such as orbital magnetic moment, anomalous
Hall effect, and quantum Hall effect.1–3 An intriguing aspect of the Berry phase is its relation to
topological invariants, which indicate robustness against small and moderate perturbations.3 For
example, the Dirac points of graphene are topologically protected, which manifests itself as a Berry
curvature.3 The invariants often have the character of integrals over curvatures (Gaussian curvature
in geometry, Berry curvature in quantum mechanics) are global rather than local.
The Berry phase was originally associated with an adiabatically slow parametric change in the
spin wave function,1 and adiabacity has continued to play a big role in the discussion of Berry-phase
effects.4,5 However, the involvement of an adiabatically varying Hamiltonian H(t) is rather secondary
from a fundamental viewpoint. One example is that Berry-phase effects exist even for H = 0 so long
as the Lagrangian L = p·q – H entering the action S = ∫ L dt involves conjugate quantities p and q
that form a curved space rather than a “flat” Euclidian space.6 In fact, considering the Berry phase
as a wave-function property, without any reference to Hamiltonians, is not only possible but also
convenient for many purposes.
In this paper, we analyze the topological Hall effect, that is, the Berry-phase contribution to the
anomalous Hall effect,7,8 in terms of itinerant wave functions in granular nanostructures. In Sect. II, we
outline our approach and show that it is equivalent to previous approaches. Section III, we determine
the “emergent” or effective Hall magnetic fields for a thin-film Hall geometry.

In his original paper, Berry considered an adiabatically slow spin rotation in a strong field of
constant magnitude H. Figure 1 shows the corresponding geometry. The change in the wave vector is
cos θ
! !
|ψi = → |ψi = −iϕ 2 θ . (1)
0 e sin 2
The Hamiltonian used by Berry1 is H = µo µB H·s or, due to adiabacity, H = µo µB H = const.
Shifting the energy zero by a unitary operator U yields H = 0 and the Schrödinger equation
i ∂|ψi /∂t = H |ψi = 0 (2)

2158-3226/2017/7(5)/055802/4 7, 055802-1 © Author(s) 2016

055802-2 R. Skomski and D. J. Sellmyer AIP Advances 7, 055802 (2017)

FIG. 1. Berry phase: (a) adiabatically rotating spin σ, as considered in Berry’s original paper, and (b) visualization of a
nonzero Berry phase as closed-loop area on the Bloch sphere (θ, φ). In a typical solid-state situation, an itinerant electron
exchange-interacts with atomic spins Si and undergoes a spin change to σi . In the adiabatic limit, σi = Si , but in general only
the σi matter.

where |ψ(θ, φ)i = (0, 1)T . Equation (2) is paradoxical, because it means that |ψi does not change, in
contradiction the involved physics, which is outlined in Fig. 1(a).
Berry solved this paradox by considering the Berry phase |ψi → eiγ |ψi. The phase is often
negligible, because e−iγ eiγ = 1 in averages of the type hψ|...|ψi, but important if it involves time-
dependent parameter sets, such as b = (b1 , b2 , ... bN ). In the example of Fig. 1, these parameters form
the vector b = (θ, φ).

A. Berry connection
The Berry phase of a closed loop C is γ = ∫ C A · db, where A = hψ|∂/∂b|ψi is the Berry connec-
tion. In the example of Fig. 1, the Berry connections are Aθ = hψ|∂/∂θ|ψi and Aφ = hψ|∂/∂φ|ψi, or
explicitly Aθ = 0 and Aφ = sin2 (θ/2). The corresponding Berry-phase integral γ = ∫ A · db is equal to

γ= sin2 (θ/2) dφ (3)

The Berry phase has a direct physical meaning for closed loops C only, so it is often useful to
consider the Berry curvature Ωmn = ∂An /∂bm − ∂Am /∂bn . In the example of Fig. 1, Ω = 1/2sinθ.3 For
closed loops, the Berry phase is γ = ∫ C Aφ dφ = 1/2 ΩS , which can be visualized as an area on the unit
sphere, Fig. 2. Integration over the whole sphere yields γ = 2π. This phase is a topological invariant,
equivalent to the integral 4π over the Gaussian curvature (Euler characteristic χ = 2 of an ideal or
distorted sphere).

B. Berry phase and electromagnetism

There is a close analogy between the Berry connection and the electromagnetic vector potential,
both commonly denoted by A, and between the Berry curvature Ωmn (Ω = ∇×A in three-dimensional
parameter space) and the magnetic field B = ∇×A. In fact, the Aharonov-Bohm effect (electron motion
in zero E and B fields) can be interpreted as an electromagnetic Berry-phase effect.
The analogy carries over to the Lorentz force F = – e v × B acting on an electron and thereby affects
the Hall effect, which is known as the topological Hall effect).7 The relation between mechanical
motion and electromagnetism is provided by the gauge # transformation p → p + e A. Quantum-
mechanically, the kinetic motion of an electron obeys H = p2 /2m and p = − i~∇, so that we need to

FIG. 2. Example of a nanostructure exhibiting a topological Hall effect due to a Berry-phase-induced emergent B-field.
055802-3 R. Skomski and D. J. Sellmyer AIP Advances 7, 055802 (2017)

explore the effect of ∇2 on the complete wave function eiγ ψ. It is straightforward to show that
∇2 (eiγ ψ) = eiγ (∇ + i∇γ)2 ψ (4)

The term eiγ is now on the left of the nabla operator, where it is “annihilated” through e−iγ eiγ = 1 in
quantum-mechanical averages. Equation (4) confirms the equivalence of vector potential and Berry
connection, both proportional to ∇γ. The corresponding emergent magnetic field ∇ × A (or Berry
curvature Ω) contributes to Hall effect,3 which is the above-mentioned topological Hall effect.
The argumentation in this section reproduces well-known findings but is exclusively based
on wave functions and no assumptions were made about the adiabacity or nonadiabacity of the
involved Hamiltonians. This is practically important, because the Hamiltonians describing solid-state
phenomena are often complicated and difficult to solve.

Let us assume that an electron travels through a magnetic lattice (spins Si ), so that the spin angles
of the itinerant electron vary along the path, that is, θ(r) and φ(r) in Eq. (1). The Berry connection of
Eq. (3) then corresponds to the emergent magnetic field,3,7,9 which has frequently been considered
in the context of lattices with non-collinear spins Si ,8,10 composite thin-film nanostructures,5 and
skyrmion-like micromagnetic spin structures.7 Atomic-scale examples are Nd2 Mo2 O7 pyrochlore
ferromagnets10 and γ-FeMn,8 where a Berry phase is created by nonzero scalar spin chirality
cijk = Si ·(Sj × Sk ). Note that noncollinearity of the atomic spins i, j, and k is a necessary but not
sufficient condition, because coplanar noncollinearities yield a zero Berry phase.
However, as we will discuss in this section, emergent magnetic fields are very common, and any
granular magnetic nanostructure exhibit such fields. The magnitude and direction of the emergent
magnetic field follows from the Berry phase of Eq. (3),
B= sin θ (∇θ × ∇φ) (5)
The B-field scales as Φo /2πR2 , where Φo = 2.067 fTm2 is the magnetic flux quantum and R is the
distance over which the electron changes its spin directions. On a truly macroscopic scale, the fields
are weak, but they are fairly large when R is smaller than one micrometer.
The simplest way to introduce the θ and φ variations necessary to create the field of Eq. (4) is
to consider a fixed or ‘frozen’ spin structure in the magnet. Granular nanostructures, which can be
produced by a variety of methods, such as melt-spinning or cluster deposition, exhibit noncollinear
spin structures.11 First, inversion symmetry is broken at grain boundaries and therefore leads to
noncollinear spin structures due to Dzyaloshinski-Moriya (DM) interactions.11 However, the cor-
responding angular variations are relatively small, due to the higher-order relativistic character of
the DM interactions. A second mechanism is noncollinearities due to competing exchange. These
interactions are sometimes rather weak (a few K in temperature units), as exemplified by RKKY
interactions in dilute alloys,12 but values in excess of 100 K are possible in heavy rare earth (Dy) and
frustrated magnets.13
Our focus in on artificially created spin structures in granular nanostructures. This includes
both nanocrystalline single-phase magnets and magnetic nanoparticles embedded in a nonmagnetic
metallic matrix, which can be produced by methods such as melt-spinning and cluster deposition.14,15
If the magnetization orientations of the grains (or crystallites) are random,
√ then Eq. (4) creates locally
strong emergent fields. These fields average to zero but contain a 1/ N noise component, where N
is the number of involved grains. To create a well-defined macroscopic emergent field, one needs
a spin structure where ∇θ and ∇φ do not average to zero. Such spin structure can be produced, in
principle, by magnetizing grains or crystallites of a semihard nanostructure. The important point is
the averages of θ(r) and φ(r) vary over a distance of several grains. For individual grains, the angles
θ and φ are strongly affected by the local anisotropy axis.
The experimental control of the locally averaged angles θ(r) and φ(r) is a challenge to future
experimental research, and there are many scenarios where Eq. (4) yields a nonzero global B-field.
Since the field is monitored through the Hall voltage, it is appropriate to choose a geometry where a
055802-4 R. Skomski and D. J. Sellmyer AIP Advances 7, 055802 (2017)

long flat wire of thickness t and width w carries a current in the z-direction. The voltage is measured
in the x-direction across the width of the wire, so that the emergent field must point in the y-direction
perpendicular to the wire. However these restrictions do not fix θ(r) and φ(r), and further choices
needs to be made. Figure 2 shows one of these choices. First, we assume that φ(r) = cos(k z), which
corresponds at a cone angle spiraling in the wire direction. Second, we assume that the cone angle
varies across the wire, so that θ(r) = (π/2) (1 – x/w). Since <sinθ> = 2/π, this choice yields
~ k
B=− (6)
2e w
Note that k and w refer to the spin σ(r) of the itinerant electrons, not to the locally “fixed” spins S(r)
of the granular crystallites. The two sets of spins are parallel in the adiabatic limit only, although
adiabacity is probably a good approximation for nanostructures.
Note that the spin structure of Fig. 2 is noncollinear and noncoplanar but not of the skyrmion type.
The relation between skyrmions and Fig. 2 is analogous to the relation between spin-orbit coupling
in atoms and general spin-orbit coupling, for example in thin films (Rashba effect). Skyrmions and
atomic spin-orbit coupling are special cases of the more general cross-product-containing description.

In summary, we have analyzed how itinerant electron in polycrystalline nanomagnets yield an
emergent magnetic field and a topological contribution to the anomalous Hall effect. Our analysis is
based exclusively on the spin wave functions of the itinerant electrons, which are assumed to reflect
the spin structure of the nanomagnet in an adiabatic or nonadiabatic way. Random nanocrystallinity
does not yield a net emerging field, but a modulation of the spin structure does, as explicitly shown
for one structure. This modulation is not necessarily of the skyrmion type, and other nonskyrmionic
spin structures with similar Berry-phase effects are likely to exist.

This research is supported by DOE-BES (DE-FG02-04ER46152) and NCMN.
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