The student is facing difficulties with several project management courses, including understanding rubrics and charts/reports for MS Project assignments. Activities over the past week included quizzes, exams, and installing MS Project on their personal computer. Planned activities for next week focus on midterm exams, installing MS Project, and team projects. Issues include difficulties understanding MS Project assignments and terminology for schedules. No changes are reported for any projects.
The student is facing difficulties with several project management courses, including understanding rubrics and charts/reports for MS Project assignments. Activities over the past week included quizzes, exams, and installing MS Project on their personal computer. Planned activities for next week focus on midterm exams, installing MS Project, and team projects. Issues include difficulties understanding MS Project assignments and terminology for schedules. No changes are reported for any projects.
The student is facing difficulties with several project management courses, including understanding rubrics and charts/reports for MS Project assignments. Activities over the past week included quizzes, exams, and installing MS Project on their personal computer. Planned activities for next week focus on midterm exams, installing MS Project, and team projects. Issues include difficulties understanding MS Project assignments and terminology for schedules. No changes are reported for any projects.
The student is facing difficulties with several project management courses, including understanding rubrics and charts/reports for MS Project assignments. Activities over the past week included quizzes, exams, and installing MS Project on their personal computer. Planned activities for next week focus on midterm exams, installing MS Project, and team projects. Issues include difficulties understanding MS Project assignments and terminology for schedules. No changes are reported for any projects.
Project Name Amandeep Singh current term Completion in Conestoga
For Week Ending o Project report date: 21-10-2019
o Last report date: 11-10-2019
Project Status Yellow
Status Facing difficulty in Project Plan-Schedule & Budget
Description Lab project o Doesn't able to understand the rubrics of MS project assignments o Missing some charts and reports while submitting the assignments o Difficulty in understanding terms used in the class lecture o Difficulty in calculating the schedule of the tasks o From the next week, installing MS project in personal computer and practice with template available in the econestoga o Consulting with the professor of the concerning subject
Activities—During the Past Week
o Prepared for in class quiz of Project Plan-Scope & Quality
o Prepared for mid term exam of Project Plan-Scope & Quality o Did team work for major project of MGMT8340 - Business Operations exam o Cleared doubts for in class assignment of MGMT8290 - Facilitating Team and Group Dynamics o Installed MS project from college software store to personal computer of - Projecting Planning - Schedule and Budget o Prepared for class quizzes of MGMT8300 - Introduction to Project Management o Prepared for weekly reflection of MGMT8300 - Introduction to Project Management o Attend the work shop of MS project for MGMT8360 - Projecting Planning - Schedule
Activities—Planned for Next Week
o Preparing for mid erm exam of Plan-Scope & Quality
o Preparing for mid term exam of Project Plan-Scope & Quality o Preparing for the mid term2 exam of MGMT8340 - Business Operations exam o Preparing for mid term exam of MGMT8290 - Facilitating Team and Group Dynamics o Installing MS project from college software store to personal computer of - Projecting Planning - Schedule and Budget o Preparing for the mid term exam of - Introduction to Project Management o Preparing and downloading lock down bowser for the exam of MGMT8300 - Introduction to Project Management o Preparing for the mid term exam of MGMT8360 - Projecting Planning - Schedule and Budget o Research on memo paper of COMM8040 - Effective Writing o Work with team members to prepare major project of MGMT8310 - Project Planning - Scope and Quality o Submitting the report on major projectt value proposition of business opertion
Project Issues
o Difficulty in understanding Project Plan-Schedule & Budget Lab project assignments
o The problem in understanding MS project assignment terminology and calculation in finding the schedule