Islamiyat Olevel 2058
Islamiyat Olevel 2058
Islamiyat Olevel 2058
(a) Write about the life of the Prophet up until the first revelation
Candidates could talk about the Prophet’s parents, his guardianship under his uncle Abu Talib, and
his relationship with the Quraysh. They could mention special events that occurred in his childhood,
e.g. the angels washing his heart. They should also mention his trade journeys, and related to this, his
subsequent marriage to Khadija, as well as the meeting with Bahira. Better answers may also give
elaborations about his character and mention his increasing seclusions just before revelation – with
any relevant supporting quotations.
(b) Why was his relationship with his wife Khadija important for him? [4]
spiritually, and being the first Muslim. They could also mention that her support allowed him to
spend time in seclusion and that his seclusion prepared him for receiving revelation. They could also
mention that her maturity allowed her to console and believe in the Prophet when he received
revelation [reference to Sura 93:8]. Candidates should look to give thoughtful and insightful
explanations as to why this was important to the Prophet and the subsequent development of Islam.
Candidates should be able to give an in-depth narrative of the Prophet’s experiences in the two caves,
namely Cave Hira and Cave Thawr/Saur. They should be able to name the caves and give details of
what happened in each cave.They should also be able to name the key figures involved, e.g. Jibra’il
and Abu Bakr. Related to Cave Hira, candidates could mention why the Prophet was in the cave, the
appearance of the angel, the quotation of Sura 96:1–5, as well as a description of what happened to
the Prophet when he left the cave. Related to Cave Thawr/Saur, candidates could mention why the
Prophet found himself in the cave, who he was with, details about Abu Bakr’s role as well as a
reference to the Qur’anic verse relating to this incident.
Explain the significance of one of these experiences for the development of Islam. [4]
Candidates should try to show some understanding of the importance of one of these
incidences, and try to relate its significance to Muslims today. Cave Hira This event started God’s
final guidance for mankind as it was when the Prophet was given the first revelation of the Qur’an,
which is the most important book for Muslims to get guidance. The event was also significant for the
Prophet as he was given his prophethood. It highlighted the transition from polytheism to
monotheism. Candidates should try to reflect upon these reasons and their significance to themselves
or the wider community of Muslims. Cave Thawr This event was significant because there was a
threat to the Prophet in Makka and God gave permission to leave. Candidates should mention that at
this time, the Prophet had to have trust in God as well as his followers to escape the threat. If he
hadn’t trusted them and if he had been captured Islam would not have developed. It was the
beginning of a new phase for the Muslims because they left everything behind. Candidates should try
to reflect upon these reasons and their significance to themselves or the wider community of
The Prophet had two experiences in caves. His experience in the valley of Abu Talib during the
Makkan boycott does not count.
• After his followers had left Makka, Muhammad departed with Abu Bakr.
• When the two knew they were being pursued they hid in the cave of Thawr.
• The pursuers saw two nesting birds at the mouth of the cave and saw no need to
look inside.
• Abu Bakr was bitten by a scorpion or snake but did not cry out.
• Muhammad reassured Abu Bakr by telling him God was with them.
Explain why one of these experiences was important in the history of Islam. [4]
• This was the occasion on which the Qur’an was first sent down.
• It marks the beginning of God’s final guidance for humans, telling them how to live
their lives.
(ii) Thawr
• It shows that meeting force with force is not always the way to success.
• The importance of the incident is such that the Qur’an refers to it.
(b) Explain the significance of the actions of the angel and Waraqa lbn
(a) For full marks answers should include all the points marked *.
• *This being seized him and crushed him, and gave him the order 'Recite!'
• *He could not, and the crushing and order were repeated twice (three times in all).
• *Then the being itself recited ‘Recite, in the name of your Lord who created’, etc.
• (give one mark for a reference to the Qur'anic verses, and 2 marks for a full quotation).
• On the way he again saw the being as a giant figure astride the horizon.
• She took him to her relative Waraqa lbn Nawfal for an explanation of what had happened.
(b) • The angel was performing the duty he had previously performed with other
• His appearance is a sign that the revelations were truly from God.
• Waraqa was the first to explain to the Prophet the significance of his experience.
• He helped him realise that he had been visited by the angel who had appeared to other messengers.
• This helped the Prophet understand the responsibilities to which he had been called.
Question 2
(a) This part was answered very well by many candidates, though some answers were fuller than
others. The fullest detailed the triple crushing of the Prophet, quoted the verses revealed to him,
referred to his second vision of the angel after leaving the cave, his comforting by Khadija and his
visit to Waraqa. In descriptive questions, the Examiners look for accuracy and completeness, and
candidates often lose marks by getting basic facts wrong or leaving them out altogether. The need for
planning answers is paramount. There were some surprising interpretations in a few answers. One
was that the angel did not crush the Prophet but held him in order to reassure him, and another was
that the angel first visited the Prophet six months before coming to him in the cave with the first
revelation. If any teachers know an authentic source for such interpretations, they are asked to share
them in the Discussion Group (see above). The Hadith preserved by al-Bukhari is generally taken as
the most reliable source;
this is quoted in full in the Islamiyat textbook, pages 10-12 (see above).
(b) There were some good answers to this part, though many candidates were unable to say why the
two characters of the angel and Waraqa were important. The best answers explained that the angel
who appeared was God’s messenger to all Prophets, and was the first to inform the Prophet
Muhammad of this new career that had been chosen for him, and that Waraqa helped him to
understand what this new career was, who the angel was, and the difficulties that lay ahead.
(b) Explain how their reaction to these difficulties can set an example for Muslims today.
[4] (M/J/07)
(a) (i)
• The Quraysh rejected Muhammad when he began his preaching (1 extra mark for
• An old woman regularly pelted him with rubbish on his way to prayer.
• The Quraysh subjected him to temptation, insults and verbal abuse (1 mark for a
• He and his family were boycotted and forced to live in a narrow valley outside Makka
(1 extra mark for comments about their steadfastness - credit this point either
• Many of his followers were subjected to torture (1 extra mark for the story of Bilal
or of Sumayya).
• Some followers were forced to flee to Abyssinia to the protection of the king (1 extra
mark for comments about the pursuit by Quraysh and their reception by the king).
• They were boycotted and forced to live in a narrow valley outside Makka (1 extra
mark for comments about their steadfastness - credit this point either here or in
• Muhammad was not deflected from preaching even when offered bribes.
• His followers preferred to undergo hardships and death rather than give up their faith.
• Muhammad showed concern for his persecutors and forgiveness towards them.
Allow 1 extra mark for one lesson derived from these points.
Question 2
This asked about the difficulties encountered by the Prophet and his followers while they
lived in Makka, and how their reaction can provide lessons for Muslims today.
In part (a) candidates were asked for accurate accounts of the personal difficulties of the
Prophet, including the insults and abuses he suffered in Makka and al-Ta’if, the boycott, and
the problems presented by the deaths of Abu Talib and Khadija; and also for equally
detailed accounts of the difficulties faced by the first Muslims, including the tortures inflicted
on some of them, the difficulty of worshipping in public and the necessity to flee to
Abyssinia. Many candidates gave full accounts, and this tended to be a high-scoring
question. Inaccuracies seen in some papers were that the Prophet was stoned until his
shoes filled with blood while in Makka not al-Ta’if, that he himself took part in the flight to
Abyssinia, and that during the boycott the Muslims took refuge in the cave of Thawr (which
is where the Prophet and Abu Bakr hid during their migration to Madina).
Part (b) was more demanding, asking candidates to reflect on the facts given in part (a) and
to make a connection between the response of the early Muslims to their difficulties and
Muslims today. Good answers would have referred to the first Muslims’ steadfastness and
refusal to abandon their faith, the dignity they maintained, their unfailing loyalty towards one
another, and the concern shown by the Prophet himself for his persecutors. The best
answers would have gone on to add comments about the lessons these reactions can teach
Muslims now. A shortcoming seen in some answers to this part was that they gave general
comments about Muslim behaviour without connecting these to the conduct of the Prophet
and his first followers. Candidates who
gave answers such as these had clearly not thought about the Question.
3 (a) Describe the main difficulties encountered by the Prophet himself during his time in
Candidates should write a detailed account of the difficulties faced by the prophet, and
should write about the events as they happened. Candidates could give a brief description of the
Prophet beginning to preach openly after years of secret worship, including an account of when he
stood on the hill and made his speech declaring his faith, and the reaction of the Quraysh. They could
go on to give a description of the subsequent mocking and torture he faced, mentioning the key
figures involved in the persecutions, and mention of the tolerance and patience of the Prophet. They
could also include relevant references from the Qur’an.
(b) How does his conduct in one of these difficulties provide an example for Muslims
today? [4]
Candidates should take one of the incidents mentioned in part (a) and comment on how it can be used
as an example to Muslims. They should give a brief mention of one incident, e.g. throwing intestines
on Prophet, preaching at Ta’if, etc., and elaborate by saying how the Prophet reacted and the
characteristics displayed e.g. patience, tolerance, forgiveness. They should then go on to give an
example of how this could be related to a present day situation. Better answers will be able to give a
detailed explanation of how the prophet’s morals give guidance for the contemporary situation.
Question 3
This question was a popular choice with candidates out of the three optional questions.
(a) Overall this part was answered well, with most candidates writing about the difficulties
faced by the Prophet once he was given the order to preach openly. Excellent answers
provided a clear and detailed narrative of the key events, the main people involved in the
persecution as well as giving relevant quotations. As well as showing that they had
knowledge of the topic (mentioning a lot of the key events relating to the persecution of the
Prophet, e.g. the events at Ta’if, the mocking and boycott) candidates
needed to give details of what happened and mention specific names of those involved.
The persecution inflicted upon the companions of the Prophet was not required for this
question. There were a few candidates who seemed to have memorised a completely
different answer, usually about the wars the Prophet took part in, and simply narrated that
without checking what the actual question was asking.
(b) Answers for this part were too general. Many candidates were able to pick out the
Prophet’s conduct, e.g. his forgiveness. This then needed to be linked with Muslims today.
General statements such as the Prophet showed forgiveness and so Muslims today should
also needed more detail. The best answers showed a mature reflection on behaviour and
attitude to events today rather than just a general comment about behaviour, e.g. linking the
Prophet’s patience or forgiveness to the situation in Kashmir.
5 (a) Describe the difficulties faced by the followers of the Prophet in Makka. [10]
Candidates should give a detailed narrative of the persecutions faced by the early converts in the
days after the Prophet started preaching Islam. Good answers will be able to name key figures
involved in the persecution, and the names of the Muslims who were being persecuted, stating
that it included slaves and those without tribal protection. They could talk about the type of
difficulties they faced and give an account of the persecutions. Good answers will be able to
present their narratives in a clear and comprehensive manner without confusing details.
(b) What can these stories teach Muslims in their everyday lives today? [4]
Answers should reflect on the accounts the candidates have given in part (a) and be able to put
their answers in a modern context. They may be able to say e.g. that Muslims should remain
steadfast under all circumstances, or that they should not retaliate, but the better answers will be
able to give clear examples from the lives of the candidates or the world they live in. Better
answers will refer to (a) but not repeat the description, rather will explain the accounts/stories in
a modern context or related to their everyday lives.
Question 5
(a) Where chosen, this question was answered reasonably well, and again where
candidates did not gain the highest level marks it was due to a lack of detail in their
answers. Most candidates wrote about the persecution of various companions, giving their
names and the way in which they were tortured. Some included mention of the boycott and
the migration to Abyssinia. The better answers wrote about all this, giving names and clear
details about these events. There were a significant number of candidates who
concentrated on the persecutions upon the Prophet, some starting with the companions
then concentrating on the Prophet and others only talking about the treatment of the
Prophet. Candidates should always keep the focus of the question in mind when preparing
answers, and perhaps a minute spent planning their answer would aid this.
(b) This part of the question was not so well answered with most candidates repeating the
fact that the followers of the Prophet were steadfast, and that Muslims today also need to
be steadfast. There was not much attempt at evaluation.
Better candidates gave real life examples whether personal, national or global.
2 (a) Write brief accounts of the following two incidents in the life of the Prophet: (M/J/05)
• He was looking for a new place where his teachings would be accepted.
• Angels offered to destroy the town for him, but he forgave the people.
(1 mark for quotation of his words: I was sent as a blessing to the worlds…)
• He decided to attack Mecca because the people had broken their treaty.
• He promised that those Meccans who did not resist would be safe.
(b) What lessons can Muslims today learn from the Prophet’s conduct in each of these
incidents? [2 x 3]
• He did not try to resist the people of al-Ta’if when they rejected him.
[Reserve the third mark for clear applications of these lessons to contemporary
Question 2
(a) This part was generally well answered. Nearly all candidates gave full accounts of the Prophet’s
failure in al-Ta’if, though some thought he went there from Madina rather than Makka, and some
thought he went with an army to conquer the town. Most candidates also gave full accounts of the
Prophet’s conquest of Makka, explaining why he gathered an army against it, how he approached the
town, and what he did when he got there. Some candidates gained full marks for their concise and
full answers to this part.
(b) This more challenging part was on the whole not answered so well. Good answers would have
commented on the Prophet’s reaction of forgiveness in al-Ta’if to the people’s rejection and his
refusal to allow revenge; also his peaceful approach to Makka, his willingness to allow his enemies
every chance to abandon their resistance and his concern to instate Islamic practices. And they would
have made links between these examples from the Prophet’s life to their own lives. While a number
of candidates did exactly this, many more made general comments about the Prophet being a perfect
example of forgiveness without showing how this quality was brought out in the two stories in (a),
and without making links with contemporary situations. It is important in this part to be specific in
identifying precise elements in the Prophet’s conduct, and showing exactly how these can be applied
in actual situations today.
Question 2 (M/J/03)
In part (a) candidates were expected to give a concise but accurate account of the main difficulties
experienced by the young Muslim community in the years between the first revelation to the Prophet
Muhammad and the hijra. An immediate challenge was to decide when to start and when to finish the
account. Good answers would not have started with the first revelation itself, but with the Prophet’s
first public preaching and the rejection he encountered. Answers should have concluded at the point
of the hijra, but should not have described it, since the Prophet left Mecca at this time. They would
have included, e.g. the sufferings of Muhammad’s followers, especially Bilal and others known to
have been tortured; the insults and physical assaults on the Prophet himself; the flight to Abyssinia;
the boycott imposed on the Prophet’s family; the deaths of the Prophet’s wife and uncle. Examiners
looked for sharp accounts of these sufferings, and there were many very full answers, leading to high
scores in this part. However, some candidates
omitted a number of these events, others brought in events from the Prophet’s youth or the hijra, and
one or two wrote about the battles waged between the Prophet’s forces and the Meccans in the years
following 622. Part (b) was answered very well by some candidates, and a few were able to draw
moral comparisons between the events of the Prophet’s time and events taking place in the Arab
world at the time of the examination itself. This is exactly what the Examiners wish to encourage,
since it shows a lively ability to see in the crucial happenings of the Prophet’s life lessons for
Muslims today. Others wrote more generally about the examples of patience and acceptance set by
the first Muslims, though some continued to give facts about the period referred to in the question
without addressing the question asked in (b) itself.
4 (a) Write an account of the first migration (hijra) of the Muslims to Abyssinia. [10]
Good answers should be able to narrate the story of the migration to Abyssinia with
considerable detail, being able to name the main Muslims involved. Answers could give an account
of the persecution faced by Muslims in Makkah and why these persecutions had increased on the
Prophet’s followers; that the Prophet ordered some followers to go to Abyssinia to seek protection
from it’s just king; they were led by the Prophet’s cousin, Ja’far Ibn Abu Talib; the Quraysh followed
them and asked the king to return them; what happened when Sura Maryam was recited to the king.
Excellent answers will give in-depth details of the story as it happened, as well as saying why these
particular Muslims took part.
(b) Why did the people of Makka pursue these Muslims? [4]
Good answers here will be able to give reasons for the migration rather than repeat the story again.
They could say why the Makkans wanted to destroy the new faith, as it threatened their own religious
and economic stability, and therefore didn’t want the Muslims to escape and for Islam to flourish.
Excellent answers will show a clear understanding of the threat the Makkans felt and the fears they
had due to the increasing number of Muslims.
Question 4
(a) This was generally well answered, and good answers were able to give a detailed and concise
narrative about the migration to Abyssinia, from the persecution of the new Muslims to the events in
King Negus’s court. Many candidates gave an excellent account including the names and number of
migrants, the difficulties faced during the hijra and the acceptance of Islam. Candidates made the
connection between Christianity and Islam being similar and also pointed out why they thought so.
Some lower level answers were unbalanced with a lot of detail about persecution and a lack of detail
of about why they decided to go (lack of protection/vulnerability) as well as what happened in
Abyssinia. Unfortunately a significant minority of candidates wrote at length about the Hijra to
(b) This part was answered well on the whole, but there was some confusion with a number of
candidates misunderstanding that the question was referring to the pursuit by the Quraish of the
Muslims who escaped to Abyssinia. Many answers were further descriptions of the persecution of the
Muslims in Makkah, possibly because candidates confused the word ‘pursue’ with ‘persecution’.
Again, candidates should do their best to read the question carefully and understand it before
attempting to answer it.
4 (a) Describe the main events relating to the first migration (hijrah) of Muslims to Abyssinia.
[10] [M/J/12]
(b) What was the importance of making this migration at that time? [4]
(a) Good answers should be able to narrate the story of the migration to Abyssinia with
considerable detail, being able to name the main Muslims involved. Answers could give an account
of the persecution faced by Muslims in Makkah and why these persecutions had increased on the
Prophet’s followers; that the Prophet ordered some followers to go to Abyssinia to seek protection
from it’s just king; amongst the first group was ‘Uthman and Ruqayyah; the second group was led by
the Prophet’s cousin, Ja’far Ibn Abu Talib; the Quraysh followed them and asked the king to return
them; what happened when
Excellent answers will give in-depth details of the story as it happened, name the Muslims who
migrated, as well as saying why these particular Muslims took part.
(b) Candidates could mention that the Muslims being persecuted meant they could not establish their
religion in Makka, and moving to Abyssinia allowed them religious freedom. Those not willing to
renounce Islam were in danger of torture or death. The migration therefore safeguarded the new
converts to Islam and the future Muslim community. Importantly, it was the Prophet who encouraged
them to go.
3 (a) Give an account of the events of the Prophet’s night journey and ascension [‘Isra wa
mi’raj]. [10] (M/J/11)
Candidates should talk about the events of the night journey as they happened, and be able to
provide an in-depth narrative of the journey. They could talk about the Prophet being woken
from his sleep and taken on al-Buraq from Makka to Jerusalem by the angel Jibril They could
mention all the things that he saw on his way, the prophets that he met, the questions that he
asked Jibril, and the fact that he led the prophets in prayer. They should also go on to mention
that he was taken through the heavens and was finally in the presence of his Lord. Answers
should also mention that this all took place in one night, and what the people of Makka said
when he told them about his journey.
(b) Explain the importance of this event to the Prophet himself. [4]
Good answers here will be able to mention the conditions for the Prophet in Makka at this time
that he had lost his closest supporters and was being mocked for being left by God. They should
talk about the importance of physical and spiritual support needed by the Prophet. The events
reassured him of his closeness with God and his status among other messengers, and gave him
spiritual support. His physical support came from his companions who believed that if the
Prophet said it happened, then it did.
Question 3
(a) This part was answered well, with most candidates being able to write about some of the
key events of this journey. Many answers narrated different aspects of the story. More detail
was needed for the higher levels. Excellent answers provided a clear and detailed narrative
of the key events, from the Prophet being awoken in Makka by Jibra’il, being taken to
Jerusalem, his journey to the heavens, his meeting with God, giving details of what
happened at the different stages, as well as including relevant quotations.
Some responses focused too much on what happened at each level of the skies at the
expense of e.g. mentioning the stop at Masjid al-Aqsa and the gift of prayers, and there
were a few confused scripts where the events were totally out of sequence or major and
important parts missed or not well covered.
(b) It was important to write about the significance of this journey in answering this question
not just to give a general answer. Good answers showed how this event was important to
the Prophet e.g. it was to boost his morale especially after the loss of his wife and uncle, he
found support amongst his companions such as Abu Bakr, or in fact that it was a vindication
for the prophet’s claim that he was a messenger of god.
3 (a) Write about the Prophet Muhammad’s interaction with the Quraysh while he lived in
Good answers will be able to provide a detailed and concise narrative of events that occurred
between the Prophet and the Quraysh. Candidates should talk about the Prophet’s status in the
community prior to Islam. They could talk about the fact that the Prophet was known as ‘Al-Amin’
or the trustworthy. They could mention, using examples, that prior to his Prophethood, the Quraysh
used to consult him in important matters, trust him with their goods, and look to him for advice. For
example they could mention that when the Prophet was younger he was chosen by the Quraysh to
settle the dispute of who should replace the sacred black stone to its position at the Ka’ba.
Answers should also mention that after Prophethood, the Prophet Muhammad was rejected when he
invited the Quraysh to Islam. He was taunted, mocked and openly humiliated by different members
of the Quraysh. The best answers will include details of events before the period of revelation and
after revelation.
(b) Why did the Quraysh feel they needed to reject the Prophet’s message? [4]
Good answers here will be able to mention that the Quraysh had their own belief system and that
they worshipped many idols opposed to the Prophet Muhammad’s message of
monotheism. By changing their ways, they faced losing their status and position as leaders and
keepers of the Ka’ba. They also faced losing income, felt threatened by the Prophet’s influence upon
the youth of Makka, and his growing support. This should not just be a description of the reasons,
candidates should include evaluation.
5 (a) Outline the main events of the Prophet’s journey from Makka to Madina. [10]
Candidates should be able to write a detailed narrative tracing the main events as they
occurred on his journey to Madina. Candidates could give brief background information relating to
the threat in Makka and his departure, and mention by name the key figures involved in the threat
and his departure. They should mention that he left with his companion Abu Bakr, and give a
detailed account of their journey and their stay in Cave Thawr. They could also mention their stay at
Quba as well as giving some details of their arrival in Madina. Better answers will be able to mention
all the key figures involved, the events as they unfolded and be able to quote relevant Qur’anic
(b) What was the significance of this journey for the Muslims? [4]
For this part, candidates should look to show some reflection and understanding behind the reasons
for leaving Makka, and not repeat the narrative provided in (a). They could give a basic mention of
the threat to the Prophet and the believers and why there was little success with preaching. They
could mention that the Madinans were inviting him and give reflections on how his migration saved
Islam for future generations – any insight shown as to why the migration was important for that
generation of Muslims, as well as future generations, should be credited.
Question 5
(a) Where chosen, this question was answered reasonably well. Excellent answers gave
some brief background information about the threat posed to the Prophet by the Quraysh,
and then gave details about him leaving with Abu Bakr, their stay in the cave and what
happened when the Quraysh pursued them, their stay in Quba and their reception in
Madina, as well as naming the key figures involved and giving some relevant quotations.
Many candidates were able to write about these events, but with fewer details about what
happened or who was involved. There were a few candidates who wrote about the
migration to Abyssinia, and some who focused their answer on what happened after the
Prophet arrived in Madina.
(b) This part of the question was well answered with many candidates being able to show
some insight into why it was important for the Muslim community to migrate.
5 (a) Trace the events that led up to the Prophet’s migration (hijra). [10] (O/N/09)
For this answer an account should be given about the events before the prophet migrated to Madina,
not the actual journey or events of migration itself.
Answers could briefly discuss the persecution of the Muslims by the Makkans and their
migration to Abyssinia which later encouraged them to make the migration to Yathrib. The boycott
of the Banu Hashim clan by the Qur’aysh followed by the deaths of Abu Talib and Hazrat Khadije
are points that candidates can discuss when answering this question. Answers could also talk about
the prophet’s reaction to the loss of protection and his attempts to spread Islam elsewhere. The
prophet met six men in Makka, who had come from Yathrib for the annual pilgrimage. They became
Muslim and returned to Makka the following year with more people who took an oath at ‘Aqaba in
621. The following year more people came to take the oath with the prophet. They invited the
prophet to come to Yathrib as their leader. The best answers will be able to give details of the
number of pledges, the number of Yathribites/Madinans involved, some brief details of what was in
the pledges, and an indication of the result of the pledges.
(b) Explain the importance of the Pledges of ‘Aqaba to the Prophet in the period leading
Question 5
For this Part (a) answer an account had to be given about events before the Prophet
migrated to Madina, not the actual journey. Some candidates did make the mistake of
writing the latter in great detail. Very few discussed the point that the migration to Abyssinia
gave the Prophet and Muslims in general the encouragement to make the greater migration
to Madina. Even from those who mentioned the migration to
Abyssinia, many failed to point out the link that its success encouraged the greater
migration. Candidates should be encouraged to think for themselves and link answers to the
question being asked. Also, in this answer the Pledges of Aqaba had to be discussed in
detail to get good marks. The question was well done on the whole by those who attempted
In Part (b) of this question many focused on writing a detailed account of the Pledges of
Aqaba (even if they had not done so in Part (a) where it would have earned them marks)
which was not what was being asked. Good answers needed to talk of the Prophet’s
vulnerability at this time and the difficulties he was facing due to lack of tribal support and
how, due to the pledges, the Prophet found support and protection from a different but
willing source.
2 (a) Describe the main events of the Prophet’s migration from Makka to Madina. [10]
• Either Muhammad had incurred the enmity of Quraysh by his preaching [This is
background and for any general information of this kind allow 1 mark]
Or A small group from Yathrib (later renamed Madina) listened to his preaching and
invited him to their town [This is also background but more specific, so 1 mark for such
• He departed from Makka on the same night that the Quraysh planned to murder him
• He left `Ali in his bed as a decoy/in order to return items people had left with him
• Abu Bakr allowed himself to be bitten rather than shout and wake the sleeping Prophet
• A spider wove a web/two birds built a nest over the entrance, which showed there was
no-one inside
• The two made their way to Madina when they knew they were safe
• They stayed at Quba on the way to Medina and established the first mosque/`Ali joined
them there
Question 2
This asked for an account of the Prophet’s hijra, and the reasons why the hijra was
important for him.
In part (a) candidates were asked for accurate accounts of the Prophet’s journey north to
Madina. A few marks were allowed for background circumstances, but most were given for
details of the journey itself, including the parts played by Abu Bakr and ‘Ali, the miracle of
the spider and birds at the cave of Thawr, the pursuers from Makka, the halt at Quba, and
the arrival at Madina. A number of candidates gave full and detailed accounts, but some
understood the question to be about the events leading up to the hijra, or the events that
took place after it.
Part (b) was more demanding, asking candidates to reflect on the reasons why this journey
was important for the Prophet. Good answers included points such as: the danger to his life
in Makka, his assurance of acceptance in Madina, his wish to put the teachings of Islam into
effect, the divine instruction to depart. Some candidates wrote descriptively about the
Prophet’s failure at al-Ta’if, or gave long accounts of the
pledges of the Madinan pilgrims. However, these were not answers to the question itself
because they did not address the issue of the importance of the journey.
2 (a) Describe the events that immediately led up to the Prophet’s migration, the
b. Suggest three reasons why he decided to move from Mecca to Medina. [6]
(a) [The problem here concerns exactly what events led up to the hijra.
• His wife Khadija and uncle Abu Talib died in 619 leaving him
• A small group from Yathrib (later renamed Medina) listened and accepted
his preaching.
• The next year they swore allegiance to him (the first pact of al-`Aqaba,
• The following year 73 men from Yathrib swore to defend him (the second
• He himself went on the same night when the Quraysh planned to murder
• He left `Ali in his bed as a decoy, and in order to return items people had
• He was defenceless at Mecca, because Abu Lahab the head of his clan
after Abu Talib's death was his enemy. [1 mark, but 2 marks for full
• These followers were under threat, and some had experienced long
Question 2
(a) This part was answered very well by many candidates, though some answers started their account
of the hijra from the beginning of revelation. In descriptive questions, the Examiners look for
accuracy and completeness, and candidates often lose marks by getting basic facts wrong, leaving
them out altogether or even starting their answer from too early a point. This results in the answer
being more general than specific to the question. The need for planning answers is paramount. There
were a few candidates who wrote about the events in Madinah immediately after the hijra, which
again emphasises the need for the candidates to read the questions properly. Overall, those candidates
who answered this question well showed accurate details of the events,
particularly those relating to the Pledges of al-‘Aqaba. (b) Most candidates were able to give some
general comments stating the reasons the Prophet moved from Makkah to Madinah. However,
Examiners were looking for some elaboration on these points
for candidates to be able to earn the full six marks. Also, some candidates simply repeated comments
made in part (a) in this section. There were some good answers to this part where candidates
expanded on the basic points, e.g. explaining that the Prophet’s small group of followers had faced
lots of persecution which was a threat to the development of a Muslim community in Makkah.
3 (a) Describe the events of two of the battles fought by the Prophet while he was leader of the
community at Madina. [10] (M/J/09)
Candidates may choose any two battles, but will probably write on Badr, Uhud or Khandaq (the
Trench). Some may choose Hunayn or Khaybar.
Whichever two battles candidates choose, they should be able to name them and describe them in
detail giving dates and important points. Better answers will also narrate the events as they unfolded
rather than giving confused details; excellent answers will give an in-depth narrative.
(b) How does his conduct in one of these battles provide a model for Muslims today when they face
difficulties? [4]
Answers could give an account of the part played by the Prophet in the particular battle they choose
to talk about. Good answers could identify the qualities shown by the Prophet by his actions in the
battle, his reaction to danger or his enemies and draw some conclusion from it, e.g. “Muslims today
should act like this when they face an enemy”. Excellent answers could be able to identify and
discuss how these qualities can be transferred to situations today, and give an example of how
Muslims may follow his way of acting. There may also be a relevant quote from Qur’an or Hadith.
Question 3
This question was a popular choice with candidates out of the three optional questions.
(a) Overall this part was answered well, with most candidates choosing to talk about the battles of
Badr and Uhud and giving good, detailed information about them. Some candidates also chose to
work on the Battle of Khandaq. There were a few unusual answers with the battle of Mutah, Hunain,
Conquest of Makkah and Tabuk as well which were not well thought out enough to gain higher
marks. Lower level answers wrote inaccurately or padded out their answer with irrelevant detail. (b)
Answers for this part often failed to achieve the higher levels because they were too general. So
although many candidates were able to pick out the Prophet’s conduct from one battle, e.g. his
patience, they were not able to relate it to their own lives or current affairs. The best answers showed
a mature reflection on behaviour and attitude to events today rather than just a general comment
about behaviour.
2 (a) Give descriptions of the main events of the battles of Badr and Uhud. [12]
(b) Explain why the people of Makka fought against the Muslims of Madina. [4] (M/J/06)
(a) • Badr occurred in 624, the second year after the hijra.
• The Muslims had heard of a Makkan caravan passing near Madina, and they waited
• The two armies were badly mismatched, 300 Muslims against over 1000 Makkans.
• The Muslims saw in the victory God’s support for their cause, when he sent angels to
help them.
• The Prophet’s army was smaller, and was decreased further by the desertion of some
• But then some Muslims who had been ordered to guard a pass left their posts for
• The Muslims were nearly defeated and some leading men killed.
• They threatened their livelihood since they might attack their caravans.
• They also threatened their religion with their belief in only one God.
Question 2
(a) Good answers would have given the dates of the two battles, the circumstances
immediately before them, the main events of the battles, and the aftermath.
Many answers contained most major elements of the battles, and a good number of high
marks were gained for this part. Some candidates clearly knew the events of the battles
thoroughly, but some omitted to mention such details as the numbers of the two sides at
Badr, the way in which the prisoners after Badr were treated, and the effects of the reversal
at Uhud.
(b) Some answers to this were excellent, explaining the threat the Muslims were thought to
pose to Makkan trade, the differences in religion between the two sides, the threat they saw
to their leading position in Arabia. However, these answers were in a clear minority, and
some candidates appeared to have no idea why these battles took place, suggesting they
had learnt the facts without understanding their significance.
Question 2 (O/N/03)
The majority of candidates appeared to know a great deal about these two battles, and many scored
highly in part (a). The best answers carefully described what happened in the battles, and included
such details as their dates and the names of leading individuals whose actions are remembered. There
were some excellent answers to (b), containing comments on the religious and economic reasons for
the hostility of the Meccans to the Prophet and their fears for their own position in Arabia. Most
candidates were able to give some reasons for the enmity based on religious differences.
4 (a) Describe the Prophet’s conduct as leader in two of the battles he fought in.
Candidates can mention his conduct in any two battles, but should remain focused on the Prophet’s
conduct rather than giving a narrative of the whole battle. Basic answers will describe the actual
events in which the Prophet took part. Better answers will describe his conduct as leader rather than
focussing on the actual events of the battles.
Some points that candidates should mention include: that the Prophet constantly turned to God for
help, that he would take opinions from others, he was patient and did not fight out of anger, that he
treated captives/prisoners of war well, and that he took part in all the battles himself. Candidates
could also mention other points as long as they are relevant to the battles and to his position as
leader. Good answers will be able to relate examples and events and give the names of the battles
they happened in.
(b) What can Muslim leaders today learn from the Prophet’s conduct in their relations with other
states? [4]
Good answers here will be able to take at least one of the examples of the Prophet’s conduct and
show some evaluation of how that conduct is relevant to modern lives and in particular the way in
which Muslim leaders deal with others. Candidates should show how the Prophet’s way of dealing
with things is still relevant today.
3 (a) Give an account of the battles of Khandaq (Trench) and Khaybar. [10] [M/J/12]
(b) What lessons can Muslims learn from either of these battles? [4]
(a) Good answers will be able to give relevant details of both battles with dates and names of keys
figures involved, being careful to avoid general answers that could be attributed to any battle fought
in the Prophet’s lifetime. Khandaq: took place in 627; Banu Nadir had broken their treaty agreements
and planned to kill the Prophet; they planned an attack with the Makkans and gathered an army of 10
000; Salman al-Farsi suggested the Muslims dig a trench to keep the army out; hypocrites in Madina
joined the Makkans; the army could not get in and after a storm which prevented them from fighting,
the siege ran into weeks and they eventually gave up; there were only minor squirmishes; Banu
Qurayza were punished for their treachery. Khaybar: fought in 629 against the Jews who had broken
their agreements with the Muslims; a small Muslim army caught the oasis by surprise; captured 2
forts then went for main fort of Qamus, which was heavily guarded; the Prophet sent ‘Ali, who is
said to have moved a door by himself which would have taken 40–50 men to move; he was given the
title of ‘Lion of Allah’; Jewish leader was killed; Jews requested they stay in the oasis and in return
give half their produce to the Muslims.
Excellent answers will expand on these points and give an in-depth narrative.
(b) There could be various answers given for this part and any relevant and detailed answers should
be credited accordingly. Some suggestions of what candidates could write are, that in times of
difficulty to keep hope like when the Muslims were hungry and weak during the battle of Khandaq
and Khaybar (allowance was made to eat non-halal food if there was no other option); Muslims
should remain strong and patient and work hard for their victory; despite victory, Muslims should
remain fair and trustworthy (keeping their promise to the Jews to allow them to remain in Khaybar);
they should have faith in God at all times; it is important to be open to suggestions from others (e.g.
the Prophet taking advice from Salman al-Farsi).
2 (a) Outline the changes in the Prophet's relations with the Jewish tribes
and the ‘hypocrites' in Medina in the years between 622 and 632. [12]
(b) Suggest reasons why his relations with the Jewish tribes changed. [4] (M/J/04)
(a) [Ensure that marks are divided between comments on the Jewish tribes and the
munafiqun, hypocrites.]
Muslims, non-Muslim Arabs and Jews, were given privileges and responsibilities. (2 marks for a
detailed comment here)
• Gradually the Jews distanced themselves from him: they persistently mocked
• Muhammad expelled the three major tribes in three stages after they showed
treachery in fighting and sided with the Quraysh. (up to 3 marks for dates and
full details)
• These tribes were Qaynuqa', Qurayza and Nadir. (1 mark for all three names)
acknowledge Muhammad.
• They showed their disloyalty most strongly in withdrawing when the Quraysh
• The Muslims later attacked the banished Jews in their fortress at Khaybar.
• He gradually became aware that the Jews did not respect his position.
• They refused to acknowledge that he was a Prophet like the one in their
• They openly made fun of him, especially when the qibla was changed.
• An important turning point was when they subjected a Muslim woman to public
Question 2
This question is nearly always concerned with the life and significance of the Prophet. In this paper it
asked about the period of his life in Medina, and Examiners were looking for accurate accounts of his
relations with the three major Jewish tribes and with the non-Muslim Arabs of the oasis. In part (a),
they credited factual details about the developments that took place, including the names of the tribes
and their changes in
conduct that led to their exclusion, and also the main actions of the non-Muslim Arabs against the
interests of the Muslims.
In part (b), they credited precise reasons for the deterioration in relations between the Muslims and
Jews from the time of the Covenant of Medina to the attack on the fortress of Khaybar, including
their mocking of the Prophet and his followers, their siding with the Meccans and their breaking of
the Covenant. In answers to part (a), most candidates showed impressively detailed knowledge of the
exploits of the Jews in Medina, though many thought that the Covenant of Medina was no more a
treaty made specifically
between the Prophet and the Jews in which he allowed them freedom. When teaching this aspect of
the Prophet’s life, teachers should make clear the true nature of this Covenant, which was intended to
include all the tribes and clans in the oasis in an equal agreement with shared privileges and
responsibilities, with the Jews named among them. Many candidates said almost nothing about the
‘hypocrites’, those Medinan Arabs who appeared reluctant to side with the Muslims and withdrew
their support at Uhud. This is strange, given that in past years when a question on Uhud has appeared
candidates have usually written a great deal about the force that withdrew from the Prophet’s army
before the battle, giving its number and the names of its leaders.
In answers to part (b), many candidates were able to give four good reasons for the change in the
Prophet’s relations with the Jewish tribes, most importantly their siding with the Meccans and
desertion of their Covenant obligations. However, there were, unfortunately, many critical and
insulting remarks about the Jewish tribes of Medina. Few candidates appeared to be aware that one
reason for the change in relations
was that the Prophet gradually saw that his proclamation was not accepted by the Jews as agreeing
with theirs. This is a religious rather than political reason.
2. (a) Outline four of the Prophet's personal qualities that make him a model for Muslims to follow.
[4 x 3] (O/N/06)
(b) Choosing two of these qualities, give one example in each case to show how Muslims can put
them into practice in their own lives. [2 x 2]
(a) [Look for four of the Prophet's qualities that can be a model for Muslims.
Do not give marks for qualities unique to the Prophet, e.g. that he is a blessing for humankind.
• possible supporting quotations from the Hadith, Qur'an and remarks of his Companions.]
Give 1 mark for the basic outline of a Muslim putting the chosen quality into practice.
Question 2
(a) This part was answered reasonably well by many candidates, although equally, many candidates
wrote about the same quality more than once, thereby losing out on vital marks. Good answers would
have chosen four specific qualities, given a different example for each of them from the Prophet’s
life (rather than a general description of the quality) and included a quotation for each quality. Some
examples of the types of qualities Examiners look for are: honest/truthful, forgiving/merciful and
trustworthy, but not that the Prophet prayed all his prayers or learnt the Qur’an by heart. Many
candidates did not realise that honesty and truthfulness were in effect the same quality, and so gave
similar examples under two separate headings. A few candidates also
confused some of the stories from the life of the Prophet resulting in the wrong example being given
for a chosen quality. Other candidates did not realise that truthful and trustworthy are different
qualities and so used them interchangeably.
In descriptive questions candidates often do not gain marks by getting basic facts wrong or by
allowing themselves to become distracted by what they have just written. This results in the answer
being more general than specific to the question, or it results in the candidates not completing the
question. For example, some candidates wrote about two/three qualities of the Prophet and gave
many examples of these qualities, but were unable to gain more marks because they overlooked the
need to mention another one/two qualities. The need for planning answers is paramount.
(b) There were some good answers to this part, but many candidates did not show how the two
chosen qualities could be applied to their own lives/the modern world and instead repeated examples
of how these qualities were shown in the Prophet’s life. Excellent answers showed, for example, how
honesty can be used in school/at work no matter what the consequences, and then went on to give an
example of how students should not lie about their homework if they have not done it. This kind of
answer shows that the candidate has thought about the relevancy of these qualities in their own lives,
which is what the evaluative part of each question often looks for.
2 (a) Briefly describe four actions or qualities of the Prophet Muhammad that would make clear to
the people who lived with him that he was the Messenger of God. [4 x 3] (O/N/08)
[In each of the four cases look for a clear and specific action or quality that distinguished the Prophet
from ordinary people. So it is not enough to say e.g. that he was loving unless the quality of his love
is shown to be far superior to love in other people. Examples might be: his quality of forgiveness,
shown at the capture of Makka; his periodic receiving of revelations; his Night Journey. In each case
give 1 mark for a basic identification; 1 extra mark for a fuller description which introduces some
details; and the final 1 mark for a full and rounded description with all expected details, and maybe
quotations from the Qur’an or Hadith]
(b) Explain what Muslims mean by the title ‘Seal of the Prophets’. [4]
• Just as a wax seal closes a letter, so his prophethood closes the line.
• It also means he is a prophet for all times and places unlike the local prophets before
Question 2
(a) This part was either answered very well, or very poorly. Candidates had to use their own
reasoning more than just relying on teachers’ notes that they may have learnt.
There were many examples that candidates could choose from, but the key was to be able
to support their answers to show that this was a quality of the Messenger of God, not just of
any other human being. Some examples that could have been used are forgiveness,
trustworthiness, honesty, justice, patience and the miracles that he was awarded. Of these,
a good answer for forgiveness/mercy would be where candidates showed that this was a
quality of the Messenger of God because he was able to forgive people in remarkable ways.
So, at the conquest of Makka he forgave his enemies, even those that had persecuted him
and his followers for years, and also when he went to Ta’if he showed one of the greatest
examples of his mercy for others where he did
not call for the people who hurt him to be crushed between the mountains, but for them to
be saved in case even one of them would later become Muslim. Good answers would be
able to mention the quality and give full explanations of how that quality was related to the
Prophet specifically. Some candidates also mentioned things like “he received revelations”,
which in itself would count as an action or quality specific to the Prophet, but many did not
expand on it or give any details as to how the revelations happened or that they were
significant because the prophet could not read or write, or that these revelations addressed
specific people or events happening at the time. Also, saying that the Prophet was a “model
of excellence” was too general a comment. The better candidates did very well in this
question and lots of good examples were brought out
from the Seerah of the Prophet like the conversation of Heraclius with Abu Sufyan about the
Prophet’s trustworthiness. Candidates who did not perform as well were not able to mention
four qualities, or mentioned four but two were the same, e.g. they gave truthful as one
quality and honesty as another but gave similar examples for each. Also, many candidates
wrote the qualities but did not give examples.
(b) Answers in this part were average, with most candidates earning two marks. Good
answers would have mentioned that this is a title given to the Prophet by Allah, that he
closes the line of prophets that was sent by Allah, and that he is a Prophet for all times and
3 (a) Give an account of the Prophet's first experience of receiving revelation. [10] (S/P/09)
L2 for a fuller account, including names of e.g. Jibril, Khadija and Waraqa
L3 for a full and accurate account including the Prophet’s threefold crushing and the
L4 for a full account that includes quotations from the Qur’an (esp. Sura 96.1-5 in
(b) Explain the meaning of the title ‘Seal of the Prophets’. [4]
L2 for adding that he was the end and climax of the line of prophets
L3 for adding that his prophethood was universal whereas earlier prophets were
sent to single communities
L4 for explaining the metaphor of a seal that closes and confirms something that is
3 (b) Explain the meaning of the title ‘Seal of the Prophets’. [4]
Answer 1
Almighty Allah sent Hazrat Mohammad to be the last prophet on this earth. He delivered to us the
holy Qur’an which he completed. The Qur’an contains everything to guide Muslims in their life on
this earth. The holy Prophet also gave his example for us to follow so that we can live good lives for
Level: 1
This answer is largely irrelevant. It makes one statement about the significance of the Prophet
Muhammad at the beginning, but all that follows does not answer the question.
Answer 2
Our Prophet Muhammad came into the world at a very important time when the world needed a
prophet. He was the last Prophet whom Allah had sent, and he completed the line of Allah’s prophets
that had begun with Hazrat Adam. He was the last in this line and there was no prophet after him
because he completed the line.
Level: 2
There is a clear indication here that Muhammad was the last prophet, and some awareness that there
was no need for any prophet after him. The answer is, however, very repetitive.
Answer 3
Hazrat Muhammad was sent by Allah to the whole world. He was the last of the prophets sent by
Allah, and he completed the line of messengers that had started with Hazrat Adam. Hazrat Adam and
the other prophets such as Hazrat Abraham and Hazrat Musa were sent to their own communities to
teach them. But our prophet Hazrat Muhammad was sent to all the world.
Level: 3
This candidate clearly realizes the difference between Muhammad and other prophets, and brings out
his universal relevance against their local relevance quite clearly. He also gives suggestive hints
about knowing the names of individuals in the line of prophets.
Answer 4
Hazrat Muhammad is called the Seal of the Prophets in the holy Qur’an because he came at the end
of the line of prophets sent from Allah and he completed this line. A seal is used on a letter to close it
firmly. This is why our Prophet is called the seal of the prophets. Hazrat Muhammad came after
Hazrat Adam, Hazrat Ibrahim, Hazrat Musa, Hazrat Isa and the other prophets. They were sent by
Allah to their communities, but our Prophet Muhammad was sent to everyone in the earth. This is
why he is called the Seal of the Prophets, because he ended the line of prophets and was for the
whole earth.
Level: 4
This answer not only refers to the Prophet in relation to earlier prophets, some of whom it names, and
explains clearly the difference between him and predecessors, but it also gives some explanation of
the metaphorical nature of the title itself. It is a confident response to a question that requires careful