Labor Law 2 Assignment No 2 Cases
Labor Law 2 Assignment No 2 Cases
Labor Law 2 Assignment No 2 Cases
In fact, aside from the above stated-issue, the following separate issues were
left untouched by the CA: (a) as raised by petitioner, whether or not the
conversion of the monthly P550.00 rice subsidy into one (1) 45-kg. sack of
rice upon union membership constitutes a violation of Article 100 of the Labor
Same; Same; Same; Same; The reduction of the bond is not a matter of right
on the part of the movant [but] lies within the sound discretion of the National Labor
Relations Commission (NLRC).—The NLRC exercises full discretion in resolving a
motion for the reduction of bond in accordance with the standards of meritorious
grounds and reasonable amount. The “reduction of the bond is not a matter of right
on the part of the movant [but] lies within the sound discretion of the NLRC x x x.”
In order to give full effect to the provisions on motion to reduce bond, the appellant
must be allowed to wait for the ruling of the NLRC on the motion even beyond the
10-day period to perfect an appeal. If the NLRC grants the motion and rules that
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The liberal interpretation of the rules applies only to justifiable causes and times for misbehavior and disobedience of lawful orders and was advised
meritorious circumstances. that he could freely leave his work if he could not follow instructions.
Unfortunately, he left his work without any reason and without settling his
By this Petition for Review on Certiorari, 1 petitioner Turks Shawarma unpaid obligation in the amount of ₱78,900.00, which compelled them to file
Company and its owner, petitioner Gem Zeñarosa (Zeñarosa), assail the May a criminal case7 for estafa against him. In addition, criminal complaints 8 for
8, 2013 Decision2 of the Court of Appeals (CA) in CA-G.R. SP No. 121956, slander were filed against both Pajaron and Carbonilla for uttering
which affirmed the Orders dated March 18, 2011 3 and September 29, defamatory words that allegedly compromised Zeñarosa's reputation as a
20114 of the National Labor Relations Commission (NLRC) dismissing their businessman. Petitioners, thus, insisted that their refusal to rehire Pajaron
appeal on the ground of non-perfection for failure to post the required bond. and Carbonilla was for valid causes and did not amount to dismissal from
employment. Finally, petitioners claimed that Pajaron and Carbonilla failed to
substantiate their claims that they were not paid labor standards benefits.
Factual Antecedents
Both Pajaron and Carbonilla claimed that there was no just or authorized 1. Limited backwages computed from April 9, 2010 up to the date of this
cause for their dismissal and that petitioners also failed to comply with the Decision, in the amount of SIXTY EIGHT THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED
requirements of due process. As such, they prayed for separation pay in lieu NINETY EIGHT PESOS & 74/100 (Php68,998. 74)
of reinstatement due to strained relations with petitioners and backwages as
well as nominal, moral and exemplary damages. Petitioners also claimed for 2. Separation pay, in lieu of reinstatement equivalent to one month's salary
nonpayment of just wages, overtime pay, holiday pay, holiday premium, for every year of service computed from May 1, 2007 up to the date of this
service incentive leave pay and 13th month pay. decision, in the amount of THIRTY ONE THOUS[A]ND FIVE HUNDRED
TWELVE PESOS (Php3 l,5l2.00);
Petitioners denied having dismissed Pajaron and Carbonilla; they averred
that they actually abandoned their work. They alleged that Pajaron would 3. Holiday pay, in the amount of TWELVE THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED
habitually absent himself from work for an unreasonable length of time EIGHTY ONE PESOS (Php12,681.00);
without notice; and while they rehired him several times whenever he
returned, they refused to rehire him this time after he abandoned work in 4. Service incentive leave pay, in the amount of FIVE THOUSAND FOUR
April 2009. As for Carbonilla, he was reprimanded and admonished several HUNDRED THREE PESOS & 46/100 (Php5,403.46);
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5. Thirteenth month pay, in the amount of THIRTY THOUSAND ONE Moreover, their motion to reduce bond was meritorious since payment of the
HUNDRED FIFTY EIGHT PESOS & 41/100 (Php30,158.41). full amount of the award will greatly affect the company's operations; besides
the appeal was filed by Zeñarosa without the assistance of a counsel.
II. LARRY A CARBONILLA Petitioners thus implored for a more liberal application of the Rules and
prayed that their appeal be given due course. Along with this motion for
reconsideration, petitioners tendered the sum of ₱207,435.53 representing
1. Separation pay, in lieu of reinstatement equivalent to one month's salary'
the deficiency of the appeal bond.15
for every year of service computed from April 1, 2007 up to the date of this
decision, in the amount of FORTY TWO THOUSAND AND SIXTEEN PESOS
(Php42,016.00); In an Order16 dated September 29, 2011, the NLRC denied the Motion for
Reconsideration, reiterating that the grounds for the reduction of the appeal
bond are not meritorious and that the partial bond posted is not reasonable.
2. Holiday pay in the amount of TWO THOUSAND PESOS (Php2,000.00);
The NLRC further held that the posting of the remaining balance on April 7,
2011 or three months and eight days from receipt of the Labor Arbiter's
3. Service incentive leave pay, in the amount of EIGHT HUNDRED THIR1Y Decision on December 30, 2010 cannot be allowed, otherwise, it will be
THREE PESOS & 33/100 (Php833.33); and tantamount to extending the period to appeal which is limited only to 10 days
from receipt of the assailed Decision.
4. Thirteenth month pay, in the amount of FOUR THOUSAND THREE
HUNDRED THIRTY THREE PESOS & 33/100 (Php4,333.33). Proceedings before the Court of Appeals
Other claims herein sought and prayed for are hereby denied for lack of legal Petitioners filed a Petition for Certiorari with application for Writ of Preliminary
and factual bases. Injunction and Temporary Restraining Order 17 with the CA. They insisted that
the NLRC gravely abused its discretion in dismissing the appeal for failure to
SO ORDERED.10 post the required appeal bond.
Proceedings before the National Labor Relations Commission On May 8, 2013, the CA rendered a Decision 18 dismissing the Petition
for Certiorari. It held that the NLRC did not commit any grave abuse of
Due to alleged non-availability of counsel, Zeñarosa himself filed a Notice of discretion in dismissing petitioners' appeal for non-perfection because
Appeal with Memorandum and Motion to Reduce Bond 11 with the NLRC. petitioners failed to comply with the requisites in filing a motion to reduce
Along with this, Zeñarosa posted a partial cash bond in the amount of bond, namely, the presence of a meritorious ground and the posting of a
₱15,000.00,12 maintaining that he cannot afford to post the full amount of the reasonable amount of bond. The CA stated that financial difficulties is not
award since he is a mere backyard micro-entrepreneur. He begged the enough justification to dispense with the mandatory posting of a bond
NLRC to reduce the bond. inasmuch as there is an option of posting a surety bond from a reputable
bonding company duly accredited by the NLRC, which, unfortunately,
The NLRC, in an Order13 dated March 18, 2011, denied the motion to reduce petitioners failed to do. The CA noted that the lack of assistance of a counsel
bond. It ruled that financial difficulties may not be invoked as a valid ground is not an excuse because petitioners ought to know the Rules in filing an
to reduce bond; at any rate, it was not even substantiated by proof. appeal; moreover, ignorance of the law does not excuse them from
Moreover, the partial bond in the amount of ₱15,000.00 is not reasonable in compliance therewith.
relation to the award which totalled to ₱197,936.27. Petitioners' appeal was
thus dismissed by the NLRC for non-perfection. Hence, this present Petition.
On April 7, 2011, petitioners, through a new counsel, filed a Motion for Issue
Reconsideration (with plea to give due course to the appeal) 14 averring that
the outright dismissal of their appeal was harsh and oppressive considering Petitioners insist that the CA erred in affirming the NLRC's dismissal of their
that they had substantially complied with the Rules through the posting of a appeal for the following reasons: first, there was substantial compliance with
partial bond and their willingness to post additional bond if necessary. the Rules on perfection of appeal; second, the surrounding facts and
Our Ruling Section 4. Requisites for perfection of appeal. - (a) The Appeal shall be: 1)
filed within the reglementary period as provided in Section 1 of this Rule; 2)
The Petition has no merit. verified by the appellant himself in accordance with Section 4, Rule 7 of the
Rules of Court, as amended; 3) in the form of a memorandum of appeal
The Court has time and again held that "[t]he right to appeal is neither a which shall state the grounds relied upon and the arguments in support
natural right nor is it a component of due process. It is a mere statutory thereof: the relief prayed for, and with a statement of the date the appellant
privilege, and may be exercised only in the manner and in accordance with received the appealed decision, resolution or order; 4) in three (3) legibly
the provisions of the law."19 "The party who seeks to avail of the same must typewritten or printed copies; and 5) accompanied by i) proof of payment of
comply with the requirements of the rules. Failing to do so, the right to appeal the required appeal fee; ii) posting of a cash or surety bond as provided in
is lost."20 Section 6 of this Rule; iii) a certificate of non-forum shopping; and iv) proof of
service upon the other parties.
Article 223 of the Labor Code, which sets forth the rules on appeal from the
Labor Arbiter's monetary award, provides: b) A mere notice of appeal without complying with the other requisites
aforestated shall not stop the running of the period for perfecting an appeal.
ART. 223. Appeal. --- Decisions, awards, or orders of the Labor Arbiter are
final and executory unless appealed to the Commission by any or both xxxx
parties within ten (10) calendar days from receipt of such decisions, awards,
or orders. Such appeal may be entertained only on any off the following Section 6. Bond. - - - In case the decision of the Labor Arbiter or the Regional
grounds: Director involves a monetary award, an appeal by the employer may be
perfected only upon the posting of a bond, which shall either be in the form of
(a) If there is prima facie evidence of abuse of discretion on the part of the cash deposit or surety bond equivalent in amount to the monetary award,
Labor Arbiter; exclusive of damages and attorney's fees.
(b) If the decision, order or award was secured through fraud or coercion, xxxx
including graft and corruption;
No motion to reduce bond shall be entertained except on meritorious
(c) If made purely on questions of law; and grounds, and upon the posting of a bond in a reasonable amount. The mere
filing of a motion to reduce bond without complying with the requisites in the
(d) If serious errors in the finding of facts are raised which would cause grave preceding paragraphs shall not stop the running of the period to perfect an
or irreparable damage or injury to the appellant.1âwphi1 appeal.
In case of a judgment involving a monetary award, an appeal by the "It is clear from both the Labor Code and the NLRC Rules of Procedure that
employer may be perfected only upon the posting of a cash or surety there is legislative and administrative intent to strictly apply the appeal bond
bond issued by a reputable bonding company duly accredited by the requirement, and the Court should give utmost regard to this intention." 21 The
posting of cash or surety bond is therefore mandatory and jurisdictional;
failure to comply with this requirement renders the decision of the Labor
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Arbiter final and executory.22 This indispensable requisite for the perfection of Petitioners, nevertheless, rely on a number of cases wherein the Court
an appeal ''is to assure the workers that if they finally prevail in the case[,] the allowed the relaxation of the stringent requirement of the rule. In Nicol v.
monetary award will be given to them upon the dismissal of the employer's Footjoy Industrial Corporation, 27 the Court reversed the NLRC's denial of the
appeal [and] is further meant to discourage employers from using the appeal appellant's motion to reduce bond upon finding adequate evidence to justify
to delay or evade payment of their obligations to the employees." 23 the reduction. In Rada v. National Labor Relations
Commission28and Blancaflor v. National Labor Relations Commission, 29 the
However, the Court, in special and justified circumstances, has relaxed the NLRC allowed the late payment of the bond because the appealed Decision
requirement of posting a supersedeas bond for the perfection of an appeal on of the Labor Arbiter did not state the exact amount to be awarded, hence
technical considerations to give way to equity and justice. 24 Thus, under there could be no basis for determining the amount of the bond to be filed. It
Section 6 of Rule VI of the 2005 NLRC Revised Rules of Procedure, the was only after the amount of superseades bond was specified by the NLRC
reduction of the appeal bond is allowed, subject to the following conditions: that the appellants filed the bond. In YBL (Your Bus Line) v. National Labor
(1) the motion to reduce the bond shall be based on meritorious grounds; and Relations Commission, 30 the Court was propelled to relax the requirements
(2) a reasonable amount in relation to the monetary award is posted by the relating to appeal bonds as there were valid issues raised in the appeal.
appellant. Compliance with these two conditions will stop the running of the In Dr. Postigo v. Philippine Tuberculosis Society, Inc., 31the respondent
period to perfect an appeal. therein deferred the posting of the bond and instead filed a motion to reduce
bond on the ground that the Labor Arbiter's computation of the award is
erroneous which circumstance justified the relaxation of the appeal bond
In the case at bar, petitioners filed a Motion to Reduce Bond together with
requirement. In all of these cases, though, there were meritorious grounds
their Notice of Appeal and posted a cash bond of ₱15,000.00 within the 10-
that warranted the reduction of the appeal bond, which, as discussed, is
day reglementary period to appeal. The CA correctly found that the NLRC did
lacking in the case at bench.
not commit grave abuse of discretion in denying petitioners’ motion to reduce
bond as such motion was not predicated on meritorious and reasonable
grounds and the amount tendered is not reasonable in relation to the award. Petitioners, furthermore, claim that the NLRC's outright dismissal of their
The NLRC correctly held that the supposed ground cited in the motion is not appeal was harsh and oppressive since they should still be given opportunity
well-taken for there was no evidence to prove Zeñarosa's claim that the to complete the required bond upon the filing of their motion for
payment of the full amount of the award would greatly affect his business due reconsideration. Thus, they insist that their immediate posting of the
to financial setbacks. Besides, "the law does not require outright payment of deficiency when they filed a motion for reconsideration constituted substantial
the total monetary award; [the appellant has the option to post either a cash compliance with the Rules.
or surety bond. In the latter case, appellant must pay only a] moderate and
reasonable sum for the premium to ensure that the award will be eventually The contention is untenable.
paid should the appeal fail." 25 Moreover, the absence of counsel is not a valid
excuse for non-compliance with the rules. As aptly observed by the CA, The NLRC exercises full discretion in resolving a motion for the reduction of
Zeñarosa cannot feign ignorance of the law considering that he was able to bond32 in accordance with the standards of meritorious grounds and
post a partial bond and ask for a reduction of the appeal bond. At any rate, reasonable amount. The "reduction of the bond is not a matter of right on the
petitioners did not advance any reason for the alleged absence of counsel part of the movant [but] lies within the sound discretion of the NLRC x x x." 33
except that they were simply abandoned. Neither did petitioners explain why
they failed to procure a new counsel to properly assist them in filing the In order to give full effect to the provisions on motion to reduce bond, the
appeal. Moreover, the partial bond posted was not reasonable. In the case appellant must be allowed to wait for the ruling of the NLRC on the motion
of McBurnie v. Ganzon, 26 the Court has set a provisional percentage of 10% even beyond the 10-day period to perfect an appeal. If the NLRC grants the
of the monetary award (exclusive of damages and attorney's fees) as motion and rules that there is indeed meritorious ground and that the amount
reasonable amount of bond that an appellant should post pending resolution of the bond posted is reasonable, then the appeal is perfected. If the NLRC
by the NLRC of a motion for a bond's reduction. Only after the posting of this denies the motion, the appellant may still file a motion for reconsideration as
required percentage shall an appellant's period to perfect an appeal be provided under Section 15, Rule VII of the Rules. If the NLRC grants the
suspended. Applying this parameter, the ₱15,000.00 partial bond posted by motion for reconsideration and rules that there is indeed meritorious ground
petitioners is not considered reasonable in relation to the total monetary and that the amount of the bond posted is reasonable, then the appeal is
award of ₱197,936.27. perfected. If the NLRC denies the motion, then the decision of the Labor
Arbiter becomes final and executory.34
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The rulings in Garcia v. KJ Commercial35and Mendoza v. HMS Credit substantial justice, it must be emphasized that procedural rules should not
Corporation36cannot dissuade this Court from relaxing the rules. likewise he belittled or dismissed simply because their non-observance might
In Garcia, the NLRC initially denied the appeal of respondent therein due to result in prejudice to a party's substantial rights. Like all rules, they are
the absence of meritorious grounds in its motion to reduce bond and required to be followed, except only for the most persuasive of reasons. 38
unreasonable amount of partial bond posted. However, upon the posting of
the full amount of bond when respondent filed its motion for reconsideration, WHEREFORE, the Petition is DENIED. The May 8, 2013 Decision of the
the NLRC granted the motion for reconsideration on the ground of substantial Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. SP No. 121956 is AFFIRMED.
compliance with the rules after considering the merits of the appeal.
Likewise, in Mendoza, the NLRC initially denied respondents' Motion to SO ORDERED.
Reduce Appeal Bond with a partial bond. Respondents thereafter promptly
complied with the NLRC's directive to post the differential amount between
the judgment award and the sum previously tendered by them. The Court
held that the appeal was filed timely on account of respondents' substantial
compliance with the requirements on appeal bond. In
both Garcia and Mendoza, however, the NLRC took into consideration the
substantial merits of the appealed cases in giving due course to the appeals.
It, in fact, reversed the Labor Arbiters' rulings in both cases. In contrast,
petitioners in the case at bench have no meritorious appeal as would
convince this Court to liberally apply the rule.
Stated otherwise, petitioners' case will still fail on its merits even if we are to
allow their appeal to be given due course. After scrupulously examining the
contrasting positions and arguments of the parties, we find that the Labor
Arbiter's Decision declaring Pajaron and Carbonilla illegally dismissed was
supported by substantial evidence. While petitioners vehemently argue that
Pajaron and Carbonilla abandoned their work, the records are devoid of
evidence to show that there was intent on their part to forego their
employment. In fact, petitioners adamantly admitted that they refused to
rehire Pajaron and Carbonilla despite persistent requests to admit them to
work. Hence, petitioners essentially admitted the fact of dismissal. However,
except for their empty and general allegations that the dismissal was for just
causes, petitioners did not proffer any evidence to support their claim of
misconduct or misbehavior on the part of Pajaron and Carbonilla. "In
termination cases, the burden of proof rests on the employer to show that the
dismissal is for a just cause."37 For lack of any clear, valid, and just cause in
terminating Pajaron and Carbonilla's employment, petitioners are indubitably
guilty of illegal dismissal.
All told, we find no error on the part of the CA in ruling that the NLRC did not
gravely abused its discretion in dismissing petitioners' appeal for non-
perfection due to non-compliance with the requisites of filing a motion to
reduce bond.
[T]he merit of [petitioners'] case does not warrant the liberal application of the
x x x rules x x x. While it is true that litigation is not a game of technicalities
and that rules of procedure shall not be strictly enforced at the cost of
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[3] G.R. No. 192369, November 09, 2016 exhibited their willingness and/or good faith by posting a partial bond during the
reglementary period.
MARIA VICTORIA TOLENTINO-PRIETO, Petitioner, v. ROBERT S. Same; Article 227 of the same Code authorizes the National Labor Relations
ELVAS, Respondent. Commission (NLRC) to use every and all reasonable means to ascertain the facts in
each case speedily and objectively, without regard to technicalities of law or
Procedure; Appeals; The right to appeal is neither a natural right nor is it a procedure.—Article 227 of the same Code authorizes the NLRC to “use every and
component of due process. It is a mere statutory privilege, and may be exercised all reasonable means to ascertain the facts in each case speedily and objectively,
only in the manner and in accordance with the provisions of law.—The right to without regard to technicalities of law or procedure.” In the case before us, the
appeal is neither a natural right nor is it a component of due process. It is a mere NLRC opined that it is in the best interest of justice that the appeal be allowed so that
statutory privilege, and may be exercised only in the manner and in accordance with the case could be resolved on its merits.
the provisions of law. Elvas calls for our compassion to overlook the one day delay
in the filing of his petition; however, we have ruled time and again that our kind Same; Appeals; Appeal Bonds; In Manaban v. Sarphil Corporation/Apokon
consideration is not for the undeserving. While it is within our power to relax the rule Fruits, Inc., 455 SCRA 240 (2005), we affirmed the National Labor Relations
on timeliness of appeals, the circumstances obtaining in this case do not warrant our Commission’s (NLRC’s) decision to give due course to the appeal of the landowner-
liberality. employer, notwithstanding that the appeal was perfected beyond the ten (10)-day
reglementary period and the posting of the appeal bond was four (4) months delayed
Labor Law; Appeals; Article 229 of the Labor Code mandates that appeals on the basis of fundamental consideration of substantial justice.—In Manaban v.
from the judgment of the Labor Arbiter (LA) which involve a monetary award may Sarphil Corporation/Apokon Fruits, Inc., 455 SCRA 240 (2005), we affirmed the
be perfected only upon posting of a cash or surety bond issued by a reputable NLRC’s decision to give due course to the appeal of the landowner-employer,
bonding company duly accredited by the National Labor Relations Commission notwithstanding that the appeal was perfected beyond the 10-day reglementary
(NLRC) in the amount equivalent to the monetary award in the judgment appealed period and the posting of the appeal bond was four months delayed on the basis of
from.—Article 229 of the Labor Code mandates that appeals from the judgment of fundamental consideration of substantial justice.
the LA which involve a monetary award may be perfected only upon posting of a
cash or surety bond issued by a reputable bonding company duly accredited by the Civil Procedure; Appeals; Our rules recognize the broad discretionary power
NLRC in the amount equivalent to the monetary award in the judgment appealed of an appellate court to waive the lack of proper assignment of errors and to
from. consider errors not assigned.—Our rules recognize the broad discretionary power of
an appellate court to waive the lack of proper assignment of errors and to consider
Same; Same; Appeal Bonds; In a judgment involving a monetary award, the errors not assigned. The CA has ample authority to review errors not raised in the
appeal shall be perfected only upon (1) proof of payment of the required appeal fee; following instances: (a) When the question affects jurisdiction over the subject
(2) posting of a cash or surety bond issued by a reputable bonding company; and (3) matter; (b) Matters that are evidently plain or clerical errors within contemplation of
filing of a memorandum of appeal.—These statutory and regulatory provisions law; (c) Matters whose consideration is necessary in arriving at a just decision and
explicitly provide that an appeal from the LA to the NLRC must be perfected within complete resolution of the case or in serving the interests of justice or avoiding
10 calendar days from receipt of such decisions, awards or orders of the LA. In a dispensing piecemeal justice; (d) Matters raised in the trial court and are of record
judgment involving a monetary award, the appeal shall be perfected only upon (1) having some bearing on the issue submitted that the parties failed to raise or that the
proof of payment of the required appeal fee; (2) posting of a cash or surety bond lower court ignored; (e) Matters closely related to an error assigned; and (f) Matters
issued by a reputable bonding company; and (3) filing of a memorandum of appeal. upon which the determination of a question properly assigned is dependent.
Same; Same; Same; While posting of an appeal bond is mandatory and DECISION
jurisdictional, the relaxation of the rule in certain meritorious cases is sanctioned.—
While posting of an appeal bond is mandatory and jurisdictional, we sanction the JARDELEZA, J.:
relaxation of the rule in certain meritorious cases. These cases include instances in
which (1) there was substantial compliance with the Rules, (2) surrounding facts and
circumstances constitute meritorious grounds to reduce the bond, (3) a liberal
interpretation of the requirement of an appeal bond would serve the desired objective
of resolving controversies on the merits, or (4) the appellants, at the very least,
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These are consolidated petitions for review 1 assailing the July 21, 2009 was baseless since she never came up with specifics. She simply dismissed
Decision2 and May 17, 2010 Resolution3 of the Court of Appeals (CA) in CA- him from work on May 30, 2006; then, instituted an unfounded criminal case
G.R. SP No. 107070, which reversed the June 30, 2008 Decision 4 of the against him, which Tolentino later abandoned by not appearing in the
National Labor Relations Commission (NLRC) in NLRC LAC No. 01-000089- preliminary investigation.17 Elvas also alleged that Tolentino did not follow the
08. The CA found that Robert S. Elvas (Elvas) was illegally dismissed from two-notice requirement when she terminated his employment. He denied that
service, reinstating the November 13, 2007 Decision 5 of the Labor Arbiter he took flight and no longer reported for work after he was handed the Letter-
(LA) in NLRC NCR Case No. 00-09-07571-06.chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary Memorandum. On the contrary, he was told not to report for work and he saw
for himself the employees who replaced him.18
Respondents countered that Elvas kept on evading the investigation
Innsbruck International Trading (Innsbruck), owned by Maria Victoria conducted by the former by absenting himself during the scheduled
Toletino-Prieto (Tolentino) [collectively, respondents], is engaged in the investigation. During the confrontation with the other checkers, namely,
sanitation and fumigation of garbage dump trucks. 6 The Municipal Edilberto Rabe (Rabe) and Leonardo Constantino (Constantino), they
Government of Rodriguez, Rizal, awarded it with the operation of the Wash admitted that they misappropriated the collection with Elvas. 19 The admission
Bay Station, a government project that involves the fumigation or prompted Tolentino to file criminal complaints of estafa against them. Despite
decongestion of garbage dump trucks coming from all over Metro Manila, for the pendency of the criminal action, Tolentino averred that she still gave
the purpose of reducing or eliminating the odor caused by the dumping of Elvas an opportunity to explain his side of the case through the Letter-
garbage at the Rodriguez, Rizal landfill.7 Elvas was employed as a checker at Memorandum. Hence, there was no violation of due process. More
the Wash Bay Station. He records the number of dump trucks sanitized by importantly, Tolentino contended that Elvas was not illegally dismissed from
Innsbruck and collects P30.00 from each of the truck fumigated. 8 For a 12- service as he himself abandoned his work.20
hour day's work, he receives a salary of P250.00. 9 Sometimes, he also
discharges the function of a cashier with a duty to collect payments from Labor Arbiter's Ruling
other checkers and surrender them to the money collector. 10
The LA ruled in favor of Elvas and declared that he was illegally terminated
Sometime in February 2006, Tolentino allegedly discovered, based on the from his employment. The LA noted that the admissions of Rabe and
station logbook report and the report made by the Wash Bay Station Constantino cannot be used against Elvas because nowhere in their affidavit
Municipal Supervisor, that there were discrepancies between the number of did they state that the latter was an accomplice in their misappropriation.
dump trucks recorded and the amount of payment remitted by Elvas and the Other than the daily remittance and summary of purchases, Tolentino failed
other employees.11 Tolentino then sent a Letter-Memorandum dated May 25, to adduce any evidence to support Elvas' participation in the
2006 to Elvas giving him 24 hours from receipt to explain why his misappropriation. There was likewise no abandonment of work on the part of
employment should not be terminated because of his involvement in the non- Elvas because he had duly established that he continued working for
remittance of collections.12 Elvas responded in a Letter dated May 29, 2006, Tolentino despite the low pay and the dire state and condition of the Rizal
asserting that he cannot answer the allegation against him given the limited landfill.21 Rather, the LA found that the charge of abandonment does not
period of time, and the fact that he was not furnished with the station logbook square with the recorded fact that Elvas was being accused of
and other related documents.13 He warned Tolentino that her accusation is a misappropriation and was actually charged in court with estafa thereby
form of coercion and an act constituting constructive dismissal. He asked her indicating his undesirability within the work premises and the pressure for him
to desist from pursuing acts which cause him anxiety and sleepless to leave. It is more indicative of constructive dismissal rather than
nights.14 Thereafter, on September 11, 2006, he filed a Complaint for illegal abandonment of work.22 The LA then awarded Elvas with separation pay,
dismissal, underpayment of salaries, 13th month pay, Emergency Cost of backwages, salary differential and 13th month pay totaling to P162,242.099.23
Living Allowance (ECOLA) and separation pay in lieu of reinstatement
against respondents before the NLRC.15 NLRC's Ruling
Elvas filed a Reply, explaining the circumstances that led to the late filing of Elvas attempted to justify the delay but we are not persuaded. In his Reply in
his petition.50 G.R. No. 193685, he claimed that he was able to obtain funds for printing and
photocopying of the petition and its attachments only on the last day of filing
Issues the petition, or on July 5, 2010. By then, he mused that it was too late to
complete the photocopying and the collation of documents for submission on
1. Whether the petitions separately filed by the parties are seasonably the same dayas in fact, he was able to personally deliver the completed
filed; petition before us only on the following day. 55 Interestingly, however, Elvas in
his Manifestation dated July 6, 2010 noted that he furnished Tolentino and
2. Whether the CA etTed m allowing respondents' appeal in the NLRC; the CA, copies of his petition for review on July 5, 2010. 56 We find this detail
and inconsistent with the alibi that Elvas narrated in his Reply. Elvas claims that
copies of the petition became available only on July 6, 2010, yet he was able
3. Whether the CA erred in ruling on the question of Elvas' illegal to furnish Tolentino and the CA with copies of the same on July 5, 2010. The
dismissal considering that it was not raised as an issue in Elvas' actuation of Elvas is suspect. It seems to us that he intended to give his
petition before it. petition a semblance of being filed on time when in fact it was not. It is
calculated to prevent Tolentino from questioning the timeliness of Elvas'
petition, an utter sign of bad faith which we cannot countenance and does not
Our Ruling deserve our compassion.
We deny the consolidated petitions. Elvas' appeal was filed out of time. In addition, the fact that the delay in the filing of the petition was only one day
is not a legal justification for non-compliance with the rule requiring that it be
At the outset, we address the question of timeliness for both appeals. As filed within the reglementary period. 57 Thus, in the recent case of Visayan
borne by the records, Tolentino received a copy of the Decision and Electric Company Employees Union-ALU-TUCP v. Visayan Electric
Resolution of the CA on July 31, 2009 and May 28, 2010, Cornpany, Inc.,58 we affirmed the CA's denial of a petition for certiorari filed
respectively.51 Under Rule 45 of the Revised Rules of Court (the Rules), 61 days instead of 60 days from notice of the judgment or resolution, viz:
Tolentino had 15 days from receipt of the resolution denying her motion for
reconsideration or until June 12, 2010 within which to file a petition for [W]hen the law fixes thirty days x x x, we cannot take it to mean also thirty-
review. Tolentino, however, asked tor additional period of 30 days or until one days. If that deadline could be stretched to thirty-one days in one case,
July 12, 2010 to file her petition. We granted her request in our Resolution what would prevent its being further stretched to thirty-two days in another
dated July 2, 2010.52 On July 12, 2010, Tolentino tiled her appeal. Clearly, case, and so on, step by step, until the original line is forgotten or buried in
her petition was tiled on time. the growing confusion resulting from the alterations? That is intolerable. We
cannot fix a period with the solemnity of a statute and disregard it like a joke.
Elvas received a copy of the Resolution of the CA denying his partial motion
for reconsideration on May 21, 2010. He had until June 5, 2010 to tile a
ﻫLabor Laws- Assignment No. 2
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If law is founded on reason, whim and fancy should play no part in its iii) proof of service upon the other parties.
Consequently, we deny Elvas' petition for being filed beyond the (b) A mere notice of appeal without complying with the other requisites
reglementary period. In any case, his petition is also unmeritorious as we aforestated shall not stop the running of the period for perfecting an appeal.
shall discuss shortly.
The NLRC and CA did not err in allowing respondents' appeal.
Sec. 5. Appeal Fee. - The appellant shall pay the prevailing appeal fee and
Article 229 of the Labor Code mandates that appeals from the judgment of legal research fee to the Regional Arbitration Branch or Regional Office of
the LA which involve a monetary award may be perfected only upon posting origin, and the official receipt of such payment shall form part of the records
of a cash or surety bond issued by a reputable bonding company duly of the case.
accredited by the NLRC in the amount equivalent to the monetary award in
the judgment appealed from. Consequently, Sections 1, 4, 5 and 6, Rule VI Sec. 6. Bond. - In case the decision of the Labor Arbiter or the Regional
of the 2011 NLRC Rules of Procedure state: Director involves a monetary award, an appeal by the employer may be
Sec. 1. Periods of Appeal. - Decisions, awards, or orders of the Labor Arbiter perfected only upon the posting of a bond, which shall either be in the form of
shall be final and executory unless appealed to the Commission by any or cash deposit or surety bond equivalent in amount to the monetary award,
both parties within ten (10) calendar days from receipt thereof; and in case of exclusive of damages and attorney's fees.
decisions or resolutions of the Regional Director of the Department of Labor
and Employment pursuant to Article 129 of the Labor Code, within five (5)
calendar days from receipt thereof. If the 10th or 5th day, as the case may The appellant shall furnish the appellee with a certified true copy of the said
be, falls on a Saturday, Sunday or holiday, the last day to perfect the appeal surety bond with all the abovementioned supporting documents. The
shall be the first working day following such Saturday, Sunday or holiday. appellee shall verify the regularity and genuineness thereof and immediately
report any irregularity to the Commission.
Upon verification by the Commission that the bond is irregular or not genuine,
Sec. 4. Requisites for Perfection of Appeal. - (a) The appeal shall be: the Commission shall cause the immediate dismissal of the appeal, and
censure the responsible parties and their counsels, or subject them to
(1) filed within the reglementary period provided in Section 1 of this reasonable fine or penalty, and the bonding company may be blacklisted.
(2) verified by the appellant himself/herself in accordance with
Section 4, Rule 7 of the Rules of Court, as amended; These statutory and regulatory provisions explicitly provide that an appeal
from the LA to the NLRC must be perfected within 10 calendar days from
(3) in the form of a memorandum of appeal which shall state the receipt of such decisions, awards or orders of the LA. In a judgment involving
grounds relied upon and the arguments in support thereof, the a monetary award, the appeal shall be perfected only upon (1) proof of
relief prayed for, and with a statement of the date the appellant payment of the required appeal fee; (2) posting of a cash or surety bond
received the appealed decision, award or order; issued by a reputable bonding company; and (3) filing of a memorandum of
(4) in three (3) legibly typewritten or printed copies; and
(5) accompanied by: The second requisite is the crux of the present controversy. Respondents
seasonably filed a memorandum of appeal and posted a surety bond in an
i) proof of payment of the required appeal fee and legal research amount equivalent to the monetary award of the LA, but the bond turned out
fee; to be spurious upon verification of Elvas. Respondents immediately put up a
new and genuine bond to replace the old one. The NLRC and the CA
ii) posting of a cash or surety bond as provided in Section 6 of this
allowed the appeal.
Rule; and
In fine, the CA did not err in allowing respondents' appeal and m ruling on the
merits of the case.
On May 20, 2009, the union officers notified 19 of the administrative
Assailed in this petition for review on certiorari 1are the Resolutions dated
investigation to be conducted relative to the charges against them. During the
September 25, 2012 2 and December 19, 2012 3 of the Court of Appeals (CA)
scheduled investigation, the Union's counsel initially raised its objection to
in CA-G.R. SP No. 06329, which dismissed the certiorari petition filed by
the proceedings and insisted that the investigation should be conducted
petitioners Visayan Electric Company Employees Union-ALU TUCP (the
through the grievance machinery procedure, as provided in the
Union) and Casmero Mahilum (Mahilum; collectively petitioners) against the
CBA. 20 However, upon the agreement to proceed with the investigation of
Decision 4 dated June 30, 2011 of the National Labor Relations Commission
the Union Vice President, Renato Gregorio M. Gimenez (Gimenez), through
(NLRC) in NLRC CC(V)-12 000003-10 (NCMB-RBVII-NS-10-12-10) for
his own counsel, Mahilum and the other union officers likewise agreed to
failure of their new counsel to show cause why their certiorari petition should
proceed with the aforesaid investigation, with Gimenez's counsel
not be dismissed for having been filed beyond the reglementary period.
representing the Union.21
Respondent Visayan Electric Company, Inc. (VECO) is a corporation
Prior to the said investigation, the Union filed on May 18, 2009, a Notice of
engaged in the supply and distribution of electricity in Cebu City and its
Strike 22 with the National Conciliation and Mediation Board (NCMB) against
neighboring cities, municipalities, and barangays.5 The Union is the exclusive
VECO, which facilitated a series of conferences that yielded a Memorandum
bargaining agent of VECO's rank and-file employees, and Macyi.Jttm was
of Agreement 23 (MOA) signed by the parties on August 7, 2009. 24 The
the Union's president from October 2007 until his termination from
parties likewise put to rest the critical issue of electricity privilege and agreed
employment on October 28, 2010. 6
before the NCMB on a conversion rate of said privilege to basic pay.
Moreover, the administrative investigation on the alleged libelous publication
It was claimed that, before Mahilum was elected as union officer, he was was deferred until after the CBA renegotiation. 25
transferred from VECO's Public Relations Section to its Administrative
Services Section without any specific work. When he was elected as union
However, even before the conclusion of the CBA renegotiation 26 on June 28,
secretary, he was transferred to the Line Services Department as its
2010, several complaints for libel were filed against Mahilum and the other
Customer Service Representative. 7 At the time of his election as union
union officers by VECO's Executive Vice President and Chief Operating
president, VECO management allegedly: (a) terminated active union
Officer Jaime Jose Y. Aboitiz. 27 The administrative hearing on the charges
members without going through the grievance machinery procedure
against Mahilum resumed with due notice to the latter, but he protested the
prescribed under the Collective Bargaining Agreement 8 (CBA); (b) refused to
same, referring to it as "moro-mord' or "kangaroo" and insisting that the
implement the profit-sharing scheme provided under the same CBA 9 (c) took
investigation should follow the grievance machinery procedure under the
back the motorbikes issued to active union members; and (d) revised the
CBA. 28 Nonetheless, VECO's management carried on with its investigation
electricity privilege 10 granted to VECO's employees. 11
and, on the basis of the findings thereof, issued a notice 29 terminating
Mahilum from employment on October 28, 2010. 30
Thus, on May 1, 2009, union members marched on the streets of Cebu City
to protest VECO's refusal to comply with the political and economic
On even date, the Union filed another Notice of Strike 31 with the NCMB
provisions of the CBA. Mahilum and other union officers were interviewed by
against VECO on the grounds of unfair labor practice, specifically union
the media, and they handed out a document 12 containing their grievances
busting - for the dismissal and/or suspension of its union president and
against VECO, the gist of which came out in local newspapers. 13 Following
officers, refusal to bargain collectively, as well as non-observance of the
said incident, Mahilum was allegedly demoted as warehouse staff to isolate
grievance procedure in their CBA. 32 To avert any work stoppage that will
him and restrict his movements. Other union officers were transferred to
prejudice VECO's power distribution activity, the Secretary of Labor
positions that will keep them away from the general union membership. 14
intervened and issued an Order 33 dated November 10, 2010 certifying the
ﻫLabor Laws- Assignment No. 2
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labor dispute to the NLRC for compulsory arbitration. 34 Consequently, the Aboitiz, besmirched VECO's name and reputation, and exposed he latter to
strike was enjoined; Mahilum was ordered reinstated in the payroll; and the public hatred, contempt, and ridicule. 42
parties were directed to refrain from committing any act that would
exacerbate the situation.35 Aggrieved, petitioners filed a motion for reconsideration 43 from the foregoing
NLRC Decision, which was denied in a Resolution 44 dated July 29,
The NLRC Ruling 2011.They received said Resolution on August 18, 2011. 45
After submission of the respective position papers 36 of both parties, the On October 18, 2011, petitioners elevated their case to the CA on certiorari
NLRC Seventh Division rendered Decision 37 on June 30, 2011 dismissing petition, 46 docketed as CA-G.R. SP No. 06329, imputing grave abuse of
the charge of unfair labor practice against VECO for lack of merit, and discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction on the part of the NLRC.
declaring Mahilum's dismissal from employment as legal.
On February 29, 2012, the CA issued a Resolution 47 directing petitioners to
The NLRC found VECO to have acted within the bounds of law when it show cause why the certiorari petition should not be dismissed for having
administratively investigated the suspended or terminated employees and been filed "one day behind the reglementary period." 48
union officers/members, instead of subjecting their respective cases to the
grievance machinery procedure provided in the CBA. 38 In resolving On March 13, 2012, Atty. Jonas V. Asis (Atty. Asis) from the Seno Mendoza
apparently conflicting provisions in the CBA, the NLRC applied the specific & Associates Law Offices filed in behalf of petitioners a
provision found in Section 13 of Article XIV that disciplinary actions shall be Manifestation/Explanation 49 claiming that "there was unintended
governed by the rules and regulations promulgated by the company. Since error/mistake in the computation of the period," 50 and that there was no
the administrative investigations conducted by VECO were found to have prejudice caused to V~CO by the "unintended one-pay late filing of the
complied with procedural due process requirements, there was no unfair petition." 51
labor practice to speak of. 39
The CA Ruling
On the matter of Mahilum's dismissal and the filing of criminal cases against
the union officers, the NLRC found no substantial evidence to prove the On September 25, 2012, the CA issued the assailed September 25, 2012
imputation of union busting. Similarly unsubstantiated were the allegations of Resolution 52 pointing out that on March 7, 2012, petitioners had filed a
fraud and deceit in hiring and contracting out services for functions performed Manifestation 53 that they had terminated the services of Atty. Asis and the
by union members, and declaring certain positions confidential and Seno Mendoza & Associates as their counsel in this case, and have
transferring union members to other positions without prior discussions, contracted the services of Atty. Remigio D. Saladero, Jr. (Atty. Saladero) as
thereby allegedly interfering with their right to self-organization and reducing their new counsel. Consequently, the CA deemed as not filed the
union membership.40 Manifestation/Explanation filed by Atty. Asis, and dismissed the certiorari
petition for failure of Atty. Saladero to comply with the Resolution dated
The issue on VECO's alleged modification of the electricity privilege, which February 29, 2012.
the Union claimed as violative of the CBA, was declared mooted by the MOA
entered into between the parties, with the assistance of the NCMB, providing The motion for reconsideration 54 filed by Atty. Saladero imploring the CA to
for, inter alia, electricity privilege conversion to basic pay. This was consider the Manifestation/Explanation filed by Atty. Asis despite the fact that
subsequently incorporated in the Renegotiated CBA dated June 28, 2010. 41 he was no longer petitioners' counsel of record was denied in a
Resolution 55 dated December 19, 2012 for lack of merit.
Finally, the NLRC ruled that Mahilum was terminated for a just and valid
cause under Article 282 (c) of the Labor Code, i.e., fraud or willful breach of The Issue
trust by the employee of the trust reposed in him by his employer or duly
authorized representative, when he, together with some other union officers,
caused the publication of a document which was deemed to have dishonored Undeterred, petitioners are now before the Court maintaining that the CA
and blackened the memory of former corporate officer Luis Alfonso Y. erred in dismissing the certiorari petition on account of the one-day delay in
its filing despite the serious errors committed by the NLRC in absolving
The petition is not impressed with merit. Second. While it is always in the power of the Court to suspend its own rules,
or to except a particular case from its operation, 62 the liberality with which
equity jurisdiction is exercised must always be anchored on the basic
Under Section 4, Rule 65 of the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure, certiorari
consideration that the same must be warranted by the circumstances
should be filed "not later than sixty (60) days from notice of the judgment,
obtaining in the case. 63 However, there is no showing herein of any
order or resolution" sought to be assailed. The provisions on reglementary
exceptional circumstance that may rationalize a digression from the rule on
periods are strictly applied, indispensable as they are to the prevention of
timeliness of petitions.
needless delays, and are necessary to the orderly and speedy discharge of
judicial business. The timeliness of filing a pleading is a jurisdictional caveat
that even this Court cannot trifle with. 56 Moreover, petitioners failed to satisfactorily show that the refusal of VECO to
follow the grievance machinery procedure under Section 4, Article XVII of the
CBA in the suspension and termination from employment of the other union
The Union admittedly/ 57 received on August 18, 2011 the NLRC's July 29,
officers and members constituted unfair labor practice.
2011 Resolution, which denied their motion for reconsideration of the NLRC's
June 30, 2011 Decision. Therefore, the 60-day period within which to file a
petition for certiorari ended on October 1 7, 2011. But the certiorari petition True, it is a fundamental doctrine in labor law that the CBA is the law
was filed one day after, or on October 18, 2011. Thus, petitioners' failure to between the parties and they are obliged to comply with its provisions. If the
file said petition within the required 60-day period rendered the NLRC's provisions of the CBA seem clear and unambiguous, the literal meaning of
Decision and Resolution impervious to any attack through a Rule 65 petition their stipulations shall control. However, as in this case, when general and
for certiorari, and no court can exercise jurisdiction to review the same. 58 specific provisions of the CBA are inconsistent, the specific provision shall be
paramount to and govern the general provision. 64
Petitioners adamantly insist, however, that the "one-day delay occasioned by
an honest mistake in the computation of dates should have been overlooked Section 4, Article XVII of the CBA states that "(a)ny difference of opinion,
by the CA in favor of substantial justice." 59 Their former counsel, Atty. Asis, controversy, dispute problem or complaint arising from Company-Union or
allegedly thought in good faith that the month of August has thirty (30) days, Company-Worker relations concerning the interpretation or application of this
and that sixty (60) days from August 18, 2011 is October 18, 2011. 60 Agreement or regarding any matter affecting Company-Union or Company-
Worker relations shall be considered a grievance." 65 On the other hand,
under Section 13, Article XIV, "(t)he Company agrees that henceforth there
The Court is not convinced.
shall be a fair and uniform application of its rules and regulations. It is
understood that disciplinary actions imposed on employee or laborer shall be
First, The fact that the delay in the filing of the petition for certiorari was only governed by the rules and regulations promulgated by the Company as well
one day is not a legal justification for non-compliance with the rule requiring as those provided for by existing laws on the matter. "66
that it be filed not later than sixty (60) days from notice of the assailed
judgment, order or resolution. The Court cannot subscribe to the theory that
The Court is in accord with the ratiocination of the NLRC that the sweeping
the ends of justice would be better subserved by allowing a petition for
statement "any matter affecting Company-Union or Company-Worker
certiorari filed only one day late. When the law fixes sixty (60) days, it cannot
relations shall be considered a grievance" under Section 4, Article XVII is
be taken to mean also sixty-one ( 61) days, as the Court had previously
general, as opposed to Section 13, Article XIV of the CBA, which is specific,
declared in this wise:
as it precisely refers to "what governs employee disciplinary actions." 67 Thus,
the NLRC correctly ruled that VECO acted within the bounds of law when it
[W]hen the law fixes thirty days [or sixty days as in the present case], we proceeded with its administrative investigation of the charges against other
cannot take it to mean also thirty-one days. If that deadline could be union officers and members.
stretched to thirty-one days in one case, what would prevent its being further
stretched to thirty-two days in another case, and so on, step by step, until the
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This is consistent with jurisprudential rulings supporting an employer's free VECEU-ALU President, Casmero A. Mahilum, said that since 2004 up to
reign and "wide latitude of discretion to regulate all aspects of employment, present the new VECO Management under the administration of the
including the prerogative to instill discipline in its employees and to impose Aboitizes unceasingly attack the local Union by continuously limit (sic) its
penalties, including dismissal, upon erring employees. This is management membership and diminish (sic) and/or abolish (sic) worker's benefits and
prerogative, where the free will of management to conduct its own affairs to privileges stipulated in the CBA. x x x. Through clever use of psychological
achieve its purpose takes form. The only criterion to guide the exercise of its warfare, intimidation, deception, divide and rule tactic and taking great
management prerogative is that the policies, rules[,] and regulations on work- advantage of the weakness of the Union especially of the leadership during
related activities of the employees must always be fair and reasonable[,] and that time, the [new] Management under the late Alfonso Y. Aboitiz was able
the corresponding penalties, when prescribed, are commensurate to the to secure a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) signed by the Union and
offense involved and to the degree of the infraction." 68 The Labor Code does Management representatives and ratified by the General Membership that
not excuse employees from complying with valid company policies and gave Management more flexibility in dealing with labor. x x x.
reasonable regulations for their governance and guidance. 69
The [l]ocal Union wrote a letter to Mr. Aboitiz expressing full support of his
Delving now into the merits of Mahilum's dismissal, the Court holds that the campaign for energy conservation x x x. But Mr. Aboitiz was too hard and too
two requisites for a valid dismissal from employment have been met, namely: arrogant to deal with. x x x.
( 1) it must be for a just or authorized cause; and (2) the employee must be
afforded due process. 70 x x x. We, therefore, ask the general public to understand our plight and
support our actions. We also urge everyone to oppose any electricity rate
VECO anchored its termination of Mahilum on Article 282 ( c) of the Labor increase filed by VECO and NAPOCOR at the Energy Regulatory
Code and Articles 5.1 and 4.4 71 of VECO's Company Code of Discipline, Commission (ERC). Any rate increase in the electricity will only worsen the
which read as follows: already burdened public and further increase profits for the Aboitizes. The
entire Union membership are one with you in condemning such increase and
Article 282 (c) of the Labor Code: brazen connivance of VECO and NAPOCOR to justify increases in electricity
Art. 282. Termination by Employer. - An employer may terminate an
employment for any of the following causes: The Court has consistently held that "x x x loss of trust and confidence must
be based on willful breach of the trust reposed in the employee by his
employer. Such breach is willful if it is done intentionally, knowingly, and
(c) Fraud or willful breach of trust by the employee of the trust reposed 'in
purposely, without justifiable excuse, as distinguished from an act done
him by his employer or duly authorized representative;
carelessly, thoughtlessly, heedlessly or inadvertently. Moreover, it must be
based on substantial evidence and not on the employer's whims or caprices
Company Code of Discipline: or suspicions[,] otherwise, the employee would eternally remain at the mercy
of the employer. x x x. And, in order to constitute a just cause for dismissal,
Art. 5.1 Every employee shall uphold company trust and confidence as well· the act complained of must be work-related and show that the employee
as the trust relationship between the company and its customers/ suppliers. concerned is unfit to continue working for the employer.1âwphi1 In addition,
loss of confidence x x x is premised on the fact that the employee concerned
Art. 4.4 Every employee shall willfully respect the honor or person of his holds a position of responsibility, trust, and confidence or that the employee
immediate superior and/or department head or company officers. concerned is entrusted with confidence with respect to delicate matters, such
as handling or care and protection of the property and assets of the
VECO found the following "Press Release", 72 which Mahilum, together with employer. The betrayal of this trust is the essence of the offense for which an
other union officers, caused to be published, as libelous for dishonoring and employee is penalized."74
blackening the memory of then corporate officer Luis Alfonso Y. Aboitiz, as
well as for maliciously impeaching and besmirching the company's name and Mahilum's attempt to rationalize his act as part of his "moral, legal or social
reputation: duty xx x to make known his legitimate perception" 75 against VECO does
not, in any way, detract from the indubitable fact that he intentionally,
knowingly, and purposely caused the aforequoted "disparaging publication."
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Neither can he hide behind the claim that the press release was simply "an However, with the derogatory statements issued by Mahilum that were
expression of a valid grievance." 76 As the NLRC aptly pointed out, "(i)nstead intended to incite, not just public condemnation of VECO, but antagonism
of him and the rest of the union officers bringing their sentiments and/or and obstruction against rate increases in electricity that it may be allowed, by
grievances against the management to the proper forum, they intentionally, law, to fix, there can be no dispute that VECO, indeed, had lost its trust and
knowingly and purposefully breached their employer's trust, by issuing x x x confidence in Mahilum and his ability to perform his tasks with utmost
derogatory statements and causing their publication, apparently, to incite efficiency and loyalty expected of an employee entrusted to handle
public condemnation against the latter." 77It bears noting that, while customers and funds. Settled is the rule that an employer cannot be
petitioners harp on the refusal of VECO to follow the grievance machinery compelled to retain an employee who is guilty of acts inimical to the interests
procedure under the CBA, they conveniently forgot that they themselves of the employer. A company has the right to dismiss its employee if only as a
shunned the very procedure to which they now hang by a thread. measure of self protection. 82
Moreover, the Court is unmoved by Mahilum's insistence that there was Thus, Mahilum was terminated for a just and valid cause. Moreover, as
nothing in his position which called for management's trust and confidence in declared by the NLRC, VECO complied with the procedural due process
him. 78 The NLRC, whose findings of facts and conclusions are generally requirements of furnishing Mahilum with two written notices before the
accorded not only great weight and respect but even with finality, correctly termination of employment can be effected. On May 8, 2009, 83 Mahilum was
held that, as Customer Service Representative, Mahilum occupied a position apprised of the particular acts for which his termination was sought; and,
of responsibility especially in dealing with VECO's clients. 79 His duties and after due investigation, he was given a Notice of Decision 84on October 28,
responsibilities included: (1) accepting pertinent documents and processing 2010 informing him of his dismissal from service.
electrical service applications; (2) verifying authenticity of documents
submitted; (3) interviewing customer-applicant on applications, complaints, The fact that Mahilum served the company for a considerable period of time
and requests; (4) preparing job assignment of service inspectors; (5) filing all will not help his cause. It is well to emphasize that the longer an employee
service .orders of inspectors; ( 6) assessing and accepting bill deposits; (7) stays in the service of the company, the greater is his responsibility for
preparing and facilitating signing of Metered Service Contract; (8) issuing knowledge and compliance with the norms of conduct and the code of
service order for meter-related activities; (9) verifying existing account of discipline in the company. 85
customer-applicant and approving account clearances; (10) accepting
payment of bills from customer applicant for account clearances; and (11) As a final word, while it is the state's responsibility to afford protection to
processing payment arrangements of customers. 80 labor, this policy should not be used as an instrument to oppress
management and capital. In resolving disputes between labor and capital,
His performance was measured according to how he: (1) handled customers' fairness and justice should always prevail. Social justice does not mandate
transactions; (2) made decisions in processing customers' applications and that every dispute should be automatically decided in favor of labor. Justice is
payment arrangements; and (3) maintained posture at all times in handling to be granted to the deserving and dispensed in the light of the established
customers transactions even with angry customers 81. facts and the applicable law and doctrine. 86
It is clear from the foregoing that Mahilum was not an ordinary rank-and-file WHEREFORE, the instant petition is hereby DENIED.
employee. His job entailed the observance of proper company procedures
relating to processing and determination of electrical service applications SO ORDERED.
culminating in the . signing of service contracts, which constitutes the very
lifeblood of VECO's existence. He was further entrusted with handling the
accounts of customers and accepting payments from them.
Not only that, it was his duty to address customer complaints and requests.
Being a front liner of VECO, with the most consistent and direct interaction
with customers, Mahilum's job involved a high degree of responsibility
requiring a substantial amount of trust and confidence on the part of his
employer, i.e., VECO.
Same; Appeal Bonds; While it has been settled that the posting of a cash or DECISION
surety bond is indispensable to the perfection of an appeal in cases involving
monetary awards from the decision of the Labor Arbiter (LA), in several cases, the PERLAS-BERNABE, J.:
Supreme Court (SC) has relaxed this stringent requirement whenever justified.—
Coming now to the bond requirement, while it has been settled that the posting of a
cash or surety bond is indispensable to the perfection of an appeal in cases involving
monetary awards from the decision of the LA, in several cases, the Court has relaxed
this stringent requirement whenever justified. Thus, the Rules — specifically Section
6, Rule VI — thereof, allow the reduction of the appeal bond upon a showing of: (a)
the existence of a meritorious ground for reduction, and (b) the posting of a
bond in a reasonable amount in relation to the monetary award.
Same; Same; Case law has held that for purposes of justifying the reduction of
the appeal bond, the merit referred to may pertain to (a) an appellant’s lack of
financial capability to pay the full amount of the bond, or (b) the merits of the main
appeal such as when there is a valid claim that there was no illegal dismissal to
justify the award, the absence of an employer-employee relationship, prescription of
claims, and other similarly valid issues that are raised in the appeal.—Case law has
held that for purposes of justifying the reduction of the appeal bond, the merit
referred to may pertain to (a) an appellant’s lack of financial capability to pay
the full amount of the bond, or (b) the merits of the main appeal such as when
there is a valid claim that there was no illegal dismissal to justify the award, the
absence of an employer-employee relationship, prescription of claims, and other
similarly valid issues that are raised in the appeal. In this case, the NLRC held that a
liberal application of the requirement on the timely filing of the appeal bond is
justified, finding that (a) the posting of a P400,000.00 cash bond within the
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Assailed in this petition for review on certiorari1 are the Decision2 dated Resources (HR) Manager Rogelio Ma. J. dela Cruz (dela Cruz), directing
January 18, 2011 and the Resolution 3 dated July 4, 2014 of the Court of Esloyo to explain.
Appeals, Cebu City (CA) in CA-G.R. CEB-SP No. 04622, which reversed and
set aside the Decision4 dated February 20, 2009 and the Resolution5 dated Esloyo submitted his written explanation denying the charges, 17 which QFI
July 10, 2009 of the National Labor Relations Commission (NLRC) in NLRC found to be unsatisfactory.18 Consequently, in a letter19 dated March 31,
VAC No. 08-000526-2008, thereby reinstating the Decision 6 dated December 2006, Esloyo was informed of his termination from work effective April 3,
27, 2007 of the Labor Arbiter (LA), finding respondents Marcelino Esloyo 2006 on the ground of loss of trust and confidence due to his numerous
(Esloyo) and Glen Magsila (Magsila) to have been illegally dismissed. violations of the company rules and regulations.
The Facts Aggrieved, Esloyo and Magsila (respondents) filed separate complaints for
illegal dismissal with money claims against QFI, its President/General
Petitioner Quantum Foods, Inc. (QFI) is a domestic corporation engaged in Manager, Robert N. Suarez, and its HR Manager, De la Cruz, before the
the distribution and selling of food products nationwide, with principal office NLRC, docketed as SRAB VI, Case Nos. 04-50116-2006 and 07-50239-
located in Brgy. Merville, Parañaque City. It hired Esloyo as Major Accounts 2006, respectively, which were subsequently consolidated. 20 They also
Representative on December 14, 1998, whose consistent good performance impleaded Dole Philippines, Inc. (Dole) as party to the case, claiming that
led to successive promotions, until his promotion to the position of Regional said company required them to perform additional tasks that were necessary
Sales Manager for Visayas and Mindanao in 2004. 7 On the other hand, it and desirable for its operations, and that Dole, as well as its Executive
hired Magsila as Key Accounts Representative for the Panay Area on March personnel had created and organized QFI, and thus, should be held jointly
1, 2005 on a probationary status and gave him a "permanent" status on and solidarily liable with QFI for respondents' claims.21
August 31, 2005.8 In the course of their employment, Esloyo and Magsila
were each required to post a cash bond in the amount of P10,000.00 and Esloyo asserted that his dismissal was illegal, claiming that: (a) the charges
P7,000.00, respectively.9 were all fabricated; (b) no formal investigation was conducted; and (c) he was
not given the opportunity to confront his accusers; adding too that prior to the
In 2006, QFI decided to reorganize its sales force nationwide following a March 24, 2006 Show Cause Memorandum, he received an e-mail
drastic drop in net income in 2005, and Magsila was among those memorandum directing him to report to the head office for re-assignment but
retrenched.10 In a letter11 dated February 13, 2006, Magsila was informed of was, instead, placed on floating status.22 Magsila, on the other hand, averred
his termination effective March 31, 2006, given the option not to report for that there was no valid retrenchment as the losses claimed by QFI were
work beginning February 27, 2006, and advised to turn over his unsubstantiated and that he was merely replaced. 23
responsibilities and clear his accountabilities to facilitate the release of his
final pay. The corresponding Establishment Termination Report 12 of the For its part, QFI maintained that respondents' dismissals were valid, hence, it
retrenched employees was likewise submitted to the Department of Labor is not liable for their money claims. 24 On the other hand, Dole denied any
and Employment. However, Magsila's final pay and other benefits were not employer-employee relationship with respondents. 25cralawred
released due to alleged discovery of unauthorized/undocumented
deductions, which he purportedly failed to explain.13 The LA Ruling
In the same vein, the LA declared Magsila's dismissal to be illegal, holding Contrary to the LA's ruling, the NLRC held that respondents were not illegally
that there could be no valid retrenchment since a replacement was hired dismissed.40 It gave credence to the audit report which showed the various
even before the effectivity of the latter's dismissal, noting too, that the infractions committed by Esloyo in violation of the company rules and
dismissal was effected only after he had acted as witness for Esloyo in the regulations, and in breach of the confidence reposed on him, warranting his
sexual harassment charge.29 dismissal.41 It also found substantial evidence to support the losses suffered
by QFI, and thus, declared Magsila's dismissal to prevent losses as a valid
On the other hand, Dole was deleted as party to the case, upon a finding that exercise of the management's prerogative.42
it has no employer-employee relationship with respondents; while the
impleaded QFI officials were absolved from personal liability. 30 Consequently, the NLRC deleted the awards of backwages, 13 th month pay,
and attorney's fees in favor of respondents for lack of basis, but sustained:
Dissatisfied, QFI filed its Notice of Appeal and Memorandum of (a) the award of separation pay in favor of Magsila who was dismissed for an
Appeal31 before the NLRC on February 8, 2008, accompanied by: authorized cause; and (b) the refund of respondents' cash bonds in the
absence of proof that the same had been returned by QFI. 43
(a) a Motion to Reduce Bond32 averring that it was encountering difficulty
raising the amount of the bond and finding an insurance company Respondents filed a motion for reconsideration, 44 which was denied in a
that can cover said amount during the short period of time allotted for Resolution45 dated July 10, 2009, prompting them to elevate the matter
an appeal; and (b) a cash bond in the amount of P400,000.00 (partial on certiorari before the CA.46
The CA Ruling
Respondents filed a motion to dismiss the appeal for QFI's failure:
(a) to attach a Verification and Certification of Non-Forum Shopping In a Decision47 dated January 18, 2011, the CA reversed and set aside the
as required by the New Rules and Procedure of the NLRC; and (b) to NLRC's ruling and reinstated the LA's Decision. It ruled that QFI's failure to
post a bond in an amount equivalent to the monetary judgment as post the required bond in an amount equivalent to the monetary judgment
mandated by law.34 impeded the perfection of its appeal, and rendered the LA's Decision final
(b) QFI thereafter moved to admit its Verification/Certification for Non- and executory.48 Thus, the NLRC was bereft of jurisdiction and abused its
Forum Shopping and related documents, explaining that the failure to discretion in entertaining the appeal. 49 It also held that the posting of the
attach said documents was due to the inadvertence of its counsel partial bond together with the Motion to Reduce Bond did not stop the
who was just recovering from the open cholecystectomy performed running of the period to perfect the appeal, considering that: (a) the grounds
on him, and that the appeal was based on meritorious grounds. relied upon by QFI are not meritorious; and (b) the partial bond posted was
Subsequently, but before the NLRC could act on the Motion to not reasonable in relation to the monetary judgment. 50
Reduce Bond, it posted a surety bond from an accredited insurance
company fully covering the monetary judgment, which respondents The CA further observed that the appeal filed on February 8, 2008 was
vehemently opposed.35 plagued with several infirmities that effectively prevented its perfection, noting
that: (a) there was no showing that de la Cruz, who filed/signed the petition,
The NLRC Ruling was authorized to represent QFI and sign the verification; and (b) it was
unaccompanied by a certificate of non-forum shopping. Accordingly, it found
In a Decision36 dated February 20, 2009, the NLRC denied respondents' no compelling reason to justify the relaxation of the rules. 51
motion to dismiss and gave due course to QFI's appeal, holding that: (a) the
lack of verification was a formal defect that could be cured by requiring an Undeterred, QFI filed a motion for reconsideration 52 which was denied in a
oath;37 (b) the belated filing of the certificate of non-forum shopping may be Resolution53 dated July 4, 2014; hence, this petition.
2) verified by the appellant himself in accordance with Section 4, Rule 7 of In the present case, it is apparent that the plausible merit of the case was the
the Rules of Court, as amended; 3) in the form of a memorandum of appeal "special circumstance" or "compelling reason" 61 that prompted the NLRC to
which shall state the grounds relied upon and the arguments in support relax the certification requirement and give due course to QFI's appeal as it,
thereof, the relief prayed for, and with a statement of the date the appellant in fact, arrived at a contrary ruling from that of the LA. It is well to emphasize
received the appealed decision, resolution or order; 4) in three (3) legibly that technical rules are not binding in cases submitted before the NLRC. In
typewritten or printed copies; and 5) accompanied by i) proof of payment of fact, labor officials are enjoined to use every and reasonable means to
ascertain the facts in each case speedily and objectively, without regard to
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technicalities of law or procedure, in the interest of due Here, QFI posted a partial bond in the amount of P400,000.00, or more than
process.62 Consequently, the NLRC cannot be faulted for relaxing its own twenty percent (20%) of the monetary judgment, within the reglementary
rules in the interest of substantial justice. period to appeal, together with the Motion to Reduce Bond anchored on its
averred difficulty in raising the amount of the bond and searching for an
Coming now to the bond requirement, while it has been settled that the insurance company that can cover said amount within the short period of
posting of a cash or surety bond is indispensable to the perfection of an time to perfect its appeal. Before the NLRC could even act on the Motion to
appeal in cases involving monetary awards from the decision of the LA, 63 in Reduce Bond, QFI posted a surety bond from an accredited insurance
several cases,64 the Court has relaxed this stringent requirement whenever company covering fully the judgment award.
justified. Thus, the Rules - specifically Section 6, Rule VI - thereof, allow the
reduction of the appeal bond upon a showing of: (a) the existence of a However, the CA held that the grounds relied upon by QFI are not
meritorious ground for reduction, and (b) the posting of a bond in a meritorious, and that the partial bond posted was not reasonable in relation to
reasonable amount in relation to the monetary award, to wit: the monetary judgment.
SEC. 6. Bond. - In case the decision of the Labor Arbiter or the Regional
Director involves a monetary award, an appeal by the employer may be Case law has held that for purposes of justifying the reduction of the appeal
perfected only upon the posting of a bond, which shall either be in the form of bond, the merit referred to may pertain to (a) an appellant's lack of
cash deposit or surety bond equivalent in amount to the monetary award, financial capability to pay the full amount of the bond, or (b) the merits
exclusive of damages and attorney's fees. of the main appeal such as when there is a valid claim that there was no
illegal dismissal to justify the award, the absence of an employer-employee
relationship, prescription of claims, and other similarly valid issues that are
No motion to reduce bond shall be entertained except on meritorious raised in the appeal.70
grounds, and only upon the posting of a bond in a reasonable amount
in relation to the monetary award. In this case, the NLRC held that a liberal application of the requirement on
the timely filing of the appeal bond is justified, finding that (a) the posting of a
The mere filing of a motion to reduce bond without complying with the P400,000.00 cash bond within the reglementary period to appeal and the
requisites in the preceding paragraphs shall not stop the running of the subsequent posting of a surety bond constitute substantial compliance of the
period to perfect an appeal.65 (Emphasis and underscoring supplied) bond requirement; and (b) there is merit in QFI's appeal.
In this regard, it bears stressing that the reduction of the bond provided
thereunder is not a matter of right on the part of the movant and its grant still As to what constitutes "a reasonable amount of bond" that must accompany
lies within the sound discretion of the NLRC upon a showing of meritorious the motion to reduce bond in order to suspend the period to perfect an
grounds and the reasonableness of the bond tendered under the appeal, the Court, in McBurnie v. Ganzon,71 pronounced:
circumstances.66 The requirement on the existence of a "meritorious ground" To ensure that the provisions of Section 6, Rule VI of the NLRC Rules of
delves on the worth of the parties' arguments, taking into account their Procedure that give parties the chance to seek a reduction of the appeal
respective rights and the circumstances that attend the case. 67 bond are effectively carried out, without however defeating the benefits of the
bond requirement in favor of a winning litigant, all motions to reduce bond
In Nicol v. Footjoy Industrial Corp.,68 the Court summarized the guidelines that are to be filed with the NLRC shall be accompanied by the posting
under which the NLRC must exercise its discretion in considering an of a cash or surety bond equivalent to 10% of the monetary award that
appellant's motion for reduction of bond in this wise: is subject of the appeal, which shall provisionally be deemed the
"[T]he bond requirement on appeals involving monetary awards has been reasonable amount of the bond in the meantime that an appellant's
and may be relaxed in meritorious cases. These cases include instances in motion is pending resolution by the Commission. In conformity with the
which (1) there was substantial compliance with the Rules, (2) surrounding NLRC Rules, the monetary award, for the purpose of computing the
facts and circumstances constitute meritorious grounds to reduce the bond, necessary appeal bond, shall exclude damages and attorney's fees. Only
(3) a liberal interpretation of the requirement of an appeal bond would serve after the posting of a bond in the required percentage shall an appellant's
the desired objective of resolving controversies on the merits, or (4) the period to perfect an appeal under the NLRC Rules be deemed
appellants, at the very least, exhibited their willingness and/or good faith by suspended.72 (Emphasis and underscoring supplied)
posting a partial bond during the reglementary Hence, the posting of a P400,000.00 cash bond equivalent to more than 20%
period."69ChanRoblesVirtualawlibrary of the monetary judgment, together with the Motion to Reduce Bond within
It should be emphasized that the NLRC has full discretion to grant or deny
the motion to reduce bond,77 and its ruling will not be disturbed unless tainted
with grave abuse of discretion. Verily, an act of a court or tribunal can only be
considered to be tainted with grave abuse of discretion when such act is
done in a capricious or whimsical exercise of judgment as is equivalent to
lack of jurisdiction,78 which clearly is not extant with respect to the NLRC's
cognizance of QFI's appeal. Far from having gravely abused its discretion,
the NLRC correctly preferred substantial justice over the rigid and stringent
application of procedural rules. This, by all means, is not a case of grave
abuse of discretion calling for the issuance of a writ of certiorari,79 warranting
the reversal of the CA's ruling granting the certiorari petition and the remand
of the case to the C A for appropriate action.
The instant case stemmed from a complaint 7 for regularization and illegal Aggrieved, petitioner appealed14 to the NLRC.
dismissal filed by respondents Samahang Manggagawa ng UST and
Pontesor, et al. (respondents) against petitioner before the NLRC. The NLRC Ruling
Respondents alleged that on various periods spanning the years 1990-1999,
petitioner repeatedly hired Pontesor, et al. to perform various maintenance In a Resolution 15 dated March 26, 2004, the NLRC vacated the LA ruling
duties within its campus, i.e., as laborer, mason, tinsmith, painter, electrician, and, consequently, entered a new one dismissing respondents' complaint for
welder, carpenter. Essentially, respondents insisted that in view of lack of merit. 16 Contrary to the LA's findings, the NLRC found that
Pontesor, et al.' s performance of such maintenance tasks throughout the Pontesor, et al. cannot be considered regular employees as they knowingly
years, they should be deemed regular employees of petitioner. Respondents and voluntarily entered into fixed term contracts of employment with
further argued that for as long as petitioner continues to operate and exist as petitioner. As such, they could not have been illegally dismissed upon the
an educational institution, with rooms, buildings, and facilities to maintain, the expiration of their respective last valid and binding fixed term employment
latter could not dispense with Pontesor, et al. 's services which are contracts with petitioner. This notwithstanding, the NLRC rejected petitioner's
necessary and desirable to the business of petitioner.8 contention that Pontesor, et al. should be deemed project employees,
ratiocinating that their work were not usually necessary and desirable to
On the other hand, while petitioner admitted that it repeatedly hired petitioner's main business or trade, which is to provide elementary,
Pontesor, et al. in different capacities throughout the aforesaid years, it secondary, tertiary, and post-graduate education. As such, the NLRC
nevertheless maintained that they were merely hired on a per-project basis, classified Pontesor, et al. as mere fixed term casual employees.17
as evidenced by numerous Contractual Employee Appointments
(CEAs)9 signed by them. In this regard, petitioner pointed out that each of the Respondents moved for reconsideration, 18 which was, however, denied in a
CEAs that Pontesor, et al. signed defined the nature and term of the project Resolution 19 dated May 25, 2004. Dissatisfied, they filed a
to which they are assigned, and that each contract was renewable in the petition20 for certiorari before the CA.
event the project remained unfinished upon the expiration of the specified
term. In accordance with the express provisions of said CEAs, Pontesor, et
al. 's project employment were automatically terminated: (a) upon the The CA Ruling
expiration of the specific term specified in the CEA; (b) when the project is
completed ahead of such expiration; or (c) in cases when their employment In a Decision 21 dated June 12, 2008, the CA reversed and set aside the
was extended due to the non-completion of the specific project for which they NLRC ruling and, accordingly, reinstated that of the LA. 22 It held that
were hired, upon the completion of the said project. As such, the termination Pontesor, et al. cannot be considered as merely fixed term or project
of Pontesor, et al. 's employment with petitioner was validly made due to the employees, considering that: (a) they performed work that is necessary and
completion of the specific projects for which they were hired. 10 desirable to petitioner's business, as evidenced by their repeated rehiring
and petitioner's continuous need for their services; and (b) the specific
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undertaking or project for which they were employed were not clear as the Pontesor, et al. are not regular employees of petitioner patently deviates
project description set forth in their respective CEAs were either too general from the evidence on record as well as settled legal principles of labor law.
or too broad. Thus, the CA classified Pontesor, et al. as regular employees,
who are entitled to security of tenure and cannot be terminated without any Article 29529 of the Labor Code, 30 as amended, distinguishes project
just or authorized caused. 23 employment from regular employment as follows:
Undaunted, petitioner moved for reconsideration, 24 but the same was denied Art. 295 [280]. Regular and casual employment. - The provisions of written
in a Resolution25 dated August 22, 2008; hence, this petition. agreement to the contrary notwithstanding and regardless of the oral
agreement of the parties, an employment shall be deemed to be regular
The Issue Before the Court where the employee has been engaged to perform activities which are
usually necessary or desirable in the usual business or trade of the employer,
The issue for the Court's resolution is whether or not the CA correctly ruled except where the employment has been fixed for a specific project or
that Pontesor, et al. are regular employees and, consequently, were illegally undertaking the completion or termination of which has been determined at
dismissed by petitioner. the time of the engagement of the employee or where the work or services to
be performed is seasonal in nature and the employment is for the duration of
the season.
The Court's Ruling
According to jurisprudence, the principal test for determining whether In view of the foregoing, Pontesor, et al. should, as discussed earlier, be
particular employees are properly characterized as "project[based] considered regularized casual employees who enjoy, inter alia, security of
employees" as distinguished from "regular employees," is whether or not tenure. Accordingly, they cannot be terminated from employment without any
the employees were assigned to carry out a "specific project or just and/or authorized cause, which unfortunately, petitioner was guilty of
undertaking," the duration (and scope) of which were specified at the time doing in this case. Hence, Pontesor, et al. must be reinstated to their former
they were engaged for that project. The project could either be (1) a or equivalent positions, with full backwages and without loss of seniority
particular job or undertaking that is within the regular or usual business rights. As pointed out by the LA, the NLRC Computation & Examination Unit
of the employer company, but which is distinct and separate, and
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should be directed to compute the monetary awards that petitioner should be
ordered to pay Pontesor, et al. as a consequence of this ruling.