Instructions For The Use of SAP 2000 N Computer Code Version 12. For An Elastic First Order Analysis On Plane Frame
Instructions For The Use of SAP 2000 N Computer Code Version 12. For An Elastic First Order Analysis On Plane Frame
Instructions For The Use of SAP 2000 N Computer Code Version 12. For An Elastic First Order Analysis On Plane Frame
OBSERVATION: each student will introduce his/her own dimensions (in meter) for
story height and bay width !
20) Click on the icon “Define” then on “Load Combinations”. A new window will
appear, called “Define Load Combinations”. Here, click on the icon “Add New
Combo” A new window will appear called “Load Combination Data”. Click on
icon “Add” which will put the load called “Dead” on the list together with load
coefficient “1” which appears in the right column. Go back to the column called
“Load Case Name” and view the list of loads using the black arrow (). On this
list select “SWAY” then click on “Add” icon. The horizontal loads equivalent to
global sway imperfection have been added to the combination multiplied with
load factor “1” (right column). Click on icon OK. Go back to the column called
“Load Case Name” and view the list of loads using the black arrow (). On this
list select “Wind” then click on “Add” icon. The horizontal loads equivalent to
global sway imperfection have been added to the combination multiplied with
load factor “1” (right column). Click on icon OK. The “Define Load
Combination” window appears. Click on icon OK again. One single load
combination has been defined with partial factor =1,0 for each load (which in
reality is not correct for a proper design). At this level, it is enough to perform an
elastic first order analysis.
21) Click on upper icon “Design” then “Steel Frame Design” then “View /Revise
Preferences” A New window will appear called “Steel Frame Design
Preferences”. In the column called “Value” click on the case where “AISC LRFD
93” is written, then click on the black arrow to scroll the list of international
design codes presented here. Select on the list by clicking “Eurocode 3-1993”,
then click icon OK. The design code by which SAP will further on calculate has
been selected (the program is able to calculate by all presented codes on the list).
22) Click again on icons “Design” then “Steel Frame Design” then “Select Design
Combos”. A new window will appear called “Design Load Combination
Selection” In this window look at the column called “List of Load Combinations”
and click on “COMB1” to select the combination defined before at point 17).
Click on icon “Add”. The load combination to run the program has been selected.
Do not forget to disable by clicking the function called “Automatically Generate
Code-Based Design Load combination” and then click on OK.
23) On the upper side of the screen, look for the black triangular arrow and
click on it to start the design procedure of your transversal steel frame in SAP. A
window called “Set Load Cases to Run” will appear where click “Run Now”
icon. Then, a new window will appear, called “Save Model File As” Go to the
right folder in the white window. In the small window called “File Name” write
the name you want to give to your analysis (for example “Cadru Transv”) and
click on OK. Then, a first order elastic analysis of the frame will take place.
24) After the analysis has stopped, click on icon “Design” then “Steel Frame
Design” then “Start Design /Check of Structure”. The analysis will go on with
checking member resistance. At the end, the structural elements will appear to the
operator in different colors, depending of their level of solicitation. Click on
“Design” / “Steel Frame Design”/ “Display Design Info” in order to see the level
of solicitation in every member. This level of solicitation is represented by a
number, written by SAP near each column or beam. The value “1.0” represents
the maximum capacity of the member to carry load. If the number is greater than
1.0 this means that the maximum capacity is exceeded and the profile chosen for
the member is not capable to carry the required load. The analysis should be
repeated, replacing this profile with a larger one. If the number is smaller than 1.0
this means the profile has been chosen correctly and is capable to carry the
required loads. Values around 0.75…0.90 would be optimum and show the
profile “fits”. However, if the number is too low (i.e. 0.2…0.4) this shows that the
chosen profile is excessively strong (un-necessarily strong). In such cases, when
repeating the analysis, those profiles are diminished. It is normal for a designer to
repeat any analysis a number of times (depending also on the experience of the
operator) until an acceptable level of solicitation is reached in all the members
and the analysis is considered as finished. Anyway, one can never reach
perfection, i.e. it is very rare to succeed to obtain a constant level of solicitation
all over the structure . Usually, differences in the solicitation level from 0.5 to 0.9
may be accepted between members of the same type (for example columns)
located at different levels of the structure.
25) As an optimization after performing the operations presented at point 21) the
column profiles may be changed on the height of the building. This would mean
to work with stronger profiles at level 1 and 2 ad with smaller profiles at levels 3
and 4. This a very common procedure for multistory structures. The procedure of
changing the required column profiles is the same as previously described.
26) The results of the analysis, (after obtaining a satisfactory level for the
solicitation coefficient in each member) are the internal efforts M, T, N in the
members and (for the type of analysis which is further on needed) the lateral
displacement at each level of the structure.
27) In order to view the labels adopted by SAP for each member (beam or column)
click on the icon V called “Set Display Options” A new window will open
called “Display Options for Active Window”. Here go to the column called
“Frames /Cables /Tendons” and click on the little window “Labels”. Then click
OK. The screen will appear, with numbers near each member of the structure.
These are the labels (names) of each member for SAP. Draw manually the frame
scheme and write the label near each member, as on the computer screen.
28) How to view internal efforts ? Click on “Display” icon then “Show Forces /
Stresses” then “Frames/Cables” A new window will appear called “Member
Force Diagrams for Frames” In this window click in the round window near
“Axial Force” and then click OK. The screen will appear with the diagram of
axial forces on each member. Put the mouse pointer on each member and a little
case will appear where a number is written: this is the value of the axial force in
the corresponding member, in Newton. Write these values on your manually
drawn frame with labels in order to have them for further analysis.
29) How to view lateral deflection (deformation) of the frame under loads ? Click on
the “Display” icon then on “Show Deformed Shape” The screen will appear with
the deformed shape of the frame under the effect of loading combination 1. Put
the mouse pointer on each beam to column connection point on the right side of
the frame. A white window will appear. From this window copy on the
corresponding point of your manually drawn frame the value called “U1”. This is
the value in [m] of the lateral deflection on the direction of the X axis of the
global system of axes. Do this for each point on the right lateral side of the frame
and copy the corresponding value on your manual drawing. All the values copied
on the manually drawn scheme are needed in further calculation of global