Lesson Plan in Practical R2
Lesson Plan in Practical R2
Lesson Plan in Practical R2
A( Pra)er
!( Chec*in+ o, Atten-
ance C( Revie.
As! learners the following "uestions#
$% &hat are possible sources of research problem'
(% &hat are the possible areas of interest of grade $( learners'
%( Motivation
$% )how sample of research journals *boo!s, news papers+% nform the learners that
these are e-amples of possible source of information%
(% Aside from what are presented, as! them to give other e-amples%
Lesson Pro/er
.he teacher will present the topic and the learning objective of the lesson%
Learning from Others and Reviewing the Literature
A( Activit)
Group Activit/0 Developing Review of Related Literature
$% Group the students into five% )ample research problem will be given to each group
*same problem+% 1ased on the problem, deve lop a coherent review of related literature%
(% Present group output after $2mins%
!( Anal)sis
As! the following "uestions#
C( A0straction
Gives short lecture0discussion on the importance of RL in developing research
$% &hat is the importance related literature in developing /our research problem'
%( A//lication
As! the learners to rewrite the RL the/ have previousl/ written% .ell them to consider
insights the/ have learned from the discussion%
5-change output from other table% 6sing the output of the other group, revise the review
of related literature coherentl/%
5-cellent 9) )atisfactor/ <eeds
Criteria improvement
72028 4:077 4204; 4= below
All lit% Are )ome lit% Are )ome lit% Are &ith lit but not
Content relevant with at relevant with at relevant with at more than 2
least $8 least ; least = sources
reference sources sources
All sources are &ith sources
6se of )ources relevant with at )ome )ome but not more
least $8 sources are sources Are than 2
reference relevant relevant with sources
&ith logical with at least ; at least =
Presentation of presentation sources sources llogical and
deas following &ith logical <ot so logical not following
structured presentation though structure
format but not following format
following structured
A+ree1ent structured format
Direction# Research about sampling techni"ues
aster/ Level# 42>78 achieved ;8? master/ level
nstructional decision# Proceed, provide intervention to 2 learners b/ peer tutoring
Pre/are- !) : Chec*e-: