Vector Calculus (VC) : MATH-243

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Vector Calculus(VC)


Dr. Yasir Ali (


October 9, 2018

Dr. Yasir Ali ( Vector Calculus(VC)

Dr. Yasir Ali ( Vector Calculus(VC)
Recommended Books

Text Book:
(a) E. Kreyszing, Advanced Engineering mathematics (9th edition)
(b) Swokowski, Onlinick & Pence: Calculus (6th Edition)
Reference Books:
Robert T. Smith & Roland B. Minton: Calculus (3rd Edition)
Thomas Calculus (12th Edition)

Dr. Yasir Ali ( Vector Calculus(VC)


Office: #6
Department of Basic Sciences and Humanities
College of E&ME.

Dr. Yasir Ali ( Vector Calculus(VC)

Grading Policy

10% Quizzes (minimum 5)

10% Assignments (minimum 1)
15% OHT-1 (One Hour Test-1)
15% OHT-2 (One Hour Test-2)
50% ESE (End Semester Exam)

Dr. Yasir Ali ( Vector Calculus(VC)

Grading Policy

10% Quizzes (minimum 5)

10% Assignments (minimum 1)
15% OHT-1 (One Hour Test-1)
15% OHT-2 (One Hour Test-2)
50% ESE (End Semester Exam)
No "Best of" Policy

Dr. Yasir Ali ( Vector Calculus(VC)

(i) Three Dimensional Cylindrical & Spherical Coordinate Systems
(ii) Introduction to functions of several variables, Partial Differentiation,
Chain Rule
(iii) Geometric Interpretation of Partial Derivatives Tangent planes and
normal lines to a surfaces Taylor’s Theorem of 2 variables
(iv) Maxima & Minima of functions of two variables.
(v) Double integrals, areas by double integration using Cartesian as well
as Polar coordinates
(vi) Volumes in rectangular, cylindrical and spherical coordinates using
Triple integrals, Surface area using double integrals
(vii) Introduction to vectors, Scalar and vector product of three and four
vectors, Volume of parallelepiped and tetrahedron, Vector
differentiation, Vector integration and their applications
(viii) Del Operator, Divergence and curl of a vector field & its significance
(ix) Line, surface and volume integrals.
(x) Divergence Theorem, Stokes Theorem and Green’s Theorem and their
Dr. Yasir Ali ( Vector Calculus(VC)

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