Developing and Implementing An Effective Public Outreach Program
Developing and Implementing An Effective Public Outreach Program
Developing and Implementing An Effective Public Outreach Program
One way to make involvement with outreach programs more efficient is through the effective use of
existing resources. To this end, early-career scientists who also are professors will want to find out
whether their department, school, or college has education and public outreach professionals who
have community contacts and are skilled at establishing relationships with target groups that might
be appropriate partners. It also may be possible to leverage other, existing grants that have
education and public outreach as their central purpose (e.g., NSF Graduate Stem Fellows in K-12
Education (GK-12) grants); it may be possible to join these programs directly or build on existing
relationships between such programs and the community. One also can enlist students to help with
public outreach efforts. Gaining experience communicating science to nonscientific audiences can
help students develop skills and contacts that will be useful later in their careers, especially if they
are planning to work at the interface between science and society. If one’s institution does not have
an outreach professional on staff, it may be worth considering hiring one separately or partnering
with other faculty to hire one. Though it can be expensive to support outreach professionals, they
can greatly enhance the effectiveness of public outreach efforts—and potentially grant-writing
success—of a research group or institution.
An effective outreach program, in addition to addressing an important need, also should identify
and target a particular audience. Potential target audiences include policy makers, resource
managers, teachers, students, citizens, and particular professional or recreational groups. The target
audience will vary depending on need, so determining the specific need will help identify the
correct target audience, thereby allowing for the development of the best outreach method.
Also, determining need will allow scientists, or the public outreach professionals with whom they
are collaborating, to identify key members of the community to consult with at the onset of a project
regarding appropriate outreach methods and approach. Identifying key partners can be a particularly
daunting task for an early-career scientist. Some possible approaches might include a Web search of
recent public hearings related to the research topic of interest, consulting with colleagues, and
contacting the alumni office of one’s institution for leads. Another possibility is to attract key
partners by offering a well-publicized and generally accessible public lecture on one’s research
topic, to which community leaders are invited. Consultation with key members of the community
also may help scientists to refine their concept of community need.
It is also important to identify helpful partners who might be more familiar with the target audience.
These existing groups, which often have important contacts and have established trust within a
target community, may be more effective at delivering the outreach message for a research project
than the researcher herself or himself. Allowing partners to tailor the message to their needs also
increases their sense of ownership of the message and the likelihood that partners and the target
community will adopt real change in the long term [Krasny, 2005].
In addition to determining the need and audience for an outreach program, identifying some specific
measurable outcomes and products also is important. Being specific and explicit about one’s goals
early on will focus efforts and will also allow for evaluating success and impact (and potentially
making midstream adjustments). A few examples of specific and concrete goals to consider (by no
means an exhaustive list) include increased test scores for students, a change in attitudes and
behavior of community members, the creation of a Web site that is regularly consulted by a target
audience, and an observable change in the use or quality of a shared resource (e.g., water or air
The identification of need, target audience, and desired outcomes will help with the design of an
effective outreach method. Some examples of outreach activities include public lectures, field trips
for students or adults, community-based participatory research, community or professional
workshops, the development of an educational brochure or citizen’s guide, partnering with K-12
teachers, and service on a board or committee of a local volunteer organization. Examples of the
authors’ outreach activities can be found in the electronic supplement to this Eos issue
Soliciting advice from a mentor who has attempted something similar to one’s outreach effort may
save a lot of time and prevent false starts. Also, there may be other faculty with whom to
collaborate, potentially sharing the workload and magnifying one’s impact. Community
organizations also may be effective partners, particularly if they have worked with one’s institution
in the past. In seeking to partner with individuals or organizations outside the academic research
environment, it is useful to listen to their needs and expectations from the beginning and to
approach them as collaborators who bring a valuable and complementary skill set.
In this vein, each partner should approach the collaboration with specific goals for participation. For
example, scientists might expect to amplify the impact of their research or enhance their sampling
capacity (e.g., through coordination with community volunteers), whereas outreach professionals
might expect to gain access to state-of-the-art information and expertise that can be incorporated
into their public outreach efforts. Clarifying these goals at the outset will help define the nature of
the partnership and avoid potential misunderstandings as the project develops.
The use of an interactive Web site (e.g., a survey or data submission Web site) is one way to
evaluate the participation of the target community in an outreach activity. Simply counting the
number of Web site visits is somewhat less useful, but it also can provide information about whether
a Web site is effective. It also may be possible to interview or form focus groups with participants to
obtain feedback on program effectiveness. Effective evaluation is critical for improving outreach
programs and for reporting back to granting agencies in annual and final reports, especially if the
education and public outreach activity was proposed as part of the work plan.
In sum, effective outreach programs can take many forms, but some consistent characteristics of
such programs include (1) a realistic expectation of time to be invested on the part of the primary
researcher, (2) an effective and mutually respectful collaboration between scientists and outreach
professionals, (3) a well-targeted audience and/or a well-defined problem, (4) reliance on the
cumulative wisdom of mentors, in the academy as well as in the target community, (5) a mechanism
for feedback and midstream adaptation, and (6) an effective exit strategy or sustainability plan.
We thank John Wickham, Gisele Muller-Parker, and Gretchen Rollwagen Bollens for valuable
insight and Sue Weiler and the DIALOG VII symposium for supporting our initial discussions. The
DIALOG symposium is supported by NASA, NSF, NOAA, and the U.S. Office of Naval Research
through grants NSF-OCE-0217056 and ONR-NA16OP1435 to Whitman College, C. Susan Weiler,
principal investigator.