RPS Paragraph Writing
RPS Paragraph Writing
RPS Paragraph Writing
By the end of the course, students are expected to make good paragraph which included paragraph process, cause and effect paragraph, comparison and
contrast paragraph, classification paragraph.
Pertemuan Tujuan Sub Pokok Bahasan Proses Pembelajaran Tugas dan Bobot
ke Pembelajaran /Rincian Materi DOSEN MAHASISWA Media Evaluasi Referensi Nilai
Khusus (Indikator) Kuliah
1 Students are able to Syllabus Giving a Discussion Syllabus - Syllabus 0
identify the concepts of lecture sheet
this course
2 Students are able to use The meaning of Giving a Discussion LCD Test group Kumar 5
identify and understand paragraph lecture projector and/or
the concepts, paradigm, , laptop, Individual
and process of research projector assignment
in daily life. screen
3 Students are able to use Structure and parts of Giving a Presentation and LCD Test group Kumar 5
explain and write paragraph lecture Discussion projector and/or
literature review. , laptop, Individual
projector assignment
4-5 Students are able to Topic Sentence Giving a Presentation and LCD Test group Kumar 5
explain and arrange lecture Discussion projector and/or
formulation of , laptop, Individual
research projector assignment
6-7 Students are able to The process of writing: Giving a Presentation and LCD Test group Kumar 5
explain the concepts Cohesion and Coherence lecture Discussion projector and/or (2011), pp.
and functions of , laptop, Individual 81-90
hypotheses testing. projector assignment
8 Mid Semester Test
9 Students are able to Method of developing Giving a Presentation and LCD Test group Kumar 5
understand and design paragraph lecture Discussion projector and/or (2011), pp.
qualitative research , laptop, Individual 122-134
projector assignment
10 Students are able to Process paragraph Giving a Presentation and LCD Test group Kumar 5
explain the method of lecture Discussion projector and/or (2011), pp.
collecting data , laptop, Individual 137-166
projector assignment
11 Students are able to Cause and effect Giving a Presentation and LCD Test group Kumar 5
identify measurement paragraph lecture Discussion projector and/or (2011), pp.
of attitudes in , laptop, Individual 167-176
quantitative and projector assignment
qualitative research screen
12 Students are able to Comparison and contrast Giving a Presentation and LCD Test group Kumar 5
identify validity and paragraph lecture Discussion projector and/or (2011)
reliability of a , laptop, Individual
research instrument projector assignment
13 Students are able to Classification paragraph Giving a Presentation and LCD Test group Kumar 5
explain how to take lecture Discussion projector and/or (2011), pp.
sample of research , laptop, Individual 167-176
projector assignment
14 Students are able to Types of paragraphs Giving a Presentation and LCD Test group Kumar 5
explain the lecture Discussion projector and/or (2011), pp.
implementation of , laptop, Individual 167-176
research ethics projector assignment
15 Students are able to The essay Giving a Presentation, LCD Test group Kumar 5
explain the technique lecture discussion, and projector and/or (2011), pp.
of data processing and group task. , laptop, Individual 251-310
to be able to make projector assignment
good research screen
16 Final Semester Test
Kriteria Penilaian
Daftar Referensi
Kumar, R. 2011. Research Methodology: A Step-by-step Guide for Beginners (3rd ed). London: Sage Publications, Ltd.
Mengetahui, Jambi, 26 September 2017
Ketua Program Studi Dosen