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Course Code:: PHR-322: Pharmaceutical Analysis-Ll

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Course Code:

PHR-322: Pharmaceutical Analysis- ll

Assignment On:

Submitted to:
Ms. Mahfuza Afroz Soma
Department of pharmacy
State University of Bangladesh

Submitted by:
Tanjila Jakia Nisha
ID NO: UG08-31-17-001
Batch: 31
Group: 01

Date of submission: 12/06/2020

The term fluorescence comes from the mineral fluorspar (calcium fluoride) when Sir
George G. Stokes observed in 1852 that fluorspar would give off visible light
(fluoresce) when exposed to electromagnetic radiation in the ultraviolet wavelength.

It is measurement of fluorescence intensity at a particular wavelength with the help of
a filter fluorimeter or a spectrofluorimeter.

Molecule contains σ electrons, π electrons and nonbonding (n) electron. The
electrons may be present in bonding molecular orbital. It is called as highest occupied
molecular orbital (HOMO). It has lest energy and more stable. When the molecules
absorb radiant energy from a light source, the bonding electrons may be promoted to
anti bonding molecular orbital (LUMO). It has more energy and hence less stable.

The process of promotion of electrons from HOMO to LUMO with absorption of

energy is called as excitation.
Singlet state:
A state in which all the electrons in a molecule are paired ⇅
Doublet state:
A state in which un paired electrons is present ↑ or ↓
Triplet state:
A state in which unpaired electrons of same spin present ↑↑
Singlet excited state:
A state in which electrons are unpaired but of opposite spin like ↑ ↓ (un paired and
opposite spin)

When light of appropriate wavelength is absorbed by a molecule the electrons are

promoted from singlet ground state to singlet excited state. once the molecule is in
this excited state relaxation can occur via several process. For example, by emission of
radiation the process can be the following;

1. Collisional deactivation.
2. Fluorescence.
3. Phosphorescence.

Theory of Fluorometry:
Absorption of ultraviolet and visible by molecules of an irritated sample generates
populations of molecules in excited states. There has a presence of vibrational energy
levels. This is usually singlet state and the electrons are paired and they spin about
their own axes in opposite direction. Molecules from the excited state can loss energy
by several mechanisms.
 If the excited molecules emit radiation at the same wavelength the process is
termed resonance Fluorescence (rare phenomena).
 If the molecules loss energy through vibrational energy where the vibrational
energy is thought to be lost to solvent molecules. This process called
Vibrational relaxation.
 If a molecule return to the ground state by photo emission is called
 A particular process by which a molecule can easily drop to the ground state
through small energy loss called Internal Conversion.

 In some compounds a process is take place is called Intersystem crossing.

Triplet state is formed in this process. It is characterized by unpairing of two
electrons and this is contrast to the singlet state. In this state two electron spin
their own axes in same direction.
 From the triplet state a molecule can drop to the ground state by emission of
radiation, it’s called Phosphorescence. A molecule in the triplet state can also
undergo radiation less conversion to the ground state.
Qualitative and quantitative pharmaceutical applications
Fluerometry is widely used in the analysis of drugs in systems (physiological systems)
other than dosage forms. The sensitivity of the method of analysis is applied for a
large number of pharmacological, biochemical, toxicological, pharmacokinetic
(ADME) & biopharmaceutical studies for the analysis of amount of drugs in biological
fluids and tissues.

N. B: Fluorimetric methods are not useful in qualitative analysis, and much used in
quantitative analysis. Fluorescence is the most sensitive analytical techniques.

Quantitative pharmaceutical applications

Possible direct or indirect quantitative analysis drugs such as:
 Vitamin A
 Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)
 Vitamin B6
 Vitamin B12
 Vitamin E
 Folic acid
 Catecholamine:
 Dopamine
 Norepinephrine
 Antibiotics:
 Tetracycline
 Sulfonamide

 Hormones:
 Aldosterone
 Testosterone

 Other drugs:
 Quinine,
 Salicylic acid
 Morphine
 Barbiturates
 Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD)

 To measure the amount of impurities, present in the sample.

Quantitative analytical procedure of a drug using
Fluorimetric method
Determining the riboflavin (Vitamin B2) content of foodstuffs:

A number of chemical methods have been described for the determination of

riboflavin. These methods are in general limited in use because, when applied to
certain products, either they are not specific for riboflavin or all the riboflavin present
is not recovered

Principle of Method
This method depends upon the following physical and chemical properties of
(1) It fluoresces green when irradiated with blue light.
(2) It is not destroyed by mild oxidation or by reduction.
(3) It can be reduced to a nonfluorescing form with sodium hydrosulfite and
reoxidized readily by shaking with air.
(4) It is not reduced by stannous chloride.
(5) The intensity of the fluorescence can be measured with a photoelectric cell.

This method for determining riboflavin in an unknown solution an indirect one. This is
necessary owing to the fact that in foodstuffs other pigments and fluorescing
substances are usually present and accompany riboflavin on extraction. The pigments
interfere with the accuracy of the determination by absorbing a part of both the
activating and the fluorescent light and hence cause the direct determination of
riboflavin by measurement of fluorescence to be too low. The fluorescent substances
interfere with the accuracy of the determination by fluorescing in the green portion of
the spectrum and hence cause the direct determination of riboflavin to be too high.
The interfering pigments can be gotten rid of to some extent and the interfering
fluorescent substances entirely by resorting to a preliminary reduction with sodium
hydrosulfite and stannous chloride, since in the presence of the latter reagent none of
the interfering substances encountered up to the present time is readily reoxidized
to the fluorescent form, whereas riboflavin is. The difficulty of getting rid of the stable
interfering pigments is overcome by adding a known amount of a standard solution
of riboflavin to the unknown solution after a preliminary measurement with the
fluorometer and determining the extent by which these interfering pigments
decrease the value of the added riboflavin. Then by applying a correction factor the
quantity of
riboflavin in the unknown solution is determined. Stable substances which fluoresce
green are eliminated by reducing the riboflavin in the unknown solution with sodium
hydrosulfite and determining the concentration of riboflavin by difference.

 Sulfuric acid, approximately 0.25 N.
 Trisodium phosphate solution;
 65 gm. of Na3P04. 12HzO dissolved in 1 liter of distilled water.
 Acid-acetone solution;
 3 volumes of commercial acetone plus
 1 volume of N sulfuric acid.
 Standard riboflavin solution; a weighed amount of riboflavin of the highest
purity obtainable dissolved in distilled water and made to a known volume. A
concentration of 50 micrograms per ml. makes a convenient solution.
This solution should be preserved in a cool, dark place. The addition of a few
drops of glacial acetic acid to the solution will insure an acid pH and help to
stabilize it. Dilutions of the standard solution are used to standardize the
instrument and in preparing a special standard solution for use in the
determination of riboflavin in unknown solutions. The concentration of the
special standard solution depends upon the sensitivity of the fluorometer.
Sodium hydrosulfite solution; 1 gm. of sodium hydrosulfite’
 1 gm. of sodium bicarbonate dissolved in 20 ml. of ice-cold distilled water and
kept in an ice bath. The solution is stable for approximately 4 hours.
 Stannous chloride. 10 gm. of stannous chloride are dissolved in 25 ml. of
concentrated hydrochloric acid and stored in a brown, glass-stoppered bottle.
For the determination dilute 1 ml. of the above stock solution to 200 ml. with
water. A fresh preparation of the dilute solution should be made daily.

The fluoromete used most extensively in this work is a modification of the one
designed by Hand and is similar to the one described by Cohen. The following
modifications were made in the Hand instrument-
A Corning filter, H. R. lantern blue, No. 554, is used to give pure blue activating light.
The light source is a General Electric mercury vapor lamp type H3, 85 watts, stabilized
with a Raytheon voltage regulator type V4, to minimize the effect of line voltage
variations. Because of the power factor of the special lamp transformer a General
Radio variac transformer type 200 CMH, connected for use on a 115-volt circuit, must
be placed between the voltage regulator and the lamp transformer in order to step up
the voltage. The variable transformer also permits control of the light intensity. The
unknown solution is put in a 50 mm. cubical optical cell. The photocurrent is measured
with a Lange multiflex galvanometer in order to obtain high sensitivity. It is essential
that the fluorometer be highly sensitive, as the most effective means of determining
riboflavin in the presence of large amounts of light absorbing impurities is to dilute
the solution. It is sometimes necessary to use dilutions as great as 1000: 1.

Standardization of Fluorometer
Before the instrument is standardized! it is necessary to regulate the intensity of the
activating light so as to obtain a standard galvanometer response. This is
accomplished by inserting a cube of canary glass3 which fluoresces in the green
portion of the spectrum in the path of the activating light at such a position in front of
the photocell that the galvanometer light beam comes to rest at an intermediate
point on the scale. The position found for the glass cube must be easily reproduced;
otherwise it will be difficult when the instrument is used in the future so to regulate
the activating light as to obtain the standard galvanometer response. A solution of
riboflavin or sodium fluorescein of appropriate concentration may also be used in
obtaining the standard response in place of the canary glass cube.

After it has been adjusted to the standard response, the fluorometer is standardized
by obtaining the galvanometer response to a series of riboflavin solutions of known
concentration. These are prepared by diluting portions of the standard solution with
distilled water. The solutions should vary in concentration from zero to a
concentration which gives a full scale deflection of the galvanometer. Then the
concentrations of riboflavin in micrograms per ml. are plotted against the
galvanometer responses. The graph obtained is used to convert the galvanometer
responses produced by unknown solutions into concentrations of riboflavin per ml.
If preferred, the concentration per unit of galvanometer deflection may be calculated
and a factor obtained for converting the galvanometer deflection into the
corresponding concentration of riboflavin in the unknown solution. This is possible
because of the linear relationship between the concentration of riboflavin per ml. and
the galvanomet.er response. That this relationship exists for low concentrations of
riboflavin has been shown by Cohen. As an example of the linear relationship, a test
one fluorometer showed an average concentration of 0.00219 microgram of riboflavin
per scale division with a maximum deviation of 2.3 per cent from an average of seven
values spread over the entire galvanometer scale.

The fluorometer should be restandardized occasionally with a fresh solution of

standard riboflavin. This is due to the fact that certain parts of the instrument change
their characteristics slightly with use. If one depends entirely upon the galvanometer
response to a known amount of standard riboflavin solution added to the unknown
solution after a preliminary reading is made, it is unnecessary to standardize the
instrument in the manner just described. However, this is of value, as it permits of
some check on the concentration of the standard riboflavin solution which is not
entirely stable.

Extraction of Riboflavin
A 5 gm. sample of the unknown is weighed into a 500 ml. Erlenmeyer flask and 50 ml.
of 0.25 N sulfuric acid are added. The sample is thoroughly mixed with the solvent.
Any lumps that form when the liquid is added are broken up and the mixture is gently
refluxed under a condenser for 1 hour. Then the extract is allowed to come to room
temperature, after which it is brought to p1-I 7.0 to 7.5 with a tri-sodium phosphate
solution, with nitrazine paper as an indicator. Sufficient water is then added to make
the additions 50 ml. This makes the total volume of liquid added to the sample 100 ml.,
or a dilution of 1: 20. After standing 30 minutes, the mixture is filtered through a fluted
filter and an aliquot of the filtrate is pipetted into a 200 ml. volumetric flask and
diluted to approximately 175 ml. with distilled water. Then 2 ml. of sodium hydrosulfite
and 2 ml. of stannous chloride are added, and the solution mixed and diluted to the
mark. This mixture is allowed to stand for 10 minutes and then is poured into a liter
Erlenmeyer flask and shaken vigorously for 5 minutes with access to air. The extract
may be shaken by hand or with a mechanical shaker. A definite volume is pipetted into
an optical cell for the fluorometric determination. The solution should be filtered if a
precipitate forms during the preliminary reduction and oxidation. A faint cloudiness
does not seriously interfere with the fluorometric determination. In this work it is
essential to avoid exposing the riboflavin extracts to light as much as possible.
The size of the sample and the amount of solvent may be varied, of course, but the
amounts given above have been found convenient. The size of the aliquot taken for
dilution depends on two factors, the concentration of riboflavin, and the amount of
light-absorbing impurities. Sufficient riboflavin should be present determination. In
this work it is essential to avoid exposing the riboflavin extracts to light as much as
possible in the diluted solution to give a reasonable fluorometer response. On the
other hand, it is preferable that the light-absorbing impurities be of such a
concentration as not to decrease the intensity of the riboflavin fluorescence by more
than one-half as determined by adding a known amount of riboflavin to the unknown
solution. In some instances, however, satisfactory results have been obtained when
the intensity of the riboflavin fluorescence was reduced to one-fifth.

In the extraction of bulky materials, such as alfalfa meals and other dried forages, it is
desirable to double the quantity of 0.25 N sulfuric acid used to extract the dry sample.
Samples of milk by-products containing casein should be extracted with the acid-
acetone mixture rather than the 0.25 N sulfuric acid. When considerable casein is
present, neutralized 0.25 N sulfuric acid extracts cannot be filtered. Experience has
shown that with carefully prepared milk by-products the preliminary reduction with
stannous chloride and sodium hydrosulfite may be omitted. With badly caramelized
products the preliminary reduction must be included.

The method outlined above does not yield extracts in which the riboflavin can be
satisfactorily determined if exceedingly large amounts of light-absorbing impurities
are present, such as extracts of material containing a relatively large proportion of
molasses. However, reasonably accurate determinations have been made on a few
samples of riboflavin concentrates containing molasses by means of the following

To 10 ml. of the neutralized extract are slowly added 90 ml. of methyl alcohol and the
mixture is filtered with precautions to prevent evaporation. A suitable aliquot of the
filtrate is transferred to a 200 ml. volumetric flask, diluted to 175 ml., and the usual
procedure followed. Precipitation with methyl alcohol or other miscible solvents is not
always advisable, as riboflavin is sometimes lost on the precipitate produced. If it is
necessary to use this procedure, a check on the recovery of added riboflavin should be
made. In the case of riboflavin concentrates containing molasses recoveries of
riboflavin added to the extract before the methyl alcohol precipitation varied from 95
to 113 per cent with an average of 101 per cent on three different products.

Determination of Riboflavin
The intensity of the mercury vapor light is adjusted by means of the variable
transformer so that the canary glass cube gives the standard response. Then 4
readings are made;
a) The optical cell containing the unknown solution is placed in the fluorometer
and made
b) A known amount of the special standard riboflavin solution (not more than 2
per cent of the unknown volume) is added and a second reading
c) After this the riboflavin in the solution is reduced by adding sodium
hydrosulfite solution (2 per cent of the volume of the unknown solution)
d) The same amount of standard riboflavin solution is also added to a volume of
water equal to that of the unknown solution

The galvanometer readings are converted into micrograms of riboflavin per ml. by
referring to the standardization graph. The converted reading cl multiplied by y (the
correction factor used to compensate for the dilution resulting from the addition of
the standard riboflavin solution and the sodium hydrosulfite solution) is subtracted
from the converted reading al. The result of a1 – c1y gives the uncorrected micrograms
of riboflavin per ml. of unknown solution. This result must be corrected for the
absorbing effect of stable interfering pigments upon the activating and fluorescent
light. It is accomplished by multiplying the result by d1(b1 – a1), the converted reading 4
divided by the converted reading b1 minus the converted reading a1. This calculation
increases the result to the extent that the value of the standard riboflavin solution is
decreased by the stable interfering pigments. The result of this calculation when it is
multiplied by the proper dilution factor (z) gives the micrograms of riboflavin per gm.
of sample. The complete formula is as follows:

(a1 – c1y) z = micrograms of riboflavin per gm
b1 – a1

It is, of course, not necessary that the calculation be made exactly as given, if the proper
principles are followed and the proper corrections made.

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