PNB Ze Lo Mastercard - App Form OnePager - Jan2020 1
PNB Ze Lo Mastercard - App Form OnePager - Jan2020 1
PNB Ze Lo Mastercard - App Form OnePager - Jan2020 1
Zero overlimit fees
Principal applicants must be Filipino citizens, 21-65 years old, earning a minimum monthly income of
Php10,000 supported by income documents.
• Recent one (1) month payslip or Certificate of Employment (stating Gross Income, Date Hired, and
Position) or ITR or active principal credit card number (with at least 1 year membership)
• Photo-bearing Government-issued ID with signature (e.g. Driver’s License, Passport, TIN (Ecard only),
SSS, or Unified Multi-Purpose ID(UMID) or Company ID
• Proof of billing (for non-carded or non-depositor)
*Cardholders with hold-out deposits are not required to submit the documents indicated above
• Latest ITR with BIR Stamp per BSP Circular 472 and latest Audited Financial Statements (AFS)
• Photo-bearing Government-issued ID with signature (e.g. Driver’s License, Passport, TIN (Ecard only),
SSS, or Unified Multi-Purpose ID(UMID) or Company ID
• Proof of billing (for non-carded or non-depositor)
*Cardholders with hold-out deposits are not required to submit the documents indicated above
If you are a foreign national, you must also submit either A or B of the following:
• Passport • Passport
• Alien Certificate of Residence (ACR) • Unexpired Philippine Retirement
• And any of the following: • Authority ID (PRA) or Special
- National ID Resident Retiree’s Visa (SRRV)
- Internal Revenue Service (IRS) ID • And any of the following:
- Social Security Number SSN) ID - Bureau of Immigration
- Driver’s License Approved Order
- Work permit issued by DOLE - Certficate of Deposit issued
(mandatory requirement) if employed by the Bank where the
in the Philippines PRA/Visa is deposited
- Company ID issued by private entities • Proof of billing (for non-carded
or institutions registered with or supervised or non-depositor)
or regulated either by the BSP, SEC or IC
• Proof of billing (for non-carded or non-depositor)
PNB Ze-Lo MASTERCARD Applications with incomplete requirements and/or information will not be processed.
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Salary Professional fees Pension
First Name Middle Name
Savings/Investments Business Revenue Commission
Remittance Others: (pls. specify)
Present Residence Address (Unit #, Bldg./ House #, Street, Barangay / District) 4 CREDIT CARDS WITH OTHER LOCAL BANKS
(At least one (1) year principal ownership)
Email Address
If you are a foreign national, you must submit the following: Auto Debit my PNB Dollar acct. # ___________________________________________
A. 1. ACR Social Security Number (SSN I.D.) B. 1. Philippine Retirement Authority I.D. (PRA I.D.)
I.D No. ______________________
Expiry ______________________
Driver’s License Special Resident Retiree’s Visa (SRRV)
2. Passport
Full Minimum
Work Permit Issued by DOLE
2. Passport 3. And any of the following:
(If employed in the Philippines)
3. And any of the following: Bureau of Immigration Approved Order
Company I.D.
(check submitted I.D. / document)
Certificate of Deposit issued by the Bank where
(For Auto Debit, if selection is not checked, payment will automatically be minimum.)
National I.D. the PRA/Visa is deposited
Name of Employer/Business
Date of Birth Sex Status Relationship with principal
m m d d y y y y applicant
Male Single Separated
Female Married Widowed
Employer/Business Address (Unit #, Bldg./ House #, Street, Barangay / District)
Mother’s Full Maiden Name Email Address
(City / Province / Region / Country) ZIP Code Mobile Number Sub-limit* Nationality
*For Sub-limit: principal cardholder assigns the sub-limit. Specify the amount, rounded off to the
Employer/Business Contact. No. Position/Rank No. of years with the firm nearest thousand. If not specified, default sub-limit is 100%.
Important: Please submit at least one (1) Photo-bearing Government-issued ID with signature.
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By signing this form, I/we are applying for a PNB Credit Card. I/We agree to abide by and be governed I/We hereby authorize PNB, in the event that my account becomes past due, to offset against my
by the Terms and Conditions governing the issuance and use of the PNB Credit Card and all future deposit, any unpaid balances or endorse my account to an accredited third party agency, and
amendments thereto. I/We authorize Philippine National Bank (PNB) to verify the information in this subsequently cancel my card. I/We further authorize and consent to the Philippine National Bank to be
application and to receive and exchange information about me/us including requesting reports from PNB the recipient of these information and to conduct random verification with the BIR in order to establish
consumer credit reporting or reference or other accredited bureaus. I/We hereby acknowledge, authorize authenticity of the Income Tax Return (ITR).
and consent to:
PNB reserves the right to retain my/our Personal Data and other information until the expiration of the
1) the regular submission and disclosure of my/our basic credit data (as defined under R.A. 9510 and its retention limit set by laws and regulations or internal policies of PNB or under certain circumstances
Implementing Rules and Regulations) to the Credit Information Corporation (CIC) as well as any updates necessary to comply with a legal obligation and/or protect and defend the rights or property of PNB, its
or corrections thereof; affiliates and subsidiaries.
2) the sharing of my/our basic credit data with other lenders authorized by the CIC, and credit reporting After such period, PNB shall destroy or cause the destruction of your Personal Data and other
agencies duly accredited by the CIC. I/We also authorize PNB and their affiliates to contact these sources information in a commercially acceptable secure manner.
for information at any time, to use information about me/us, including information from this application
and from consumer credit reports, for marketing and administrative purposes and to share such I/We hold ourselves, jointly and severally liable for all obligations and liabilities arising from the use of
information with each other; and the PNB Credit Card and supplementary card/s and, in the event that my/our application for a PNB
Credit Card is disapproved, the Philippine National Bank is under no obligation to provide me/us with
3) the processing and disclosure of my/our personal data/information as defined under and in accordance the reason for such a decision.
with the Data Privacy Act of 2012 (R.A. 10173) and its Implementing Rules and Regulations.
The accomplished application form and requirement/s submitted will become the property of the
By signing up for this product and/or service, I/we authorize PNB, their branches, subsidiaries, affiliates, Philippine National Bank. The Philippine National Bank is under no obligation to return the said
representatives, and their authorized third party service providers to collect, use, and disclose my/our documents.
personal data to facilitate the processing of credit card application, provide services in connection to the
account and share such data for the proper execution of processes related to the account, as required All PNB Credit Cards are issued for personal use only. Should PNB find that my/our transactions are
under pertinent laws and regulations, and for marketing and promotional purposes such as, but not relatively higher than the usual personal consumption, PNB has the right to cancel or revoke the credit
limited to, calls, emails, and/or SMS. I/We may withdraw such consent at any time by calling the PNB card immediately.
Credit Cards Customer Service or sending a notification via mail or email to PNB. In the event that the
consent is withdrawn, I/We acknowledge that I/we may not be able to fully avail the products and/or Further I/we hereby declare, that in compliance with BSP Circular #472, I/we agree to send a copy of
services offered by PNB. my/our latest duly-stamped ITR or BIR Form 2316; or latest 3 months pay slips, if employed; or Audited
Financial Statements, if self-employed. Also, I/we hereby acknowledge that I/we have read and
I/We hereby authorize and consent to the disclosure of information pertaining to my deposits as the understood PNB’s Data Privacy Policy posted in its official website.
disclosure is necessary and relevant in the evaluation of my/our application for a PNB Credit Card and to
ensure a successful debit under an auto-debit payment arrangement with my/our PNB account should
I/we decide to avail of the auto-debit payment facility to my/our PNB Credit Card.
As used herein, the word “Credit Card” means all credit cards issued by PNB. The word “Cardholder” binds himself/herself to pay and be liable for all outstanding obligations charged on the Cardholder’s
means the person at whose request one or more Credit Cards, including supplementary card(s), have supplementary card(s) even after the request for cancellation thereof and until such time that the
been issued by PNB. These terms and conditions shall also be referred to as the “agreement” and shall obligations charged on the said supplementary card(s) shall have been fully paid, and said supplementary
include the Cardholder’s application, the Credit Card, the Statement of Certain Credit Card Fees and card(s) shall have been actually surrendered to PNB thus preventing its effective use.
Charges, and the Terms and Conditions governing the following: Cash Advance, 0% Installment Plan,
PNB Balance Transfer Facility, Electronic Statement of Account (eSOA), and any and all amendments The Cardholder and the supplementary member(s) shall be jointly and severally liable for any and all
thereto, including the sales slip and/or other forms of documents evidencing charges to the Credit Card, obligations, charges and fees under the supplementary member(s)’ Credit Card account, irrespective of
and such other rules, regulations, terms and conditions as PNB shall issue from time to time. whether the amounts were incurred with or without the knowledge or consent of the Cardholder.
In consideration of the issuance of the Credit Card provided by PNB, the Cardholder and PNB herein bind 3) JOINING FEE/MEMBERSHIP FEES. The Cardholder, upon approval of his/her credit card
themselves to faithfully comply with the following Terms and Conditions governing the issuance and use application, shall pay a joining fee and his/her membership fees in such amounts as may be fixed and
of the Credit Card or any renewal thereof, to wit: announced by PNB, for the use of Credit Card and other facilities and services which may, from time to
time, be made available to the Cardholder.
1) AUTHORITY TO ISSUE CREDIT CARD. The Cardholder hereby unconditionally and absolutely
authorizes PNB to issue, increase, decrease, and/or upgrade, downgrade, at any time and at its exclusive Renewal and/or reinstatement of the Credit Card shall be at PNB’s exclusive option. The said fee/s shall
option, any and/or all Credit Card product/s and Credit Card features in case the Cardholder is be charged to the credit line, and all paid membership fees are non-refundable even if the credit
qualified/disqualified for membership therein. privileges are suspended or terminated, or if the Credit Card is surrendered by the Cardholder before the
expiry date. The payment of the membership fee and joining fee shall allow the Cardholder to enjoy the
The signing and/or use of any Credit Card product/s shall constitute conclusive proof of consent of the benefits of different programs subscribed to.
Cardholder to be bound by the Terms and Conditions of this agreement. The Cardholder agrees to hold
PNB free and harmless from any and all liabilities in the exercise of said option. The Credit Card shall 4) THE CREDIT LIMIT. Upon approval of the credit card application, the Cardholder will be given a credit
remain the property of PNB. PNB may, at its reasonable discretion, suspend, terminate, cancel or in any limit expressed in pesos, inclusive of the cash advance limit, which represents the maximum outstanding
way alter the card privileges at any time for any reason, without need of prior notice to the Cardholder. balance, including, but not limited to, any installment transaction/s made using the Credit Card, and all
other applicable fees and charges incurred using the Credit Card, that the Cardholder and his/her
The Credit Card shall be non-transferable and will be accepted at accredited merchants only when supplementary member(s) are allowed at any given time, subject to security features and credit limit
properly signed and presented by the Cardholder whose name and signature are indicated on the Credit management features that PNB may impose for the benefit of the Cardholder.
The credit limit, though expressed in pesos, may also be used for dollar-denominated purchases and at
All PNB Credit Cards (except Corporate Credit Cards and Business Credit Cards) are issued for personal an equivalent value of fifty pesos for every dollar.
use only.
In case PNB issues two or more Credit Cards to the Cardholder, the Cardholder understands and agrees
The Credit Card Rewards and Benefits vary depending on different card types. These Rewards and to abide by the condition that he/she may, at PNB’s sole discretion, be given a credit limit for each Credit
Benefits are subject to their respective program terms and conditions. PNB has the right to change the Card that must not exceed the assigned aggregate customer credit limit shared among all his/her Credit
Rewards Points requirements or conversion, and put a cap on the earning or redemption of cardholders Cards.
as deemed necessary.
PNB may increase or reduce the Cardholder’s credit limit based on his/her payment history, current
The Cardholder shall provide PNB with copies of additional and updated documents that PNB may economic/financial capacity or credit standing in accordance with PNB’s risk management policies and
reasonably require from time to time, including but not limited to copies of his/her latest Income Tax guidelines, whether during the effectivity of the credit card or upon renewal thereof, and the Cardholder
Returns (ITRs) duly stamped as received by the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) and/or BIR Form 2316. shall be notified of such increase or reduction in his/her credit limit. The Cardholder shall have the option
The Cardholder authorizes PNB to conduct random verification with the BIR to establish authenticity of to decline the increase in his/her credit limit by providing PNB with a written notice of his/her
such ITR, accompanying financial statements and other documents/information/data submitted by the disagreement to the increase in credit limit.
Cardholder. The Cardholder’s continued use of the credit card after receipt of the notice of increase or decrease of
his/her credit limit shall constitute acceptance of such increase or reduction.
2) SUPPLEMENTARY CARD(S). The Cardholder may apply in writing for issuance of supplementary
card(s). The issuance of supplementary card(s) shall be the exclusive option of PNB. Any reference to the Should the outstanding balance exceed the reduced credit limit, said excess shall be considered
Credit Card issued to the Cardholder shall also apply to the supplementary card(s). immediately due and demandable and subject to an overlimit fee, without need of further notice or
The Cardholder shall be liable for all the charges made on any of the Cardholder’s supplementary card(s),
including interest, non-refundable fees, and other charges. The Cardholder may also apply for an increase or decrease in credit limit, which application will be subject
to the evaluation of PNB.
Should the Cardholder request for cancellation of any supplementary card(s), the Cardholder agrees and
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5) ACCREDITED MERCHANTS. PNB has separate agreements with Mastercard, Visa, and UnionPay, and should contain the following information: (a) name and account number of the Cardholder; (b)
whereby the Credit Card shall be honored at their respective accredited merchants worldwide. amount of the error, if any; (c) a description of the error; (d) signature of the Cardholder; (e) and all
other pertinent documents must be submitted to the PNB Cards Banking Solutions Group via mail,
However, PNB shall not be liable to the Cardholder if, for any reason, the Credit Card is not honored or fax, email or personally delivered.
accepted by any local or foreign merchants, financial institutions, or any other persons, notwithstanding
the availability of credit in favor of the Cardholder under the Credit Card account. All other Terms and Conditions stated in the monthly SOA shall form an integral part of these Terms
and Conditions.
Furthermore, the Cardholder shall hold PNB free and harmless from any and all claims for damages as a
result of the failure of any accredited merchant or any acquiring entity, or of Mastercard, Visa, and 11) MODES OF PAYMENT. Purchased goods, availed services (including those payable in
UnionPay to honor the Credit Card. installments), cash advances, fees, and charges shall be paid by the Cardholder and/or
supplementary member/s, if any, in cash or check directly to PNB branches other authorized bank or
6) CASH ADVANCES. The Cardholder and/or supplementary member(s) may avail of cash advances payment centers or other available channels such as, but not limited to, ATMs, internet banking or
through PNB and other selected Automated Teller Machines (ATMs). mobile banking on or before the due date indicated in the SOA without necessity of demand.
PNB may, at its sole option and at any time, reduce or increase the Cardholder’s cash advance limit. The Cardholders with PNB deposit accounts may also pay by availing of PNB’s Automatic Debit
Cardholder and/or supplementary member(s) shall be provided with a confidential Personal Identification Arrangement (ADA) facility, provided that, funds from the enrolled deposit account must be cleared
Number (PIN) which may be changed only by requesting for a card replacement or requesting PIN change and available for debit at least one banking day before the due date stated in the SOA of the Credit
through PNB’s Customer Service Unit. Card/s to be paid.
The Cardholder shall pay PNB a cash advance transaction fee of such amount as may be set and announced The Cardholder agrees that checks used for payment will be credited to the Cardholder’s account
by PNB, at any time, in addition to a service fee. The cash advance, additional fees and charges will be only upon collection in accordance with usual transit/clearing schedules for local and outstanding
further subject to the aggregate customer credit limit, and are non-refundable. credits net of charges from the drawee bank and PNB’s own charges.
The Cardholder shall, at all times, keep his/her PIN confidential and shall not, under any circumstance, In case the Cardholder is issued two or more Credit Cards by PNB, the Cardholder hereby authorizes
disclose the same to any person or compromise its confidentiality. The Cardholder agrees that all cash PNB, without any obligation on its part, to unilaterally apply without prior notice, the Cardholder’s
advances using the Credit Card shall be conclusively presumed to have been personally made or payments to any of the Cardholder’s accounts at the option and sole discretion of PNB.
authorized by the Cardholder.
12) CARD PAYMENT. In the monthly SOA given to the Cardholder, the Cardholder shall be liable for
PNB may limit cash advances on the Credit Card to an amount determined at PNB’s sole discretion, the total amount due shown therein to be outstanding as of the date of the SOA.
without notice to the Cardholder.
In any event, the Cardholder must pay at least the minimum amount due to PNB on or before the
7) OVER LIMIT. The Cardholder and/or supplementary member(s) shall keep track of his/her/their total payment due date.
obligations so as not to exceed the approved credit limit at any given time.
For Peso payments, the minimum amount due is computed as five percent (5%) of the total
The indication of a credit limit on the Credit Card account shall not relieve the Cardholder and outstanding balance or Five Hundred Pesos (Php 500) whichever is higher as of the statement date.
supplementary member(s) from liability for all purchases, cash advances, fees and charges in excess of
approved credit limit. For the PNB Ze-Lo Mastercard, the minimum amount due is computed as three percent (3%) of the total
outstanding balance or Two Hundred Pesos (Php 200) whichever is higher as of the statement date.
PNB reserves the right, without prior notice, to decline any transaction and/or suspend the credit card
privileges of the Cardholder and his/her supplementary member(s) and/or charge an over limit fee per over For U.S. Dollar payments, the minimum amount due is computed as five percent (5%) of the total
limit event in such amounts as may be fixed and announced by PNB, if the credit limit will likely be or has outstanding balance or Fifty US Dollars ($50) whichever is higher as of the statement date.
been exceeded.
Payments for peso-denominated credit lines must be in Philippine Pesos, while payments for
PNB may demand immediate payment of the amount in excess of the credit limit or of all amounts dollar-denominated credit lines may be either in Philippine Pesos or US Dollars. Peso payments will
outstanding. The use of the Credit Card in excess of such credit limit, without prior approval of PNB, shall be converted into the billing currency using PNB’s selling rate for the actual day of Card payment.
be considered as a fraudulent act of the Cardholder and/or supplementary member(s).
13) APPLICATION OF PAYMENT. In case of partial payment of the Credit Card balances, the same
8) LIABILITY OF CARDHOLDER, SUPPLEMENTARY MEMBER(S) AND COMPANIES. (for corporate shall be applied to the Credit Card account on normal status in the following order:
accounts). The Cardholder and supplementary member(s), if any, shall be jointly and severally liable to pay
for purchased goods, availed services (including those payable in installments), cash advances, and all 1. Cash Advance service and transaction fees billed limit will likely be or has been exceeded.
charges, whether made in the Philippines or abroad, including, but not limited to, the non-refundable fees, 2. Late payment penalty charge & other applicable charges
charges, and taxes required by the government, made and imposed through the use of the principal and 3. Retail membership fee billed
supplementary card(s), until full payment thereof, without necessity of proof of a signed charge slip or 4. Retail service fees billed
other documents. 5. Cash Advance Interest billed
6. Retail finance charge
9) HANDLING OF FOREIGN CURRENCY TRANSACTIONS. For single currency Credit Cards, all charges 7. Cash Advance billed
and transactions made in currencies other than Philippine Pesos shall, in accordance with PNB’s 8. Retail billed (including installments)
procedures, be automatically converted to Philippine Pesos at the UnionPay, Mastercard, or Visa currency 9. Unbilled Cash Advance service and transactions fees
conversion rate plus PNB’s service fee in effect at the time the transaction is posted which amount 10. Unbilled late payment penalty charge & other applicable charges
represents the Cardholder’s payment to PNB for the purchase and payment on the Cardholder’s behalf of 11. Unbilled Retail Membership Fee
the foreign currency necessary to discharge the amounts due foreign merchants. 12. Unbilled Retail Service fees
13. Unbilled Cash Advance Interest
The Cardholder’s foreign currency transactions shall be subject to all applicable charges and fees on the 14. Unbilled Retail finance charge
Credit Card. 15. Cash Advance unbilled
16. Retail unbilled (including installments)
For dual currency Credit Cards, all charges and transactions made in currencies other than Philippine Pesos
shall, in accordance with PNB’s procedures, be posted on the Cardholder’s Dollar Limit, and automatically 14) FINANCE CHARGES. If the Cardholder pays the total amount due on or before the payment
converted to US Dollars at the UnionPay, Mastercard, or Visa currency conversion rate plus PNB’s service due date, no finance charge shall be imposed. However, if the Cardholder opts to pay any amount
fee in effect at the time the transaction is posted. less than the total amount due, the Cardholder agrees to pay the finance and other charges, as
announced by PNB, plus any applicable taxes and charges required by the government on such
10) STATEMENT OF ACCOUNT (SOA). A monthly SOA may be furnished to the Cardholder via Philippine charges.
Postal mail, courier, or electronic mail (e-mail) to the Cardholder’s billing address stated in the credit card
application, at the billing, or e-mail address on record. Finance Charge = Interest on the previous balance as reflected on the current Statement of Account
(SOA) computed from the day after the last statement date to the day before the payment post date
The SOA shall be conclusively presumed to have been received by the Cardholder during the using the stated Finance Charge Rate
applicable month unless he/she notifies PNB through telephone or in writing of his/her failure to
receive a copy of such within the first twenty (20) days after the due date. PLUS
The SOA shall likewise be conclusively presumed to be correct unless the Cardholder notifies PNB Interest on the difference between the previous balance and the payment computed from the
through telephone or in writing of any error within twenty (20) days from the statement date. payment post date to the statement date of current statement, using the stated Finance Charge Rate
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, non-receipt or late receipt of the SOA shall not relieve
the Cardholder of his/her obligations to pay amounts due to the Credit Card on the payment due Any amount unpaid as of the payment due date shall be deemed payable on the next billing cycle
date. unless the Cardholder opts to re-avail of his/her credit line for the next billing cycle by paying an
amount less than the total amount due, but not less than the minimum amount due. Finance charge
If the Cardholder notifies PNB of an error in the SOA, the Cardholder shall not be liable to pay the rates and cash advance transaction fees may change and shall be advised from time to time.
disputed amount while PNB is investigating, but the Cardholder is liable to pay such portion of the
total amount due which is not in dispute on or before the payment due date. 15) LATE PAYMENT FEE. Apart from other applicable charges and taxes, a late payment fee will be
charged on the next billing statement in case of non-payment, payment after the due date, or
PNB shall treat the disputed amount as an outstanding availment against the credit line. If after payment below the Minimum Amount Due.
investigation, PNB acknowledges the error in the SOA, the Cardholder is not liable to pay any
finance charges related to the disputed amount only. Otherwise, the Cardholder is liable to pay the Late payment fee will be imposed using the latest published Late Payment Fee for Peso and Dollar.
disputed amount, as well as the corresponding finance charges due.
All written communications, requests or reports on any error in the SOA by the Cardholder must 16) DISHONORED CHECK PAYMENTS. In the event of dishonor of check payments, there shall be
be sent by registered mail to the address indicated in the SOA, or personally delivered to PNB, a prevailing returned check fee plus applicable actual bank charges imposed. The imposition of said
charges shall be without prejudice to the right of PNB to prosecute the check drawer/issuer for
violation of penal law, to consider all charges due and demandable, to suspend or terminate the
Credit Card, and to avail such other remedies based on law or equity.
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17) DEFAULT. The Cardholder shall be considered in default in any of the following events:
21) PNB’s LIABILITY FOR DAMAGES. In any action arising from this agreement or incidental
17.1. The failure of the Cardholder or the supplementary member(s), if any, to pay the thereto, which the Cardholder or any party on his/her behalf may file against PNB, PNB’s liability
minimum amount due up to the next billing cycle; shall not exceed the amount of One Thousand Pesos (Php 1,000), or the actual damages proven,
whichever is lesser.
17.2. The Cardholder fails to pay on the payment due date any of his/her payment
obligations on one or more Credit Card(s) and other credit facilities, including the 22) LIMITATIONS OF THE CARD. The Cardholder agrees not to use the Credit Card for the
supplementary card(s); purchase of items/goods for importation into the Philippines in accordance with applicable BSP
circulars, laws, rules and regulations pertaining to importation, as may be amended from time to
17.3. The Cardholder or supplementary member(s)’ outstanding availments exceed time.
his/her/their credit limit;
The Cardholder further agrees and warrants that the proceeds of any cash advance availments
17.4. Any creditor tries, by legal process, to take the money or any property of the abroad shall not be used for foreign investments or the payment of foreign loans or in violation of
Cardholder with PNB, its subsidiary, or affiliates; any existing foreign currency exchange rules and regulations.
17.5. The Cardholder applies for voluntary or involuntary relief under the Insolvency Law The Cardholder further warrants that he/she shall not use his/her Credit Card account nor settle
or other bankruptcy laws; his/her Credit Card obligations in violation of R.A. No. 9160 (AML Act), as amended by R.A. No.
9194 and its Implementing Rules and Regulations.
17.6. PNB believes, on reasonable grounds and at its sole discretion, that it was induced
by fraudulent misrepresentation to grant the Credit Card, supplementary card(s), or other 23) DISCRETION. Without giving any reason or notice, and without prejudice to the other
credit facility in favor of the Cardholder; provisions hereof, PNB has the absolute discretion (a) to disapprove any proposed Credit Card
transaction even if there is sufficient credit available; (b) to suspend, terminate or cancel the
17.7. The Cardholder’s whereabouts become unknown to PNB upon failure to pay any of Cardholder’s right to use the Credit Card; (c) to increase or decrease the credit limit; (d) to refuse
his/her payment obligations in one or more Credit Card(s) and other credit facilities; to re-issue, renew or replace the Credit Card and/or (e) to introduce, amend, vary, restrict,
terminate or withdraw the benefits, services, facilities, and privileges with respect to or in
17.8. The Cardholder or the supplementary member(s) fail(s) to observe any of the Terms connection with the Credit Card account, whether specifically relating to the Cardholder or
and Conditions governing the issuance and use of the Credit Card; generally to all or specific Cardholders.
17.9. The Cardholder fails to observe any of the terms and conditions of any contract or PNB shall not be responsible if it does not approve a purchase, cash advance, installment
evidence of indebtedness and/or other related documents which the Cardholder executed transaction, or availment under the Balance Transfer Facility on the Credit Card account of the
in favor of PNB in connection with any credit or loan facilities granted by PNB or its other Cardholder, even if there is sufficient credit limit available.
foreign branches, subsidiaries, or affiliates, or another financial institution or other lender PNB may limit the number of purchases, cash advances, or other Credit Card transactions, which
in favor of the Cardholder; may be approved in one day. If PNB detects any unusual or suspicious activity on the Credit Card,
it may require the Cardholder to contact PNB or temporarily suspend the Cardholder’s credit
17.10. The Cardholder is charged with, convicted of, or under investigation by competent privileges until PNB can verify the activity.
government authority for violation of Republic Act (R.A.) 8484 (Access Devices Regulation
Act of 1998), and similar laws, or PNB has prima facie evidence to charge the Cardholder PNB may likewise approve purchases, cash advances or other Credit Card transactions, which will
with a violation of any of the provisions of the said law or the Cardholder has been cause the balance to exceed the aggregate customer credit limit without waiving any of PNB’s
convicted of a crime involving moral turpitude; rights hereunder, including payment of overlimit fee.
17.11. The Cardholder dies or becomes physically or mentally incapacitated. 24) SUSPENSION, CANCELLATION AND WITHDRAWAL OR TERMINATION. PNB may at its
exclusive option and without prior notice to the Cardholder, suspend, cancel, withdraw or
In case of default by the Cardholder as stated above, PNB may, at its sole discretion and without terminate any Credit Card issued and/or its privileges at any time for whatever reason including
need of further notice, demand payment of the total outstanding balance of the Credit Card. without limitation the Cardholder’s default, non-payment, financial incapacity, change in personal
and/or economic circumstance, change in residency status or country or territory of stay, failure to
PNB also reserves the right to accelerate the Cardholder’s deferred charges as a consequence of provide additional documents requested by PNB, misrepresentation, or fraud.
default. In case the Cardholder has more than one (1) Credit Card account with PNB, the default in
one shall automatically be considered as default in the other account(s). At whichever case, PNB In such cases, any outstanding credit availment as of the time of the suspension or termination shall be
reserves the right to terminate the use of all the Credit Card privileges of the Cardholder, including considered due and demandable without need of notice to the Cardholder.
the supplementary member(s), if any, for all his/her/their Credit Card accounts with PNB.
In such cases, any outstanding credit availment as of the time of the suspension or termination shall be
In the event of delinquency or default, the Cardholder authorizes PNB to report and/or include considered due and demandable without need of notice to the Cardholder.
his/her name in the negative listings of any credit bureau or institution. Furthermore, PNB may
endorse the delinquent account for collection by any of its accredited collection agencies. PNB, at its sole discretion, may initiate collection from the Cardholder of the closing balance and all
unposted availments in full, and/or refer collection to a third party. The Cardholder agrees to hold PNB free
18) POWER OF ATTORNEY. Upon occurrence of any event of default or any breach of the Terms and harmless from any claim for damages arising from such termination, withholding, or suspension.
and Conditions hereof, the Cardholder hereby constitutes PNB as his/her Attorney-in-Fact with full Continued use of the Credit Card after termination or cancellation is deemed fraudulent. PNB reserves the
power and authority to do all acts and deeds in his/her behalf in addition to and other than those right, at its sole and absolute discretion, to restore the Credit Card and/or its privileges, whether or not the
herein granted. The Cardholder hereby ratifies and confirms all acts and deeds as may be done or circumstances giving rise to the suspension, cancellation, withdrawal, or termination have ceased or have
performed by PNB under this authority. been rectified.
19) OFFSETTING. The Cardholder agrees that upon his/her default or delinquency, PNB may, as The Credit Card shall be terminated by PNB without prior notice upon the death, bankruptcy, or insolvency
his/her Attorney-in-Fact, in its absolute discretion and without notice, offset the obligations against of the Cardholder or when the whereabouts of the Cardholder become unknown to PNB.
any of the Cardholder’s deposits, money market/trust placements, stocks, bonds and other assets
coming to the custody, possession or control of PNB and their foreign branches, subsidiaries and The Cardholder may, at any time, terminate the agreement by a written notice to PNB subject to the
affiliates. immediate payment or settlement of any and all obligations incurred in connection with the issuance of the
Credit Card.
For this purpose, the Cardholder hereby authorizes and irrevocably constitutes PNB as his/her
Attorney-in-Fact with full power and authority to inquire about and assert the bank’s lien or legal Disposal of the Credit Card will be for the account of the Cardholder. Should the Cardholder choose to
claim on the Cardholder’s deposits, money market/trust placements, stocks, bonds and other assets revolve his/her credit line, membership fee charges shall still apply until such time that the outstanding
in the possession, custody or control of PNB and their foreign branches, subsidiaries and affiliates balance is paid in full. In the event that the Cardholder chooses to revolve, he/she shall still be bound by the
and to apply all or part of the deposits, money market/trust placements, stocks, bonds and other Terms and Conditions of this agreement, until such time that the Credit Card account/s is fully settled.
assets to offset the obligations of the Cardholder.
25) CARD EXPIRY & RENEWAL. Unless earlier terminated or cancelled, the Credit Card shall be valid up
Pursuant to the authority granted to PNB herein, the Cardholder expressly authorizes the disclosure to the last day of the month indicated on the Credit Card. Renewal of the Credit Card will be at the sole
by PNB’s other foreign branches, subsidiaries and affiliates of any information related to the funds discretion of PNB. Continued use of the Credit Card after termination or cancellation shall be considered
or properties of the Cardholder in their custody in favor of PNB. as a fraudulent act of the Cardholder.
In the event that any funds of the Cardholder are held by PNB, PNB reserves the right to retain such PNB may change the Credit Card number and/or expiry date when issuing a renewal card to the
funds for a period of at least forty-five (45) days from the date of cancellation or termination of the Cardholder. The Cardholder is solely responsible for communicating this change to any party with whom
Credit Card, its return to PNB, and the closure of the Card account. If there are unpaid obligations the Cardholder may have payment arrangements with.
under the Credit Card, PNB is authorized by the Cardholder to automatically apply said funds to the
settlement of the unpaid obligations. PNB is not precluded from availing of other remedies in case PNB will not be responsible for any consequences arising from declined transactions, whether submitted
the funds are insufficient to settle the said obligation. under the old card number or otherwise.
20) TAXES, FEES, AND EXPENSES. Any and all taxes, fees, and expenses which may be due or The Cardholder shall cut the card to render it unusable after its expiry date or upon its cancellation or
payable in connection with the Credit Card or any credit facilities granted by PNB in connection suspension. Neither shall the Cardholder permit anyone to use such card for any reason whatsoever.
therewith is for the sole account of the Cardholder and/or supplementary member(s), if any. Continued use of the Credit Card after expiration or cancellation shall be considered as a fraudulent act of
the Cardholder.
In case it is necessary to collect the total obligations through an attorney-at-law or collection
agency, the Cardholder and/or supplementary member(s), jointly and severally, shall pay a 26) LOST OR STOLEN CARD. If the Credit Card is lost or stolen, the Cardholder must immediately report
percentage of the amount due as set and announced by PNB, as attorney’s or collection fees, in its loss to PNB using its Customer Service Hotline. In case a card is reported lost or stolen, any transaction
addition to cost and other litigation expenses. made prior to reporting to PNB shall be for the account of the cardholder.
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Within one (1) day after reporting the loss of the Credit Card via telephone call, the Cardholder must report announcements as PNB deems proper, including without limitation, information on the status of
in writing the loss of the Credit Card and submit an affidavit of loss stating the place, date, and his/her Credit Card via broadcast messaging service, short messaging service (SMS), facsimile,
circumstances of the loss and last purchases made prior to the loss, to PNB during regular working hours. e-mail or other electronic means using the contact information he/she provided. Notifications sent
by PNB to the Cardholder via such means using the number and address of record shall be
The Cardholder and/or supplementary member(s) shall continue to be liable for all usages prior to PNB’s deemed to have been sent to the Cardholder himself/herself.
receipt of advice of the fact of the Credit Card’s loss or theft, including but not limited to, fraudulent
transactions and/or forged signature by any person. The Cardholder shall hold PNB free and harmless against any loss, injury or damage the
Cardholder may suffer in relation to any notification/announcement sent by PNB to the Cardholder
PNB shall be free and harmless for any and all liabilities arising out of the loss or theft of the Credit Card. in such format including, but not limited to, liability in case information via such
notification/announcement is accessed by any person other than the Cardholder.
Should the Cardholder fail to report in writing the loss of the Credit Card when required by PNB after
discovery and report via phone call as provided herein, it shall be deemed proof that the Cardholder Unless and until PNB receives notice from the Cardholder, not to be sent messages, including
fraudulently made use of the Credit Card. promotional offers, marketing or administrative notifications or announcements, via such formats
or channels, the authority granted herein is deemed continuing, valid and effective.
A card replacement fee, as PNB may advise and announce, shall be charged to the Cardholder to cover the
replacement of the Credit Card/s and the costs in disseminating information about the loss or theft. 32) DISCLOSURE OF INFORMATION. The Cardholder authorizes PNB, its subsidiaries and
affiliates (“Related Companies”), to the extent allowed by law, to collect, obtain, use, process,
27) SUSPENDED [BLOCKED] CARD. PNB shall have the right to automatically suspend, terminate, or store, consolidate, disclose, or share information about the cardholder’s account information or
cancel the Credit Card in the event that PNB has reason to believe the Cardholder’s Credit Card account records, credit standing, business transactions, and business and credit relationships, for any or all
may have been acquired in a fraudulent manner, used fraudulently, in the possession of an unauthorized of the following purpose/s:
party, or used in any fraudulent or suspicious transactions, or by an unauthorized person.
a) To validate the identity of the Cardholder and perform customer due diligence;
PNB may, but shall not have the obligation to, inform the Cardholder prior to suspending the Credit Card
pursuant to this Section. The Cardholder acknowledges the authority of PNB to suspend the Credit Card b) To evaluate, approve, implement, and administer any and all products, services and facilities
and accordingly, the Cardholder shall hold PNB free and harmless against any and all consequences of such of the Credit Card availed of by the Cardholder;
suspension, or any loss or damage which the Cardholder may suffer as a result thereof.
c) To comply with PNB’s operational requirements which includes, without limitation, business
28) DISHONOR OF CREDIT CARD/DEFECTIVE PURCHASES. The Cardholder and/or supplementary continuity planning, risk management, safety and security, system enhancement, product
member(s), agree to hold PNB, its officers and employees free and harmless from any liability arising from development and research, audit, warehousing and retrieval of data;
the failure of any accredited establishment to honor the Credit Card or from the defect of or flaw in any
merchandise or services purchased/obtained. d) To meet PNB’s legal and regulatory obligations arising from foreign or domestic law or
regulation on money laundering, terrorist financing, fraud, exchange of information, and
The Cardholder and/or supplementary member(s) liability to PNB is absolute, and existence of any dispute other applicable laws.
with any accredited establishment shall not, in any manner, affect his/her/their outstanding obligations.
e) To request, disclose, submit, share or exchange the Cardholder’s credit history or account
29) AUTHORIZATION AND INDEMNITY FOR ELECTRONIC INSTRUCTIONS. The Cardholder information to government regulatory authorities, credit bureaus, financial institutions, loyalty
authorizes PNB to rely upon and act in accordance with any notice, instruction, or other communication, program and merchant partners;
which may, from time to time be or purport to be, given by telephone, mobile phone, text messages,
facsimile, e-mail or other electronic means, by the Cardholder or on his/her behalf, which PNB believes, in f) To offer products, services, and facilities of PNB, its Related Companies and partners, and
good faith, to have been made by the Cardholder or upon his/her instructions or for his/her benefit. send notices, announcements, promotions, advertisements, and surveys through e-mail, SMS,
telephone, fax, mobile phone or other electronic means;
PNB, its representatives, and assigns shall not be liable in the event that the Cardholder suffers any loss or
damage as a result of personal information sent through such means upon what PNB believes to g) To improve and develop the products, services and facilities of PNB and its Related
be the instructions of the Cardholder after utilizing its standard verification process. Companies and to conduct product research and development, business analysis,
benchmarking, and market studies; and
PNB shall be entitled to treat the instructions received through the above-mentioned media as
fully authorized by and binding upon the Cardholder, and PNB shall be entitled to take such steps h) To enable PNB to assign or transfer, wholly or partially, any of its rights, obligations, and
in connection with or in reliance upon the instructions as PNB may consider appropriate, whether liabilities and causes of actions, tangible or intangible, to a third party.
the instructions include instructions to pay money or relate to the disposition of any money,
securities or documents, or sending of information through mobile phone, text messages, The Cardholder agrees that continued use, access, application, purchase or availment of any of the
facsimile, e-mail, or other electronic means. products, services, and facilities of the Credit Card shall be deemed as the Cardholder’s consent
to the processing of his/her personal data/personal information and acceptance and agreement to
The Cardholder acknowledges that the sending of information through such channels is not be bound by the terms and conditions herein.
secure; that messages sent through such channels may be intercepted by third parties, and that
PNB shall not be made liable for any damage or expense in such instances. 33) UPDATING OF INFORMATION. The Cardholder undertakes to notify PNB of any additional
means of communicating to the Cardholder aside from what is disclosed in the Credit Card
In consideration of PNB acting in accordance with the terms of this authorization and indemnity, application, as well as any change in Cardholder information, such as but not limited to civil status,
the Cardholder hereby irrevocably undertakes to indemnify PNB and to keep PNB indemnified address, home, office or billing address, e-mail, and telephone number.
against all losses, claims, actions, proceedings, demands, damages, costs, and expenses incurred
or sustained by PNB of whatever nature and howsoever arising out of or in connection with the In case the billing address is not accessible through mail or delivery, PNB has the option to use
instructions. other addresses, including e-mail address, as notified to PNB. PNB shall not be responsible for the
This authorization and indemnity shall remain in full force and effect until PNB receives from the consequences of the Cardholder’s inability to receive any notifications from PNB Credit Card or
Cardholder a written notice terminating the same, save that such termination will not release the Cardholder’s inability to pay his/her outstanding obligations under the Credit Card as a result of
Cardholder from any liability under this authorization and indemnity in respect of any act his/her failure to timely notify PNB of the change in his/her billing address, e-mail address, or other
performed in accordance with its terms prior to such termination. Cardholder information.
30) TELEPHONE COMMUNICATIONS. In order for PNB to render prompt and accurate service, PNB reserves its right to suspend, terminate, or cancel the Credit Card. If the Cardholder leaves
the Cardholder authorizes PNB to record (without PNB being necessarily obligated to do so) any the Republic of the Philippines to take up long term or permanent residence elsewhere, all Credit
and all telephone conversations between the Cardholder and PNB or its Customer Service, Cards issued should be returned to PNB fifteen (15) days prior to the Cardholder’s departure and
Telemarketing Service. the Credit Cards shall be deemed terminated and subject to the immediate payment in full by the
Cardholder to PNB of all outstanding balances, obligations, and availments, posted or otherwise,
Provider, PNB Collections, or its collections service providers, whether initiated by PNB, its under the Credit Cards.
Customer Service, Telemarketing Service Provider, PNB Collections, or its collections service
providers or by the Cardholder, including without limitation, the Cardholder’s instructions, The Cardholder, pursuant to such undertaking, authorizes PNB, at its discretion but without any
statements, complaints, inquiries and PNB’s advice and reminders in relation to the Cardholder’s obligation to do so, to secure information from third parties, such as but not limited to utility
Credit Card account with PNB. companies, insurers and financial intermediaries, and receive information on how the Cardholder
can be contacted.
PNB may use these recordings for any purpose, particularly as evidence in any proceeding, judicial
or administrative. Should the Cardholder be delinquent or be in default, PNB reserves its right and the Cardholder
authorizes PNB, at PNB’s sole discretion but without any obligation to do so, to pursue all means
The Cardholder likewise agrees that such taped or recorded instructions may be used by PNB, its of communicating with the Cardholder, including without limitation telephone messages, fax
Customer Service, Telemarketing Service Provider, PNB Collections, or its collections service messages, mobile phone text messages, and other third party inquiries, to establish contact with
providers against the Cardholder or any third party, or replayed or communicated to any third the Cardholder.
The Cardholder further agrees to waive any right under R. A. No. 4200, otherwise known as the clarifications, including unauthorized transactions, the Cardholder may call PNB Cards 24/7
Anti-Wire Tapping Act or any amendments thereto, or any similar law or regulation. The Customer Service Hotline at (02) 8818-9-818 or DTF 1800-10-818-9-818, email at
Cardholder agrees to indemnify PNB, its Customer Service, Telemarketing Service Provider, PNB or visit any PNB Branch nationwide.
Collections, or its collections service providers against any loss, damage, cost, expenses and fees
(including legal fees on a full indemnity basis) that PNB, Customer Service or its Telemarketing PNB shall investigate such issues or concerns raised and provide the necessary feedback,
Service Provider, PNB Collections, or its collections service providers may suffer or incur arising clarification, resolution, updates, or resolution plan and target date of resolution to the cardholder
from PNB or its Telemarketing Service Provider so acting. within ten (10) banking days from receipt of the concern.
The cardholder is given up to thirty (30) calendar days from statement date to report any error or
31) ELECTRONIC NOTIFICATION. The Cardholder hereby permits PNB to send notifications and discrepancy in their billing statement.
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In case a card is reported lost or stolen, any transaction made prior to reporting to PNB shall be
for the account of the cardholder. PNB ZE-LO MASTERCARD FEES & CHARGES
35) REVISION OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS. PNB may, at any time and for whatever reason it
may deem proper, amend, revise, or modify the terms and conditions hereof, including the
Cardholder’s credit limit, upon reasonable notice, and such amendments shall bind the Cardholder
unless he/she objects thereto by manifesting his/her intention to terminate this agreement subject
to the conditions set forth in Clause no. 24.
Late Incurred for non-payment, payment after Late Payment Fee does not
36) VENUE OF ACTIONS. The Cardholder irrevocably agrees that any legal action, suit, or Payment Fee due date or payment below minimum apply to the PNB Ze-Lo
proceeding arising out of or relating to these terms and conditions shall be instituted in any amount due. Mastercard
competent court in Pasay City or Makati City, at the option of the aggrieved party, and the
Cardholder submits to and accepts, with regard to any such action or proceeding for Lost Card Fee Incurred when a replacement for a lost card Php 400
himself/herself and in respect of his/her properties or assets, generally and unconditionally, the is requested.
jurisdiction of any such court.
Overlimit Fee Incurred when a cardholder's total Overlimit Fee does not apply
The foregoing, however, shall not limit or be construed to limit the rights of PNB to commence obligation exceeds the approved credit to the PNB Ze-Lo Mastercard
proceedings or to obtain execution of judgment against the Cardholder in any venue or limit.
jurisdiction where assets of the Cardholder may be found.
Payment Incurred when monthly credit card Php 40 per payment
37) WAIVER OF BREACH OF CONTRACT. No waiver of a breach or violation of any term or
condition hereof shall constitute a waiver of any subsequent breach or violation of the same or any Processing Fee payments made through various payment in excess of 3
other term or condition. Failure to take advantage of or to exercise any right granted hereunder channels are in excess of three (3)
shall not constitute a waiver of said right, nor shall it be construed to excuse or absolve the Payment Channels:
Cardholder and/or supplementary member(s) from complying with or fulfilling the same. a. BDO
b. SM & Savemore payment centers,
38) SEPARABILITY CLAUSE. Should any of the Terms and Conditions or any part or clause of this c. BancNet (e.g. ATM, GCash, etc.)
agreement be declared void or unenforceable by competent authority, the same shall not d. Other Payment Channels
invalidate the other Terms and Conditions, parts or clauses of this instrument.
Incurred when a cardholder makes a cash
advance (CA) transaction on his/her credit
5% of CA amount for Peso +
transaction fee of Php 100
Fee card (Peso)
Source Code: _______________________________________________________________________
Credit Card Used when a US Dollar billing is paid in Depends on Mastercard’s CRR Code: _________________________________________________________________________
Rate peso. Charged during the sale of US Dollar conversion rate of this day
notes. Solicitor’s Name: ____________________________________________________________________
Finance Imposed on the previous statement’s 2.99% - If Total Outstanding Balance is PNBCardsAF_Dec2019
Charge unpaid balances. less than Php 100,000.00,
2.25% - If Total Outstanding Balance is
Php 100,000.00 or more,
7% - If card is 60 days late past due date
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Get answers to your inquiries or get help for
card-related emergencies, 24/7, here and abroad.
Zero annual fees for life Call (+632) 8818 9818 for Metro Manila or Domestic
Toll-Free 1800 10 818 9818 or email
2.99% finance charge for total outstanding balance of less than Php 100,000.00
2.25% finance charge for total outstanding balance of Php 100,000.00 or more
With the PNB Mobile Banking App, you can now
Lower minimum amount due check your credit card balances and pay your bills
anytime, anywhere.
3% of the total amount due or Php 200, whichever is higher
Download it now on the App Store or Google Play!
8 of 8
This Deed of Assignment (the “Deed”) is made and executed by: any breach or default of the ASSIGNOR under this Deed shall impair any such right, power or remedy nor shall
it be construed as a waiver of any such breach or default thereafter occurring, nor shall a waiver of any single
____________________________, Filipino, of legal age, with address at ___________________________ hereinafter breach or default be deemed a waiver of any other breach or default theretofore or thereafter occurring, nor
referred to as the “ASSIGNOR”; shall any single or partial exercise of any such right or power preclude any other or further exercise thereof or
the exercise or any other right or power hereunder. All remedies, either under this Deed or by law or otherwise
afforded the ASSIGNEE shall be cumulative and not alternative. No notice to or demand on the ASSIGNOR in
-in favor of- any case shall entitle it to any other or further notice or demand in similar or other circumstances.
PHILIPPINE NATIONAL BANK (PNB), a universal banking corporation duly organized and existing under and by 11. The ASSIGNEE shall not be liable to the ASSIGNOR for any damage or inconvenience suffered by the
virtue of the laws of the Republic of the Philippines, with principal office address at the PNB Financial Center, Pres. ASSIGNOR on account of any acts done by the ASSIGNEE on behalf of the ASSIGNOR pursuant hereto or due
Diosdado Macapagal Boulevard, Pasay City, Metro Manila 1300 Philippines hereinafter referred to as the to ASSIGNEE’s failure to act, unless attributable to actual fraud, bad faith or gross negligence on the part of the
“ASSIGNEE”. ASSIGNEE. The ASSIGNOR shall hold the ASSIGNEE free and harmless from any liabilities and shall indemnify
the ASSIGNEE for whatever losses, expenses and damages the latter may suffer as a result of or in connection
with any court action which may be brought against the ASSIGNEE involving this Deed.
WHEREAS, the Assignor (the “Cardholder”) was issued a ___________________ Credit Card (the “Card”) by the Assignee;
WHEREAS, as security for the faithful and prompt performance of the obligations of the Assignor for the use of the 12. This Deed may be amended only by a written instrument signed by the ASSIGNOR and the ASSIGNEE.
Card, the Assignor hereby assigns its Deposit to the Assignee;
13. The ASSIGNOR hereby consents to the disclosure of information pertaining to its bank deposits and hereby
NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the foregoing premises, the Assignor hereby irrevocably assigns in consents to any and all inquiry, examination or inspection of the Deposit by the ASSIGNEE. For this purpose,
favor of the Assignee, all its rights, title to and interest in and to the following account (the “Deposit”): the ASSIGNOR hereby appoints, names and constitutes the ASSIGNEE to be its true and lawful attorney-in-fact
to ask, demand or withdraw from and apply the Deposit, granting unto said attorney-in-fact the full power to do
Nature: _________________________________________________________________________ and execute any and every act and thing necessary or proper to be done to carry out said purpose/s.
Issuing Bank: ____________________________________________________________________ 14. Any judicial action arising under or by virtue of this Deed and other documents relevant hereto shall be
instituted in the proper courts in Pasay City. Each party submits to and accepts with regard to any such action
Account No: ____________________________________________________________________ or proceeding for himself/herself and in respect of his/her properties or assets, generally and unconditionally,
the jurisdiction of any such court. Each of the parties waives any objection which he/she may have to the laying
Date of Issue: ___________________________________________________________________ of the venue of any such action. The foregoing, however, shall not limit or be construed to limit the right of a
party to commence proceedings or to obtain execution of judgment against another party in any venue or
Maturity Date: __________________________________________________________________ jurisdiction where assets of the latter may be found.
Amount: _______________________________________________________________________ 15. Nothing in this Deed shall be construed as constituting a pledge on the Deposit.
In the name of: __________________________________________________________________ 16. This Deed shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Republic of the Philippines.
8. The ASSIGNOR acknowledges that this Deed is complete and irrevocable and shall remain in full force and effect WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL on the date and at the place first above-written.
until a release or cancellation in writing is given to the ASSIGNOR by the ASSIGNEE. Until such written
release/cancellation is given, even though the Deposit assigned hereunder may have matured, the ASSIGNOR Doc. No. _____;
warrants and binds himself/herself not to transfer, assign, encumber, withdraw nor release the Deposit assigned Page No. _____;
hereunder. Book No. _____;
Series of ______.
9. It is expressly understood and agreed that this assignment shall in no way release the ASSIGNOR from its
indebtedness to ASSIGNEE except to the extent of any amount actually collected and received by the ASSIGNEE
by virtue of this Deed.
10. No failure or delay on the part of the ASSIGNEE in exercising any right, power, or remedy accruing to it upon
Name of Branch Head