Energy Conservation Plan: Adopted by The Board of Trustees October 15, 2013
Energy Conservation Plan: Adopted by The Board of Trustees October 15, 2013
Energy Conservation Plan: Adopted by The Board of Trustees October 15, 2013
The guidelines contained in this Energy Plan are adopted by the Twin Rivers Unified School
District for implementation by District staff to reduce the use of energy and water in the
operation of District facilities. This Plan is enacted for the purpose and intent of reducing District
operational expenses associated with energy and water use.
The District has established a goal to reduce overall energy use by 5 percent (5 %) in the first
year, 5 percent (5 %) in the second year, and 5 percent (5 %) the third year of this plan by
implementing the practices, measures, and procedures outlined in this Energy Plan. The energy
savings resulting from this plan will provide energy cost savings and reduce greenhouse gas
emissions associated with the operation of District facilities.
At an annual interval, the District will measure the fiscal effect of the conservation efforts by
comparing total annual energy billings to historical usage (adjusted for energy cost increases or
inflation) and reallocate any savings as determined by the ‘Retention of Savings and Rebates’
section of the Performance Measure, Management and Reward sub-section of the
Implementation Plan.
The Energy Plan is comprised of four major areas and supports the Energy Policy adopted by the
Governing Board (BP 3511). The major components are:
1. Mission Statement, Goals and Performance Criteria
2. Guidelines for Implementation
3. Practices and Measures for Reducing Energy Costs
4. Equipment Standards
The Energy Plan is not intended to cause discomfort to students or staff, and there is flexibility
for individual situations where adjustments must be made for health and safety reasons.
It is important that each person in the District do their part to ensure that the guidelines and
standards are implemented and followed throughout the course of each workday in order that the
District may prevent energy costs from seriously affecting classroom instruction.
The Twin Rivers Unified School District’s Energy Plan moves toward managing energy costs
• Reducing Energy Waste
• Improving Equipment Performance.
• Developing Energy Efficiency into Renovation, Modernization, and New Construction Projects
• Involving District Employees in Energy Use Decisions
Mission Statement, Goals, Performance Criteria
We recognize that the efficient operation of our facilities reduces environmental impacts.
We recognize our position as responsible community citizens and the opportunity to create a
positive role model for resource conservation in public educational assets.
Therefore, our operational and planning decisions will incorporate the prudent use of energy
resources by:
• Preventing and minimizing energy related pollution and waste.
• Fostering a sense of personal responsibility for resource conservation among all District
• Emphasizing a resource conservation and environmental protection ethic among all District
• Continually improving our Energy Plan performance.
• Deploying resources to reflect the District’s environmental protection commitment through
energy efficiency and resource conservation.
The District commits to actively improving our energy practices in order to save taxpayer dollars
and reduce emissions that contribute to environmental pollution, and to improve the quality of
educational facilities and demonstrate community leadership in resource conservation.
• The District will evaluate purchasing electricity from renewable energy sources (if available).
• The District will evaluate the implementation of ‘Grid Neutral Schools’ concepts as offered by
the Division of the State Architect.
• The District will consider the Collaborative for High Performance Schools [CHPS] version
2009 Climate Credits CL2.1 Grid Neutral or CL2.2 Zero Net Energy as a guideline where
feasible in all new construction projects.
• Maximize opportunities to reduce energy costs through energy efficient lighting and
mechanical systems, improved lighting and mechanical equipment controls, natural lighting,
maintenance and operations best practices (for example: as prescribed in CHPS Maintenance and
Operations (M&O) Best Practices Manual for general equipment efficiency and maintenance).
• Specify sustainable building practices (based on CHPS or Leadership in Energy &
Environmental Design [LEED] guidelines) during new construction and renovation to increase
energy performance to exceed the minimum level of energy efficiency prescribed by California
State Standard Title 24.
• Specify and ensure that fundamental building system components are constructed, installed,
commissioned, and maintained to function as intended to achieve energy performance goals.
• Encourage energy conservation, energy efficiency, load management, customer owned
generation, solar and renewable technologies and demand response to reduce environmental
impacts associated with energy use.
• Require architects, vendors, and contractors to support the environmental standards of this plan
and to work in partnership with the District to ensure that facilities and operations incorporate
the highest level of environmental protection through energy efficiency.
• Ensure that personnel who work with energy equipment or are involved in energy-related
decisions receive training for implementing this Plan.
Guidelines for Implementation
The District will continually work to reduce its energy use and costs by:
• Purchasing and installing energy efficient and water efficient equipment that reduces energy
costs and conserves natural resources.
• Promoting energy efficiency, water efficiency, material reuse, recycling, and renewable energy
The District will seek to institutionalize energy efficiency as a public value by:
• Providing training and technical resources to assist the Facilities and Maintenance Departments
in evaluating various energy-saving technologies.
• Enabling the Facilities and Maintenance Departments to implement energy efficiency projects
using financing strategies such as energy cost savings reinvestment, participation in the
California Energy Commission low-interest loan program, and participating in utility financial
incentive programs for energy efficiency.
• Implementing outreach and communication strategies to increase awareness among all District
employees, not only those involved in energy or facility management.
• Encouraging all District employees to practice energy efficient habits in the workplace.
• Serving as a positive example to the community by demonstrating the benefits of energy
efficiency, water efficiency, and renewable energy resources.
Energy Team
• The District will form an energy team consisting of appropriate procurement, legal, budget,
instructional, management, and technical representatives as well as a utility representative to
expedite and encourage the goals and requirements of this Energy Plan.
• The District will retire inefficient equipment on an accelerated basis where replacement results
in lower life-cycle costs.
Retro-Commissioning Program
• The District will utilize retro-commissioning to ensure that existing building systems,
equipment, and controls are restored to optimal performance levels.
Use of Financing and Special Programs
• In addition to any available appropriations, the District will consider participating in programs
such as the California Energy Commission low interest loan program, utility financial incentive
programs, and utility demand side management programs to meet the goals and requirements of
the Energy Plan.
• The District will work with its purchasing department to identify and eliminate internal
regulations, procedures, and barriers to the implementation of the energy efficiency goals of this
Deferred Maintenance
• Equipment scheduled for deferred maintenance, hardship grant, emergency repairs or special
needs replacement or allocations should always contain elements of energy efficient
Highly Efficient Systems
• The District will require high performance energy systems in new construction or retrofit
projects when the systems are determined to be life cycle cost-effective.
• The District will consider incremental efficiency specifications when upgrading existing
equipment when the efficiency upgrades are life cycle cost-effective.
• The District will survey local natural resources to optimize use of naturally occurring energy
sources such as wind, solar, or geo-thermal (ground-source) combined with heat pumps.
Self Generation
• The District will consider alternative energy systems including solar hot water, solar electric
and solar outdoor lighting where such systems are life cycle cost-effective and offer additional
benefits including pollution reduction, source energy reduction, reduced infrastructure cost,
increased efficiency through distribution loss avoidance or expedited service, increased demand
response capability, and possible future revenue generation.
Competitive Power
• The District will evaluate competitive opportunities in electric, natural gas, water, and other
resource markets to reduce costs and enhance services.
• Implementing energy efficiency in the modernization and renovation of District facilities.
Showcase Facilities
• The District will designate exemplary new and existing facilities (with significant public access
and exposure) as showcase facilities to highlight energy, water efficiency, or renewable energy
improvements, including grid neutral or Zero Net Energy.
New Building Showcases
• When the District constructs a new building, it will designate the building, at the earliest
stages of development, as a showcase highlighting best practices for resource efficiency.
Equipment Standards
Any non-District owned equipment must be approved by the site administrator and Facilities/
Maintenance manager before it is used at District facilities. The site administrator will complete
an equipment approval form and forward it to the Facilities/Maintenance department for record
keeping until the end of the academic year. All personal appliances are the sole responsibility of
the owner and Twin Rivers Unified School District is not responsible for any damage, theft or
loss. (Reference BP 4156.3, Ed Code 35213)
Microwaves, ice makers and refrigerators shall be permitted only in staff break rooms, nurse’s
rooms, science prep areas, and athletic locker room areas. Appliances shall meet District
standards for energy efficiency and shall remain unplugged during summer, winter, and spring
breaks. Per OSHA recommendations, microwaves should be accompanied by a warning sign
visible to those who may have a pacemaker or certain type of hearing aid that may be vulnerable
to microwaves.
Coffee warmers/coffee makers are permitted in employee areas (other than classrooms) as long
as timers or automatic shutoff devices are used to prevent overheating. It is understood that safe
use is expected at all times and employees are expected to take all precautions necessary to
protect the safety of students, other occupants, and property.
Computers, televisions, VCR’s, overhead projectors, printers and other equipment needed for
instruction are required to be plugged directly into wall outlets or approved surge protectors.
Where applicable, appliances shall be attached with approved anchoring devices to prevent theft
and accidental falling in the event of an earthquake. If a power strip is available, it should be
turned off at the close of the day; CD players should be unplugged.
Only District-approved (heavy grade with ground) extension cords are allowed. At no time are
extension cords to be used to permanently power any appliance. If permanent power is
necessary, a work order is to be submitted to the Maintenance Department that will complete the
necessary modifications. No ground plug adapters will be allowed. Plug strips, surge
suppressors, and backup battery equipment shall not be “daisy chained” together.
Office equipment such as copy machines, mimeograph and duplication equipment shall be
installed as per manufacturer recommendations. Adequate ventilation will be established before
use. The equipment is to be turned off at the close of business each day.
Electric space heaters are not permitted unless provided by the Maintenance Department, and
then only as a temporary measure. A space heater or other means of heating may be used after
the site administrator or her/his designee has submitted a work order and the repairs cannot be
completed in time to ensure the comfort, health, or safety of students and staff. All heaters must
be unplugged when the room is unoccupied and flammable material shall be kept away from the
electric heaters at all times. Space heaters are a temporary measure and not intended for
permanent use.
Used or New refrigerators or freezers offered by the public for use at District facilities shall not
be accepted unless the refrigerator or freezer is certified as an Energy Star® unit.
Practices and Measures for Reducing Energy Costs
Building Standards
Hours of Operation
• Building temperatures in classroom areas will be maintained until one half hour after students
are dismissed.
• Other building spaces will be controlled to match the usage of the building.
• As a result of delayed building temperature response, run times schedules will be set to
maintain appropriate climate during unoccupied times.
• All TRUSD-sanctioned programs will be provided with “occupied” climate conditions,
provided zone control is available in the space the group will be using.
• Refrigerated vending machines will be turned off when not intended to be used for a period of
16 hours or more or less as appropriate.
• “VendingMiser” will be required of vendor as appropriate for all vending machines.
• Display case/front lighting on all vending machines will be disconnected by the vendor.
• All domestic hot water systems are to be set no higher than 120 degrees Fahrenheit or 140
degrees Fahrenheit for cafeteria service (with dishwasher booster).
• All domestic hot water re-circulating pumps are to be switched off during extended breaks and
• Buildings will achieve full interior lighting conditions 30 minutes prior to scheduled start time.
• Buildings will be unlocked and open for service 30 minutes or less prior to scheduled start
• For summer and/or night programs, consolidate classroom usage to a central area or building
that is individually cooled/heated.
• Where possible electronic marquee signs will operate between the hours of 6:30 a.m. and 11:00
High Schools
• Gym(s) will remain in the occupied mode until 4 pm Monday – Friday unless in use.
• Library will remain in the occupied mode until 4 pm Monday – Friday unless in use.
• Cafeteria/Multipurpose Room will remain in the occupied mode until 2 pm Monday – Friday
unless in use.
• Buildings will maintain exterior light during the school year until 11:30 pm, Monday – Friday
unless in use. Safety considerations need to be made as appropriate.
• Exterior lighting will be monitored and adjusted to be operational at appropriate times based on
the season.
Middle Schools
• Gym(s) will remain in the occupied mode until 4 pm Monday – Friday unless in use.
• Library will remain in the occupied mode until 4 pm Monday – Friday unless in use.
• Cafeteria/Multipurpose Room will remain in the occupied mode until 2 pm Monday – Friday
unless in use.
• Buildings will maintain exterior light during the school year until 11:30 pm, Monday – Friday
unless in use. Safety considerations need to be made as appropriate.
• Exterior lighting will be monitored and adjusted to be operational at appropriate times based on
the season.
Elementary Schools
• Library will remain in the occupied mode until 4 pm Monday – Friday unless in use.
• Buildings will be unlocked early and keep appropriate lighting levels to accommodate all latch
key and/or childcare programs.
• Cafeteria/Multipurpose Room will remain in the occupied mode until 2 pm Monday – Friday
unless in use.
• Buildings will maintain exterior light during the school year until 11:30 pm, Monday – Friday
unless in use. Safety considerations need to be made as appropriate.
• Exterior lighting will be monitored and adjusted to be operational at appropriate times based on
the season.
• All unnecessary lighting in unoccupied areas will be turned off.
• Utilize natural lighting where appropriate.
• All outside lighting will be off during daylight hours.
• All lights will be turned off when the building closes for the evening. Custodians will turn on
lights only in the areas in which they are working.
• Refrain from turning lights on unless definitely needed. Utilize bi-level lamp switching
whenever possible. Lights consume electricity and give off heat that places an additional load
on the air conditioning equipment.
• Both interior and exterior lights will be turned off each day after the buildings are locked for
the night, with the exception of security lighting. Times will be adjusted for seasonal change
and based on requests from Police Services.
• The amount of lighting used for athletic events should be appropriate for the activity and used
only when necessary. Use appropriate partial lighting for after-hours activities (i.e. partial
banks of lights for practice or group meeting).
• Exterior lights will remain on for all TRUSD-sanctioned events taking place within the
• Exterior lights will be turned on and off where appropriate to accommodate staff entering and
leaving the building at unusual hours.
• Security lighting should be used appropriately and adjusted dependent on campus layout and
recommendations by Police Services.
Hours of operation for HVAC in classrooms
o Elementary Schools, Middle Schools, and High Schools: one half hour before
instruction begins until one half hour after students are dismissed
o 30 minute overrides or as system allows
o Or as necessitated by use
Cooling Season
Cooling Season Occupied Set Point: 76 degrees Fahrenheit – During peak and load
shedding periods the District may consider raising the set point.
Heating Season
Heating Season Occupied Set Point: 68 degrees Fahrenheit
• All watering will be completed between 9 p.m. - 6 a.m. as allowed.
• When spray irrigating, the water will not hit buildings or adjacent hardscape areas.
• Fields will be irrigated as appropriate to be ready for fall use.
• All irrigation systems will be shut down during rain.
• Watering will be allowed as needed outside of these hours based on use and logistical
• All exhaust fans should be off at the end of every day and during unoccupied hours.
• All office machines (copy machines, laminating equipment, etc.) will be switched off each
night and during occupied times when not in use.
• Fax machines should remain ON.
• All computer peripheral equipment should be turned off each night - this includes the monitor,
local printer (connected to the PC) and speakers. Network equipment is excluded.
• All projectors, overheads, VCR’s, DVD’s, etc. should be shut off when not in use.
• Where possible staff should utilize power strips, which can be switched off at the end of the
work day to ensure complete power shut down of applicable equipment and devices.
Individual/Stakeholder Expectations
• Board of Trustees Members
o Support and endorse the energy conservation program.
o Encourage District employees to comply with the energy conservation
o Communicate concerns about energy conservation programs to the
• Superintendent Responsibilities
o Regularly meets with Superintendent/Director Facilities Planning and
Construction and the Supervisor Resource Conservation to monitor program.
o Maintains District awareness of the energy conservation program.
o Monitors and analyzes utility bills.
o Sets annual benchmarks and goals.
o Develops set points during heating and cooling seasons based on industry
o Determines air conditioning seasonal start up and daily starts to ensure
classroom comfort for instructional program.
o Determines lighting utilization in occupied and unoccupied areas.
o Encourages behavior promoting energy conservation and best practices.
o Maintains a high level of awareness on energy efficiency.
o Utilizes checklists to communicate appropriate behaviors.
o Identifies and resolves issues related to the energy conservation program.
o Educates TRUSD staff about energy consumption.
o Improves building mechanical controls to maximize energy savings.
o Develops building energy teams.
o Sends reminders to shut off and unplug equipment during extended break
o Maintains accurate records of energy consumption and energy costs.
o Provides an annual report outlining progress of the energy conservation
program to the Board of Trustees.
o Finds ways to provide incentives to school sites for conserving resources.
o Serves as a liaison with local utilities to leverage the District’s position as a
significant customer and ensure our services and rates are at peak and
acceptable levels.
o Promotes and supports student clubs or groups that focus on energy
conservation measures and environmental awareness.
• Supervisor/Director Responsibilities
o Responsible for the total energy usage of his/her department.
o Schedules the use of rooms and other spaces wisely and with the coordination
of the Supervisor Resource Conservation to reduce energy consumption.
o Ensures department thermostat settings remain within the guidelines of the
energy conservation program.
o Keeps a focus of energy conservation among staff throughout the year and
utilizes data to evaluate progress.
o Establishes ongoing communication with the Supervisor Resource
Conservation to ensure optimum learning conditions.
o Solicits suggestions from staff for better building efficiency.
• Teacher Responsibilities
o Closes blinds and drapes on windows that receive direct sunlight when air
conditioning systems are on and at night during the winter months and closes
doors and windows when heating or cooling systems are in use.
o Keeps classroom area air supply and return grills clear of furniture or displays.
o Keeps thermostats accessible, without a heat source nearby such as computer
monitors, copiers, lamps, etc.
o Keeps thermostats within the energy conservation program guidelines.
o Reports faulty thermostats and other equipment that may be malfunctioning.
o Makes certain that lights are turned off when leaving the classroom empty.
o Turns off all ceiling, wall and floor fans when leaving the classroom.
o Encourages students to dress appropriately for the weather.
o Additional teaching equipment requiring electricity such as aquariums should
be limited to that utilized for direct instruction.
o Promotes and supports student clubs or groups that focus on energy
conservation measures and environmental awareness.
• Clerical Responsibilities
o Closes blinds or drapes on windows that receive direct sunlight when air
conditioning systems are on and at night during the winter months.
o Keeps office area air supply and return grills clear of furniture or displays.
o Keeps thermostats accessible, without a heat source nearby such as computer
monitors, copiers, lamps, etc.
o Keeps thermostats within the energy conservation program guidelines.
o Reports faulty thermostats and other equipment that may be malfunctioning.
o Makes certain that lights are turned off when leaving the office empty.
o Turns off all ceiling, wall and floor fans when leaving the office.
• Custodial Staff Responsibilities
o Verifies the nighttime shutdown.
o Checks for proper thermostat settings and functions. Checks for overheated
and overcooled areas and communicates this information to the Supervisor
Resource Conservation.
o Turns off lights in unused spaces.
o Turns off all exhaust fans every night or during unoccupied hours unless
necessary for indoor air quality.
o Follows procedures for setbacks/shutdowns during weekends and vacations.
o Whenever possible, adjust custodial start time during breaks and summers to
more appropriate seasonal work hours and use the team cleaning concept
during summer months.
o Utilizes daily, weekend, and holiday shutdown lists.
o Responds to building requests for climate control only when rooms/spaces are
outside energy plan guidelines.
o Communicates to the Supervisor Resource Conservation the spaces in District
buildings that fall outside the guidelines.
o Maintains set points for heating and cooling unless authorized by appropriate
o Adjusts building run times to coincide with the seasons of the year and
changes in daylight savings time.
o Reports wasteful practices or situations to appropriate personnel (i.e. leaking
faucets, malfunctioning windows, etc.).
o Communicates areas of success, improvement, and concern to Site
Administrator and the Supervisor Resource Conservation.
• Maintenance Staff Responsibilities
o Verifies HVAC equipment is running properly and achieving night setback
o Identifies equipment unresponsive to TRUSD controls and shares information
with the Supervisor Resource Conservation.
o Inspects heating and air conditioning equipment according to schedule.
o Replaces worn seals, fittings, traps, etc. and check ducts for leakage.
o Keeps HVAC equipment (filters & coils) clean and lubricated.
o Maintains consistent settings with the EMS system unless authorized by
appropriate personnel.
o Checks and repairs as necessary, all building insulation, caulking and weather-
o Secures all attic and roof hatches.
o Keeps doors in good working condition.
o Repairs damaged windows and doors as soon as possible
o Replaces dislodged, broken, damaged or missing ceiling tiles
o Inspects drinking fountains for proper operation and leaks.
o Checks all plumbing for leaks.
o Ensures all plumbing and/or intrusion (i.e. roof) leaks are reported and
repaired immediately.
o Develops and implements a preventative maintenance and monitoring plan for
its facilities and systems including heating and cooling.
o Installs timers on equipment where feasible to conserve energy.
• Contractor Responsibilities
o Adhere to the TRUSD energy conservation and building management
o Turn off all work equipment at the end of the work day.
o Keep doors and windows closed unless moving equipment/materials in and
out of buildings.
o Leave HVAC systems off unless authorized by the Supervisor Resource
Conservation or District authority.
o Program/Set the HVAC systems to the TRUSD standards.
• Police Services
o Coordinates with the Supervisor Resource Conservation to establish effective
and necessary security lighting throughout the District.
o Provides feedback and suggestions to the Supervisor Resource Conservation
pertaining to exterior security lighting as it relates to potential safety and/or
security matters.
• Students
o Students will always be encouraged to assist the District in conserving energy
and water in all District facilities. Students will be encouraged to participate in
conservation efforts that help to ensure that the District will not waste any
resources including electricity, gas, and water.
Facilities Services
Maintenance Services, to include Electrical, HVAC and Grounds
Nutrition Services
Police Services
Elementary Administrator
Elementary Teacher
Secondary Administrator
Secondary Teacher
Supervisor Resource Conservation